Traget Market & Customer Profile

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T r ag e t m A R K E T & C u s tom e r P ro f i l e

behave based on a previous study, is going to save us time and effort, but we have to be careful in the way this information is used. After establishing all the data that involves the client, it is good to analyze the product we are selling to them. That way our product is going to be the best they can get, even if we have competition.

T r ag e t m A R K E T &

and what is going to involve, knowing how our customer is going to

C u s tom e r P ro f i l e

One of the starter points in publicity it is who are we designing for


Field research // Investigación de campo We did field research for our company's new product.

Sales Statistics // Estadísticas de ventas For this month the sales statistics were really low.

Panel Survey // Encuesta de panel We gather a group of teenagers to do a panel survey.

, Opinion Polls // Encuesta de opinión The opinion polls we did base on the new product were really useful.

Sought // Buscada The correct answer we sought for is getting in the market in one year.


Vo c a b u l a ry

Psychographic // Psicogrรกfico We need to find a business plan based on a psychographic alignment.

Pretesting // Prueba previa The product needs a presenting before it goes in the market

Segmenting // Segmentado They are segmenting their target market in order to receive more income.

Artistry // Arte


The new artistry sponsored in the museum is amazing

Takeaways // Conclusiones The new research gave us a lot of takeaways to have into consideration for the next product.


Vo c a b u l a ry

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