2 minute read

More than just a collection of books

Visiting rest homes is an essential part of this service and is appreciated by those who find it difficult to visit a library. The library café in Central is an ideal place to meet with friends and family for a coffee and a catch-up while there are plenty of comfortable spaces throughout the building to sit and chat. All libraries offer printing and photocopying services in addition to free Wifi and use of the public computers. We are very appreciative of the support we receive from our seniors who frequently let us know how much they enjoy visiting the library. It is very rewarding to have such positive responses to our commitment to making libraries safe and welcoming spaces.

Keeping up with the constant changes in modern technology can be a challenge for all of us. We are here to help in any way we can by offering free one on one sessions on almost any subject from using eReaders to photocopiers. Seniors are eligible for Skinny Jump which is a low- cost pre-pay internet service available to people with no current internet connection. You can make an appointment at Central Library to register or register online through the website www.whangarei-libraries.com using your library card and PIN. If you are not a member and would like to take advantage of the library’s online resources plus the onsite borrowing collections you may join online or at any branch.

We pride ourselves on providing collections tailor made to suit our customers with audio books and large print of particular interest to seniors. The DVD collection is still widely used and customers may borrow discs from the library or alternatively access the free online collection. General fiction and the comprehensive magazine collection are also popular and although we do appreciate items returned on time, we no longer charge an overdue fee.

Keeping up with the constant changes in modern technology can be a challenge for all of us. We are here to help in any way we can by offering free one on one sessions on almost any subject from using eReaders to photocopiers.

The modern library is more than just a collection of books, having taken on the role of a community hub providing safe convenient meeting places and offering a variety of events and activities. Central Library book and craft clubs are an opportunity to mix and mingle over a cup of tea and enjoy the company of others while Tikipunga also hosts a monthly book club meeting. Another important service is genealogy research which has been identified as the second most popular hobby in the USA and it certainly has gained momentum here in New Zealand. At Whangarei District Libraries we are fortunate to have on board a team of dedicated volunteers who are expert in this field and are more than willing to help you find out all you need to know about you and your family. There are also a number of online resources free to library members which can be accessed either remotely or in the library.

It’s free for everyone living in Northland to join Whangarei District Libraries

Your library card will give you free access to:

• Online Services: eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines, newspapers and Beamafilm movie streaming service.

• Online Learning Resources including: Linkedln Learning and Haynes automotive manuals.

• Book a Librarian for personalised help with our online services.

• Book Out free home delivery service if you are unable to come to library because of a disability.

We also have half price Tuesdays for the over 65s on bestseller books and movie DVDs rentals.

Everyone is welcome to come to our events and activites

• Hobby Groups: Craft Group, Knit and Natter, Creative Colouring-In for Grown-Ups, Scrabble 500 Club and Flash Fiction Writing Group.

• Stepping Up computer classes.

• Public Talks: heritage, visiting speakers and authors.