16-17 Issue 3

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the Seaman

Volume 86 Issue 3 Dec. 16, 2016

ENTERTAINING YOUNG FRIENDS: Junior Maggie Royer, sophomore Annika Francis and sophomore Rachel Darling play each other’s violins as they perform for the elementary schools of the district. (Photo by Regan Bond)

BOUND FOR DENMARK Kevin Moranz takes his motocross talents overseas. PAGE 19

4850 N.W. Rochester Rd. Topeka, KS 66617 seamannews.com It’s a GREAT day to be a Viking!

Teacher’s positive attitude helps with cancer struggle. PAGE 2




page design by shyanne osterhaus

Special education teacher remains optimistic throughout cancer battle by Shyanne Osterhaus editor in chief Unfortunately, cancer is something that has affected a large part of the Seaman community, whether that be through personal struggle or through one’s family. Special education teacher Mrs. Laurie Lewis, who is already a breast cancer survivor, has recently been diagnosed with having a form of cancer called angiosarcoma. Angiosarcoma is a cancer of the inner lining of blood vessels. It is a rare type of cancer that occasionally comes after one has already been affected by breast cancer. However, Mrs. Lewis and her family did not know this. From April to November they believed she was suffering from a traumatic hematoma. It wasn’t until mid-November that she was diagnosed with angiosarcoma, which is what was causing so many issues in her arm. On Nov. 21 she learned she was to have her right arm amputated the very next day. Luckily, the surgery went flawlessly. Now Mrs. Lewis must adjust to carrying out tasks with her left hand. “I have a head start because I’ve already been doing some things left-handed, and I have started meeting with an occupational therapy specialist,” Mrs. Lewis says. “I’m 90 percent okay with this, but some moments I cry and some moments I get frustrated. But I like to see the more optimistic side and tell people I lost 15 pounds overnight without any exercise!” After the initial recovery is completed, Mrs. Lewis

I’m still HERE, and I have been able to VISIT my students to SHOW them I’m going to be HERE for years.” - Mrs. Laurie Lewis meets with another doctor to discuss chemo options. Although she doesn’t know how long the chemo procedures will take, she has been told by doctors that it will be an intense process, and she will not be able to work during this time. “If we can kick out any stragglers, I shouldn’t be affected by this cancer again,” Mrs. Lewis says. “Since they amputated my arm, it should all be gone.” Mrs. Lewis has been able to remain so optimistic and positive because of the support system she has behind her. “I have strong support at home and at work,” Mrs. Lewis says. “I’m still here, and I have been able to visit my students to show them I’m going to be here for years.” Mrs. Lewis’ positivity has not only helped her recovery begin smoothly, but it has also affected other

people around her. “Mrs. Lewis has experienced a life long change that most of us would not be able to handle as positively,” special education teacher Mrs. Janet Krahe says. “Mrs Lewis has accepted the loss of her arm in a way I cannot explain. I feel blessed and honored to have Mrs. Lewis as my friend. She is an inspiration to me and to all who know her. “ Throughout this process Mrs. Lewis has had a simple philosophy that she has lived by, and she wants to share this with her students and other members of the Seaman community as well. “This isn’t my first challenge,” Mrs. Lewis says. “You can’t control what happens to you, and you’re going to have challenges in your life. It’s not what comes at you but how you respond to it.”

Locker bay, gym floor reconstruction projected for summer 2017 by Sophie Darting staff writer Imagine a casual, yet sophisticated gathering area where students meet before school to finish homework, get caught up on all the gossip and charge their electronic devices. The summer plans are in place to redesign the locker areas. Students will also see major changes in the locker rooms, and a new gym floor will be a part of school improvements. The architect company, HTK, has created plans. As those are being refined, costs are being determined before that will be sent to the school board and superintendent for approval. The plans include installing hydration stations to replace the water fountains, opening up the space, installing new carpeting and just making the space more inviting. Hydration stations are like water fountains except they detect the water fountains without touching and delivers filtered water. “The lockers are really old, and we used a survey to


see what the student’s thoughts were about the current lockers and the possibility of getting new ones,” says Principal Mike Monaghan. “The space will be so much more comfortable, and there are plans for there to be a bar area or seating area.” This new construction will cause some realignment of the new lockers. A survey of sorts will be used to determine what kind of lockers different students want. If they want a small locker, that is what they will get and vice versa. The south gym is also looking to get a new floor. The current floor has been sanded down so much that it is not possible to sand it again or resurface it because it is so thin. The locker rooms by the gym are also looking to be replaced. The boys and girls locker rooms in the south gym are looking at new lockers as well. “I’m very excited for these new projects,” continues Monaghan. “I think that the students will like it, and it will make it look more student-friendly and modern.” The construction is expected to start at the beginning of June and should finish before school starts.

SUMMER 2017 •redesigned locker areas with new carpeting, hydration stations, locker realignment •new lockers in boys and girls locker rooms •new south gym floor

VIKING voices

page design by mercedes scarbrough

Favorite Christmas song? Sage Nixon, 9“‘Jingle Bell Rock’ because it’s an original that everyone knows and can sing along to.”

Gabe Porras, 10“‘Christmas in Harlem’ because it’s peaceful for a rap song.”

Rylee Ray, 11“‘Jingle Bell Rock’ because it’s catchy and always gets stuck in my head.”


Class makes computer coding fun by Eli Laird staff writer The murmur of a teacher’s voice, engaged students and computer mouses can be found in the Visual Basic class offered at Seaman. The class is highly interactive and allows room for creativity. It is given in two parts, Visual Basic 1 and Visual Basic 2. First year teacher Sheila Mumford is in charge of the class. She says “This class covers some basic programming language in Visual Basic, and students create small programs that accomplish certain coding tasks.” The course gives students a chance to learn how games and other technology work. “Coding assigns particular functions and is a major component,” Mumford says, “A recent assignment had students modify code that would allow the program user to see three doors on a screen and choose which one to open in order to find a robot hiding behind one of them. The program would also tell the user if they were successful or not.” Finals are another interesting fact, as they are tasked with building their own individual code. This grants students the ability to come up with unique and original ideas. The class currently has 14 students enrolled in it, and students like Logan Pippin find it enjoyable.

Mr. Sean Riley“‘Oi to the World’ by the Vandals because it’s super funny.”


I think Visual Basic also appeals to those who ENJOY learning a computer language and determining and predicting LOGIC. - Programming teacher Sheila Mumford

“I think it is fun because I like coding and computer science type classes.” Mumford encourages technology savvy students to consider enrolling in the class, “I think Visual Basic appeals to students who enjoy working on computers and creating things on the computer. Visual Basic also appeals to those who enjoy learning a computer language and determining and predicting logic.” Despite only a handful of kids enrolled, her outlook for the class in years to come is optimistic, “I hope that more students will consider taking programming classes in general in the future. The skill of programming, and the mindset of thinking that it requires, is a very valuable skill regardless of the students future educational or employment goals.”

CADD keeps up with times with new 3D printer by Stone Brackett staff writer

Faith Barr, 12- “‘All I want for Christmas’ is you because it’s just such a happy song and I love singing it.”


This year, the CADD (Computer-Aided Design and Drafting) class got a brand new piece of equipment: a 3D printer. 3D printers can be used to make highly detailed objects out of different materials. These objects can range from trinkets, to instruments, to tools. With a 3D printer, the operator’s imagination is the limit on what they can make. Already, there have been many items made with the 3D printer. Students have already designed and made cool knickknacks, such as a t-rex, lamps, and a glove made by senior Colton Sturgeon. “The coolest thing I’ve made so far is an Ironman glove,” says Sturgeon, senior. Although it may be associated with a printer, it isn’t quite as simple to use. “The printer is sent the blueprint, which it reads and creates a base for. Then it goes layer by layer setting the plastic down until it is complete,” says Sturgeon. “In total, my glove consisted of 15 parts and took

27 hours over a three day period to complete.” The students who have used it consider it to be an amazing opportunity to get hands-on learning. “It allows for us to design something of their own while learning CADD, but also physically hold it in our hands when we finish,” says Sturgeon. According to Mr. Mike Wilson, the teacher of CADD, the 3D printer has been a fun way to give the kids hands-on learning experiences. “I have related the printer to the X,Y,Z coordinates and the geometric shapes the printer uses or creates and to what they are learning in math and are applying to their CADD drawings.” It also gives students something exciting they can work on in their spare time. “The students in class are always checking in on the printer to try to guess what is printing. They have been spending time out of class looking for and designing items to be printed,” says Mr. Wilson. “The printer is running 24 hours per day as we have had one project take 38 hours. I encourage the students to design items they are interested in and can be useful to them.”





page design by kyser dougan

Close Up trip offers unique experience for students by Kyser Dougan social media editor Most trips to Washington, D.C. with the Close Up crew involve tours of national monuments, such as the Capitol and Lincoln Memorial. However, participants this election year got to see a whole new side of the city. Maria Grimes, Jennifer Howard, Heather Gillaspie, Morgan Mills, Crystal Beach and Sponsor Randy Crome went on this year’s trip. They got to experience how D.C. is during the election. They were able to have a watch party, and there were more protests throughout the city. They arrived at the White House the same day as President-Elect Trump. Grimes says her favorite part of the trip was getting to meet people from all over the world and seeing how they are affected by government.

She says, “I was really anxious because I didn’t know who my roommates would be, and I wasn’t super-educated with politics, but it turned out to be a blast. I had so much fun and was very sad when I had to leave the city and all of my new friends.” Howard also enjoyed the experience and says, “I very much so enjoyed the experience because I met lots of people, learned a bunch of new things, saw a lot of neat sites and also got close to my peers.” Crome’s favorite part was the surprise tickets to the National Symphony. Howard says they received these tickets from a couple of kind people when listening to President Obama’s speech on Veterans Day. After the students told them they had no plans for the evening, they were just handed the tickets. Both students also thought that the

trip provided an excellent educational experience and would recommend the trip to underclassmen. Grimes says, “From this trip I learned that it is important to voice your opinion even if you don’t think it matters. If you put your heart into what you are fighting for, then people are willing to listen and help you make a change.” She also adds that it is important to listen to other points of view. Howard adds, “I would very much recommend going on the trip because it’s sort of a once-in-a-lifetime thing. It brings lots of new experiences, knowledge and memories that you will never forget.” Mr. Crome is able to answer any questions for students interested in going on future trips. He believes underclassmen should go on the trip and says, “It is a fun learning experience that they would never forget.”

New grant provides club with new opportunities by Jacob Wildeman staff writer Senior Geordan Shaffer and junior Colby Edinborough race each other’s robots to see which one can put a little green ball in a bucket the fastest. Teammates wait in anticipation to try their hand at the challenging task. This is the usual scene at a typical Seaman High robotics club meeting. The robotics club was originally started two years ago. They were only using a borrowed robot from KU to compete at the KU engineering competition. Recently though, with the efforts of senior and robotics club president Geordan Shaffer, new sponsor Mr. Don Koon, Ms. Michelle Mettner and Ms. Candace Leduc, the club has been revived and received a grant from the Cox Educational Foundation. “A lot of work went into reviving the robotics club,” says Geordan Shaffer. “Part of it was finding a sponsor, but Mr. Koon thankfully took control of that, and there was plenty of grant work. In my independent study class last year, I did the research, but school faculty had to do the actual applications there. Putting the club together has taken the efforts of many people, and we’re continuing it as best as we can.” With the new grant the club has been able to split their 15 members into four teams, each having their own robot that will be entered into competitions.


Putting the club together has taken the EFFORTS of many people, and we’re continuing it as BEST we can.

- Club President Geordan Shaffer

“At a VEX Robotics competition, (VEX is the company that makes the robots we use),” Geordan Shaffer explains that, ‘two teams from separate schools make “alliances’ to score points against another team. The game we are going to play requires teams to throw foam stars and beanbags to the other side to score points. These games have two parts: an autonomous period where the robots drive themselves, and a driver-control period where one of us drives the robot.” Recently the club has been preparing their robots for upcoming competitions and making sure their robots are suited and ready. “We have prepared for the upcoming competition by modifying and rebuilding our robots to be specifically suited to the game. One team is putting tank tracks on their robot, another is making the front lower to the ground and another is turning the claw arm into a flipper wedge. We are working with different strategies to win, hopefully,” says Shaffer.

close up: Seniors Maria Grimes, Heather Gillespie, and Morgan Mills touring the Washington Monument. (Not pictured: Jennifer Howard and Crystal Beach)


page design by jacob wildeman



New feminist club attempts to create a safe environment for students by Roland Westling staff writer

Although Seaman High School is home to a wide array of clubs and is constantly accruing new ones, over the course of the 2016-17 school year there have been several new clubs established that focus on raising awareness and supporting certain groups of students. One such club is the feminist club, founded by junior Grace Anderson and sponsored by Mrs. Julie Kizzar. The general idea behind feminism is to advocate women’s rights on the grounds of political, social and economic equality with men. “I think what motivated me most in starting this club is the fact that I felt like I had nowhere to go to feel safe in our school, and I also felt like it was important for there to be a support system where young feminists could empower each other and feel comfortable discussing topics that are important to us,” said club president Grace Anderson. The feminist club aims to serve a supportive role and raise awareness in the lives of numerous women. “The purpose of the club is to allow anyone that wants to support girls and women in the community to come together in an effort to raise awareness. We would like to be a positive club focused on helping women in our community,” said the club’s sponsor, Julie Kizzar. The club’s primary goals are to help students develop a deeper understanding of what feminism means, as well as providing a safe and welcoming environment for students, while also working to benefit local women’s charities. “With this club I hope to make feminism not seem


so scary to people who don’t understand it. I want feminism to be seen for what it is and not what people assume it to be. I also want to create an environment

for kids to go when they feel targeted, and I also plan to make plenty of donations to the local women’s shelter and other similar organizations,” said Anderson. In addition to the assistance of local charities the feminist club also aims to aid students who hold a less popular set of beliefs build a supportive community around feminism. “I feel like this club is important because especially here in Kansas, a predominantly conservative state, you need a safe place to discuss your beliefs, especially if they are not corresponding with the majority. I have experienced many problems with students, and it becomes hard to handle when I felt like I don’t have much support, so this club is a chance to bring together everyone who is too afraid to speak out, which gives you your own little safe haven when you need support. It is important to have a support system, dealing with problems on your own can be very stressful. I also feel that feminism is a topic that not many people are educated on, and this gives them the opportunity to learn what feminism is,” said Anderson. Feminism is just the peak of the iceberg of racial, sexual and ethnic innuendos that the club hopes to be able to address and change in the coming months. “I hope to address sexism, racism, transphobia, islamophobia, etc. that is happening within our school. I see it daily and I would like these issues to become as minimal as possible. I know it will take some time, but I would like to address them as soon as possible. I would also like to address the bullying that goes alongside these problems,. Too many kids go out of their way to harass people over feminism, and I feel like if I don’t address it, no one will,” said Anderson.

Students create club to help support the LGBTQ community by Kyser Dougan and Jacob Wildeman social media editor and staff writer After over a year of efforts the Gay Straight Alliance club (GSA) was approved for Seaman High School. Seniors Cameron Cruse, Dyshara Smith and McKinley Larson are introducing this club as a support group for students who are gay, trans, queer or many other terms under the broad scope of sexual orientations. All students who support this community are also encouraged to come and join. GSA President Cameron Cruse says, “Any gay, straight, trans, queer and all

other broad terms can join and learn more about the diversity of sexual orientation or be supportive of it.” When questioned about the use of the word queer, sponsor Ms. Julie Kizzar says, “Queer isn’t a bad word, it just has a bad connotation. The LGBTQ community is trying to change the feelings that go along with the word.” Cruse and Kizzar also say that this club is different from the Diversity Club. GSA is more about sexual orientation, as compared to race and ethnicity. Since the club has been approved, both Cruse and Kizzar have been very impressed with the support and positivity that the school has shown.

LGBT youth miss


info compiled from nobullying.com





page design by tatum carlson

Birthday around Christmas often overlooked by Bailey Chinn staff writer It is the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas lights are bright and shining, snow covers the ground and the fireplace crackles; the children sit close by. The end of the year always seems to be reserved for holidays, not much else. Christmas is such a popular holiday that people began to decorate and buy gifts for others months prior to the event. Everyone looks forward to this time of the year. People who have a birthday close to Christmas get overlooked because a little old birthday is not as important as celebrating Christmas. Junior Kyle Dindios, whose birthday is Dec. 21, does not like having his birthday close to Christmas. “Mainly because it’s just so close to Christmas that it’s not really celebrated at all,” he says. Weekdays and weekends leading up to Christmas are occupied by holiday activities. This means that all of these activities

Viking voices

What are your family’s holiday traditions? Opinion

are planned on or are relatively close to birthdays. People may not have time in their December schedule for a birthday party because Christmas is priority number 1. Junior Emily Burd’s birthday is Dec. 30. She says that sometimes Christmas puts down all of the fun of a birthday. “Christmas kind of overshadows it,” says Emily. If someone’s birthday and Christmas are close, gift givers think that it is all right to combine the birthday and Christmas gift. They are two separate occasions and should be treated as such. On the bright side, sometimes these people will get more presents than everyone else. In this case, some people like having their birthday close to Christmas. “I love it because I get double the presents,” says senior Karli Frisby, whose birthday is Dec. 22. Emily also adds, “Everyone thinks that I get less gifts because it’s closer (to Christmas), but I don’t.” Birthdays that are close to the holiday season should not be overlooked because of the holiday spirit.

Infographic designed by Tatum Carlson

“We go to a barn, hang out as a family, eat a big dinner there and then open all of the presents. Some of us even spend the night in the barn.” Josh Richmond, 10

“We go hunting as a family for cool Christmas lights on people’s houses, then we come home and eat pizza. My dad brings home a Santa, and we all take turns sitting on his lap.” Reuben Juarez, 12

”We decorate our Christmas tree early and really decorate the house. We always go out for chinese food too.” Isabelle Estes, 10

“Every year we drive 30 minutes to my aunt’s house and play dumb Christmas games that are funny. Last year all of our presents were saranwrapped, and we had to take it all off as quick as possible.” Laura Knight, 12


page design by eli laird



Meaning of holidays lost in materialistic traditions by Bailey Chinn staff writer In this day and age, people do not understand the true meaning of holidays. Most people do not know the reason for trick or treating on Halloween or what Hanukkah is. Some people do not even celebrate Christmas for the correct reason. Presents are all that people are focused on during the holiday season. The celebration of Hanukkah began in 139 BCE. A group of Jews reclaimed their Holy Temple in Jerusalem by defeating one of the mightiest armies on Earth and driving the Greeks from the area. When the group was looking for light in the Temple, they found only a one-day supply of olive oil left from the Greeks. Miraculously, this amount lasted for eight days (http://www.chabad. org/). After the victory, the Jews decided to celebrate Chanukah (Hanukkah) on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev. It lasts for eight days; one candle is lit on the first night, and then for each night, another candle is lit. This time period is

primarily in December. Also celebrated in December is Christmas. “Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God” (http://www. whychristmas.com/customs/25th.shtml). Christians believed it was a miracle that God sent his son into the world for them 2000 years ago, but no one really knows why Christmas is celebrated on the Dec. 25. The date of Jesus’ birthday

is not known for sure. Along with Hanukkah and Christmas, Kwanzaa is also celebrated in December. Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival that celebrates African and African American culture and history. Kwanzaa takes place from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 (http://www. whychristmas.com/customs/kwanzaa. shtml). Each night a candle is lit until all seven candles are burning. As society advances, people do not

appreciate the holidays like they once did, including birthdays. This could be because most birthdays do not seem to be as important when people get older. Every decade is considered the most important, along with the ages of 18 and 21. Plus, once people get employed, occasionally they have to work on their birthday or the holidays. In that case, they are not able to take part in holiday activities.

Students get creative with ugly Christmas sweater ideas by Eli Laird staff writer

hristmas is just around the corner. Lights are illuminating streets and presents are being wrapped. Perhaps one of the most popular Christmas traditions is the ugly sweater. This ‘beauty’ is worn to parties, family gatherings, and even dances. Unlike most apparel, these are supposed to be as hideous as possible. There are many opinions on what makes a Christmas sweater ugly. “I like things that dangle and pop off of it,” said Kayla Neigenfind. She believes it is best to attach objects to the sweater. This creates a 3D appearance that catches the eye. Others think that using recent trends is the key to forming the ultimate ugly sweater. Dray Podlena talked about the re-

cently popular dance move, the dab, “A sweater with Santa dabbing would be the ugliest.” There are also a handful of people who believe all Christmas sweaters are horrid. Chantz Barta is a perfect example of this, saying, “Any Christmas sweater is an ugly sweater.” Everyone’s definition of ugly is different, which is why during this holiday season, expect to see some pretty crazy designs. Websites like Pinterest provide thousands of diverse ideas. That, however, does not stop friendly debates which are sure to create competition for the ugliest sweater. This competition, as pointless as it may seem, has become an integral part of the growing tradition. Wearing the sweater has turned out to be a fun and simple activity that sparks conversation and holiday spirit.

Tonight’s the night...

wear your Christmas sweater to the game and the dance!





page design by jacob busey

Holiday Grams Lizzie Van Dyke Lizzie Van Dyke Thanks for always being there for me. You have always been my best friend. I hope you get everything you asked for on Christmas!

Mom Heather Gillaspie MERRY CHRISTMAS ANGELA! Can’t wait to watch movies with you all winter break! Love you!

My Residents Jennifer Howard Happy Holidays to all the residents at Homestead of Topeka.

Audrey Van Dyke Natalie Brodine I hope you get all the Kylie Jenner lip kits you want! Merry Christmas!

Noah Carlson Tatum Carlson You are the best bro ever! Just wait to see what I got you for Chrsitmas...

Mom Alexa Walker I cant wait to spend all winter break watching old Christmas movies like Rudolph and It’s a Wonderful Life. Save me some cookies though.

Mrs. Stanley Ayden Harman Thanks for being such a nice teacher. I really enjoy your class and I’m looking forward it next semester. Have a Merry Christmas!

FFA Members and Officers Ms. VanGordon Happy Holidays to all my FFA kids!

Merry Christmas from the Clipper Staff! Features


page design by: roland westling

Clubs spread help the community get into the christmas spirit by Roland Westling staff writer

With Christmas around the corner SHS clubs are working to give back to the community in festive ways. Several different organizations are giving back to the community in their own way this holiday season. National Honor Society is one of these organizations. They have an annual tradition of adopting lower income children and helping to make their Christmas much more pleasant by breaking into groups and purchasing gifts for the children. “This year we adopted 10 kids; five boys, and five girls. Each child receives gifts based on their needs and wants, which will generally include several toys in which they expressed interest in, along with several clothing items,” said NHS president Katie McLaughlin. All of the members of NHS break into smaller groups and pool their money together in order to purchase gifts that lower income children have requested. “My favorite part about adoptions is going shopping for the kids! I find it super fun picking out toys for people,” said

Key club members display this year’s 12 Days of Christmas themed tree at the Expcentre. The proceeds went to Sheltered Living Inc. (Photot by Mr. Crome). McLaughlin. Another organization that has a tradition of bringing Christmas cheer to lower income individuals are the Spanish classes of Mrs. Lisa Martinez. “My favorite part of this event is that the classes compete against each other to see who raises the most money, but

we don’t know which class has what amount until the last day, and then we are able to see and make our final contributions,” said senior Maria Grimes. “We try to raise at least $10 a class, but if you have people like Nic Flores who is awesome, then the expectations are much higher,” said Grimes.



Interact club is another organization that provides the community with charitable contributions during the holiday season. “For Christmas we offer opportunities to volunteer at TPAC to help with the gingerbread house building event. My favorite part about building the gingerbread houses is giving back to the community and spreading Christmas cheer among the youth,” said Interact Vice President Noah Siebert. Key club works to help the community by decorating and selling a Christmas tree each year. “Normally, Key Club adopts a family through God’s storehouse and participate in the festival of trees, where we set up a themed Christmas tree at the Expocentre. The proceeds from the festival go towards Sheltered Living Inc,” said vice president of Key Club Madison Russell. A large part of the event is deciding which design the organization will use to decorate the tree. “My favorite part is being on the festival of trees committee, which is when we get to decide what our tree will look like: this year it was 12 days of christmas,” said Russell.

Students prepare to drive in winter weather by Jacob Busey staff writer Winter is approaching and that means there are students driving to and from school for the first time on the icy roads. Experienced drivers are cautious but comfortable driving in the winter but that isn’t the same for new drivers. “I’m nervous to drive in the winter, because sometimes it’s scary to drive when the roads are slick. So yeah, I think I’d benefit from a winter driving class,” said Jaidyn Yingling. A poll was taken for sophomore students and information was gathered about their feelings and knowledge about winter driving. Out of 94 sophomores, 49 percent of them thought they would benefit from a driver’s education course,’ 34 percent said they would somewhat benefit from it, and 17 percent said they wouldn’t benefit from one. “Driving in the winter scares me. It’s nerve wracking driving to school for the first time, in the winter especially, since

Seaman students have died in the winter. Driving on ice isn’t comforting either. I think winter drivers ed would be beneficial for new driving sophomores,” said Regan Bond. Ninty one percent of the interviewed students said they know who to contact in case of an emergency on the road. Sixty six percent said they knew what to do if their car starts to slip and slide on the icy roads. Only 50 percent of the sophomores know how to put in antifreeze. Mixed responses from the students show the variety of preparation and winter driving knowledge. “I’m not scared for winter driving. I mean I do drive a racecar so there’s really no need to be,” said Cooper Smith “I think students would benefit from driving in the ice and snow by practicing in the school parking lot. Kids can come with their parents to the parking lot and they can learn. They can learn to not slam on the brakes, and accidentally swerve into things,” said Mr Tinsley, Drivers Ed teacher.

Winterize your car: check fluids, brakes, tire pressure and tread. Keep an eye on the forecast. Slow down. Properly inflate tires. Remove snow and ice from windshield, car body and lights. Do not use cruise control. Keep your gas tank full. Take extra care on bridges and ramps. THINGS TO SHARE AND REMEMBER.com

“Yes, I do think that students would benefit from a winter driving program of sorts. Unfortunately, school resources are lacking as of right now to run and produce a winter driver’s education class,” said Tinsley.

“Some tips I have for first time winter drivers driving alone would be to give yourself more time to get from one place to another, have necessary supplies in your vehicle and increase following distance behind other vehicles,” said Tinsley.





page design by sophie darting

Senior year filled with unexpected expenses

Internships provide knowledge

Seniors use different methods to choose majors

by Sophie Darting staff writer Senior year is the most exciting year of high school. It is also the most expensive. Over the course of the school year, high school seniors dish out anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 according to a new study by the Newark New Jersey Star Ledger. From senior pictures to college applications and visits, to prom and graduation parties, all of these things add up. Some students spend anywhere from $40 to $600 on senior pictures alone, according to consumerist.com. “Senior year is quite a bit more expensive than other years, especially if you take college classes because of books and tuition, but there are ways to reduce that through buying used books or renting them from other people,” says senior Andrew Gill. “Senior pictures are going to be expensive no matter what, but there are cheaper options; independent photographers, for example, like Tyler Lynn’s mom, Amy Sweeny, who took mine.” Other options to making senior year more affordable include renting a prom dress, having a graduation party at home, or having family members do prom hair and makeup. Senior year is full of lots of decisions about the future and those are expensive. College visits and applications alone can cost hundreds of dollars. One way to cut back on college visits is to only visit the top schools on the list and to visit more than one college at a time or to do an online visit. “So far this year, I have spent way more money than I know,” says senior Ashley Pippin. “I have spent a lot of money and time on college applications and visits.” Every college application has to include a fee which can range from $30 to $90. College classes through Washburn, at the high school, also cost money. The average fee is around $135 a credit hour. “I know that it seems like you are spending a lot of money, but you have to look at what is happening for you in the long run,” says counselor Steve Alexander. “The same class that you are paying for here is half price than it would be in college. You have to think of the big picture. Juniors, during the spring you need to visit those colleges that you think that you are interested so that when you are applying, you can eliminate the colleges that you don’t want to go to. You need to get to the campus and see how it feels before you apply to that school, in my opinion.” There are some expenses that are not mandatory and could be cut in order to make senior year more affordable. These include school dances, athletic events, school clubs, class rings, and the yearbook.


by Lauren West staff writer

“Overall there are a lot more costs involved that aren’t all completely necessary, but are in my opinion important to have a positive high school experience,” says Gill. Graduation can be a very hefty price with the expense of parties, invitations, tassels, cap and gown, and food for the parties. In order to cut back on the cost of graduation, try to make the food for the party, make invitations, or borrow a cap and gown from an older family member or friend. “As far as the senior graduation stuff, you don’t need to have every article of clothing that says ‘Senior 2017’ that they offer because after this year is over, you probably won’t ever wear it again,” says Alexander. “Sometimes students get wrapped up in needing to buy a package but you need to understand that you don’t need to do that. Boys, don’t have a girlfriend because it will make it that much more expensive.”

Every year, seniors have to make the hard decision that could change their future. While choosing a major can be time consuming and stressful, some students have known what they want to do for a while. Some students think about who they want to be like when deciding a major. “I decided I wanted to go into elementary education because I want to have the same impact on students that my teachers had on me in elementary school,” said Kylie Cox. “My ninth grade biology teacher, Mrs. Popescu, ignited my love for biology,” exclaimed Katie McLaughlin. Teachers can have an impact on students and their decision. Students turn to classes they like to help themselves decide a major. Maria Grimes explained, “I chose my major based on a couple classes that I took throughout high school. My trip to DC also helped me decide that I want to major in political science.” “I took the web design class here and I decided that is what I wanted to do with my life,” said Lauren Wools. High school classes can be a big influence on what students are passionate about. They provide plenty of opportunities for students to explore their likes and dislikes. The high school’s unique internship program is a great way for students to find what they want to do with their life. “I have always wanted to work with babies, so I decided I want to become a midwife especially after my internship at the St. Francis Women’s Center,” explained Lexi Heydenreich. Students look at different aspects of their future life to decide what is right for them. Seniors must decide what is important to them when deciding their major. “I had two options in mind. I just picked which one I thought would make me the most money in the future,” explained Bailey Stattelman. John Baeten said, “I made sure that I love what I’m going to major in. That’s the main priority.”

page design by: stone brackett

Wrapping lights around the world; Exchange students celebrate Christmas

We have every Sunday in December before Christmas an advent where we burn a candle.

-Carla Heineck

We have a Christmas lunch. After Christmas lunch, Santa Claus comes and we open the gifts.

-Simone Canu

We usually decorate the Christmas tree a few weeks before Christmas and buy presents early because it gets me into the Christmas spirit.

“ “

” ” ”

-Maja Bergstrom

Here, we might have snow. We normally don’t have snow for Christmas -Sara Derottia

I celebrate Christmas at home, but actually most of us are not Christian.

-Anne Wei




Student attends school in Germany by Mercedes Scarbrough staff writer Although many students have not been out of Kansas, even more students have not been out of the country. Rae Conaway has been one of the few who has chosen to live a new life in Germany. Rae is living in one of the bigger villages with 4,000 residents. It has already snowed on multiple occasions, and seasons come and go much quicker there. Her school is located in the city of Duderstadt, and it has one of the oldest town halls in Germany. Rae attends a school known as Gymnasium, which is one out of three different schools, you can go to from 5th until 12th grade. While at Seaman, she had six minute passing periods, in Germany, she is able to stay home if the teacher is unable to attend. “The breaks, I find so much nicer, and you can go outside and walk with your friends 15-40 minutes depending on which break and what time. There are no substitute teachers that are set up if a teacher is gone either. You will not have class, and you can either go home or wait and do homework, go to the city or just relax with friends.” Students at Gymnasium have been learning physics, biology, and chemistry since the 5th grade. Rae has had a difficult time adjusting to the way students have been taught. “This has been very hard for me because I have never had chemistry or physics, and suddenly I am put into a class that is on their 6th year.” Rae has seen some of the bigger cities such as Hamburg and Hannover. Many of the houses are lopsided or crooked because many of them were built in the 1600s. “I find the architecture very astonishing and beautiful, especially in the older parts of all cities.” Rae has had an amazing experience, but she has also faced many challenges as being a foreign exchange student. She has faced adapting to her new host family and their family traditions along with the community around her. There are many aspects of the American lifestyle that Germany does not take part in that Rae misses most from being away from home. Simple things such as fast food restaurants and seeing pictures of her friends back home is what makes

Rae Conaway attends a Weihnachtsmark in Duderstadt, Germany. (Photo provided by Rae Conaway)

her miss home the most. She has experienced many different opportunities that other students may not have had the chance to do. Her experiences have taught her many life lessons and memories while being in Germany. “I know what I did with becoming an exchange student and representing America to my best ability has definitely made me a better person, and I feel much more open-hearted and accepting. Germany is definitely my dream come true. It is like a home away from home, and with that being said, I am loving all the aspects.” Rae is part of a program called Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX). This program only deals with Germany and the United States although students are not required to know any German before applying. The application for the program opens every fall and students are required to fill out a form and submit it online. When the form is submitted, they begin to take online classes to learn the basics of the German language. Students may also need to do an in-person interview or on the phone to see if they make the initial cut to make the trip to Germany. Students who are looking for information on how to become foreign exchange students visit http://www.us-





page design by kennedy mirowski

Washburn Tech, internship programs continue to grow, succeed by Lauren West staff writer Every semester, juniors and seniors make the decision to join Washburn Tech. This semester, 30 people are going to their first semester of Washburn Tech. Next semester, there are 13 people in their second semester of the program. Students continue to enroll in the program for multiple reasons. “A lot of people go to Washburn Tech for really specific reasons,” said counselor Steve Alexander. “If you don’t want a four-year degree, you can go to Washburn Tech and finish your certificate, and then go to Washburn and get an associates degree in one year. At 19 years old, you can have an employable degree, and it’s half-price.” While Washburn Tech is a great oppor-

At 19 years old, you can have an EMPLOYABLE degree, and it’s HALF-PRICE.” Counselor Steve Alexander

tunity for some students, the internship program may be better suited for others. The program is a unique way for students to explore possible careers. This semester, there are 45 students in the internship program, next semester, there are 43. Students continue to use the program to their advantage. “The internship program is great for people who think they know what they want to do out of high school. That way

before they lock in money with a certain major, they can really know if they like it or not,” said Alexander. The internship program is currently in its 5th year. Every passing year, more students decide to pursue the program. “The first year, there were probably 1012 students each semester. The last two years, there has been 20-30 students each semester. This year, we have over 80 for the whole year,” explained Alex-

ander. These programs continue to aid students and present opportunities not offered at other schools. Every year, the programs gain more students who are passionate about what they are doing. “The programs kind of sell themselves, it gives seniors a chance to do something more meaningful and different,” said Alexander.

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page design by shyanne osterhaus



Safe Haven law in Kansas influenced by senior’s adoption by Shyanne Osterhaus

editor in chief

For over a decade in Kansas a law known as the Safe Haven law has been in tact. The Safe Haven law states that distressed parents who cannot care for their child can give up custody of their baby without any questions asked as long as they take them to one of the listed “havens” that each individual state provides. In Kansas, children can be up to 45 days old at the time of custody surrender. One of the influences of this law being voted into effect in Kansas comes from the adoption of senior Matt Christman. “Before my adoption, once you had a child if you didn’t want it or couldn’t care for it, you had to take it to an adoption center or a foster family with a bunch of paperwork in order to put it up for adoption,” Christman says. “My scenario influenced it by allowing an amendment that now lets you drop a baby off at a hospital, police station, fire station and some church establishments.” Other Safe Haven locations in Kansas include local city and county health de-

partments. According to fusion.net, approximately 3,000 babies have been relinquished under this law within the last decade. “I think this has stopped a lot of infant deaths and abortions,” Christman said. “Many young teens who got pregnant didn’t want people to know about the pregnancy, and because of that many infants were left in dumpsters and other places to die.” This law gives struggling parents a sense of anonymity when it comes to putting their baby up for adopting. As long as the child is under 45 days old and has not suffered abuse or sickness, the parent can leave the child without filling out any adoption paperwork and without any other obligations. “I believe that after this amendment more people would have kept their babies alive since they have an under-thetable option to put them up for adoption without a lot of public knowledge,” Christman says. The Safe Haven law has been in effect in 41 states including Kansas since 2003 and has been a law in every state since 2008 (religioustolerance.org).




In Kansas, parents have 45 days after the birth of their child to surrender custody, which can be done at some hospitals, fire departments and a few other similar locations.

New science classes, opportunities to be incorporated next year by Kyser Dougan social media editor

Students need

science credits to graduate

Students interested in medicine will have another great opportunity next year. Biomedical field classes, called Human Body System, will be added to the science courses currently available. The school will add one of these classes next year and another one the year after with the goal of eventually having four of these classes. Science teacher Cassie Geis will be attending a two-week training class at KU med over the summer. She says, “This training will allow me to experience aspects

of medical careers that many of my students are interested in. I look forward to sharing the knowledge with them.” In each of these classes students will first learn about all the human systems with the goal of being able to diagnose patients based upon the symptoms. The students also learn how the body is affected by the disease and the complexities with it. Geis says, “Students [will] apply their knowledge into real-world scenarios and case studies.” Assistant Principal Lee Schmidt says, “We want to give students every opportunity to be successful post-secondary, and these [classes] will give students an

advantage on other kids going into the same field.” Students will still be required to take either chemistry or physics to get into a regent school. Due to the agriculture department offering the horticulture course the science department will drop botany next year due to the similarities. The science department will add environment science. Geis says this class “will educate students on what it means to be green, environmentally conscious and how human actions are impacting our environment.”





page design by lauren west

Seminar lessons teach, reassure students

Schoology, 1:1 changes finals

by Kennedy Mirowski business/ad manager

by Shyanne Osterhaus editor in chief

Seaman students are required to listen to seminar lessons to support the new 1:1 initiative. The goal is to teach students more about using their device for learning, maintaining the quality of their device and emphasizing the importance of practicing digital citizenship. “The lessons benefit the students because they provide the opportunity to learn more about organization and how to use their device to stay positively engaged in the learning process. They also teach students important, lifelong lessons about digital citizenship,” says Brooke Ralph, the Apple professional trainer and iCoach. Not only do these seminar lessons give students information, but they also help to maintain the quality of the computers themselves. “The lessons benefit the computers, because we hope that students take good care of their devices and follow procedures to help maintain the quality of these amazing devices that have so much potential for enhancing an educational experience,” says Ralph. While these seminar lessons may be beneficial, some students dislike them because of the time that is taken up during seminar that they could be using for more productive purposes. “I don’t really like some of them because so far, I already know how to do everything it teaches us. Also, they take up more of seminar time that I could be using for my homework,” says senior Taylor Stirton. Ms. Averill disagrees. “I think the seminar lessons are a great way to ensure that all students have relevant information and methods available to them so they can effectively use their devices. I think it’s cool that teachers come together to make sure that students are taken care of as much as possible; I like seeing that happen.” In addition, Ms. Averill also addresses the criticisms regarding redundancy of the lessons. “I think you would be surprised of how many students don’t have the privileges many students have, have never touched a computer before, and really appreciate all of the support that is available.”

The 1:1 program has brought new ideas and systems of classroom learning, but in addition it is changing the way teachers go about giving their class finals. The typical final usually consists of a multiple choice test using a SCANTRON, but a number of teachers are moving away from that and on to Schoology-based finals. Schoology gives teachers the ability to have the tests graded as soon as the students finish. Also, if the teacher allows it, the test can give immediate feedback to the students so they automatically know their scores and do not have to wait. It also widens the realm of project finals with tools like discussion boards possible through the site. “My final is going to be a portfolio now, versus a test,” freshman biology teacher Mrs. Jessica Popescu says. “The students will submit proof that they understand certain concepts in any format they like through Schoology.” Teachers have had the option to take classes on how to improve their finals using Schoology. These classes explained how to incorporate videos and pictures more easily, and students can even record information to submit as part of their final projects. “Teachers have the opportunity to take mini courses to continue building on their knowledge of Schoology as part of our staff professional development plan,” instructional coach Brooke Ralph says. “There are so many options within using the Test/Quiz feature on Schoology to meet varying instructional and assessment needs of any classroom.” While some teachers are still going to stick with the traditional pencil and paper test, most teachers are sending their finals into the digital age. Having Schoology as a resource also makes it easier for students to submit digital final projects, and it makes grading more convenient for the teachers as well. “Fifty percent will be using schoology as a way to deliver their final exam,” Principal Mike Monaghan says. “It really is a nice technology.”


Online books cause controvery; students want physical copies of books back

by Lauren West staff writer With the new 1:1 initiative, some teachers have replaced their books with digital copies. The students reactions have been mostly negative. Jenna Wilson said, “I don’t like reading digital books because the light gives me headaches and makes me dizzy.” Reading online is known to cause eye problems. According to the Washington Post, eye fatigue, dry eyes, and sensitivity are common problems when reading on a computer. And being a person who is prone to getting headaches, reading on a computer screen definitely does not help my cause. With physical books, it’s easy to lounge around and get into a comfy position. But with a laptop, it’s hard to be comfortable when reading. You can basically only sit up straight and read, or lay on your stomach...that’s it. When I read, I like to lay in the most comfortable position possible, and sitting up straight is not my preferred reading position. Madison Dean said, “I’d rather feel the book in my hand.” Another problem I have with the digital books is that laptops are not easy to bring other places. They are bulky, always have to be charged, and breakable. With a physical copy of a book, it’s super easy to carry it around and read it on the go. You


don’t have to charge it or worry about dropping it. Overall, it’s just more practical for everyday life. There is a simple solution to this problem. Just keep the physical copies of the books. Most students would gladly take the real book over an online copy.

I don’t like reading digital books because the light gives me HEADACHES and makes me dizzy. - Jenna Wilson


page design by sophie darting

Online shopping more popular among students

Reality TV puts distorted picture about love in teen girls’ minds



ing people, not for women to form their idea of love around their premiss. Girls, the probability of you appearing on one of these shows or experiencing a “love” that glamorous is very small. It just doesn’t happen. So take the remote and change the channel, and form your idea of love based on more realistic situations.

by Sophie Darting staff writer

by Shyanne Osterhaus editor in chief

Instead of facing the bad weather and going out into the cold to go Christmas shopping, cuddle up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and purchase the presents from the comfort of your home. Online shopping is more fun and far more convenient than going to the actual store for a variety of reasons. When something is purchased online, it is like buying it twice. The best part of purchasing something online is when it come in the mail, it is easy to forget that it was on the way and once it has arrived, it is a nice surprise. “I usually online shop about two times a week,” says senior Katie McLaughlin. “I do find it addicting because I love to get packages in the mail.” It is much easier to shop online because the stores never close, there are no crowds to be dealt with, and there is never a line for checkout. “I basically online shop everyday, I just don’t buy things every time,” says senior Ashley Pippin. “It is extremely addicting, and I like it better than going into the store because I don’t have to deal with people and I spend less money on things because I am not sure how it will fit or I am not sure if I will like it.” It is extremely nice to not have to worry about stores closing whilst you’re in the middle of shopping. Any time of the day or night that you feel like shopping, you can online. There is also more of a variety in the online stores and there are many more sales. Almost every size is available online, and you rarely have to worry about items selling out. Believe it or not, you can actually save money when you shop online. When going to the actual store, there are some additional costs such as parking, food, and transport. There are also much better bargains online than there are in the store. “I shop online when I am too lazy to go to the store, I am bored, or there are good online sales,” says senior Melissa Bryan. “Sometimes I like going to the store better because I can try things on in person, but the internet is definitely easier and has way more options.”

Picture this, ladies: you’re standing on the roof of a five-star hotel in a flashy, multi-hundred dollar dress, when a helicopter lands near you and your dream guy walks out. He whisks you away on a sunset tour of the best views in California, only to land an hour later and be welcomed by an expensive dinner in an exclusive location. Unlikely. Teenaged girls often have a distorted look at reality. We can credit this confusion to TV shows like “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette,” which is where intricate dates like the one detailed above take place. Reality TV shows such as those cause younger girls to have high expectations for love. With expectations

The love that is portrayed on reality TV is ENTIRELY UNATTAINABLE and is achieved in a matter of just SECONDS, so for somebody ikeme or anybody, it is not possible to have a reality TV kind of relationship. - Caitlyn Charity

so high, girls are often disappointed when their experience with love doesn’t live up to their fairytale dreams. They paint love as being showered with pricey dates and giant bouquets of roses. Teenaged girls can’t wrap their heads around the fact that that is not what love is. “Reality TV shows put a disoriented picture of what love is in girls’ minds,” sophomore Caitlyn Charity says. “The love that is portrayed on reality TV is entirely unattainable and is achieved in a matter of just seconds, so for somebody like me or anybody, it is not possible to have a reality TV kind of relationship.” TV shows like “The Bachelorette” are simply just that: shows. They are made on the basis of entertain-



the Seaman



EDITOR Shyanne Osterhaus BUSINESS/AD MANAGERS Kennedy Mirowski Bethany Piel SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Kyser Dougan SOCIAL MEDIA CREW Elijah Laird Jacob Wildeman STAFF WRITERS Stone Brackett Jacob Busey Tatum Carlson Bailey Chinn Sophie Darting Kyser Dougan Elijah Laird Kennedy Mirowski Bethany Piel Mercedes Scarbrough Lauren West Roland Westling Jacob Wildeman ADVISER Kelly Neiman

To submit a letter to the editor, the letter must be 300 words or less in length. All correspondence must be signed. The goal of the staff is to report school and community news and suggest ideas for improvement. We welcome your opinions and will do our best to publish what you have to say. Views in this newsmagazine do not always represent those of the faculty or school board of U.S.D. 345. The Clipper reserves the right to edit or refuse publication of material that is libelous, obscene, invading privacy, infringing on copyright or disruptive to the educational process of Seaman High School.

@seamannews @seamansports

page design by bailey chinn

‘PAWS’itive side effects

Pets provide health benefits, happiness to owners by Shyanne Osterhaus editor in chief

Pets Provide Happiness for Their Owners

Every day when I arrive home from school or work, I am greeted at the door by a four-legged, ten pound ball of energy, jumping with happiness and yelping, excited for the attention she is about to get. Not only does it make my dog happy when I come home for the day, but it makes me happy as well, because now I am able to curl up on the couch with my pooch and relax after a long day. I truly believe having a dog (or a cat) in your life makes you a happier person. Dogs generally radiate happiness, just because of the fact that dogs get excited over the littlest things and will love you unconditionally. “Dogs are best friends forever,” senior Madison Russell says. “Whenever I’m sad, my dog is there. Whenever I’m in need of company to watch Harry Potter with, my dog is there. It all goes back to my dog.”

Love you unconditionally Provide physical activity Less depression Are adorable In addition to making you happier, owning a dog can make you healthier too. Dogs need to be walked, and harnessing your canine up and leading him out onto the streets means you’re getting a walk in as well, increasing your physical activity. Dogs or cats can also be a cure for loneliness, especially for elderly people who have lost their spouse.

According to Huffington Post, studies have shown that in people 60 years of age and older, pet owners were four times less likely to be diagnosed as clinically depressed. Dogs help their owners appreciate the simpler things in life. Occasionally I will go out in the backyard with my beagle puppy and throw a ball for her, or watch her as she sniffs around. It makes me appreciate the fact that my dog is so content on living her life with her owners, because all she cares about is loving me and my family. Dogs make people happier. Dogs make you enjoy cleaning up their messes because their cute apologetic face will be staring back at you the whole time. So go home, pet your dog, give it an extra treat or a new toy. Because dogs love us, and they affect our emotions more than one can imagine. “Dogs love everyone,” Russell says. “If you feel like you don’t have any friends, you do, and that friend is a dog.”

Expectations of high school students becoming overwhelming by Bailey Chinn staff writer

Even in high school, students are expected to be able to balance several different obstacles at once. These expectations can come from anyone. First of all, students are expected to earn good grades. Parents do not understand how difficult it is to manage time while attending school. After going to school for seven hours, students receive piles of homework. Teachers expect their students to do all of their assigned homework, when students also get homework from other teachers. Outside of school, students are expected to play a sport or be active. Since they are still young, they should be active. If they are not a part of a sport, they are expected to have a job. This job is to help a teen become responsible or earn money for college. After a long day of school, going to practice or working, and then finishing hours of homework, students are ex-

pected to get enough sleep at night. “Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night to function best. Most teens do not get enough sleep — one study found that only 15 percent reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on school nights.” (https://sleepfoundation.org) It is difficult to get the correct amount of sleep at night because of all the other activities students have to do. Senior Madison Russell says, “Almost every morning I have a club or something I have to go to. During the day I have honors classes and an internship. After school, I go to work, and then after that I do homework and sometimes have other activities. Whenever we have a break, we have something due after that and it’s stressful.” Along with getting enough sleep during the night, teenagers should be eating healthy as well. With all the activities going on throughout the week, sometimes it is easier to grab a bite to eat from McDonald’s. Nowadays going out to eat is a fun activity to do with friends, which is not typically healthy.

Students are also expected to have a social life. Going out with friends and attending the high school basketball games are a must in high school. Time management is difficult. Parents expect their children to spend time with them as well during the student’s busiest schedules. At home, there are also chores for them to do. Seniors in high school are expected to know what they want to do with their life. This seems like a life or death decision because now whomever students tell their decision to will expect them to follow through with it. These expectations are contradicting because elders think that teenagers are not that responsible. Their stereotype of teenagers is that they are not responsible, and they are not mature, but elders expect them to have their life straightened out. High school students may have all of the listed expectations for themselves. “I think that if you have big expectations for yourself, you have to work hard and it’s rewarding,” says Madison.



page design by jacob busey



Wrestlers lose weight to gain advantage for competition by Lauren West staff writer

When most people think of losing weight, they think of it as a way to look better or get their desired body. But that’s not the only reason to lose weight. It is also a key factor in wrestling. This practice has gained a bad reputation, but wrestlers count on their weight loss to be more successful during the wrestling season. “There are weight classes in wrestling, so by virtue, you have to fit into one of those weight classes,” said wrestling coach Patrick Kelly. Junior wrestler Dray Podlena said, “I lose weight so that I can wrestle people in the weight class below me.” While losing weight, the wrestlers keep to a strict diet to stay on schedule. The athletes keep track of everything they consume in a day to make sure that they are losing the right amount of weight. “I usually eat 1000 calories a day or less and the meals consist of fruit, vegetables, and protein,” said Podlena. By sticking to these diets, wrestlers can keep track of how much weight they should be losing per week. During the process, the athletes can see the impacts cutting weight has on

their bodies. “I experience fatigue and my stomach hurts,” said junior wrestler, Kolton Meditz. “I feel a little weaker and I get grumpy and sluggish. But I always get stronger once I weigh in because I gain weight after it,” said Podlena. Throughout the years, this practice has been a concern to wrestling fans. Rules and regulations make sure that the athletes are losing weight in a safe way. “Each wrestler has an alpha weight, that tells you what your hydrated weight is. Regulations say that you can’t lose more than 8 percent of that alpha weight. So calculate the lowest weight class for each wrestler based on their alpha weight. There are safeguards in place to make sure that the kids are safe,” said Coach Kelly. Some wrestlers are tired of hearing the negative comments that people have about weight cutting. Good nutritional habits and an active lifestyle can be a positive effect of the practice. “I had a friend in high school who went from 210 pounds to 167 so he could make it in his weight class. It sounds bad, but by doing this he adapted a way healthier lifestyle. He started running

Dray Podlena takes on his opponent from Gardner-Edgerton. Podlena is one of the wrestlers who is cutting weight. He wrestles in the 126 lb weight class after starting at 134 lbs.

and getting good habits. We don’t hear enough of these stories,” said Coach Kelly. Every sport has its challenges, but losing weight is a unique factor of wrestling. Even with this challenge, the athletes still remain positive and continue to

wrestle. “I’ve been wrestling since I was 5. I’ve always had to lose weight for it. I have goals and I want to make it to state since I couldn’t last year because of an injury. Wrestling is always on my mind,” said Podlena. “I just love the sport,” said Meditz.


Domestic violence penalties too lenient on professional athletes by Sophie Darting staff writer When a famous football player is caught, on video, beating up his fiancee and knocking her unconscious in an elevator, he receives anger management classes and a slap on the wrist. This is what happened to Baltimore Ravens’ running back Ray Rice in February of 2014 and what continues to happen to a vast majority of famous athletes who are accused of domestic violence. Over the past several years, there has been an increase in domestic violence in the NBA, NFL, and MLB. The justice system fails to punish most professional athletes that are ac-

cused of domestic violence. A writer for Harvard Law School Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law, Bethany P. Withers, put together a review of 64 reported domestic violence and sexual assault incidents committed by athletes in MLB, the NFL, and the NBA from January of 2010 to December of 2014. Only one of the 64 allegations resulted in conviction for the alleged crime. In December, Chicago Cubs’ pitcher Aroldis Chapman allegedly choked his girlfriend, pushed her into a wall and fired a gun in her direction eight times. Sacramento Kings’ Darren Collison plead guilty after a May incident involving his wife and was convicted, but he still only missed eight days of the regu-

lar season. The punishment for domestic violence should be much more severe than it is. As of right now in MLB, the Commissioner of MLB decides the punishment, with no minimum or maximum punishment. This is unfair because if the player is an All-Star, he usually gets off with a shorter punishment and is not penalized for his actions. “It is definitely frustrating because they are celebrities, so they think they can get away with anything,” says sophomore Gabe Porras. “They need to be role models for kids, and they are just teaching them that they can beat up women.” When famous athletes abuse the women closest to them, they are teach-

ing the children that look up to them that it is acceptable to use violence whenever you get angry. It is wrong that the punishment is maybe an eight-game suspension and a small fine. Just because the athlete is talented doesn’t mean that he should be able to get off that easy. Using violence against a woman is a serious crime, and it should have a much harsher punishment. The only way for them to learn that the kind of behavior that they are exhibiting is wrong is to punish them by taking away the things they love most; their jobs and money. They should be suspended for at least a portion of the season, and they should also be fined.





page design by shyanne osterhaus and bethany piel

Podlena receives life-changing opportunity by Sophie Darting staff writer

Senior Dawson Podlena received a lifechanging phone call on Dec. 3 after one of his wrestling meets. He had been accepted into the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Earlier this year, after attending the Naval Academy summer seminar, Podlena applied to the academy. The acceptance rate of the Naval Academy is a startling nine percent and being accepted is a very prestigious honor. Podlena’s wrestling coach for the past four years was not surprised that he was accepted. “I am very proud. I am not surprised that he got in, though,” says Patrick Kelly. “When I looked at his body of work that he had put together, and I had to write him a letter of recommendation, you look at him and you think ‘how can this kid not get in?’” Podlena first learned about the academy through one of his cross country coaches, who sent him a letter during his sophomore year. “I didn’t know anything about the academy, so when my coach gave me the letter, I looked into it and didn’t know any of the benefits or anything,” says Podlena. “A former wrestler at Seaman, Jason McGinty, talked to some of the wrestlers about it. I then visited the campus a couple of times, once for the Naval Academy summer seminar and once as a civilian tour. I loved the campus and the whole environment.” Podlena’s plans for the future are very bright. “I plan on majoring in engineering, and I mean it is an engineering school so it is a great program,” says Podlena. “The academy provides free education and then, once you are out of



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school, you have to serve five years, either in the Navy or Marine Corps. The plan, for right now at least, is for me to be on the cross country team. I was contacted by the coach and nothing is confirmed, but the plan is to run. I am excited to propel myself forward in life. I think that by going to the academy I am going to get better physically but also mentally. While at the academy, I believe that I am getting both sides.” The road ahead is going to be tough, but Kelly is optimistic that Podlena is up for the challenge “Getting the opportunity to be there is one thing. Something like this could set him up for life and it is certainly not going to be easy,” says Kelly. “The expectations are high and as far as the mental and physical challenges, he is very prepared. There is nothing that he wouldn’t be prepared to do. He has this air about him, he is very grounded and handles himself in a very humble way.” As for how Podlena is feeling? He is ready to go. “I am very excited to get up to the academy,” he says. “I know it is going to be challenging but I am ready. The stress is now off and now I just have to get through next semester and I am ready to go.” Podlena reports to the academy at the end of June or beginning of July. “I think that his accomplishment is really a reflection of the Seaman High School community as well as his family,” Kelly reflects. “We can all be proud of what has done and where he is going.”


by Alyssa Flower



Revved up and ready

Moranz prepares for international motocross competition in Denmark

Motocross riding is way more than just riding a bike. There is the roar of the throttle and the roughness of the track. Mud flies by, and there is the encouraging sound of the noisy crowd at the edge of the track. Senior Kevin Moranz knows these sounds all too well as he has been riding motocross as Number 346 for years. He will be experiencing this much more as he continues his motocross journey in Denmark in January. In Denmark, he will race indoor motocross against stiff competition in his quest to reach professional status. “...After I graduate, I’ll probably stay around for a month or two. I’ll leave Jan. 27 and stay there for a couple of weeks,” says Moranz. Even though this time will only be for a few weeks, it should set up opportunities for him to go back for longer periods of time in the future. Though he graduates at semester, he hopes to be back for prom and to walk with his class at graduation in May. His motocross journey began at the age of four after seeing his neighbors race. “When we moved to Topeka when I was three years old, our neighbors [the Temmons] were into it,” he said. That began the interest he and his family have loved for over 13 years. Over the years, Moranz has become very well-trained in motocross. He is doing so well that he won ninth in the nation at the Loretta Lynn AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship in Tennessee last year. “There are people from Denmark, Europe and Italy that come there. You have to go through every qualifier and place top eight, then go to regional and place top six, then the top 42 in the country get to go to this race.” “This year I moved up to the 250B class which is one step under professional level, and I placed ninth overall


RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY... In Denmark, it rains every second day. On average, a year has 171 days with precipitation of no more than of 0.1mm.

WHY IS IT ALWAYS SO WINDY?! There is usually a brisk breeze blowing in Denmark; the average wind speed is 7.6m/sec.

JACKET WEATHER In a year, the average temperature changes from 0° F in January and 16° F in August.

“Follow your HEART. Go after what you WANT. If you put the WORK in, most likely YOU will get something out of it.” - Kevin Moranz

in the nation this year,” said Moranz. Moranz hopes to come back to this race again this year to defend his place as a top racer in the country. To go on his trip to Denmark, Moranz is being sponsored by several people. He knows that this is a wonderful opportunity and is very fortunate to be

able to go. “Very, very few people get to go over there...it’s a really, really big deal, and it attracts a lot of people. It’s a great opportunity to race there,” says Moranz. “There is no way I could do this by myself.”

BRRR!!! The mean temperature in February, the coldest month, is 32° F. In July, the warmest, is 63° F.

WHO'S READY FOR THE BEACH? Denmark has a temperate climate. Westerly winds and by the fact that the country is encircled by water mainly causes why it has a mild climate.

http://www.denmark.net/denmark-guide/climate-denmark/ http://www.denmark.net/denmarkguide/specials/29-little-known-facts-about-denmark/

Photos provided by Kevin Moranz and Sarah Ball Photography





page design by kyser dougan and jacob wildeman

tech town: Sophomore Brianna Vargas tests out a welding simulator during Washburn Tech’s traveling Tech Town. (Photo by Kennedy Boyles) cell center: Freshman Morgyn Chapin displays her cell project in Mrs. Popescu’s annual cell museum. (Photo by Marissa Hales) defense: Freshman Katera Mayfield attempts to block a pass in the girls varsity game against Topeka High. (Photo by Jacob Wildeman)

diving in: Senior Jeremy Wells dives into the pool during the swim team’s first meet at the Topeka West Invitational. (Photo by Torey Moten) pit and pendulum: Freshman math classes test their pit and pendulum project at the Seaman Stadium. (Photo by Lauren Hren)

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