Alice & The Mums Issue 13: Fashion & Self Love

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A L I C E & T H E M U M S £6.00






C O N T E N T S LIFESTYLE Editor's Note


The Sweet Life of Kay: Adoption


HEALTH & FITNESS Healthy Snack Ideas for the Family


Becky Barnes: Style Tips


Finding My Style Postpartum


Editor's Style Picks


Style After Maternity


Confidently Dressing


The Instagram Mums






HAPPY ONE YEAR ALICE & THE MUMS READERS! Can you believe it's been a whole bloody year of issues? This issue holds a particular place in my heart. When I first thought of doing a fashion themed issue, I knew it had to focus on women feeling themselves, rather than focused on trends. Not fitting an aesthetic or trying to follow styles that aren't practical and ignoring the idea of things being 'flattering.' This is full of empowering pieces for mums and made me feel so inspired and happy afterwards, and through every second of making it. Self care is more important now than ever before and this magazine is a little reminder to take a break, sit back and do something you love. It could be wearing a dress and red lippy for the hell of it, having a cuppa (a hot one!) and reading a good book, or simply going for a child-free walk. Whatever you can do, no matter the occasion, please look after yourselves- and thank you as always for the support! ALICE & THE MUMS | 4

Alice x



The Sweet Life of Kay My Adopted Siblings

By Kayleigh Williams

I really don't think my life could get any more complicated than it already is at the moment; I find myself going over and over different sections that even I struggle to understand myself! My childhood was quite tricky, and as much as it does upset me how things could have gone so differently, I know I have done so well in life and I'm SO proud of myself. My brother Alfie was adopted at birth, I met him once when we was born but this was over 12 years ago now; I don't remember him which does make me really sad. A lot of adoptive parents get the choice whether they want the child to keep in contact with their original family but unfortunately I've not seen nor heard from Alfie once. It took me a while to get my head around the whole concept of things, but I really do wish him the best in life. Every day I remind myself that he's in the best place he can be and in time we can see each other again! My sister, Keira was also adopted at birth, she's 5 years old now. We met her when she was one years of age and she was just the happiest little girl in the world, not a care in the world! I'm really grateful for her adoptive parents as we keep in touch quite a lot. They also let us see her once a year which is something I will forever thank them for. Of course it's very hard seeing her live with other people, and I was 16 when I first met her so I was more aware,


it was such a surreal yet heartbreaking thing to go through, I was full of so many different emotions. A lot of people do not understand how it feels to go through something like that, and I always felt a bit of guilt for them as I'm surrounded by our family and they have a brand new one,

a new life! It's heartbreaking but again, have to remind myself this is the best for them and thats all that matters to me. I could never blame myself for what's happened to them, because I know its not my fault and it's completely out of my control! I feel like when my brother was adopted I was so young so I never really understood what was going on or how to feel about the situation, I simply moved on and accepted it. However with my sister it felt so different, I remember feeling so much anger at the fact there was nothing I nor my family could do. I also remember feeling so confused with my emotions. I've been through a lot in my life and understanding why I went through it all made it so much harder to come to terms with all of this! As much as I wish I could be with my siblings everyday, I know that these things happen therefore I can't control them. Life is never easy and whether you like the things that happen in life, they happen either way and there really is nothing you can do about it! I know that my siblings are happy with their new families and to me, that is all that could ever matter. I also know that when they both reach 18 years of age, hopefully they would like to get to know me and reach out to me, it would be the best feeling if they did. I would love to build that proper bond with them! I admire adoption so much. I really admire anyone who goes into it because you're saving a child's life. I will be forever grateful for both my sibling's adoptive parents, I know at the time and now they are in the best place and I really hope I get to see my brother once more, and I really hope I can continue to see my sister once a year also!




This month's article is going to look at creating quick and healthy snack ideas for the whole family. Obviously this is a tough ask as everyone has their own preferences on foods and flavours. Especially little ones when they change their mind within the space of 24 hours, but this is here for inspiration. You are welcome to make tweaks to suit your home. Baked Oat Muffins This is a fantastic way to use any leftover porridge in the morning and is super simple to adjust and flavour to your likings. If your porridge is still quite milky then add more oats to thicken it up before placing in the oven. Add your porridge to a muffin tray, ideally cooking in a silicone cupcake mold just for ease when it comes to getting them out. Mix in your favourite fruit/spices to the mix or add on top. Our favourite is a little cinnamon in the porridge and then a banana slice on top.

Cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes and then you have a batch of oat muffins. They can go straight into the freezer or you can keep them in the fridge for up to 2 days. For a savory option you can make little mini egg muffins, type in “breakfast egg muffins” and lots of ideas will pop up. Smoothie Bags Super simple way to prep LOTS of highly nutritious snacks in one go... I absolutely love these and have tonnes that we mix between, to get different fruits and vegetables in. A big hit at the moment is the blueberry muffin mix. It’s worth adding all the freezable items to the bag and add on the front what you need to put into the blender. Freeze 1/2 banana, cut into slices 1 handful of blueberries 2 tbsp rolled oats To add 1 cup of milk ½ tsp vanilla essence Optional, 1 scoop of vanilla protein I love adding protein and collagen to all my smoothies but this for my personal goals, it may be worth making the little ones version then if you would like to supplement with protein, stick a scoop in and blend it again. If you are to look at doing more freezer packs, it is worth getting some silicone ice cube trays so you can freeze yoghurt and peanut butter to put in certain recipes although it is worth noting the yoghurt and peanut butter need to be used within 2 weeks of freezing. Houmous Super easy to make at home and just tastes so much better than the stuff from the shops, our favourite is lemon and coriander

but you can again play around with the flavours once you get used to the base recipe which is below. Brilliant to dip crudettes into (again you can prep these, days in advance) or breadsticks. Base Recipe 1 drained can of chickpeas 1 large garlic clove, finely chopped 1 tbsp greek yoghurt 2 tbsp tahini 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (plus extra to drizzle on top) Juice 1 small lemon Protein/Power/Energy balls Each place will have them stored under one of the above names but these little sweet treats are so easy to make and can store in the freezer for up to 3 months and in the fridge for up to 2 weeks in a container. There are just so many options out there as to what flavour to make and how to mix them up so I recommend heading over to Fit Foodie Finds for their post on all the recipes. Their cookie dough recipe is amazing. Yoghurt Bark This one is a little bit more kid friendly and can be a nice treat in the warmer months. Super easy to make and can easily be tailored to each house. Mix 500g Greek Yoghurt with 2 tbsp Honey and 1 tbsp vanilla essence, place that into a baking tray that is lined with foil/baking paper. Top with your choice is ingredients, a variety of fruit, nuts and oats can be used. You can get artsy and decorate or you can just throw it all on top. After you have made your tray, place it in the freezer for 2-3 hours, until it is firm. Then cut it up into pieces and store.




Blogger Becky Barnes' Top Tips

By Becky Barnes


Becoming a mum signals a huge change in lifestyle and in you as a person. And finding your style after such a shift can feel really daunting. Before having Poppy I was always a confident dresser, whether for work or play, I knew who I was and how I wanted to dress and what message that conveyed. But, becoming a mum changed everything. My jeans no longer felt ‘right’ I continued to wear my maternity leggings well into postpartum, hell, post toddler! Everything I had known and loved about fashion had gone out of the window. Getting dressed had become at worst, optional (hello 5th PJ day) and at best, functional. What top could I easily wipe food off? Which trousers would be comfortable enough to roll around the floor in? I had lost all joy in getting dressed and with that, I felt I’d lost all identity too. I was no longer Becky snappy dresser; I was Poppy’s mum queen of the leggings and sweatshirt. That was until I found fashion blogs, and specifically for me, plus size fashion blogs. At 31, I’d never heard of a blog, let alone read one, but right there on my phone were scores of women who looked just like me, embracing their bodies and indulging in fashion. I knew right there and then I wanted to be part of it. That, was ten years ago and I haven’t looked back, and although I’m not suggesting every new mum should start a blog (trust me it’s bloody hard work) what I am saying is; take time for you, read blogs, start pinterest boards and start to take inspiration from women who you identify with. That’s the beauty of social media, no longer are we expected to look at yet another impossibly beautiful model, we can take inspiration from people just like us! Believe me, you don’t have to look like you’ve stepped off a catwalk every day, but finding a style that ALICE & THE MUMS | 14

suits you and starting to play with colours, shapes, accessories and yes, even trends will give you and your mental health such a boost! I truly believe that when you look good, you really do start to feel good. Top Tips - Make small changes - add a cute pair of earrings or a chunky necklace. Buy that funky pair of trainers you’ve had your eye on. - Practical doesn’t have to be boring - A hoodie and leggings can be dressed up with a biker jacket and boots, or a long dressy coat and trainers. -Play with trends - not every trend is going to work for you or your lifestyle, but don’t be afraid to try a new style. You’ll know if it’s right for you if you feel comfortable in it. -Comfort is key - don’t be afraid to size up, labels mean nothing. Sizing is so inconsistent across brands, so ignore the label and buy outfits that fit and feel great. - Get dressed - this may sound ridiculous, but for me, getting dressed and being present has helped my mental health no end. So what if you’re not leaving the house? Get dressed for you, put your makeup on for you. You deserve it. Just because you’re someone’s mum now, doesn’t mean you’re still not you. And you are fabulous.



Finding My Style Postpartum Before I became a mum, I was always pretty sure what my style was. I loved wearing a casual dress, my converse and my leather jacket. Pretty standard, nothing too out there, but I felt comfortable and there was room to go wild if the occasion needed it. I liked to put in effort, it made me feel good. The loss of sense of self started in my second trimester when I had to start wearing proper maternity clothes – they were either not my style or more than I could afford, which is not a good combination for a mum-to-be with an everchanging body and worrying about who she’ll be as a mum! Then, once I’d given birth, I sort of lost who I was. I became obsessed with finding tops that would be easy to breastfeed in; I barely wore dresses anymore, because the ones I loved I couldn’t feed my little one in; I lived in my maternity leggings for so long, I was dreading wearing jeans again. Most of my prepregnancy wardrobe went unworn.

It made me sad. I felt like I had lost who I was. If I couldn’t express myself through my clothes, how would I be perceived, and (most importantly) how I perceived myself began to change – I just felt ‘like a mum’, I didn’t feel like me for a very long time. As my little one started to reduce her daytime feeds, I started looking at new clothes that I could wear – and I got excited about clothes again. I started to buy anything and everything, which, surprisingly, didn’t help! I still didn’t know who I was. Was I the Helen that wore jeans, a logo tshirt and Converse?; was I the Helen that wore maxi dresses?; was I the Helen that lived in funky jumpsuits?; was I the Helen that wore 50s-style dresses everyday? I just didn’t know – so I bought them all – much to my husband’s delight (ahem…). I bought stuff with such excitement and enthusiasm, then when something arrived, I daren’t wear it for fear of being judged (I don’t know by who, because at this point we were in the first UK-wide lockdown)! I continued to trawl through ASOS, Simply Be, New Look, Sainsbury’s, Collectif and many more to find something that made me excited to wear it and when it arrived, I would actually wear it. Then, somewhere around my little girl being 18 months old, I started to wear what made me happy. Some days that’s my t-shirt and skinny jean

combo; some days that means putting on a nicer-than-usual dress for going to the office; and, some days, it just means sticking on my comfy leggings, baggy hoodie and not really caring about how I look. I can still be Helen, no matter what I wear. I might not be the same Helen that I was before I had my little girl, because I don’t always have the time to be her (seriously, no one has got time for eyeliner flicks, perfectly curled hair and ironed clothes when a toddler is running around the house screaming “MUMMY!” – anyone who does is lying to you), but I do feel like I’ve found myself again. In fact, my tastes haven’t actually changed that much, I’ve just remembered who I am, but with some clothes that I might not have even tried pre-pregnancy. If motherhood has taught me one thing, it’s to not care at all what other people think – wear what makes you feel like you! It’s how you can cling on to your identity whilst you meet every demand of those little people that demand all your attention. It might not be every day, but if I put on my favourite dress now, there’s an extra smile because it feels even more special after what has been a long (and expensive) journey to find out if I’m a new Helen, or the same one, but she just needed her confidence back!


E D I T O R ' S S T Y L E P I C K S How you dress is such an important thing- in my opinion anyway. From since I can remember I've always been obsessed with textures, colours, patterns, fabrics. Ultimately, my love of clothing originates entirely from how it makes me feel. I can be whoever I want and an entirely different person everyday if I want to too. When becoming pregnant, I found I lost the ability to do that and camouflage myself as whoever I was feeling like on that day. The thing that once made me feel confident and myself was stripped away from me. I felt totally lost and began to feel like I'd never feel like 'Alice' again. In that delicate, strange and draining 4th trimester, I found I was feeling a little lost. I couldn't work out who I was anymore and what suited my body. I had curves. I had ballooned boobs that needed easy feeding access. Jeans were a distant memory and most days consisted of tracksuits and too tight jeans. Two and a half years later and I feel I've cracked it. I'm in my prime. There are so many bits of the old Alice in my wardrobe still, mixed in with a more mature, practical me. Some of my tastes are considered outrageous. Some are a little out there and not to everyones liking. But I've never been one to blend into the background when it comes to clothing or my interests! Bold is beautiful, and I hope the following pages give you some inspiration. Clothing doesn't have to be pricey and I hope the tips I've put alongside each outfit really help. Here are some styling choices I've thrown together that I believe to be stylish, sleek, simple, easy to get together and most importantly, motherproof.




Shackets are a season must have and there is nothing more comfy than pairing them up with leather look leggings. The outfit is quite plain, so I would personally over-compensate by adding a patterned shoe. I've gone for some chunky Mary-Janes as

these are becoming an essential purchase and I can tell are going to be trademark 'Alice' this spring. They give you height yet comfort!

Shirt Mango £34.99

Shacket River Island £40

Leggings New Look £11

Shoes Koi Footwear £40.99

Trousers H&M £19.99

This screams working

Loafers Asos £13.50

mummy to me! I personally think everyone needs an oversized collared shirt in their wardrobe and you can find plenty of these in charity shops at the moment as well as imitation vintage ones online. The loafers are practical, but the buckle is a total upgrade on the standard tassle loafer.





I feel at the moment, the colours considered most 'fashionable' are just so boring. Don't get me wrong, the neutrals are an essential part of our wardrobes and are oh-so stylish, but I'm loving purple and pink

Hat Missguided £7.50

shades at the moment. The bucket hat is a controversial one, one with furry options available as well as the standard summer fits, you'd be surprised at how great they look on.

Coat Very £75

These high waisted, wide legged jeans are also something I feel every single women needs. No matter your shape, these will suit you

Jeans Asos £20.75

as they skim the belly and are tightest

at the widest part of your leg before flaring out, creating an elegant silhouette and illusion.

Hat Nastygal £11

Dress and Cardigan Co-ord New Look £17.99

Co-ords are my favourite, purely because they are just so lazy- and I mean that in the best way possible. They don't require any thought, essentially being a ready made outfit. Their simplicity also means you can accessorise with things like this oversized fedora, which will take you through all the seasons. I love the shape of this co-ord set as it's tight fitting and stretchy. The ribbed effect creates such a lovely shape!



Bag Asos £9.20

Bodysuit Zara £14.99



I'm obsessed with small bags. Okay, okay, hear me out... I use one of these to keep my card, keys and phone in while everything else gets chucked into Ted's bag. It's an easy way to keep your most important possessions safely on you instead of chucked amongst empty crisp packets, snotty tissues and tampons! A

Jacket Zara £29.99

bodysuit is perfect to wear with trousers, as it effortlessly stays tucked in. I've got my eye on this pair of heart printed jeans at the moment. SO cute.

Trousers Shein £18.49



Just because you're a mum now, it does not mean you can't rock a mini skirt! The checked print mini is my personal go-to, as it reminds me of pre-child Alice. Paired with some sock trainers to elongate the leg and a puff sleeve jacket (particularly love the sporty feel of this one) you can add tights, a roll neck for layering and a crossbody bag for practicality.

Sock Trainers Public Desire £29.99

Skirt Shein £12.79


Cardigan H&M £9.99


Most of us enter motherhood with a fantastic, brand new pair of widened hips- why no celebrate them? The most beautiful way to do this is with a satin skirt. I think we think on entering our new 'title' of 'mother' that we are destined for jeans and leggings for an eternity, but a midi length skirt is the perfect balance. Most have a little stretch in them too! For real cottage-core vibes, team up with a cardigan and headband to keep that hair away from your face

Headband Accessorize £5.40

and away from small pulling hands!

Skirt H&M £19.99 Denim Jacket Monki £50

Dress New Look £14.99



Another midi-length item, a smock dress is a good way to ease back in to your old wardrobe. They're stylish

throughout pregnancy and into the 4th

Boots Ego £14.99

trimester, and beyond! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! It's all about what you wear them with. I wear mine with chunky boots and an oversized denim jacket for an androgynous, ultra feminine to ultra masculine mix!

Style After Maternity How to Find your New Normal BY




Many new mums feel self-conscious in their clothes and can lose their style identity after having a baby. As mums, we can be overwhelmed with our wardrobe options and don’t have time to think about what to wear. On top of this, transitioning from maternity wear into ‘normal’ clothes can be a very scary process and it should be one that is taken carefully. It’s a tricky life event and knowing what to wear and how to wear it with confidence can be difficult. Hints and Tricks to Transition Your Style Retain your identity as much as possible. For example, use a cross body bag that shows off your personality with a bold print or pop of colour. This can be used for your personal items alongside your changing bag when out with the children. ALICE & THE MUMS | 23

Flexibility and versatility in

Wear clothes that bring the eye to

everyday dress is key. Try to wear

the areas of your body that you

outfits that can easily be dressed up

love and skim over any areas

or down while being comfortable so

you’re not confident with. This can

you can relax and be yourself.

be achieved by wearing clothes that skim and don’t cling. For example, paperbag

Put together a ‘happy rail’ in your

skirts and trousers are great at flattering

wardrobe. This includes clothes that

mummy tummies, as are high waisted

always make you feel great, you’ve


had compliments on in the past and you know works for you. This will make

Cinch in the waist and show off your curves – no hiding under baggy

you feel confident. It will banish the feeling of ‘I’ve got nothing to wear’ and help you to mix

clothes! A belt can be a flattering accessory

and match as much as possible.

when positioned on the smallest part of your body

Add some colour to your wardrobe. Black is a classic and timeless

When wearing more fitted outfits,

colour, which many women wear a

shape wear will nip in the waist,

lot. Unless you’re really able to pull off

smooth the hips, stomach, top of

this colour, it can highlight the negatives,

the legs and lift the bust, giving a

making some people look tired or unwell. Opt

seamless effect and show off your shape to its

for colours that make you feel good, give you

full potential. It has a great positive effect on

energy and you know are flattering on you.

how we feel about ourselves too.


Try not to fall into the leggings style trap. Instead opt for jeggings or wide leg trousers, which are a happy medium

Sarah Cannon is the owner

of comfort and casual.

of her personal style

Step out of your comfort zone and push

business Style You New,

the boundaries. Mix basics with your

based in Essex.

best and wear your clothes across seasons. Why keep it for that ‘special occasion’? As a mum, those occasions are few and far between. By giving your clothes a new lease of life, you’ll feel refresher in your style. Looking and feeling good are key to helping mind

She is a personal stylist and mum of two who advises women on how to

set and wellbeing, which are so important for new

feel empowered, confident

mums. The happier we feel, the more confident we

and happy in their clothes.

are in all aspects of our lives. So take a few minutes to put your happiness as a priority and be kinder to yourself. Experiment with styles that work for you and wear your clothes, rather than them wearing you. It will empower you, boosting your confidence and happiness, so you

can dress and feel like you again. ALICE & THE MUMS | 25

Confidently Dressing Being Authentically You



Many new mums struggle to come to terms with

bar of Dairy Milk and my body was back to being a

the body that comes from having a baby. We have

size 16. Years later I would much rather have the

enough to contend with without the added

McQueen scarf in my wardrobe, wouldn’t you?

pressure of trying to lose weight. How about we give our body a break? For me it was actually the opposite. Giving birth

Who knew that to change my mindset all I needed to do was explore clothes I’d never considered before? Instead of reaching for a pair of

to my daughter gave me the kick start I needed to

skinny jeans the answer was rediscovering dresses

accept my body at its current size. Those wobbly

in the back of my wardrobe. No longer were my

bits I had been so desperate to tone and trim I had

dresses for the office Christmas party or a

to learn to live with. Otherwise what sort of

wedding. The daily stress of trying to pair a top and

message was I sending out? Am I a good role model

jeans had gone along with the tight waistbands! I

to my daughter by obsessively standing on scales

was actually starting to enjoy putting an outfit

and counting calories? The answer is probably not!

together not crying and calling myself fat on a

To end the whole stigma of there only being one ideal body size, we have to raise the next

regular basis. Let’s take a simple wrap dress. It flatters the

generation to be body positive. To see all bodies as

mum tum we all struggle to come to terms with. It

good bodies. This can only come from our children

can be styled to suit an array of personalities with

seeing us happy, seeing us eat cake without guilt

the added bonus of being breastfeeding friendly. So

and by seeing us smile in the mirror when we see

what’s not to love? Adding a wrap dress to your

our reflection.

wardrobe you’ll have a versatile piece to create

For years I have battled with diets. I’d hate to

various looks with. Whether you pair it with

think how much money I’ve spent on weight loss

chunky boots and a biker jacket for a rock chick

groups that just don’t work. I kid you not if I tallied

feel or white plimsolls, a silk scarf and denim

it all up, that money could be hanging in my

jacket for the girl next door look, just have fun!

wardrobe in the form of a McQueen scarf!

Give that dress your unique touch and wear the

But here’s the thing. Even when I lost the weight

best accessory you can - your smile.

my body still wasn’t the desired “perfect” body so

I’ve never been a girly girl, so I guess that

many of us strive for, I was still unhappy. With all

stopped me considering dresses before. But by

those emotions of self-hate I’d reach for a

using accessories and having fun with make-up I ALICE & THE MUMS | 27

was adding a bit of an edge to a simple dress that

was about finding the confidence to make room for

previously I never felt like myself in. All of a

clothes I had never considered before, to be a

sudden, I felt confident and more importantly I felt

better role model and to finally be happy. So, do it!

like I was being myself. I wasn’t looking in the

Step outside your comfort zone and try something

mirror and seeing thin but I wasn’t looking in the

you would never usually consider.

mirror and seeing fat either. My body was no

The positive effects it had on me stopped me

longer the only thing my mind could focus on. I

having a negative attitude towards life. I used

finally felt free.

lockdown to gain a qualification as an image

Style isn’t about designer clothes and current


trends. It’s about being authentic to who you are.

I’m not about making you the most fashionable

Choosing clothes that speak to you whilst working

Mum on the school run. I’m here to help women

with your body and personality. There are no set

feel confident with their body regardless of size or

rules as ultimately you can wear what you like. But

shape. To discover a style that leaves them feeling

for me understanding how different cuts worked

amazing whilst also being authentic. Most

for my natural shape freed me from trying on

importantly I want to help raise the next

clothes that left me feeling deflated.

generation to be body positive and, above all, to be

Finding a stylist after having my daughter wasn’t about banning clothes from my wardrobe, it ALICE & THE MUMS | 28


The Instagram Mums

Need a little fashion inspo? These are the mummies we turn to when we feel our wardrobes are a little stale and we need reminding on how to be fierce.

@broganhallx Rachel Strutton She's the queen of the neutral colours... Mummy of two, Rachel's style is forever our go to for staple pieces. Plus look at that zebra print top! In. Love.

Brogan Hall


If you're stuck on cute, casual, day-to-day mum wear that is on trend but totally practical- Brogan's your woman! ALICE & THE MUMS | 29

@mia_boardman Mia Boardman You might recognise Mia from MTV's Teen Mom UK! You'll now find her online, making funny reels with her little one, but also showing us fellow mummies how to spice up a simple pair of jeans. KILLIN' IT.

Megan Ellaby This Mancunian style influencer is now expecting a daughter! She's my daily reminder to add a little colour and is dressing her bump in fab co-ords and lots of knitwear. ALICE & THE MUMS | 30


@georgiadianedawson Georgia Dawson Georgia's style is full of comfy sportswear mixed with lots of faux leather and chunky boots that almost break our hearts they're actually that wonderful! For affordable and stylish looks, Georgia is absolute mum style goals.

Alice Potter Alice sits on the body confidence throne. Her posts celebrate womanhood in all it's glory. Focusing on fashion, beauty and lingerie, she always leaves us feeling empowered.



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