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Love Lives In Us... The Winstons.    E.L. & Roni Winstons

Love Lives In Us... The Winstons

W I N S T O N A N D T H E M R S . ( E . L . A N D R O N I )

Love lives in us…the Winstons. We want to share a little bit of it with you. The definition of the word ‘transformation’ is a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Relationships often see transformations, but it is how we handle them that determines the quality of our relationships.

The Mrs: When we had worked our way to making it work (lol), there was a decision to be made. Who would move locations? My spouse took the leap and so many of my friends have reminded me that I am quite fortunate because he went from a settled life in a big city to taking the chance on me. I am so grateful that he was willing to do it, but what we didn’t know at the time was how much we would transform as human beings in the journey together. Suddenly, there we were sharing space, bills, and everyday with one another. My spouse’s willingness to relocate to be with me could have left frustration, resentment, and anger. Thankfully, though God left us with endless possibilities instead. We were able to recognize that all of the difficulties could bring great transformation in our ability to love. We had to be patient, honest, and communicative. There was no topic that could be off limits, no conversation we couldn’t have, and no avoidance to sharing who we were. This period transformed me to a more confident and self-assured woman. Love didn’t crush me because it helped me to bloom.

friends that I loved and who loved me. I said to the Lord, “ please let this be the right move”…… then I jumped both feet in. I instantly became a father of 3 adult kids and one teenager. The teenager alone let me know that jumping was the right move. Now don't get me wrong, I love all of my children equally. She is the youngest though and the one who's love for me transformed me the most. She helped draw me from a selfish, standoffish bachelor to the loving teddy bear of a dad. For her, I become better. My wife's love made me transform in a different way. I came out of my shell and started to express feelings that I didn't realize I had. I'd never been in a safe space before to explore them. Here in this life, with this woman, I've allowed love to transform the parts of me that I never thought possible and I'm forever grateful.

Thoughts to Leave You: Some may think the idea of love changing us is a bad thing, but when it is done from a loving place then it transforms you into a better version of yourself. Change is inevitable, but we must share ourselves in the process. If we don’t, then the change becomes damaging and filled with fear. Take ownership of the process and allow it to help your relationship grow. The beauty of transformation like the caterpillar into the butterfly can make your relationship brighter and more colorful. Finding its beauty allows you to recognize that love lives in us.


Rochelle J Photography

Winston: The scary part of transforming is that it's different and unknown. You’re never even sure until you're in it if it's a good thing or not. I prayed about the move. I had an established life where I was, I had .