Renew Medical Aesthetics + Skin Care

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Welcome............................................................................. 4 Cellulite Reduction.......................................................... 6 Chemical Peel.................................................................... 8 Facial Fillers...................................................................... 10 Kybella................................................................................  14 Laser Skin Resurfacing.................................................  16 Microdermabrasion.......................................................  18 Neurotoxins..................................................................... 20 Oxygen Facials...............................................................  24 Skin Care..........................................................................  26 Skin Tightening..............................................................  28


WELCOME Welcome to Renew Skin Care where our goal is to enhance your natural beauty. Whether you are looking for non-surgical alternatives to rejuvenate your skin or honest advice on skin care products, the professionals at Renew Skin Care strive to exceed your expectations. Our practice offers the latest innovations in non-surgical aesthetic treatments and medical-grade skin care products designed to deliver a more youthful, rejuvenated “you”. After all, “aging is a privilege; getting old is optional.” At Renew Skin Care, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality customer service and will take the time to thoroughly educate you on what to expect before, during, and after all procedures. Led by Sherri Nassar, APRN, FNP-BC, our staff is comprised of dedicated professionals working together to provide patients with a pleasant atmosphere, outstanding service, and striking results. Sherri has been immersed in the field of anti-aging and aesthetic medicine since 2006 and has perfected the art of not only listening to the patient to understand what they want, but also of delivering a natural, refreshed result. Your best friend may not even be able to tell why you look so good! We welcome you to explore the procedures offered at Renew Skin Care in the pages that follow. Some of the various procedures may not be suitable for all patients, but during your consultation our providers will discuss with you in detail the potential benefits, risks, and/or alternatives available to meet your individual needs. 4



CELLULITE REDUCTION BODY CONTOURING At Renew Skin Care, our Viora REACTION device utilizes bipolar radio frequency (RF) energy in conjunction with vacuum suction to target fat cells in the hypodermis. The combination of heat and vacuum manipulation of the tissue aids in heating and shrinkage of fat cells, stimulation of local lymphatic drainage and increased microcirculation, and remodeling of collagen. This leads to increased local blood circulation and drainage of excess toxins and lipids from the targeted area resulting in circumferential reduction and/or improvement in the appearance of cellulite. Commonly treated areas include abdomen, back, arms, love handles, hips, buttocks and thighs. Patients may experience temporary redness and bruising, but can return to work or regular activities immediately. A series of 6-8 weekly treatments is recommended for optimal results.





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CHEMICAL PEEL Chemical peels can be vital for skin health. Chemical peels are ideal for stimulating collagen regeneration, reducing the appearance of fine lines, exfoliating and brightening skin tone, regulating oil production, and decreasing inflammation and acne. Chemical peeling agents come in many formulations, and can be used to simply tighten and tone the skin or to penetrate deeply for a more advanced peel and refreshed tone and texture. We offer the Vitalize速 and RejuvenizeTM Peels by SkinMedica速. These peels are made of a proprietary blend of peel ingredients designed to deliver consistent results. The Vitalize速 Peel is our most popular peel and can reduce hyperpigmentation and acne scarring while also improving skin imperfections and the appearance of fine lines. This peel is appropriate for all skin types. Patients may experience peeling for 3-5 days and this peel can be performed every 3-4 weeks. The RejuvenizeTM Peel is our strongest peel. It targets deeper into the epidermis for enhanced exfoliation and improves moderate to severe skin imperfections due to sun damage, acne scarring, and melasma. Patients may experience peeling for 3-7 days and this peel can be performed every 4-6 weeks. For optimal results, a series of 3-5 peels is recommended.






Photos have not been retouched. Results may vary. Data on file at SkinMedica速.


FACIAL FILLERS Like the name implies, fillers (also known as dermal fillers) temporarily “fill” areas of soft tissue to reduce wrinkles, fill creases, and add volume back to the face. The most common facial areas for treatment with fillers are the smile lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds), the lines extending from the mouth to the chin (marionette lines), the lips, and cheeks. Fillers that are hyaluronic acid based, such as Juvederm®, Voluma® and Restylane®, can last 6-24 months but can also be dissolved with a reversing agent. Most fillers are supplied in 1mL syringes; the number of syringes needed will depend on the area being treated and varies from patient to patient. Most patients require a topical anesthetic cream for comfort during the procedure. Results are noticed immediately, and continue to improve over the course of 2 weeks. The most common side effects are temporary and include bleeding, bruising, and swelling. A thorough consultation will determine if fillers are an appropriate treatment option as well as cover the risks, benefits, number of syringes necessary, duration of the product chosen, and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. 10




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MARIONETTE LINES, CHIN, CHEEKS Juvederm速 Ultra Plus and Voluma


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KYBELLA® Submental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin”, is a common yet undertreated facial aesthetic condition. It can impact a broad range of adults, including both men and women, and can be influenced by several factors such as aging, genetics and weight gain. Oftentimes, submental fullness is resistant to diet and exercise alone. Treatment with KYBELLA® offers a non-surgical option to reduce submental fat. KYBELLA® is an FDA approved medication used to dissolve submental fat via a series of quick injections to the affected area. The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, KYBELLA® causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. Most patients require a series of 2-4 treatments to achieve optimal results with each treatment occurring approximately 4-6 weeks apart. Once the desired result is achieved, retreatment is not expected. A consultation is required to discuss if Kybella® is right for you, as well as the risks, side effects, alternatives, and expected number of treatments necessary.







A total of 12ml of Kybella over the course of her treatments. Photos have not been retouched. Results may vary.



Over time, factors such as sun damage, genetics, diet, and repetitive muscle movement can contribute to the formation of lines and wrinkles in the face. The development of pigmentation anomalies, such as “age spots,” or acne scars can cause skin to lose its smooth, youthful appearance. Laser skin resurfacing can reduce or even reverse changes associated with sun exposure and aging. Laser resurfacing also helps to stimulate collagen and elastin, important building blocks in healthy, youthful looking skin. At Renew Skin Care, we offer Clear+Brilliant® Laser Treatments. This device was chosen because it offers a gentle laser treatment that refreshes your skin from inside out. With minimal to no downtime, the Clear+Brilliant® laser creates millions of microscopic treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger looking tissue. This results in visibly illuminated, glowing skin; a more even skin tone; a softer, smoother texture; and reduction in the appearance of pore size. This technology is attracted to water content in the skin, not pigment or skin color, and can therefore be performed year round. Immediately following a Clear+Brilliant® treatment, you may experience some redness and subtle inflammation. This generally resolves within a few hours, but may last until the following day. You will be able to apply make-up immediately after the treatment if you choose, and yes, you can go right back to work. We recommend Oxygenetix Make-Up, which is specifically formulated to help skin breathe and heal post-procedure. For best results, a series of 3-6 treatments is typically needed. A consultation is required to find out if this treatment is right for you.





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INDICATION Clear + Brilliant Laser System (1440nm and 1927nm handpieces) is indicated for dermatological procedures requiring the coagulation of soft tissue and general skin resurfacing. 速/TMs are trademarks of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. or its affiliates. Any other product or brand names and logos are the property of their respective owners.


MICRODERMABRASION A microdermabrasion procedure can revitalize dull looking skin and improve the overall appearance and tone of skin. This procedure involves the mechanical exfoliation of surface dead skin cells via a hand-piece that is gently passed across the skin, reducing the build-up of dead skin cells. This combination of gentle exfoliation and suction improves the appearance of superficial imperfections, increases circulation, and encourages the production of new skin cells. Microdermabrasion can offer improvement in a number of skin conditions, such as aging and sun-damaged skin, acne, pigment irregularities, fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, and scarring. Additionally, this device can be used on multiple areas of the body where revitalization is desired including the face, hands, neck, and dĂŠcolletĂŠ. Results include improved skin tone and texture, fewer breakouts, diminished appearance of scar and stretch marks, smaller looking pores, and a youthful, healthy glow all with little downtime. Possible side effects of microdermabrasion can include skin redness for up to 48 hours, slight burning sensations and skin sensitivity. A series of treatments are generally recommended for optimal results. Ask your provider about ways in which Microdermabrasion can be combined with other treatment modalities.





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NEUROTOXINS Neurotoxins are used cosmetically to relax muscles and prevent them from contracting, thereby allowing the skin lying above it to relax. This helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles most commonly between the eyes, on the upper forehead and around the eyes, an area commonly referred to as “crow’s feet”. Examples of neurotoxins include Botox® Cosmetic, Dysport®, and Xeomin®. The procedure itself is relatively quick and there is minimal downtime. The effects develop over the course of 3-7 days and will typically last from three to four months. Our approach is to provide as natural of a result as possible. We will use a “conservative but adequate” amount of the neurotoxin of your choice until we find the dose that is perfect for each individual.





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CROW'S FEET Neurotoxins


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CROW'S FEET Neurotoxins


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OXYGEN FACIALS One of our signature facial treatments at Renew Skin Care is the Intraceuticals Oxygen Facial. This unique treatment uses hyperbaric oxygen and Intraceuticals’ patented “hyaluronic layering” technology to deliver the ultimate in skin revival. Hyaluronic Acid is the skin’s natural hydration factor; elevating hydration and replenishing the skin’s natural moisture reservoir. The treatment process uses pressurized oxygen and low molecular weight hyaluronics to carry vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-aging ingredients deep into the skin. Medium molecular weight hyaluronics are layered next to provide a reservoir of effective ingredients for the skin to draw from. Lastly, high molecular weight hyaluronics are applied to seal in moisture and protect the skin from dryness and the environment. The result is plump, hydrated skin and diminished lines and wrinkles. This treatment peaks between 24-48 hours and lasts up to 7 days. When performed on a weekly or bi-monthly basis, results can last up to 4 months.




SKIN CARE Skin Care products have come a long way from just cleansing and moisturizing your skin. How you care for your skin at home greatly impacts the overall health and appearance of your skin, as well as the longevity of results from other skin rejuvenation services. The professionals at Renew Skin Care can help you create a routine that works for you with products that have been scientifically proven to deliver results. Each product we carry has been thoroughly researched and handpicked by our Medical Director, Sherri Nassar, and most are used by our entire staff. We use the G.R.A.S.S. approach (Growth Factors, Retinols, Antioxidants, Sunscreen, Specialty Products) to guide you through which products are missing in your daily regimen, and where you can see the most improvement with your home care products. We proudly carry the following medical grade skin care products and sunscreens: SkinMedica速, EltaMD速, Colorescience速, Intraceuticals, and Oxygenetix速.




TNS Essential Serum速



Photos have not been retouched. Results may vary. Typical results can be seen in six to eight weeks.


SKIN TIGHTENING Skin tightening is a non-invasive alternative to surgery or liposuction that can smooth, shape and firm the skin anywhere on the body. At Renew Skin Care, we offer skin tightening via the Viora REACTIONTM which utilizes bipolar radio frequency (RF) energy to precisely deliver heat to specific layers of the dermis. The thermal effects of RF stimulate dermal fibroblasts to synthesize collagen and elastin, resulting in remodeling and strengthening of the dermal layer. This technology is used to improve fine lines and wrinkles and lax, sagging skin as well as scars, stretch marks, and loose skin as a result of weight loss. Time for the procedure varies based on the areas being treated during the visit. There is minimal downtime and patients can return to regular activities soon after treatment. A series of 6-8 bi-monthly treatments is recommended for optimal results.




Photos have not been retouched. Results may vary.


1232 N. 15th Avenue, Suite 1 Bozeman, MT 59715 406 585-3770


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