Anne-Claire Meret

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Vol. 09

Heart-Centered Living Rediscovering Purpose and Joy

Business Success


LIGHT UP MAG Embark on the inspiring journey of AnneClaire, a heart-centered entrepreneur whose story unfolds from a small town in France to a thriving 7-figure business. Battling familial challenges and inner turmoil, she found solace in naturopathy, emotional release, and coaching, forging a unique approach to empowerment. With over 12 books in 7 years, Anne-Claire echoes a powerful message - "You have all the answers inside of you." Transitioning from a successful naturopathic practice to coaching other practitioners, she challenges biases and encourages a mindset shift. Her coaching programs intertwine naturopathy, emotional release, and coaching, cultivating self-awareness and resilience. Day-to-day, Anne-Claire consciously chooses intention, envisioning a bright future and committing to share her talents unreservedly. Vulnerability is a cornerstone of her transformative process, not just a personal revelation but a conduit for shared experiences. Achieving one million in sales in 2022 stands testament to leading from the heart, affirming the effectiveness of authenticity, vulnerability, and transformative growth. As Anne-Claire continues to inspire, her coaching extends beyond personal success to support fellow entrepreneurs in unlocking their full potential. Hers is an invitation to explore the extraordinary possibilities that unfold when one connects with their true essence and creative power.


An Odyssey of Overcoming Struggles, Finding Purpose, and Inspiring Authentic Living How did your personal journey shape your mission to help others live more from the heart space? I haven't always lived a happy, free, and prosperous life. In the past, when I observed people living beautiful, prosperous lives, I believed they were luckier than me, possessing everything I seemed to lack. I now approach life with curiosity, seeking to understand how individuals became who they are, recognizing that others, too, can achieve the same transformation, just as I did. Born and raised in a small town in France within a middle-income household, my parents worked as civil servants throughout their lives. My family faced challenges, including verbal violence, alcoholism, and suicidal tendencies. Above all, there was no space for the expression of emotions, and no connection to the heart. I often felt lost, growing up anxious with insomnia from a young age. Despite the internal struggles, everything seemed 'fine on paper.' The world felt inconsistent and perilous, giving rise to many fears. Each day, I grappled with the pain of not understanding my purpose on this earth, feeling lost and helpless for an extended period. During this time, I viewed Earth almost like hell, a purgatory where suffering and struggle were inevitable. Today, my perspective has shifted. I've transformed my reality and now believe

that Earth can be, and often is, a paradise. I experience this most of the time, feeling it in my cells. My personal journey, marked by overcoming challenges and transforming my mindset, fuels my mission to help others discover and live from their heart space. It's a journey from feeling lost to finding purpose, and I am committed to guiding others on this transformative path. What pivotal moment inspired you to take charge of your healing and growth, leading to the birth of your vocation? Growing up, particularly during my adolescence and young adulthood, I grappled with suppressing my emotions, mirroring the actions of those around me. My self-belief was scarce, as I attempted to fit in and over-adapt to my surroundings. I relied on medications such as antidepressants, anxiety pills, sleeping aids, and muscle relaxants, finding temporary relief but remaining vulnerable in the long term. Despite being artistic on the inside, I struggled to believe in my creativity as a creator of my reality. Doubts about my abilities, lack of self-trust, and a fear of failure or success further hindered my growth. The gap between those who seemingly effortlessly navigated life and myself felt insurmountable.

LIGHT UP MAG Living in survival mode, disconnected from my heart, I feared trying and failing or, paradoxically, succeeding. The true essence of living from the heart – authenticity, connection to what truly matters, and recognition of genuine selfexpression – eluded me. Sensing the difference between living authentically and adapting to external circumstances remained a mystery. In 2012, my struggles with insomnia and anxiety reached a breaking point during a business trip to Morocco. Sleepless nights, panic attacks, and an inability to eat prompted me to seek help. A ninemonth wait to consult sleep specialists led me to a naturopath and biofeedback sessions, changing my life. I discovered a transformative way of living that improved my nights and overall well-being. Embracing healthier practices, I enrolled in naturopathy school, rebuilding my confidence. Simultaneously, I faced a setback – wrongful termination from a job I loved and failed ventures as an independent consultant and in launching a dating website. The rejection became redirection, leading me to the field of natural health. Choosing this unconventional path despite societal expectations, fears, and the absence of connections, I started working in a health food store and created my business as a naturopath. Letting go of the need for control and embracing the natural unfolding of life, I allowed myself to follow instincts rather than a predetermined logical path. This decision opened unexpected doors.

Despite initial challenges and my introverted nature, I overcame selfsabotage, becoming proactive and surrounding myself with like-minded individuals. Curiosity fueled my journey of self-discovery, grounding me in my essence for the first time. How do naturopathy, emotional release, and coaching come together in your approach to empowerment and awakening? On my journey to empowerment and awakening, naturopathy serves as my foundational pillar. It has been instrumental in teaching me the art of listening to my body and harnessing its innate ability to self-heal. This understanding forms the bedrock of my holistic journey. Emotional release has played a pivotal role, especially with EFT - emotional freedom technique - guiding me towards a state of responsiveness rather than reactivity. It empowers me to let my emotions flow freely, transforming them into a source of fuel for my endeavors. Moreover, it has been a profound tool in making peace with my past, allowing for transformative growth. Coaching encapsulates the essence of honoring my talents. It's about clarifying my vision, navigating the intricate landscape of my aspirations, and taking actions that align with my authentic self. This dynamic trio of naturopathy, emotional release, and coaching harmoniously intertwine, creating a synergistic approach to empowerment

LIGHT UP MAG and awakening that resonates deeply with the heart-led entrepreneur's journey. Living a fulfilling life is holistic. With over 12 books in 7 years, what key message runs through your written work and contributes to your mission? Over the years, I had to learn how to let go of who I thought I was to become a new version of myself. One that allows more and more happiness and knows how to create it. And when she doesn't know how, she has the curiosity to learn! It took hours of 1:1 sessions with therapists and coaches, diving deeper and deeper into what was holding me back. I began to free myself from some significant beliefs that were constraining my progress in life, to become the author of my own story. I also started writing books at that time, no coincidence there. I became proactive in creating opportunities from the space of the heart, and I was rewarded with numerous synchronicities. My first book was Naturopathy for dummies (in French) and my latest one is called Millionaire from the heart. Across the pages of my 12 books in 7 years, a consistent and powerful message echoes: You have all the answers inside of you. My mission is deeply rooted in the belief that we can shed the layers of conditioning that surround us, allowing us to listen to our true needs and honor our authentic selves.

It's a journey of self-discovery that, at its core, encourages everyone to reconnect with their heart. Each book serves as a guide, urging readers to trust in their inherent wisdom, embrace their true essence, and navigate life's intricate tapestry with a renewed sense of purpose and authenticity.


LIGHT UP MAG What inspired your transition from a successful naturopathic practice to focusing on helping other practitioners? My transition from a successful naturopathic practice to focusing on helping other practitioners was inspired by a profound journey of self-discovery. Despite the success not being immediate, over several years, I came to realize that I held the power to create a greater sucess. This shift was accompanied by a newfound awareness of my resources and an enhanced ability to recognize opportunities that had always been right in front of me. A transformative mindset shift rewired how I perceived everything. Step by step, I comprehended that my beliefs about myself, life, and the choices I made were actively shaping my reality. I committed to working on my mindset and took aligned actions every single day. Acknowledging and challenging my past biases was a crucial part of this evolution. I used to believe that natural medicine was more noble than coaching, but I learned that changing my mindset also positively impacted my health. Uncovering that we have tens of thousands of repetitive thoughts each day, influenced by our conditioning, was eye-opening. It wasn't about reinventing the wheel but realizing that we tell ourselves stories based on past experiences and can choose to tell different ones. Becoming a certified coach deepened my passion for coaching, surpassing even my love for naturopathy.

Thriving personally, I found entrepreneurs seeking to understand my success approaching me. This led to my transition into coaching them, representing a significant leap into the unknown after investing substantial effort and time in establishing a reputation in naturopathy. Acknowledging the life force flowing through me and the messages it conveyed became an integral part of this transformative journey. How do you integrate the concept of reconnecting with personal power into your coaching and training programs? In my coaching and training programs, the core concept revolves around reconnecting individuals with their personal power, from their hearts. It's not just about tapping into a source of strength; it's about connecting with all facets of who they are. I emphasize the journey of learning to love both their shadows and fully honoring their light. Through carefully crafted exercises, discussions, and tailored guidance, participants explore the depth of their inner selves. The process involves embracing the aspects that might have been overlooked or deemed less favorable—the shadows—and recognizing that they hold valuable lessons and potential for growth. Simultaneously, we celebrate and honor the brilliance—the light—that each individual inherently possesses. This approach is a holistic exploration of personal power, acknowledging that true

LIGHT UP MAG aempowerment comes from an integrated understanding of oneself. By embracing the full spectrum of their being, participants cultivate a profound sense of self-awareness, resilience, and authenticity. It's a transformative journey that goes beyond traditional coaching, encouraging individuals to step into their power by embracing their entire essence. Can you share a powerful transformation story from someone you've worked with? Absolutely, I've had the privilege of witnessing numerous incredible transformations in the individuals I've had the honor of working with. One particularly impactful story is that of Olivia. When she first approached me, Olivia was navigating a challenging phase marked by self-doubt and apprehensions about being visible. With a background in naturopathy, yoga and spiritual studies, where she learned to detach from her 'ego,' Olivia found herself at a crossroads. She desired to make a profound impact in the world but hesitated to create visibility online. Throughout our coaching journey, Olivia engaged in a profound exploration of her strengths and talents. We delved into the significance of sharing her message with the world. Gradually, she dismantled limiting beliefs and embraced a mindset that prioritized authenticity and spontaneity. It was truly inspiring to witness her courageously confront and overcome the obstacle of being vulnerable online, pouring her heart into her endeavors.

As Olivia learned to honor her light, a remarkable shift unfolded, propelling her towards increased confidence and overall success in her naturopathy and later on coaching practice. The transformation extended beyond the achievement of specific goals; it embodied a holistic journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Today, Olivia not only maintains her spiritual essence but also thrives as the founder of a 6-figure business. Additionally, she passionately supports new practitioners too! Olivia's story stands as a testament to the boundless potential within each of us to rewrite our narratives and craft a life aligned with our true selves. Her journey vividly exemplifies the transformative power of coaching, and I am grateful to have played a role in this remarkable transformation.



Shaping Reality, Sharing Light, and Inspiring Authentic Legacy Success, to me, is leaving a legacy of empowerment—a resounding 'YES' to unleashing potential and inspiring authenticity in others.

How does your philosophy of connecting to the immense potential of creation play out in your day-to-day work?

In my day-to-day work, my philosophy of connecting to the immense potential of creation manifests in deliberate choices and actions. I consciously choose to start each day from a blank page and consciously connect with my heart, envisioning and moving towards the brightest future and the highest version of myself in every decision I make. This approach reflects my belief that we are here to exercise our willpower, shaping our reality with intention. I honor my talents and gifts, recognizing that withholding them diminishes the richness of the world. I am committed to sharing my light unreservedly, contributing to the collective tapestry of growth and transformation. To reinforce this commitment, I engage with coaches regularly. These mentors serve as guiding lights, reminding me of my inherent power and potential.


For me, success isn't just about personal achievements; it's about the meaningful impact I can have on others. As I navigate each day, I hold a vision of leaving a legacy defined by the prideful affirmation that, when this life concludes, I can answer with a resounding 'YES' to the question: 'Did you give your best with what I gave you? Did you share everything that you are with all your heart and support others to do the same?' This affirmative response encapsulates my dedication to unleashing my full potential and inspiring others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of empowerment and authenticity.

LIGHT UP MAG What role does vulnerability play in the transformative process for yourself and those you guide?

This affirmed my belief that authenticity and vulnerability are powerful forces that deeply resonate with others.

My personal journey through vulnerability has been a profound quest for answers, guiding me towards a deep exploration of my true essence. Sharing my vulnerabilities and weaving them into my story has evolved into a wellspring of inspiration for others, illuminating the path forward amid life's challenges.

On a tangible level, achieving one million in sales in 2022 stands as a testament to the effectiveness of leading from the heart without compromising my vision. This success, attained with an excellent balance between work and personal life, marks just the beginning of a journey anchored in authenticity, vulnerability, and transformative growth.

A pivotal lesson I've embraced is that one doesn't need to have life figured out entirely to guide and assist others. Recognizing that we are all works in progress, continuously evolving, has been transformative. By creating spaces of transformation in my own life, I empower others to embark on their unique journeys of self-discovery and growth. As I attune myself to the truth of my emotions, I find a deeper connection with others. While our life stories may differ, our shared challenges unite us. The loss of my mother last year, as she chose to take her life, became a poignant chapter. Navigating my grief and subsequently connecting with my community revealed a shared struggle many faced in supporting their loved ones through pain. Expressing my truth on unpopular topics, particularly during the tumultuous year of 2020, became an act of vulnerability that proved transformative. Contrary to fear, not only did I survive, but I discovered a community of like-minded individuals who resonated with shared values.

LIGHT UP MAG Can you share a memorable moment where you witnessed someone's creative power making a significant positive change in their life? I find immense joy in observing individuals tap into their creative power, sparking profound positive transformations. To stay inspired, I make it a habit to engage with audiobooks and podcasts daily, delving into the extraordinary journeys of others. In a world often hesitant to share stories, I believe we need more narratives that uplift and inspire. One striking example comes to mind: a good friend grappling with endometriosis discovered a breakthrough when she channeled her creativity into a project aligned with her deepest desires. Choosing to travel and follow her true calling, her dedication, resourcefulness, and sheer brilliance were awe-inspiring. The creative power she harnessed became a catalyst for positive change, not only in her professional pursuits but also in her overall well-being. Years later, she remains symptom-free and runs a successful business. The impact extended beyond her professional success, influencing newfound confidence, a sense of purpose, and a rekindled zest for life. This powerful experience served as a testament to the transformative potential within each of us when we connect with our creative essence. It reinforced my belief in the boundless possibilities that unfold when individuals tap into their creative power.

Creativity, as evidenced by this story, is not merely an artistic pursuit; it's a force capable of steering us toward positive change and a more fulfilling life.


As we wrap up this interview, we want to take a moment to express our deep gratitude for the inspiration your story has brought into our lives and the lives of our readers. Through naturopathy, emotional release, coaching, and your prolific writing, you've become a beacon for those seeking purpose and authenticity. Your work isn't just a profession; it's a profound contribution to the well-being and transformation of others. Thank you, Anne-Claire, for being more than a feature in our magazine. Thank you for being a source of genuine inspiration and a reminder that each of us has the power to create positive change in our lives and the lives of those we touch.

Shining a Light on the Positive Power of People


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