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A Quick Read for the Gworls

Looking for a little more guidance on what life might bring you this month? Tarot cards, read by an intuitive reader, can provide us that guidance. While your personal reading may vary slightly, the readings here are directed for all of those born in the same month for the current month. For a more specific reading to your specific circumstance contact Doreen Scanlan on FB Messenger to set an appointment.

If you were born in :


Your life is coming to very pivotal moments this month. The first crossroad brings into question your thought processes. You are asked to look at things from a fresh perspective based on what you have come to learn recently. Trust yourself to know what steps to take next. You are stepping into a better understanding of what makes you tick. From that new understanding you will face the next crossroads of truth. Your truth. Be willing to declare to yourself and the world that you are moving forward as You. You are willing to know that you are a whole being. Walk in your truth into the new beginnings ahead of you.


Time to put to rest things from your past that you still allow to haunt you. You need to take charge of the things you can to prove to yourself that you are in charge. Once you do , you may be amazed at how things start coming back into balance for you. It is possible that a financial burden that you have had you finally can come out from under. It may also be a time for a new job or a new place to live. New chapters are definitely ahead.


If you have to take a position on something this month, make sure you have your facts straight. There is a real possibility that you may have to back off later as more facts come out. Be careful accusing others of anything on just a hunch. Handling situations around this could determine how people deal with you in the future. On a more positive note, something you have been working towards , finally pays off. With this you have finally broken free from a heavy weight that has held you down in the past. Congratulations.


Relationships this month may be strained. Some people that you normally rely on may not have anything to give right now. You may have to turn the tables and be there for them instead. Use your sense of compassion to know when to ask questions. You may find that others need your advice and support. You get to decide how much you have to give. Do what you can but don’t lose sight of your personal goals either. Walk proud but without ego.


Time to start envisioning the lifestyle you want to be living. If you can see it , it is much easier to make it a reality. It is time for you to start actively pursuing your dreams. You may find that some people around you are not as supportive of your dreams as you thought they might be. Don't let them discourage you. If you do, then you will stagnate and it will keep you from making progress. Find people that will encourage you instead . You might even want to start working on a plan to save up for what you want. That could mean you earn more or spend less. Either way it is time to become smarter with your money. If you can get an idea of much you will need, then you can make a plan to make it happen. Do you need enough for a new outfit or do you need enough to buy a house? You decide and then make a plan to get it.


Those dreams that you have had about things you want to accomplish, need a plan. It is time to start doing what you can to move things forward. The Universe has acknowledged your desires and now you need to stop making excuses as to why you can’t. The only thing you are doing is holding yourself back from the things that can be yours. If you initiate things you may be pleasantly surprised as to who is willing to help. A generous gift may come your way in order to get things rolling.


Take some time to re-evaluate how you are feeling emotionally. Notice what things in your life are causing you distress. Consider getting new information in order to turn those feelings around. You have the ability to pull from inside you what you need to do but you may need help in knowing how to access that information. Once you have been able to get past any blockages it is time to put your skills to work. You just have to believe in yourself. Just dig a little deeper.


Festivities this month are a big focus for you. They might be a little different for you this year though. You are being asked to make a decision on who you would most like to celebrate with. You are being advised to choose the people that bring with them the least amount of drama. There is no need for you to be around people that aren’t there to celebrate with a sense of compassion and love. Tolerating that relative you can't stand is not necessary. Be with people you mutually care about.


If you have been wondering if it is time to look at being in a relationship again, the cards confirm that it is. It is okay to start putting out the partnership vibes. You may have to be a little more actively involved though by going places that you don’t normally go to expand your social circles. You will recognize this person that is meant to you because the connection will be built on mutual respect.It might not make sense to you but the connection is undeniable.


What has been heavy energy based on a poor sense of judgment now starts to lift. You may find that you are more reluctant to trust people though. This is a tough place to operate from because you are constantly more tense. You are going to have to work on your personal spirituality and practices to bring you back to center. We need that connection most during stressful times. As a result of attempts to connect with your spiritual self you may find new inspiration not only about the current situation but things that you may want to adapt into your regular routine. These may be anything from breathing techniques to a whole new belief system. We often experience traumas in order to get us where we need to be in life. Keep an open mind.


You may find that you are torn between the desire to live your life the way you wish and feeling like you need to defend your right to live it. While you are entitled to live as you choose , you need to ask yourself,” how important is it to you to let other people’s opinions influence your choices”? Live….Defend? Which is the better use of your time and energy? Be you. Work to become as independent financially as possible so people don’t hold power over you. Compassionately walk into the life that is yours to live.


Get ready for some major changes this month. These changes , while impactful, are going to usher in some wonderful things in your life. Evidently you have been doing a lot of work to align yourself with your inner being and time has come for you to reap the benefits of your efforts. There is great creative energy that will be available to you if you choose to tap into it. You may be amazed at how easily things line up for you this month because that is not normally how things work for you. Universal energies are definitely working in your favor . Make sure you take advantage of this time to manifest the things you want. These are magical times for you.