Refurb & Developer Update - February 2022

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DEVELOPER February 2022



ating back as far as the 12th and 13th centuries, the name ‘peg tile’, originally came from the softwood pegs, which were driven through two holes in the top edge of the tiles which allowed them to hang on laths or battens. As the original peg and plain roof tiles were made by local or travelling craftsmen who relied on hand moulding and simple f iring techniques, the tiles they produced had a wide variation of size, texture, camber and colour. This was despite the Royal Charter of 1477 which aimed to standardise the size of peg and plain tiles Eventually, the widespread use of traditional peg tiles gradually declined with the introduction of handmade ‘plain tiles’ where the wooden pegs were replaced by clay nibs formed into the tile from which to hang the tiles. This reduced the cost and made the fixing of the tiles easier.

THE EVOLUTION OF THE HANDMADE KENT PEG TILE Tomasz Solnica, Managing Director of Tudor Roof Tile Co Ltd.

Made from English clay, Kent Peg roof tiles hold a special place in the English architectural landscape – particularly in the South East of England, where they were used on most houses, churches, barns and farmhouses, on roofs and walls alike. Cheaper mass-produced machinemade clay and concrete roof tiles then became available in the 1900s, and although these lacked the aesthetic irregularity of the handmade tiles, their again cheaper cost led to their popularity. However, in recent years, tighter planning regulations and recognition of the need to conserve our historic buildings with locally obtained sustainable and more visually sympathetic materials has resulted in a renewed interest.

Second hand tiles f rom specialist suppliers have traditionally been the preferred choice on historic buildings, particularly if only a few tiles are needed. They blend in extremely well, provided they are of a compatible size, texture and colour and reclaimed f rom the same locality.

Reclaimed or New?

However, good reclaimed roof tiles f rom legitimate sources are increasingly rare, and expensive, and after many years of wear and tear, their condition and life expectancy is inevitably uncertain and they do not hold performance guarantees!

Old peg tiled roofs are constantly falling into disrepair, largely through damaged pegs, insect or fungal attack, wind-lift and the effects of f rost, particularly on north-facing slopes.

In cases where large sections or entire roofs need to be replaced, new handmade peg tiles, such as those made by Tudor Roof Tile Co Ltd, are often a much more reliable and a cost-effective option.

Machine or Hand Made? One of the problems architects, conservationists and owners of heritage homes face is that the sought after ‘rustic’ character of the original Kent Peg Tile, with its subtle variation in texture, colour and camber is difficult to replicate using modern manufacturing methods. Despite signif icant advances, the majority of mass-produced ‘machine made’ clay roof tiles are still far too dull and uniform in appearance to be a convincing substitute. A very small number of ‘studio potters’ do still make bespoke handmade roof tiles, relying on skilled craftsmen to not only painstakingly form each individual tile, but to also recreate bespoke colourings. Such meticulous detailing is often reflected in their production costs. Tudor Roof Tile is one of the few remaining English manufacturers, who combine the best of both traditional and modern tile making techniques to create a time weathered ‘olde world’ rustic look.

Handmade with meticulous attention to detail, each clay peg and plain tile is individually hand pressed, moulded and trimmed using some of the techniques that have hardly changed over the years. The tiles are then strengthened using advanced firing techniques in order to give the f inal product exceptional performance and durability. Mindful of the varying requirements of each project, Tudor can make tiles with bespoke sizes and shapes, so that they are suitable for both ancient and modern buildings as required. Historical Authenticity When restoring a historic roof, particularly when it is grade listed, it is important to respect the original character and detailing. For instance, the smallest change from the original peg tile size can damage the overall aesthetic. This is why Tudor offers a range of non-standard bespoke sizes in a variety of soft muted tones that age and blend well with the faded roofs of older buildings.

Made with either square or round peg holes, they are suitable for use with traditional wooden and modern aluminium pegs. Modern Architectural Design Whilst remaining true to its roots and original character, the Kent Peg Tile is continuing to evolve and develop to meet the changing needs of today’s market. Increasingly, new property owners are asking their architects for a ‘wow’ factor external appearance. Here again the bespoke handmade p e g t i l e p rove s to meet all requirements for aesthetics and performance at a realistic cost. Available in a wide range of size, with single or double camber, a wide range of colour options, and matching ornamental tiles, they are adding value, character and individuality to modern properties. For those architects and conservationists wanting to create a roof that is very much rooted in our architectural heritage, the Kent Peg Tile is a very attractive option. Tudor roof tiles are available f rom leading roof ing and builders merchants.

For more information, contact: Tudor Roof Tile Co. Ltd, Dengemarsh Road, Lydd, Kent, TN29 9JH. 01797 320202

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CONTENTS 10 Refurb & Developer Update - February 2022


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GREEN LIVING IMPORTANT FOR RETIREES A new report has revealed that green credentials are important for more than 80 per cent of those interested in living in a retirement development. National law firm Clarke Willmott LLP’s Retirement Living Survey 2021 reveals ‘it is not all about gyms, socialising and a party retirement, the future of the planet also matters.’ Clarke Willmott commissioned the survey after seeing an uptick in demand for residential developments designed for retirees and older clientele. More than 12 million over 65s live in the UK, a figure expected to increase by 41 per cent by 2040. The survey was completed by more than 300 private individuals from across the UK. Clarke Willmott has extensive expertise in the later living sector acting for developers, including Retirement Villages, Blue Cedar Homes and LifeStory Group, and advising a range of later living care providers. Services include site acquisition, planning and the environment, construction, facilities management, home sales, property f inance and dispute resolution. Clarke Willmott is a national law firm with offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton, and Taunton.

Simone Protheroe, a n a s s o c i a te i n t h e construction team at the f irm, looks at what this means for developers. She said: “Developers in the sector will want to consider the green credentials of the building contractors and consultants appointed with particular sharp focus on the designs and specif ication document being forward-thinking in terms of sustainability requirements. “From a contractual point of view, due thought should be given to ensuring there is express obligation to comply with any relevant sustainability standards or performance thresholds and to refer to the relevant operating procedures.”

Dale Edwards, a green energy specialist at Clarke Willmott, said: “Over the last 18 months there has been a significant shift in people appreciating and valuing the importance of environmental matters, which is reflected by government objectives to make the places we live in more sustainable and energy efficient. “More developers are becoming more socially responsible in their approach incorporating new green technologies for new properties and re-furbishing existing stock. “Today’s baby boomer retirees are savvy when it comes to the need to make the planet greener, but we were surprised with the percentage of survey respondents who said sustainability was quite important (54.69%) or very important (28.65%). “We will be using this information and other data gathered by the survey to help advise our clients in the months to come.”

For more information visit



Looking back on the past year, Rimex Metals Group, a global manufacturer of specialised metal finishes, ranks its work with the world-renowned architect Frank Gehry on the Luma Arles Arts Centre, high on its list of accomplishments. The centrepiece of the arts centre is a tower clad with 11,000 irregularly arranged stainless steel panels manufactured by Rimex Metals, a company internationally recognised as a leader in its field of expertise. According to Gehry, the faceted design is very intentional and is a tribute to Arles’s one-time local artist, Vincent van Gogh, specifically to his evocations of light in ‘Starry Night’, which was painted nearby. The epitome of deconstructivism, the tower manifests irregular geometry, fragmentation and a sense of movement at its finest. The stainless steel panels are AISI 316 grade 1mm OneTex®️ Linen BA Stainless Steel, manufactured at Rimex’s factory in Enfield, North London. Rimex Group Sales Director, Nick Barnes, commented: “316 Grade stainless steel is specified for external use due to its high corrosion resistance and lifespan benef its and also because it is 100% recyclable and therefore benef its the circular economy.

Having extracted the maximum value from the material while in use, it can then be recovered and regenerated at the end of each service life without detriment to its integrity. Rimex Metals is committed to the highest quality standards with continued investment in best manufacturing practices and sustainable product development. We are extremely proud to have worked with Frank Gehry on this iconic building.” A total of 240 tonnes of stainless steel was used in the construction of the 56-metre high Luma Arles arts tower, with 84% of it being from recycled content and other, newly introduced, ores and minerals make up the remaining 16%. Each of the 11,000 irregularly arranged stainless steel panels was individually distorted to aid light reflection, picking up the character of the surrounding environment as it changes throughout the day. On a sunny day, the tower reflects the blue of the sky and the gold of the sun, turning pinkish at twilight, darkening into indigo at sunset and then a black silhouette at night. Rimex Metals looks forward to 2022 with the anticipation of supplying its stainless steel products for both external and internal use on many more projects throughout the world.

Rimex Metals UK Ltd www.rim exm




urbulent times produce added information which turns out to be not wholly true but more of a disguised agenda. We are all aware of the use and misuse of ‘Fake’ news and all of its companions. But we need to unite in our efforts to achieve decarbonisation as soon as it is pragmatic and realistic. UK consumers – plus contractors, consultants and all big commercial sites - should be aware that a strong international preference towards hydrogen is evident by the sheer level of international investment and that it is under reported by mainstream media outlets. Multiple major economies, distribution hubs and global companies are working towards future green hydrogen usage with grey and blue hydrogen being used as decarbonizing stepping stones. However, according to various UK mainline media outlets, heat pumps are the only viable tool of decarbonisation. Although heat pumps will undeniably play a vital role in cutting harmful emissions, alternative avenues towards climate conscious energy usage are being overlooked by UK mainstream media outlets. Instead of truly reporting on all feasible alternatives, mainstream media prefers to push decarbonizing technology that appears to be more f inancially compatible with their respective socio-economic audiences. Extraordinarily little is mentioned of hydrogen and when cited

the subject is often treated with disparagement. A lack of manufacturing capacity, safety issues and consumer cost are the three main motivations behind this limited reportage. If this is the case what is being done to amend these concerns within the emerging hydrogen industry? At present there are three prominent variations of hydrogen that are being manufactured: grey, blue and green. This colour scheme correlates to production methods which themselves infer to the amount of carbon releases for each are responsible. 96% of currently globally produced hydrogen is generated through fossil fuels. The easiest form of hydrogen to manufacture is grey hydrogen which is produced via a process called SMR – steam methane reforming. Heat and pressure are applied in natural gas which then converts its methane properties into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Blue hydrogen occurs when carbon collected during steam reforming is stored underground. This process is called carbon capture and storage (CCUS). In a generous light this variation of hydrogen can be labelled “carbon neutral” however a more accurate description would be “low carbon” as up to 10% - 20% of carbon, can be potentially released into the atmosphere. Recent technological advancements in this area are responsible for CCUS potentially entering a new era. New hydrogen manufacturing plants will employ alternative

technology Autothermal Reforming (ATR) which allows for capture of up to 96% - 97% of all emissions. Carbon capture and storage is an area the UK government is keen to accelerate. Blue hydrogen projects that require funding can access government provided finances through the £240 million NetZero Hydrogen Fund (NZHF). Additionally, a Carbon Capture Storage Infrastructure Fund (CIF) was first announced during the Budget, March 2020. Allocation of £1 billion of state funding for the CIF was conf irmed at the November 2020 spending review. Major international companies such as Shell are currently involved in multiple CCUS endeavours more notably in Canada, Norway and Australia. Shell is a partner in the Australian Gorgon Liquef ied Natural Gas Project. Once completed this will be the biggest CCUS operation in the world and will be capable of capturing up to four million tonnes of CO2 a year. Shell’s Quest project in Canada is a fully operational CCUS facility. The governments of Alberta and Canada have invested $745 million and $120 million respectively. Shell hopes that the positive results yielded from this project will further encourage other CCUS technology to be implemented internationally. Green hydrogen is 100% carbon neutral and therefore the preferred fuel of the future. Green hydrogen is produced when renewable resources like wind, hydro or solar power are

Editor’s Choice 07

Rinnai’s Chris Goggin looks at some of the reasons why the UK media is favouring some energy vectors over others in the current era of transition to Decarbonisation and NetZero used to power an electrolyzer that sits in a huge drum of water. This process is called electrolysis, which extrapolates hydrogen from oxygen atoms in water. The only excess substance remaining is water zapped of its hydrogen content. Because no fossil fuels are used in the creation of green hydrogen, carbon neutrality is completely feasible. Individual sectors such as transport and home heating are aware of green hydrogen’s climate credentials and are keen to begin utilizing the alternative fuel source. What is holding back green hydrogen usage then? Producing green hydrogen is dependent on earth’s natural resources. Some seasons yield more positive results than others. Then there is cost. At present green hydrogen is not cost competitive with grey hydrogen which is easier to manufacture. Six percent of global natural gas consumption can be traced to grey hydrogen production. Next generation electrolyzers are being designed with greater capacity for eff iciency and the cost of renewables are declining. In coming years, with further advancements in these areas green hydrogen will become commercially abundant and viable. In making this possible an EU funding spree hopes to create a European value chain in green hydrogen electrolyzers. Multiple funding projects will be cleared as part of the one billion Euros European Green Deal. It is

believed that 25 – 30 million Euros will substantiate each individual project. Every venture must demonstrate a sizable energy and decarbonizing contribution to either the industrial, transport or domestic heating sector. Advancing electrolyzer and ATR - CCUS technology will see the cost of blue and green hydrogen decrease, whilst manufacturing capacity and demand will increase. Grey hydrogen production and therefore any need for fossil fuel consumption will gradually shrivel away. Aspects of health and safety are another issue which restricts hydrogen’s appeal in UK media outlets. Hydrogen has been undergoing testing and re-testing for many years for commercial o p p o r t u n i t i e s to b e co m e apparent. FutureGrid is a project set up to create a demonstrative gas transmission network which allows for a wide range of safety tests to be carried out and analysed. Once constructed, FutureGrid’s transmission network will be capable of facilitating a range of tests on 20% hydrogen gas blends to 100% pure hydrogen. Analysis will focus on gas behaviour and interaction within the constructed infrastructure. All testing will be adjudicated by the Health and Safety Executive who will decide on the feasibility of domestic and commercial hydrogen consumption. Construction will potentially begin on the £10 million project

in 2021 with tests being carried out later in 2022. A vast amount of funding and proactive thought is being placed into the advancement of hydrogen. Work is underway on producing next generation electrolyzers and CCUS technology that will help push hydrogen to the foref ront of international energy options. Updated technology will assist in increasing manufacturing capacity whilst driving bulk prices of blue and green hydrogen down. Major UK media outlets however fail to deliver this information and instead focus on either alarmist editorials designed to shock, or present only one technological decarbonizing option. The entire world has set its sights on future hydrogen usage. Why we hear next to nothing is due to media bias that stems f rom potential advertising revenue aimed at a target demographic. UK end users need to know that hydrogen is a global target not a conceptual ambition. In the coming years multiple d e c a r b o n i z i n g te c h n o l o g y options will be available. The only reason this isn’t widely reported is down to current personalized media agendas held by mainstream media outlets. For more information on the RINNAI product range visit

08 environment and supports a hybrid option for learners and colleges. As a result, BESA has also been shortlisted for the TAF Training Initiative award. The 2021 BESA National Conference was a multi-stream, f ree to attend virtual conference that was attended by almost 500 delegates and featured 67 speakers providing more than 21 hours of specialised content.

BESA SHORTLISTED IN FOUR CATEGORIES AT TRADE ASSOCIATION AWARDS The Building Engineering Services Association has been recognised for four very different aspects of its work at this year’s prestigious Trade Association Forum (TAF) Best Practice Awards. The awards, which are supported by the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), are now in their 19th year and are designed to recognise and reward the excellence, innovation, and best practice demonstrated by UK trade bodies. BESA has been shortlisted in the Digital Transformation, Training Initiative, Event of the Year, and Sustainability Initiative categories. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in London on February 17. “We are absolutely delighted to h a ve g a i n e d s u c h comprehensive recognition at these important awards,” said BESA’s chief executive officer David Frise. “The fact that these categories reflect so many different aspects of BESA’s work is an amazing testament to the hard work of the staff in all areas. We are very proud of being such a broad-based association

and that we provide a wide range of support services to our members right across the spectrum of building engineering.” The TAF Awards judges have acknowledged the way BESA has gone through a “digital revolution” to transform the way it conducts business, interacts with colleagues, engages with members, and delivers products and services. This has helped it to improve operating efficiency and meet its sustainability targets, hence its shortlisting in the Digital Transformation category. Comprehensive One major digital highlight has been the establishment of the online BESA Academy, which now delivers a comprehensive programm e of trainin g courses, assessments and CPD for individuals, employers, and training providers – all critical services for a sector with a serious skills shortage. The digital platform is used to deliver an online learning

It was opened by architect and TV star George Clarke and featured a virtual exhibition, member clinics and networking opportunities. All of this was recognised by the TAF Awards shortlisting panel who put it forward for the Event of the Year award. And in the Sustainability Initiative category, BESA has been recognised for the achievements of its REFCOM Elite scheme, which celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. It was set up as a best practice company registration scheme in 1996, to promote environmentally responsible refrigerant management. BESA recognised early on the need for employers to improve control of refrigerant use and prevent release to atmosphere to reduce ozone depletion and global warming. Although these threats are now a huge focus across the globe, the TAF panel recognised that REFCOM was ahead of the curve in spotting the need to implement best practice to reduce emissions and has made fantastic progress in its 25 years. Emily Wallace, interim chief executive of the Trade Association Forum, congratulated BESA saying: “Trade Associations such as BESA have played an absolutely critical role in supporting the UK economy throughout the turbulence of the last two years. As we move forward, it is right to celebrate the achievements of the sector, recognise excellence and collaborate to improve the role that associations can continue to play to support the economy for the future.” Since its formation in 1997, the Trade Association Forum has been encouraging the development and sharing of best practice among UK trade associations and promoting the role of effective trade associations to government, industry and the wider public.

STELRAD. FIT FOR THE FUTURE. Stelrad’s range of radiators are aesthetically designed to perform with the future in mind. All radiators, including current and new models are fully compatible with low temperature heating systems and are in stock for immediate delivery. Stelrad have the radiators to meet your installation, specification and contract needs.

10 COLD WEATHER WORKING WITH SNICKERS WORKWEAR’S SUSTAINABLE CLIMATE CONTROL Dressing right and staying comfortable when it’s cold and wet demands the best in Climate Control working clothes

Continuous work in cold weather produces body heat and sweat. But when your rate of work slows, the sweat cools and you’ll start to feel cold and damp. The solution is Snickers Workwear’s body-mapping Midlayer working clothes that deliver advanced ventilation to control and regulate the heat from your body. Made to last from sustainable fabrics such as micro fleece and recycled polyester, they’re great for both work and leisure activities. These garments insulate and keep heat around your body by effectively creating an air pocket inside your clothes. They complement Snickers Workwear’s FlexiWork Base-layer undergarments that combine sustainable animal-friendly Merino Wool with polyamide for warmth and ventilation. As well as the Top-layer or ‘outer shell’ AllroundWork and Flexiwork Weatherproof Jackets and Trousers that will keep you warm, dry and comfortable all day long. For more information on Snickers Workwear’s sustainability philosophy and it’s Climate Control garments you can call the Helpline on 01484 854788; check out or email

11 London-based architects, Applied Studio, and interior designer, Clare Nash, have completed the transformation and conversion of Hammersmith House in West London. The former one bedroom, 1960’s bungalow has been radically overhauled to create a three bedroom family home, including a loft and ground floor rear extension. The house was almost completely remodelled with just the front elevation retained. The ground floor includes a library and WC, a larder adjacent to the kitchen and a large scale, open plan living, dining and kitchen space. This open plan area opens out through large format glazing onto a newly landscaped garden including a gravel terrace and “paddling” pool.


The design of the project is one that contrasts contemporary elements, such as clean lines and open spaces, with materials and features that are full of character and texture. The furniture, lighting, objects and soft furnishings play a huge role in creating an eclectic, warm and inviting atmosphere. The scheme is bright and bold, not shying away from colour – it has a personality that sets it aside from the status quo, paired back and boringly simple refurbishment work that is so common these days. It is an example of how a home can be an expression of its owners rather than additional iteration of current styles.



wo phrases you will often hear are – Embodied Carbon and Operational Carbon. Embodied Carbon is the amount of carbon emitted during the creation of the building and its materials. Operational Carbon is the amount of carbon emitted during the life of the building and maintaining those materials. The current method for measuring the CO2 impact of each material is through a Life Cycle Assessment using Environmental Product Declarations or EPDs for short. Unfortunately, EPDs assume the study period for a building’s life is only 60 years. This is just 1% of the age of the oldest fired bricks in the world made 6000 years ago and are still here today. This is incredibly important because durable products with extensive longevity such as clay brick, will prolong the expected life of a building resulting in a lower carbon footprint for every year of use. Not to mention, brick can then go on to be re-used and recycled to live a 2nd and sometimes even a 3rd life, benefitting multiple generations. We often hear the Brick Industry say clay products last 200+ years, this is 3x longer than EPD’s measure the carbon impact, therefore designers do not receive Life Cycle Assessments reflective of the true life span of their building. Brick is non-toxic and requires little to no maintenance, its non-combustible and improves the thermal and acoustic building values, equating to zero operational carbon. O t h e r b u i l d i n g m a te r i a l s need much greater levels of maintenance, often reliant upon chemical processes which lead to a considerably higher operational carbon footprint. Many of these non-clay materials will often require complete replacement several times over a building’s 200 year lifespan, multiplying both the Embodied and Operational carbon footprints several times over.

WHAT IS REAL SUSTAINABILITY? It is understanding the full and lasting impact of our design choices and reducing the carbon footprint over the building’s entire lifetime. From cradle to grave.

At Michelmersh, we know exactly what goes into creating our products and meticulously calculate the embodied carbon f igures providing completely transparent data from extraction, to drying, firing and delivery. We are focussed on decarbonization of the brick making process, working on a variety of methods to make signif icant carbon reductions from cradle to gate.

In reality when measuring your building’s design over its true/real life span, clay brick is one of the least carbon intensive building materials you can use. To be truly sustainable, we believe in designing buildings that are both adaptable and multi-generational, so that the environment and our children’s children will benefit from the choices we make today:

Think Longer. Design for 200 years, not 20.

Michelmersh convened a roundtable discussion with RIBA Journal ‘Think longer to build sustainably‘ including influential architects, material suppliers, structural engineers, manufacturers, policy makers, construction teams and educational professors. Please read the full article here:



Lichfields celebrates 60 years of planning success Leading planning and development consultancy Lichfields starts the new year on a high - with record turnover and plans for expansion during its landmark 60th anniversary year.


i ch f i e ld s , t h e p re eminent planning and development consultancy in the UK with 215 people working from a network of nine regional offices, recently hit fee revenues of £22.6m and is aiming to pass the £25m milestone before the end of this year. The company is recruiting as it looks to launch and develop several new services during 2022. These will include a new archaeology service within the existing heritage offer; an innovative place-making tool, and a fully integrated service aimed at dealing with the impacts of climate change. Chief executive James Fennell said: “We’re delighted to launch a year of celebrations as we reflect on 60 years of working hard to service the needs of our clients and look forward to the time when are largely free of the constraints that Covid-19 has placed on all of us. “Construction and property development has weathered the economic disruption caused by the pandemic and Brexit very well so far. We have been fortunate to work side-by-side with clients who have continued to invest and build for the future. I am therefore positive about 2022. Of course, there is still some uncertainty around Covid-19 and rising inflation. However, overall , the market looks buoyant and resilient. “We will be focussing on staff wellbeing during the year while we grow the business and maintain our professional service levels for which we are well respected.”

Steady growth at Lichf ields is set to continue through the growth of business activity around regional off ices along with some high-profile projects that have gained national recognition. These include: Milton Keynes East: A major expansion to the UK’s most successful New Town, for Berkeley, with 4,600 homes, 4m sq ft of employment space, four new schools, a 156-acre linear park along the River Ouzel, and a new crossing of the M1. Teesworks: The regeneration of Europe’s largest brownfield site: 4,500 acres on the banks of the River Tees, and part of the UK’s largest Freeport. Regeneration of Cardiff City Centre: Building on the success in the transformation of Cardiff City Centre, Lichfields obtained permission for the tallest building in the city at just under 100m for a 272 unit build to rent scheme for Galliford Try Investments. International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP - located in Sunderland and South Tyneside): Working in partnership with IAMP LLP the scheme will deliver 4.2m sq ft of industrial floorspace for advanced manufacturing and automotive uses and includes the first contracted Gigaplant in the UK, overall creating 7,850 jobs. In terms of trends and future challenges, James Fennell explained: “Climate change needs to be placed front and centre of planning system alongside the delivery of much needed new homes. Sustainable development has become such a ubiquitous term no one really understands

what it means. If the purpose of the planning system is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, what better way to capture this than a positive policy agenda with adapting to climate change as its main purpose.” Fennell added: “Government needs to reflect on the very good progress that has been made in the delivery of much needed new homes over the last decade and build on that success. By repeatedly describing the system as broken the Government has got too bogged down in trying to fix it. With Michael Gove the rhetoric has begun to change. It’s not broken but it does need improving and, above all else, resourcing properly. “The Government must start talking the planning system up so we can attract more talented younger people into the profession to help the UK adapt to climate change and deliver the new homes, inf rastructure and other development that it needs.” Lichf ields offers a broad range of planning and development consultancy services including development management, consultation, economics, EIA, heritage, and urban design. Clients include developers, landowners and operators in the housing, retail , leisure, commercial , waste and recycling and inf rastructure sectors, as well as local authorities and government bodies.

15 Located within the Porton Science Park site, close to the village of Porton, the new two-storey, 3,716m2 building will provide SME research companies, including ‘Start ups’, with opportunities for collaborative working, utilising a mixture of serviced Labs and offices facilities, conference and meeting rooms with supporting infrastructure. The new facility will sit adjacent to Porton Down which is home to Public Health England and the Ministry of Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. Due to the Science Park’s location and land ownership, all construction-related work and security measures, will be carried out in liaison with Porton Defence Science Technology Laboratory. The building is scheduled to be ready for use in Summer 2022, with the modules being installed early next year. Sustainability will be a key focus, with Wiltshire Council targeting a BREEAM Excellent rating. Ron Clarke, CEO of The McAvoy Group, said: “We’re pleased to have been entrusted to deliver Porton Down’s new Innovation Centre, which will play an important role in future research and development.

MCAVOY TO DELIVER WORLD-CLASS INNOVATION CENTRE AT FAMED PORTON DOWN SCIENCE HUB Offsite manufacturing specialist, The McAvoy Group, is to deliver a new research and innovation facility at world renowned science hub, Porton Science Park.

“It’s a high-prof ile project and we look forward to using MMC to deliver a building that is not just welldesigned, but sustainable and agile. Because most of the building will be completed in our dedicated manufacturing facility, the timeframe is dramatically reduced, allowing us to get the new Innovation Centre open and operational as quickly as possible.”

In February 2021 The McAvoy Group was boosted by a multi-million pound investment f rom Londonbased special situations firm, Blantyre Capital aimed at supporting McAvoy’s ambitious expansion programme


YANMAR COMPACT EQUIPMENT’S NEW PREMIUM RED MACHINES PAVE THE WAY TO A NEW ERA Yanmar Compact Equipment has adopted an eye-catching Premium Red paint colour across all its machines globally. Premium Red machines were first introduced onto the North American market in 2020, and this roll out sees Yanmar’s EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), AOLA (Asia excl. Japan, Oceania, Latin America) and Japanese markets completing the metamorphosis. The new Premium Red paint colour brings Yanmar’s compact equipment in-line with Yanmar Group’s image. “Our dealers and our customers really like the new colour,” commented Jeff Pate, Sales Director, Yanmar Compact Equipment North America. “Everyone feels that Premium Red attracts attention on the jobsite, and just as the quality and reliability of our products stand out from the competition, in a sea of yellow competitive machines in North America, our Premium Red colour stands out too.” But this shift from the well-known Yanmar yellow is more than simply a cosmetic colour change. For Yanmar Compact Equipment, the symbolism of this change resonates on a deeper level. “Yanmar Compact Equipment is on a journey of transformation,”

explains CEO, Giuliano Parodi. “We aim to be a global leader in Compact Equipment and, with the help of our dealer partners, deliver sustainable business solutions for our customers and the societies in which they operate. “Our acquisitions of the past few years are now fully integrated into a harmonised, Yanmar CE way of working, with common processes and customer focus right across our enlarged product and services portfolio. For us, Premium Red sends out a clear signal that we are one company, with a clear product strategy. But our transformation goes far beyond our machines. Indeed, we are challenging the way we think and the way we work, to transform our products, our business, and our brand to create even more value for our customers.”

In product transformation, Yanmar CE is currently evaluating several alternative fuel and powertrain technologies and recently unveiled its first electric mini excavator prototype, the new SV17e. Proudly featuring the new Premium Red colour, the SV17e is aimed at customers in the European market in the 1.5 to 2.0 tonnes segment. “Our prototype is significant because it demonstrates our capability to bring the quality and reliability of our highly respected conventional engine technology into the arena of electrif ication,” explained Director Product Management EMEA, Cedric Durand. In business transformation, Yanmar Compact Equipment is continuing to invest in manufacturing infrastructure and in expanding their global dealer network to increase the proximity to customers, reduce lead times and improve service. Closely linked to these investments is the focus on creating an amazing customer experience.


“Our move to Premium Red across our machines certainly signals a change and we are confident that our customers will start to see other changes too,” explained Elsie De Nys, Global Director Channel and Brand Development. “We have the ambition to be a leader, not only in machines but in the customer experience too and are working hard to get closer to our customers to identify new and innovative ways in which we can add value to them.”

The change to the new Premium Red also heralds a new confidence in the Yanmar Compact Equipment brand and coincides with the launch of its new tagline, ‘Together We Build’. “Our aim, together with our dealer partners, is to build stronger relationships and create even greater customer value,” said CEO, Giuliano Parodi. ‘Together We Build’ really underlines our commitment to transforming

Yanmar CE and, with the help of our dealers, to focus on creating a new and exciting experience for our customers.” For Ya n m a r Compact Equipment, change is in the air and the f resh, new image of the Premium Red machines certainly reflects the optimism running through the business. This milestone moment is about shared goals and ambitions and about building a better future for everyone.

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Crittall’s Innervision range of steel-framed glazed internal fixed screens and doors for fire rated applications.


larmingly, annually in the UK there are around 200 f ire-related deaths and some 37,000 house fires. It’s a no brainer ensuring you do all you can to reduce the risk of fire-related incidents in your home. “More people are fitting fire-rated (FR) doors in their homes as they want to feel safer and be reassured should a fire occur. Along with installing smoke detector alarms, and checking your electrical wiring and appliances are safe, also ensure your home has fire-rated interior doors,” says Russell Ager, managing director at Crittall Windows.


HIGHLY RATED The enhancement of the leading range of internal screens and doors has been achieved while preserving the unique slender steel profile, which is the hallmark of Crittall products, and now sets InnervisionFR apart from other bulkier fire rated systems. The FR doors and fixed lights seamlessly blend with an almost identical appearance, with the added benefit of peace of mind in the home. Created to achieve transmission of light throughout a home’s internal living and homeworking spaces, InnervisionFR provides a combination of bespoke and modular options with high performance fire rated glazing and an extensive range of traditional or contemporary hardware. The system matches Crittall’s Corporate W20 external windows and doors, reflecting the timeless style of a period house or the contemporary feel of on-trend industrial styles. While enhanced acoustic properties effectively keep noise at bay – a welcome attribute for homeowners with an office, work-out room or entertainment zone/cinema. Available in any RAL or BS colour, InnervisionFR can be supplied as f ixed screens, single or double leaf hinged doors, and is hot dip galvanized making it virtually maintenance free. “They can save lives, prevent injury, protect against fire spreading by containing it, and the smoke and toxic gases emitted. An effective barrier against flames, FR doors provide invaluable – potentially life-saving minutes - in the event of a burning room and having to evacuate a property; they help reduce fire damage too.” Crittall’s InnerVision range of glazed internal fixed screens and doors can now be specified for fire rated applications. The steel-framed system is compliant with BS476 Part 22 providing 30 minutes (FD30) integrity fire resistance.

More Crittall Windows info; t: 01376 530800; e:

Crittall® and InnerVision® are registered trademarks.



Pump Technology Ltd., founded in 1992, is recognized as one of the UK’s leading independent pumps and pumping system specialists focusing on drainage, wastewater and sewage applications.

A true “One Stop Pump Shop” for specifiers and engineers, the company boasts a long serving, experienced team who will be able to discuss just about any pump solution requirement with customers. Ultimate pumping performance and reliability is reliant on correct pump selection and Pump Technology pride themselves on their, right-first-time, ethos. The team say they believe that their main tool is the telephone and, when it comes to understanding an application and having confidence in any purchase, talking always wins! Avoiding the hassle of wrongly specif ied items, returns and confusion over missing accessories all contribute to being able to keep prices competitively low Pump Technology say that this is what makes them a true market leader. They are recommended by the leading

manufactures such as KSB, Lowara, Ebara, Dab, Flygt, Jung Pumpen, Saniflo etc. for the selection and supply of their equipment and hold possibly the largest and most varied stock of pumps in the UK. Orders placed before 3.30pm will be packed for next working day delivery with options for am and weekend shipping. Customers close enough to the warehouse in Aldermaston, Berkshire can always call in. Customers are learning that one call will identify a broken pump for replacement, ideally like for like, or if that model is superseded an equivalent for pumping performance and fit.


For new applications, typically pumping stations for basements, house extensions, garden rooms, warehouse, off ices, public houses, local flooding solutions, emergency onsite pumps, the team will be happy to discuss and recommend suitable and always cost-effective solutions. Ad d i t i o n a l l y, the Pump Technology engineers will be happy to provide training for all of their products in their online showroom. This includes being able to remotely show customers the products they want to order and explaining about future applications or product solutions, exactly how they work and are maintained. Current popular products include the MiniMatic below ground pumping station for house extensions and garden rooms. This consists of a 60L below ground tank with a single free-standing submersible sewage pump, high level alarm and cover with full installation and maintenance details. Also, particularly at this time of year, the Floodbox, which is a “Self-contained”, emergency flood package for areas such as patios, warehouse floors, door-ways etc. is proving popular with house and business owners More Information: Pump Technology Ltd 0118 9821 555

24 BUREAU VERITAS URGES DEVELOPERS TO AVOID THE RISK OF COSTLY DELAYS AHEAD OF THE INTRODUCTION OF GATEWAY REQUIREMENTS Introduced to Parliament in June 2021, the Building Safety Bill establishes a new regime that will overhaul the building safety system in England and Wales. It brings in a stringent framework for high-rise buildings, which will strengthen regulatory requirement before building work commences, through construction and before occupation. The Bill, which has been welcomed by leading building control and regulation expert, Bureau Veritas, includes a range of new measures – including competence requirements, duty holder accountability, a ‘golden thread’ of building information and mandatory reporting to a newly-appointed Building Safety Regulator. Crucially, it also includes a three-stage ‘gateway’ process. Gateway One regulations were enforced on 1 August 2021, whilst it is anticipated that the remaining two gateway regulations will come into force by 2023 as the Bill passes through Parliament. It is hoped that the new process – when fully enforced – will provide the home-building industry with the necessary f ramework it requires to deliver safe homes, along with clear accountability on those undertaking design and construction work. Andy Lowe, Technical & Training Director for Building Control at Bureau Veritas, said: “The Building Safety Bill is an absolutely crucial requirement for the construction industry. However, with mandatory regulations being introduced at different times, there is a very real risk of developers waiting for legislation to be introduced before making the necessary changes needed to ensure a smooth process to regulatory compliance – risking delays and increased costs at various approval points.” The requirements of Gateway three are a prime example of this.

Gateway three will occur at the completion stage of a building and will be considered – like Gateway two – as a stop/go point. If requirements of the Gateway are not met at this stage, the Building Safety Regulator will not provide f inal certif ication; resulting in the developer needing to retrospectively co rre c t n o n co m p l i a n t o r defective work, risking lengthy delays to occupation and unbudgeted costs. Andy continued: “There is a slight misconception that G a tewa y t h re e a n d t h e registration process for a new building are the same thing. It’s important for developers to fully understand the requirements of each stage of the gateway process ahead of planning and development to ensure they are not met with costly delays – whether they are mandatory now, or not. “Gateway three will take place when a building has been completed, and approval from the Building Safety Regulator must be obtained before it is formerly registered for occupation. Whilst it seems simple enough, there is a lot to consider at this stage with the application requiring plans and documents that reflect the ‘as built’ building, with paperwork demonstrating how the building works comply with the various new regulations. This is part of the ‘golden thread’ approach. “Only when the Regulator is satisf ied a building meets all the requirements is it eligible

for registration – and this must be done by the Duty Holder (or Principal Accountable Person), who identif ies with having overall responsibility for the building safety risks. “Overall, the Gateway process will provide a very clear f ramework that will require regulation compliance at every stage of the build. It’s a necessary change for the industry, however construction companies are going to need to evolve quickly to meet the changes; particularly those working on large and longerterm projects. We’d therefore urge the industry to plan for these impor tant changes now, irrespective of when the various Gateways are set to be introduced, or risk potential delays and increased costs further down the line.” Bureau Veritas works with developers as an independent third party throughout the building lifecycle to help reduce risk and to achieve compliance. This includes supporting on the ‘golden thread’ approach, and meeting the gateway requirements. For more information on the detail of the Building Safety Bill, download Bureau Veritas’ f ree ‘Understanding the Building Safety Bill’ webinar. To find out more about Bureau Veritas’ services or to discuss individual requirements with a member of the team, call 0345 600 1828 or visit

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Heating & ventilation

In October the Government announced that from April 2022 households will be offered subsidies of £5,000 to help them make the move to low carbon heat-pumps when their boiler needs replacing. As a result of this news there has been an increased interest in Electric Heating, with many looking at it as an alternative to their gas heating. And with the UK setting a target of 2050 to be carbon neutral or net-zero, the interest will only grow. COP26 has been on the mouths and minds of many in the last few weeks, with world leaders coming together to help inspire climate change. Net Zero is a term which has become more prominent and is something that the Electric Heating Company is helping to work towards. Governments are working towards a mid-century target of net-zero emissions, this means

phasing out more traditional heating methods which involve burning fossil fuels. EHC recognise the growing demand for heating and hot water solutions that are both sustainable and eco-friendly, and are proud to say that all of our products are designed with this in mind. Electric boilers can be powered from renewable energy resources e.g. solar power, resources such as solar power are completely free from CO2 emissions which are helping to move towards the target of net zero emissions! In the UK alone the government intend to generate emission-free electricity by 2050, only last year they pledged 40GW of windgenerated electricity in the UK by 2030. This is enough to power

every single household in the United Kingdom. Moving to a renewable energy tariff with Electric Heating means that you’re moving to carbonfree heating which in turn helps towards a sustainable and renewable future. The Electric Heating Company are one of the foremost suppliers of electric heating and hot water products in the UK since 2005. Our product knowledge and support is unrivalled in the heating and hot water industry.

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*Our 5 Year Warranty is offered on Boilers which are registered within 60 Days of purchase, For full Warranty T&C’s please visit our website.


Knauf continue to improve sustainability credentials with recycled plastic packaging As part of its ongoing sustainability efforts, Knauf UK & Ireland is making the move to recycled plastic packaging. Its new packaging will contain at least 30% recycled plastics and is often also recyclable at the end of its life so the circle can be continued.


he Company has added easy to recognise logos to the packaging to identify when it has been made from recycled plastic, and if it is recyclable. Knauf will start by changing the packaging of key products within its portfolio and continue the move for other products over the coming months. The Company is using Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastics – materials which have been used by consumers, recycled and given a new life. Lucy Hall, Sustainability Leader for Knauf, gives an insight into the importance of the new packaging: “Our Product Manager, Becky Newell, has worked collaboratively and consistently to achieve Knauf’s goal of improving the recycled content of our packaging. Realising her goal to make a difference on a bigger scale, the recycled content of plastic packaging will now also be high on the agenda of new product development. This is a fantastic achievement in Knauf’s drive to fulfil its sustainability goals”

Greenhouse gas emissions are associated with single-use plastics, and the National Geography Society estimates that more than 40% of plastic is used just once and that there are more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean. This is a significant reason for Knauf adopting PCR plastics and a recognition of the Company’s commitment to Build for the World We Live In. This switch will see some small changes to the appearance of product packaging, such as a grey rim and base. This is simply due to a number of different coloured plastics being recycled to make a new product, and not adding in unnecessary dyes. It is important to note that it is just the packaging that is changing, not the product, so customers can rest assured knowing they’re still getting the same, trusted Knauf product. This move is part of Knauf’s ongoing sustainability initiative and ties in with its ‘people, planet, prosperity’ ethos. Sustainability considerations are becoming more prevalent across the construction industry and Knauf is keen to lead the way in meeting customers’ expectations for environmentally friendly products.

Extemely weather & UV resistant Very water and dirt resistant Reduces wood swelling and shrinkage Resists the growth of algae, mildew & fungal attack Microporous, breathable finish No sanding necessary for future applications




nce again a revolutionary solution and product has ben introduced to the industry by the creators of CT1. The landscape of sealants and adhesives was dramatically changed 18 years ago when CT1 was first introduced. CT1 were also the first to introduce and coin the term “Hybrid Polymer.” Realising that the technology was increasingly dated, CT1 blew the industry away once again with the introduction of TRIBRID® technology. The TRIBRID® advancements are ground breaking. Now 3 times stronger than regular Hybrid Polymers, it also has much longer colour retention. A gripe that many tradespeople had with many hybrids on the market is that the white would discolour over time and the clear would often turn yellow. After considerable research and development, CT1 and its unique TRIBRID® technology have solved these problems and they are no longer an issue. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is truly incredible. Based on CT1’s TRIBRID® technology, it eliminates fixings and has instant grab on large vertical bonding. It is fair to say that before now that if you asked your builder or construction Project Manager if they had a liquid product to bond and replace mechanical fixings, there would be no suggestion available. Until now, that is. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond replaces mechanical fixings and is the ultimate chemical fix. It reduces labour significantly - up to 50%. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond was was originally created for facades and heavy stone work. Its versatility and power has now been widely adopted by shopfitting installers, kitchen installers, for outside stone work, façades, quoins, landscape and all round building work.



BRID® TECHNOLOGY RID® RID®TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY TTRAVIS TRAVISPERKINS PERKINS TRAVIS PERKINS PowerGrab Grab‘n’ Bondis solventfree, free,with withexceptionally exceptionally Power Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond Bond isissolvent solvent free, with exceptionally Grab Power high initial grab, followed by an incredible structural initial grab, followed by an incredible structural high incredible structural high initial grab, followed by an incredible structural bond. It can be applied to concrete, most stones bond. It can be applied to concrete, most stones bond. It can be applied to concrete, most stones bond. It can be applied to concrete, most (without stones (without staining), ceramics, marble, wood, MDF, (without staining), ceramics, marble, wood, MDF, staining), ceramics, marble, wood, MDF, polystyrene, (without staining), ceramics, marble, wood, MDF, polystyrene, fiberglass, gypsum board, metals, lead, polystyrene, fiberglass, gypsum board, metals, lead, fiberglass, gypsum board, metals, lead, glass, mirror, polystyrene, fiberglass, gypsum board, metals, lead, glass, mirror, plastics (except for PP, PE and PTFE). glass, mirror, plastics (except for PP, PE and PTFE). plastics (except for PP, PE and PTFE). glass, mirror, plastics (except for PP,

These historically had benailed nailed anddrilled drilled in, These historically had totobe be nailed inindrilled and drilled in, These historically had to to be nailed in and in, taking These historically had in and in, taking considerably time and often falling down. Now taking considerably time and often falling down. Now considerably time and often falling down. Now Power taking considerably time and often falling down. Now Power Grab Bond, hasallowed allowed them bondbeads these Power Grab ‘n’‘n’ Bond, has allowed them toto bond these Grab ‘n’Grab Bond, has allowed them to bond these Power ‘n’ Bond, has them to bond these beads and position reducing labour by over 50%. beads and position reducing labour by over 50%. and position reducing labour by over 50%. One such beads and position reducing labour by over 50%. Onesuch suchcontractor contractor Peter Fletcher from LowCross Cross One such contractor isisPeter Peter Fletcher from Low Cross contractor is Peter Fletcher fromFletcher Low Cross Developments One is from Low Developments in Northern Ireland. Developments in Northern Ireland. in Northern Ireland. Developments in Northern Ireland.

Thisunique uniqueproduct producthas hasalso alsobeen beentested testedby byUKAS UKAS This unique product has also by UKAS This unique product has also been tested This accredited lab to BS EN 12003 shear test and BE EN accredited lab to BS EN 12003 shear test and BE EN accredited lab to BS EN 12003 shear test and BE EN accredited lab to BS EN 12003 - shear test and BE1308 EN 1308 slip resistant. 1308 slip resistant. slip resistant. 1308 - slip resistant.

Now available available inin all all Travis Travis Perkins Perkins stores stores Now Now available Travis Perkins branches Now branches nationwide, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is even easier nationwide, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is even easier tototo nationwide, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is even easier to nationwide, Power Grab is even easier access and see local demonstrations and technical access and see local demonstrations and technical access and see local demonstrations and technical access see local demonstrations and technical adviceand andapplications. applications. advice advice applications. advice and applications.

Theadvancements advancementsin fixingsis gamechanging. changing.In The advancements ininfixings fixings isisgame changing. InIn The advancements fixings game The addition to saving hours of labour and costs, Power addition to hours labour costs, Power addition to saving of and addition to saving hours of labour and costs, Power Grab‘n’ Bondcan cannow nowreplace replaceconventional conventionalmethods methods Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond now replace conventional methods Grab Bond can Grab of adhesion, which relied on a two component epoxy of adhesion, which relied on component epoxy of adhesion, which relied on a two of adhesion, relied on a two component epoxy mix which caused all sorts of problems. Not only was mix which caused all sorts of problems. Not only was mix which caused all sorts of problems. Not only was it mix all sorts of problems. Not only was it temperamental if the right mix was not achieved it temperamental if the right mix was not achieved temperamental if the right mix was not achieved but it temperamental - if the right mix was not achieved -- but also, depending on the weight the slab, each one but also, depending on the weight ofof the slab, each one also, depending on the weight of the slab, each one then but also, depending on the weight of the slab, each one then might then need to be supported by drilling in ties. then might then need to be supported by drilling in ties. might then need to be supported by drilling in ties. As then might then need to be supported by drilling in ties. As well as all of this, full cure can be anything between As well as all of this, full cure can be anything between well as all of this, full cure can be anything between 24 As well as all of this, full cure can be anything between 24 and 42 hours. 24 and 42 hours. and 42 hours. 24 and 42 hours.

Goyour your nearest Travis Perkins storetoday. today. totoyour your nearest Travis Perkins store today. to nearest Travis Perkins branch Go Go to nearest Travis Perkins branch today.

PowerGrab Grab‘n’ Bonddoes doesnot nothave haveany anyof ofthese these Power Grab does not have any of these Power Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond Bond have any of these Power Quite simply is it the ultimate one disadvantages. Quite simply is the ultimate one disadvantages. disadvantages. Quite simply is it ultimate one disadvantages. is it the ultimate one component product for heavy duty vertical bonding. for heavy vertical bonding. component product heavy duty component product for heavy duty vertical bonding. Usingaaaheavy heavy duty caulking gun, itenables enables the user Using heavy duty caulking gun, enables the user Using duty caulking gun, itititenables the user to Using heavy duty caulking gun, the user to apply the product straight from the cartridge, wait to apply the product straight from the cartridge, wait apply the product straight from the cartridge, wait to apply the product straight from the cartridge, wait4 5 minutes and then fix directly ontothe the wall. There 44 to minutes and then fix directly onto the wall. There 5to minutes and then fix directly onto wall. There 4to to 55 minutes and then fix directly onto wall. There is absolutely no need for additional fixings, allowing is absolutely no for additional fixings, allowing is absolutely no need fixings, is absolutely no need for additional fixings, allowing phenomenalresults results theinitial initial graband andtogether togetherwith with phenomenal results inin the initial grab and together with phenomenal in the grab phenomenal rapid curing will reduce labour time by 50%. rapid curing will reduce labour time by 50%. rapid curing will reduce labour time by 50%. rapid will reduce labour time by 50%. PowerGrab Grab‘n’ Bondis Madein Britainwith withBritish British Power Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond isisMade Made ininBritain Britain with British Power Grab ‘n’ Bond British Power Technology and British Design and many applications Technology and British Design and many applications Technology and British Design and many applications for Technology and British Design and many applications are being publicised and applauded. for this product are being publicised and applauded. for this product this product are being publicised and applauded. for this product are being publicised and applauded. Plasterersacross acrossUK UKand andare arenow nowincreasingly increasinglyusing using Plasterers across UK and are increasingly using Plasterers are now Plasterers Power Grab ‘n’ Bond for bonding their beads. Beading Power Grab ‘n’ for bonding their beads. Beading Power Grab ‘n’ Bond for bonding their beads. Beading Power Grab Bond for bonding their beads. Beading thinpiece pieceof metalthat thathas hasaaastraight straightedge edgerunning running isisaaaathin thin ofofmetal metal that has straight edge running is thin piece of metal that has edge running is along its length to ensure a smooth surface or angle along its length to ensure a smooth surface or angle along its length to ensure a smooth surface or angle for along length to ensure a smooth surface or angle for plastering over. It is most commonly used when for plastering over. It is most commonly used when plastering over. It is most commonly used when applying for plastering over. It is most commonly used when applying wall around corners, especially applying plaster totoaaawall wall around corners, especially plaster toplaster aplaster wall around corners, especially window and applying to around corners, especially window and door frames. The beads allow for neat window and door frames. The beads allow for neat door frames. The beads allow for neat corners to be window and door frames. The beads allow for neat corners to be covered with ease. corners to be covered with ease. covered with ease. corners to be covered with ease.


2022 SMART HOME DESIGN TRENDS FROM GIRA Gira, global leader and supplier of intelligent system solutions for the connected home and building, unveils the latest automated systems and technologies to enhance your home in 2022… “The last two years have seen us all spend more time at home and so it’s no surprise that we want to make our personal interior spaces as comfortable and versatile as possible. This is where the “connected home” has come to the fore, equipping the modern home with smart functions and devices that are specifically designed to improve daily life and contribute to a more efficient household” says Jacob de Muijnck, Managing Director at Gira UK Ltd. In fact, UK consumers are now very familiar with smart TVs, fitness trackers, voice-activated assistants and 24/7 access to all kinds of media, and this has become part of everyday life as the features and benefits appeal to multiple generations. The global health crisis and inevitable after effects have only highlighted that we need reliable systems in order to stay in touch with the outside world anytime, anywhere. With this in mind Gira present four key smart home trends that are set to redefine the idea of a ‘connected home’ next year and beyond: 1.

The home office that thinks for itself

Fewer people leave their house to go work in 2020 and the concept of working from home has become increasingly mainstream, but digital tools and services alone are not enough to maintain a high level of productivity. A home office requires a healthy, well considered environment that keeps you focused and motivated and so premium

manufacturers are creating innovative solutions for the connected home office. Innovations include clever chairs and desks reminding you to stand up, multifunctional charging stations for mobile devices and smart lighting and blind systems that adjust room brightness according to the time of day or work discipline under way.

2. Smart appliances for easy living From stoves that won’t let anything burn to bathrooms that know how you like to shower in the morning – intelligent technologies make life safer, easier and more energy-efficient. Automated vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and dryers are only the first steps towards a

33 connected home in 2022, with indoor greenhouses becoming increasingly popular as we bring the outdoors in. More and more, smart devices are compatible with IFTTT (“If this then that”) technology, which makes it easy to configure individual systems where products from different manufacturers need to work in sync. For example, you can switch off multiple electric appliances with just one command before stepping outside – to save energy and prevent accidental short circuits. 3. Connected Smart Home concepts are in demand Single, standalone applications are giving way to sustainable all-inclusive solutions as architects and builders consider the digital infrastructure and connectivity of living spaces early on in the planning phase. Lights, blinds, heating, entertainment systems, security systems, home gyms and electronics, along with smart tools and appliances, can be controlled via one central unit in connected homes adding luxury and touch of design exclusivity. Connected living is easy to facilitate whether you want to build a new house, renovate your existing, or just rent an apartment. Wireless systems such as Gira eNet SMART HOME communicate via radio transmitter – which means they can be retrofitted in both old and new buildings. Thanks to a synchronised interplay of all components, your Smart Home will do

exactly what you need at any given time. Smart sensors, for example, react automatically to external factors such as ambient brightness, temperature, or humidity levels. Jacob adds “Many digital services and applications are already indispensable to modern lives like Alexa light control via voice command to blinds that go up automatically at sunrise. Smart technology will become even more universal in the years to come so be future-ready with a connected house (or apartment). Once you’ve installed your system, you can add all sorts of functions and devices whenever you want so your home can evolve with your lifestyle.”

Since March 2015, the Gira interactive online magazine G-Pulse has been providing regular, up-to-the-minute information on interesting developments in multiple areas: smart home technology, interior design, lifestyle, trends and architecture. The online magazine is your source for interior design and lifestyle inspiration and your platform for exchanging views on your favourite topics with other design enthusiasts. 15 authors keep you informed, up-to-date and are especially keen on visiting key industry events, so you will always be informed about the latest interior and smart home trends. Discover more at:




“Supporting the project’s goal to use sustainable materials, each tile is manufactured to last the lifetime of the building, containing between 20 and 40% recycled content and delivered in 100% recyclable packaging.” Johnson Tiles has partnered with leading housebuilder, Barratt Developments, to build a unique zero carbon concept home – ‘Z House’. Featuring six tile ranges across four rooms, the flagship project is the first new home in the country, built by a major housebuilder, to go beyond the new Future Homes Standard by delivering a carbon reduction of 125%, a breakdown of 100% regulated and 25% unregulated energy using heat recovery, low carbon and renewable technologies. The Future Homes Standard ensures that all new homes built from 2025 will produce 75-80% less carbon emissions than homes delivered under current regulations. Delivering To support the project’s goals to use sustainable materials and reduce build time, a bespoke version of the UK-made Ashlar range was developed for the en-suite. Johnson Tiles’ typical bathroom products are 1cm deep. By reducing the tile thickness by 0.2mm, the company was able to cut carbon emissions by 20%. The thinner tiles also required less packaging and vehicle space, maximising the efficiency of the delivery service with 20% more metre coverage of tiles per pallet. This reduces the number of vehicles needed to deliver to the average new build housing development. “We’re delighted to have been involved in the Z House project, our commitment to sustainability is at the core of everything we do and the opportunity to support the industry as we learn together from this project is incredibly exciting.” says Johnson Tiles’ Managing Director, Stephen Dixon.

Johnson Tiles is one of over 40 partners from across the housebuilding, sustainability and technology sectors invited to collaborate on the project. Built on the University of Salford’s main campus as a showcase home to demonstrate what is achievable in sustainable living, it will be occupied and monitored to assess its performance, with lessons learnt shared across the industry. Built using modern methods of construction, a mix of Johnson Tiles’ UK manufactured and UK stocked wall and floor tiles were selected for the hall, kitchen / dining area, family bathroom and en-suite. Each room features tiles in colours reflective of materials and tones found in nature, including the award-winning UK made South Bank collection of small format, glazed ceramic wall tiles and the UK made Drift collection of wood effect ceramic wall tiles. Z house concept home features: • Hall/cloakroom • South Bank, UK made slim format tiles in Whisper and Pewter • • •

• Ashlar, UK made textured concrete effect tiles in Crafted Grey

• Refine, UK stocked porcelain floor tiles in Kielder, UK stocked wood Pewter effect tiles in Frosty Oak • Family bathroom Kitchen/dining • Drift, UK made wood Refine, UK stocked effect ceramic wall tiles porcelain floor tiles in in Summer Shadows Pewter • Minerals, UK stocked En-Suite stone effect tiles in Flint


We would like to firstly wish all of our customers a very merry Christmas and all the very best for 2022! We would further like to thank them all for their continued business and support in 2021. As we look back on our second year of trading since the pandemic and the challenges that continue to face us, we would like to take this opportunity to reiterate our policy of stockholding and how it is driving our company forward. ‘Last summer we saw widespread disruption to supply and many assumed by now these issues would have ironed themselves out. In fact they have worsened. Most of our competitors are still looking at long lead times. We are able to maintain the chain of supply due to our longstanding policy of stockholding which has provided further financial stability to ourselves but as importantly to our customers”

“On a practical note our customers don’t want to go to the expense and disruption of fitting out their bathroom to 2 years down the line find that an inferior mild steel rail rusts, leaks and they then need a complete re-tile when the replacement isn’t dimensionally identical to the original”

As always the Sussex Range is manufactured from 100% stainless steel including our recently introduced Black Edition of powder coated rails.

Stainless steel is 100% recyclable, and manufactured from over 90% recyclable material. It does not rust, flake or corrode. It is the sustainable, durable choice.

“More and more people are coming round to the durability and sustainability of stainless steel, particularly after the year we have just had, we all need to be aware of our environmental and social impact”

We source our rails ethically and take our social responsibility seriously, from our sourcing, to our manufacture, to our charity initiatives. As a stable business with long term stockholding that

has maintained a steady supply throughout the pandemic we are able to do all of this whilst protecting our pricing structure. We offer 3 formats of rail throughout the entire range: Electric, dual fuel and central heating only and we offer both a polished and satin finish as well as the Black Edition Range. “The cornerstones of our business are quite simply quality, stock holding and ultimately customer service. The three work hand in hand” Should you require further details please visit our website or contact us on 01825 722988 and

Black Edition Stainless Steel Towel Rails by JIS Europe 100% stainless steel towel rails 01825 722988



39 Abode, award-winning designer of market leading kitchen taps, sinks, bathroom taps & showering solutions is among the top-tier global design talent to be awarded an SBID International Design Award 2021, as it’s crowned the winner of the Kitchen Product awards category for its innovative water filter system, Abode Swich → finalist-pda/swich/ The 2021 SBID International Design Awards winners were revealed at the Nobu Hotel Portman Square in London on Friday 22 October, each presented with a prestigious crystal awards trophy, designed by Sans Souci Glass Deco. Shining a spotlight on the world’s brightest design talent, the creative A&D community came together in a global celebration of interior design excellence to celebrate the industry’s most revered interior designers and makers. Abode Swich is a revolutionary design solution that will transform a new or existing kitchen tap in to a filtered water tap that delivers a constant supply of crystal clear filtered water! The exclusive and patented Swich water filter system is a discreet yet ultra-luxe device, which is easy to use and install, either retro-fit in an existing kitchen or add to a new kitchen design. Swich works in conjunction with your normal kitchen mixer tap to improve the overall taste, appearance and quality of your drinking water without compromising on style. Available in four high fashion finishes – Brushed Brass, Matt Black, Brushed Nickel and Chrome – simply turn the Round or Square control handle to indicate the type of water supply you wish to channel through

the tap. Providing immediate access to both the domestic water supply and Abode-safe water, via the Swich filter cartridge, customers can enjoy clear refreshing results, every time! Paul Illingworth, Design Manager at Abode says, “For the first time, our customers are not restricted to the style of tap they can have in their kitchen and now, they can enjoy fresh filtered tap water while removing the need for a countertop water purifier or bottled water, which we all know is harmful to the environment.” “To be recognised by SBID and its panel of leading industry experts is a great achievement for Abode, acknowledging Swich for its outstanding examples of technical innovation, aesthetic creativity and fit-for-purpose functionality.” “Achieving an SBID Award is an unparalleled marque of design excellence.”

The featured images also include a range of market leading kitchen sinks and taps by Abode, including: 1.



Swich Chrome with Virtue Semi-Professional Mixer Tap with flexible hose & Matrix R50 undermount Sink Swich Matt Black with Linear Nero Monobloc Mixer Tap & Londa Single Bowl Sink & Drainer, Black Metallic Swich Brushed Brass with Prime Single Lever Mixer Tap & Matrix R0 Large Single Bowl Sink

NOTE: Swich Brushed Nickel available, in either a Round or Square handle design For further information, please contact Abode: t: 01226 283 434 | e: | w: | For the latest news & company updates, please follow Abode on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn #WaterTheWayYouWantIt

“As another year draws to a close, the SBID Awards continues to empower the design industry to exhibit their creative work and celebrate their achievements on its inclusive stage, as a testament to the incredible outcomes that can be accomplished through the power of good design and quality craftsmanship” says the SBID International Design Awards.




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