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Burbage & District Model Railway Club

Our work on the Savernake High Level Sta on had to stop this month so that we could work on the modifica on to our layout for exhibi ng at the Inter-County Model Railway Exhibi on to be held at Fordingham, Hampshire in Spring of 2022.

Before we had put away our Savernake layout, we had to try out the model of the roadway above the sta on as it used to be. This model was built exclusively by Member Chris Hiscox and is a superb replica of the layout as it had existed probably un l the mid1960’s.


The layout for the exhibi on had been on show some four years ago and we felt that it needed to be changed a li le before we submit it again. This me we opted for an extension piece to be inserted in between the previous two halves of the layout.

The work on our exhibi on layout is likely to con nue for about two to three months before it is ready to exhibit.

Our next mee ng is scheduled for Monday 17th January, 2022 commencing @ 19:00 hours.

Notwithstanding Covid regula ons, we can arrange availability of working layouts and demonstra on of modelling techniques at local village fairs and other Community gatherings. Organisers are invited to contact us regarding their requirements.

The Club welcomes new members and any dona ons and gi s of unwanted model railway items. So, if you would like to try your hand at this hobby or have some equipment you are not using, please feel free to call me, Sonny, on 01672 811 933.