Rebecca Anne

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Vol. 08

LIGHT UP Shining a Light on the Positive Power of People


Unveiling the Core of Mental Well-being

Tarot and Emotion Code



Rebecca Anne's life is a journey woven with resilience and a deep commitment to well-being. Growing up, Rebecca Anne's life was a mix of vibrant experiences. Early on, she found solace and inspiration in the ancient practice of yoga. As her love for yoga grew, Rebecca Anne embarked on a transformative journey, exploring different approaches to tap into her inner strength. In the world of healing, Rebecca Anne emerged as a guide, using her intuitive abilities to help others discover themselves. Her journey was not without challenges, but each obstacle became a stepping stone towards personal and professional fulfillment. Her life is painted with authenticity, compassion, and a lack of judgment. Root Cause Therapy became a central part of her practice, peeling back layers of mental health challenges and empowering individuals to address the root of their struggles.

Rebecca Anne's dedication to well-being extended beyond yoga. Through Emotion Code Therapy, she ventured into the realm of emotions, providing support to those navigating past traumas and inherited burdens. The combination of Tarot/Oracle readings with Emotion Code Therapy became a unique tool for Rebecca Anne. By revealing present emotions and addressing energetic obstacles, she paved the way for individuals to shift towards a better path. Her wellness offerings, including yoga, meditation, Tarot/Oracle readings, Emotion Code Therapy, and Root Cause Therapy, create a sanctuary for others on their journey of self-discovery and healing. As you read Rebecca Anne's interview in this magazine, you're invited to witness the mosaic of her life—a journey from the calming realms of yoga to becoming an authentic guide in the intricate landscape of emotional and physical well-being.


Transitioning from Rigorous Exercise to the Gentle Embrace of Self-Love and Unity. What inspired the name "Kaleidoscope" for your practice, and how does it reflect your beliefs and approach? The name "Kaleidoscope" was inspired through a collaborative process, incorporating my beliefs, modalities, and a Sacred Forest Oracle card depicting a "kaleidoscope of colours." It symbolises the interconnected facets of the human experience, aiming to unveil and heal aspects in a gentle, loving manner, fostering self-love and understanding. How has your training with Contemporary Yoga, particularly the somatic approach, influenced your perspective on natural movement patterns? Training with Contemporary Yoga, especially the somatic approach, has shaped my perspective on natural movement patterns by emphasising embodied awareness. It highlights the importance of tuning into the body's wisdom, promoting holistic well-being through mindful, intuitive movement that aligns with the body's innate rhythms. Could you share how your additional training in Trauma Informed Yoga has shaped your understanding of the mind-body connection in your practice?

Training in Trauma Informed Yoga has deepened my understanding of the mindbody connection. Recognising that trauma resides in memories and reactions within the body, I prioritise breath awareness to create space for healing. Offering choices and emphasising personal empowerment, my classes begin with meditation and regulated breathing to support the nervous system. Inclusive language and invitations rather than commands foster a safe environment, aligning with the intent to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and promote healing from trauma. Can you elaborate on how the practice of yoga contributed to your personal transformation journey? Yoga served as a transformative window, offering a profound understanding of movement, breath, and stillness. Transitioning from intense physical exercise, I discovered the gentleness and self-love inherent in yoga, fostering a deep connection with my body. The practice provided a safe space for selfreflection, unveiling accumulated emotions. Through awareness and the harmonious interplay of body and mind, I experienced a newfound sense of ease and joy, realising the unity of my entire being in the magnificent flow of energy.



How do you integrate Tarot/Oracle readings with Emotion Code Therapy to help clients navigate their current emotions and challenges? Integrating Tarot/Oracle readings with Emotion Code Therapy allows for a comprehensive approach to addressing challenges. By using Emotion Code Therapy to identify and release emotional blocks or limited beliefs highlighted in a reading, clients experience a more fluid and aligned path forward. It acts as a fast track too healing, ensuring that the energetic and emotional obstacles revealed in the cards are addressed, allowing clients to move towards their highest timeline with greater ease and clarity.


Can you explain how Root Cause Therapy works and its effectiveness in addressing day-to-day stress, anxiety, and more complex mental health conditions?

Root Cause Therapy aims to identify and address the underlying causes of mental health challenges rather than merely treating symptoms. It involves exploring past experiences, traumas, and patterns to understand their impact on current well-being. This therapeutic approach recognises that symptoms often stem from deeper issues. For day-to-day stress and anxiety, Root Cause Therapy delves into the root causes, helping individuals recognise and change patterns contributing to these challenges. By understanding the origins, clients can develop healthier coping mechanisms and responses. In more complex mental health conditions, such as depression or traumarelated disorders, Root Cause Therapy explores the origin of these issues. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the client's experiences and works towards resolving the core factors contributing to their condition. This can involve a combination of therapeutic techniques, self-reflection, and developing coping strategies tailored to the individual. transformative change rather than temporary symptom relief.

It emphasises personal empowerment and a deeper understanding of one's mental and emotional landscape. How has Emotion Code Therapy personally impacted you, and in what ways have you seen it make a difference for those you've worked with? Emotion Code Therapy has been personally transformative, leading to a profound shift in my life as I navigated deep emotions and traumas. The impact on those I've worked with has been equally remarkable. One powerful example is a client who, after struggling with past trauma and self-worth issues, experienced significant relief after just one session. The weight on their shoulders lifted, opening their mind, heart, and soul to self-love. Subsequent sessions further improved their mental and emotional well-being, fostering a positive shift in their marriage and gaining self-love. Witnessing such lifechanging experiences reinforces the effectiveness and importance of Emotion Code Therapy in promoting healing and self-love.




Shifting to Your Highest Timeline through Empowered Thoughts and Holistic Integration “Empowering step by step as you release and expand to unfurl your true passions, creating space for newness, for abundance, for wisdom to be reborn. “

What does "shifting to the highest timeline" mean to you, and how do your sessions facilitate this shift for your clients?

Shifting to the highest timeline" signifies navigating through the dynamic choices in life, where each decision shapes one's reality. Thought hygiene, recognising and altering negative thoughts, plays a crucial role. In sessions, discussions on thought patterns empower clients to make positive shifts in their reality. Root Cause Therapy and Emotion Code Therapy deepen this transformation by addressing unconscious beliefs and emotions, fostering higher vibrations and clarity. The integration of meditation, movement, and breath aligns the body, mind, and soul, creating a harmonious flow and paving the way for clients to step into their highest timeline with clear goals and a manifestation-ready mindset.


Balancing Genuine Connection in the Healing Space. As an authentic and caring intuitive guide, how do you balance authenticity with creating a healing space for your clients? Authenticity comes from a place of experiencing and being on the journey yourself. In that you must be caring to yourself throughout the process, while intuitively being led to what is going to support you. So to answer the question, how do I balance authenticity in the space of healing. I see them through my own eyes, I feel with compassion and understanding and let my intuition guide the way, I trust and surrender for the purpose of healing for there highest good and allow the wisdom within me flow in the healing space.

For individuals considering transformative therapies, what advice would you give them as they embark on their journey of selfdiscovery and healing? Find someone you feel drawn to and you can trust. I feel it is so important to choose a therapy that feels right for you. Not everything will fit everyone, which is why it's good to try different things also. For me, Yoga, meditation and breathwork allowed me to open my awareness of who I am, following that the support of The Emotion Code and Root Cause Therapy were huge game changers for me that's why I use them with my clients.


Rebecca, thank you for sharing your story in this interview, bringing wisdom, authenticity, and a genuine dedication to healing. Your journey, from the colourful world of Kaleidoscope to the transformative therapies you use, is an inspiring reminder of the profound impact one can have on others. We appreciate your experiences and the sincere compassion that guides your practice. Your commitment to empowering individuals on their journeys of self-discovery is truly inspiring. The blend of yoga, therapies, and intuitive guidance paints a beautiful picture of transformative healing. As readers immerse themselves in your interview, they embark on a journey of self-discovery guided by your compassionate wisdom. Your story is a valuable gift. Thank you for bringing your light to our magazine.

Shining a Light on the Positive Power of People


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