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Staying active and healthy

Welcome to the Whangarei Aquatic Centre, the perfect place for the elderly to get active and enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.

At the Whangarei Aquatic Centre, we understand the importance of staying active and healthy, even as we age. That’s why we offer a range of swimming classes and activities for seniors.

Our classes are designed to help improve fitness levels, enhance flexibility and balance, and reduce stress and anxiety, as well as providing numerous social benefits.

Aqua Classes are great for seniors as they provide a chance to meet new people and make friends, while also getting in a good workout. Our certified instructors are also on hand to help and provide motivation. Swimming is a lowimpact activity that is perfect for seniors, as it is easy on the joints and can be done at any intensity level.

Our warm and comfortable Hydrotherapy pool environment is perfect for those who may suffer from arthritis or other joint issues, while our lap pool provides lane space for those who wish to swim lengths for fitness. Our Gym and staff look after and provide programmes to for those who wish to remain dry, and our Sauna and Spa provide some warm therapy options in addition.

Your local community hub with a range of pools for all your leisure and recreation needs! Swim a few laps, catch a wave, relax in our spa or recover in our hydrotherapy pool. The options are endless.





• BOOKINGS PHONE 09 430 4072