The Village NEWS 10 February - 16 February 2021

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10 February 2021


How to get from chaos to calm E

ver heard of SomaSensing? In a nutshell, it is a practice that guides you to tune into your felt sense through intuitive somatic movements that trigger the healing response of your Vagus nerve, through your senses, to calm distress. These signs of distress vary from individual to individual and may include chronic fatigue, chronic pain, anxiety, stress, inflammation, fibromyalgia, brain fog, gut issues, tinnitus, heart palpitations, hormone imbalances, or the effects of an autoimmune response and even ‘Long Covid’. Yasmin Lambat, a registered somatic educator, trauma therapist and

founder of SomaSensing, is offering an eight-week course, starting on 20 February, which will guide you on how to heal yourself through your felt sense and restore your inner rhythm and sense of wellbeing. “Getting to know yourself through the state of your nervous system allows you to quieten your inner critic,” says Yasmin. “Helping you to become a compassionate observer and to approach life with a sense of curiosity instead of anxiety.” She adds that the course is not a ‘quick fix’ but a way to kick start the process of taking your healing into your own hands. “To get real and

long-lasting benefits you need to make a habit of it, but this eightweek SomaSensing guide will help you get started.” Yasmin explains that, apart from connecting you to your body's innate ability to heal, SomaSensing practices help you to interrupt habitual patterns shaped by trauma. “Just by becoming aware of your patterns you can interrupt them when you’re on autopilot – giving you an opportunity to self-regulate and expand your capacity to cope when life throws you off centre.” On this course you will explore how


soothing and nurturing somatic movements can trigger the healing response of your Vagus nerve and calm your nervous system, and how shifts in your body can not only shift your mood but also ease areas of strain and stiffness and reduce inflammation. You will learn: How to become aware as an observer; How to know yourself through your nervous system;

How to befriend yourself with curiosity; How to heal yourself through your body. Just a few moments each day can create a shift of a lifetime. To find out more about the eight-week course starting on 20 February, send a WhatsApp to Yasmin on 076 848 3778. The hour-long sessions will be hosted at Co.Unity on Saturdays from 07:00 – 08:00.

Articles inside

A deep dive into the Dolphins of the Cape Coast – Part 2

page 19

Visit the Bontebok National Park

page 18

Conserving our beautiful Bontebok

page 18

Celebrating 70: Jaguar C-type joins classic continuation family

page 23

Community food garden for Mt Pleasant

page 16

Love a Little Local: Who knew spectacles could be this chic

page 14

Toyota reveals the new passenger model to be built in Durban

page 24

How to get from chaos to calm

page 15

A way to ecological recovery for wetlands

page 13

Mahindra XUV300 receives highest ever 5-star safety rating

pages 23, 25

Love a Little Local: Work, play and eat at Co.Unity

page 10

Antie Joutjie's right royal birthday

page 9

Obituary: Alan McLennan-Smith

page 9

Love a Little Local: And now for something different…

page 11

Sugar & Spice: Love me, love my mask

page 8

Hats for Africa in Hermanus' CBD

page 7

Love a Little Local: The Artwalk is back!

page 7

Placing a value on art

page 6

The new BMW M5 CS

page 22

From the Editor: Not all doom and gloom

page 8

Love a Little Local: A random act of kindness

page 5

Onrus Vermont SRA finalising plans

page 4

Ford Invests $1 Billion (R15.8) into its South African Manufacturing operations

page 20

Country Market: the way forward

page 11

High Street upgrade nearing completion

page 4

Hope for the economy

page 1
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