Creative Writing

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C r e at ive W r it i n g

In visual communication design, not only the visual part is powerful itself, we cannot leave behind what communication is all about. How can you desirably broadcast ideas? It is essential to learn how to assemble them, for so doing research and learning what are the most helpful phrases or ways to say things


better, are going to help you develop skills to satisfy people with not only your visual design but so with your convincing writing.

C r e at ive Writing

Pot // Maceta This plan needs to go on a pot.

Ecstatic // Extรกtico Be careful with that machine it needs to be ecstatic.

Amusing // divertido I always find this play amusing.

, Gleeful // Jubiloso Don't you find these parties gleeful?

Eerie // Misterioso Her husband is kind of eerie.


Vo c a b u l a ry

Gloomy // Melancรณlico This movie is always making me feel gloomy.

Wretched // Desdichado Today I feel so wretched.

Stated // Fijado We made a pact and stated.

, Insight // Visiรณn I can give you some insight into this problem.

Promptly // Prontamente I need you to be here promptly.


Vo c a b u l a ry

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