1 minute read


Name: Rachel Dark

Job: Sales Assistant

Main activities: Climbing, Hiking, Cycling, Camping, Mountaineering Part of the EB family for: 5 months

Thetford Forest

Set in the beautiful Suffolk countryside, Thetford Forest is the perfect place to go mountain biking. OK, there might not be many actual mountains in this part of the world, but if you enjoy winding woodland trails you won’t be disappointed. You can even hire bikes from High Lodge, where the staff will provide you with maps and information to make sure you have the best time.

Hampstead Heath

One of the few places in London where you can forget where you are, the Heath is a favourite of mine for running. There are some spectacular views of the city which help keep me motivated on the way round, and it’s a great chance to exercise in woodland and natural areas without having to leave the big smoke – definitely helpful when you have a busy schedule.

Surrey Hills

Most people wouldn’t have Surrey on their hiking bucket list, but if you’re looking for a day walk that’s just a short train ride away from London, the Surrey Hills are a great option. With magnificent views, waterfalls, wildlife and woodland, it’s got everything you need to reconnect with the outdoors. My favourite part of the day is lunch, when I can sit down and take it all in.