The Courier 1404

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the courier


travel life & style

Monday 24 February 2020 Capricorn - Jenny Kinnersley

Aquarius - Patrick Young

Pisces - Amy Harris

Aries - Madeleine Raine

Capricorns are known as the hardest working sign in the zodiac, but they still need time to unwind on holiday. While they won’t want anything too adventurous from their holiday, they are not the type to sit around lounging on the beach all day. They will most likely enjoy the planning process as much, if not more than the holiday itself. A good travel destination for those under the Capricorn sign is St. Petersburg. Regarded as the cultural hub of Russia, St Petersburg offers hundreds of museums and worldclass opera and ballet. The architecture of the Romanov empire within the city will appeal to a Capricorn’s love of tradition and opulence. Prague is also a good option for Capricorns who do not want to travel as far. It is rich in culture; from its stunning historic architecture, varied music scene, and collection of the finest beers in Europe. With thorough planning, Capricorns will not miss an inch of this beautiful city.

We Aquarians are known for being inquisitive and freespirited, as such we deserve to find a holiday destination that befits our nature’s and fulfils our need to learn. Therefore, I believe that the ideal location for us to visit, as an Aquarian is Japan. Japan is renowned for its unique culture, architecture and history. Its stunning pagodas and beautiful zen gardens would pique our creative interests, and the booming technology and science sectors will astound our intellectual and inquisitive minds, as they are filled with new information. Moreover, a trip to Japan will broaden our horizons, and allow our minds to expand and become more aware of other cultures to our own, and as such, creating a sense of unity with the rest of the world- playing into the humanitarian nature of our star sign.

If your star sign is an Aries then you probably already know that your current planet is Mars and this means action! You are dynamic, independent and in many cases sporty. You are free in spirit and therefore very spontaneous. You are not one for planning holidays but rather likes to see where life takes you. You want somewhere where you can easily relax and enjoy the fresh air. For an Aries, their holiday destination tends to revolve around a tropical region that basks in the sunshine. That is why for all you Aries out there Brazil is the place for you! What country is more exotic than this? Adorned with extravagant beaches this is the perfect place to both relax and unwind as well as trying your hand at something new and exciting. Catch your ride on the waves with surfboarding, or take to the beaches and try beach volleyball? Brazil is home to so many natural wonders offering both relaxing and thrilling activities that it is a paradise for any Aries.

Taurus - Patrick Harland

Gemini is most commonly known as the sign of the twins. And what better place to visit than a city that has two faces? Among the younger generation, Berlin is famed for its nightlife. Public transport that runs 24/7, clubs like Berghain, and bars and pubs that just never seem to shut. Berlin does, however, have another side; the capital city is oozing with culture, ranging from the Berlin Wall that commemorates the sufferings and hardships of the Iron Curtain, to the range of museums and art galleries. Another interpretation of Berlin as a dream holiday destination for Geminis is naturally the physical and metaphorical divide still evident in the city; even post-reunification, one can still identify the remnants of the formerly divided city. Not only is the economy in the West still more booming and the East boasts Soviet-style tower blocks, but also the unique traffic lights make East Berlin easily distinguishable.

Pisces are described as open-minded, curious, joyful, imaginative, artistic people and are said to be the intense dreamers of the zodiac. As a result, we require a holiday destination that allows us to reset, explore and let our creative juices flow. There are many destinations that would suit our personalities. There is Spain, the American Coasts, beaches of England and the tranquil islands of Greece. Hence, choosing a destination can be a challenge. For us Pisceans, we prefer to be near water – not only because we are a water element but also because we find water refreshing, are often mysterious like the ocean and are able to go with the flow. The glaciers, lagoons and mystic cliffs of Iceland are where we will feel most at home. Whether you enjoy it with some of your closets companions or even a solo trip to have some you-time. We do not need to have a lot of stimulation. We like to sit back and relax so a day in the hot springs can give us the peaceful tranquillity we enjoy and we can reset our minds. Sitting back and enjoy the dream-like state Iceland offers its visitors.

Cancer - Rebecca Johnson

As a fire sign and being ruled by the Sun, it comes to no surprise that the perfect destination for a Leo has to be somewhere hot, passionate and full of big adventures. The first place that comes to mind is Italy, full of culture, history, idyllic scenery and romance. The opportunities are endless in Italy, from Rome, Venice, Verona, Milan etc. However, the perfect spot for a hopeless romantic Leo has to be the beautiful and picturesque cliff-side village, Positano, located in southern Italy’s Amalfi Coast. This destination just oozes romance, passion and beauty, from breathtaking boat rides, to hand-in-hand walks around the colourful town, and ending each day watching a sublime sunset. It’s every Leo’s picture-perfect dream, like something straight out of a movie. The flamboyant Leo will fit perfectly into the excitement and enchantment of Positano.

Upon a quick Google for Taurus destinations, you find quickly suggestions for places close to home, a familiar environment in which they are comfortable with lots of good food and alcohol. I however mostly disagree with this, being a Taurus myself, I will base it off the holiday I know I like the most.. Any destination that invites a sense of exploration, and promotes challenging new experiences is a far more appropriate destination for a Taurus. For this reason any sort of adventure holiday allowing a person to explore the world and themselves is the only suitable holiday. I would suggest Peru, trekking the Inca trail as the ideal Taurus holiday destination, a place with rich history and beautiful scenery, incredible food and most importantly a challenge, to test and intrigue a tourist as no relaxing holiday will help a Taurus as much as a difficult and interesting one would. However if you as a Taurus disagree it’s of no issue as it’s a common theme amongst Tauruses (Taurusi?) of being head-strong and knowing themselves so in truth any destination is perfect for a Taurus as long as they have had hand in choosing it.

Virgo - Beth Robson

Libra - Amanda Goh Libra is an air sign and we focus on others and love doing things with them. For us, everything is better done as a pair. This would mean travelling with someone you love – whether it be your friends, family or partner. Not only that, we love balance, even on holiday! As Libras are known to be friendly and social, why not travel to Portugal, known as one of the most welcoming places to visit? Not only will you be welcomed by the warm smiles of the Portuguese, you will also feel the warmth of the sun, which we rarely get here in England. As are many things to do in Portugal, from shopping to sightseeing to relaxing to eating, you will be able to get a full tourist and local experience! Take a day trip to Sintra and explore the mountains and palaces, then have a relaxing evening by the beach! You will get the best of both worlds!

If you’re struggling to decide where to visit this summer, why not base your decision on what the stars apparently say? A quick Google search informs me that people with the Cancer star sign are emotional, loyal and sensitive, they need somewhere relaxing and incredibly calm to go on holiday to. One of the best places to go to would be the Nordfjord in Norway. The Nordfjord region is home to some of the most breath-taking views in the world. It boasts the sixth longest fjord in Norway as well as Europe’s biggest mainland glacier and Europe’s deepest lake. If these stunning sights aren’t enough for you, don’t fear. The region offers all sorts of action-packed activities including skiing, a skylift tour and places of historical interest, including the Nordfjord Folk Museum. There’s also the opportunity to go storm watching and to visit sites where local natural catastrophes happened. If this is a bit too much, there’s always the tours of the glaciers and surrounding areas, to bask in the natural beauty of this remarkable area of Norway.

Scorpio - Joe Molander Where better to send a water fan than a water park? There’ll be slides, wave machines and lots of children who are of a similar mental age to the people who believe in star signs. In a recent article from Cosmopolitan, Kerry Ward describes Scorpios as “the big, bad elder sister of the Water sign crew”. If Scorpios really are the big sister of the water signs, they’ll love a day out at the water park. My siblings and I spent an afternoon over the summer crashing into each other down waterslides as we went in all at once. Scorpios are famously intense, so shouldn’t be fussed about safety regulations. Of course, failing my initial plan, I’d be more than happy to take them elsewhere. The Scorpio sign is associated with Mars and Pluto, and as such, I’d be more than happy to pay for an all-expenses paid trip to Mars. 277 million kilometres from Earth, they might finally stop being able to hear my self-righteous rants about star signs.

Leo - Nimra Rafique

Sagittarius - Isabel Ellis It’s always lucky to be a Sagittarius when it comes to travel. Us Sags live and breathe to travel and will allow nothing to get in our way of experiencing the four corners of the globe. Being Adventurous, Independent and lovers of the great outdoors; backpacking Peru is the perfect holiday destination for a Sagittarii! Whether that be hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu to witness one of the seven wonders of the world or trekking to the depths of the Amazon rainforest. Intuition leads our every movement and we desire to feel and explore the world freely (even if this means straying off-the-beaten-path). No dirt nor late night bush wees puts us off anything, as our gritty determination to explore the depths of the world takes centre stage. We are always the perfect travel companion and other zodiacs are queuing up to bag a fun-filled trip with us. So, don your walking boots, set your 4:30am alarms and apply your factor 50 sunscreen and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

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Image: Zodiac signs from Wikicommons

Hi my fellow Virgos! I hope this semester hasn’t been too stressful (who are we kidding, we’re always stressed!) and you’ve had some time to kick back and relax. As the days are getting longer and the sun is starting to peek through the drab winter clouds, I’m sure your feet are itching to go on a (meticulously well-planned) adventure! As an Earth sign, the theme of our trip is nature and letting loose! GASP! We live in a beautiful country so our trip is going to be pretty close to home; the Scottish Highlands. With never-ending mountains to climb, lakes to visit, and valleys to venture in, visiting the Highlands is going to be a great way to look after yourself and your own mental health first this year! As creative control-freaks, this is also the prime opportunity to perfect your art – there’s a reason so much art is inspired by the Scottish Highlands. Naturally analytical creatures, we Virgos have a keen drive to learn and I can’t think of a better opportunity to go somewhere beautiful and learn about the rich history of our Scottish neighbours. Make sure to relax on your trip; Lord knows we need to!

Gemini - Grace Dean

Image: World from

Zodiac traveller: your 2020 picks Something is stirring in the cosmos...It looks like...a boarding pass? Our writers share their astrological travel destinations

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