1 minute read



Queens! We are currently living in turbulent and uncertain times in this nation. It is so easy to find ourselves becoming distracted and overwhelmed by life’s events bombarding our psyche on a daily basis. There are times in life, when your space becomes so consumed and crowded with the mundane cycle of absolute nonsense, that there remains little space for rationality. There is this constant jockeying for your undivided attention, and you suddenly feel the need to escape the rhythmic drone of senselessness that pervades your every waking moment and thought. You search tirelessly for a sense of sanctum and peacefulness to shroud you in its cocoon of security, from the relentless madness of this thing we refer to as life.


This seemingly never-ending cycle of frustration takes its toll on the mental state, and you can actually lose your psychological footing and ultimately, slip into an abyss of seclusion, isolation, and mental instability.


At this juncture, some of you may think that it’s another slice of cake that you need… nope you need a SCREAM! Others of you may believe that a good movie will do the job, no way not today, a SCREAM is the answer. Maybe a new relationship will get the job done…no way my dear sister. What you need to do is find yourself a secluded spot where there will be no interruptions, distractions, or confused bystanders, and have at it with an unrestrained earth-shattering SCREAM!

Believe me when I tell you, you cannot imagine the overwhelming sense of peace and liberation that will follow this type of emotional and mental release.

Sounds so simple right? Suddenly, your thinking becomes clearer. All of the muddled imaginations and cloudy and confused thoughts immediately take on a new dimension of comprehension. Your sense of creativity explodes, and your mental equilibrium finds balance at last. You’re smiling again for no particular reason, you find yourself breathing calmly, and once again, sanity and soundness returns and reigns!

Don’t stress so much over things that will eventually change. Embrace each new day with hope and anticipation for something greater and better than the day before! Always remember…QUEENS REIGN!