California Style by Maggy Siegel: Why Angelenos are “Joansing” for Joan.

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Why Angelenos are “Joansing” for Joan.


ick up a copy of a celebrity weekly magazine and you will see Joan’s on Third

Joan’s on Third has been described as being reminiscent of some of New York’s most

mentioned almost every week, highlighting the who’s who of Hollywood,

famous delis and markets, such as Zabar’s, Dean & Deluca, and Fairway Market. But

either sitting at a table grabbing a bite or slipping in for “take out” through

I beg to differ, Joan’s on Third has a unique california style all its own, with its white

the back entrance. Joan’s on Third is a wildly popular, family-owned and operated

tile and washed wood style, fresh foods baked daily, and local produce all California

gourmet marketplace, café, and full-service catering and event planning company

grown, exploding with flavors that ignite the senses. Joan’s on Third is a niche that

based in Los Angeles. The ever so humble and charming Chef Joan McNamara,

many have tried to duplicate but never have replicated. From the mouth-watering,

namesake of Joan’s, is originally from New York, where she ran a catering company

melt in your mouth mac and cheese to Joan’s tried and true Chinese chicken salad,

and her own restaurant before moving to the West Coast to chase her dreams. She

everyone has a favorite dish at Joan’s on Third.

opened Joan’s on Third in 1995 as a catering company located in a storefront on West Third St. Eventually, Joan’s expanded into an adjacent storefront, broadening

With a reputation as a hip gathering spot and a stylish celebrity crowd it’s ironic that

the scope of the company’s operations by tripling the floor space. Beside being a

Joan is none of this. She is low key, approachable, and most of all her recipes are from

market, Joan’s is also a full-service restaurant providing table service and take-out

her own Mother-simple, authentic, home-style comfort food, made with passion and

meals for it patrons. Often the lines get so long, Joan has been known to rush out

a love for food. This, I believe, is central to the success of the Joan’s on Third brand.

with a tray of cupcakes for everyone. Joan is the heart and soul of the marketplace and the quintessential “best friend” we all wish we had. She is warm and delightful

I had the privilege to sit down with the lovely chef Joan McNamara to discuss how her

and her passion comes through as she greets every customer with a smile and a

authentic California style evolved and the success of her recent Studio City location

warm hello. She is a true original and her passion shows in every bite.

along with her plans to expand into perhaps downtown Los Angeles, Newport Beach and/or the San Diego areas.



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Here’s what she had to say...

When I visited you, I saw your wall of cookbooks. Of all those books, what is the one “go to” cookbook for you?

What do you feel is the secret to this “personal love” connection you have with

Honestly-I don’t have one! I look at all of them at different times depending on the

your customers?

season and my mood. Currently, I’m into things in bowls (we just added rice bowls

I talk to everyone. I am very interested in learning all about our customers-and want

to our menu) so most of my go-to books now are about bowls. But that may change

to learn everyone’s life story! We are like a big, growing, always evolving family…for

next week. I love to flip through and read any cookbook at any time for inspiration. I

the last 20 years.

have a true cookbook obsession.

How do you maintain your popularity with the Los Angeles fickle food crowd? Consistency. People have their favorite dishes, and they come back because they can rely on those items to be comforting and delicious. I am also open to requests for new dishes from our customers. The more I get to know people, the more comfortable they are telling me what they’d like to see added to the menu. We stay current, but focus on being delicious and approachable. What item has been on the menu the longest? Macaroni & Cheese, Turkey Meatloaf, and Chinese Chicken Salad. What do you feel is the secret to your success? We surround ourselves with great people. We have a really great team. We care about everyone-employees and customers. With your recent hugely successful expansion into Studio City, do you have any plans for a “3rd” Joan’s on Third? Well, we are currently looking at locations in the Arts district of Downtown Los Angeles, and maybe Newport Beach / San Diego areas, however nothing is definite as of yet. You mentioned a lot of your initial recipes were your mother’s. What is your favorite childhood dish? Macaroni & Cheese-we had it every Friday! That’s the reason it’s been a signature dish on our menu since the beginning. What one ingredient do you love and believe everyone should use? Butter and salt. I can’t live without them. Summer is around the corner. Describe the perfect JOT picnic basket for say, the Hollywood Bowl? Delicious cheese, pâté, rillette, spiced pistachios, rosemary mixed nuts, dried fruits, wonderful crusty baguette, a simple salad, a friendly bottle of wine and something sweet. What is your favorite place to eat other than Joan’s on Third? Right now I am loving Manuela and Kismet. In our neighborhood, I go to Izakaya (on W. 3rd Street location) for sushi when I don’t feel like cooking. What is your “food” guilty pleasure? The Sardinian flatbread we make here at Joan’s on Third. It’s so delicious-but once I get started snacking on it, I can’t stop!


Maggy Siegel

A Los Angeles based lifestyle designer, Vintage Finds buyer for One Kings Lane and a veteran apparel industry leader who pioneered several popular children’s brands. She is a mother, an art and nature lover, and collector of all things chic for the home. Contact information:

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