It is Time... to go to Camp

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It is Time... to go to Camp

What has Camp Meant to you?

Covenant Bible Camp is where my journey with Christ began in 1982 when I was 11 years old and is also where God did work in my life to prepare me for where I am today. It was a time that I valued so much that since then, I have only missed a handful of years. God used that time and place to help shape me and even prepare me to become a pastor. It is there that I preached my first sermon when I was in college. It is there that I learned about serving others joyfully and generously. “Many a hand makes light the load,” I remember our founder Chip Swanson saying many times. Life-long friendships were begun at Bible Camp. Even just this past fall, someone said that to me as he was helping to lead the charge on the recovery in Norton Sound communities, “It all started at Bible Camp, Curtis.”

I wholeheartedly invite you to partner with Covenant Bible Camp to help campers get to camp with a financial donation. Truly God does more than we can ask or imagine at Covenant Bible Camp. Thank you for your prayers and support!

As a child, Bible Camp was a safe place to express and learn more about God and grow in fellowship. Going there gave me a safe place to be a kid with other kids, growing spiritually and even mentally. It was also a great way to get out of village hometown norms. Being around a bunch of friends from other villages your age who believe in God has grown my faith that there was a God and there is hope in being saved. It gave me different spiritual and mental coping skills. Bible Camp gave me mentors who believe in me and has given me an encouraging place to live in my culture by allowing creativity, living on the land, and the ability to let go of some negative or unmotivated coping skills. Even though camp was just for a week, it was a week that changed my months, my years and even highlighted my childhood.

I now serve at CYAK because I envision a great future for the young leaders who are encouraged and loved by CYAK. They are an example of Christ’s love for us. I am thankful for the way they encourage me and help me through my faith journey. Because of this, I want to give back to my communities, to CYAK, and to myself by bettering myself and growing my spiritual and mental health. I would love to become a counselor and give back to my communities by reinforcing and encouraging growth in spiritual, mental, physical, and cultural health within the villages across Alaska.

Please consider a donation to Bible Camp this year!

For me, Bible Camp means a chance to meet new friends and learn more about Jesus. I’ve got to meet new people who I now call friends, I am usually a shy person, but now I can start conversations with people. I also consider Bible Camp as my second home because of how accepting people are. I try to help out as much as I can when I am there, like encouraging other campers into enjoying their time at camp, and helping staff when they need it.

Volume 19 | Issue 1 May 2023 -Marilyn Moore, CYAK

It is Time... to Support Bible Camp!

Bible Camp is coming and many details have to happen to make it successful. One is your financial partnership! To feed hundreds of kids and volunteers it requires many supporters. As Curtis and Chip have said...” Many hands make light work”.

Would you consider giving financially for the needs of travel to camp for staff, for campers, or just a general donation to help where needed most?

It is time.... to celebrate and support!

• Our Bible camp budget is $175,000. We have a special ministry gift for 2023 of $50,000 to match.

• We prepare and serve approximately 10,500 meals for kids and volunteers during the month of June!

Thank you for your partnership through your financial support of this Bible Camp mission!


PO Box 203356

Anchorage, AK 99520

To read more, visit:

Donate Now to help Camp!


CYAK Interns

We are so excited to have multiple interns this summer. They will be working alongside staff at camp, will be discipled for the summer and will come out with hands on ministy experience they can take into college. Please pray for them!

When you give to Bible Camp, you make it possible for us to scholarship alaska youth and get them out to camp for a week..

Please consider partnering with us! Quyana, thank you.

$_____ Where Needed Most Camper or Volunteer Travel- $350+ Camp Meals (Budget $40,000) Bug Juice! (A whole lot!)
A ministry of the Alaska Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church 907-222-1432 Website Email Phone A relational outreach, discipleship and leadership ministry for Alaska youth and young adults /donate
us invest in the youth of Tomorrow!
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