Burbage News (Monthly) January 2022

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BURBAGE NEWS Incorporating the Good News Paper



Editor’s Note & B.E.A.M. ............................................ 3 Welcome Poem .......................................................... 4 Burbage Primary School ............................................. 5 Burbage Woodcra & Fish ‘n’ Chips (Strawbridges) .. 6 Savernake Team Le er ............................................... 7

Café Church (Postponed)............................................ 8 Burbage Village Hall .................................................... 9 Cover Image (uncropped) ........................................... 10, 11 Chris ngle ................................................................... 12 Burbage Parish Council ............................................... 13 Weather Report & Surgery Hours .............................. 14 Pa ent Liaison Commi ee ......................................... 15

Christmas Tree Sale Report ........................................ 16, 17 Church Diary & Events for January ............................. 18 Church Informa on .................................................... 19 Gardeners’ Diary ......................................................... 20 NatureWatch .............................................................. 21 Burbage & District Model Railway Club ..................... 22 Womans Own & Eastsands Store Informa on ........... 23

Roy Gee....................................................................... 24

If you find any errors in this issue, please let me know as soon as possible and they will be corrected on the online version. To contact the Burbage News, please email BurbageNews@Outlook.com 2

Editor’s Note Welcome to 2022! A Happy New Year to you all. The end of 2021 saw a significant change for me personally, and I am working to ensure the con nuity of the Burbage News, in either physical or online format. This edi on is an online-only issue due to circumstances beyond my control, and contains no adver sements, to keep the file size down for online sharing (and ease of prin ng, if you want to produce your own physical copy for yourself or a friend). I will temporarily create a separate file/page online for our regular adver sers All the latest news and updates will appear on the official Burbage Parish Facebook Group page - the Burbage No ce Board. The Burbage No ce Board is the only Facebook Group to be completely answerable to the Burbage community. Find it here: h ps://www.facebook.com/groups/BurbageNo ceBoard BEAM - 2021 Over the 2021 year, BEAM members purchased 531,072 Litres of hea ng oil, resul ng in a commission payment to BEAM of £2,655.36. A call for bids for grants was published in the Burbage News and by the deadline of 15th December, four eligible applica ons had been received. BEAM carried over £49.98 in its accounts from last year making a total available to distribute of £2,655.36 + £49.98 = £2,705.34. Bids received: · Burbage Village Hall. £500 towards the replacement of exis ng fabric chairs. · Savernake Forest Scout Group. £550 for camping equipment and interior repairs to Scout Hut. · Burbage Surgery. £1,000 towards a blood pressure monitoring machine for the wai ng room · Burbage & Easton Royal Cricket Club. £612 for the purchase of two recycled benches · Total = £2,662.00. All the bids can thus be supported in full, leaving £43.34 in BEAM’s account. DrÊMar nÊHamer,ÊBEAMÊTreasurerÊ&ÊJaneÊDyson,ÊBEAMÊMembershipÊOfficer Cover image: Burbage By Drone Many thanks to Phil Leech for this amazing, up to date aerial shot of the village. You can see the full, uncropped image on pages 10 & 11 3

Welcome! ...to another New Year SomethingÊforÊtheÊNewÊYear,ÊcourtesyÊofÊLordÊAlfredÊTennyson

Ring Out, Wild Bells Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind For those that here we see no more; Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, the sin, The faithless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease; Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be. 4

Burbage Primary School

“Inspiring and Nurturing Together”

Term two has been ac on packed! The children have raised money for the Royal Bri sh Legion, Children in Need and Save the Children this week, looking fes ve in their Christmas jumpers. Thinking of others has been a theme for us, learning about ‘Generosity’ and ‘Compassion’ in our assemblies so far this year. We are ever so proud of how kind and generous our children are.

The School Council have been working on sustainability this term. They have exci ng plans to fundraise for a wildflower meadow along the side of our school field, something they hope will a ract wildlife and, importantly, bees next summer. We also hope that our community will benefit. The School Council worked hard to raise money at our Christmas Fair by selling gi s they have made from sustainable resources. Burbage Primary School had a visit from Ofsted during November; we expect the report to be published in the beginning of January. We have also been very busy showing new families around our school as the ‘window’ for applying for Recep on places is open un l 15th January. Please be in touch if you would like to see what we have on offer. At the me of wri ng, we are about to embark on our final week of term. The excitement about our Christmas celebra ons is electric. We are hopeful that our na vity, Carols by candlelight and Pantomime trip will go ahead as the children have worked so hard in prepara on. Our Christmas Fair was enjoyed by all; our PTA did a fabulous job of organising and raising money for the school. It was a very special evening for all involved. Our Pre-School is also a busy place to be, with lots of new children having started. We have limited places available in the mornings now, but please be in touch as we will do our utmost to try and accommodate your needs. 810452 admin@burbage.excalibur.org.uk

MrsÊZoeÊGarbu .ÊPrincipal,ÊBurbageÊPrimaryÊSchool 5


Savernake Team Ministry - January 2021 Rev Michael McHugh Savernake Team Rector The Vicarage, Church Street, Great Bedwyn, SN8 3PF Email: mtmch@hotmail.com Telephone 01672870779

Happy New Year to You All Dear Readers, I can’t know what sort of Christmas you have had at the me of wri ng this le er. I know you will have faced more of the same sort of challenge as 2020. You will be looking back at my today, when new restric ons have been implemented. This Sunday has a wonderful reading from Philippians in the services, which sums up the enduring spirit that we need to have as we move into the future. RejoiceÊinÊtheÊLordÊalways;ÊagainÊIÊwillÊsay,ÊRejoice. ÊLetÊyourÊgentlenessÊbeÊknownÊtoÊ everyone.ÊTheÊLordÊisÊnear.ÊDoÊnotÊworryÊaboutÊanything,ÊbutÊinÊeverythingÊbyÊprayerÊ andÊsupplica onÊwithÊthanksgivingÊletÊyourÊrequestsÊbeÊmadeÊknownÊtoÊGod. ÊAndÊtheÊ peaceÊofÊGod,ÊwhichÊsurpassesÊallÊunderstanding,ÊwillÊguardÊyourÊheartsÊandÊyourÊmindsÊ inÊChristÊJesus. We need to be joyful. Not because many in the world are worse off than we are, but because no ma er what our situa on is, last year will have bought graces and the year we are star ng will bring fresh graces. How we are remembered is so important. Bullies, misogynists, big heads, gloaters are only remembered with pain, pity or resentment. Kindness and generosity are remembered with joy and change people’s lives for the good and forever. The li le acts of random kindness that make a dark moment light. At a funeral years ago, we played the song, ‘Don’t worry, be happy.’ Worrying prevents happiness. Recently I have been graced by a number of people who spoke about their worries. Graced because I could see the first steps on the return to happiness. With the return to happiness comes also the return to peace. I hope and pray for you all that this year will see a return of the peace and joy that we had learnt to take for granted. EveryÊBlessingÊinÊtheÊNewÊYear, Michael 7

Café Church Sunday 23rd January 2022

10.30am in the Village Hall Join us for tea/coffee/ juice and pastries/croissants Children’s activities and a chance to talk, worship and pray Bring your family and friends

All Welcome 8

Burbage Village Hall Update AllanÊMasey The Trustees and Volunteers, who maintain the hall and grounds, would like to wish you all a very happy, peaceful and safe New Year. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, and we hope you will con nue (or start) your support in the coming year.

Despite the grip of the pandemic, we’ve managed, not only to survive, but to improve the hall and put on some excellent events. Feedback about the car boot sale and Autumn Fair have encouraged us to consider running them again this year - watch out for details later. We’ll also be pu ng on a programme that we hope will appeal to a wide audience. I‘d love to tell you about some of our ideas but it would be unfair to whet your appe tes so early in the year. However, one thing we are considering is to resurrect something along the lines of the old “Home Grown, Home Made” produce show (I’m sure many of you will remember it). This could include veg, fruit, flowers, cra , cakes, photos, biggest something or other! - the list is endless. If you would be interested in entering or helping to organise it (probably put it on in September) we’d love to hear from you. If there’s enough interest, we’ll get in on. Do please get in touch. Our website burbagevillagehall.org contains further informa on about the hall and its ac vi es, so do check it out (it’s really quite good).

Short and sweet this month. Just like someone else I know. AM

www.burbagevillagehall.org 9

The original, uncropped cover p 10

photo. Taken in November 2021 11

Chris ngle 53 adults and over 20 children enjoyed making Chris ngles (and ea ng the sweets!) at a heart-warming service led by Colin Heber-Percy. The crib was blessed and the children sang Away in a Manger, by candlelight. It really felt like the start of Christmas, as it should be. We hope everyone had a peaceful and joyful Christmas.


Janet Hartwell

Burbage Parish Council

December’s Parish Council mee ng was cancelled on advice, following the escala on in the Covid pandemic. All ma ers will carry forward to January’s mee ng. Blue Bus: The bus didn’t come to Burbage in December, as it needed some maintenance. We’ve been told it will be back in service for January’s visit Helpline: The Burbage Helpline (810853) remains open to everyone who needs help or support in some way during the pandemic (not just foodbank) – again speak to Glenda. Please be aware that no member of the parish council has the authority to speak or act on behalf of the council unless authorized to do so by the parish council. All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk at: clerk@burbage-pc.org.uk to ensure that ma ers are correctly addressed. Steve Chairman, Burbage Parish Council

ParishÊCouncilÊClerk:ÊJoyceÊTurner.ÊClerk@burbage-pc.org.uk 13

Weather report for December 2021 Warmest day: 14.6 C ............................ on 31st Coldest temperature: -2.6 C ............................. on 22nd We est 24hrs: 8.4 mm = 0.33 inches .... on 7th Rainfall for the month: 68.4 mm = 2.59 inches Rainfall for 2021 so far: 689.1 mm = 27.56 inches Barometer highest: 1039.4 mb ..................... on 17th Barometer lowest: 986.6 mb ....................... on 27th Average mean temperature of 7.21 C for the month Average mean temperature of 10.65 C for 2021 Strongest gust 28.1 kmph on 28th (sheltered from southerly winds) SuppliedÊbyÊJohnÊAcheson

Please check with the surgery for opening hours/alternatives during bank holidays

The Surgery Sprays Burbage Marlborough Wiltshire SN8 3TA

Telephone: (01672) 810566 Email: burbage.surgery@nhs.net Out of hours: NHS 111 Website: www.theburbagesurgery.co.uk Find us on Facebook: Burbage Surgery

Opening hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday / Sunday

Morning 8:30am - 1:00pm 8:30am - 1:00pm 8:30am - 12:00pm 8:30am - 1:00pm 8:30am - 1:00pm Closed

Afternoon 2:00pm - 6:30pm 2:00pm - 6:30pm (Closed - see below) 2:00pm - 6:30pm 2:00pm - 6:30pm Closed

On Wednesday afternoons, our services are provided from The Old School Surgery in Great Bedwyn. The telephone line will automatically divert to the reception there, or they can be called direct on 01672 870388. They will be able to offer advice and appointments as necessary.


Patient Liaison Committee

HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone at the Surgery and the Pa ent Liaison Commi ee wishes you all a very Happy New Year and may it be a much be er one than this passing one! Flu and the Village Hall We would like to say a huge thank you to the Village Hall for le ng us run the Flu Clinics there. We do s ll have vaccines at the Surgery so please, if you have not had yours, contact the Surgery. The Surgery/Prescrip ons

I want to impress on all pa ents that the Surgery is business as usual. If you are unwell or due smears, child immunisa ons, blood tests, or blood pressure checks etc., please call the Surgery to make your appointment. Could we also ask that you give at least five working days for your repeat prescrip ons? When you do visit the Surgery for appointments or to pick up your prescrip ons, please wear your masks. We all know life is strange, but we have to keep each other safe COVID Vaccina ons and Boosters Please keep an eye on our website and our Facebook page for all updates. Un l then please follow the rules and stay safe!

JuneÊBrew,ÊChairÊ:Êburbagepa entliaison@gmail.com 15

George Gordon Harepath Farm Burbage George.gordon@lkl-services.co.uk

27th Annual Burbage Christmas Tree Sale & Christmas Market On Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th December Burbage ran its 27th Christmas tree sale. Thank you to everybody who ran and bought trees to support our village Christmas tree sale, it was another success. Allan Masey and his team of village hall volunteers organised the car parking and came through brilliantly with minimal ground marks despite the soggy ground. Thank you to all the village hall team that ran the parking. This year funds have been shared by All Saints church with Burbage School, Burbage Village Hall, Burbage Scouts and Burbage Doctors' Surgery to reflect the team of volunteers from our community that run the event. We were delighted to have the ongoing support of So Op ons Water So eners Ltd as our generous event sponsors. This business is owned and run by Simon and Ali Neate, a Burbage family and I would urge you to put your water so ener business and salt refills in their direc on. Their support covered the direct costs of running the event which makes a big difference. Se ng up went smoothly un l we hooked up the special Wi-Fi on Friday tea - me to cover the Church green and Christmas market. Panic ensued as we realised the only person who knew the password had emigrated to Canada! A stressful period ensued of trying different unsuccessful technical solu ons. 15-year-old Archie Butler meanwhile sat down and pa ently guessed passwords; a er half an hour he guessed the correct combina on, allowing all the electronic payment systems to work, to my great relief! Special men on to Glenda Pearce for coping with my chaos and handling all the emails and other ma ers. Glenda manages the all-important rota of volunteers and worked wonders in finding people for all our slots; there would be no event without Glenda and the rota of helpers. 16

Giselle runs the Christmas Market, and visitors were kind enough to say how high the quality of stalls and gi s on offer were; we were compared favourably with numerous larger Christmas markets. On top of that, Giselle asked her Military Wives Choir to come and perform on Saturday and they excellent as always and hugely appreciated. Live music became a bigger and be er feature and this year: We had performances from the Pewsey Belles, Burbage Primary School Choir, The BlueBelles, The Military Wives Choir, and the Phoenix Brass band. It was a fantas c effort and really gave a lovely Christmassy atmosphere. Well done to the team in the Church who ran the free face pain ng and cra ac vi es for kids - a brilliant effort which was really busy on Saturday. The marvellous team in the kitchen kept us all fed and watered with delicious homemade cakes and refreshments. The main cake stall was as popular and successful as ever, thanks to Helen Colling and everyone who baked and ran this area of our ac vi es. David Butler did a great job of managing our banners, electronic payments, social media and countless other issues. Burbage Scouts herded our super cute Reindeer expertly and found them all good homes by Saturday a ernoon. A larger herd is coming next year! We made a list detailing what went right and wrong, and had some ideas how to do the next event be er, at the Helper’s Drinks Party on Monday 6th. Chris Gray had prepared a set of accounts for the event - in under 24 hours - so we knew the financial results for the weekend. Ul mately the event and the funds it raised for Burbage depend on the support of our community and willingness of volunteers to help. Whatever your talent, we can use it. We need cake bakers, table decora on and foliage makers, night watchmen, drivers, tree carriers, iPad operators, car parking crew, and a kitchen team. Please get involved in con nuing our village tradi on and help fund All Saints Church and other charitable causes in Burbage. The 28th Burbage Sale will be on 3rd and 4th of December 2022. We are already planning it and we look forward to welcoming you then! George. 17

Church Diary & Events - January


Service of Holy Communion led by Rev Colin Heber-Percy

Sun 2nd


Team Zoom Service https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82668874600 Meeting ID: 826 6887 4600: Password 021821

Sun 9th


Service of Evening Prayer led by Rev Colin Heber-Percy

Sun 16th


Morning Worship

Sun 16th


Team Zoom Service https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82668874600 Meeting ID: 826 6887 4600: Password 021821

Sun 23rd


Café Church in Burbage Village Hall


Team Zoom Service https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82668874600 Meeting ID: 826 6887 4600: Password 021821


Team Service—details to be confirmed— please check website

Sun 2nd

Sun 23rd

Sun 30th

A thought In the beginning, God............ Be still, and know that I am God........ 18

Who’s Who at All Saints’ Team Vicar ....................... Revd Dr Colin Heber-Percy........... 01264 731386 Churchwarden .................. Mr Peter Devenish......................... 07887 795233 Churchwarden .................. Mrs Lucy Handley.......................... 01672 811815 Church Centre Manager ... Mr Rob Hartwell............................. 01672 810839

All Saints Parish Church Office

Church Centre (upstairs office), Eastcourt, Burbage Burbage All Saints Administrator: Glenda Pearce Wednesday & Friday ........................... 9.00am - 1.30pm Telephone ........................................... (01672) 810853 Email (& Magazine contributions) ....... churchofficeburbage@gmail.com

The Church Office Please note that the Church Office telephone number: 01672 810853 is serving as the whole Parish Helpline number. The helpline will continue to run for the time being. Any calls made to this number will be diverted and either answered or returned. Please do not hesitate to call this number if you require assistance with any practical matter that we may be able to help with.

Confirmation Service At the time of going to press we are looking forward to the team confirmation service to be held in All Saints’ Church on Sunday 19th December. A full report of this service will be published in the February edition. 19

Gardeners’ Diary for January 2022

~ From The Old Nursery

“The sweeping blast, the sky o’ercast, the joyless winter day;”- Robert Burns Happy New Year to all you gardeners! I hope you are all keeping warm and well, safely tucked up in the safety of home. Will 2022 bring us be er weather and respite from the pandemic I wonder? My thoughts are firmly set on looking forward to a proper Spring, plants growing well and warm summer days to really get the most out of the gardening season. Let’s face it, last year was a write off, barely anything grew; far too much rain and cloud hampered our efforts. As I look out of the window, it’s hard to imagine long summer days, a garden burs ng with life and colour; however, you can’t stop me and, with a bit of luck, we will soon be outside enjoying our gardens once again. Planning is a fun way to pass the me this month. Jot down your ideas and designs in a li le notebook, think about new things you’d like to try, browse the seed catalogues for inspira on. How about crea ng a Spring woodland garden in a shady unloved area, a wildlife meadow, or transforming a south facing pa o or balcony into a tropical paradise with terraco a pots filled with palms and strelitza (bird of paradise) for a change of scenery. Holidays abroad may be difficult, so why not bring the sunshine to your garden instead. ¯ Get the holiday vibe with new garden sea ng, a water feature, fairy lights to make the most of your outside space, no ma er how small. ¯ A conservatory, balcony or window can also be transformed with plants to create a relaxing space to sit and watch the sun go down. ¯ In the mean me, on dry days, check your winter protec on, stakes, es and supports are s ll working a er any severe weather. Also put out food for birds and leave some garden areas uncut a li le longer, to provide shelter for wildlife in your garden. ¯ Press mistletoe berries into the bark of apple trees to establish your own mistletoe plants ¯ Check that small alpines don't become smothered by fallen leaves and other windblown debris and deadhead winter pansies and other bedding regularly. Remove any foliage affected by downy mildew. Move dormant plants that are in the wrong place to more suitable sites. ¯ Give the greenhouse and pots a clean as this helps to control pests and diseases. ¯ Use sowing trays indoors in a light area to give seeds a good start – not too warm, as this leads to weak seedlings and damping off, a fungal disease caused by overcrowding, poor ven la on and overly wet compost. ¯ 15 to 18 degrees seems to work best for most seeds to germinate successfully. Whatever you decide to do this month, take it easy and enjoy! Tracey @ The Old Nursery 20

Climate Change Effect on Wild Bird Populations NatureWatch - Geoff Hill

With three more Bri sh birds added to the red list of endangered species in the survey issued in December 2021, the number reached some 30% of the total. It seems an appropriate me to consider how climate change might affect the future numbers and mix of wild birds. Climate change has already had an effect which is likely to increase as temperatures con nue to rise. We will face ho er summers with more extreme droughts, and warmer and we er winters with more intense storms. It is quite possible that we will end up with more birds in total as the breeding season has already lengthened and will con nue to do so. The spring is arriving ten days earlier and autumn occurring ten days later than in the 1950s. A downside to this, par cularly for migratory birds, is that insect popula ons may no longer peak at the point at which chicks are hatching. The number of migrant birds has also dropped because their feeding grounds en route in southern Europe are suffering a greater number of droughts. This is one reason why swi s have been added to the red list. Rare species, unfortunately, may be dispropor onately affected. They are o en rare because they seek specific food sources or habitats, both of which could disappear. The ptarmigan is moving to higher and higher ground and will eventually get to the top of the mountains. Some birds will prosper. The wood pigeon which can breed successfully at any average temperature from 13° C to 30°C is likely to increase in numbers to the horror of gardeners and farmers alike. Higher temperatures also mean some birds that have tradi onally migrated in the winter are no longer doing so. Black-caps and chiffchaffs are now staying rather than over-wintering in southern Europe. Scandinavia will have an even greater rise in average temperatures than the UK because it is nearer to the Arc c. Millions of blackbirds, robins, chaffinches and other species from northern Europe may no longer need to over-winter in the UK. Seabirds will be affected by warmer seas which is causing their food sources to move North. Puffin popula ons are already falling because of a lack of sand eels. Rising sea levels could mean that the mudflats on which wading birds depend may no longer be exposed at low de. Southern England in par cular will become warm enough to be a regular breeding ground for species only seen very occasionally here such as the ca le egret and the great egret. Popula ons may fluctuate very widely from year to year. An intense storm at the wrong me could decimate migrants such as geese in-flight while intense heat could easily result in chicks dying from heatstroke. To date most of the calamitous collapse of wild bird popula ons has been the result of two factors, loss of habitat and a drop in insect popula ons due to intensive farming. If these two problems can be tackled, this would go a long way to mi ga ng the impact of climate change.


Burbage & District Model Railway Club Our work on the Savernake High Level Sta on had to stop this month so that we could work on the modifica on to our layout for exhibi ng at the Inter-County Model Railway Exhibi on to be held at Fordingham, Hampshire in Spring of 2022. Before we had put away our Savernake layout, we had to try out the model of the roadway above the sta on as it used to be. This model was built exclusively by Member Chris Hiscox and is a superb replica of the layout as it had existed probably un l the mid1960’s. The layout for the exhibi on had been on show some four years ago and we felt that it needed to be changed a li le before we submit it again. This me we opted for an extension piece to be inserted in between the previous two halves of the layout.

The work on our exhibi on layout is likely to con nue for about two to three months before it is ready to exhibit. Our next mee ng is scheduled for Monday 17th January, 2022 commencing @ 19:00 hours. Notwithstanding Covid regula ons, we can arrange availability of working layouts and demonstra on of modelling techniques at local village fairs and other Community gatherings. Organisers are invited to contact us regarding their requirements. The Club welcomes new members and any dona ons and gi s of unwanted model railway items. So, if you would like to try your hand at this hobby or have some equipment you are not using, please feel free to call me, Sonny, on 01672 811 933.


Woman’s Own

Warmest wishes to everyone for a Happy New Year.

The first mee ng of 2022 will be the AGM with cheese and wine on January 20th in the Church Centre at 7.30pm. We look forward to seeing everyone then, and extend a warm welcome to any new members.


Plant Sale with Andy

Opening Hours

Every Tuesday 10.00am - 1.00pm Pre-orders and home delivery Available. Telephone 07548 216 220

Beck Michael 3 East Sands SN8 3AN 01672 810428

Agent for both Health & Na onal Lo ery

Monday - Friday: 7.30am -1.00pm & 2.00pm - 6.00pm (Bank holidays 7.30am - 12.00 noon) Saturday: Sunday:

The Malmesbury Dry Cleaner Ltd

7.30am - 6.00pm 8.00am - 2.00pm


We’re on Facebook! ‘Eastsands Stores’ 23

Roy Gee We are sorry to hear of the loss of one of our popular residents, Roy Gee, recently. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family As can be seen by the tributes appearing on Facebook, Roy was a very well-known, friendly person. He will be missed by many of us, including the old Burbage News Team, for whom he was a distributor, delivering to homes in Suthmere Drive, where he lived There is an invitation to attend his funeral and the details are below. If you would like to attend, but do not wish to travel on the minibus, please contact Dianne Mackinder for further information: This will help ensure numbers are kept within the limits as will be currently allowed at the time. Dianne Mackinder Funeral Services Marlborough 01672 512444 or 512516


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