What's the story august, 2016 color

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1180 AM KCKQ & Rialto, CA

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might want to see in other publica ons, but don’t. We look for stories that could go viral...at the very least, stories that are interes ng. The point is to “Share It!” August. 2016

Are we a newspaper? No...Are we a magazine? No...Are we a newsle er? Not really any of those. So what are we? We are a publica on in print and online designed to provide informa on: for fun, for what’s happening, for things you

NASA did it! The Juno Spacecra launched on August 5, 2011. The goal of the mission was “to improve our understanding of Jupiter's forma on and evolu on. The spacecra will inves gate the planet's origins, interior structure, deep atmosphere and magnetosphere. Juno's study of Jupiter will help us to understand the history of our own solar system and provide new insight into how planetary systems form and develop in our galaxy and beyond.”* On July 4, 2016, Juno reached its des na on and is now orbi ng around Jupiter, collec ng informa on and transmi ng images. The mission is scheduled to con nue through February 20, 2018. A few facts and firsts:* This is the first space mission to operate a solar powered spacecra at Jupiter First space mission to orbit an outer‐planet from pole to pole Farthest solar powered spacecra from Earth Con nued on page 3

Infographic: Juno Science Instruments* *h p://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/juno/

And the winner is... ABC (Amazing Book Cover) Art Award (An Artown event)


ABC Art Winners

For the second year, LeRue Press has sponsored the ABC (Amazing Book Cover) Art Award. The entries are open to authors across the United States. Winners are chosen by popular vote. The award is a part of the Artown celebra on held in Reno, Nevada that a racts as many as 50,000 people to the beau ful northern Nevada area. “We all judge a book by its cover. This award provides an opportunity for authors to showcase their books with an emphasis on the cover art,” said Janice Hermsen, co‐founder of LeRue Press. Following are this year’s winners: Con nued on page 11

Editor: Janice Hermsen: janice@lrpnv.com

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Have a good story to tell? Can you do it in 50 words...exactly? Give us a good headline and then tell your story in 50 words… exactly! Talk about what you do, make up a story or talk about your business. No ads allowed; just tell your story, very, very succinctly.

The Second Amendment With all the discussion about the second amendment, we are including the transcript from the Cons tu on (in case you haven’t read it lately). Amendment II (1791) “A well regulated Mili a, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

For Twitter lovers, that’s about 450 characters more or less. According to the Office of the Secretary of the Senate: Send to lrp@lrpnv.com. The blurb above is 50 words...exactly (without the headline). Get creative! We’d like to read yours! Selected stories will be printed in future issues of What’s the Story?TM

Whether this provision protects the individual's right to own firearms or deals only with the collec ve right of the people to arm and maintain a mili a was long debated un l the Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the amendment protected individuals’ right to possess firearms unconnected to any service in a mili a. The 5‐4 decision was made on June 26, 2008,

Inside this issue: NASA did it!


And the winner is...


Brian T. Shirley: Book covers and more


Mike Aloia: Beacon of light


Senator Omer Rains: Author of Back to the Summit


Richard G. Pugh: Unintended stuff


April Voytko Kempler: Explore the urban forest of Reno, Nevada


Bobby Joe Holman: You can have it; just get it off my trailer


HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE? If not, just go to h p//www.eac.gov Not affiliated with any party

The candidates: In their own words. Have you read them?


Bookstores: Nevada and S. Carolina


Take the quiz: You may know more than you think!


Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com

Brian T. Shirley You know that old saying " You can't judge a book by it's cover" drove the latest "ABC Art Contest" from LeRue Press and I'm honored to have had my second book "Four Score and Seven Beers Ago..." ed for second place in last year’s compe on. These old words of wisdom or "old wives tales" can some mes be true or just as wrong as anything. Have you ever really judged a book by the cover? I mean, picked one up and said "Man this looks like a cool story!" and read the novel and been bored to tears? I mean, how many women have seen a Fabio‐like pirate on a ship with the wind swirling his hair around while a blonde woman in a torn dress dangled in his arms as he fought off demons while the ocean was trying to wash them overboard on the cover of a book, read the novel and thought, "Wow, that really sucked?" I think what the original author of that wise old saying was telling us, as many of you know, things are not always what they seem. Well, this "saying" appears to fly in the face of reason when it come to adver sing and is actually a menace to our poli cians at mes. Actually. all the me if you ask me. More and more we are faced with food on billboards from restaurants that looks be er that what we really get, movie stars on posters who are airbrushed to look perfect in the ads for the latest movie and, of course, news feeds that are strained through the colander of poli cal correctness so we can all agree it’s fair and impar al. It's cool to pick up a novel to escape life for a while

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Book covers and more! based on the “Star Warsy” cover, or even give one of us a vote in the ABC Challenge based on nothing but the artwork we authors selected to represent our literary contribu on. But, there are some things in life where you must look deeper, spend some me and understand before you commit your me to it. I'm talking, who you choose to procreate with, who you put your trust in to run your city, county, state and, of course, your country. Let me say one thing again. If you don't think a li le about who you're going to bring another life into this world with, then I really don't care about your opinion on abor on. You want some humor injected here‐ well, let me say that if I had a daughter and a young man who sags his pants came to my door wan ng to take her out, I would judge that book by it's lack of cover. Here's what I would tell him, " Yo, if you can't operate a belt and a pair of pants, you sure as hell can't operate a condom, you in the wrong hood G!! Brian is an author, former radio host, comedian and philosopher. He has been in the comedy business for over 20 years in Canada, the U.S. and the Bahamas. He lives in Charleston, South Carolina. In the past few years, he went to Japan to entertain the U.S. Marine Corp where he opened for headliner Jackie Fabulous, a stand‐up comedian herself. To book Brian, Contact him via his Facebook page: h ps://www.facebook.com/brian.t.shirley.5? fref=ts

Con nued from page 1

Will take the highest resolu on images of Jupiter in history. An online, interac ve visualiza on is available at h p:// eyes.nasa.gov/juno. You can “ride along” from the beginning of the mission and travel to the “planned fiery end”.

Every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration. Constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought. -Margaret Chase Smith www.brainyquote.com

Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

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“Walk the Turtle”

Mike Aloia

Decisions we make and choices we face, mistakes that are made and lessons we learn, these a ributes of life's journey tend to mold our character. Architectural landscapes inside each heart reveal the wonders of tomorrow, memories of certain moments in me remain eternal within the soul. The reali es of changes among those we once held close may dri away by the separa ons of paths taken, it will propel our spirit into the unknown. Fears of concurrences and consequence create the barriers and obstacles inside our mind, go forward in faith, it is the ul mate source of guidance. To give yourself to another, to allow them to hold your heart with complete uncondi onal love and devo on is choice by the deep feelings of trust.

Beacon of light To have the dreams of passion and romance along with the illusions of everlas ng love is something we all search for while scars of heartbreak exist. As we get back on track and strive to achieve our goals each year we seek knowledge and wisdom in order to fulfill our purpose and legacies. Some may shun your visions while others will give support, talents you share will define your spiritual beliefs as you find yourself in the abyss of lies. Being true to yourself among those that have no inner peace allows us to walk through the afflic ons and sorrows as we mend wounds of betrayal. Finding the innocence and holding on to our integrity is a fundamental aspect to uphold our dignity and to realize how genuine and priceless we are. Walk the turtle steady as we pace ourselves through this maze of change, we look in the mirror and witness a warrior emerge into a beacon of light. Mike Aloia is a father of two daughters and a proud grandfather. He is 50 years old and lives in Jacksonville, Florida. Mike is mul ‐talented: a cartoonist, comedian, musician, songwriter, actor, columnist, and the CEO of American Hearts Radio, LLC Entertainment Network. He has experience in web TV, radio entertainment produc on, ar st management, and other aspects of entertainment. His column “Walk the Turtle” are his thoughts on slowing down, taking it easy, and enjoying life. Mike's work can be found in the following places: www.americanheartsradio.com www.facebook.com/americanheartsradio www.harmonybooking.com

In Black & White: The story of Floyd sneed Late 2016 release of Classic Drummer Hall of Fame and Pop Music Hall of Fame inductee (Three Dog Night), Floyd Sneed. In Black & White is a wi y, entertaining and insigh ul book full of stories told by original Three Dog Night drummer, Floyd Sneed. Also played S.S. Fools and Dog & KATT bands from the 60s through the 80s and how he took his crea vity to another level with his own personal imagery that is joyful and inspired by his sense of humor. Published by LeRue Press, LLC. Follow Floyd on Twitter @FloydSneedDrums

© Hinton Design

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Senator Omer Rains “You’ll never walk again.” This was the news Omer Rains heard from doctors when he awoke from a prolonged coma and found the right side of his body completely paralyzed, the result of a stroke and brain aneurysm that nearly killed him at age 61. But the former California State Senator—a poli cian on the global stage, a power‐broking lawyer of A‐list celebri es, a conqueror of some of the highest summits in the world—wouldn’t listen. Rains should have been leveled by his life‐threatening health crisis, as most anyone would have been. But he was a stubborn fighter, one who many mes in his life had defied the impossible. Back to the Summit is Rains’ story of his harrowing, yearlong journey toward recovery as he pushes the limits of human poten al: Against all odds, Rains teaches himself again to walk, and then to play tennis, aggressively bike, ski and to engage in other ac vi es which he had previously enjoyed. But as the reader quickly discovers, nothing about Rains’ life is normal. From humble beginnings—picking co on at age eleven to supplement the family’s income—Rains struck out on his own at age 15 and rose to incredible heights fueled by a powerful mix of passion, tenacity and sheer will. He would eventually play a part in some of the most fascina ng events of the 20th century. As a lawyer, Rains represented people and causes that shaped the na on, from the civil rights movement to the environmental movement. He rubbed shoulders with stars of all stripes: corporate tans such as John Malone, Bob Magness, Bill Bresnan, and Leonard Tow and famous Hollywood personali es including Steve McQueen, Johnny Cash, Evel Knievel and Charlton Heston. Rains’ influence eventually stretched well beyond that of a normal lawyer and State Senator: During the Camp David Accords of the late 1970s he met with Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat;

Author of Back to the Summit at the invita on of Nelson Mandela, he consulted for the South African Cons tu onal Revision Commission. He flew on Air Force One, danced in the White House, and was close to both Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. He had once been at the top of his game and he was determined to be there again. Yet it is the aneurysm and associated hemorrhagic stroke, and his white‐knuckle recovery from paralysis, that worked to shape Rains’ life and worldview more profoundly than any of the people, places or events that came before. In trying to walk—and live again— Rains reveals the brave wisdom that you must fail first before you can truly succeed. And Rains sets the bar for “success” higher than most: achievement beyond all expecta ons and commitment to changing the world for the be er. Today, though in his 70, Rains draws on his passion, determina on and physical fitness to lead a life that would be exhaus ng for even the hear est of souls. His life today is dedicated to humanitarian ac vi es around the globe. This includes building libraries and economic development and sustainability projects in rural and remote parts of Nepal, India and Bhutan. One of the three organiza ons for which he served as Interna onal Board Chair is Rural Educa on and Development (READ) Global, on which he partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Founda on. For his worldwide humanitarian efforts, Rains was named Cambridge’s 2010 Interna onal Professional of the Year for “Community Based Educa on and Outreach.” In “Back to the Summit” Rains takes readers on a courageous journey toward recovery, both physical and spiritual, as he reflects on the people, events, and American history that shaped his life and gave him the strength to dare to walk again. Every flashback to the past offers insight into the philosophy that once saved his life and now defines his every ac on: “When you get knocked down, pick yourself up Con nued on page 11

Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

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Richard G. Pugh

Unintended Stuff

Just the other day I had need to visit one of Reno’s finest hotel casinos when a nicely dressed man came up to me and I listened intently to his brief but poignant tale. He said he lived in Charleston, South Carolina and for some me had been having these dreams and visions of going to Reno to win a fortune on one of those mega million dollar slot machines. The dreams would not leave him. He sold his home, his cars, his motorcycle, his boat, took all his money from his re rement, and he and his wife and children came to Reno. He implored me to help him due to the lack of success at hi ng it big but felt his fortune was near and asked for some financial assistance with his plight. A er winning, he would without doubt repay me for my largess. “My wife and children” he said through his tears, “Are up in a room in this hotel and they haven’t eaten in over three days. Can you stake us to a meal?” “Sir, I suspect if I were to give you money you would just put it all back into those slot machines!” “Kind sir, you have me all wrong. Gambling money I got!” Writer’s note: No part of the above tale is true, but ain’t it a good story? A er coming to Reno from Charleston, S.C. in 1973 to accept the posi on of CEO of the Nevada State Medical Associa on and serving as Director of Physician Rela ons at Washoe Medical Center for two years, Pugh re red in 1990. Later he helped establish Health Access Washoe County (HAWC) and served as Board Member and President for several years. He has served as Adjunct Clinical Instructor at the University of Nevada School of Medicine and authored four books through the History of Medicine Program there.

Out in the Sagebrush A good cowboy yarn!”

Go to lrpnv.com or amazon.com for your copy of Nevada Heartland: The Place Names of Carson City, Douglas, Lyon and Storey Coun es, Nevada

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April Voytko Kempler

Explore the urban forest of Reno, Nevada

Nowhere is autumn more years will have to pass before the sapling is considered stunningly depicted than by the changing fully grown. A er a hundred years or more, the pointed leaves in northwestern Nevada. The top will begin to fla en out as the branches below contrasts of colors—gold, green, and red against the become heavier and denser. Once the Giant Sequoia brilliant blue sky are awe widens out, it is easily ‐inspiring. This vivid differen ated from other array on display has redwoods, firs and pine prompted many hiking trees. Giant Sequoias can enthusiasts to search out reach heights of nearly remote trails leading to 300 feet and can live as the best vistas of high long as 3,200 years, sierra trees. making it truly a If you are not a champion of trees. hiking enthusiast, but Are there any would love to see trees considered beau ful trees in their landmark or champions show of color, take a in your neighborhood? step into Reno’s “urban All you have to do is walk forest” to discover the outside to explore that not‐so‐hidden treasures forest or maybe plant a of landmark trees. tree and one day it will One tree in the Person standing next to two sequoia trees. These trees were probably formed grow to be a champion southwest part of Reno around the time of 1 B.C.. (www.en.wikipedia.org. Image is in pubic domain) of trees. stands out from all A na ve Californian, April Kempler was raised in beau ful others—the Giant Sequoia (Sequioadendron giganteum). downtown Burbank. April currently resides in her "adopted" city of This landmark tree was planted in 1939, at 595 W. Reno, Nevada. April Kempler's first book en tled The Altered I, is a first‐person narra ve about her father‐in‐law's experiences as a Arroyo Street. Standing well over 100 feet tall, its spire Holocaust survivor. crown seemingly touches the sky. At the ripe old age of April is an avid reader, a habit she picked up as a child. seventy‐seven, the Sequoia is s ll a young’un. Instead of playing with the other kids, she could be found with her Once the ny seed takes root, several hundred nose in a book.

Grab a Steamin’ Wienie and a copy of What’s the Story® at Sinbad’s

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Bobby Joe Holman

You can have it; just get it off my car trailer!

Star ng a Hot Rod build can begin in a number of ways, and our 26 T build has its own unique beginning. How many of us “Gear Heads” have been “given” an Old Rusty Car or be er yet just parts and pieces of a car body? Well, motocross bike racer Zac Pachinko got into hot rod building, through the sugges on of his uncle by returning his car trailer minus a car body and by taking it to Fred Hernandez of Fred’s Frames located in Rialto, California. Zac, not knowing what it was, and at the sugges on of Fred, took a picture on his phone and sent it to Fred. Upon receiving the picture and reviewing it, Fred quickly contacted Zac and informed him to bring it over to Fred’s shop and they would build the car together! So Zac and friends took the dilapidated 26 T car body to Fred’s Frames to begin the build. So each week we will explain each step and what parts of the car had to be fabricated what parts were needed to complete the build!

Copyright © 2016—Photo used with permission Bobby Joe Holman: The only professional harmonica player/instructor to have wri en, performed and been interna onally published with The Hal Leonard Corp., Warner Bros. Publishing, Music Sales Inc., CenterStream Publishing, StarLicks Inc. and Alfred Publishing.

I Am That Fool

Exploring Sand Harbor

Pick Me, Pick Me

Amazing Mom

Meet Ryan Brown: egotistical, brilliant trial lawyer By Rick Cornell

Includes color photos and maps while kayaking at Sand Harbor. By Beachy Orr 72 pages, $19.95

Miguel can’t stop bouncing in his seat and waving his hands…

Early Reader To all the "Amazing Moms" and the things they do every day. By Nichole Truax, Ed.D.;28 pages

196 pages; $12.95

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Pick up your copy of the books below at your favorite retailer or contact the publisher, LeRue Press, LLC at 775‐849‐3814 or toll free at 844‐987‐8679 (844‐WT‐STORY) or online at www.lrpnv.com. Go to contact us. Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

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The candidates: In their own words. Have you read them?

Donald J. Trump

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Mr. Donald Trump New Hampshire Town Hall on August 19th, 2015 at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, NH by Michael Vadon Date 19 August 2015 Author Michael Vadon

Hillary Clinton speaking at an event in Des Moines, Iowa. Date 24 January 2016 Author Gage Skidmore

Hard Choices Apr 28, 2015 by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again Nov 3, 2015 by Donald J. Trump

Living History Apr 19, 2004 by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Donald Trump: Make America Great Again: Donald Trump on Primaries, Illegal Immigrants, Terrorism, Hillary Clinton... Sep 15, 2015 by DONALD J. TRUMP and CAPITOL PUBLISHING

It Takes a Village, Tenth Anniversary Edition Dec 12, 2006 by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Time to Get Tough: Make America Great Again! Aug 31, 2015 by Donald J. Trump

An Invitation To The White House : At Home With History Nov 14, 2000 by Hillary Rodham Clinton

The Unique Voice of Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Portrait in Her Own Words Feb 1997 by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Claire G. Osborne Not intended to be a complete list of titles available from the author.

Gary Johnson

Trump: The Art of the Deal Dec 23, 2009 by Donald J. Trump and Tony Schwartz

Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich‐And Why Most Don't Oct 4, 2011 by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki Not intended to be a complete list of titles available from the author.

Seven Principles of Good Government: Gary Johnson on Politics, People and Freedom: Insights from the 2012 Libertarian Party Nominee… Aug 1, 2012 By Gary Johnson Not intended to be a complete list of titles available from the author.

Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press, LLC (LRP).

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Independent bookstores Nevada, So. California and South Carolina New and used books Look at the bookstores the Book Hound found! Nevada

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New Books priced as marked Cookbooks Arts & Cra s Poli cs, fic on and mysteries galore! In great condi on!

Reno Book Gallery 1203 Rock Blvd. Sparks, NV 775.356.8900 Buy Nevada First 4001 S. Virginia St. (Reno Town Mall) Reno, NV 775.384.3153 Grassroots Books 660 E Grove St. Reno, NV 775.828.2665 His Word‐Parable Chris an Store 6815 Sierra Center Pkwy 775.853.2665 LeRue Press, LLC 280 Greg St. #10 Reno, NV 775.356.1004 Sundance Bookstore & Music 121 California Ave. Reno, NV 775.786.1188

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Con nued from page 5

Con nued from page 1

and forge forward ‐ ‐ always forward.” Every story of the hardships he faced during recovery offers hard‐earned lessons to overcoming great challenges. Those who have suffered physical trauma may find hope in his story; their loved ones may gain insight and understanding. And any reader who has ever faced a mountain of a setback may be inspired to keep on figh ng.

First Place Winner: A Reluctant Spirit by Kathleen Berry: Cover Design by Paula Napo First Place Finalist: Amanda's Quest by D.M. Stoddard: Cover Design by Streetlight Graphics, Illustra on by D.M. Stoddard Second Place Winner: Heroes and Giants by Douglas B. Ashby: Cover Design by Allen Jomoc Second Place Finalist: Through a Broken Window by L.F. Falconer: Cover Design by Jupiter Images Corpora on Third Place Winner: Exit Strategy by L.F. Falconer: Cover Design by Jupiter Images Corpora on Third Place Finalist: The Legacy of Skur by L.F. Falconer: Cover Design by L.F. Falconer

About Omer Rains: There is a moment in most of our lives when we are faced with the kind of challenge that can break us. Omer Rains – social venture capitalist, humanitarian, former California Senator, and prominent interna onal business, media, and entertainment a orney – has faced that kind of challenge before – not once, but many mes during his life. With a passion for adventure and the outdoors, Rains looks back on a life that has taken him to over 120 countries and every region of the world.

“We plan to con nue to offer this award in future Artown celebra ons. It is well received and we enjoy it too!” commented Janice Hermsen. “We will promote other awards throughout the year. It’s a great way for authors to share their works and find a new audience.”


Take the quiz: You may know more than you think! 1.What is a pu er called when it used from off the green? 2. Thomas Cha erton produced some infamous forgeries in which field? 3. Who said Claret is for boys, port for men and brandy for heroes? 4. Which king founded the Order of the Garter in 1350? 5. 'What an ar st dies in me' were reputedly the last words of whom? 6. Who devised the terms 'introvert' and 'extrovert'? 7. Wally Hammond played cricket for which county? 8. Chiromancy is more commonly known by what name? 9. The poet Robert Browning is buried where? 10. What was the first film to be made in Cinemascope? 11. What was Ethel Cain the first to record? 12. In what year was the first LP released commercially in the

Answers on back page

UK? 13. Apart from Scotland which 2 other countries' patron saint is Andrew? 14. What 2 main colours are on the flag of Portugal? 15. An Interferometer is used to measure what? 16. At which school did Mr.Chips teach La n? 17. What is Orology? 18. Who wrote the poem 'To a louse'? 19. Who invented the Rocking Chair? 20. Who buried the treasure on Treasure Island? (Answers on back page) Courtesy: h p://www.pubquizreference.co.uk

Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press, LLC. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press, LLC .

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New Releases-LeRue Press: 2016-17

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Craps and the Showgirl– Personal Narrative

Dennis DuPerault Auto Emotions 101‐Updated and Revised Non‐Fiction‐Self‐Help Eddie Floyd

Fiction‐ Contemporary Western Joseph Holsworth What Deepest Remains Fiction Beachy Orr

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Along the Rocky Shores

Children’s Photo Book

The Evolution of an Artist Series Pan Pantoja: The Hound That Is Me Poetry The Dog Hears Something Poetry Chokin’ Death Oliver X Monsters No Salvaging from the Pit ….and 13 more

Link to What’s The Story online

Mark Shaff Floyd Sneed

Force One: Doubling the Penny Adventure/Thriller In Black & White: The Story of Floyd Sneed Memoir

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20. Captain Flint

10. The Robe

19. Benjamin Franklin

9. Westminster Abbey

18. Robert Burns

8. Palmistry

17. Study of mountains

7. Gloucestershire

16. Brookfield

6. Carl Jung

15. Wavelength of Light

5. Emperor Nero

14. Red and Green

4. Edward III

13. Russia and Greece

3. Dr. .Johnson

12. 1950

2. Poetry

11. The talking clock

1. Texas Wedge

Answers to ques ons on page 11 “What’s the Story?®” is a monthly publica on of LeRue Press (LRP). No part of this publica on may be reprinted without permission. But we’d love it if you shared it! It is available in print and online. Go to www.lrpnv.com or www.issuu.com and search LeRue Press. Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press, LLC. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press, LLC(LRP).

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