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maturity and conforming us from death to a new life. When He finally releases us, we will be transitioned from this ‘cocoon season’ into the next season; it will be the most revolutionary transition we have ever experienced in our lifetime and history!

DOUBLE LIFE REVELATION “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” - Isaiah 43:19


Like the butterfly, we struggle to break free from our current situation. Yet we must remain still and allow God to reshape us. He is transforming us for His good purposes! We must go higher and continue journeying through the ‘storm of our hearts’ and rest in the ‘cocoon of His love.’ There He will break us so that He can remake us, renew us, revive us, and restore us! He will kill us softly with His song so we can sing a new song!

The dandelion is very similar to the butterfly transformation, both have a double life revelation! They go through an emerging process and pollinate! When a dandelion transforms from a yellow flower into wispy whites, called pappi; at this phase one would think the flower is dead, yet, it continues creating seeds that cause pollination; they get blown off in the wind and are distributed as they sail in the breeze to make new roots in the earth! This is just what the Lord wants to do with us!

SIFTING FOR SHIFTING “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” - Romans 8:18

He is maturing and preparing the Bride of Christ “us” to rise-up and pave the way for our Bridegroom’s arrival! Jesus is tearing down everything that must go so that He can build up a new foundation free of religiosity. All of this in exchange for the simplicity of an untainted pure gospel! We are currently in a hiding place ‘cocooned in His love’ for a reason! This is our kairos moment “a moment of divine time” ordained by God for us to be positioned for what is to come! We must spend quality time with Jesus and allow Him to sanctify and consecrate our hearts! He wants us to be clean vessels pure and unstained set apart to be His holy emerging remnant Bride!

We must surrender to this transformation process of sifting for the upcoming shifting! He is sifting us because He is preparing to shift us into a higher realm of His glory and authority. The gospels and book of Acts will be a mirror of normalcy for us going forward! He will send us into places we have never gone and use us in new instrumental ways, signs, wonders, and miracles will be multiplied by our hands.

WE WILL ARISE “Arise, my soul, and sing his praises! I will awaken the dawn with my worship, greeting the daybreak with my songs of light.” - Psalms 108:2

This shift will be like the Apostle Paul; he was called by the Lord to be His chosen instrument and to suffer for His Namesake. He was blinded by heaven’s light but when the scales fell from his eyes he immediately saw with God’s perspective; he arose and began to proclaim Jesus! Paul was processed and transformed inside of a prison cell! We too are God’s chosen instruments! After our sheltered season of being set apart with the Lord, scales of old will fall from our eyes and suddenly we will see life anew and arise with great power and authority to proclaim Jesus!

We are being prepared to be His is divine righteous vessels, ready for the Masters’ use! It will be Him blowing us, shifting us, and moving us in “exousia” authority and “dunamis” power. It will not be in our own strength, ideas or programs, rather it will be by an overtaking wind rushing into our sails, freely and effortlessly moving us unhindered to go where He leads! “We will awaken and respond as His chosen instruments, willing to suffer for His Namesake! We will be His hammer, His bell, His song of love and light all over the land!”

Soon we will hear, “Arise my butterflies and dandelions, it’s time to pollinate the earth!” Then we will link arms with our brothers and sisters, we will be one, and the world will know us by our love! We will emerge as His mighty warriors flying free in the breeze and flowing with the wind of the Holy Spirit; pollinating and releasing a multiplication of ‘seeds of glory’ and making new roots throughout the land!

“We will hammer out justice, we will ring the bell of freedom and sing out danger, sing out warning and sing a song of love between our brothers and sisters all over this land!!!” - Lyrics by Peter, Paul, and Mary

By Dr. Heather H. Tucker, PHD CEO/Life Harmony Coasch, Speaker, Trainer


Especially in These Challenging Times

www.AnotherLevelLiving. com/3Secrets 1-757-333-0669

Who would have thought that 2020 would be like this? O nly God knew. He is and has been speaking to his people. Change has come and the only constant is change. Additionally, we are experiencing divisions of epic proportions. We are told to social distance when we are naturally called for connection and community. The inequality and systemic oppression of Black Americans have been brought to the forefront once again. The levelsofanger,sadness,andfearisfeltworldwide. Have you felt the heaviness and wondered where can I go from here? Good news, there is hope! We cannot control the things that happen and how other people behave, but we can control how we respond to them. Ask God what is the best way that you can respond to the chaos around you, and to give you His peace so you can endure the pressure you are experiencing. R emember that a diamond is created under great pressure and is one of the most valuable jewels on earth. You are priceless and valuable with a testimony to share. Now is the time for both prayer and action. If not now, then when? If not you, then who? What are you called to be, do, and have? Here are 3 steps on how to peacefully pivot into your calling: Lean In. - Acknowledge your thoughts and emotions.It is okay not to be okay.Gain awareness of your thoughts and feelings. What we think and feel, we do. The motive behind oppression is to suppress the greatness that is already inside us all. E veryone, including you, was born with a lion inside just waiting to break free and live with purpose, passion, and prosperity. What is God and your lion inside saying to you? “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” - Proverbs 3:5-6. Let Go. - Yes, it’s usually easier said than done but it’s so worth it! O ftentimes, in order to attain something (a goal), we must give up thoughts, feelings, things, and even people we’ve been holding on to. Perhaps it is unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness, trust issues, or a job that no longer serves us. E ven letting go mentally and emotionally can allow greater focus on God and our callings. What must you let go of? What’s holding you back from stepping into the greatest version ofyourselfin ordertobecomewhoyou’ve been called to be? What’s distracting you? What are the things that are truly preventing you from being the fruit of the spirit?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law”. - Galatians 5:22-23.

Move Forward. - Challenge yourself to become the Seed that bears much Fruit so that you can positivelyimpactyourworld. Itonlytakesthefaith ofamustardseed. Thisincludesself-care,because you can’t pour out from an empty cup. Imagine feeling safe, secure, and supported at all times, even in the midst of any challenges. Consider entrepreneurship to achieve total freedom and showing others how to do the same. Take action to expand your supportive environments so that you can achieve what you’ve been called to do. Never go the battle alone, have support.