December 2020 Newsletter

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Covenant Youth of Alaska A Season of Wonder

Volume 16 | Issue 6 December 2020

A Note from Executive Director Byron Bruckner


mmanuel — God with us — what wisdom! What a wonder that our God, one of eternal love, would incarnate himself to walk with us through our struggles in pain. What uniqueness that our God, unlike any other god, would come to his people as a human baby. What a joy that we, as followers of this God, are invited to participate in the radical “with-ness” that Jesus exhibited in his time on earth. One of the groups of people Jesus made a point to be with is youth. This season, the scriptures have left me wondering why Jesus said, “Let the children come to me,” why he scolded the disciples when they tried to shoo the young ones away, why Jesus so often demonstrated that kids need to be seen and blessed. I am reminded this Christmastime of the wonder and awe with which children encounter the world. It makes me think perhaps Jesus was showing us the holiness

High School Road System Retreat

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of amazement and joy that we so often lose as we grow up. Now that I’m a grandpa, I am encountering childlike wonder in a whole new way as I watch my grandchildren wonder at the world. I also see that they, like me, are hungry for love, that their heart’s desire, too, is to be affirmed, to be cared for, to be blessed. This Christmas, we invite you to join in wonder with us. The heart of our mission is to walk alongside Alaskan youth as they navigate life’s challenges. CYAK invites you to join us as we share the good news of Christ with young people across Alaska. Our team continues to build relationships with youth and young adults who need the hope and love of Jesus. In this walk, we are allowed the incredible privilege of sharing love and blessing of Jesus. Your partnership is critical to our success. Will you join the journey?

Camp in a Box!

Young Adult Retreat


Weekly Aarigaa Zoom

Youth Advent Online

Pray for CYAK Staff

Praise God for the creatvity of the CYAK team to meet young adults all across the state where they are at.

Praise God for the chance to connect with youth around the state to reflect on the hope that Christ brings.

Please pray for our staff as they fundraise - a they would boldly invite a team into joining them in this Kingdom work.


From your friends at Covenant Youth of Alaska

“We come to our conversations with a posture of ‘we learn together’.” Meritha Misrak Capelle Aarigaa Anchorage Director

When you give to the Mission Fund, you make it possible for CYAK staff like Meritha to minister and disciple young people as they are.

Quyanaqpak, thank you.

To read more, visit:

A relational outreach, discipleship and leadership ministry for Alaska youth and young adults A ministry of the Alaska Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church

Website Email Phone 907-222-1432

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