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from Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays sadly still prevail in our culture, and perhaps offer another point of view, which I hope is what my books accomplish.

Ellie Royce is a true LGBTIQA+ ally. Author of six books for children with a new one on the way later this year, her passion is supporting diversity in children’s literature.

You have famously written children’s books about rainbow families, does allyship play a part there?

It does. Prior to 2022 for example, there were few, to no books that showed rainbow families with a drag queen relative, or gender fluid characters like Leo/Lotta.

In Auntie Uncle, the nephew shows what it means to be an ally. He and his family love Leo/ Lotta unconditionally, and support them in their life choices. Unconditional love is the main theme in “Frizzle and Me” too.

I wanted kids to have books showing that there are plenty of different ways to be a loving family and that that’s great. If they grow up with these concepts, then they become allies without even realising it.

I’ve been lucky enough to be on one of your podcasts chatting about PFLAG + Coffs Coast and under your title of “We Are All Made of Stories”- tell us more.

Thank you for joining me to talk about PFLAG+ and allyship! I’m only an ‘occasional’ podcaster at the moment, but it’s a wonderful platform for sharing stories. I believe there’s power in both listening to and telling stories, to help us make meaning out of our crazy world. Just hearing someone else’s story and knowing you’re not alone can make all the difference sometimes. I hope eventually to offer a beautiful patchwork quilt of diverse stories, something for everyone.

How can people follow you and find out more?

Thank you so much for having me, you can visit me online at weareallmadeofstories. com

Or on @elllieroycekidlitauthor and @weareall_madeofstories.

Thanks Ellie PFLAGcoffscoast (private, safe closed group)

0417 861 045 pflagcoffscoast@gmail.com

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