Factsheet EU CLuster Observatory

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What is the European Cluster Observatory? The European Cluster Observatory is an online platform that provides a single access point to information and analysis of clusters and cluster policy in Europe and to a collaboration platform for cluster organisations and their members.

European Cluster Observatory

The European Cluster Observatory provides an online platform for cluster stakeholders with a wide range of services:  An official European cluster mapping tool across sectors and regions, including employment and performance statistics.

Originally launched in 2007, the Observatory provides a range of services. It consists of two main parts:

 A unique analysis of regional business environments providing a leading interactive benchmarking tool of the competitiveness of Europe’s regions.

 the Knowledge Platform providing data and analysis on clusters and competitiveness, alongside a cluster library;

 A virtual library of cluster-related documents.

 and the Collaboration Platform facilitating co-operation among cluster organisations and their members. The European Cluster Observatory also produces analysis and reports on regional competitiveness conditions, transnational cluster networks, clusters in emerging sectors, and good practices in cluster organisations. The Observatory is aimed at four main target groups:

A knowledge and collaboration platform for clusters and cluster organisations

 A collaboration platform for cluster organisations, offering a virtual marketplace to optimise their services to their members and a showcase for cluster organisations.  Facilitation of cluster contacts within macro regions, such as the Mediterranean and the Danube region.

European Cluster Observatory

For more information go to www.europe-innova.eu/eu-cluster-observatory www.clusterobservatory.eu

European Cluster Observatory

 cluster management staff;  SMEs and other cluster members;  policy makers and government officials at European, national, regional and local levels;  academics and researchers.

This publication is financed under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) which aims to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises.

European Cluster Observatory

The European Cluster Observatory offers a user-driven service for cluster stakeholders based on the needs of the users

Cluster Collaboration Platform The Collaboration Platform is a new tool of the Observatory. It addresses cluster organisation staff and cluster members (companies, research units, universities) with the intention to facilitate collaboration and help them find potential cooperation partners based on detailed profiles.

It offers the following functionalities:  t he possibility to present their activities and competencies

Cluster Mapping The Cluster Mapping tool gives access to an advanced data set on clusters and regions in Europe.

 a virtual marketplace (based on demand and offer) where comprehensive information on European projects and/or collaboration partners can be found

It provides statistical information from a wide range of sources, both about where various industries are concentrated and indicators of economic performance.

 a n innovative and anonymous benchmarking tool on the performance of cluster organisations  s ectoral and/or cross sectoral communities for cluster practitioners to directly exchange good practices or experiences

In addition, the Observatory offers data on the framework conditions that shape regional competitiveness.

 a library specialised on industry specific documents

Users can access data for standard sectors and regions, or apply their own customised sectoral/ regional definitions.

 a unique event calendar on cluster events and cluster trainings

Cluster Library The Cluster Library is a European depository for all kinds of cluster-related documents. Users can browse and search for cluster policy reports, sectoral cluster reports, regional cluster reports, and cluster cases. Users can also contribute to the Library by uploading their own documents.

 a n interactive space for the European Club of Cluster Managers

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