JAYE December 2011

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The 20 People, Places + Things That Shaped 2011 p. 16

jaye because college is more than the classroom

Your Semester’s Over— It’s Time to Party!  142 Stylish Outfit Ideas (Brights! Metallics! Outerwear!)  4 Hairstyles Perfect for Cocktail Season  The Must-Wear Color Guaranteed to Turn Heads

42 Fabulous Gifts Under $100 For Everyone On Your List plus the rise in plagiarism on college campuses

Mani Yarosh The

Bicoastal Beauty on Balancing Academics with Acting

The Cool Girls’ Guide to Tying Up the Year’s Loose Ends

 Relationships  Mind + Body  Personal Growth

Single? Ready to Mingle?

How to Navigate the Social Scene When You’re Rollin’ Solo

Health Alert: The Damaging Behavior Destroying the Lives of Girls Just Like You (p. 50) december 2011

What’s Inside december 2011  volume 2, issue 2



13  Dispatch Sex slavery’s a despairing reality all across the United States 15  Eye on Politics Check out our cheat sheet on the candidates determined to unseat President Obama and occupy the White House 16  News In our 2011 wrapup, we list the 20 people, places and things that shaped this eventful year 18  To the Rescue Have a few minutes to spare this winter break? Spend it with senior citizens and share your holiday cheer 20  Agenda Your culture todo list for December

Style & Beauty Notebook

29  Study Guide Brights abound as the trend to try this holiday season 34  Alyssa’s Look Book Fashion Director Alyssa Davis shows you how to stylishly pile on the layers 36  Runway to JAYE Way

Whether head to toe or in moderation, red is winter’s It color 37  Steal Her Style Get ontrend fashion inspiration from Kate Moss, Elizabeth Olsen and Jordana Brewster 38  Go Buy Now! Oversized shopper totes are all the rage—and our picks are under $200! 40  Cheat Sheet Refer to our pointers for vacaying in both warm and cold destinations 41  News The fashion stories we can’t stop buzzing about, from Gwen Stefani’s new kids line to a look at minorities on the runways! 42  Tricks to Try 11 quick fixes to take into the new year

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Why?

it’s our holiday issue! As you flip through the pages, you’ll find tons of cocktail-ready style and beauty ideas, conversationstarters perfect for when you’re mingling at your job’s party, and smart ways to make the most of your time away from school.


45  Health Strategies Our three-week plan to resting and recharging your body after a grueling semester 48  Healthy Eating Your blueprint to help you watch what you munch on at this year’s parties

Our 80 fashion finds will have

you shining all season long.

On the Cover

Tons of style ideas starting on p. 29! 2  JAYE  // DECEMBER 2011

16  the 20 people, places and things that shaped 2011 23  42 Fabulous Gifts Under $100 For Everyone on Your List 29  142 Stylish Outfit Ideas 36 The Must-Wear Color guaranteed to turns heads 50 The Damaging Behavior Destroying the Lives of Girls Just Like You 62 Single? Ready to Mingle? 74 Cover Girl Mani Yarosh 88 The Rise in Plagiarism on College Campuses 94  4 Hairstyles Perfect for Party Season 98 The Cool Girl’s Guide to Tying Up the Year’s Loose Ends


because college is more than the classroom

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What’s Inside december 2011  volume 2, issue 2


50  Health Bulletin In moderation, alcohol has some benefits, but when used recklessly, the consequences are dire 52  Sexual Responsibility Our three tips will help you avoid creeps while you’re out and about with the girls 54  Health Diary Our health editor realizes that there’s more to being healthy than monitor those numbers on the scale


57  Relationship Bulletin Having trouble with the boyfriend’s other main girl: His mom? We show you how to navigate that complex relationship 60  Couple’s Corner The party invites have been rolling in, but we’ve got some fun alternatives to help you and your man spend some one-on-one time together 62  Single & Satisfied With our guide, you’ll never have to worry about feeling out of place in social settings during cocktail hour 64  60 Seconds With a Cute Guy Our handsome hunk shares his thoughts on love and relationships


67  Money Monitor President Obama’s devised a plan to make paying back our student loan debt easier—we

highlight the key points 70  Social Studies Balancing studying with the end-of-the-semester festivities isn’t always easy, but check out how one editor keeps it together 72  Girl Talk 7 confidence boosters all JAYE girls live by


74  Meet Mani Yarosh! A Balanced State of Mind Our cover girl dishes on how she juggles school with acting auditions, her personal style and where she hopes to be in a few years 80  Swap, Sparkle, Pop! Dressing for party season fun with our mix of casual basics, flashes of color and metallics88  A Cite to See 85 percent of college students say cheating is necessary to get ahead. We take a look at plagiarism and how it’s compromising the academic integrity of colleges across the country 94  ‘Cause We Like to Party! It’s not just about finding the perfect dress— sometimes the just-right hairstyle is the missing link from a complete look. Get inspired by our four faves 98  It’s Not How You Start, But How You Finish Our comprehensive guide to tying up the loose ends of the year


103  Yummy Eats Cookies have always been mainstays as sweet treats during Christmastime—we’ve found three tasty recommendations 106  Thirst Quenchers Having guests over? Whip up one of our holiday-friendly cocktails! (And don’t worry, we’ve got a recipe for the under-21 crew!) 108  Meals of the Month A roundup of three must-eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Our guide 98 will help you cross off your goals just in time for the new year.

the regulars

6  memo from mike 10  answers 23  shopper 110  Till We Meet again Try one of 94 our fresh hairstyles this party season!

This 106 Candy Cane Cooler is 4  JAYE  // NOVEMBER 2011

the ideal Christmas cocktail.


because college is more than the classroom

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 Memo From Mike >> Editor’s Letter

Honesty’s Still the Best Policy A couple of years ago, around

this time during the semester, I pressed “send” on a multipage proposal that, because of the innumerable hours I had invested on it, was sure to cement at least a B in the course. Imagine my discontent when I received an email from my instructor apprising me of the news that he was marking

6  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

an entire letter grade from the paper before even reviewing it. How come? I failed to upload my assignment to Turn It In, the Internet-based “plagiarism detector.”   While at the time I was fuming (mostly at my inability to follow simple policies and procedures), when I sat down at my desk to edit “A Cite to See,” our special report on

plagiarism on p. 88, I realized why my instructor, along with many like him, are so steadfast in their attempts to stymie the cheating epidemic.   What’s intriguing are the complex layers of the troubling trend, including the lines that are blurred by the augmentation of the Internet, making it easier than ever to “borrow” a sentence here or there to bolster your term paper; the theory that there’s “nothing new under the sun,” rendering the reality that students will excerpt chunks of prose to survive the challenges of academia virtually inevitable; and the fact that for every professor like mine who docks letter grades and threatens to turn you into the dean if you don’t Turn It In, there are a host of educators who turn the other way while charlatans walk across the stage, degree in tow. It’s my sincere hope that you sacrifice a few minutes to read and share the piece with your friends and realize taking a shortcut now isn’t worth the consequences that are sure to follow you later.   Once finals are over and the semester’s put to bed, we can turn our focus to the more pleasurable pursuits that come with the holiday season. My editors made it their mission to pack this month’s issue with the fashion (brights work for nights (p. 29, red is the color to rock (p. 36) and we’ve got seven stylish party-outfit ideas on p. 80), beauty (look no further than “’Cause We Like to Party!” on p. 94 for four hairstyles perfect for Christmastime fêtes, and

health (check out our useful nutrition info on the foods that are served at festive feasts on p. 48) intel to make enjoying your winter break easy-breezy.   And finally, what’s Christmas without gifts? Our special Shopper gift guide serves up 42 presents for everyone on your list, from your “oh-sohandsome boyfriend” to your “casual-chic mom”—and everyone in between (as a special bonus: Each of them are under $100).   In the meantime, good luck on those exams—here’s to a smooth end to the term a fruitful (and well-deserved!) respite from lectures and books. Shoot me an email at jayemagmike@gmail.com with the details on how you plan to spend your time off. And as always, have a ball reading the issue!


Michael Jones Editor-in-Chief

Connect with me! Email: jayemagmike@gmail.com  Twitter: @jayemagazine


because college is more than the classroom

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jaye editor-in-chief  Michael Jones executive editor  Jesica Metellus Fashion Director  Alyssa Davis Beauty Director  Jillian Ruffo Executive Articles Editor  Chloe Metzger Features Editor  Amanda Montell News Editor  Ericka Johnson Senior Editor, Sex and Relationships  Evette Dionne Senior Editor, Careers and Personal Finance  Samantha Nisenson Health editor  Megan Elliott Lifestyle Editor  Jill Scherr Associate Editor  Brittney Fennell


Fashion Market Editor  Lauren Welger Accessories Editor  Alexandra Rosenzweig


Executive Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief  Andreana Thomas

visit our website for trends, updates, news and blog posts: jayemagazine.com speak your mind! Send a letter to the editor: jayespeakyourmind@gmail.com follow us at twitter: @JAYEmagazine like us on facebook: JAYE magazine

8  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011


because college is more than the classroom

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 Answers >> Solutions to Life’s Quandaries My ex has begun texting me that he misses me and wants to be with me again. I’ve moved on and have no interest in starting things up again, but I don’t want to hurt him. How can I get him to back off? It’s important to be direct with a nagging ex. If you beat around the bush, he might see only what he wants to see—a possible reconnection. Not saying things outright won’t end the texts, but being too harsh could make things get nasty. Say something like “What we had was great, but it’s in the past. I’m ready for what’s next in my life and I hope you can move forward like I have.” Make it clear that you have moved on and you wish him the best—without you. My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year and I’ve already met his parents, but anytime he has a family get-together, he never asks me to join. What’s the deal? Bringing your significant other to a family function is a big step—even if you’ve been serious for a while. He might be embarrassed of his wacky aunt, or he may be avoiding 21 questions about his love life. He might not even think you’re interested in attending. There are a million different reasons, but you’ll never know until you ask him. Next time a family event comes up, ask him about it and let him know that you would be glad to be his plus one and keep him entertained.

10  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

edited by megan elliott

Don’t let an ex from your past keep you from moving towards future happiness.

I recently scored a really great job opportunity! The only problem is that it is requires me to move across the country—without my boyfriend. Should I take it? There are a lot of important things to look at when making such a big, life-changing decision like this. In your case, you have to choose between your career and your boyfriend. Ask yourself some serious questions: Is this the man you plan on spending the rest of your life with? Would you resent him if it meant giving up your dream job? You shouldn’t be the only one making sacrifices. My BFF always wants to go clubbing, and throws a hissy fit if I don’t go. I need to save my sanity (and my grades)!

How can I let her down easy and save our friendship? As your BFF, she should know and respect that you need to make your own decisions— even if they’re not in her favor. If a friend is constantly pressuring you to go out, sit her down and let her know that you love partying with her, but your grades are starting to suffer. Tell her that you’d be more than happy to spend time with her on the weekends, but the week needs to be reserved for school and daytime activities. Suggest a coffee and shopping day to make up for the fact that you can’t stay out all night on the week days. My little sister just started college and she has begun partying and getting drunk

every weekend. I understand she’s young and having fun, but I’m worried this is getting out of hand. How can I approach her without her shutting down? Older siblings have that protective nature and dealing with alcohol is difficult since it can lead to such extreme consequences. Approach her at a neutral time when the two of you are alone, make some coffee, put on your N’Sync playlist, and reminisce about innocent fun. Remind her that you partied too, but there are repurcussions when alcohol is abused. Share stories of mutual friends’ regrettable experiences and share some of your own. Sometimes putting things in perspective can make a big impact.

>> Have a question? We’ve got an answer! Email us at jayespeakyourmind@gmail.com.


because college is more than the classroom

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because college is more than the classroom

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Cram! Not in My Backyard The Cool Girl’s Cultural Companion

Edited by Ericka johnson


The reality of sex slavery in the United States by ericka johnson

exas, famous for its unique size, history and barbeque ribs, has a blend of South and Southwest culture and prides its self on being a tech hub, housing the headquarters of Dell, Inc and AT&T. This great state, like every other in the United States carries a rich culture and interesting history that entices you to plan trips and conduct research.   There is also another side of Texas that isn’t talked about as frequently as barbequed ribs or football. A quiet but growing problem down south and across the U.S is sex slavery. Defined as the exercise of any or all the powers attached to the “right of ownership” over a person and this includes the repeated violation

or sexual abuse or forcing the victim to provide sexual services as well as the rape by the captor. Human trafficking and sex slavery have been making headlines globally and in our own backyard.   A young Wendy and her friends were brought to America by men that promised the young women work at a textile factory. Wendy left behind her worrying mother, who she reassured that everything would be okay. Wendy left for America that day and wasn’t heard from in six years. Embarking on a journey that intended to make a better path, turned into one of torture. Wendy was beaten and raped and forced to be with an average of ten men a day. She was able to escape her captors, but her other friends were not so lucky and the outcome of their lives is


DECEMBER 2011  //  JAYE  13

 Cram! >> News uncertain.   In Texas, it’s estimated that thousands of girls are being held in cantinas—a location that virtually sells girls and liquor—on the outskirts of Houston. At these locations a man can chose between a beer and a girl. The guy has the option of watching her drink the beer, or joining her for sex—and adding costs to rent a mattress, paper towels and spermicide. The price ranges from $65 to $100 for an hour with a virtual girl.   Selling women and girls comes in second, next to drug trade which is a booming $28 billion year enterprise.   To get involved in your area or to get more information on this epidemic visit www. notforsalecampagin.org.

Another semester gone and you rocked out everyday in style. But with spring around the corner, you’re ready to change up your wardrobe and do some early spring cleaning. What will you do with your lightly used clothes from this past season? Why not donate them? This holiday season, drop off your lightly worn clothing to a clothing drive in your town, the local Girl Scout troop or to consignment shops like, The Salvation Army, Goodwill or St. Vincent DePaul. Donating is the best way to share the gift of clothing and styles to others less fortunate. And, what else were you gonna do with last season’s clothes? Push them to the back of the closet? No ma’am, donate today!

Alternative Winter Break Try something new and dedicate your winter break to volunteering. A recent Simmons study shows a direct correlation between community service and the workplace and females are more likely to be motivated in a workplace that values social responsibility. So if you’re looking to jumpstart your volunteering skills consider contacting non-profits in your community or volunteer at a women’s shelter, soup kitchen or church. If you are looking to add stamps to your passport, check out abroad volunteer opportunities at culturalsolutions.org.

Applying to Grad School? You’ve taken the GRE and the scores are in and your applications are near complete. Take a look at your calendar; the door to getting grad school applications is beginning to close. Most deadlines for applications are in January and February, for the fall 2012 semester so be sure to stay ahead of the pack and submit your application and materials in mid December.

Catch Some Zs to Earn More As: A new sleep study conducted by the University of

California, Berkley says results suggests that a 100 minute nap before class or study session will improve your retention rate by 20 percent. Next time you think about pulling an all-nighter, think again, those Zs might end up being the boost you need, not that low-fat latte.

14  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

 Cram! >> Politics eye on politics

Candidates Galore

With 20-plus declared candidates vying for the Oval Office, you need to know who’s who and what they stand for by ericka johnson

The race for the White House has begun and the presidential candidates are gearing up for bus tours, fundraising events, speeches and debates across the country, it’s important for you to know who all the declared candidates are. As the 2012 race develops and poll results roll in, candidates will drop out of the running, focus will be redirected and your thoughts on who to vote for will probably be all over the place. Over the next year, we’ll keep you up to date on candidates, providing the information you need to make your vote count in the upcoming election. Don’t forget to register to vote—regardless of your party affiliation, you don’t want be left out of one of the country’s most impactful decisions that you’ll feel for the next four years.

Do any of these candidates have what it takes to unseat President Obama? From left: Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty (no longer running), Herman Cain.

Declared 2012 Presidential Candidates There politicians above may be getting all of the attention, but here’s a comprehensive list of everyone fighting for the White House. >> Stewart Alexander, Political Activist (Peace and Freedom & Socialist Party) >> Michele Bachmann, U.S. Representative from Minnesota (Republican Party) >> Herman Cain, Businessman, (Republican Party) >> Roger Gary, Former Chair of the Libertarian Party of Texas

(Libertarian Party) >> Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House (Republican Party) >> RJ Harris, 3-Tour Combat Vet, Philosopher & Law Student (Libertarian Party) Jon Huntsman, Former Governor of Utah & Ambassador to China (Republican Party) >> Gary Johnson, Former Governor of New Mexico (Republican Party) >> Fred Karger, Political Consultant & Gay Rights Activist (Republican Party) >> Andy Martin (Republican Party) >> Jimmy McMillan (Republican Party)

>> Tom Miller, Career Flight Attendant (Republican Party) >> Barack Obama, Current President of the United States (Democratic Party) >> Ron Paul, U.S Representative from the State of Texas (Republican Party) >> Rick Perry, Current Governor of Texas (Republican Party) >> Carl Person, New York attorney & Founder of the Paralegal Institute (Libertarian Party) >> Buddy Roemer, Former Governor of Louisiana (Republican Party) >> Mitt Romney, Former

Governor of Massachusetts (Republican Party) >> Rick Santorum, Former US Senator from Pennsylvania (Republican Party) >> Matt Snyder (Republican Party) >> Randall Terry, Pro-life Activist (Democratic Party) >> Danny Woodring (Independent Party) >> R. Lee Wrights, Activist (Libertarian Party) >> Vern Wuensche, Businessman (Republican Party) Source: 2012.presidentialcandidates.org

 Cram! >> News People

 Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple dies of pancreatic cancer at age 56.  Three billion around the world catch Royal Wedding Fever as they watch William and Kate get married.  John Galliano, head designer of Christian Dior convicted of racial slurs.  Arizona U.S Representative Gabrielle Giffords seriously injured and six killed in Tucson shooting. At press time, she continues her remarkable recovery and is considering running for reelection.  Many are outraged after a jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of the murder of her daughter Caylee.  Award-winning singer Amy Winehouse dies of alcohol poisoning.  International Monetary Fund Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn is arrested for sexually assaulting a maid in a New York City hotel. The charges have since been dropped.  Congressman Anthony Weiner resigns over Twitter scandal.  After keeping them under wraps for months, Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon introduces the country to twins Moroccan (“Roc”) and Monroe (“Roe”) on ABC’s 20/20.


Barbara Walters got first dibs on “dem babies,” Mariah and Nick’s twins “Roe” and “Roc.”


 The Occupy Wall Street Movement, a protest against social and economic inequality, emerges in New York City and spreads across U.S. cities and globally.  As promised, President Obama announces troop withdrawal from Iraq by year’s end.  Debt crisis deal reached by Congress in an 11th hour meeting to prevent a national default.  Despite the aforementioned debt-crisis agreement, Standard & Poor’s lowered the

nation’s credit rating for the first time in the firm’s history from the top grade AAA (highest) to AA+ (highest with qualifications).  Bomb threat surfaces in New York City, days before The 9/11 Memorial is set to open on the 10th anniversary of the attacks.  Both the National Football League and National Basketball Association endure lengthy lockouts putting their seasons in jeoparty.  President Obama releases long-form birth certificate to end rumors of a non-U.S birth.

So Long, 2011! This was one heck of a year! Check-out this colorful recap

John Galliano’s removal from the house of Dior sent shockwaves through the fashion industry.

Gays and lesbians who have been together for years, like this New York couple can now legally wed.

To quiet doubters like Donald Trump, President Obama released a copy of his birth certificate.

 Thousands celebrate as Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year-reign in Egypt comes to an end.  Dictator Moammar Gadhafi is killed by rebels in Libya. New York State legalizes same-sex marriage.

16  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Steve Jobs singlehandedly changed the way we communicate, listen to music and consume media.

 Osama bin Laden is killed in Pakistan in “Operation Neptune Spear” by U.S troops and CIA operatives, per President Obama’s order.  British newspaper The News of the World owned by Rupert Murdoch shuts down after allegations of phone hacking.

Compiled by Ericka Johnson Sources: Associated Press, CNN, News Daily, People, infonews.com and news aggregator sites


because college is more than the classroom

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 Cram! >> News to the rescue!

Use Your Youth to Inspire Others brighten up the lives of senior citizens with some holiday cheer by megan elliott

Visiting the elderly is mutually beneficial.


uring the holidays, there are same ol’ toy drives, food donations, and many other charity events dedicated to children, but there’s another lonely age group during this family season. Use your youth and energy to bring life and excitement to a retirement home over the break.   Think about it: the holidays always seem to be about the kids. We donate toys, host events, and put on plays—but what about those people that

18  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

spent their lives raising those ference in many people’s lives; kids to be parents themselves? so why not focus on the elderly Thousands of elderly men and over the holidays? It is a wellwomen sit alone in their assist- known fact that young people ed living facilities missing their bring life to retirement homes. far-away loved ones every day, In fact, a study conducted in but the “family Miami, FL As young, season” seems by the Devibrant, college to be the most partment of women, we have Community depressing of all when you’re the opportunity to Participation make a difference found that alone. in many people’s when elderly   As young, lives. vibrant, colpersons spent lege women, quality time we have the opportunity and with young men and women, time (thanks to our extended “the elderly’s self-esteem inholiday breaks) to make a difcreased, their depression levels

decreased, and their negative attitudes toward youngsters were generally eliminated.” Your visits could give someone “something to live for,” as the same study discovered.   But the elderly aren’t the only ones who benefit from intergenerational visits. Doing something nice for a sweet and wise older man or woman certainly boosts self-esteem. Not to mention the fact that these people have been through it all—from broken hearts to the real meaning of life. Take this time to learn about the past and get some solid advice.


because college is more than the classroom

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 Cram! >> Culture


your cheat sheet on what to watch, hear, see or read this month Hear To commemorate the legacy of Amy Winehouse, an album entitled Lioness: Hidden Treasures, will be released on December 5th in her honor. The family of Winehouse, collaborated with producers, including Salaam Remi and Mark Ronson, to construct and album consisted of unreleased demos, including the single “Body and Soul” with the legendary Tony Bennett, which was released on September 14, which would have been her 28th birthday. Proceeds from the album will go to the “Amy Winehouse Foundation.”

See New Year’s Eve (In theaters December 9) The holidays aren’t a time to celebrate to just family, it’s a season of love as well. New Year’s Eve is a film about the good, bad, and ugly of romance for couples and singles. Directed by Gary Marshall (Valentine’s Day), the film features an all-star cast of some of the entertainment’s finest: Zac Efron, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ashton Kutcher, Lea Michele, Seth Meyers, Katherine Heigl, Ludacris, Jessica Biel, Jon Bon Jovi, Robert DeNiro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Josh Duhamel, and many more.

Hear Canadian-born singer Melanie Fiona is set to releases her sophomore studio album, The MF Life on December 6. Mature, versatile, and “less retro” than her first album, Fiona is boldly embracing her new attitude and outlook on life. see The Sitter (In theaters December 9) After getting suspended from college and moving back in with mom, the last thing Noah (played by funnyman Jonah Hill) thought he was going to do was be a babysitter, but that’s his new gig in the hilarious David Gordon Green-directed and Michael De Luca-produced flick. If being extremely unprepared for the woes of babysitting three rowdy children isn’t enough to drive him crazy, he is also trying to escape from the tangled web of two insane drug dealers in Manhattan. Hear Teaming up with who’s who of music’s best producers, including Bryan Michael Cox, Jermaine Dupri, Missy Eliott and Polow da Don, Monica is set to release her seventh studio album, New Life, led by the powerful single “Until It’s Gone.” After two kids, marrying basketball star Shannon Brown, and dealing with leaving issues of her past behind, she definitely has something to sing about. Peace, positivity, and ambition, Monica is certainly embracing her New Life. by andreana thomas 20  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011


because college is more than the classroom

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because college is more than the classroom

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$63 For the animal-friendly fashionista H&M Fake Fur Jacket (hm.com)

The JAYE (under $100) Gift Guide! $68 For your adorable niece or nephew Tane Organics Cuddle Bear (barneys.com)

$12 For the makeup maven Topshop Blush in High Five (topshop.com)

$78 For those jonesing for a bit of luxe Guess by Marciano Abstract Bib Necklace (guessbymarciano. com)

We made a list, checked it twice, and regardless of if your loved ones were naughty or nice, you’ll have no problem gifting them with one of our 40-plus affordable finds, but beware: You may end up wanting a few of ‘em for yourself–we know we did!

$80 For the girl ready to show off the fruits of her diet’s labor Romwe Leopard Print High Waist Black Dress (romwe.com)

$50 For the handbag maniac Aldo “Crim” bag (aldoshoes.com)

$80 For those deserving of a bit of luxe Tom Ford Private Blend ‘Neroli Portofino’ Body Scrub (shop.nordstrom.com) DECEMBER 2011  //  JAYE  23

$86 For the shoe addict. Luichiny “Lights Out” heels (zappos.com)

Shopper The JAYE (under $100) Gift Guide!

$89 For your oh-sohandsome boyfriend. Trash Nouveau Callaghan Cable Sweater (buckle.com) $76 For the party-hopping socialite. Topshop black metal bar insert clutch (topshop.com)

$60 For the java junkie. Capresso 4-Cup Espresso Machine (macys.com) $24 For the always-late coworker or classmate. John Lewis Cube Alarm Clock (buckle.com)

$78 For the corporateladder-climbing style star. Miss Selfridge navy skinny lapel jacket (missselfridge.com) $65 For your jet-setting boss. Kate Spade Portola Valley Passport Holder (katespade.com) $50 For your super-feminine sister-in-law. Topshop two-tone bow trim cross-body bag (johnlewis.com)

24  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

$22 For the aunt who stays in the kitchen. ModCloth Chromemade Meals Shaker Set (modcloth.com)

$12 For your favorite tiny tot. Melissa & Doug Wood Stacking Train (shop.nordstrom.com)

$88 For the denim enthusiast Theyskens’ Theory “Peps” mid-rise flared jeans (theoutnet.com)

$98 For the girl on the hunt for a structured bag Armani Exchange Quilted Weekender (armaniexchange.com)

$13 For those searching for inspiration The Business Wisdom of Steve Jobs: 250 Quotes from the Innovator Who Changed the World by Alen Ken Thomas (amazon.com) $58 For the first winter storm J. Crew cashmere gloves (jcrew.com) $35 For the scholarly bookworm Kindle Klevercase (manorbindery. co.uk)

$13 For the boy-band-lovin’ rocker Break the Spell by Daughtry (itunes.com)

$48 For the girlfriend who won’t let winter interfere with her style Dorothy Perkins camel button buckle cape (dorothyperkins.com)

$32 For the girl who embraces her curves Warehouse pencil skirt (warehouse.co.uk)

$79 For the print-mixing pro Linea Grid Print Pussy Bow Blouse (houseoffraser.co.uk)

$48 For the eclectic student PBteen Meadow Floral Swoop Seat (pbteen.com)

$14 For the resident bartender Urban Outfitters Test Tube Shot Set (urbanoutfitters. com) $76 For the classicist Relic Goldtone Watch (jcpenney.com)

$100 For your rugged, bluecollar uncle Bacco Bucci Malloy Military Boot (dsw.com)

$78 For your casual-chic mom. J. Crew striped knitted cotton sweater (net-a-porter.com)

Shopper The JAYE (under $100) Gift Guide!

$84 Stuff this into the stocking of a fragrance fanatic. Narciso Rodriguez For Her in Fuchsia Eau de Parfum (saksfifthavenue.com)

$36 For your stylish grandma. mark Scene Stealer Necklace (shop.meetmark.com)

$50 For the BFF’s first apartment. 6-Piece Melamine Bowl Set (BPA free) (crateandbarrel.com)

$78 For the tech-savvy titan. Juicy Couture Gold Hard iPhone Case (stylebop.com)

$80 For a jewelry devotee. Vince Camuto Kate Thick Bangle Bracelet (zappos.com)

$90 For your always ontrend sister. Zara Vintage Ankle Boot (zara.com)

$60 For your brother, the charming chick magnet. John Varvatos Vintage Eau De Toilette (barneys.com)

$66 For the hopeless romantic. Marc by Marc Jacobs Rose Gold Heart Stacking Ring (my-wardrobe.com)

26  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

$96 For the girl who carries her life in her bag. Friis & Company “Forster” shoulder bag (shopfriiscompany.com)

$34 For the beauty-loving philanthropist. Solay Hydrating Face Night Cream (filanthropists.com) Editor’s note: 10% of the purchase price will be donated to PETA

$55 For the nostalgic. Lomography Fisheye Camera (shop.nordstrom.com)


because college is more than the classroom

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because college is more than the classroom

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StyleNotebook + Beauty Afraid to wear brights head to toe? Mix in neutrals and other neons for a look that’s chic and unexpected. Runway photo: T By Alexander Wang, Resort 2012

Behold: A Solution to the Winter Blues!

We’re talking about saturated shots of cobalt, sunny yellow, cherry red and eye-popping purple that provide a bright alternative to the season’s sometimes-drab neutrals. Try one out whether you’re party dressing, shopping for gifts or heading to brunch with the girls


DECEMBER 2011  //  JAYE  29

 Style Notebook >> Study Guide

Kim Kardashian in a L’Wren Scott top and skirt.

Warehouse jacket, $96; debenhams.com.

The JAYE Primer to Wearing Pops of Color Vibrant neons, devoid of frivolous bells and whistles, set the stage for you to stand out a shining star this holiday season ASOS bag, $45; asos.com. Derek Lam dress, $1,090; net-a-porter.com. DASH gloves, $11; houseoffraser.co.uk. Victoria Beckham dress, $2,240; net-a-porter.com. >> brights: get the look  Test-drive feminine shapes Gathered waists, draped silhouettes, and figure-enhancing darting keep the look fresh  Lean on accessories If mixing and matching brights isn’t your cup of tea, throw in a eye-catching extra to get a taste of this fun trend.  Neutrals are your BFF Check out Kim K.’s nude Louboutins above right—they temper the vibrant colors, while adding a few inches to her alreadyto-die-for frame.

Topshop skirt, $76; topshop.com. Chan Luu earrings, $150; net-a-porter. com.

Report Signature shoes, $203; heels.com.

Equipment blouse, $365; glassworksstudios.com. Sandro pants, $250; net-a-porter.com. 30  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Giambattista Valli


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 Style Notebook >> Study Guide

Make Brights Work-Appropriate!


No. 21

How? Add a well-placed dose of khaki to the look Jitrois skirt, $1,345; stylebop.com.

Woolrich jacket, $129; woolrich.com.

MICHAEL Michael Kors pants, $90; net-a-porter.com.

Your Cheat Sheet to All Things Bright…

…Courtesy of JAYE Fashion Director (and resident style know-it-all!) Alyssa Davis Jenni Kayne

Brash heels, $35; payless.com.

32  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

LILEAUXASHBY bag, $240; notjustanotherlabel.com.

>> Change up your neutrals. Try new color combos by substituting camel. For just a pop of color, pair khaki (see our tip above!) with tangerine or red accessories. For all over color, like a cocktail dress, pair with nude platforms like Jenni Kayne showed at her resort collection. >> Don’t be afraid to take a style risk. Wear turquoise, fuchsia, or red skinnies under a trench or cape. >> Complete the look. A print bag complements strong hues when wearing separates in the same color family.

The Wise-Buy: An (Under-$100!) Cable-Knit Sweater

The term “investment piece” is thrown around too loosely in the fashion world, but it applies here. Whether you’re pairing it with your favorite denim, under a classic trench coat or a sleek pencil skirt, this cherry-red knit will be a go-to through spring. This sweater comes in 10 show-stopping colors—and ringing in at $79.50, you can stock up on more than one without breaking the bank too much.

J. Crew sweater, $69.50; jcrew.com.


because college is more than the classroom

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 Style Notebook >> Alyssa’s Look Book

baby, it’s cold outside!

The Row top, $1,240; therow.com.

But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style for the sake of bundling up! Hey, I'm Alyssa, JAYE’s new fashion director, and lately I’ve been crazy about combining knits, piling on the layers and testdriving a few of my favorite trends. This month, it’s all about cozy-chic—I’ll show you how it’s done!  Whether faced with chilling winds or found trudging through kneedeep snowfalls, I’m determined to stay on trend this season. Dressing warm and comfortably this winter just became a whole lot easier, and believe it or not, chic. Follow this foolproof method, seen on the street by some of fashion’s elite, and you’ll never find yourself heading off in those worn out Ugg boots or—cringe!—sweats.

For the wintry look, layering is key. Mix and match heavy knits from brands like The Row, lightweight sheer fabrics, fur, and leather. Try a chiffon dress (my pick’s only $32!) with cable-knit tights, add a faux fur vest and ankle boots. Or play around with thick legwarmers over black opaque tights paired with a long knit sweater and leather jacket. Here are some pieces to get you started. Stay Warm! See you next month, XOXO! –Alyssa Davis, JAYE’s Fashion Director

Don't be afraid to play with textures, especially when the palette is neutral! I love the idea of mixing chiffon with leather to add a little edge to the overall package.

Peacocks dress, $32; peacocks.co.uk. Topshop gilet, $140; topshop.com.

34  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

The only rule this season is there are no rules! Anchor your favorite outerwear with denim like this savvy street-style star.

I'd wear this cape-like knit over a turtleneck with sleek cigarette pants, super-sexy overthe-knee boots, and a roomy satchel to hold all of my everyday essentials in.

Alexander Wang dress, $865; brownsfashion.com.

It’s all about the details, and nobody does ’em better than Alex Wang. How adorable is the chiffon trim at the bottom? This is definitely on my wish list!

H&M tights, $15; hm.com.

H&M vest, $20; hm.com. The boys at rag & bone have winter layering down to a science!

Instead of wearing flat boots or sneakers with your favorite jeans, why not wear a pair of sturdy ankle boots in a go-withanything neutral color?

Michael Antonio shoes, $60; heels.com.


because college is more than the classroom

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Jason Wu

 Style Notebook >> Runway to JAYE Way Dorothy Perkins dress, $44; dorothyperkins.com.

Giuseppe Zanotti pumps, $550; giuseppezanotti.com. Debenhams clutch, $25; debenhams.com.

rag & bone jeans, $200; matchesfashion.com.

Red Hot

Chado Ralph Rucci

Set the party scene on fire with cozy knits, vampy dresses and fun extras Alice + Olivia sweater, $330; aliceandolivia.com.

JC Penney earrings, $200; jcpenney.com.

Dorothy Perkins dress, $63; dorothyperkins.com.

Armor&Psyche skirt, $165; jades24.com.

complete the look

Temper pops of ruby with sophisticated tuxedo pants, posh leopard prints and super-trendy navy jackets

Mixx Marcy pumps, $49; lulus.com. Topshop blazer, $130; topshop.com.

Elizabeth & James skirt, $395; net-a-porter.com.

36  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Jason Wu pants, $795; net-a-porter.com.

Michael Kors

Paul & Joe sweater, $435; net-a-porter.com.

 Style Notebook >> Steal Her Style

Kate Moss Shows How Party Dressing’s Done! And trust us, it’s easy: Start with a pair of black pants, throw in some shine and your favorite inch-adding heels and you’re set!

Tasha bag, $65; shop.nordstrom. com. Topshop pants, $90; topshop.com.

Kelly Bergin top, $240; net-a-porter.com.

BCBGirls shoes, $80; heels.com. Selfridge bracelet, $14; missselfridge.com.

Elizabeth Olsen

J. Crew top, $35; jcrew.com.

Topshop skirt, $45; topshop.com.

Jordana Brewster

Equipment top, $320; jades24.com.

Old Navy shoes, $24; oldnavy.com.

QSW jeans, $62; quicksilver.com.


Dolce Vita shoes, $173; heels.com.

 Style Notebook >> Go Buy Now!

Just Throw It in the Bag

Zara bag, $50; zara.com.

These shopper totes have everything we look for in an everyday carryall: They’re sizeable enough to hold almost anything, they’re affordable (not one of these are over $200!) and the colors are to die for!

Dorothy Perkins bag, $31; dorothyperkins.com.

38  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Mango bag, $48; shop.mango.com.

Furla bag, $178; bluefly.com.

Topshop bag, $100; topshop.com.


because college is more than the classroom

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 Style Notebook >> Cheat Sheet

Wanna Get Away? Read This Page First!

Whether you’re heading to relax with family and friends or prepping for a staycation, you’d be wise to reference our list of packing pointers and fashion finds to help you savor your winter break in style

what to pack for what to pack for cold-weather warm-weather destinations destinations Pack thin layers. Light knits, turtlenecks and thermals are the way to go here, thanks to their ability to be layered with ease—steer clear of anything too bulky. Check out stores like Gap, Forever 21 and J. Crew for basics on the cheap. Don’t forget the cozy extras. Squeeze as many pairs of socks, hats, gloves and scarves into your luggage—not only will they keep you warm, but they’ll also add some personality and flair to your outfits.

J Crew top, $30; jcrew.com.

Ray-Ban Toast socks, sunglasses, $129; $62; ray-ban.com. toast.co.uk.

Take a hands-free carryall to house small essentials. We favor messenger bags that provide the storage you need for IDs, lip balm, and extra pairs of socks and gloves. Bring sunglasses and sunscreen—believe us, you’ll need them! Yep, experts say you need these skin- and vision-savers in Dorothy Perkins cold climates too! hat, $29; dorothyperkins.com.

Stock up flowy separates. With warmer temps, you want pieces that move with you without sticking to your skin— you want to cover your body to prevent sun damage without burning up! Maxi dresses are the ideal solution (throw a blazer on and switch to snazzy pumps for evening outings!). Get creative with your swimsuit. We love the idea of mixing the top from one suit with the bottom of another for an unexpected and stylish mash-up. Don’t forget cover-ups! Don’t worry about bad hair days! Why? Because warmer temps provide the perfect opportunity to throw on a floppy hat and head out for a day of fun!

H&M gloves, $13; hm.com for stores. MICHAEL Michael Kors bag, $178; neimanmarcus.com.

Throw in a versatile knit. Sultry days can turn into crisp nights, so pack a thin sweater in a fresh color to show you’re ready for any occasion.

Tori Praver top, $99; journelle.com.

FULL TILT bottom, $20; tillys.com.

Old Navy sweater, $37; oldnavy.com.

Oasis hat, $35; oasis-stores.com. 40  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Missoni dress, $1,595; net-a-porter.com.

 Style Notebook >> News

on our radar The Latest Style Intel We Can’t Stop Buzzing About

 Woo-Hoo! The Runways are More Diverse (But There’s Still Room for Improvement)

Jourdan Dunn (above) is one of the few models of color to book runway shows and magazine edit orials on a consistent basis.

Now that we’ve had a chance to recover from the whirlwind that is fashion month, we can look at the progress the industry’s making in regard to model diversity. Thanks to our friends at Jezebel for the stats based on the 142 New York Fashion Week shows and presentations: “Those shows presented some 4,657 different women's wear looks; of those 4,657 opportunities to use a model, 3,837, or 82.4%, went to white girls. Some 394, or 8.5%, were given to black models. Asian models were again the third most popular ethnic group, getting 316, or 6.8%, of the available runway spots. Non-white Latina models were once again trailing in fourth place; out of those 4,657 looks, just 93, or 2% were given to them. During all of New York fashion week, models of other races were used just 17 times.”

 We’ve Got a Case of Baby Fever…

…Thanks to Gwen Stefani and her uber-chic Harajuku Mini collection for Target, which includes graphic tees, zip-up hoodies, tutu skirts and ballet flats, ranging from $4 to $30. Stefani tells Women’s Wear Daily, “I’ve always wanted to do a cool children’s fashion line inspired by the supercute and playful kid’s clothing you find in Japan.”

 Christian Cota’s Giving Us the Boot

Head to your nearest Aldo to check out the line of flat boots the beloved Mexican designer produced for the retailer. Adorned with buckles, laces, a rugged finish and the comfort stilettos just don’t provide, they lend a dose of edginess to your frillier staples. Says Cota about the inspiration: “With the boots [the models] took on this attitude—it was amazing. They were super cool, confident, and [the boots] changed their whole postures. And that was the look I was going for, so it was perfect.” What’s also perfect? The affordable prices: Each of the boots are $250 and under.

 The First Lady Continues to Support Fashion

“These men and women have breathed new life into our homes and our workplaces, the clothes we wear, the products we use every day, and even the most basic ways we process information, says Michelle Obama of the recipients, including designer J. Mendel, of the 2011 National Design Awards this past September.

 Instant Obsession: Rebecca Minkoff

We’ve always adored Rebecca Minkoff for her amazing handbags (including fan fave “The Morning After”), but now she’s given us even more to lust after with her lifestyle offerings, including eyewear, scarves, footwear, cold-weather accessories, and more jewelry, ranging from $50 to $350, which debuted during Minkoff’s September show.

 Beauty Notebook >> Tricks to Try

quick fixes

From eating the right foods and ridding your skin of irritating toxins to cleaning your makeup brushes and keeping your skin moisturized, here you’ll find 11 easy beauty to-dos to to help you survive the holidays by jillian ruffo


Exfoliate 2-3 times a week. By removing this top dead layer, your moisturizer will penetrate your skin better, and give you an overall natural glow. The Clarisonic facial brush is great for college students, and it’s more affordable than the standard one. And while you’re at it, exfoliate your lips as well (use a toothbrush and scrub them—this will remove dead skin and make them extra smooth).  wise buy: Clarisonic Mia facial brush ($119; Clarisonic. com)


If you don’t need to wash your hair, don’t. Washing your hair every day can lead to drying of your hair and scalp. If your hair doesn’t get greasy quickly, try and skip days between washes. It’s fine to rinse your hair in the shower, you can even condition it if you feel necessary, but try to stay away from a daily shampooing routine. Applying dry shampoo will also help you keep your hair clean longer.  Wise Buy: Rene Furterer’s Naturia Dry Shampoo ($24, Sephora)



Apply body lotion after every shower. No matter what, the cold weather is going to dry your skin. Lock in extra moisture by moisturizing your body immediately after you dry of after a shower.  Wise Buy: The Body Shop’s Shea Body Butter ($18, Thebodyshop.com)

Great for dry skin!

Wash your face before bedtime—no ifs ands or buts! The day’s impurities are sure to lead to breakouts. By washing your face every night, you’re ridding your skin of any bacteria that accumulates throughout the day.  Wise Buy: Neutrogena’s Pink Grapefruit Oil Free Acne Wash ($6, drugstores) 42  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011


Don’t Forget Sunscreen and tinted moisturizer. Apply a layer of sunscreen under your makeup, or use a tinted moisturizer that has SPF in it.  Wise Buy: Laura Mercier’s Tinted Moisturizer ($42, lauramercier.com)


Eat salmon and other foods rich in Omega-3s. For overall healthy skin and hair (and to guard against certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases), foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary parts of your diet. Head to jayemagazine.com for delicious recipes packed with Omega-3s!


Clean your makeup brushes, and change your pillow case frequently. Bacteria builds up on your makeup brushes over time, as well as on your pillow cases. By washing them every two weeks, you’re removing bacteria that would otherwise end up on your skin and in your pores.  Wise Buy: MAC’s Brush Cleanser ($13, maccosmetics.com)



embrace bright lipstick. Take cues from Kelly Osbourne who accentuates the lip and goes easy on the other features.


Leave your skin alone. Squeezing pimples adds bacteria to the skin, and adding irritation and redness. Your best bet is to apply a spot treatment and wait it out with some concealer.  Wise Buy: Clean and Clear’s Advantage Acne Spot Treatment ($7, drugstores)

When in doubt, wear a top-knot. Everyone has those bad hair days when nothing works. If you’re off to work or class and have a hopeless head of hair to deal with, slick your hair to the top of your head and secure it in a tight bun. This look is sleek and goes with virtually any outfit! To upgrade the look even more follow It girl Elizabeth Olsen’s lead and, add a bold lip (see tip number-eight!), a dab of mascara and a showstopping smile and no one will ever know you woke up on the wrong side of the bed!


Aquaphor is your best friend this winter. Your skin and lips are bound to be dry and cracked this winter. A tube of Aquaphor on you at all times will heal chapped lips and hands.  Wise Buy: Aquaphor Healing Ointment ($3, available at most drugstores)


because college is more than the classroom

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Body Health & Wellness News

Edited by megan elliott

Rest and Recharge the greatest gift of all may be the extended holiday break that’s finally here. we’ve put together a three-week plan to help you get the most of your vacation by megan elliott

DECEMBER 2011  //  JAYE  45


 Body >> Health Strategies ow that finals are over, college students across America have almost a month of study-free bliss. Take advantage of your extended break and recharge your body and mind for next semester with JAYE’s week by week guide.  Week One: Relax It seems almost too good to be true. A full 20-some days with nothing to do! After weeks of cramming, it can be just what a busy, college woman needs. Treat yourself to an indulgence you don’t have time for during the school semester—try out that new intricate nail design, or create an at-home face

Family time at home is a great way bring you back down to earth. Sit down and refresh your goals with a parent or close family member who has your best interest at heart. 46  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

mask. YouTube a yoga video then draw a bubble bath and soak. Take a step back from your usual routine and get some extra sleep in. Letting your body rest is an important part of fitness that is often overlooked. Most importantly, take a break from partying. You might have been invited to a few holiday parties next weekend, so save your dance moves and drinking for this Saturday.  Week Two: Refresh Family time at home is a great way bring you back down to earth. Sit down and refresh your goals with a parent or close family member who has your best interest at heart. Do some quick research and make sure you’re still headed where you want to be

with your education. Instead of diving back into your fitness routine, try something new that is less strenuous, like dance aerobics or beginner pilates. If you scored some cash for the holidays, refresh your look with some new winter and spring duds for the new semester as well. Amp your style even more with a rich hair color or new haircut. Get in good spirits by setting some New Year’s resolutions geared toward the new semester.  Week Three: Get Ready The Spring semester is creeping up, but you’ve still got plenty of time to prepare. Ease back into your usual routine day by day. Get back into your fitness activities and cut back on holiday treats. Make sure

your spring school schedule is ready to go and put together your first day of school outfit so you have something exciting to look forward to. It is also beneficial to go back to school a few days before classes start so you don’t feel rushed back into things. You can get everything in order at home so you don’t have too much on your plate when classes begin. Make sure to stay away from alcohol this week too; no need to get chaotic when you should be refreshed! It is also a great idea to start off the semester organized, so prepare a planner and assign different folders to each of your classes. If you enjoy being creative, decorate your school supplies for a unique touch and get excited to start the new year in style.


because college is more than the classroom

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 Body >> Healthy Eating

Make the Right Choices at Holiday Parties

if you are what you eat, be sure to consume smart (but still yummy!) appetizers in healthy portions


hile the holidays aren’t the best time to lose weight, it’s certainly not the time to gain it either! End-of-the year cocktail parties and celebrations can distract you from staying on track with your usual diet. And whether you’re mixing and mingling with the higher-ups at your company’s corporate mixer or heading to a social affair with friends, packing on the pounds over the break can be avoided if you simply keep track of the calories you consume. But let’s face it: How do you know how many carbs and calories are in a white-wine spritzer? Or a pig in a blanket? How

about those irresistible Don’t worry, JAYE is here to help. We’ve compiled a slew of common party foods and hors d’oeuvres along with some tips to staying happy and healthy over the holidays: >> Drink water in between each drink. >> Wait until a waitress or waiter comes to you. Hanging out by the table of delicious foods can be tempting, so stay away! >> Eat before you go. It’s never a good idea to show up to a party hungry; having a never ending supply of food can lead to over eating. >> Make a note beforehand if you plan to have dessert. If so, eat lower calorie food to save some room.

5 Boiled Shrimp with cocktail sauce: 156 calories.

White-Wine Spritzer (1 glass): 100 calories and no fat. Fresh fruit s (halfcup): 60 calories.

Apple Pie (1 slice): 552 calories.

2 Stuffed Mushroom Caps: 50 calories.

1 Oz. Cheeseball: 150 calories and 15 grams fat. 48  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Salsa has tons of vitamins A and C, fiber, and is super low-calorie.

1 Pig in a Blanket: 80 calories and 5 grams of fat each!

1 Cup of Eggnog: 343 calories and 20 grams of fat. by bridgette elliott


because college is more than the classroom

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 Body >> Health Bulletin expands to other age groups worldwide. According to a recent study, “due to the longterm effects of alcohol misuse, binge drinking is considered to be a major public health issue.” The Good Let’s face it: drinking is fun. There are establishments solely dedicated to the pastime! It’s a great socializing activity and certainly brings some life to any party or gathering. And not many things top that feeling when you are finally of age to buy your first alcoholic beverage. It can give young college students a feeling of adult maturity, and others a feeling of rebellion.   In moderation, drinking alcohol doesn’t have negative effects. Having a cocktail after dinner or a glass of champagne in celebration is fine. In fact, a glass of wine a day can improve health. According to a study done by Health magazine, some of the top benefits include improved memory,

Less is More When it Comes to Alcohol The consequences clearly outweigh the benefits when it comes to irresponsible drinking, so why do we still insist on binge drinking during the holidays? JAYE investigates the reasons and the consequences behind the senseless fun by megan elliott

Binge drinking is classified as having four or more drinks on any one occasion (five or more drinks for men). That means if you have at least two shots

50  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

and two drinks at happy hour, you’re binge drinking. Although this excessive drinking is extremely popular in college communities, the problem

stronger bones, and a decrease (by 50 percent!) in risk for ovarian cancer.   Alcohol’s nickname, “liquid courage,” is another benefit

Health Q&A

Q: I always break my diet during the holidays. How can I stick to it with family members constantly feeding me?I know exactly how you feel. How can you stick to it when your mom is making your favorite pasta dinner? And grandma is telling you how thin you’ve gotten, you must not be eating? All you can really do is stick to your guns and let them know your diet keeps you healthy, but don’t be too strict: It is the holiday season so you can allow yourself a small indulgence every now and then. Q: Since I’m home for the holidays, I’m away from my gym. Any at-home work out tips? The holidays are a time to relax and rid yourself of school-work stress and anxiety, but a good way to stay in shape is a yoga DVD you can do in the privacy of your room (not to mention you won’t run into your ex at your old gym). Yoga is relaxing and gives you some time to meditate while working muscles, so you won’t be so sore that first workout back at the gym. If you want a more intense work out, try getting a Zumba DVD.

 Body >> Healthy Eating

that is spot on as well. You feel brave enough to say hi to that cute guy across the bar, and you can step up on stage to do your signature dance move without a second thought, but sometimes that courage can go a little too far. The Bad Chances are, if you’re like the typical college student, you’ve had your fair share of embarrassments while drinking. There’s the slip-and-fall oops, the “beer goggle” make-out mistake, and the “OMG, I can’t believe I just said that!” moment, but when binge drinking, the consequences can be much more severe.   Although laws have passed in an attempt to reduce attacks, date rape is still a scary reality for women and the consumption of alcohol increases the risk by 70 percent, according to a study done at Illinois State University. The infamous and properly named “walk of shame” is undoubt-

edly a result of binge drinking and the consequences don’t end there.   Bad decisions are a very common result when it comes to excessive drinking. This can range from unprotected sex to drinking and driving. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Every year, 1,400 college students are killed in alcoholrelated accidents—and that doesn’t include those who died of homicide or suicide as the result of alcohol consumption.” But even if you don’t get behind the wheel of a car, life changing consequences give binge drinkers a reality check every day.   In addition to the consequences of binge drinking, there are long-term effects of habitual binge drinking. Recent research done by Alcohol Journal has found that “young college drinkers who drink four to five drinks on more than three occasions within two weeks are statistically 19

times more likely to develop alcoholism than non-binge drinkers.”   With chronic binge drinking comes even more serious health and quality of life consequences. Besides the well-known affect alcohol has on the liver and kidneys, binge drinking is also associated with strokes and sudden death. The Journal of Nutritional Health and Aging reports that “binge drinking increases the risk of stroke by 10 times.” The Ugly In addition to the mistakes of a crazy night, physical effects are also some of the most unrelenting results of binge drinking. It is well known that alcohol is high in calories. Just one serving of light beer can have up to 125 calories (the average is around 110) and a shot of hard liquor serves up almost 60 calories a pop. So if you binge drink twice a week, you’re averaging an extra 1,000 calories, none of which contribute any nutri-

tional value whatsoever.   It has also been proven that alcohol consumption increases appetites. Researchers in the United Kingdom have discovered that “alcohol directly interferes with appetite control in your brain.” Then, when binge drinkers reach the hangover point, they feel drawn toward unhealthy foods. In addition to increased fat cells, alcohol also has a bloating effect, making drinkers appear “puffy and bloated” in their face and midsection.   Binge drinking causes dehydration, which physically impacts skin color and clarity. Alcoholrehab.org reveals that “regular alcohol consumption leaves the skin brittle and dry, as the body becomes dehydrated. Additionally, the skin may take on a pale or grey cast due to dehydration.”   Excessive alcohol use also affects sleep, which results in wrinkles, physical weakness, and blemishes. This, combined with the health impact of heavy alcohol use, results in increased speed of aging, both inside and out. “Alcohol robs the skin of the nutrients it needs for maximum elasticity and vibrance. Chronic drinking can leave the skin looking much older than it otherwise would due to vitamin deficiencies,” according to alcoholrehab.org.   The bottom line: Control the amount of alcohol you consume, and when you’re out with your ex or partying with your high school BFF’s this winter break, remember, there are consequences to your mistakes! 

 Body >> Sexual Responsibility

Touch My Body


Follow these simple tips to make sure you don’t make a regrettable mistake

t’s no secret that being back home and hanging out with your family for the holidays is always nice. There’s dinner night with dad, shopping with mom, and game time with grandma. But, of course, one of the most exciting activities when in your hometown is to hang out with old friends.   Going to the same old bar and hanging out with the fun friends you haven’t seen in a while can feel so safe and familiar, but that doesn’t mean

52  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

you can let your guard down. Unfortunately, being in the comfort of your hometown can often times lead to careless behavior. Follow these simple tips to make sure you don’t make a regrettable mistake: Never lose sight of your drink. We’ve all heard date rape horror stories and they happen all too often. The hottie

that just bought you a vodka cranberry might not have the best intentions, so always get your drink straight from the bartender. One out of every seven women currently in college has been raped and over 50 percent of rape victims admitted to drinkGoing to the same ing before they were old bar and attacked.

hanging out with the fun friends you haven’t seen in a while can feel so safe and familiar, but that doesn’t mean you can let your guard down.

Don’t trust strangers. You wouldn’t trust a stranger in a strange city, so what makes it better in your hometown? Don’t go home

with someone just because the neighborhood they reference is familiar. If you want to have a holiday hook up, get to know the guy. Find out where he works, get to know his friends, etc. If he’s a winner, make sure someone knows where you are going--and make sure he knows that someone knows. Use protection. This important step can can be overlooked when hooking up with an old flame or in a seemingly safe place. One night with a stranger, or even a familiar face, could lead to many more nights of suffering from STD’s, an unplanned pregnancy, or even cancer. So be safe, be smart, and make sure your night of fun will be worth it tomorrow. –Bridgette Elliott


because college is more than the classroom

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 Body >> Healthy Diary

M.E.’s Anatomy


despite being petite in stature, health editor megan elliott realizes healthy living is defined by more than numbers on the scale


or my first entry, I think it is important to get you up to speed with what’s been going on for the past 20-something years. I’m a petite girl who’s had my fair share of ups and downs with fitness. I go through cycles of being taste better than a low-fat cheese stick? Is a slice health-obsessed, then let it slip when other of cake tastier than a bowl of fruits? No! things in my life get off track. Right now, I seem   Another problem I have discovered when it to be on the cusp of a new health kick. comes to nutrition is the hunger issue. When   Getting in shape is hard, but the longer you trying to cut back on calories, I make the put it off, the harder it is—I know that. For mistake of abstaining rather than substituting. some reason though, I let it all This is pointless because by the “What I’m go down the drain during the time I finally cave and eat, I find realizing is that it winter break. Why can’t I just doesn’t all have to do myself overeating whatever I take my own advice? with weight. There can get my hands on.   I went to the doctor last are so many more   Finally, there’s the fitness month and got weighed for components to being factor. After running around the first time in a while. I was and pulling all-nighters healthy.” surprised. I hadn’t gained any during finals, I just want to weight. So why did I feel so crash. Then I go home for blah? I am fortunate, I don’t gain a ton of weight the holidays and have no gym access. I end up easily, but what I’m realizing is that it doesn’t all sitting around, getting bored, and checking the have to do with weight. There are so many more fridge for some free food. But since I realized my components to being healthy. The first being problems, it is much easier to be aware and fix what you eat. I have discovered that unhealthy them day to day. foods not only make me feel yucky physically,   I have started going grocery shopping but I also feel tired and dirty when I eat foods with my mom to help make healthier choices that are bad for me. When I think about the con- (and not to mention spend some alone time sequences, the taste really does not rationalize together!) and I always volunteer to take our the results. I mean, does a bag of cheetos really dogs on walks. It’s shocking to see what small Health Flash Research from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has now shown that exercise is just as good as drugs at preventing migraines. The study involved 91 migraine patients, a third of whom were asked to exercise for 40 minutes three times a week under the supervision of a physiotherapist, with another third doing relaxation exercises, and the final third given topiramate.

54  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

differences can make such an impact on mood. I probably still weigh the same, but I look and feel 10 pounds lighter!   Here’s to hoping I stick to it! xoxo M.E.

Q: I always hear about being “adventurous” in bed, but am too nervous to try anything. How do I know what my man will like? Chances are, you won’t know what he likes until he tells you. Don’t try anything too crazy just because you read it in on a blog or heard it from one of your girls. It could work, but it could totally freak your guy out and since you’re nervous to try something new, a rejection would only make things worse. Instead, try to ease him into having a talk by changing things up a little. A good way to let your man know you want to try new things is switching up from your usual positions, or doing it in a different place, like the living room. This should make him realize you want to spice up your love life, and he may even initiate the conversation. Q: It feels like every couple I know has sex every day, but I could go a week without it and be fine. Is there something wrong with my sex drive? Sex drive varies from one person to the next. There are many factors that contribute to your libido: your biological and psychological make-up, social factors (family, school, work), and even medication you may be taking. There’s absolutely nothing abnormal about not wanting to do it every day, but if you think there might be an issue, asking your doctor wouldn’t hurt.


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because college is more than the classroom

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Love Sex, Men + Relationships

Edited by evette dionne

In Monster-inLaw, Jane Fonda and Jennifer Lopez duke it out!

The Attack of the Monsterin-Law

the best gift you can give your boyfriend is a cease-fire with the other most important woman in his life: His mom. thankfully, it’s easy to achieve with a few simple tips by jamie harrison DECEMBER 2011  //  JAYE  57

 Love >> Relationship Bulletin


ost women know how moms about their sons: overprotective, overbearing, and a borderline pain in the butt. Though extreme, the perfect example of this is the Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda movie, “Monster-in-Law.” Duking it out through hilarious pranks, Fonda and Lopez represent what many women often must get through to find true love: the mother. Up until this point in his life, she has been the dominant female figure in his life. No matter how much of a wholesome girl you may be, his mother might see you as competition for her son’s heart, when in reality it’s probably the fact that another woman actually has her son going crazy. But, you all can coexist in peaceful harmony. Here are five ways to convince his mom that you are much more than a roadblock. Remain On Your Best Behavior. As hard as it may be, always try to be on your best behavior. Stay polite and treat her with respect at all times. Don’t curse in front of and certainly not at her, and dress respectfully and maturely (e.g. no low-cut shirts and sexy-butt jeans! Save the sexy stuff for a date night with your boyfriend.) Show his mother that you’re there to stay and sooner or later she’ll get Mixed Signals Couples Experience Trouble Deciding If They’re In a Monogomous Relationship or Not

Findings published in the Journal of Sex Research show that in 40 percent

58  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Don’t force your guy to chose between his mom and you— you may not like the result.

the picture. When having dinner at your boyfriend’s house, offer to bring a dish and always offer to help with dishes. Kill Her with Kindness. Compliment his mom on her decorations, cooking, etc. Show genuine interest in her by just having a regular conversation. Try asking her how she is doing or ask her how her day went. Ask her what she likes to do for fun and try to find something in common with her. Try doing some bonding activities, like shopping or watching her favorite TV show. That way she can get to know the true you. Don’t Give In. She’s going to try to push you, but don’t stoop down to her level, no matter how immature she may act. Don’t give her a legitimate

reason to dislike you as this will only add fuel to the fire and she will probably try to use this against you. Never be afraid or intimidated by her. Don’t let her take advantage of you, just because she knows that you are trying to get on her good side. Be real, but not too real. Don’t change yourself just to become the girl you think your BF’s mom might like. Some people, especially women, have x-ray vision and can see right through you. If she asks you to do something that you don’t feel comfortable, don’t do it. After all, she should be happy that her son has such great taste. Never ask your boyfriend to get in the middle of it. If you have been nothing but respectful towards

of couples, only one partner says the couple agreed to be sexually exclusive; the other partner said there was no agreement, potentially “misjudging their partner’s risk behavior.” Says Jocelyn Warren, public health researcher: “Other studies have looked at perceptions re-

lated to monogamy, but this is really the first one that explores the discussions that heterosexual couples are—or aren’t —having about monogamy. Miscommunication and misunderstandings about sexual exclusivity appear to be common.”

her and she makes it known that she still doesn’t like you at least your beau will know that it wasn’t your fault. If you decide to talk to him about it, avoid direct confrontation. If he’s aware that his mother doesn’t like you, then he may decide take it up with her on his own time, but don’t push him to do it. You never want to force his to choose between the two of you. If all else fails, distance yourself. Things getting worse, not better? Wash your hands of the situation. Don’t let her drive you crazy. Just try to put distance in between you and his mother. After all, you’re not married to him and you don’t have to be around her at every family function. Remember that you’re dating him and not his mom. If it’s something superficial such as race or the way you look, it’s best to just leave the situation alone.   When your man’s mother’s doesn’t like you, it can really put a damper on the relationship, even tempting you to wonder if the relationship is truly worth it. But, once she sees that you’re not going anywhere, she’s bound to come around. However, if after these steps you find that your man is a Certified Momma’s Boy, then we give you permission slide your sexy skinny jeans and to run for the hills!


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 Love >> Couple’s Corner


ou are cordially invited to the Christmas cocktail party of…” cards have been lining the mailbox lately, signaling that the holiday season has officially arrived. Yes, it’s time to pull out draping gowns, bling’d out accessories and chandelier earrings for upscale parties with wine served in fancy glasses and cheeses served on platters. But what happens on those nights when you and your partner don’t want to mingle at holiday parties? Here are several outings that are enjoyable for those nights when you only want to be bothered with your BF. Art Shows. Bundle up to combat the cold and walk with your boyfriend to the local art gallery for the premiere of a new art exhibition. You’ll be greeted with culture and a relaxing atmosphere and if art is a mutual interest, conversation will flow over the different paintings, photographs, and sculptures. The walk to and from the gallery will also allow for bonding time without inter-

serve dinner; so if he pays for the tickets, offer to cover the cost of dinner and a few drinks. After several glasses of wine, the comedian’s jokes will be twice as funny and you’ll be able to enjoy several comedians for the price of one. Note: Don’t laugh too loud. Ballroom Dancing Lessons. Spice up a relationship with ballroom dancing lessons! Find an instructor offering lessons or hire a private instructor to teach you and your significant other the essentials of ballroom dancing. The best part date is that it allows for a lot of touching, feeling, and rhythm. Hint, hint. Ice Skating. Imagine holding hands and gazing into his eyes as you skate together in an outdoor rink that is lit with beautiful Christmas lights. Nothing screams romance more than this scene, so why not recreate it at a local skating rink? Go on a night during the week when children and their parents won’t dominate the rink and skate until your feet are sore. Poetry Slam. Poetry slams

Lover’s Night Out

Trade in the boring Christmas socials for these out-of-the-box ideas! by evette dionne

ruptions. Comedy Clubs. You’ll both be in stitches after a few hours of endless laughter. Most clubs

60  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

are the perfect location for a couple’s night out because the atmosphere encourages couples to cuddle and enjoy the words of the speaker together.

First holiday season as a couple? Follow these etiquette tips for new twosomes, courtesy of howaboutwe.com. Don’t spend the entire night together. By “dividing and conquering” the scene, you’ll have more to talk about once you get home. Check in every 30 minutes. Schedule touch-bases every half-hour to guard against boring conversations. Introductions. If it’s official, let your BF introduce you as “Paula, my girlfriend.” No PDA. Parties aren’t the place for hanky panky.


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 Love >> Single & Satisfied his winter, there are dozens of college ladies (myself included!) who are single, satisfied, and headed out to holiday gatherings unattached. It might seem awkward arriving at a mixer with couples galore, but don’t allow singlehood to ruin a perfect opportunity to mingle! With our tips, you’ll be navigating the holiday social scene with ease. Dress to Stun The weather might be blistering cold with dreary skies, but that shouldn’t determine wardrobe choices for socials. Pull out an array of festive colors when heading to soirees alone to represent the liveliness of your personality. Remember you may be entering into an environment with couples, so cover as much of the goodies as possible to guard against appearing as though you’re trying to hard to grab attention. It’s natural to want to turn heads, but having all of the girlfriends resenting you because their boyfriend’s eyes are following you is not a great start to socializing. Our fashion editors suggest keeping it simple with a dress in a bold color, sexy platforms and glitzy accessories—keep in mind that the best accessory is a ton of confidence. Converse, Converse, Converse! Disregard the gathering’s atmosphere. You are now the life of the social, 62  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

the belle of the ball. If the feeling is tense, don’t contribute to this by relaxing against the wall and people watching. Put on a genuine smile and begin to mingle. Now is the time to learn the art of reading body language because it is essential here. Speak to the girlfriend first when approaching couples because her response will determine how comfort-

ing new people and making enemies. Be as welcoming and pleasant as possible without coming off as inauthentic. If the vibe changes, feel free to politely excuse yourself. Jeepers Creepers You might not be the only person who chose to come to the mixer solo! Too bad the other person is a man who happens

of the room and avoid him for the rest of the night! The One You’ve been following all of the steps so far, right? Good! Now it’s time to put all of them into action. He has just arrived. You don’t know his name, but his smile radiates the room when he walks in. He is maneuvering through the crowd with little effort, stop-

You may be entering an environment with couples, so cover as much of the goodies as possible to guard against appearing as though you’re trying to hard to grab attention. able he will be with conversing. If she seems welcoming, ask her a few conversation starters such as how she knows the host and how often she comes to this establishment. If she seems comfortable and the conversation is beginning to

to be a creeper. You might be having a fabulous time until the creeper approaches. He doesn’t catch the “I’m not interested” vibe, so he follows you around from couple to couple continuing a conversation that you didn’t want to

ping to speak to people that he is familiar with. Commanding the room is his goal and he has accomplished it. You are in awe of him. But don’t let this opportunity to speak with him past. Put on that confident smile, give off that

The Single’s Girl Guide to Socializing Unattached? Don’t worry! Behold, a field guide to flirting, have fun, and turning heads this holiday season by evette dionne

flow, begin asking questions to him as well. You don’t want to seem like an intrusion, so if the atmosphere is too tense, move on to the next couple or keep circulating until you see familiar faces. Blank Face…Always Being alone in a social environment is difficult, but don’t remove that poker face. It is normal to get agitated or upset when couples are not responding to your festive attitude well, but one grimace, cross word, or roll of the eyes can make the difference between meet-

have to begin with. Be polite to the creeper. Smile and laugh at his horrible jokes. But at the first available opportunity, move swiftly to the other side

welcoming vibe, and approach him! You’ve been practicing all night so this should be effortless. Coming out to this social was worth it after all!


because college is more than the classroom

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 Love >> 60 Seconds with a Cute Guy

This Month’s Cutie: alan stone

This 23-year-old describes himself as “ambitious, punctual, and mature,” but we have one word for him: sexy!

DOB: August, 28, 1988 School: Miami Dade Community College location: Cocoa, FL What He Does: “I work for my family’s mortuary transport company.” Favorite Thing about a Woman: “I kind of got a thing for hair—length doesn’t matter, but I’m not a big fan of weaves.” Dating Deal Breaker: “If she talks too much.” How to Win His Heart: “If she can cook, hold good conversation and can make me laugh.” Lifelong Dream: “I always wanted my own art gallery. If I Could Have a Superpower…: “I would like to have the power of invisibility.” Feminine Freak-Outs: “A woman that’s too confident can be intimidating.” Worst Dating Habit: “I tend into rush into things, instead of taking my time to get to know a person.” Strange Rituals: “I tend to shower for long periods of time. Like for like an hour and a half.” People would be surprised to know…: “I’m very anal and particular about things, especially about my house being clean.” –Jamie Harrison 64  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011


because college is more than the classroom

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because college is more than the classroom

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Because College is More


than the Classroom

Pay Pal

President Obama has introduced new ways to help students pay back their student loans under his innovative “Pay as You Earn” plan that will lower students’ monthly loan payments as well as their interest rates. turn the page to for the details by jesica metellus

DECEMBER 2011  //  JAYE  67

Life >> Money Monitor


ith at least two thirds of college students graduating with student loan debt, it’s no surprise that Americans now owe more than $900 billion in student loan money, according to the student loan debt clock on finaid.org. Hence, President Obama has introduced new and innovative ways to help students pay back their student loans. Initiatives like “Pay as You Earn” will allow students to reduce their monthly loan payments and gain access to lower interest rates through loan consolidations and eventually have their loans forgiven. These small steps forward will result in big impacts to your mounting student loan debt.   Saving money is hard enough without having to worry about paying an extra two hundred dollars a month for student loans. However, when you’re trying to find a good job and put your expensive degree to use, paying back fifty thousand dollars in loans might just be last on your list of to-dos. The objective of President Obama’s student loan proposal is to assist those college graduates who have loan payments that are disproportionate to the amount of money they earn. According to the PR Web site, starting salaries for college graduates are on a decline. What sense does it make you to be paying back a fifty thousand dollar loan with a salary that doesn’t exceed thirty thousand?   Initially, monthly student loan payments capped at 68  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Americans now owe more than $900 billion in student loan debt.

fifteen percent of their income under the federal loan IncomeBased Repayment (IBR) Plan; with “Pay as You Earn,” monthly payments would cap at ten percent, according to Tuft’s Daily’s Gabrielle Hernandez. What does this mean for you? You know those insanely expensive student loan payments that you constantly struggle to make or that ruthlessly high stack of past due loan bills cluttering your coffee table, well there are ways to reduce that. Ignoring

the debt simply won’t cut it. As per a post from the Economic Collapse blog, “Approximately 14 percent of all students that graduate with student loan debt end up defaulting within 3 years of making their first student loan payment.” Better repayment options enable you to avoid being apart of this

statistic and get monthly payments that make more sense with the amount of you make. For example, “a [teachers] $25,000 in debt and earning $30,000 a year will see their payments reduced to about $114 a month” according to Lisa Madison of CBS News. If you’re still confused, there are

The objective of President Obama’s student loan proposal is to assist those college graduates who have loan payments that are disproportionate to the amount of money they earn.

a number of websites, such as studentaid.ed.gov, that offer income based repayment calculators that can assist you in determining your monthly payment. Check it out; it might be lower than what you’re paying right now.   High interest rates are the bane of the average college graduate’s existence. As all federal student loans move forward under the Direct Loan program, federal student loan interest rates are lower than they were before, a relief for graduates across the country. At one point, when a student

borrowed a federal loan, she was subject to higher interest rates and had to deal with several different banks at a time when servicing and repaying the loan. With higher interest rates, by the time a student ends up repaying her loan, the loan will have almost doubled. Thus, the student ends up paying more to the lender than to her education. Now, student loans are consolidated “from the Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) program into the Direct Loans program,” says Gabrielle Hernandez of the Tufts Daily.

So, what’s next? Lower loan terms, of course. As stated on the finaid.org website, the average student loan term spans from ten to thirty years where the greater the cost of the loan, the longer it’ll take to pay off. Under President Obama’s plan, student loan debt will be forgiven after twenty years, according to Student Loan Expert Heather Jarvis. So, with less time spent paying back loans, more time can be spent looking for suitable employment. Based on a report made by the New York Times, the unemployment

rate for college grads under 25 is over 9 percent. Debt forgiveness is a goal all college borrowers often strive for, why not have a goal that’s closer to attain.   With student loan debt already at $900 billion, it won’t be long before it reaches $1 trillion, as per a USA Today report. That’s a scary thought. Hence, it’s a good idea to start looking into alternatives in repaying student loans. There are many options that students don’t utilize when repaying their loans. Although many students have a disproportionate debt to income ratio, only a small amount of students take advantage of the government’s Income Based Repayment program. Programs like these are put in place to ease the burden of debt, not exacerbate it. In addition, borrowers don’t have to have new student loans to be under the Direct Loan program, older borrowers can take advantage of loan consolidation as well.   It’s smart to know all of your options when borrowing student loans. Currently the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Department of Education run the “Know Before You Owe” project which “aims to ensure that students fully understand their loan packages and the debt repayment plans before accepting loan packages,” as reported by Hernandez. If you’re considering borrowing a student loan or you’re struggling with a loan you’ve already borrowed, remember that there is help out there. And it pays to borrow smart. 

 Life >> Social Studies

Study Hall!

Basic time management skills will help to save your social life and GPA by ericka johnson


t’s Thursday, the last day of classes for the week for many of us and ladies’ night at the local bar­­—those two-for-one drinks sound mighty good right now. It also means that you have five days to study for that Psychology midterm exam you've been putting off. The phone buzzes. It's your girlfriend, wrangling 70  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

up everyone to meet for dinner then head to the bar afterwards. How can you resist? It’s not like you have class tomorrow...   Drinks with the girls were great and you decided to hit the mall Friday, tailgate Saturday and spend Sunday in recovery mode from the past few days. Then you realize you haven’t studied a lick of notes

and the midterm is Tuesday, you grab your books and head to the library that night to begin the cram process. Test day comes and you aren’t prepared as you should be and bomb the exam. Now, what?   While it may seem harmless, the damage lasts longer than the current semester. Poor performance this semester affects your overall GPA and sometimes, your confidence. Does this scenario sound familiar to you? Maybe it sounds like a friend, or, maybe the person is you?   All while you might not be

able to save yourself from major damage this go-round, what you can do is make a plan for going forward. Planning each day, prioritizing your to-do list and saying no to nonessential tasks are a few ways mayoclinic. com suggests improving your time management skills. In order to get the most out of your college experience, you'll need a plan in place. Weighing out your options, ask yourself, “Do I really need to go out every weekend?” This might sound like a major blow to your social calendar, but you must remember the main reason you are enrolled in college—to get an education, begin a career and be successful. To rectify the situation, make a schedule of all the tasks you need to complete, personal and academic. In the age of smartphones, one can easily organize their life in a matter of minutes. If you prefer to write things down invest in a nice planner that is large enough to give you space to write tasks’ down, but small enough to fit into your handbag.   Try using Google Calender which syncs with devices like iPhones, Blackberry and Android phones also, Microsoft Outlook for PC and Mac and iCal for Mac are good choices. Lock in tasks and at what time and your respective calendar will give you a reminder of the activity scheduled. If you organize yourself, then you will see how much wiggle room you have for activities like tailgating and dinner and drinks with the girls. Use time management tools, you’ll keep your grades on track, find time for a social life and be ultimately fabulous. 


because college is more than the classroom

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 Life >> Girl Talk

Put Some Steam in that Self-Esteem increase your confidence with these subtle tweaks in your everyday routine by megan elliott


s fulfilling as it is to hear complimentary declarations from others, it’s important to have a positive sense of self to keep you grounded and optimistic when others may doubt you. Below are seven confidence boosters to help you find that self-assurance: Sleep! JAYE cannot stress enough how important getting the right amount of sleep (at least seven hours) is. If you must pull an all-nighter, use this makeup tip to refresh your look: first apply a touch of concealer under your eyes to get rid of those circles. Next, dab the insides of your eyes (near your tear ducts) with a small amount of highlighter or cream-colored shimmer eye shadow. This opens your eyes and gives the illusion of a good night’s sleep, instantly boosting your confidence. Take Care of Your Skin. This includes washing your face every night, wearing a strong SPF moisturizer, and changing your pillow cases often. Having a nice complex72  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

ion makes us feel naturally beautiful, which is a great selfesteem booster. As the beauty and health director at Teen Vogue preaches, “don’t ever skip washing your face (do you want to sleep with a faceful of germs? ugh, no.” Keep an Open Mind. The attitude that there are endless possibilities for you exudes confidence. Know that there is no limit to what you can do with your life, especially at this defining time in life. Take advantage of the opportunity of simply being in college. Be independent and take on the world, one class at a time. Be Girly! Do things that make you you, like styling your hair in that fashion-forward do, or pile on accessories. Take advantage of the things that make you unique and play them up. People love you for who you are, which naturally makes us feel empowered. Give yourself a Spa Day. No, we’re not saying go break the bank on a full day treatment. Pamper yourself by giving yourself a pedicure, put on a facemask, and grab a glass of wine to relax. You can even put some cucumber slices

Pamper yourself by giving yourself a pedicure, put on a facemask, and grab a glass of wine to relax. on your eyes to really get the full effect. Relaxation a great way to relieve stress, which makes you come off more carefree and draws others in. Pick out Tomorrow’s Outfit the Night Before. Feeling prepared for the day ahead is a great way to bring confidence— and looking cute doesn’t hurt either. Avoid feeling rushed in the morning and just throwing on the first thing you see by picking out your look the night before. Make it a ritual and make it fun. Do some searches on the internet or flip to JAYE’s

fashion section for some fun ideas. Keep a Journal. Even if you’re not the best writer, jotting things down can not only help you express your emotions, but it can also help you remember and reflect on things, which helps relieve stress and worry. In fact, studies show that keeping a journal “allows us the opportunity to step back from the action,” which gives one the chance to put things in perspective. This results in a more optimistic attitude, which others pick up on. 


because college is more than the classroom

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“You have to ma the long run an student extraordin on a

74  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

meet ani yarosh! a balanced state of mind

ake yourself aware of what matters in the moment and what matters in nd then weigh the two against each other,” says the 19-year-old actressnaire, who chit-chats about the importance of education, her first experience a movie set, and which city’s better: New York or Los Angeles  by Amanda Montell photos courtesy of Mani Yarosh

Mani Yarosh may not be a name that you have memorized just yet, but perhaps you have spotted the spirited, blue-eyed girl attached to the name. Last year, you might have seen her whiz across the silver screen in National JC Penney ads. Maybe you’ve seen her appear in gritty guest roles on hit TV shows like Law & Order: SVU and Criminal Minds. If you frequent New York City, you may have spied her frolicking through the West Village in a beanie hat and vintage shoes, or dashing uptown to catch an audition, or climbing into an airport-bound cab to fly to LA for a meeting with her agent. Maybe you’ve seen her toting a backpack towards the library, because in addition to pursuing a career in film acting, 19-year-old Mani is also a full-time student at New York University. JAYE: What first drew you to acting? Mani Yarosh: I think my first experience with acting when I realized it was more than just some floozy thing you associate with movie stars and tabloids was in the 7th or 8th grade. Stepford Wives was shooting in my hometown and they needed extras, so I happened to step in. Why not? I remember being on set and just ogling at the sheer spectacle of it all. Gingham dresses and lights, hair stylists and makeup artists running around like mad; I’d never seen anything like it. But as soon we were rolling, as soon as our director yelled “Action,” everything was suddenly so real. What we were creating instantly became true life. It wasn’t real, but it was, you know? The town of Stepford seemed actually to 76  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

But Mani does not emanate an ounce of the stress that you might expect from someone juggling a life as a working actor and fulltime student. Walking into her bohemian nook of an apartment in Greenwich Village for our interview, I was greeted with nothing but a bright smile, natural blonde hair for days, and positive, easy-going vibes. Mani has the kind of energy that lets you know she’s sincere, and nothing like the superficial actress types you might expect. So how does she do it? How does Mani Yarosh manage successfully to pursue a career as unpredictable and harsh as acting, while earning a college degree, and still maintaining such composure? Sitting in shabby-chic foldout chairs amidst Mani’s leopard-print coats and quirky knick-knacks, I was let in on a few of her secrets.

“It's all about finding the equilibrium between art and education, and taking solace in that.” exist. I guess that was when it first dawned on me that this was absolutely an art form. I didn’t start getting serious about acting though until about midway through high school, but that experience was definitely my first defining moment and ultimately what drew me to it. JAYE: Why did you choose to go to college instead of just skipping it to pursue acting full time? MY: Mainly because I value the fact that in this country I’m able to have an education. I think that too often kids my age take their education for granted; it’s something their parents pay for

and it’s something our society views as necessary. Like, if you don’t go to college, you’re a failure. As an artist though, I realize that I don’t need a degree for my given career. But although I don’t necessarily need a degree, I want an education. I want to learn. I want to think. I want to be intellectually stimulated. Nerdy I guess, but whatever. JAYE: That’s not nerdy at all! So, what are you currently studying, and what do you plan to do with it? MY: I was accepted to NYU for drama. But this semester I’m focusing on academics, so I’m taking classes like inten-

sive elementary Arabic and Astronomy along with some other courses that keep me on my toes. What I love is the lack of redundancy. As for what I plan on doing with it? I’m not going to be an astronomer or anything, but there are bits and pieces of these classes that you learn to apply to your life and the world around you. JAYE: What is the hardest part about balancing the demanding, fast-paced nature of the acting industry and the highly academic world of school? MY: Prioritizing is key. The hardest part is having to understand that while I’m >>

mani’s key to happiness  “Prioritize. You have to understand what’s important to you, and make sure it’s really important to you, not someone else. In the long run, what do you wish to achieve? Don’t go to college if you’re only going for your parents, and don’t enter a career simply for the money. How can you truly live if you’re not living for you?” 78  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

“I like meeting people, or just hanging with friends. If I’m alone, I love photography or long boarding near the water. It’s about learning to enjoy the free time within the confines of your schedule. And being open minded.” studying at a rigorous academic institution, I’m also working in a professional industry. It comes down to choosing between, say, a lecture or an audition. Which will be the greater gain? Which will be the greater loss? You have to make yourself aware of what matters in the moment and what matters in the long run and then weigh the two against each other. By no means an easy feat. JAYE: True statement. So, what would you say are your favorite and least favorite parts about being a working actor and a student all at the same time? MY: My favorite and least favorite parts are... being a working actor and student all at the same time, ha. In all seriousness, I love that it gives me a perspective. I’m allowed to draw from both aspects of my life and either apply them to one another or throw them against one another. It’s all about finding the equilibrium between art and education, and taking solace in that. JAYE: In which city to prefer to live, New York or LA? In which do you prefer to work? MY: To live? New York for sure. I find this city to be particularly alive, you know? It’s really got a beat. People here also don’t really care about who you are or

what you do and that freedom is particularly amazing. Then it’s just unbelievably diverse. I can be talking to a professor one moment, and be getting yelled at by a homeless person the next. I love that. I know that I’m gonna have to move out to LA for a bit eventually, because that’s where the film industry is really centered. That’s not to say that I don’t like LA; I just prefer the New York lifestyle. JAYE: Name your 3 biggest priorities in life right now. MY: That’s a hard one. That’s really hard. My career, my education, maintaining the relationships in my life But not necessarily in that order. That’s the thing. It changes all the time. JAYE: In an ideal world, where would you be in five to ten years? How close to this ideal world do you think you’ll come? MY: Honestly, I just want to be happy. I understand that sounds cliché, but I just want to be able to stand there and say, “I’m happy to be right where I am. I’m grateful to have met the people I’ve met and to have worked with the people I’ve worked with. I’m proud of what I’ve so far done and accomplished.” JAYE: On a different note, what do you like to do for fun? MY: Just going out! It doesn’t

have to be anything fancy or high maintenance. I like meeting people, or just hanging with friends. If I’m alone, I love photography or long boarding near the water. It’s about learning to

enjoy the free time within the confines of your schedule. And being open minded. If someone said to me, “hey let’s go see this show in Brooklyn,” I’d totally be down for that. 

Photographs courtesy of style.com fashion editor: Alyssa Davis

, p a w S Sparkle, ! p o P

the semester’s over, and instead of spending those late nights studying, round up a few of the girls and get out on the town. what to wear? casual basics with evening staples, glittery metallics and the alwaystrendy shot of bold color 80  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Badgley Mischka Sparkle! The key to wearing an all over sequin dress is to keep the accessories minimal—a black clutch and nail polish is all you need!

Rag & Bone Swap: Think grunge luxe and pair a chiffon skirt with a casual sweatshirt. To glam up the look, throw on a few bling-y accessories and a cute up-do.

Donna Karan Pop!: Candy apple red in a simple (but sexy!) silhouette never goes out of style—go the extra mile with a crimson lip and strappy sandals. 82  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Chloe Sparkle: For metallics in rose, pair with nude heels instead of flats and a simple, barely there make up palette.

Helmut Lang Swap: If you’re jonesing for a cocktail season change-up, opt for black separates with a shiny finish. 84  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

Gucci Sparkle: Perfect for a corporate holiday party! Toss aside the blazer for post-work drinks with the girls.

Lela Rose Swap: Push that basic LBD to the back of the closet and opt for one with subtle lace detail, which is sure to be a holiday favorite.

86  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

get the look

Swap, Sparkle, Pop!

Topshop sweater, $80; topshop.com.

Dorothy Perkins dress, $61; dorothyperkins.com.

AX Paris skirt, $40; axparis.co.uk.

Yes Style clutch, $30; yesstyle.com.

H&M belt, $10; hm.com.

Reiss heels, $212; reissonline.com.


cite to see

Research asserts that half of students admit to cyber-cheating at some point in college, and experts have found that the intense demands of academia, the stresses of everyday life, and the infinite intel at our disposal via the Information Highway have created a perfect storm where plagiarism takes center stage as the number-one method for flourishing in the classroom. But is the reward worth the risk? Jesica Metellus reports

photograph courtesy of buzzle.com 88  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

It’s four in the morning; you’re hopped up on dry coffee beans and poorly crafted red bull tablets. In another four hours, you need to be in class handing in your 10-page research paper on how the introduction of American television has slowly corrupted the basic outline of family life while citing ten completely different sources. You had three weeks to gather sources and start writing, and all you have written down is the title page, which you crafted brilliantly. Knowing that this paper is worth half your grade—forget the fifteen other assignments you aced— this paper will make or break your grade in class. After perusing the web, you come across the website Perfecttermpapers.com: For less than thirty bucks you can download a perfect term paper in less than twenty minutes and still get in enough sleep to wake up and get to class on time. Never mind the fact that you know it’s wrong— you need an A, and what better way to get it than by downloading the perfect term paper so you can get on with the perfect winter break.   According to a plagiarism. org report, a sample of 1,800 students revealed that 84 percent of students polled at nine different state universities have cheated on written assignments. Ten years ago, the mere mention of plagiarism caused professors and students alike to gasp in disbelief. Now, based on surveys conducted by Donald L. McCabe from the Center for Academic Integrity, as well as a business professor at Rutgers University, about 40 percent of 14,000 undergraduates think it’s OK to copy a few sentences from the Internet and pass them 90  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

off as their own, as reported by Trip Gabriel of the New York Times. Plagiarism is slowly becoming common practice on college campuses as the information age has blurred the lines of what is and isn’t acceptable. Professors are spending less time educating students on how to properly cite their sources, assuming they know what sources to cite, and fueling students’ desire to get a quick A and get it all over with.   In 2006, three engineering students were accused, two of which were reprimanded, of plagiarizing their master’s theses, according to an article written in The Chronicle of Higher Education. In 2010, Deanna Dewberry of WISH-TV Channel 8 News reported that almost two-dozen high-school seniors who were taking courses for college credit faced not only a delayed graduation but also rejection of their college applications because of allegations of cheating on their final, proving that the lure of getting through college with a passing grade on half the effort

has irresistible appeal to high school seniors too. And with recent studies and surveys, the blatant disregard for an ethical conscious is only growing.   Time recently published an article in which Kayla Webley reported, “more than half of the college presidents surveyed said that plagiarism in students’ paper has increased over the past 10 years.” And Webley also noted that with an increasingly growing number of college institutions offering online classes, about 77 percent, the digital age is making it harder for college students to resist the urge to “borrow” a couple quotes here or there.

Who’s to Blame? A college student’s lack of effort isn’t all there is to blame in the matter either. The Times’ Gabriel recounted the story about the German teenager Helene Hegemann whose best-selling novel was mostly plagiarized. Instead of hiding out in shame after being found out, she refocused everyone’s attention away

from her indiscretion and onto the hard truth quoting, “There’s no such thing as originality anyway, just authenticity.” Rather than punishing her by ostracizing her from the writing community, a few critics defended her actions. With this example on the forefront of students’ aspirations for good grades and easy buckets, students have no real need to be original in their paper writing. Why attempt to write an astoundingly profound paper when dozens of people before you have done so already? Even if cited properly, college papers have become a dumping ground for paragraphlong quotes and intriguingly extensive paraphrasing with no room for originality.   As online classes grow and textbooks become more electronically accessible, more than 50 percent over the next ten years, according to the findings in a survey from the Pew Research Center Webley, students will find it harder to ignore the temptation of lifting a few sentences to fill in the >>

empty spaces of their essays. When students remove themselves from the classroom, the pressure to be original decreases while the line between ethical and unethical blurs.   Can we blame the digital era for student’s lack of freshness? Who wouldn’t be tempted by the smorgasbord of easily accessible websites, online books, and reference guides filled with so many well-written excerpts? Sheldon Lovelace, a student at the International Academy of Design and Technology, often finds it hard to reword or paraphrase his sources when “they say exactly what [he] wants to say, exactly how [he] would want to say it.” Just like the University of Maryland student who didn’t find fault in copying his paper on the Great Depression straight from Wikipedia. com since everything there was “common knowledge” anyway, as Gabriel reported.

the case for common knowledge Some college plagiarists can place blame on their professors. Without proper guidance on how to avoid the practice, the act is almost inescapable. Let’s revisit the “common knowledge” argument: Guidelines generally dictate that a writer appropriately sources all materials that are not common knowledge. Amanda, blogger for Psychology Fitness, makes a good point in begging the question: “What, then, is common knowledge?” Should we rightly assume that before looking at Wikipedia the Maryland student’s knowledge of a period where the economy was at its worse is common? If so, then 92  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

it can also be rightly assumed that this student didn’t need to access Wikipedia to discover this “common” information in the first place. What constitutes “common” knowledge in paper writing should be subject to the discourse of the environment in which the paper is assigned. Or, force professors and literary critics to face a barrage of term papers and academic writings with overly intense, non-cited paraphrasing under the guise of “common knowledge.”   For instance, the sky being blue is “common” knowledge; the complex reasoning behind why the sky is blue—and not a simple ocean reflection—is not.” Notice the difference?   Furthermore, what also assists in making plagiarizing increasingly difficult is the plethora of websites that lack authors. And in this age of absent taglines and unknown authors, students are conveniently forgetting the “concept of authorship and the singularity of any text or image,” contends Gabriel. With so much authorless information available on the web, it makes sense why some students may believe that the information is just there for the taking, according to Teresa Fishman, director of the Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University.   More students don’t understand the consequences associated with plagiarism and are more concerned with passing one course and moving onto the next, and when professors continue to relax the standards of proper citation and turn a blind eye to minor indiscretions, it sends the message that plagiarizing isn’t that serious. Psychology Fitness blogger,

Amanda asserts that, “an absent punishment for something we know is wrong encourages continuing the behavior,” which in turn only reinforces bad behaviors.

you cheated. Now what happens? So let’s dig a little deeper: You downloaded a perfectly written research paper from Perfecttermpapers.com and have avoided the fulfilling task of completing a job that is expected of you. What happens next? One of two things: you’re caught or you’re not. If you, amazingly, evade capture by the Plagiarism

Often, we focus so much of our attention on the perpetrators, we forget about the people who worked hard to compile a well thought-out piece only to be victimized by an unethical college student who didn’t want to do the work.   For example, bloggers at the site, Dear Author tell the stories of writers who have been casualties of plagiarists. Mari Sandoz, a popular American writer, endured beatings and isolation just for the sake of her art, yet, she also suffered from plagiarists who couldn’t resist but to steal her work. Dr. Charles Eastman struggled and nearly faced

Can we blame the digital era for student’s lack of freshness? Who wouldn’t be tempted by the smorgasbord of easily accessible websites, online books, and reference guides filled with so many well-written excerpts? Police, you can breathe a sigh of relief when you pass the course while your university now deems you a well-rounded, exceptionally talented student that understands the benefits of hard work. Although, you skate by on easy street, the damage is done. You have an acquired a learned behavior that will haunt you until you confess. Even if you do graduate on what’s ultimately a lie, your success now hinges on the victory of a violation of not only your but your school’s integrity. Try looking at yourself in the mirror after that.   On the other hand, you’ll probably be caught, face delayed graduation, or worse, expulsion. Try finding a job in this seemingly jobless economy with that on your record.   What about the victims?

starvation yet, he mustered the courage to write and share his work with the world; still his contributions were stolen and not respected.   There reasons college students cheat, spanning anywhere from poor time management to pure laziness, are endless, but plagiarism is a serious offense that should not be taken lightly Regardless of the reason behind it, the act shouldn’t find its home on the college campus. We don’t need to tell you stealing someone else’s work and passing it off as your own is an unethical act and as you wrap up the end of a strenuous semester, recognize the consequences that it not only presents them, but the issues it brings to the victims as well. Besides, is doing the work and citing the source that hard? 

according to the internet fans plagiarism‘s already-volatile flames u.s. news and At press time, the Pew Research Center released a survey of college presidents that the contention that cyber-plagiarism is at an “all-time high,” according to The world report, confirm Huffington Post. Obviously, the catalyst is the Internet: “A majority of college presidents Almost 85% (55 percent) said that plagiarism in students’ papers has increased over the past ten years; among those who have seen an increase in plagiarism, 89 percent said computof college ers and the Internet have played a major role.” And the e-cheating doesn’t stop at the students said undergrad level: About 25 percent of graduate students engage in these same behavior. To most of the presidents, the prognosis seems murky as we continue to move into a cheating was digitally dominated college landscape: Half of college presidents predicted that ten years necessary to from now most of their students would take classes online, while 62% said they foresaw half of undergrads using digital books by 2021, as claimed by the survey. get ahead. >> Although the protypical plagiarist is a “young male underclassmen experienced with the Internet,” experts contend that girls turn to the guys in their lives for their tech-savvy to help them fly under the radar

>> Louis Vuitton: Slicked, Concealed Pony This look is as simple as it seems. After slicking your hair into a pony, simply grab a piece of hair and wrap it around your elastic to hide it. you may have found the perfect cocktail dress and accessories, but a fresh hairdo takes the look to the next level. try one of these four hot styles to keep heads turning all night long


‘cause we like to party! 94  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011


jillian ruffo photographs via


>> 3.1 Phillip Lim: A totally fun halfup-half-down Divide your hair into two sections—the one that’s going to be down, and the one that will be pulled back. Use a crimper or waver to style the bottom half of your hair, and then pull the top half up and slick it back.

>> Chloe: Super-subtle waves Starting with straight, middleparted hair, use a 1-inch barrel curling iron to create loose waves towards your ends. Don’t wrap your hair around the iron too tight, or your waves will turn to curls.

96  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

>> anna sui: chinadoll bangs Be brave, and ask your hair dresser for straightacross bangs. This look is absolutely adorable and totally chic. Tip: if your hair is hard to manage, this may not be the easiest look to keep up with.

Consult our list of pointers to help you cross off the to-dos of 2011 before you head into the new year.

98  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

It’s Not How You Start, But How You Finish The JAYE Girl’s Guide to Tying Up the Year’s Loose Ends By Chloe Metzger

It’s December already? Somewhere between the all-night study sessions and early-morning classes, the past eleven months have slipped right on by. And the end of the semester brings reflection, resolution-planning, and, of course, grades. JAYE knows you can’t be the star student in every subject of your life, so we’ve compiled the best tips and tricks to boost your life’s GPA and send you into 2012 more smart and fabulous than ever before—no tutor necessary! >>

Experts say most adults need at least 8 hours of sleep, but most students get around 6.



Take a Minute to Cherish the Small Victories Too!

 Alright, you got through another year—examine yourself: Limbs still attached? Yep. Brain still functioning? Good enough. While each tiny misstep can feel like a world-ending defeat, find happiness not from each individual success, but from your overall accomplishments. The 2010 college enrollment rate for women was 74 percent, more than triple the amount in the 1970s. Just attending college or entering the workforce out of high school deserves a pat on the back. There’s always next year to raise your GPA or go to the gym more often—for now, take pride in your innate determination. Heck, be proud of yourself simply for getting through another semester of monotone lectures—we know we are!

Tech Tidbit If you don’t excel at anything, we know you’ve aced Social Media 101—and the research proves it! Tops of 2011:
Clearly you’re not the only person who got a little sidetracked at work: According to Google, the number one most visited website worldwide of 2011 was Facebook, followed closely by YouTube.


Snooze Sooner

Say It With Us: Moving Forward, I’m Going to Put My WellBeing First and Get More Sleep!


Recent studies show that the average person falls asleep in seven minutes. Find yourself tossing and turning long after you hit the sheets? Follow these three tips to leave your insomnia where it belongs—in 2011.  Drink Smart
Trade mom’s glass of warm milk for a cup of allnatural cherry juice an hour before

bed. Scientists at the University of Texas found that consuming the fruit every day for two weeks significantly improved sleep patterns, thanks to its richness in melatonin.  Shut Down
Sex and sleep are the only two actions you should be engaging in while in bed. Turn off the TV long before climbing under the covers and keep your cell phone across the room. The bright glow of electronics can trick your brain into thinking it’s not yet time

to fall asleep, so unplug yourself 30 minutes prior to bedtime.  Lavender Up This scent, which produces a sounder sleep cycle when inhaled, has been used in aromatherapy for centuries. Light a lavender-scented candle as you go about your nightly routine, or rub yourself down with lavender-infused lotion. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and smelling delicious—and what could be better than that?

Progress Report! With 2011 coming to a close, JAYE readers reflect on some of their most unforgettable moments of the year and what they might have done differently.

“I stood up to the boy I thought I was in love with and told him to stop playing games with my heart. For a non-confrontational person, it was a huge step for me.” –Lauren N., 20 “I wish I would have realized that life is too short to settle for anything less than a man who leaves you glowing, not insecure. This coming year, I vow to open my heart and take things slow. And eat less Thai food.” – Cassandra G., 24 “I lost 10 pounds and figured out what I want to do with the rest of my life—Or at least what I want to major in!” –Macaira L., 20

Tell him it’s too little, too late.

Relationships 101

Parental Remedy

Acknowledging Mom and Dad May be the Best Gift You Give This Holiday Season  January is right around the corner, bringing with it a flood of New Year’s resolutions and grandeur schemes all aimed at changing yourself. But before you start planning that next big philanthropic event, take a moment to reflect over the past year and resolve the problems that may be closer than you think— like within your home.   In the midst of short-lived college boyfriends and fleeting friendships, the amount of relationships you juggle may become overwhelming. It can be easy to forget that mom and dad are, well, more than just your mom and dad. They’re not just checkbooks with shoulders to cry on, and they too can feel unappreciated and left out. Researchers at the University of Southern California say that only 51 percent of relationships “Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it,” Dr. Haim Ginott, famously said—but don’t hold it against your folks!

“At some point, even your parents will become tired of those over-the-phone arguments and ignored text messages, and your impermeable relationship may be as done as that onenight-stand.” between American parents and their grown children are happy and relatively free of conflict. Does yours make the cut?   How many times this year did you ask your mom how her day was without talking about yourself first? Or take your dad out to dinner just because he deserved it? While you may have parents who love you unconditionally and are always a phone call away, you don’t want to make their relationship with you a chore. At some point, even your parents will become tired of those over-the-phone arguments and ignored text messages, and your impermeable relationship may be as done as that one-night-stand.   So don’t wait until the friendship with your mom and dad begins to fade into a regret; be one to them now. Send home a box of homemade cookies or write them a heartfelt letter. Because long after your short-lived New Year’s Resolutions have been broken, your mom and dad will prevail. And they’re way more fun than a fad diet anyways.

Love & Lust

Ditch That Man!

Girls, Say “So Long!” to the No-Good Loser That’s Holding You Back


You know the guy. You probably even have one on speed dial right now. The “it-neverquite-worked-out” man who makes life an emotional hell one month and then sends flirty texts the next. But ask yourself what have you gained from this frenzied relational rollercoaster. The year is over and enough is enough. Think of this way: You wouldn’t keep eating expired leftovers in the fridge, would you? Nope, so toss this dead-end dude out with the garbage and make room for someone less exhausting—and more delicious. Just be sure to tip us for the advice! 59% of people remain Facebook friends with an ex after they've broken up, and 48% (including 42% of married folks) say they look at their ex’s Facebook or other social networking profile too often. Source: YourTango break-up survey JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011  101


because college is more than the classroom

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Relax! Lifestyle Made Easy

almond raspberry stars

Holiday Cooking Special!

Smart Cookies whether for family and friends or coworkers and colleagues, these sweet treats will satisfy all tasters, both naughty and nice

DECEMBER 2011  //  JAYE  103

 Relax! >> Yummy Eats Almond Raspberry Stars Recipe from tasteofhome.com by Darlene Weaver of Lebanon, Pennsylvania >> 3/4 cup butter, softened >> 1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar >> 1 tsp Spice Islands pure vanilla extract >> 1/2 tsp almond extract >> 13/4 cups plus 2 tbsp allpurpose flour >> 2 tbsp finely chopped almonds >> 1 tbsp sugar >> 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon >> 1 egg white, beaten >> 1/3 cup raspberry jam 1. In a large bowl, cream butter and confectioners’ sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in extracts. Stir in flour. Shape into a ball; cover and chill for 15 minutes. 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough to 1/4-in. thickness. With floured cookie cutters, cut dough into equal numbers of 21/2-in. and 11/2-in. stars. 3. Combine almonds, sugar and cinnamon. Brush small stars with egg white and immediately sprinkle with almond mixture. Leave large stars plain. 4. Place 1 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake small stars at 350° for 10 minutes and large stars for 12 minutes or until the tips begin to brown. Cool on wire racks. 5. To assemble, spread enough jam over large star to cover the center. Top with a small star; press lightly (jam should show around edge of small star). Let jam set before storing cookies in an airtight container. Makes 3 Dozen 2 cookies equals 152 calories, 8 g fat (5 g saturated fat), 20 mg cholesterol, 80 mg sodium, 18 g carbohydrate, trace fiber, 2 g protein

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Cherry Mocha Balls Recipe from tasteofhome.com by Jeana Crowell of Whitewater, Kansas >> 1 cup butter, softened >> 1/2 cup sugar >> 4 tsp pure vanilla extract >> 2 cups all-purpose flour >> 1/4 cup baking cocoa >> 1 tbsp instant coffee granules >> 1/2 tsp salt >> 1 cup finely chopped pecans >> 2/3 cup chopped red candied cherries >> Confectioners' sugar 1. In a bowl, cream butter. Gradually add sugar and vanilla; beat until light and fluffy. Stir together flour, cocoa, coffee and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture and mix. Stir in pecans and cherries. 2. Shape into 1-in. balls and bake at 350° for 15 minutes or until cookies are set. Dust with confectioners' sugar.

cherry mocha balls

fantastic cookie bars Recipe from allrecipes.com by Campbell’s Kitchen >> 1 package of puff pastry sheets, thawed >> 11/2 cups chopped pecans >> 1 cup sweetened flaked coconut >> 1 bag semi-sweet chocolate pieces >> 1 can sweetened condensed milk

makes 3 dozen 1 serving (2 each) equals 116 calories, 8 g fat (3 g saturated fat), 14 mg cholesterol, 87 mg sodium, 11 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 1 g protein.

fantastic cookie bars

1. Heat the oven to 400 . 2. Unfold 1 pastry sheet on a lightly floured surface. Roll the pastry sheet into a 12-inch square. Place the pastry sheet onto a baking sheet. Brush the edges with water. Fold over the edges 1/2 inch on all sides, pressing firmly to form a rim. Prick the center of the pastry thoroughly with a fork. Repeat with the spare pastry sheet. 3. Bake for 15 minutes, rotating the baking sheets between the top and bottom oven racks halfway through the baking time. Divide the pecans, coconut and chocolate between the pastry crusts. Drizzle half the condensed milk over each. 4. Bake for 15 minutes or until the pastries are golden brown, rotating the baking sheets between the top and bottom oven racks halfway through the baking time. Let the pastries cool for 30 minutes. Cut each pastry into 24 bars. makes 4 dozen bars Amount Per Serving Calories: 133 | Total Fat: 8.4g | Cholesterol: 3mg


because college is more than the classroom

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 Relax! >> Thirst Quenchers ginger snap Recipe from foodnetwork.com courtesy of Jill Davie >> 1 oz ginger beer >> Ice >> 1 tsp ginger juice >> 11/2 oz dark rum >> 1 tsp cinnamon schnapps >> Pinch of ground cloves >> 1 egg white >> Cinnamon stick >> Crystallized ginger square >> Finely ground gingerbread cookie 1. Pour enough ginger beer into a saucer to cover and dip a martini glass into the saucer to coat the rim. Dip into a saucer with ground cookie. 2. Scoop ice into shaker. Pour ginger juice, rum and cinnamon schnapps into a shaker. 3. Add a pinch of ground cloves. Separate an egg and add egg white to shaker. Shake vigorously for at least 20 seconds until drink is frothy and foamy. Add ginger beer and stir slightly. Pour into glass. 4. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and crystallized ginger

ginger snap

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candy cane cooler

square, and sprinkle the top with finely ground gingerbread cookie. (You can substitute brown sugar or cinnamon sugar to the rim glass.) Candy Cane Cooler Recipe from foodnetwork.com courtesy of Jill Davie For Infusion: >> 2 cups fresh mint leaves, de-stemmed >> 1 bottle quality vodka 1. Thoroughly wash mint leaves and place in a decanter or jar. Empty vodka into container and muddle slightly to release the essential oils. Store in a cool, dark place for at least 3 days—longer if you want a stronger taste. For cocktail: >> 1 tbsp crushed candy cane or peppermint candy >> 11/2 oz mint-infused vodka >> 1/2 oz B&B (Benedictine and brandy) >> 1/2 oz half-and-half >> Ice >> Peppermint stick >> Mint sprig for garnish

berry juice, chilled >> 1 bottle sparkling water, chilled >> 2 limes, thinly sliced >> 1 bunch fresh mint As an alternative to serving from a punch bowl, make the bellini mixture in a 6 to 8 cup capacity pitcher. Divide the pomegranate seeds between 12 champagne flutes. Add 1 slice of lime and 1 sprig of mint to each glass. Pour the bellini mixture into the prepared glasses and serve. Simple syrup 1. In a saucepan, combine a cup of water and a cup of

We’ll Drink to That! sometimes the best gifts come in the form of indulgent libations—here, our top three, perfect for the season

1. Place crushed candy cane bits into pint glass. Muddle the candy cane slightly, breaking up the bigger pieces. 2. Do not over-muddle into a powder. Add vodka, brandy and half-and-half and stir. Pour into a shaker with ice. Shake lightly to chill and strain into old-fashioned glass full of ice. Add a peppermint stick and stir. Garnish with a mint sprig. makes 1 serving

For the under-21 set Virgin Pomegranate and Cranberry Bellinis Recipe from foodnetwork.com by Giada De Laurentiis >> 1 cup ice >> 11/2 cups simple syrup, recipe follows >> 11/4 cups unsweetened pomegranate juice >> 1 cup unsweetened cran-

sugar over medium heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved. makes 8 to 12 servings

virgin pomegranate and cranberry bellinis


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 Relax! >> Meals of the Month blueberry french toast

and simmer over low heat until berries burst, about 10 minutes. 3. Drizzle on top of Blueberry French Toast.

garlic shrimp salad

Lunch Baja Grilled Chicken Wrap >> 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts, grilled, chopped Breakfast Blueberry French Toast Recipe from recipesia.com. >> 12 slices firm day old bread, cubed >> 16 oz cream cheese, cut into inch squares >> 1 cup blueberries >> 1 dozen eggs >> 2 cups milk 1/3 cup honey 1. Lightly grease 13 x 9-inch pan. Layer in this order: 1/2 bread cubes, all the cream cheese cubes, all the blueberries and remaining bread cubes on top. 2. Whisk eggs with milk and honey. Pour over bread, but do not stir. Cover and chill overnight. 3. Bake covered at 350° for 45 minutes. Bake uncovered for 25 to 30 minutes. The center will puff, turning golden brown. 4. Serve with Blueberry Sauce. Blueberry Sauce >> 1 cup granulated sugar >> 2 tbsp cornstarch >> 1 cup cold water >> 1 cup blueberries >> 1 tbsp butter or margarine 1. In a saucepan over medium heat, bring sugar, cornstarch, and water to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook until clear. 2. Stir in blueberries and butter,

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Triple Play

these satisfying meals are just what the food doctors ordered! >> 11/2 cups coleslaw blend >> 1 teaspoon chili powder >> 1 tablespoon lime juice >> 1/4 cup ranch dressing >> 1/2 cup Mexican-style shredded cheese >> 1/2 cup grape tomatoes, quartered >> 4 whole wheat tortillas >> 1/2 cup your favorite salsa >> 1/4 cup sour cream 1. Heat grill to medium heat. 2. Combine first 7 ingredients. 3. Spoon chicken mixture down centers of tortillas. Fold in sides of tortillas, then roll up burrito-style. Secure with toothpicks, if desired.

baja grilled chicken wrap

4. Grill, seam-sides down, 8 to 9 minutes or until golden brown on all sides, turning occasionally. Serve with salsa and sour cream. Dinner Garlic Shrimp Salad Recipe from whfoods.com >> 4 medium cloves garlic, pressed >> 1 lb medium-sized cooked shrimp, best bought still frozen >> 1 bunch asparagus, cut into 1-inch pieces, discarding bottom fourth >> 3 tbsp vegetable broth >> 1 fresh tomato, diced into

1/2-inch pieces >> 3 tbsp chopped fresh parsley (or 3 tsp dried parsley) >> Small head of romaine lettuce, chopped >> Salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste Dressing >> 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice >> 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil >> 1 tbsp Dijon mustard >> 1 tsp honey >> Salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste 1. Add vegetable broth to medium skillet and after it has heated up, sauté asparagus for 5 minutes. 2. Whisk together lemon, oil, mustard, honey, garlic, salt and pepper. Toss shrimp, asparagus, parsley, and tomato with dressing and herbs. Allow shrimp salad to marinate for at least 15 minutes. 3. Discard outer leaves of lettuce head, rinse, dry, and chop. 4. Serve shrimp mixture on bed of lettuce and top with crumbled goat cheese and a slice of lime, if desired.


because college is more than the classroom

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 Till We Meet Again >> December 2011

Shop Till You Drop!

The number of people who were shopping last Christmas Eve:

 

2 in 10

facts and figures on america’s spending habits during the christmas season

19 The percentage of U.S. consumers that planned to shop on the day after Christmas in 2010, according to International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)

Number of Americans who plan to return at least gift in 2010

$1.028 billion was spent online on Cyber Monday in 2010, the first day in U.S. retail history to surpass the billion-dollar sales level.

$10.69 billion was spent on

Blackin 2010 Friday In 2010, retail spending rose 5.5 percent in the 50 days before Christmas.

$3.68 billion

$942 million

The estimated dollar amount the retail industry was expected to lose in 2010 holiday season due to return fraud, up from $2.74 billion in 2009, according to the National Retail Federation

The number of dollars spent online on Free Shipping Day (FSD) in 2010, compared to $586 million on FSD 2009 (This year FSD is on December 16).

110  JAYE  //  DECEMBER 2011

23 million

Source: retailindustry.about.com


Percentage of shoppers planned on buying at least one gift card during the holiday season


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