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Association of Municipalities presents VIII Provincial Prizes in Tarifa

A great night for the Province of Campo de Gibraltar. The Teatro Alameda in Tarifa hosted the presentation of the VIII Provincial Prizes of the Association of Municipalities of Campo de Gibraltar in a formal institutional event that involved the participation of the president of the provincial body, Juan Lozano, along with the mayors and councillors of the eight municipalities, several civil authorities and notable representatives of Campo de Gibraltar society.

Mayors and councillors from the eight municipalities were responsible for presenting the eight Provincial Prizes, in each of the different categories.

Thus, José Carlos Gómez was presented the award for Artistic Work from the mayor of San Martín del Tesorillo; the MTB Cycling Club of Castellar won an award in the sports category, with the mayor Adrián Vaca presenting the award; the photojournalist Erasmo Fenoy was recognised with the well-deserved prize for Communication in Campo de Gibraltar, an award presented by the mayor of Jimena, Francisco Gómez; the CEO of the company Atún Rojo del Estrecho, Juan Carlos Mackintosh, received the prize for Business Excellence presented by the mayor Ruíz Giraldez; Roja Directa Andalucía LGTBI was the entity recognised in the Social and Charity Work category, with the award collected by its president, Jesús Tomillero, from the mayor of Los Barrios; María Jesús García Illescas received from the mayor of San Roque and President of the Council, Juan Carlos Ruíz Boix, the award distinguishing her for her constant work for the Promotion and Defence of Equality in our province; the cultural price was received by the Youth Orchestra of the City of La Línea, with the award presented by La Línea’s mayor, Juan Franco and, lastly, the mayor of Algeciras Pérez Custodio presented the distinction for the Encouragement of Tourism and Sustainability to the CEO of the competition Euráfrica Trail, Aitor Calle, thus completing the presentation of awards subject to a civic vote.

2023 Special Prize

The superintendent Ángel Gutierrez Villalobos, the sub-inspector José Viaga Garrido, the officials Soledad Durán

Roca, Francisco Rico and Rafael Meléndez Mazo, alongside Rubén Pérez Casas, José Manuel Vaca García, Oscar Sánchez Orellana, Antonio Becerra Ocaña collected the special mention for the Association of Municipalities at this 2023 edition.

The award was presented to them by Juan Lozano himself, after he addressed some words of recognition to them, along with the vice-presidents Daniel Perea, Juan Macías, María Manella and Jessica Barea.

Manuel Gil

• La Feria Internacional de Turismo se celebra del 7 al 9 de marzo. Una expedición local de la Delegación de Turismo mostrará los grandes atractivos del entorno a los principales agentes y operadores internacionales.