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steps to emotional health

5. Review your daily routine

It takes courage to admit there are decisions we ourselves make that deflate us emotionally – from accepting a job with a long commute, to running around too much, to not giving ourselves enough ‘down’ time every day, to spending too much and putting ourselves in financial stress. By resolving to develop a strategy to solve them, you can be in an entirely different place by the end of the year.

The reason we make resolutions in the first place is to be happier, more creative, more aware of our direction in life and improve our sense of wellbeing. Arguably the largest obstacles to these are negative emotional states.

Negative emotions are hugely toxic to our health. It’s now commonly accepted that holding onto stress, resentment, anger and fear for years at a time can lead to myriad health problems, including high blood pressure, thyroid diseases, hair loss and heart disease.

In fact, it has become accepted by health professionals that most diseases in some way have a stress-related component. It’s surprising, then, that more of us don’t focus on improving our state of mind.

Seven resolutions to improve your headspace:

1. Prioritise your happiness and health

It’s important to decide for your health and happiness as number one. As simple as it sounds, if you don’t have these, you are not in a position to contribute to others or yourself. Everything stems from here.

2. Spend more time with the right people

Rather than resolving to spend more time with everyone – which can be exhausting – spend time with people who are naturally positive and uplifting, and who are going in the direction you want to go in. You’ll find these people have an energising effect on you.

3. Deal with toxic relationships

You can identify relationships by the way they make you feel. Stand your ground, set your boundaries and make it clear to them what behaviour you won’t accept – even with family. You may need to disengage altogether from particularly toxic people. Your health will thank you for it.

4. Reassess your happiness at work

This is must for those in a negative work culture that’s leaving them feeling overworked, uncertain of their future, anxious or stressed. It’s important to know that as an employee you can address the issue with your manager. If you know you can’t, it may be time to look for a healthier work environment.

6. Don’t let any negative emotions control you

Negative emotions – however small – can overwhelm anything positive. Resolve to develop awareness of when you’re feeling upset or frustrated before it spoils your day. Examine what can you do personally to make yourself feel better. Each time you begin to feel down, take a walk in the park or go out in the sun to help centre you. Nature and movement nurture positive emotions.

7. Strengthen your relationships

Deep and meaningful relationships, not just with your life partner, but with all those close to you, are important for a fulfilling life. Make a list of all the factors you need for a meaningful relationship, identify what you do not want, and stick to your guns.