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„BIENVENUTO A BELLA ITALIA!“ Italian prime minister, media tycoon and lover of beautiful young women Silvio Berlusconi welcomes everybody to this years EASA! Unfortunately, he

couldn‘t attend the opening himself, but he sends his congratulations to the organizers: „I‘m glad that, with the help of EASA, Italian architecture will once

again be famous. And, if you like, I have a party at my Sardinian villa next weekend. You can all come, but only if your a chzech politician or under 18 years of age. Ciao, i ti amo ti amo, mi belle ragazze!!


around you, keep track of your beer units, use sun cream if you go swimming and sun-bathing. We would like to stress that everyone at EASA shares responsibilities and people should not just haunt the organizers (Giulia has gone missing) but try to solve possible problems on their own. If you have any questions, go to your NC first, and they will tell the organizers. If there is no toilet paper, use this l’OMBRELLO or your neighbours underwear.


Welcome to a yet another fabulous EASA. We hope everybody has recovered from the opening party last night and the crazy workshop fair today. The lake would have been a great refuge this afternoon so lucky are those who got to go. Lago Moro is only a small part of the gorgeous landscape surrounding Darfo, rumor has it that there is a huge lake monster called Eros in our own Lago Moro - some participants claim they already got a glimpse. Regardless of lake monsters, the other monster we have seen here already comes from the UK and speaks only one word…. “UK”. He wears red and loves the wine. Watch out… A lot of people have been to an EASA before, but we are also very glad to welcome a lot of new people from all over Europe! For them, and the people that forgot due to too much alcohol consumption or architecture, we have a number of tips on how to survive EASA, only to come back again next year:

The cherry of our introduction would be a huge, massive thanx to the organizers for making this happen, for being ready and on time (for now), for having beautiful smiles on- all the time and for just being.


- Do you have a real toilet here, not a hole in the ground? - Avete un wc vero qua, non un buco in terra?

Tips: Take care of yourselves and of the people

- UK passport of Bhavika Mistry - Black Marinekko bag with passport, of Eero Alho (Finland) - Black ipod shuffle, hugo from france - Giulia. But if you find her, don‘t bring her back...

...AND FOUND - black rayban case - cigarette filters - one rupurut table (?)

all lost and found can be brought to the Info Point, and tell umbrella as well.


fucking hot. take off your clothes, put on your sun block and go baking out there. And it will be this way the rest of the week, but beware: it does cool down quite a lot in the evenings here...

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m







1: SUPER ARCHITECTURAL DEFILE Tutors: Marian Ayvazyan, Loosineh Davoodian (AM) What do the tutors say - You will do sketches of the most famous buildings from 5-6 well known architects and then think about transforming these shapes in to a form of clothing, a purse and even jewellery. Tiny Neon lights will later on be fixed to the models so these colourful “buildings” can create a super environment. Of course you can make it more splendid by adding theatric performance and music during the show. What does UMBRELLA say - This is a constructive Workshop (like a conctructive Fashion Design) out of Waste materials, empty bottles, newspapers, and plastic bags. The List is endless! So build up the house for your body and the architecture, inspired by architecture for your soul to fit in or just accessoires for special occasions. This sounds like architectural Catwalk-coming soon! Who should join? PPL interested in fashion Who should stay away? PPL not interested in fashion Is there an atomic bomb in it? Yes, in the tiny Neon lights! 2: Small Interventions Tutor: Arvid Wölfel (DE) What does the tutor say - Design an one-to-one realisation of small but useful interventions (small objects), based on the group members’ vision of places inside the communal area. The Goal is the transformation of public space into personalised space, which allows the inhabitants to adapt a place to their own story. The objects shall be created out of the story inside a spatial condition - the specific imprint a space has – and will refer to the easa theme. The objects shall be useful, in a smooth, elaborated design. What does UMBRELLA say - Of course it is Constructive Workshop: Timber, Various Materiels and whatever sounds fine for Small Interventions: A returning Workshop for the past 4 EASAs-Arvid is back in Italy! Adding things to the right place, where they have been missing so far. Remember the beer-holder in the telephone box in Letterfrack? That was SI! Who should join? Timber-Freaks Who should stay away? Big interventions Is there an atomic bomb in it? As we know, we survived the past years... 3: Festitrash Tutors: Filip Stekovic (HR), Francisco J.Rodriguez Perez (ES) What do the tutors say - You will study those phenomena inherent in the massive production of real and virtual trash in the consumer society, providing points of view on the subject that might generate new thoughts and attitudes and you can rediscover and rethink the basic everyday actions through trash. You will reuse products/trash, you will find in a Supermarket and make new products out of it for the locals in Darfo. What does UMBRELLA say - This Workshop is theoretical as well as constructive and is basicly providing discussions and reflections around and about trash, waste and reuse in all its formats and possible meanings. Who should join? Trashy PPL, so basically everyone Who should stay away? PPL allergic to Trash Is there an atomic bomb in it? Definitely in some of it! 4: SupermarchNET Tutors: Yelta Kom; Erdem Tuzun; Baris Gumustas (TR) What do the Tutors say - Since Internet is the most collective network in the world: We can read the relations of things through various web services and social Networks. It is possible to follow and collect information about PPL anytime and anywhere. How do we realize the Bilbao Effect on web, though? You will collect data about archetypes, super architects and buildings through the web and will analyze them, to create visualizations and physicals installation.




What does UMBRELLA say - This is gonna be a Media- and Internet Workshop, that works with Facebook, last.fm, google, flickr, twitter ect., so get use to Internet now, before its to late! Who should join? Archi-Nerds and Computerfreaks! Who should stay away? PPL hating Internet and Architecture Is there an atomic bomb in it? Maybe online? 5: Popup Tutors: Guillame Bonoure; Hugo Pontillard; Ruppert Maleczek; Chloè Genevaux (FR) What do the Tutors say - You will investigate the site and the EASA Campus and give a new place to the participants with functions, that would be adapted to needs or desire for all of us during the Summer Assembly in Italy. What does UMBRELLA say - Popup is a Compound Workshop that works with the Situation of EASA Campus in Darfo and will then act on it. Sounds like places to hang out, but not just for the builders-for everyone, but first the must analyze our desires. Who should join? PPL who care about others! Who should stay away? Egoistic PPL Is there an atomic bomb in it? Yes, in our desires! 6: LOGGIA Tutors: Paul O’Brien; Kevin Kelly; Sean Attley; Kieran Donnellan (IE) What do the Tutors say - This constructive project is interested in the cultural continuity of the Darfo town and seeks to conform to a local and national Italian context-a timber Loggia. The Loggia is a familiar component to an Italian city and town. It is a place for trade, communication and culture. The timber Loggia will engage a space within the EASA campus or the town of Darfo. What does UMBRELLA say - LOGGIA is a Constructive Workshop working with Timber, combined with tasty Irish Detailing! The Tutors, some as participants of sesam2009.it, have already done a “La U” in rome and even stayed 3 days longer for finishing it. Who should join? PPL who need to work out more! Who should stay away? Lazy PPL Is there an atomic bomb in it? Yes, in the two GG`s! 7: Photoshopping Tutors: Frederick Bekett; Christine Boss Mortensen (DK) What do the tutors say - You will discuss and investigate how alternative photography can catch and reestablish this nearness (“Loss of nearness”, Heidegger) and communicate the senses and the spatial conditions experienced from a given site or context.You will learn the procedures of photography containing Light Exposure, ISO, Developing, Enlarging, capturing the cultural surroundings of Darfo with cameras and self made camera obscurers-Using the vast world of photography: this is what we call “Photoshopping”. The camera is the shopping cart - Darfo is the mall- go photoShop! What does UMBRELLA say - Photoshopping is a Media-living Art Workshop, that is using Photography and Photoshop. The work of visualization in the architectural world today is mostly created on computer. The process of these computerized working methods is separated from physical world. This workshop will investigate the process of photography to rediscover this lost nearness! Who should join? PPL who like to go shopping Who should stay away? PPL who spend to much money on useless things! Is there an atomic bomb in it? Shopping carts are dangerous! 8: SUPer ARCHITECTS MARKeT + environment video transformation video Tutors: Martinaityte Dovile; Saulius Paliukas; Audejaitis Augustas (LT) What do the tutors say - The main phrases of soci-





ety are thesedays: “to buy”, “to use”, to throw away!In architecture it is essential to say: “let’s keep it”, “let’s use it in a new way”. The Workshop is organizing a Market, integrating the citizens into actions, asking them to bring old things they don’t need any more to a certain public space, creating new meanings with these Materials, which will no longer be useless! What does UMBRELLA say - This Workshop is actually a Constructive Workshop out of ”Useless things” or things citizens in Darfo don`t need any more. Have Fun knocking on their doors, asking the locals for things they dont need anymore or asking them to give out their useless stuff! maybe it be good to know these questions in italian, otherwise they could get scared! Who should join? PPL who like to rob banks Who should stay away? Shy PPL Is there an atomic bomb in it? Right before u ring the bell! 9: Vague Tutors: Tom Bennel; Matt Duggan (UK) What do the tutors say - You will consider the meaning, importance and loss of public space and public events and how these can be reinserted into modern architectural forms and typologies.The aim is to create a Vague building that is only understood by direct interaction and use-A reversal of the trend towards banality. What does UMBRELLA say - This is a Compound Workshop, that works with Lights and Photography. Vague’ seeks to explore the importance of the visual identity of architecture in modern society, and its meaning in relation to local traditions or global forces of consumption! Who should join? PPL drawing trees with leaves... Who should stay away? PPL drawing trees without leaves... Is there an atomic bomb in it? Too vague to say! 10: operation ACE HIGH Tutor: Gabriele Falconi (IT) What does the Tutor say - With Operation Ace High you will develop a design project for the regeneration of the Dosso dei Galli site. This Workshop will work with the existing architecture and create a sculpture out of it-an intervention of architecture as image. The creation of a scenic piece will later attract people to the place Dosso as the final episode in the Valle Camonica path. What does UMBRELLA say - ACE HIGH (NATO Troposcatter) is a Design Workshop and will work Project Proposals and Visions for the Future of IDGZ (NATO Code) Station in Dosso dei Galli, seems to be close to EASA Campus! Who should join? PPL who like doing Design in their semester break Who should stay away? PPL who dont like doing Design during semester break Is there an atomic bomb in it? Troposcatter will know! 11: UMBRELLA Tutors: Yvonne Michel (CH), Dijana Omeragic (MKD), Marten Dashorst (NL) What do the tutors say - UMBRELLA is the longest existing Workshop in EASA. It has been there every summer producing publications with fresh news, experiences and insights every day with interviews, workshop reviews, daily routine examining and of course the fun part: party flashbacks, galleries and party reviews. The print, video and online media, will allow participants to explore the different platforms and opportunities between each. What do we say again - UMBRELLA is a Media Workshop, that works with Print, Video and Online Media with this motto: “Read the news or watch the news or write the news or be the news!” Who should join? Everyone Who should stay away? Bad News Is there an atomic bomb in it? Depends on you! 12: LoveBox Tutors: Linas Lapinskas; Petras Isora; Inga Urbonait;




Karolis Kyzikas (LT) What do the Tutors say - LoveBox is a specific EASA pavilion for exclusive events, combined with personal and public experiences in the same space, using Camera Obscurer as an optical devise in drawing and/or entertainment inside the Box. Whats does UMBRELLA say - Yeah Right! btw: The LoveBox is a Constructive Workshop and will be build out of Packing Boxes according to the Theme “SupermARCHet” of easa.it! The LoveBox has been built many times ( but every year in a different ways ) before for the Summer Assembly and will also appear in Italy! Who should join? Lovers Who should stay away? Cheaters and frigid people Is there an atomic bomb in it? YEAH, WHEN ITS DONE!

13: Supercity Threesome Tutors: Leyla Ibrahimova (AZ); Marianna Karapetyan (AM); Darko Krstevski (MKD) What do the tutors say - You will choose an element – an urban block, where you place a known building or structure, or an open space related to the scale of public realm in the City. It will be an endless city with continuous ground which could be developed in any direction. It will not have centrality or such typologies, which in comparison to the rest presume dominance. What does UMBRELLA say - This is a Constructive Workshop, based on Research and Yoga. Everyone can join the morning-Yoga for getting started into the day, so you can think about the following thoughts: Star architects of 21st century have established certain brands of their work, which is combining under the name of the architect the “products”, which they are delivering. They are mainly asked to create a ‘product’, and sometimes one would think they could be shifted to other location or moved to another corner of the planet. Who should join? Threesomes Who should stay away? Couples Is there an atomic bomb in it? Probably after the Yoga, if you will say it hard enough and long enough! 14: Mobile Stairs Tutors: Michal Golanski; Michal Kowalski; Justyna Juchimiuk (PL) What do the Tutors say - “The space lost – the space regained” is meant to deal with contemporary definition of public spaces and can be linked with Action in the city: reinterpreting the modified. The workshop will be observing the advancing degradation of city landscape due to commercialisation, as well as modern lifestyle, erosion and transition of ties within society. This can be delicate or powerful, but can also be erased by the mo-




notony of everyday life. Touching a place through visual intervention, is refreshing that which affects the people interacting with part of the city! What does UMBRELLA say - Mobile Stairs is a Constructive Workshop (Timber, Various Material) adopting the ideas of the “Reclaim the streets”- movement, constructing “Mobile Stairs” structures in order to test them as potential multi-functional installation, cause every place in our environment affects us, in a tangible way, so reclaim the Streets! Who should join? PPL who like movements with stairs Who should stay away? PPL who prefer elevators Is there an atomic bomb in it? Somewhere behind the meaning.

15: Palletscape Tutors: Pavle Stamenovic; Ivan Grcic; Olga Lazarevic (SRB) What do the tutors say - On one hand there is consumer ideology which in architecture is represented mainly by starchitectural public building programs (Bilbao effect); and on the other, rising ecological awareness in architectural practice is present thru sustainable (recyclable) architectural structures and programs. Basic element is an object that belongs to both: Pallets are both commercial in a sence that they represent a final product which is extremely valued on the market and ecological, since they are made of a natural material, and sustainable since they can be recycled to their original use, and sold! What does UMBRELLA say - Wow, after we read this, Pallets are just a great material, Right? A Constructive Workshop done by Serbia, working with Pallet pinpointing two main streams of contemporary architectural discourse and putting them in forceful play, it is actually the thing that just has been missing so far! Pallets: how original, right? Who should join? PPL who like Bel-GREAT! Who should stay away? PPL who think pallets are stupid Is there an atomic bomb in it? Of course! but we dont know what exactly they are gonna build, though! 16: SUPERSPLASH Tutors: Paddy Roche (IE), Julian Grossman (DE), Thomas Cattrysse (BE) What do the tutors say - Making spaces to hang out and hide from the sun, inspired by Le Corbusier, asking questions like: “Was the first starchitect really worth all the hype?” The workshop will explore Le Corbusiers Modular man. We have all read about it but have many of us experienced it at a 1:1 scale? We will to find out!




What does UMBRELLA say - YEAH, RIGHT! Supersplash is a Compound Workshop with Various Materials, being critical about “Modulor”, checking out the Scale for a place to hang out for all of us! You will also fit in when you`re very tall, cause Mr. President from High Rise Fun Club will make sure, that you ll be comfi, too! Who should join? PPL who like to hang out Who should stay away? Nervous PPL Is there an atomic bomb in it? It is more about hanging out, but that is super! 17: EXPLORING the RELATION BETWEEN TRADITIONAL AND MODERN, THROUGH MUSIC Tutors: Paul Farrell (UK), Christoph-Georg Holz (DE) What do the tutors say - The dominant role of the computer in modern life brought with it reinterpretation of cultural habits. It is difficult to yet fully understand the consequences ways the new media influence our design strategies. This poses the question: ‘Has the rise of new media given us design freedom or dominated and limited our creativity?’ What does UMBRELLA say - This is a Compound Workshop, working with Timber and New Media, although this workshop would easily win the gaylord focker-award for worst name ever, this does not necessarily mean it’s a bad workshop (after all, what was the full title of the borat film again? and we all loved that one….) Who should join? deaf PPL Who should stay away? deaf PPL Is there an atomic bomb in it? Germany versus UK is always good for a party 18: Sticky Fingers Tutors: Nikola Grabacic; Tatjana Vracar; Balsa Bajagic (SRB) What do the tutors say - By exploring local categories and their cultural potential, this Workshop will provide an alternative to the omnipresent visual language of consumer culture. Working with the specific localities in mind (a shopping mall, town square, mercantile districts, other market spaces, shop windows, etc), where the results will be exhibited in a form of direct artistic guerrilla actions in the public spaces of Darfo Boario Terme. What does UMBRELLA say - Sticky Fingers is a Compound Workshop, based on Guerrilla-Tactics! However, your work will not be exhibited as a monolithic and passive interventions in space but will be designed to invite the audience to interact and involve in their creation and modification. In Greece in EASA007, the ones who have been, remember the zebra crossing, we had to draw on ourself, so we would not of been killed on the way home to the speeping place! Who should join? PPL with sticky fingers Who should stay away? PPL who wash their hands after toilet Is there an atomic bomb in it? Not if you wash hands after toilet. 19: How to evoke the spirit Tutors: Marcin Kolakowski; Alan Thompson (UK) What do the tutors say - U will try to understand why superstar architecture is so popular nowadays and the phenomenon of supermarket vs. street marketDescribing these phenomena in the broad context of ecology and to discover the spirit of the place and time. To establish a spiritual bond with the place and evoke its spirit. What does UMBRELLA say - How to evoke the spirit? Good question…We dont really know if you are gonna build something or not, but anyway…they ll take u into the account of political and cultural context of the phenomenon of superstar architecture, also talking about Ecology as a science about the relationship between an organism and its environment, and so between a human being and the society, culture, nature, the past and the future!






Who should join? Harry Potter Fans Who should stay away? muggles. Is there an atomic bomb in it? Spirit sounds always good to us! right? 20: Supermarket City Tutor: Flavio Gilberti (IT) What does the tutor say - The supermarket is a container. It contains different objects in spaces always equal, standardized, serial; in spaces that simulate always themselves. The supermarket in fact have to transmit its own recognizable image to the eyes of the consumer. Even inside the supermarket adopts the logic of recognition by the repetition of a model that repeats itself, the logic of standardization is represented by the supermarket shelves. In the supermarket there is a need to use the ICON, the TEXT to transmit the message to the consumer. The city is a container. It contains similar items- similar because formed by the same materials, those of the place, with the same constructive technology -that give rise to different spaces, bringing with them the values and the particularities of context. The proof of this is evident by observing the squares of Italian cities, each one different and each one with its own soul, and each carries its own identity. What does UMBRELLA say?Everything is a Container! Who should join? Containing PPL Who should stay away? Non-Containers Is there an atomic bomb in it? In the Containers! 21: Commercial Tutors: Kata Fodor (HU), Luis Hilti (CH), Matilde Igual Capdevila (ES), Carla Smith (UK), Leonard Gurtner (CH) What do the tutors say - This is a Compund Workshops that worlks with Action and Interventions. Commercial will use various commercial methods in an ironic way to create smart and sophisticated spatial and graphic interventions. Though looking similar to what advertising industry produces, the necessary material motivation will be replaced by our critical insight, hereby opening the door to explore and investigate hidden potentials. What does umbrella say - For one, definitely the








best workshopposter in this years easa. it’s always tricky to use campbells without reminiscing about andy w. trotting around l.e.s. with no pants on, but praise where praise belongs: this poster is freaking awesome. good typography, good balance between white and body, good photoshop on the tin. The promotional texts breathes the spirit of situationism, so let’s hope there are enough free-wandering minds that can come together to give the over-impulsed world around us a good spin! Who should join? PPL that go to Paris with a map of London. Who should stay away? PPL without a sense of humour. Is there an atomic bomb in it? Well, it is situationism…. 22: BENCHMARCH Tutors: Billy Mooney; Brian Sheehy (IE) What do the tutors say - Establish an own Benchmark for specific needs in an adaptable environment relying on the modular approach to construct a bench(m) arch, working in various scales up to 1:1. What does umbrella say - You will build a benchmark, which is traditionally a surveyors tool. For simplicity’s sake, let’s just say it is a given point of reference that is used to measure the quality of quantity of other things in relation to it. So, what does this mean for a workshop at easa? Good question, but if I see both the word specific and the word adaptable in one sentence, I tend to get a bit jiggy. Not that I don’t like apparent contradictions, but it’s sometimes don’t matter if you’re black or white. Who should join? PPL with a taste for mystery. Who should stay away? Michael Jackson Is there an atomic bomb in it? Cooooooould beeeeeee…. 23: ARCHEXPERIENCE Tutor: Alexander Bittemann (IL) What does the Tutor say - The aim of this workshop is to try to uncover and trace the factors that influence and compose a person’s choice with regards to an architectural composition. In the architectural supermarket that surrounds us, what are the filters that one applies when he needs to choose a certain object from the va-









riety available? What does UMBRELLA say - Welcome Israel in EASA everyone! This is obviously an experiment that will deconstruct the idea of a ‘building’ to its basic compounds, so you can actually , try to understand and uncover the building’s “spirit”; so what it is about a building that expresses its basic essence, emotion and appeal to a person or people? We might find out soon! Who should join? If u want to find out Who should stay away? If you dont want to find out Is there anatomic bomb in it? In the ARCHexperience….of course! 24: RE:POSE Tutors: Frederik De Smedt (BE); Alper Derinbogaz (TR) What do the tutors say - The making of an interactive photo booth, a pavilion in which there are framed views (It is about the size of the Zauna in Ireland)! The Visitors can repose and pose with a representative panorama at their background. They become part of the setting for live postcards. What does umbrella say - With frederik and alper you are in for a treat. These guys are pretty much the mythbusters of easa. But instead of busting myths, they’re busting balls. Your balls. Why? Because somehow they always come up with a crazy big structure, and they manage to finish it off in time as well. Their proposal for an interactive photobooth challenges the classical artsy dilemmas of subject vs object, and foreground vs background. Given the creative attitude of most easa participants, let’s hope they manage to create an installation that does not just function as a backdrop for your drunken shenanigans, but also as a machine for rethinking your position in your environments. Who should join? PPL with a love for hard work and long nights Who should stay away? PPL with two left hands Is there an atomic bomb in it? No. just lots of power tools. PPS: Just make sure you will build it outside, not like in Ireland, were they couldnt get the Zauna out of the place, it was built in….






A clean toilet is the best thing you can have after a night of agressive self-destruction or hardcore workshopping. We all know that. But somehow, in EASA it always gets messed up; the toilets are not clean, as you can see in the picture on the left. So here are the rules for keeping it clean and happy: 1. door open = free. door closed = occupied 2. only pipi & popo. waste goes into the trashcans, throw ups in your neighbours sleeping bag. 3. don‘t miss the hole, please. people have to clean it up too. 4. don‘t use too much toilet paper. it will block the toilet. people have to clean it up too. 5. FLUSH & BRUSH. or BRUSH & FLUSH. either way, please do it. 6. wash your hands. we‘re all grown ups.

1 NC meeting: 10pm @ the cantina Rune‘s Review

Today EASA-dino Nikolaj from Denmark arrived. He brought his bike in a plastic suitcase currently placed in the info point. Go take a look. Nikolaj first sentence in the camp was: „Who is she?“ You can recognize Nikolaj because he‘s bald. Bonusinfo: At EASA he goes under the alias as EUROLOVE [€<3]

so, if everybody follows these rules, we‘ll have more toilet number 1, and less toilet number 2. and than, everybody wins.

2 lost...

- Dijana‘s voice. If you find it, please return it to the umbrella desk - Alex Maxwell (UK) lost his prescription glasses at the lake. Glasses don‘t float, so everybody look underwater! - Bhavika Mistry (UK) is still missing her passport. It‘s brown and very needed! - sabir from azerbajian lost his brain. if you find it, don‘t eat it, or try to learn anything from it, just return it...

...and found

- an external harddrive full of porn. Somebody‘s gonna be very lonely this easa... - a red H&M jacket - a white Mango/MNG watch - broken pair of Rayban Aviator sunglasses. Not the ones everybody wears this year, but the ones everybody wore last year. Oh, fashion is so predictable.

To help with that, umbrella is collecting 1 euro from all participants to go and buy soap in the store. come by at the umbrella office, at the entrance of the sleeping building!

organizers info

- Watch out for Eros! Please don‘t bother him with silly questions like where are the toilets, or do you speak English. He‘s superhard at work trying to get all the workshop up and running. The organizers hope that everything will be ready by tuesday evening. So, until then, go to the lake and brainstorm your asses off! - Please take care of your trash, especially the glass bottles, because we wouldn‘t want everybody‘s flip-flopped feet to get cut. - Same goes for the plastic bottles, they get blown away by the wind, and spread out all over the valley. There‘s already reports of bottles in Milano!

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ -g m a i l . c o m




Teemu Immonen [FIN] Why did you buy these sunglasses? I really like Top Gun, you know. Who is the starchitect in your country? Alvar Aalto He did Finlandia House, in Helsinki. A concert hall with Italian marble on the wall. Wh-wh-where is the Party? In my tent. Tomas Dirrix [NL] or [B] Why did you buy these sunglasses? because my local supermarket is really crap, and they were for sale for 1.99€

Wh-wh-where is the Party? Here. Nunzio Bonina [IT]

Who is the starchitect in your country? For the technics: Renzo Piano. And for the projects..... No, its too complicated. Wh-wh-where is the Party? At the lake.


Why did you buy these sunglasses? Because of the Blues Brothers.

The wayfarer sunglasses were designed in 1951 but only achieved popularity in 2007 when electrokids MGMT wore them and American Apparel sold them. They are now available in every colour so to easily match your mood/t-shirt/boyfriend. These sunglasses can now be seen on the faces of architecture students all over Europe, so Umbrella went out and asked them some questions...

Who is the starchitect in your country? ... hummm ..... hmmmm for me or? mmm its Willy Maas [MVRDV], cause he’s my neighbour.

You wanna see the whole thing? Well, you gonna have to collect it!!! Starting tomorrow in umbrella... only for you piece by piece.




lecture review THE SUBLIME VERTIGO Lecture by Flavio Albanese

„First days in August in Sils-Maria (EngadinValley, CH) at 6000 feet above the see level and much higher of all human things“ F. Nietzsche What does the Mountain represent in the imagination of the (Wo)+man? What kind of place ist the mountain? An uncommon place. A station of the spirit! It is a place where, Nietzsche himself makes Zarathustra go on the day of his 30 th year of age, where for ten years, he enjoyed, tirelessly, his spirit and his solitude. Another great thinker of our time, Martin Heidegger, used to go and philosphize/think in his mountain hovel/hut in the Black Forest. In his hut he conceived the most important passages/chapters of Being and Time, and that was the place where anybody, who had wanted to meet him for an extra-university interview, was forced to climb at. Even an absolute masterpiece of world literature, Zauberberg. The magic Mountain is a set in the mountains of the Engadin-Valley, a landscape where the highest reason blends with the mists of the sky with neither beginning nor end: behind Hans Castrop, the main Character of the novel: „The world, the valley inhabited by the men, soon got closed and disappeared from sight“ The Mountain, in Thomas Mann novel, becomes the temple of initiation into life and ist mysteries for a bourgeois couple which until then had not had a grapple with metaphysical thoughts , and that is able only because of illness and life at high attitude at 6000 feet above the sea and much more on top of all that is human“ to achieve a higher level of self-consciousness. An awareness that one can achieve through the contemplation of the mountain, which Chezanne did in his obsessive and countless versione of his paintings of Sainte-Victoire mountain. The Mountain is like an exclamation mark, it is a place of exception where both spirit and body, almost raised by r^the weight of the gravity of the world, freely relax in open and unrestricted spaces-we are going to take over! Refugees are also located in the mountain because the mountain itself is a refuge, a place for all those people, voluntarily of forced, with no place in the daily society. In the mountains sought refuge the monks, the asceitcs, saints, heretics, the peolpe affected by tuberculosis, the killers, the draft didgers, the partisans... By putting into contact the earth with the sky, the finite space with the infinite one, the mountain becomes refuge bacause ist position is out of this world but on this side of the sky, in a middle land of the existence. For Chinese painters, the appearance of the mountain is like the absolute landscape: the experience of the mountain-says Henri Maldiney-is in the chinese painting, like a vertigo which is impossible to contain and to inscribe in the things of the world! Therefore: Welcome to the mountains of Val Camonica! Take out a pen and just let the ink express your thoughts!








The first question of the day is inspired from the today‘s morning lecture. Getting it all personal to the fellow EasaNs.


Nastiya Andrukovich (Belarus)

Dominika Kubieniec (Poland)

Miles Reay-Palmer (UK)

Harmony with my heart, my spirit and the world

Travelling in an unknown direction

Women, they‘re not beautiful they are violent - sublime.

Hugo Pointillart (France)

Iryna (Belarus)

Iza Tsimashpolskaya (Belarus)

Marie Bertram (France)


Freedom is more than beauty

People, feelings and memories

To be in admiration

Valeria Nevi (Italy)

Bobvov Dimitry (Belarus)

Marusa Debevec (Slovenija)

Alex Maxwell and Jane (UK)

The Silence


It is hot, we are here....Water.

J - Partying A - Hot weather, cold beer, loud techno J - Dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing



















Umbrella will take a closer look at unexpected architectural gifts for different participating countries. Starting these series is a spectacular Chilean idea that takes full advantage of it’s immediate environment. Fog Towers, an idea of Alberto Fernández and Susana Ortega, succeeds in combining the sublime forces of nature with a strong visionary concept. On the driest place on earth, the Atacama desert in the north of chili, a natural phenomenon covers the soils every morning: the ‘camanchaca’ fog. These highly dense and moisturized clouds, that live at a height of 200-400m, might utilize this desert for agricultural use. Rising from the land are several gigantic helical structures that are estimated to catch an astounding 20.000 up till 200.000 liters of fresh sweet water a day. Its 400 meter high construction as a stacked weave serves to trap and wick moisture into the tower, while it‘s spiralling structure provides a large surface area that channels water into the basement. Here, trace minerals from the sea are filtered out via a reverse osmosis system, which is much more efficient than processing sea water into potable water via desalination plants. The use of the ‘camanchaca’ fog is not new to Chilean agricultural. In fact vineyards in the north have been using the system for almost half a century already. They place long horizontal nets to catch the fog and are therefore able to make a perfect climate for their grapes. But the scale and distribution of these vertical cloudscrapers could take this technology into the future.


Co-ordinating events in the face of a Natural Disaster Piero Moscardini is on of the principal coordinator’s of Italy’s Civil Protection. After April’s tragic earthquake in L’Quilia north of Rome, he co-ordinated the setup of temporary living accommodation, fresh water supply and electricity for the residents who were left homeless after the event. He works in direct co-operation with engineer’s, architects and geologists to provide relief for those affected by natural disasters in Italy. He is also involved in monitoring for the possibility of forthcoming natural disasters. Finally, he was one of the key organisers for the preparations for the funeral of Pope John Paul II.







Doctor Love column Everyday our Doctor Love will answer your question/doubts about love or relationship, or try to explain you how to hang out with girls/boys during EASA. If you ve any questions, you can send an email to umbrellanewspaper@gmail.com. Don’t be shy, not everybody took his hardrive full of porn, and we know that with the temperature… everybody getting hot. We promised that it ll be anonymous… Today we re asking Doctor Love what advices is he giving to people who want to have sex, cause the Lovebox isn’t ready yet and toilets aren’t really… well … you cant sit. And as we saw in the first page, its not the best place to have some romantic moment. Doctor Love answer Hm well, this campus is big and I think you can find a lot of opportunities to get a comfortable place. > I already noticed that the GIANT gym mat at the breakfast place is really really confortable. Ok youre quite exposed but if you manage, you can have it during the night. Watch out Giorgio who literally lives in the kitchen not far from here. nice place to go but of course there s no more bus at midnight. I think that you ve to be in a real and deep love to make such this effort, cause for just having sex, one and a half hour walking is definitely too much. [well the forest next to the road to the lake

is quite dangerous and full of spiky balls, somebody already test it for you, so don’t make the same mistakes.] > Under the stage in the party tent could be an hidden place too, but of course at night. Ronan from Ireland already try it and you can go and ask him how great was his experience. > And I think for some daily sex moment, youre allowed to try the Finnish tent next to the party tent, the temperature will obviously be 47 degree but don’t care about it, you ll for sure find some Wodka hidden under the pillow and not think about temperature. > and finally, for a comfortable place during the day, you could also find a good place to be in the UK room. Alex Maxwell got a nice blue gym mat and Im sure he ll be allright if you asked him but maybe he ll asked you for a threesome. Request aren’t all the time free. > If youve more questions or difficulties to find a place, you can also ask Jamie from the Dutch team, he really focused on it and he s able to tell you secret places.....



(Archymotherwhataboutfatherfesto fuck the resto) - Part Uno Umbrella decided this year to create an Architectural EASA Manifest. It is supposed to be smart, funny, ridiculous, absurd but most of all relevant. Let’s focus on what’s cool in the 21st century vs. the 20th.We all know the 20th century was coooool, think of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, shell suits, vogue, big hair, disco, asbestos, Top Gun …. what do we have today? Every umbrella will have 20 new points … please participate with fresh ideas. 1. First things first. 2. Architecture should be sexy again. The men are already, the women even more, but what about our products, and even more importantly, our processes? 3. Stay horny. 4. Sustainability should not be a goal, it should be a tool. 5. Keep it low budget, give us the cash. 6. Good architecture is not whiny. 7. Easa can change the world. Or at least the place that’s hosting us. Easa is not about architecture. Easa is about people. Just like architecture is about people. So in the end, perhaps architecture is about EASA. 8. People are to architecture what sauce is to pasta. It’s the jelly. 9. Less is more but size does matter. 10. Geometry is overrated. 11. Keep it clean and white. 12. Remember: “colours have sex”- Dijana Omeragic. F*** Pink. 13. Have a material fetish. 14. Always dance to your computer. “Or to mine”- Marten Dashorst. 15. Learn the basics, learn the technology, learn the structures and then forget it. 16. Share space. “Make sure you fill up the whole room” -Yvonne Michel. 17. Avoid fast food architecture, it’s not healthy, it can kill you in the end. 18. Recycle the cycle. 19. ... 20. If it disturbs you- it’s art.

Giorgios pieces of wisdom

“Bananas” we got red and green ones today



Giorgio and women “I am a cook, not a playboy” “I am a man. Men make mistakes”











workshop review.getting started. well, the main activities in workshops today were searching, thinking, deciding, trying to.., figuring out things, but in the end the confusion dissapeared and people started to get started. LoveBOX Tutors:Linas(LT),Petras(LT),Inga(LT),Karo lis(LT) Participants: they haven‘t really counted.. between 10 and 15.. Of course, that‘s the first worry: where is the Love Box? They have declared that the Love box exists allready in some room of the school but..it‘s SECRET! Today they‘ve been already doing some awesome experiments.Linas a.k.a Merlin, the Wizzard, and his team created a „camera obscura“, and revealed their magical powers.Okay,maybe some people call it phisycs,bla bla.. So what we know by now after this experiment is that the Love Box will be pretty dark. UUUHH!! But please watch out, not every dark box is a Love Box!..Anyway, they promised to try to be as fast as possible, so hang in there a few more days..or not! They‘re slogan is: WE WERE ALL MADE IN THE DARK! Super Architectural Defile Tutors: Loosineh(AM), MAriam(AM) Participants:6 Well, we all know the common question „Why do architects wear black?“, but from today on we might be wondering Why do architects wear BOTTLES??“ Remember not to judge people by their clothing, and in case you meet some ladies all dressed up in plastic bottles then you have to know that they are doing the Super Architectural Defile.Today they have already designed one skirt and tommorow they will have the top too so hopefully we will have some nice Cat Walk at the end. People who can‘t swim, maybe you can buy some floating swimming suit from them..






Sunday EASA009night rocking There was a band-It was great with RDB! They were rocking our party tent, with about five different songs! But we cannot even remember what they are called. But sadly we havent found our EASA Song fort his years easa. Any Ideas? Tell Umbrella! The band came all the way from Milan and have been a band for six years. They are not single but they like open relationships, they said in the interview to our flying dutchman-reporter. We are still looking for the Best Pictures of the Night! Please bring them to UMBRELLAOffice at the Entrance of the Registration Point on the first day. We are very happy for your input, make sure that we ll get the Best pictures








Architecture theorists all over the world have one thing in common: they suffer from the fact that despite of knowing tons of stuff about what the past, it’s impossible for them to characterise the present. Reason is, obviously, that it’s not easy to get an overview of a situation that you are part of.. This has lead to a general miserability for architecture theorists and their loved ones. As James Corner once said: “I’ve tried to kill myself twice (...) not because of what I knew, but rather of what I didn’t know that I knew.” All this will change now. Because after 6 years of intensive research, fieldwork and study, we at Umbrella can now finally announce the correct -ism for current architecture now and in the near-future! [and NO, we didn’t make this up.. really!]. We’re living in the architectural times of PORNSTARchitecture. Not surprisingly, it all started with MTV. After 5 years of broadcasting, MTV invented what they at the time called “the internizzel” nowadays more commonly referred to as the internet. And [we all know this story, of course] 5 hours after hooking up online, the first pornographic website was launched, the legendary “ HYPERLINK “http://www. yourpussymypenis.co.uk” \t “_blank” www. yourpussymypenis.co.uk”. The owner of the domain was a young man from the Nederlands called Remus van der Coolhashish, journalist at Hustler. After earning huge ammounts of money from the pay-per-view site, he opened his office OMA, Office of Metropolitan Architecture, and the alias AMO, Addictive Mass Orgies. From here, a whole new generation of young, perverted architects were spawned, who are now the current pornstarchitects of the world. These pornstarchitects have blessed the world with huge penis-looking buildings, vaginarefering metro stations, and so forth. Thanks to them, the architectural generation in-spe will continue the legacy of vulgar shapes and material perversities. Let’s all stand together and yell out in one voice: “STARCHITECTURE IS NOT SEXY. IT IS PORN!” > this image was found on the harddrive full of porn... at least it’s architecture-related...

Rune’s Review #2

Today there’s been a lot of talk about ghostshit. Probably because of the WC’s on the Umbrella frontpage yesterday. Just to clear it out: a ghost-shit is when you have poo’d and wipe yourself just to realise that there’s nothing to be wiped. First you can’t believe it’s true. Then you fall to your knees, raise your hands to the sky with wet eyes yelling: “hal-

leluja!” We have all experienced it. We all want to experience it again. We crave for it. Imagine we could all ghost-shit everytime we went to the toilet. No need for toiletpaper. No need for washing hands. Is it too good to be true? Living-legend Italian chef Giorgio doesn’t think so. “There is a way to control your ghost-shit. Known by a few, and unknown to even less. I’ll serve it for you tonight.” Let’s all go to Giorgio after dinner and thank him for our ghost-shit.

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m

Paul Farrell (uk) Why did you buy these glasses? > Because I had the same before and I broke them. I ve been rocking Way farrer since yeeeaaaaaars. I wanted to be like Bob Dylan. Who’s the starchitect in your country? > Zaha Hadid but she’s shit, innit. Wh-wh-where is the party? >in my pants.

Ioana Iordan (romania) Why did you buy these glasses? >I wanted to buy others ones but my mother just said that i look like a man. Who’s the starchitect in your country? >we dont care...


Wh-wh-where is the party? >At the umbrella workshop

Justina (poland)

Why did you buy these glasses? >there’s souvenir from Italia, but its a fake one cause I’m against the logo. Who’s the starchitect in your country? > Marek Bjditnski, he’s my boss. Wh-wh-where is the party? >its AALLWAYS the party!

we like short shorts!



o Isabelle (FR)

Marko (BOSNIA)

who likes short shorts?


Dimitar (BUL)


Lale (AZ)


we don’t!


Doctor Love What is Love?



As a renowned specialist in this field with a PhD in Loveology I can confidently state that we do not yet have a satisfactory answer to this question. Some think of it as a kind of madness or illness, and some prefer not to think about it at all. Perhaps it is better to pose another question; that of; what is fuck? Now this we have cracked! Fuck is a noun, a verb, an adjective; it is perhaps the most versatile word in the English language. Fuck off. You lazy fuck. What the fuck are you doing? I’m fucking tired. You fucker. This is fucked. And so on… What can we conclude from this? Perhaps that a PhD in Loveology is not all that it’s cracked up to be, in fact I may well ask for a refund from the Love Institute (1 Love Way, Barbados). Having said that, I do wonder how my staff and I could have ever have come up with the “Sexion” in Budapest ’06, or have responded so well to the flood of emails (Inbox: 0) from all those anguished souls out there. What am I trying to say here? Well it is a round-about way of announcing my retirement from this post, and the transfer of this great responsibility to one of our other promising young doctors, to be announced shortly. But to every cloud there is a silver lining. Tonight the love surgery will be open for a special late night session, where I and some of our lovely love nurses will be available to give out relief first hand… ahem…If tonight we should have to keep the noise down, take your mp3 player for another silent disco, another initiative from Dr Love. Trust me, it provides the perfect excuse for some up close and personal moments, thanks to those ever-short headphone cords. So that’s it, this is Dr Love signing off for I think the last time, adieu mes amis. And remember…we can all overcome our inner “schweinehund.”

again my baby fails to contact me.... please take care of him, Sean!

In Memory of Basia ( Barbara ) Krajewska. Easa is thinking of you on your Birthday!


WHO FROM EASA WOULD YOU SAVE IN CASE OF AN EARTHQUAKE? Myself your all bastards – Paul Farrell (UK)

Leo, its easy for me he is my sexy boyfriend- Elsa Deconchat (France)

Me and my Volvo, she’s a person- Gabriele Falconi (Italy) Hmmm, what? Yesterday, the lecture, I don’t remember, the guy from the lecture I suppose. I love cats. Gamze Yalcin (Turkey)

The cook – Jesus Diaz (Spain)

Jesus of course hes got the cookRune Madsen (Denmark)

Who ever that shopping trolly person is, they are great. I love shopping. – Teemu Immonen (Finland)

MANIFESTO` BRELLO (Archyholyfesto fuck the resto) – Part Due

21. “Be not afraid of being called un-fashionable”- Adolf Loos 22. Never buy batteries if they are not included. 23. Trim to roof and scale to fit. 24. Disco rules always apply. Keep on moving- dance on the stairs. 25. Turn and face the strange. 26. Know what you want, never get bored and keep a decent amount of confusion. 27. Architecture is a marathon not a sprint, make sure you go to the toilet before you leave the house. 28. Purge yourself. 29. Hi fives are the new blacks. 30. De-saturate. Contrast. Done. 31. Drink Water. 32. Wear protection, architecture can be dangerous. 33. Be peachy and stay a bit banana. 34. Ornament is crime, except if you’re Herzog de Meuron. 35. Be ridiculous, stay ridiculous, dress ridiculous, become ridiculous. 36. Your architecture office should be like a mullet – business in the front, party in the back. 37. Listen the paintings, watch the music, dream Architecture. 38. Draw something down. 39. Dva put meri, jednom seci (ask somebody from the Balkans). 40. Read between lines and pay for the Sangria Party.

Giorgio’s pieces demands of wisdom

- You can sleep when you are dead - Life is too short.... so run! - Live your life each day more than you can, because each day that passes won’t come back. - Life is life, tralalala - Born Ready - If Giorgio does not get a hug every day - no one eats!


“What are you doing inside of me?!” “Cosa stai facendo dentro di me?!”




PRORA: super nasty nazi architecture Perhaps they had to compensate for something, but the nazi`s have always had a love for big-ass architecture. The Tempelhof airport in Berlin, the Party Gelande in Nurnberg, and, what we`ll be writing about today: the Ruegen Seebad in Prora on Germany`s northeastern seeboard. Construction on this massive building began in 1936, and was part of the Kraft Durch Freude (Strength through Joy) programme that was created to keep the German people happy. ĂŽt was designed to house 20.000 people in a building that is a whopping 4.5 kilometers long. That is 45 football fields, 10 Sears Towers, or about three times the length of the queue for breakfast this morning. Anyway, it`s big. Because of the war they stopped working on it in 1940. Until then, almost every company in Germany helped building it, from concrete mixing companies to the ones who make like the stuff that your door hangs on but of which I don`t know the name of in English. Almost 10,000 people worked on it during that time. The idea was that hard workers deserved the occasional holiday as well, even though it would be on the world famous windy and rainy german beaches... After the war it fell pretty much into disuse, although it was occasionally used as holiday barracks for the eastGerman army. When the Wall came down, the building was abandoned and left pretty much in a shitty state. Had it been in Berlin, it would have obviously been turned into a massive techno club, but not here. Nowadays there are plans to turn the building once again into a holiday resort. These plans have been met by both praise and criticism, but what it really illustrates is the always difficult question whether or not architecture can be blamed for its creators intentions and actions. Go see it! But bring your hiking shoes.







U M B R E L L A r c h i v e : E A S A 0 0 4 Issuu.com/EASANewspaper

(SUPER) - Market Place During the Assembly, we are doing a Marketplace for trading things: Participants can offer things they would do for someone else, becoming back something they like to get or do! For Example: if someone needs a sleeping bag, they can trade wodka or so. ect.. Just put your Classifies in the (Super)-Market-Place in EASANewspaper during the Assembly and we will manage how you find eachother! Participants can also bring things for exchange, like Pirate-Copies of Archi-Programms, Songs from your Hard-Disc, Chocolates...Fireworks...comon: just be creative. Write us an email to UMBRELLANewspaper@ gmail.com or come to our Office and stop confusing us, with the Infopoint-we dont have Duck-Tape!

E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m















Is the workshop which has been with the most damage caused by almost everyone on this EASA at one point or another. Yes, we are talking about the proud owners of all those bottles of water that were situated across the kitchen and if you haven’t stolen from the bunch, we’re sure you wanted to, at least once. Anyway, they are working on a interesting topic strongly connected to the EASA theme this year. We all have seen and heard about the usage of bottles in construction of pavilions, installations in museums, recycling … but these guys have really chosen to change the context and go into sarcasm. The bottles are used full in an era of high water preservation. The opening line in their introduction is: usually a mineral water bottle is made to drink it, but there are other ways to use a PET bottle. They will use 18000 bottles of Boario mineral water, 22000 bands of plastic bonds and 110m2 of panels of polycarbonate for transporting the bottles. The trick is that bottles can be attached to each other with different joints –so they will get different basic modules. Each group gets to build their own pavilion using original basic modules. The water will also be colored with aniline, a special chemical product, thus we will get great reflections of light through the bottles filled with water. Can’t Keep

wait to see the result!!! on the good work lads!



make a deadly small intervention. Deadly not deadly small. A delicate quivering canopy now makes going to the tutors’ gym more interesting, although it may not impede a herd of drunken Irishmen tonight. They have big plans for the development of the idea, so watch out for more interventions to come…






analogue brain Farrel (UK)

in the Christoph

digital Holz

world. (DE)

after last years success with the Nomadic Instamatic workshop, the delightful duo; paul and christoph have returned to continue the good work with their 16 steps workshop. So with the limited space for description in the guide, the umbrella fearlessly tracked down the 16 steps workshop, to really figure out whats going on. Incase you might not have recognised their workshop they are the group hitting stuff with sticks or “object hunting” as Paul puts it, they like finding stuff that makes good sounds, mainly plastic bottles and pipes. Since easa is not in the city the amount of objects around to test is limited, but they are going to go try down in that local junk yard. “People make good sounds too especially the girls, they have different pitches of screams.” So the general conclusion was that if it makes a good sound, its a good object. The group continued hittting and banging various object and collecting a variety of good sounds on their journey. Whats the final out come of this kind of testing? “we are going to put the sound in the machine” says Paul. What kind of machine it will be we dont really know yet but it sounds like its going to be good.

Wanted: Noise

the 16 steps workshop, by fellow germans Paul and Georg-Christoph is looking for stuff that makes (nice/interesting/funny/bright) noises when you hit it. People don’t count, except if it’s Rune Badone from Denmark... If you find any, please bring them to the workshop tent, in the corner with banging techno or dubstep and a shitty flag that says 666 Dubsteps from hell. Grazie Mille!


Various sources have told l’Ombrello that there is a person in EASA who is wearing fake dreadocks. If anybody can provide us with images that prove this, you will receive a free beer at the party tonight!


Wanted: Real NOISE, please! What the hell is wrong with this picture, people? Our weekend got kick started in ridiculous fashion, but then the first noise complaints started rolling in... Now EASA009 is in serious party trouble. L’Ombrello has taken matters in it’s own hands, and started several infamous guerilla parties inorder to test your next place to party when EROS decises to turn down the volume once again.


So now it’s our time to strike back and give those italos what they deserve!! >Giorgio’s is the place to get that stummy shaking. But noise complaints are still a big risk. >Offcourse the showers are a good bet. Just don’t forget your soap, and don’t be affraid of speedo’s. >Rooftop! >Feel huggely? try our big deluxe gym-mat in baby blue.

yes! the spanish have arrived again and of course they brought enough craziness with them to organize another sangria party. Everybody, pay three euros with the spanish NCs and get ready to drink yourself into oblivion.


>Sick of these communistic volume demands? Protest Party in the Infocentre! (Maybe they should make that the perment place party spot..) >Lovebug? Party on the road in the orange VW_van on the way to that lake fire thing or fabulous Milan. Listen to the beatles with all your friends at the same time.

- white mexxxxxxx shirt - blue/white “polk” t shirt

Yeah.... about that breakfast thing...

It’s not at 10.30!!! It starts at 8, and finishes at 10. If you show up late, just eat your neighbour...


the l’Ombrello thermometer indicated it is exactly 0.092 degrees hotter than yesterday. Which is still hot.

Lecture review

interesting. but to claim that the italians do a better job at taking care after natural disaster s than the americans is quite a bold statement. Although berlusconi does know how to get money from his (former?) fellow G8 members....

>If only we had a key! This place is great! We see enormous dance-offs and window lapdances! No Noise Complaints possible! Not to big, not to small! Sexy! The view is upthere! Be watched and love it! Ladiesnight possible! Men like to watch anyway! Has to be the venue for upcoming Berlusconi Playboy Extravaganza! Eros! So shave your balls and take those tanktops out of the bag, this must be faith! We expect the key to be delivered tomorrow!





part 1: Lago Moro Who hasn’t yet heard about it? Even more famous then Loch Ness these days at EASA009: the lake of Moro. In idyllic surrounding in the mountains over Darfo it is THE PLACE TO BE this summer! Of course Umbrella send a team up there to bring you the freshest news..

The way up and down: level 1- for beginners: Walk all the way up until your feet hurt and your back is sunburnt. Then enjoy a very deserved swim in the lake.. level 2 – advanced: Wait for the public bus and pay 2€ (on Saturdays and Sundays) or try to get one of the very few seats in the special EASA-bus for free. Attention: this service is only provided randomly and unpredictably! Maybe you get up there but not down again.. level 3 – professional: Just ignore the sign at the beginning of the street and drive with your own car (if your lucky enough to have one) or ask your EASAfriends to give you a lift. Over midday it might be difficult to get a parking space any near the lake and you have to go back to level 1 for the last bit.. level 4 – only for women: Put on your shortest skirt and a nice top and try your luck with hitchhiking. Maybe an Italian will stop and give you a lift in his new alfa romeo.. But please don’t try that if you are not a female!






If you arrive at the lake, there are several things to spend your time with: -meet Italians and their beloved dogs -refresh yourself and get washed once again (your roommates will love you for that, Pekka! ;-p) -enjoy the landscape and the view on the curvy bus trip – but girls, we don’t mean the handsome bus driver! -get a sun tan so you can show off at home -show your new bikini/bathing suit and everything your mama gave you -experience the Adria-feeling up here in the mountains: packed like sardines in a can -get an ice-cold corona at the kiosk and try to get into a conversation with the cute girl behind the bar (solo in italiano!) For the end: Some say they have already seen it, others refuse it’s existence but the umbrella team is sure: There is a seamonster in lake moro! We talked to an old wise native who told us about the legend of “moroenormo”, the feared monster lurking under the water surface.. Just watch out and be aware of the danger underneath! PS: the umbrella team is looking for pictures of “moroenormo” in its natural habitat! So if you leave your workshop for a short break, don’t forget to take your camera with you.

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m

Will (uk) Why did you buy these glasses? >Because of the NME Who’s the starchitect in your country? > Probably Norman Foster Wh-wh-where is the party? >in Pauls pants.

Tania (slovenia) Why did you buy these glasses? >A friend of mine gave me them because he broke up with his girlfriend and it was gonna be a present for her. Who’s the starchitect in your country? >The most famous one is Plecnik but hes dead. Wh-wh-where is the party? >Tonight at the SANGRIA party!

Why did you buy these glasses? >Im a conformist. Who’s the starchitect in your country? > Coolhaas with a C cause hes cool. Wh-wh-where is the party? >right here.

cut out and keep workshop map today: campus edition noche di cinema + EASA TV #1

There will be a film shown tomorrow night in the parking lot on the way to the tutors sleeping gym, starting at around 2130h. The movie will be Renaissance.Paris.2059. It is being shown by the Pop-up workshop. Umbrella are proud to announce the first edition of EASA TV will be shown before the film. Don’t be late!!


Benjamin (Holland)

Doctor Love



Last night Dr Love was at the roof top party with almost everybody else. In a moment of awkward silence between conversations, he looked up at the stars and used his astrological prowess to deduce these nuggets of wisdom. Aries Be aware of the food you are eating. Wash your hands before the meal and remember to disinfect with any hard alcohol if you have a spare two euro. If not - steal it from your neighbours. Taurus The person you met last night will be a big influence on you this week. Decide wisely whether to ignore them or not. Gemini Do not go to the lake tomorrow. You will get sunstroke and will not be able to party for the rest of the week. Stay in the IT lab and sweat it out. Cancer Phone home, they are worried about you. Or buy a postcard in Darfo - or send a banana. Leo Dont go to the sangria party tonight, the spanish will make your brain wipe with sugary wine.Tomorrow you ll not wake up as the same person. (or maybe never wake up) Virgo Tonight is your lucky night, you dont need any shower, just keep your dirty workshop clothes.You’ ll still get laid. Libra Tonight you’re most likely to get laid. Leo Tonight you’re most likely to get laid. Sagitarius Tonight you’re most likely to get laid. Capricorn Tonight you’re most likely to get laid. Aquarius Tonight you’re most likely to get laid. Pisces Tonight you’re most likely not to get laid. Sorry.

EASA Future

After Excursion on Sunday we will have the EASA Future night in the Event Tent with the presentations from the upcoming events: EASA010 UK in Manchester INCM009 Liechtenstein Team FL and CH united EASAIreland: Documentary Telepology

Down 1.That thing you are missing either cause you party hard either cause other people party hard.. 2.You wash your hands with it!(..that‘s an order) 3.A red banana.. 4.The place where you go when you skip your workshop..(you bastard!) 5.The person who bosses you around in your workshop.. 8.The magic potion that will knock us all out tonight.. 10.That loud thing that won‘t let you sleep.. 12.It makes you sweat like hell.. 15.That thing on the sky that they don‘t see in Ireland.

Across 1.What‘s the love box for? 5.If you haven‘t sent the organisers a picture you now look like a..(misspelled) 6.What‘s this thing that we are all in right now? 7.Who shouldn‘t we ask about the toilet? 9.That thing that falls from the sky..especially in Ireland.. 11.If you are singing loudly at 6 am with an empty bottle of whiskey in your hand you are... 13.Wee‘re soppouse too speack zis language...(All of us..) 14.We are probably gonna eat this thing for 2 weeks... 16.A hole in the ground.. 17.The place we party in..(ussualy,when we‘re not on the roof)


DO YOU SHOWER NAKED? AND WHAT DO YOU SAY TO PEOPLE THAT DON’T? Yes, that’s the main point of the shower – Eero (FIN)

No, well sometimes, depends on my mood. I am too caught up in the moment - Tathevik (AR)

No, my friends wear bikini’s so I do too. But with strangers I might go naked. - Bernice (MAL)

yes! Nothing - Arus (AR)

yes and shower penis or asshole, asshole! – Fredrik (DEN)

Yes and I don’t talk to people in bikini’s. They get ignored! Raja (PO)

Yes, and if you don’t shower naked your not clean - Neil (IRL)

Yes and feel free to express yourself! - Virgina (IT)

MANIFESTO` BRELLO (Archyholyfesto fuck the resto) – Part TRE

41. Why so serious? 42. “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.”-Hugo Lamont 43. Don’t be interesting, be good. 44. Be curious. Curiosity didn’t kill the cat. 45. Stick with the problems longer. 46. Ask. 47. Answer. 48. If u can’t fuck the system, marry it. Then divorce it and keep the house. 49. Try to be somebody in your life but please be more specific. 50. A building becomes art at the same moment it becomes architecture. That moment is art. 51. Extend your ideas. 52. Never put your fingers in a socket. 53. Beware of noseless oversniffers. 54. Let’s all have a nap. That is stop not sleeping. Sleep is good. 55. Beer is good as well. 56. Fuck Arial, Helvetica rules. 57. Buildings have gender. Let them mate. 58. Never sit on two chairs. Nor on a broken one. 59. Stop designing uteruses. 60. How can we have world piece if we can’t even agree on the power plugs.

Giorgios angry letter to the world “The Assholes Mother is always pregnant!”

“In this Planet the Intelligence is stable, the Population is growing.” “God is my son!” “Girls Brains cost double than Boys Brainscause its new-never been used!


“Where is the toner for Umbrella?!” “Dove è il toner par l’Ombrello?!”




Look closer – our own buildings

With the beautiful scenery around us here in Darfo, most buildings here tend to look a bit ugly. Except perhaps that one reeeeaaally yellow building around the corner from the fruit shop, we believe butt-nasty would be the most fitting description of the state of architecture here. Then again, do we know any Italian architects besides Renzo Pianoforte? We ran a little query here at the l’Ombrello party office and that was pretty much the only one we could come up with. Anyway, the school we are staying in is pretty nasty, too. Maybe that’s the reason why there are no good architects here…. If you don’t know what it is, you’ll never miss it ;-) Let’s start with a little history. As we all know, the city we now know as Darfo Boario Terme was originally founded in 34 BC by Julius Caesar’s nanny. She was on her way to go snowboarding in Sankt Moritz, but her horse got a flat tire, exactly on the place where the tutors gym is nowadays. There was only one house, but the nanny, whose name was Dagella Darfo, was so impressed by the state-of-the-art toilet, that she decided to stay. Too bad for us, they never upgraded the toilets though. Terme is Italian for toilet, by the way. The school we are staying at was built in 1983, when education was legalized in Italy, and designed by famous local architecture




firm KaKa – they are also responsible for the workshop and events tents. The total construction costs was 24 euros – which explains the leakings when it rains – and it took 4.5 years to build. Not too quick, anyway. A quick glance at it might not make you very happy; concrete concrete concrete and aluminum windows.The inside is similarly uninteresting and linear, but also has some hidden features.




This school is the most eclectic building in the world. The amount of ripped-off elements of other famous buildings is sheer endless. It’s more eclectic than the Brussels city hall, or even Pavle’s musical taste. The staircase on the side, right next to the l’Ombrello office reminds of Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi, with its roughed-up exposed concrete and sort of monolithic appearance. The staircase on the front is more reminiscent of early art deco, in the way that it expresses itself on the outside, breaking up the horizontal direction with a diagonal movement. The overall appearance is so brutal it would give both the Smithsons a hard-on. Even Alison, known amongst friends as ‘frigid brigid’. The aluminum windows give the elevations an overall cheapskate aesthetic, while the exposed HVAC ducts (why are they even there if it’s not working anyway?! It is fucking hot inside!) inspired Rogers and Piano in their iconic Centre Pompidou in Paris. The urban plan of the school is decidly Swiss in her octagonality – perfectly clean, and optimized to maximize views of the surrounding mountains, while it could have been Dutch in its clarity of concept and scheme. And, there’s even a bit of Mediterranean in it – the construction quality. Or rather, the lack of it…

Casa Easa The review of the Easa 009 room situation has begun, Umbrella has taken a sneaky peek at all the rooms and the first results are in.

Serbia & Slovakia Space style: Cramped maze Breeze Index: 3 out of 10 Kitchen Table Index: 2 out of 10 Decoration: 10 out of 10!!!! We Like:Porno stash next to periodic table Twice the learning with one glance Jonas Brothers Posters We don’t like: The half naked Serbian enjoying the Jonas brothers and nudey photos at the same time.

Ukraine and Romania, Spain and Slovenia >> Space style: Improvised division Breeze Index: 9 out of 10 Kitchen Table Index: 10 out of 10!!! Decoration: 4 out of 10

Azerbaijan & Russia >> Space style: dance floor availible Breeze Index: 7 out of 10 Kitchen Table Index: 9 out of 10 Decoration: 3 out of 10 We Like:the clean open space We don’t like: Having to keep things clean and open

We Like:Granny style kitchen table arrangement, and get to know your neighbour roof party poster We don’t like: One person snoring in full room, and Berlin Style Wall of separation.

Malta Space style: Buffer zone Breeze Index: 6 out of 10 Kitchen Table Index: 0out of 10 Decoration: 2 out of 10 We Like:Easy access to outside stairs in case of emergency vomit We don’t like: Having to listen to others vomit near by

U M B R E L L A r c h i v e : E A S A 0 0 4 Issuu.com/EASANewspaper

E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m


Dear Diary, We all drink, the Spanish yell, the Irish sing and wrestle, the Danish dance, the Dutch create serious hi-fi noise, the Macedonians mingle, the Serbians smoke funny stuff, the Liechtensteinians speak a weird language, the Turkish smoke, the British snore like beasts, the Bosnians have photo-shoots on your bed while you sleep, the Finnish streak, the Italians swear, the Swiss’s alarm clocks go on like mad in the morning, the Polish play basketball (chill)…. We all can’t sleep until dead tired or dead drunk. We sleep on floors or stairs or bathroom tiles. We all know that architects function on minimum amount of sleep that’s why this keeps functioning. But dear architects I am sick of your shit. Sleep is good. Go-sleep-now!











P H O T O S H O P P I N G Tutorsand

Federick Christine

Bekett [DK] Boss[DK]

First of all, this workshop is not about lovely ADOBE creation (the program with the same name). It‘s all knowing more about the photography, handmade camera obscuras, taking shots, developing and of course the mysterious dark room. One of the 11 participants even mentioned – “if anyone get inside our room – we gonna pop his eyes out!”. Scary, but still fascinating! People say, it‘s super green workshop, because of the handmade cardboard cameras, but maybe except for the using of the chemical X for developing pictures. As the result, we are looking forward to see a collage made of handprinted pictures with a touch of paints and everything that can possibly come into participants‘ mind. Talking about tutors, they‘ve been called really good and lovely... Or maybe this is based on the reaction of the mysterious dark room chemicals? Who knows, but for sure we are looking for the result.

HOW TO EVOKE THE SPIRIT TutorsMarcin Kolakowski [UK] and Alan Thompson [UK] Perhaps, it‘s the most relaxing workshop this year. You can see participants playing volleyball, enjoying the EASA summer, storytelling in the shadow. But thats not all. Probably, you‘ve already spotted a giant bamboo structure in front of the workshop tent. Yes, storytelling and the bamboo thing are closely connected. The program of the workshop is to find some stories and significant places in Darfo, build some structure of the bamboo (which appeared to be an amazing material) and erect it on the special place. Participant say it‘s all about the process – seems people are enjoying obsessed, but still very democratic tutors. Marcin been called an exceptional, arguing and talking all time long, which make him very nice tutor. Currently, there are around 14 participants, some people come over for a dramatic and very artistic lectures. So, if you feel you want to know more about the bamboo structures and opportunities of this material or simply listen/share interesting story of your own – feel free to join this workshop every time. You can find these enthusiastics inside the tutors gym or.. playing volleyball on the grass in front of the event tent.

L O V E B O X Tutors- Linas Lapinskas[LT], Petras Isora[LT], Inge Urbonait [LT], Karolis Kyzikas, [LT] Today was a special day for the LOVEBOXteam: on the lawn next to the finnish tent they laid the cornerstone of BOX_ES, the Spanish winner project of the competition held in the last days. This symbolic fist box represents the place and the start of the never ending love story called LOVEBOX. BOX_ES is going to be build in the next days and should be finished by Friday. As they still dont have the materials they asked for (!!), they talked to the owner of the supermarket, who‘s providing them with boxes every evening. The team also wants YOU to help them building, so if you‘re fed up with your workshop or just want some distraction, go to the hillside tomorrow at 11.30 am and build your love: LOVEBOX desperately needs some love!

Wanted: TOI- Rune’s Review LETPAPER Its could be kind from the people who cares about the duties to out more than only ONE toiletpaper in the toilet. Marten needs soft white cotton toilet paper for his bum.


Aparently there s a goat with bigger balls than Berlusconi, just look at the picture...


- White sunglasses, probably Paddys. -Turkish USBphotocameraorforlikemixmachineormaybevisual cable -black earphone


Today is the day for the notorious sangria party by the Spanish. The 12 journalists here at Rune’s Review are proud to give all Umbrella readers a very rare and exclusive interview with Spanish NC dude Jesus Diaz. (Rune) ”So, the sangria party is tonight?” (Jesus) ”Si.” (Rune) ”Did you make a lot of sangria?” (Jesus) ”Si”. (Rune) ”Do you think it will be fun?” (Jesus) ”Si.” (Rune) ”Do you like the girls here?” (Jesus) ”Si.” (Rune) ”Is that drool coming out of you mouth?” (Jesus) ”Si.” According to Jesus it will a very good day. And now the bonus info for the day: what do you call the children of a Spanish girl and an Asian guy? \ LaChinos.

-black iron structure for SUPERMARKET CITY workshop; very important for the final exhibition.

About workshop...

The MOST selfishwastingwater workshop in the WHOOOOLE world ask us not to take their bottles of water please, you could drink duties water, but not this water.


we saw some white things in the sky, probably clouds. But dont worry.

Lecture review

A special offer to buy 4ARK at EASA. 4ARK is an architectual magazine containing articles such as “Extended me”, EASA workshop 2008. “A unusually big elch”, a conference center in north of Sweden in the shape of an 45 m high elch. And “A blind architect” an interjuv with Carlos Mourao,

(SUPER)Market Place

who since he got blind have been more conscious about how to sense architecture. The magazine is made by swedish architectstudents and there is a new themeissue every semester. Most articles are in swedish, there is some in english. Since architects are not that much for reading anyway, you can do as always and have a look at the pictures, drawings and layout. You can buy the magazine for only 4 Euro, or just borrow an issue from Kajsa in the swedish team. She is in the secret workshop. If you would like to write an article for the magazine have a look at www.0Ark.se or email kajsaborjesson@hotmail.com!

Do you have any Eurodance Music from the 90 s? Bring it to UMBRELLA Base! We need it for the grand EURODANCE this Friday!



First, food is food, its hot and we need to keep going. Dont complain about sandwiches, or breakfast. and thank God for Giorgio. Remember the bread triangle in Letterfrack. Please turn FACEBOOK off. You dont need this fucking social network site to be happy. Better to go out and poke someone in real life! You have to go to the party, to make the party, to be the party.You didnt travel 1000 kilometer to just sit around in your country room. Ask wh-wh-where is the party and DANCE.



Brolly Magazine




We have no clue what those bloody Spaniards were thinking, but it’s obvious the idea was completely buzzcocked. 600 liters of the annoyingly sweetening fruitaliscious liquor to be distributed over 6 british blokes. Not before long the nipple twisting mania got started, eliminating all little that was left of everybodies inhibitions. Making it the perfect opportunity to test the new party spot: the Gym! After the roof failed to really pump up the jam and the tent is always finished at five to twelve, this was the ideal place for Billy to test his new dress and for UK to finally squeeze that package in some sexy tights. The gym proved to be a great place for those two elctrocutie dutchies, allthough apparently the french wished for some more salsa. Maybe they just did not drink enough, leaving the spanish with a wooping 300€ profit in their backpocket for another Sangria-Night! Does not matter spanjards, it was awesome, thanks for the mindmelting hangover.

reminder for the ladies: tights are not pants... this also applies to Sam from the UK.


Sam Patterson (UK) lost his dignity, you may go look for it, but it most likely just died out of misery. Billy Mooney (IR) lost his female Virginity right after the Auction- we only found one left nipple of his body! Cecily Weeks (IR) lost her Green Cup, its the same huge thing Helen-Rose Condon (IR) is carring around the entire time during EASA. Joe Frame (UK): If you find him high-5 him!


True Romance. We believe lots of people found their EASA Flirt, since National evening is almost at the End, the Sangria Party even helped out with that! One Green Cup half full of Sangria, claim it back or we ll drink it. Too many racist remarks on the walls. Where’s the EASA-spirit in that?



The Question of the Giorno after Sangria Party WHAT IS YOUR BEST HANGOVER CURE?

Hugo (FR) Rune (DK) Olga (SER) Ralitsa Stoynova (BUL) Rakija - spirit made of plum (my A beautiful girl. And an English 2 Litres of water before bed and There is none. DDD. Wash your mouth, then the Breakfast. grandmother makes it) pill, then shower and massage your head. Then the spiciest kebab in Pavle (SER) town, and get rid of everything inside Not waking up. Ever you. 30 mins. Toilet. A good one

Thomas (BEL) Keep Drinking

Gamze (TUR) Taking showers

Dijana (MKD) Conor (IRL) Something White.... like Dioralyte before sleeping earplugs (rehydration salts for diaoherra with electrolytes)

Sean Feenney (IRL) Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hanna-Maria (FIN) Earl grey tea

Donnchadha (IRL) 2 aspirin, 1 burnt toast, Lucozade, black and white pudding, and a shot of gin.

Matt (UK) Hair of the dog. A bit of guiness, I get gas from lager and I like thick things

Matt (UK) Sven (GER) Ciara (IRL) Fried eggs, a coke, tea, and Have a shower, brush my The blue crash mat in the yogurt. Works everytime. teeth, then “Konterbier� gym Except here.

Clemes (AT) Water, 5 Litres minimum

Cecili (IRL) Jan (NL) Ice berger Ice cream - vanilla ice Waking up early with a newspaper cream sandwiched between 2 bis- and an expresso cuits, its all cold and like hmmm, and your head is all hot and its all cold




R A I N In honour of the Irish national night tonight, the gods of darfo have unleashed a storm of monumental proportions on EASA. After 6 days of scorching sun and heavy chillaxing at the lake, today will be cold, wet, wet, and wet. No need to go to the lake anymore - it came for us, and you can even choose which lake you want to dip in! There is one right here, in front of the umbrella office, and word has also come that there is another big one at the kitchen. Apparently, that one is women only - ask Giorgio why...

watch out fake umbrella sighted!

various sources have told us of the presence of a renegade news outlet here at EASA. Unfortunately, yours truly has yet been unable to lay his eyes on it, but it seems somebody is quite unhappy with the one and only media stream in Darfo. We have been informed that this magazine is run by two English people, and has a more right-wing agenda than even FOX NEWS. Bigoted, slanderous and unfounded in its news, something not quite unknown for british newspapers, we should however not be afraid of it becoming bigger than l’Ombrello. Besides, we here at l’Ombrello have got enough dirty information on the two editors that, will they ever decide to publish again, we’ll be able to slander them into oblivion with a shit storm of nasty gossip that would make the News Of The World look like a school newspaper.

found: one sleeping organizer. doesn’t look very comfortable but check out that piece of ass!

BREAKING QUESTION? seriously people, we are in italy, but where the #$%^& is the coffee?? if anybody knows where the organizers have hidden the espresso, please let us know! rewards will be plentiful aka Paul Farrell’s (UK) ass.

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m

New Dutch Craze Hits EASA

Today is a new day for us. Indeed, the Ireland rain starts this morning and changed our sunny pink sexy short coloured cotton white funny dresses into a warm dark wet long notso-funny plastic double cotton pants. And even if we cant see girls legs anymore, we have to deal with it, and Doctor Love is here for you to help. Rain could be a good reason to get close to each other, you could share your umbrella, your rain coat, your plastic bag. Also your lunch under a small roof…. Or just pretend an illness to stay in bed and to get a breakfast –in-bed. Anyway, the rain isn’t such a problem, it’s the perfect excuse to have a afternoon nap or an Brescia excursion with your new flirt. Nicolaj from Danemark told us about a pretty small bar called Chewinggum bar in the city, where you ll get a perfect Italian coffee in a quiet place. Why not? Such a good idea! Don’t get annoyed by this weather and try to keep going on! You ll certainly find a new amazing flirt in our fantastic EURODANCE party!


sorry, canceled due to lack of sun...

Everyone thinks that sex was the popular thing at EASA, but it turns out that there is a new thing called the Dutch rudder and its even bigger and better than sex. Invented by the great Martin Dasthorst himself it basically involves holding your own dangle berry while someone else shakes your arm (see diagram). “its really great cause Ive been missing my girlfriend so much and its not technically cheating. Me and Paul Farrell have been doing the double dutch rudder up in the toilet in our private room in the tutor hall, which is why it smells like rotten tuna”- Martin So just remeber the dutch rudder is always going to be 50% better than your average handjob from a EASA participant cause even if the motion is all wrong at least the grip will be just right.

Doctor Love

RAKIA <don’t let the Serbians convince you it’s not that strong> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rakia (also rakija) is fruit brandy that is produced by distillation of fermented fruit; it is a popular beverage throughout the Balkans, Italy, and France. Its alcohol content is normally 40% ABV, but home-produced rakia can be stronger (typically 60% to 80%). Prepecenica is double-distilled rakia which has an alcohol content that may exceed 60%. Rakia is considered to be the national drink among some of the South Slavic peoples. Common flavors are slivovitz, produced from plums and grozdova (also called lozovaca), made from grapes. Fruits less commonly used are peaches, apricots, apples, pears, cherry, figs, and quinces. Popular home made variant in Bulgaria and Serbia is rakia produced from mixed fruits. In the Istrian and Dalmatian regions of Croatia, rakia tends to be home-made exclusively from grapes, where the drink is also known locally as trapa or grappa (the latter name also being used in Italy). Plum and grape rakia are sometimes mixed with other ingredients, such as herbs, honey, sour cherries and walnuts, after distillation. Not in Wikipedia Usage according to grandmas: If you are sick you get a towel soaked in rakia and hold it on your forehead for the whole night. If you are really really sick you get to soak your feet in rakia. Very often homes use rakia as a window detergent (you just fill your squirter). Sore muscles can also be treated with rakia…. You can just get a rakia back rub. It works with sore throats also. Disinfection of whatever aaaaaaaand last but not least –you can also drink it!!!

Find out tonight at the danish EURODANCE Party!

Worst Experiences Ever Person: Ivan Grcic –who else?? Location: INCM Motovun, Croatia Year: 2007 Ivan got extremely high on rakia, ended up sleeping in the lobby of the sleeping place, pissed his pants and the couch. There were like 60 people taking turns to take a picture with Sleeping-pissed in his pants-Ivan. Not a proud moment.


For you the Umbrella Team went to the city of Darfo to gather helpful information and the best places in town. We’re still looking for nice bars and other useful places. Please come to Umbrella with your tips and advices - we love to test out your proposals. All in your interest of course!

1 TOBACCO-STORE “MOKARABIA”: If you run out of cigarettes (which happens a lot at EASA) or you finally want to have your own lighter and dont bother other people anymore, go to the tabacco store just next to the train station. For 3.70 € you get almost every kind of cigarettes (even winston fine white - good choice for a sore throat). The service is very good, if you are lucky you even get a huge (unfortunately empty) package of winston blue with no use, but a lot of fun potential!

3 CAFÉ “LA CONTRADA”: Next time you miss breakfast, dont wait for the sandwiches to come, just go to this nice little café and drink a real Italien coffee! 3€ for two coffees and two minearal water can not be beaten we think. But best thing is the friendly service, which makes you feel you’re at home with your mamma! Men watch out: If you go there with female company you are the one to pay! The waitress will not take any money of the girls.. Italian system, you know.

2 SUPERMERCATO “SERMARK”: Most of EASApeople have already been there, cause this is the right place to get all the tingletangle you need and of course also some nice booze for during the day. They slowly run out of some alcohols though, so get it better sooner than later. Prices are on normal level, the choice is quite big and the service is good. For tabacs you need to go to the cigarette-store though.

4 GELATERIA “GIRIGEL”: This is bella Italia! A small little Gelateria, full of the most exciting kinds of icecream, where you can cheer up your stomach again after the last night of hard partying. 1.50 € for two balls of icecream also is a nice price and it’s really worth a try. Hardcore version: 1 kilogram icecream or icecake for 12€! The handsome Italian Iceman is very happy to have you as a customer and he will always bring a smile to your face.

Easa 2008 makes fitting comeback

The Irish presentation of the EASA 008 teleology workshop documentry kicks off tonight and the irish have celebrated by bringing that thing they are famous for...... rain of epic proportions, hot whisky and leprechauns. This much anticipated half hour show is set to kick off after dinner, so everyone should be there otherwise they have threatened to keep the rain for the whole week as punishement. In preparation for this we at umbrella interviewed some of the stars of the documentry

UMBRELLA: so are you excited about tonight SEAN FEENY: zzzzzzz UMBRELLA: has the reaction to the documentry been good so far

SEAN FEENY: mmm..zzzzzz UMBRELLA: have you been enjoying easa more now that the pressure is over SEAN FEENY: zzzzzz UMBRELLA: so seosamh, you feature regularly in tonights documentry, how do you feel about that SEOSAMH O’MUIRCHEARTAIGH: Duin an doras! UMBRELLA: mmm yes yes, so will you be watching the documentry SEOSAMH O’MUIRCHEARTAIGH: Ni ceart go cur le cheile UMBRELLA: right... okay, so are you enjoying Italy SEOSAMH O’MUIRCHEARTAIGH: Ticead amhain go dti an Gaillaimh, le do thoil

UMBRELLA: so martin your in the documentry MARTIN DASTHORST: ya im really curious, i was really hung over that day, and forgot to wear my favourite pink skinny jeans, they are my favourite.

UMBRELLA: do you think the documentry will be good? MARTIN DASTHORST: im interested to see if they have captured the spirit of easa without making it look like the booze and sexfest that it is. UMBRELLA: are you getting dressed up for the show? MARTIN DASTHORST: im always dressed up, i even got a new hairband UMBRELLA:so you star in the documentry tonight CHRISTOPH HOLZ: ya i heard UMBRELLA:you excited? CHRISTOPH HOLZ: ya im supper excited UMBRELLA: so luis your in the documentry? LUIS HILTI: I havnt seen it but ya UMBRELLA: are you excited? LUIS HILTI: im not sure what manner im in it could be embarrising or good UMBRELLA: how do you feel about the rain? LUIS HILTI: nice keeps the spirit going, and it makes me nostalgic. I love Ireland.



MANIFESTO` BRELLO (pastapesto fuck the resto) – Part QUATTRO

Sanja (BOS) Just Brian, he’s sweet.

Pero (CRO) No, he’s a male.

Emer (FR) Ger (FR) Yeah definitely I’ve been check- They are all Irish boys so defiing out Matt’s sweet cheeks all nitely yes. morning,

Ben (NL) Definitately thats why i’m in this workshop.

Ville (FIN) Certainly, massively sexy but I can’t chose it would have to be both of them together.

Emelie (BEL) Janstoff (CH) Bhav (UK) No! (with emphasis and then They are really old... I chose Of course! Marten, no Dijana. giggles like it was a ridiculous Hugo because he is young. question)

61. use an old idea. 62. use somebody else’s idea. 63. humanize something perfect. 64. think global, fuck local. 65. use as many different software programs as possible. 66. don’t write manifestoes 67. speak more than one language. 68. accept differences. 69. be an asshole, except on the toilet. 70. attempt every position at least once. 71. we are not the info point. 72. don’t write job applications at easa. do it on the toilet. 73. get wet. 74. sleeping is losing. 75. tights are not pants. really, they’re not. 76. Fuck Helvetica, IMPACT rules. 77. Find your own personal Jesus. 78. Fuck the context. 79. Only write when you’re miserable. 80. Solve the world’s problems every night.



Giorgios daily thoughts Quote...

“Girls are like clouds. If they go away it’s going to be a nice day!”

“I’m not going to touch it till you wash it.” - unknown

“If there is something happening in my brain I have to write it down, otherwise it goes away.”

Will from UK, trying to kiss a girl that’s really not that into him (l’Ombrella totally understands and agrees with her), and failing to actually kiss her: “Well, i wasn’t that into you anyway...”

“Have you ever seen Ray Charles girlfriend? No? Neither has he...”





It might not sound easy being one of them, they seem to only get the dirty: teenage loving, first blunts, tags, storms and piss. Sum that up with the fact that most of the time they take up expensive space and allways occupy the last spot on the budgetlist, it’s definitly not the most fabulous job in the world. Mindblowing though is the fact that we humans made a approxiomated 1.3 billion km of these escapers, making them one of the most prominent structures in our public space. Unfortunately concrete stairs only get a small percentage in a market dominated by steel. That is a pitty because only concrete can express this pure functional engineered structure in it’s optima forma. Making it into a beautifull spectical of shadows. Offcourse Corbu was the one to recognise their powerfull possibilities, giving them a prominent spot on the side facades of l’unite. Archizone allready mentioned the beautifull piece we have in our own collectione yesterday. It is fully poured in beautiful wooden formwork and it was placed a perfect distance away from the main volume. We must be proud! The stairs might only owe their existence to budgets struggles but they give our volumes a sence of scale and they are a perfect example of the power of repetition. The fact is: the make us feel safe, or at least safer. Don’t underestimate that feeling, only your mommy can do the same. So next time you are walking your streets, don’t forget to humble yourself in their presence while taking that emergency piss.







U M B R E L L A r c h i v e : E A S A 0 0 8 Issuu.com/EASANewspaper

E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m











Tom Bennel and Matt Duggan (UK) Well its hard to say really.., you know things aren’t very clear, they seem a bit misty or foggy. But the good news is that all the participants think the tutors are very sexy (see question of the day). Matt is very pleased to hear this seeing as his cronic gas and swine flu have really been effecting his success with the ladies since he arrived. When UMBRELLA finally managed to track the tutors down they were undertaking their 2 hour brianstorming siesta in the tutor hall, sitting near the open door (on account of Matts gas) Matt explained “today the workshop begins an intense period of design in an attempt to somehow pin-point the right direction to move forward.” Mmm yes sounds specific. The workshop has tried with some smaller experiments, such as branding the water at dinner last night by Emer Mc Cabe(FR), wrapping cling film around stuff like stairs with Paddy O’Conner (IRL) and Ronan Kennys (IRL) peepshow box. More importantly everyone is having fun. So the end result is going to be bigger and better. Keep up the good work lads!!!!

Rune’s Review#3

Today Rune’s Review brings another exciting and eye-opening interview, this time with Ville Mellin from Finland. As you probably know, Ville was a Finnish wrestling profile during the 1990’s before he was brain damaged in a show match against American WWF legend The Undertaker. (RR) ”What was your alias during your wrestling career?” (VM) ”Wolf Father” (RR) ”How many years have you been involved with wrestling?” (VM) ”25” (RR) ”What is your main tactics in a WWF match?” (VM) ”To bring my 700 pounds of savage fury and take it out in the ring.” (RR) ”Are you ready for a wrestling match here at the EASA camp?” (VM) ”Bring it on.” (RR) ”Who would you like to fight then?” (VM) ”Irish Sean Feeney a.k.a. Smelly Midget” (RR) ”So you challenge him right now?” (VM) ”Probably.” Personal message to Sean Feeney. Watch your back and don’t take showers alone (not that you ever do).












Fellow EasaNs you may have noticed apparently Moustaches are back in. Umbrella has taken the time to sample some of the more interesting ones out there just waiting to tickle your fancy.

Tomas (CZ)

6.5 out of 10

David (DK)

8 out of 10

Marten (NL)

Pavle (SER)

10 out of 10!!!!

Helen-Rose (IRL)

0 out of 10

Stefan (SER)

2.5 out of 10

9.5 out of the 10





After one week of sweating days and nights, time has come for the laundry service. AS NATIONS leave them at the info-point at 11AM Tomorrow and pick them up MONDAY. Now is your only opportunity!!!!!!


there is a lecture tonight - about something. aka Garofalo Miura from italy.

excellent time to try the bullshit bingo!

5kg for 10 Euros

architectural bullshit bingo

Attending lecture after lecture might be a bit boring after a while, so l’Ombrello brings you something to spice up those lonely hours spent looking at images or hard-to-understand italienglish... bullshit bingo! this game is really simple and easy to play, with great success and lots of sympathy-booty for the winner (perhaps Paul Farrell should join). These are the steps: 1. cut out any of the following bingo cards. 2. go to the lecture. 3. pay attention. we know, this might be difficult but otherwise your gonna miss all the words. 4. whenever you hear a word that’s on your card - strike it out 5. when you’ve got a vertical or all four corners marked, stand up and shout: BULLSHIT. 6. run. it’s that easy - have fun!


> 90 EASA people lost. If you find them or their fee, please return them to the organisers. Or to Paul Farrell (UK) - he needs love too. > 1 Ground Mat - belonging to Johnny(UK) Lost due to him not using it last night as he was a dirty stop out...

Guess the Countries!

...and found

> half a dinner service of knives and folks have been left after dinner yesterday. If you didn’t have one before I suggest you go and pick yourself one up now. > one jockstrap, with skidmarks(?) and initials P.F.

concept reclaim systematic public

fluctuating hyperbolic horizontal context



threshold traces exurbanize methodology engagement

condition montage fabric three-dimensionality sculptural

elevation reclaim vertical collective

big glasses systematic horizontal experience



rhizomes roofscape vertical concept fluctuating

mobility interaction section hybridize public

ambigious reclaim engagement spatiality mapping

threedimensionality hyperbolic concept vernacular engagement



exurbanize public mobitily traces

context tradition rectangular redevelopment

hyperbolic big glasses mapping spatiality private

roofscape montage threshold concept elevation

reclaim condition traces section territory




Last night we finally saw an easa party going down, thanks to the Danish and the Dutch. And Haddaway! Officials of the Guinness world record book, who where invited by l’Ombrello, confirmed it by telephone this morning: the best party in the history of mankind happened last night, right here in Darfo. We beat woodstock, the love parade and exit festival by about 35 songs! Now, let’s see what love is tonight at the national evening!

NATIONAL EVENING INSTRUCTIONS DONT ...go swimming after you almost drinking yourself into coma! ...jump from the roof with an umbrella, nor with the L’Ombrello! ...sleep on the Railway (EASA007!) ...mix romanian palinka with anything but romanian palinka! ...drink all the drinks before national evening (right, Serbia....?) ...let El Salvador acting you with Emulsion Paint, theat wont come of ...take Pictures, it is to embarrassing. ...imitate Christoph Holz

DO ...eat as much pasta as you can!

...act like your drinking Gin Tonic, but put Water in, so no-one notices. ...if you see a suckling pig, eat it. ...take a shower before National evening, cause you wont be able too tomorrow. ...experiment with other Nations. NICE TO KNOW Be aware of the Percentage of the Alcohol you drink, just dont overload yourself too much! After you have drunk all the drinks you can drink - make out with all the people you can make out with.

Anyway, so tonight is national evening. For all new people in easa: national evening is not about culture. it is about getting fucked real hard, real fast. Make sure you use protection be responsible and take turns. People remember, this is serious stuff- even Chuck Norris got drunk on national evening.

Today on National evening is also Swiss National Day. It started about 700 hundred years ago, around 1291, when the first three independant states of Switzerland swore that they always stick together and protect the homeland. But actually no-one ever fought us, or if they did, they couldnt survive in the mountains and we had to help them getting over the Alpes. Within 700 hundred years 26 canton joined and are still gathered as the Confederation of Helvetia! Helvetia is actually a female! you go girl!Happy Birthday Switzerland!

the world map of alcohol consumption:

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m

Doctor Love

Well well well.... today Dr love is a bit wasted, cause of this amazing EURODANCE party yesterday. Anyway, he ll try to get you some tricks about how to choose a pretty girl to nail even if you already have 3.9 gramme alcohol in your blood. It already happenned to some of us to wake up with a drunken mistake in your bed. Here s some points: 1.if youre not sure, ask somebody sober 2. close one eye 3. or maybe both 4. take the phonenumber and a picture at the same time 5. hang out only with beautiful girl during the day 6. think twice before you insult her 7. get condom (1 token at the bar) 8. a hole is a hole; and a cock doesnt have eyes 9. go back to theirs and not yours – easy escape in the morning 10. and if something happen anyway; check the name in the booklet Take it easy and enjoy!

also: ye olde dutch games. speedos only - men&women ACROSS 1.That thing you do when you want to get clean..and you do it naked!!!!

13.The most english person ever..You know him..he is all over the press..

4.The super cool\best newspaper in the world that you are lucky to be reading right now..

14.The place where you queue for expensive beer..

7.How the fuck do you define fashion?well..that’s the word..fashion..write that in.. 8.That big irish guy who is singing at 6 am with an empty bottle of whiskey in his hand..

15.The guy whvo cooks for you..not his name..his profession..(?!?) DOWN 1.Some liquid food.. 2.The thing you are skipping when you are going to lake..

9.What do you need when you’re hungry?(the word is not “meat” Marko!)

3.You need this in your drink so you can go wild each night..(your gonna get a lot tonight)

11.If you don’t shower you get a really bad ....

5.Wh-whe-where is the party?..in Paul’s ... 6.That red\white drink you get for 1.50euros at the shop and gives you terrible headaches.. 9.Those colourfull things that each country has and now they are hanging allover the place.. 10.How do we call the stupid moves we do when we hear music..? 12.That thing that Marko desperately wants in his food!



DARFO HOT SPOTS A Q U A P L A N E T We pointed out another HOT SPOT in the city of Darfo: the Aquaplanet! It’s on the other side of Darfo but if you know the short way it doesn’t take more than 15min to walk there.The Umbrella team has checked it out for you - only in your interest of course!!

The admission of 8€ seems to be a lot if you can have a free swim in the lago moro, but believe us: it’s worth it! When you enter Aquaplanet you could be a bit disappointed at first because of the shitty 80ies design, but as soon as you check out the slides you will immediately turn into a big fan! Dont forget to rent a deck chair (sedia a sdraio) at the entrance for 2€ (+1€ deposit), the grass is very rare. Then lie in the sun to get the right temperature. Sleeping is not a good idea though, because you surely dont want to miss all the Italian beauties walking by (and there is a huge lot of them!)! For all the women: dont get jealous, better have a look at the pool attendants in their white speedos.. The most exciting place (besides the slides) is probably babyplanet, an area full of little fountains perfect for children and people young at heart.You also get entertained there by teens on the stage dancing to “maccarena” and “mambo no5”! The round pool is only 1.10 m deep, so you can easily promenade through it or do it like the cool kids and ride an air-ring. When you get hungry go to the restaurant and get a 5€pizza. For a very new experience of Italian food we recommend Patapizza with chips on it and a Nutella pizza for dessert. But dont try the beer, it’s disgusting and expensive.. If you have a lot of time to waste try the trampolin near the rollerplanet. It’s 1.50€ for hard 7minutes. Sporty Spice would also love the beach volley and the soccer fields. So we’d say the tutors will have a hard time keeping their participants from Aquaplanet once they discover it..

What Is Love Lyrics What is love Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more Oh, baby don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more What is love Yeah Oh, I don’t know why you’re not there I give you my love, but you don’t care So what is right and what is wrong Gimme a sign What is love Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more What is love Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh Oh, I don’t know, what can I do What else can I say, it’s up to you I know we’re one, just me and you I can’t go on

RATING***** experience:


wide slide for4 steep slide curvy slide baby slides hilly slide babyplanet animation Italian girls pool attendants food beer bars sunbathing lawn deck chairs

**** **** *** * *** ***** **** *****s ***** ** -* ? * ****

Y What is love Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more

When we are together, I need you forever Is it love

What is love Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more

What is love

Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh What is love, oooh, oooh, oooh What is love, oooh, oooh, oooh

Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more What is love Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more (oooh, oooh)

What is love Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more

What is love Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more What is love

Don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me

Oh baby, don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me no more (oooh, oooh)

I want no other, no other lover This is your life, our time

What is love?


MANIFESTO` BRELLO (eurodanco fuck the resto)

Samir (AZ) It is a passion, a desire and the lack of a possibility to live without someone or something (like an architecture for me).

Olga (UKR) It’s a desire to stay together.

Sergey (MLT) ...Ask Inessa from Ukraine!

Krista (LV) Love is in the air.

Ronan (IRL) Love is when you get over the “sex pressure”.

Aygun (AZ) Love is when the morning after is the main pleasure vs. just sex.

Abdullah (CY) ....Please HURT me!

Artjom (UK/LV) Love is an addiction.


81. What is love? 82. dont impose_ADAPT 83. Baby dont hurt me, no more 84. dont try to re-interprete 85. pavle got an headache 86. “unfortunatly, we lost“ 87. dont built pavillion, built houses 88. Yvonne isnt a KIOSK 89. dont try, DO IT 90. what about pounding pounding techno music? 91. dont make a competition if you dont know anything about rendering 92. get an inox lever 93. no more puick on the floor please 94. sweat 95. we are not the info point, but her eis the private party 96. fuck Helvetica ROSEWOOD ROCKS 97. repetition is beautiful 98. repetition is beautiful 99. ask for double boom in your room 100. High five Joe Frame

Manifesto’ disco umbrello – Part CINQUE

Marcin (UK/PL) Compassion to be interested in someone, care about someone and a lot of sex!

Linas (LT) Love is the reason you go to the LOVE BOX!

Kateryna (UKR) Love is to be egoistic together.

Dobri (BUL) It makes me wanna come back home.

Lenka (AUT) It is a really hard question... so baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more!

Anna (RUS) Love is to enjoy every small detail around you.

81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance. dance.

Giorgios hangover

After Eurodance Party during Morning duty: Yvonne Michel: “I think you are the first EASA Cook who ever did tabledancing half naked during one of our Parties!” Giorgio: “I am the only cook that got so fucked up last night!”

THE INCREDIBLE FAIRY TALE OF FRODA & MOROENORMO Lexicon flock = a grouping of sheep or goats billygoat = a male goat head of the flock shepherd = the persons who looks after the sheep and goats hermite = a person who lives alone and avoids company of others.

For a long time people thought that I was an old crazy man, just because I had seen and I knew things they didn’t. I was the only one who knew of the existence of the two beasts in the surroundings of Darfo. Of course each and every time I mentioned it people thought me a crazy Hermite. The first time I met Froda -the beast of the city- it was a very long time ago, I was still a drunker student. At this time students were disappearing after parties, leaving only empty bottles behind them. I was coming back early in the morning after a highly alcoholic party, walking on the road nearby the factory with my bottle under my arm and most of the liquid running in my veins. Suddenly an enormous dragon-like monster landed in front of me! Looking straight at my liver he opened a big mouth full of sharp teeth and snapped in my direction. I didn’t wait for the introductions and started to run towards the factory. When I reached it Froda was about to catch me with his mouth wide open ready to crunch me at once. At the crucial moment I jumped behind a concrete column and his jaws closed on the artificial rock. That’s how I survived and how Froda lost his teeth. Since then on, no more drunk student disappeared, but strange things started happening. From the day I told the villagers what happened to me they thought I was crazy. For many years nobody believed me until Moroenormo -the monster of the lake- appeared to the shepherd. It was on a stormy day, the poor shepherd had to bring his sheep to a nice and protected glade over the “Lago Moro”. When passing by the lake the storm turned into a hurricane. The shepherd was getting the sheep together to bring them to a nearby shelter to wait for the storm to pass, when the stubborn Billygoat took the head of the flock and directed them on a dangerous path nearby the lake. The shepherd couldn’t do anything he was running after the crazily driven flock. Running and yelling after the possessed sheep he knew they were heading to a certain and violent death! When suddenly an enormous scary creature emerged from the lake and let out an awful terrifying scream...

Newz flash

Big Joe Frame has arrived!!! at last the long awaited return of big Joe Frame happened today, and guess what, he is wearing shorts, yes thats right, he once vowed never to wear shorts and spent 2 weeks in greece wearing only black skinny jeans, but is now sporting a nice blue set(see photo).The arrival of Joe also means that tonight is the first offical meeting of the high rise fun club, granted national night is also this evening but the high rise fun club has promised to have their own table where you can get free things for tall people, like really long jeans and extra leg room on ryanair flights and clown shoes. umbrella caught up with el presidente himself Tomas(BEL) and asked him about how he feels about the arrival of one of its founding members. “im really happy that Joe is here, even though i think those shorts make him look shorter than i remember” (tomas wipes away silent tear). Alex Maxwell was also seen sheading tears of joy at Joes arrival, “i was lost without Joe at the sangria night and had to drink all the plonk by myself, i think, well i cant really remember... fuck it I love you Joe Frame” There will be a special queue this evening at the UK stand where if you wait long enough you might just get a chance to chat with our beloved Joe. Tomorrow will be a full meeting of high rise and arm rest club members, so all new tall people get yourself an arm rest its the ultimate accessory. Remember meeting at 2am at Tomas and all members must be at least as tall as Paul.










Well, as we all know, last night was pretty epic dancing. Even with the shitty internet here we managed to get 229 extremely dirty eurodance tracks. So dirty, that Rune, the Danish DJ, lost his voice. But he had to communicate with Marten to make sure what crazy hit would be next.

yes, that is an english word!)

Thanks to amazing microsoft word, this is what happened next:

Best architecture office in the world. Period.

Marten.. if you need something fucking fast.. la bouche – be my lover... Plus.. we got our first request for the new easa009 song... (from cristoph holz...) you know what.. haddaway – what is love. I dare you. Put it on. See what happens Please give it back to me. I need it. I want it! I eft it in the sleeping hall I’ll wait for you Now? Si! I have no more voice to give Ok Nice hair cut xxxx

But really...? why are easa people so easy...? this is like the best party ever. Officially True.. and we did it together! It was not the dutch. It was not the danish. It was marten and rune! Hail NL Artchitects!

Bla bla bla helen rose. Shut up before you regret it. And so you did. I’ll just copy-paste what i said earlier: ” you know what.. haddaway – what is love. I dare you. Put it on. See what happens”

And the alcohol. And all the eurotrash music WE KILLED MICHEAL JACKSON! NOT HE BOOGIE BUT US!

Ctrl-s dont forget to save it!!!

Long ive the 90s!! And the danish and the dutch. We never came along. Except for the fact that we like the 90’s. So i guess this is it!? No we still have montell jordan Well... you know.. danish food’s still better than dutch But we have weed. So do we. But it’s illegal. We like to live on the edge We like to make rules forn everything. Even i its stupid rules... dont talk about the dutch weed policy. Its more diffcult than cricket. Blablabla... stupid rules, stupid people... things go hand in hand, y’know Djs go hand in hand And montell jordan and house of pin. Jakob where did you get your grills from? Shit he left.. so marten, why do you wear glasses AND contact lenses at the same time? Is that your secret? Did i just de-mysterize you? (and

Why isn’t rune dancing???? You cunt!

OK, so I did, and eros loves us, the police loves us, easa loves us. Why can’t we get laid?

Well, was busy doing the first easa party of this year to all of you very-unthankful-cuntfuckers.. so what have you been doing, H-R? Lake?

Because i have a girlfriend. What about you rune?

Bla bla bla, dance you mother fucker!!

Different in the way that my girlfriend is actually good-looking

no matter what we do, we made the first real easa party! Respect!

Marten dashorst, i like you because you have so much self-humour... anyway what do you what to say?.... hat i ike the cock... because i had (i am helen rose)

Don’t blame on the boogie! Blame it on us!


i love you too!!!! ’ hi5


Big fish little fish cardborad box, learn thaat shit, ts 101 dancing!

Different? Ht, as in boyfriend?



I dont know if ive already said this, but this is like the entire umbrela for tomorrow


We should save this and put it n umbrella


Yeah! Fuck them and winy maas!

Same same but different

I’m drunk + i have no voice... so what’s up?


Okay seriously. Les stop talking about sexual preferences. Lets get nback to music. Grease really sucks anyway.... its way too olivia newton john travolta (that would have been her name is they had married). Lets get back to dancing!

Fuck you

Im so drunk


Dont worry about the music. We can play what we want... Good way to end the topic......................... anyway i think we should try haddyway again ’cause it’s the new easa sooooooooooong! (and you all know it, though we don’t want it to be. Shit happens) Shit sucks.and it stinks Sure does. Just like the pedalos which i tried the first time today.. i think ghostshitting is very potential in those things.. because your legs are (like) so spread out.......! Oooho! Today i had a ghost shit! And than an easa shit.... not good.... i didnt take a photo. What is an easa shit? When you shit on your on legs? Nooo! When you have both ghost shit and diarhea. Its dirty. Bit like paul farrell Amazing! But paul farrelll is mr. Easa shit. Everyone knows. That’s why he walks like he’s crimpled. Don’t make fun of it, though. Bad easa spitit..... By the way... somebody is smoking weed in here..., bring it to the djs!!! Yeah.. who let the serbs out................... not that i’m prejudgists (or whatever you brit cunts call it) The irish are clearly the best dancers..... yeay we ve practiced! ..... aone in front of the mirror... ehem...my mum says i m special! Yeah hellen rose, your mom’s a slut and so are you. What do you want to say rune? Rune takes it up the ass...and like it!... i cant get to slee man, keep it dwn!

I’ll do it 2morro (yeah I know the fancy smslanguage) if you play your tune........ the sexy1 DANCE DANCE DANCE!!! Ville merril will kick sean feeney’s ass and i’ll battle all y’all shitty irish in breakdanishing! So what’s up with that, punk? Well, you think that i got 24 iraish here for the craic? Let me tell you that’s a fuckin Rugby squad... watch your step Rune! I know you are but what am I? A fuckin gay!!! I already told you! Now go dance or else I am going to steal your teddy bear ”buddy”.. yay that’s right how do you like that shit! Whatever. Marten, i think the eurodance’s over............ we played already for like 7 hours. Let’s give em what they want..... whatever that is.. probably: the knife, italian fireflies, blabla... Or just a little bit of cher .... ;-) For show. But after that play mgmt – kids... because that was the easa song of last year because of some cunt who didn’t make it to italy... he’s probably a friend of thomas. The tall fuck. Excellent party, makes jamie really horny... Bring her here and we’ll tell her what to do Jamie is a guy, dutch guy I know. But (don’t tell this to anyone, though) marten is pretty keen on him Fix it mix it And that’s the end folks! This is probably never gonna be published (thank god) ’cause we’re all on drugs and very fuckt but we did a nice party! YEAH! uncut and uncensored - just like you like it!



8.00 pm Lecture-dinner at the canteen During the lecture the dinner is serving, you don`t need to bring your dishes with you, because the pasta should be already prepared on plates. So you will be able to take your pasta and participate in the lecture. 10.00 pm The national evening will take place at the canteen. Tomorrow 02.08.2009 Excursion-day You can choose between four different excursions. Read below and sign in your name at the infopoint as soon as possible. Excursion1 Boattrip to Monteisola Coach+Boat to the Island 10.- Euro min. 40 PPL

Rune’s Review

Today everyone’s talking about yesterday’s Danish/Dutch 90’s party. Everyone seems to have had a good time. The bar sold 4x more than usual. The police came by and said there was no complaints [for once] and we could continue playing music. The Irish was naked. €<3 had sex.Yes, everyone was happy. Also, it seems that we found this year’s EASA song. Interestingly, it is a song that no one really wants to be the new EASA song. We would prefer something fancy, something electronic, something new, something cool. Because we are architects and we are the most cool people in the world. However when the music is playing and people are dancing, we don’t seem to care about that. We just want to jump on each other’s shoulders and scream out with full power: WHAT IS LOVE?!

Guess the Countries!

Excursion2 Borno Adventureland Coach+Adventurepark 19.- Euro Coach+Adventurepark+Barbecue 30.- Euro min. 40 PPL Excursion3 Capo di Lago Horseriding 15.- Euro Pedalo 10.- Euro Excursion4 Capo di Ponte Unesco Site/Graffiti Park Coach+Park+Tour Guide 15.- Euro min. 40 PPL


Lots of People lost things during the EURODANCE Party, it wont all fit in here , but when you find things, bring it to the Infopoint! Natasha (LV) loste her black hat with a flored flower on it during the Sangria Party! Didi from some country lost her grey jacket/ jumper. It has a pin on the right side. If you find it at least return the pin because she loves it! Guess you can keep the jacket.... Marten (NL) lost the beautiful head band he was wearing last night and now a dutch girl is angry with him... please bring it back! Cecily (IRL) lost her blue hawaii shirt....


Joe Frame (UK) has arrived at EASA009: high -5 him when you see him. It is easy cause he is very tall!

Quotes of the Day

“WHAT IS LOVE?, BABY DONT HURT ME, DONT HURT ME...NO MORE!” “BOOM BOOM BOOM, I WANT YOU IN MY ROOM...!” “I am so hot, i have a fever all the time” - Fred (BE)


The 10 worst things that could happen to you if you leave your room

1.you might need to work in your workshop..ooh nooo!!!! 2.you might have to speak english.. 3.you might meet too many people and remember no names.. 4.if you get drunk you might not remember where your room is.. 5.you might not find a free computer to check your friends on facebook.. 6.in case u find a free computer and your finally on facbook,some asshole from umbrella might kick you out cause “they have to work”(and you’ll think “yeah right,it’s not even a real workshop”) 7.in case you eat outside with everybody, someone might steal your food,or plate or something..who knows..crazy people all over the place.. 8.they might not have the software on the computers so you can play poker online,(so yeah, better stay in there and disturb everybody else in your room..Ukraine) 9.you might actually get the umbrella and read all this shit.. 10.you’ll have to wear more clothes than your underwear,so why get out..


does not include girls, so try to find another world for calling a group of People! Alternative Words: Guys & Dolls, Better: Guys & Girls PPL Party Peepz YO Collective Mass Massive Horde YO Dogs Homies (Homs) YO BIZNITCHES BIZNUBBIS (Just for Girls) Gaggle



N A T I O N A L E V E N I N G National evening was really a hard night to survive and it has always been one of the hardest nights to remember in easa.So maybe we can help you recall a little bit of what happened. If you managed to get away with the vampire bite and the romanian palinka,or you didn’t get hurt by the swisstenstein fireworks, or the spanish torro didn’t get you while trying to get that wonderful Agua de Valencia, you were probably forced to have the serbian poison (is that legal?!). On the other hand you could have experienced eating sausages from very special places\finnish body parts. In case you are wondering why you had all those stars on your face, ask the belgian smurfs about it(who by the way,put beer even in their pancakes),cause it is a very interesting story.After runing around the dutch table in the chair game you could just grab an irish coffee, some armenian cigarettes and maybe some danish hot dog and chill down a bit. The Austrians, Germans and the Dutch were the main beer providers and France, Azerbaijan and Georgia the classy wine distributors.The russian people were very delicious,literally,cause you could eat crackers out of their bodies.Maybe those greek gods got mad at us for drinking all their ouzo and now we got all this rain from them. For those of you who were looking for some adrenalin and pain the british had that terribile bulldog game,and of course, gin tonic and we must not forget the turkish viagra.As if vodka is not strong enough anyway, the unkrainians served it with pepper.The hangover must have hurt really bad if you mixed all this with slovakian slivovica or rum,Czech slivovice and beer, slovenian snops and some moldavian cognac.I don’t know if those italians cheated and if the tiramisu was made by Giorgio, but that was totaly delicious. Those portuguese people were burning everything down at their table, especially sausages(that must be like the main dish in Europe cause we had them from all it’s parts).We had some lovely cake from the polish people,great sweets and heavy alcohol from Belarus,something called semlor and hembrannt from Sweden(you would have never remembered these names, right?) and

of course the lovely Cuba libre from Latin America.As you go through the balkans you can find all kinds of rakia(10000 degrees or something), from Albania,Macedonia,Bulgar ia,Croatia (only them had 3 different types) or Montenegro(and yes, they are all different from each other!!!).If you passed by the hungarian table you probably found another deadly palinka and some Unicum. Kosovo served their main dish “flia” and some great national desert called “sutliash”.From Latvia you had some Riga Black Balsam(yes you did,you just don’t remember).Call 999 for Lithuania!That’s their drink and it has their flag colours. Pretty cool huh?If you got to Malta you had some “bajtra liquer”.We all

love cheese and sweets so we have to thank Cyprus for that. Seems like nobody really remembers what drinks Norway and Bosnia had.You guys must have had some strong stuff there. Anyway, in the end these are some of the things we remember and it’s probably half of everything that was up on the tables. Oh, people were up on the tables too, and everything became a huge chaos after we finished our drinks and started partying.So now maybe you understand yesterdays hangover better!Thank you all for all your goodies and please make sure that you have nothing left in your luggages. We wouldn’t want you to accidentally go back home with it!

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m

Guidebook Photo award yes thats right, when you all submitted your EASA applications we entered you into the Easa beauty competition, here are the results. Except for Malta or Slovakia who apparently don‘t have any cameras, and Poland and Portugal who afraid they will lose their souls. Submit your photos people, we cant judge you with out them. over all winner.......

W I N N E R >>>>>>>>>>>

Special mentions Puppy face – Rune Madsen (Denmark)

Best fake smile - Yvonne Michel (Switzerland)

Most hands – Elsa Deconchat (France)

Best cleavage – Katrine Vivana Bertoletti Meneses (CLEA)

Psycho strapped into the electric chair – Pekka Ljas (Finland)

Best body part – Victor Sierra (Switzerland)

Porn star pose – Lala Abdullayeva (Azerbaijan)

Best cum face – Christoph Holz (UK)

Best angry face – Jan Loerakker (Netherlands) Best accessory – Danko Balog (Croatia)

Best Micheal Jackson impression – Lena Grudenic (Serbia)

What the fuck is that? - Paddy Roach (Ireland)

Best Photoshop – Javier Guerra (eeeSpain) Best Hair – Karolis Kyzikas (Lithuania)

Pimp Daddy – Samir Salakhov (Azerbaijan)


Best smile - Matt Lambert (UK)

is hiding inside from the rain, praying for sunshine tomorrow.

Jihum Kim (UK), seriously 10 out of 10 for the out fit that your mother chose, blank background, serious face and good resolution. If this was a job interview you would have it but unfortunately its not and it just screams EASA virgin, if you recognize this guy out by him a drink so he might have a better chance of getting laid.

El croquis Pose – Eros Laini and Vincenzo Donadio (Italy)


Doctor Love

Today your favorite Doctor Love made a LOVE test for you... Listen to your heart, and answer... (or close your eyes and enjoy).


1.What is the meaning of love for you: a. a dog, a garden, a sun and 3 beautiful children and a well agenced kitchen b. Baby don’t hurt me c. Lips and ass (maybe eyes...) d. wanna fuck? 2. What could you sacrifice for a girl/boy you like in easa? a. everything and more, easa love is my life. b. Maybe my plastic plate if i dont need it c. nothing, im gonna get a beer right now d. wanna fuck? 3. During the party, your wanted boy/girl is kissing another... what would you do? a. falling on my knees in front of her/him and crying during the whole night b. try to find another better one, maybe in the Dutch team, full of amazing models c. asking Neal Patterson to help you (he s very rude) d. asking for a threesome 4. Youve already a boyfriend/girlfriend, but of course, he/she s not at EASA: a. Are you crazy? I spend my whole day on facebookchat with him/her, dont ask me such stupid question. b.You dont care, we are in EASA, out of reality c. You broke up immediatly when you arrived, how can I resist ? d. wanna fuck? Result of the test: Majority A: love for you is everything, youre partner counts more than your mother life and your Horoscope told you that you’ll get married as soon as possible. Majority B: love is great, and you do care about it, but you dont want to be too much involved in a relationship.You’re sensitive and trust in your destiny. Something’s gonna happen before the end of this EASA... Majority C: Indeed Love is important for you but youre fuckin very jealous, and if Neal Patterson (IRL) is next to you, you do not have to hesitate to ask him for a little service... Anyway, youve some difficulties to resist if an incredible beauty like Jamie Siebel (NL) try to kiss you! Majority D: I think you already understand what up about you. Youre a fuckin obsessed and horny as hell, EASA is made for that, and I ve still have some tokens left, wanna go for a drink...?

1 TABACCHI-STORE: Last night all of the EASAians run out of cigarettes and only some of us were Italian enough to use the cigarettes vending machine. So in case you notice your cigarettes are melting like ice in the sun, because you give all of them away or just smoke far to much go to the tabacco store just round the corner and get some new packages.



For you the Umbrella Team went to the city of Darfo to gather helpful information and the best places in town. We’re still looking for nice bars and other useful places. Please come to Umbrella with your tips and advices - we love to test out your proposals. All in your interest of course!

2 PHARMACY If you hurt yourself in a not so hard way, or just partied too hard, and you think some pills can arrange some abatement go to the Pharmacy next to the cityhall.The nice shopassistant can talk english and will give anything you ask for, just don`t abuse his confidence.

3 IRISH PUB “CONARY MOR“: If you can`t find the party and the only thing that can rescue your night is a Guinness, go and get one in the irish pub 10min way from the EASA Campus. Just ask the irish guys for the right behavior in a irish pub, and then enjoy your irish night in Italy.

4 AMERICAN BAR: If you can`t find the Irish people to ask about the Irish pub, go straight ahead pass the Irish pub and you can get some chilled American drinks in the american bar, where the beautiful people are and they can talk english!



Katherine (Venezuela) The food, all the drinks, and the Dutch jumpin around. La Rumba!

Eva (GR) I remember half naked people walking and running around and wondering where they were.

Jon (IRL) tasty drinks and tasty food. And foam party!

MANIFESTO` BRELLO (natiolagofesto fuck the resto)

Ivana/Irina/Cheryl/Nathalia (HUN) Rakia, Everyone who tried Rakia.-the spanish sangria, I fell on the bull and broke it!

Stef (NL) Pekka s dick which was quite tasty!

Flavia (IT) A lot of dead people, a lot of rakia as well and fun! Abdullah (CY) People throwing up all over the place, you have to watch out.

Carla (uk) Not a lot, but I woke up with swiss crosses on my nipples!

Fran (Spain) Rakia, after that I didn’t remember anything!

– Part SEI

101. Honour thy error as hidden intention. 102. You are an engineer. 103. Accept advice. 104. Think of the radio. 105. Consult other sources. 106. Make a sudden destructive, unpredicatble action. 107. Incorporate. 108. Decorate, decorate. 109. Abandon normal instruments. 110. Use filters. 111. Disconnect from desire. 112. Remember the quiet evenings. 113. Do the words need changing? 114. Just carry on and keep calm. 115. Reverse. 116. Consider different fading systems. 117. Don’t be afraid of things because they’re easy to do. 118. Destroy nothing. 119. Destroy the most important thing. 120. Is it finished?

Quote of the Day

“I think the only option left for me is death: Peneso che l’unica opzione per me ora sia morte” *

Giulia (IT) Annoying Italian people that I tried to get out. And I watched the Bullshit British Bulldog.

Inna (Moldovia) Nothing. We liked the spanish food very much!

Giorgio’s Quotes

- If you can think of it, I’ve done it. - I really do not understand how a girl can resist me! - Before EASA I thought I was out my mind... Now I know I’m the only one who’s sane!










VIGANELLA - the town that knows no sunshine. As we all know from last year, a little sunshine now and than is very good for your general health. And where Ireland is known as the country where it rains 398 days a year, this year’s host nation, Italy, is more famous for her abundance of sunshine (except for today - we apologize for that ;-). But not all places in Italy are as sunny as Darfo. About 200 kilometers to the west, in a valley very close to the border with Switzerland, is a little mountain village called Viganella. General information is pretty sparse on the place, besides that it has about 200 inhabitants, and an area of 13,97 square kilometers. Viganella would have been just another up-the-mountain village, struggling for survival after most people, especially the youngster, moved away to the big city in search for jobs and entertainment, if is wasn’t for one special thing that makes it completely special: for 83 days a year, Viganella is deprived of all sunshine. Because it is in such a steep valley, every year on november 11, the sun goes behind the mountains more than 1,000 meters above, not to return until february 2. People from the northern countries like Finland and Norway may have experience with the phenomenon of the midwinters night, but not here in Italy. It’s quite easy to get depressed about the lack of sunshine, and you can only drink so many wines to forget, so the residents of Viganella came up with an ingenious solution: they built a mirror a bit higher up the mountain, where the sun does shine, and positioned it in such a way that the town square does receive sunlight during those dark days. With the mirror fully functional, the people that tended to stay inside all day long, now go out again and have a party at the sunlit square.The mirror is operated through a remote computer on the mayor’s desk and is completely tricked out to follow all sneaky moves the sun makes during the day.The money for the mirror, about a 100,000 Euros, was put together by the residents themselves and a bank. Already, other not-so-geographically-sexy villages from all around the world have contacted the mayor on how to do this terraforming photoshop trick. And all you other people out there, just remember that mirrors are not only useful to show how messed up you look after a night of heavy boozing. Shine on!










Neals rampage on campus

We are sure that as you have been walking around the campus lately you’ve been seeing more and more EasaNs on crutches, with bandages and the like. After the very engaging game held by Team UK on National Evening, Umbrella thought it was time to categorise these into an Injury report to A. help those injured by you not having to ask them what happened; and B. We all like to share. Thomas Cattrysse Teuta Kelmevdi Ger Brennan (IRL) (BEL) (KV) Injury: Dislocated AnInjury: Torn and Injury: Massive Graze kle, and 2 Breaks in the twisted ligament in foot. the knee How: I fell from my bicycle on the mounHow:The incident hapHow: I was walking tain cause I misused the pened when playing a around in the forest brakes, on Neal Patterfriendly game of Britand in front of me, son’s advice. ish Bulldog. Basically there was Neal Patgot tackled the shit out terson in a fancy lion Recovery: 2 - 3 weeks, of by Neal Patterson. dress. He tried to we are all happy it attack me, so I took wasn’t more serious. Recovery: After mulmy pencil (cause artiple surgeries, and chitect always have “Doctor said it was a recovery time, it is beautiful scar” suspected that Ger will pencil), and I poked his eyes out (as a blind never be the same. But lion cant attack you anymore). And If you we hope not dont believe me, ask Jeanne, to tell you what happened and i wont have to explain the same story again. Thank you Jeanne! Kristin Karlsson Matilde Ignal CapRecovery: 2 Months Mininum. Sucks to be (SWE) devila (SPAIN) you. Injury: Insanely Big Injury: Sprained Ankle Bruise How: I fell running, How: “Bristish Bullshit (cause Neal Patterson Bulldog game. A baswas chasing me.) tard tackled me (probGer Brennan (IRL) ably was Neal PatterRecovery: 2 weeks Dislocated Ankle, and 2 Breaks in the foot. son), when i’ll find max him, hes dead!” (she Justyna Juchimluk (PL) loved it really) Concussion after being hit in the head by a locals Knee Recovery: A bruise of this scale 3 - 6 weeks Teuta Kelmevdi (KV) Massive Graze from falling off her bike

Full List of Injuries:

Matilde Ignal Capdevila (SPAIN) Hurt her foot

Ronan (IRL)

Marina Lilushina (RUS) Poked herself in the eye with her own finger

Injury: Seriously Messed up knee and elbow

Thomas Cattrysse (BEL) Torn and twisted ligament in the knee

How: Getting Body slammed off the stage by a girl.

3 tutors of Lovebox Linas Lapinskas (LT) Lost a nail on a toe


Neal Patterson (IRL) Injury: Bruised Knee How: Bringing the pain, in the British Bulldog

Recovery: Injury - a lot better already. Dignity - well...

Recovery: Already on a good road to recovery, 23 Hours max, you have all been warned!!

Inna Bakka Sem - Olsen (NW) Infection (but will be back tomorrow!)

Justyna Juchimluk (PL)

Donnchadha Gallagher (irl)

Ronan Kenny (IRL) Hurt knee from falling off the stage dancing, Hurt elbow from falling off his bike.

Injury: Concussion

Injury: Massive Hangover

Karolis Kyzikas (LT) SEVERE achilles tendon break ....... Damaged his ankle

Dimitry Kahov (BUL) Ankle Carla Smyth(UK) Foot issues Kristin Karlsson (SWE) Insanely Big Bruise

How: Minding her own business at the lake, chilling out, then getting face planted with the knee of a local jumping into the water Recovery: A day or so


How: Neal Patterson forced me to drink a lot of alcohol yesterday, and also the days before. He also hit me when I was sleeping with a 5 litre bottle of cheap wine. Recovery: Whos knows... maybe never





tutors Paul O’Brien, Kevin Kelly, Sean Attley, Kieran Donnellan ( all Irish ) There has been a lot of hype about this workshop and rightly so. This large scale two storey construction boasts a 7x7 ground floor plan, with a office/meeting/gallery area on the first floor. The concept is based on the Italian Loggia typology, where the ground floor is left open and to the elements and the first floor contains the functions. With a central staircase holding the main elements of the structure. The location of the site is the tricky part of this workshop, as it is located 4.79km away from the main EASA campus and participants are bused back and forth every day.The actual site is the private tennis club of Boario Terma. Located in the North Eastern end of the town (see getting there instructions). While having the construction site on private grounds has its perks, such as toilets, a shower and an office it has also resulted in less control over the project than the tutors would like. “We wanted to keep the ground floor completely open and free, in keeping with the loggia concept, but it looks likely that they will enclose the ground floor when we are finished and leave. They have included water access pipes in the ground floor slab for a bar” - Kieran.

The tutors are very committed and excited about their undertaking such a large task and even sacrificed their time on the excursion day spending a whopping 10 hours preparing and fixing things on the site so that things would be running smoothly when he participants arrived today. Indeed when umbrella




arrived everyone was busily sawing, sanding, chiselling and measuring. “today is actually a bad day to report on cause we are preparing all the modular units for erection tomorrow. When all the parts are ready we should be able to erect the basic structure in an hour or two” -Paul The project though hasn’t been smooth all sailing, such as absent participants and most recently the injury or Ger Brennan (not workshop related). “Ger is a big loss and will be sorely missed” - Paul. Also heavy rain on one of the days has resulted in the abandonment of an entire days work, and the timber got wet making it harder to work with.Transport to and from the site has also been a major issue and can result in a lot of wasted time in the mornings. In fact when umbrella was there Giorgio himself drove down 5 of the people who had been stranded at the campus for over and hour and a half The scale of the project itself is impressive and with the over all floor area of 98m2 it has the area of a small house. Umbrella managed to drag EASA dino Conor O’Brien away from his hard work to try and get a sense of scale and comparison from previous years. “Its the biggest project since the Econ pavillion in Denmark 2003, which cost like 100,000 to build. The loggia project uses pretty simple construction though so it shouldn’t take too long to put up. In 2005 there was the swiss

pavillion, which was smaller but was made of solid timber. The lunch box was the permanent pavillion in Ireland 2008 and even that was a lot of work to get done on time. We have a lot of work to do here.” When asked if they would be finished on time the tutors remained optimistic “Id be disappointed if we didn’t. But we are relying on so many outside factors that every time one thing gets pushed back (such as welding) that pushes it all back a day. But don’t worry there are plenty of other things to do in the mean time” - Kieran So if you get a chance to make it out to make it out to the Loggia site I would take it, with the structure set to go up over the next day or two, its going to be one of the most impressive permanent pavillions ever built.




! R E S P E C T !

can everyone stop getting injured. In the time it takes you read this newspaper, an EASAn will have to be taken to hospital. We are not a charity, we don’t want your money (we do) but there are various ways in which we can help ourselves and our surroundings. If we carry on the way we are doing, it will not be climate change that kills us, but lack of a school building. After the local police and school governing body could not stop the EASA juggernaut, the military police came on to the campus to make sure their beautiful institution will not be reduced to a pile of rubble before term starts up again in a month. Luckily for us we had escaped on horseback or moved to another lake. The result of this military intervention is that we have to CALM THE FUCK DOWN people. That means TWO proper party in a week is way to much, because the floor might get a wee little bit dirty, or the walls might get a beer or wine stain, making the graffiti un-readable. So this week prepare your self for one party (perhaps) that will be all wrapped up by midnight, so that the neigbours don’t complain, like. We do also like to advocate a little decency and cohabitational knowledge. Even after the Umbrella ran an exposé on toilet manners last week, people are still using the toilets for plate cleaning etc. There is a designated washing up space on the other side of the kitchen, so please use and and leave the loos for your nasty busines...


> information. If you know where to find it, please bring it to the infopoint. They are in heavy need for it.


> 2 pairs of glasses > 1 irish frisbee which is not a plate. please fly it back to sean feeney in ireland > 1 pair of broken raybans > assorted cutlery and eat-stuff > blue participants bracelet > red tutors bracelet > headphones > lowepro black camera bag > 1 irish clover. bad luck for the person who lost it... > 1 t-shirt saying “she’s so lucky”. don’t know about that though... > underwear. with skidmarks > assorted flip-flops.


IS NOW ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT EASA010 UK in Manchester INCM009 Liechtenstein


Weather report for Darfo





EASA terminology guide to help all you freshers out EASA – european architectural students assembly NC – national contact SESAM – small european students of architecture meeting INCM – intermediate national contacts meeting Pivo SESAM – EASA weekend meeting with drinks (at least two EASA people drinking beer required) So what exactly is an INCM, well it usually happens in November for a week, and as the name might suggest its where all the NCs meet up and discuss EASA things, such as the guide, policy‘s, ethics, codes of conducts and best methods of practice (yawwwnn). The most exciting part however is the choosing of the location of EASA in 2 years time. Sometimes there is a workshop lasting half a day up to three days and an exhibition (yawwwn). Anyway despite all the bureaucracy, it is still loads of fun and has

a much smaller more intimate feel, with around 80 participants. So without spoiling any of the fun of tomorrows presentation we caught up with Luis Hilti one of the organisers of the event and possibly the most Liechtenstiener person you will ever meet “even the royalty in Liechtenstein are not as Liechtensteiner as me, they just bought the country” UMBRELLA: so Luis the INCM is in your home town in Vaduz the capitol of Liechtenstein, how is the preparation going? LUIS: What Valdulz? It‘s not my home town I live like 2km away. UMBRELLA:so what kind of stuff do you have planned for the INCM LUIS: its pretty confidential but let me say that the presentation is going to kick ass so everyone should attend. UMBRELLA: so what‘s the local drink in Valdulz LUIS: ahh this is a great story, in my country we have few great moments and they are • the founding of my country

• when democracy started and then failed • and when our own beer was started 4 years ago, its soo good that it has already won loads of awards. Its called Brauhaus Liechtenstien. UMBRELLA: how long does it take to drive across your country? LUIS: like an hour UMBRELLA: really that long LUIS: ya with traffic.... without like 30 minutes. Ya the traffic is terrible, the population of the country doubles during the day with all the Swiss people who work there. Imagine what effect all the EASA people will have there. The INCM is just an excuse for me to have my own country UMBRELLA: WHAT????? LUIS: ya basically if over half the population of a village votes for independence they can become an independent state. Its one of the articles in our constitution. I have this small town picked out called Planken, its defensively strong with about 250-350 inhabitants, but loads of them are children and people who don‘t vote, so we could easily get all the EASA people to vote and then EASA would become an independent state. UMBRELLA: wow wow, this sounds amazing LUIS: yes the next step would be to take over the neighbouring town Schaan. Maybe next year when EASA as a country becomes stronger. Well on that note, umbrella would like to announce the opening of the new EASA country flag design competition. Remember no flag no country. Thank you Luis, we are all looking forward to the presentation.

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m


Doctor Love

Chat up Lines from Dr. Love

•Do you believe in love at first sight? or do you think i should walk past again? •Pick a number between 1 and 10... sorry you lost, you‘ll have to take off all your clothes. •Are your legs hurting because you‘ve been running through my mind all night long. •Are those trousers made out of Space Shuttle tiles because your ass is out of this world • I think i need a map,because im gettin lost in your eyes! • are u any good at catching?(yes) Good because there is 2 balls coming your way!! • how about we go back to mine and do some maths, you divide your legs and ill add the pleasure! • I was going to ask for a light, but you have already lit my fire! • my tongue is tired can i rest it on yours • Im desperate, your ugly, lets get it on! • Somebody call the police coz she has stole my heart • my names “xxxx”, just so you know what to scream later. • whats the largest export of Brazil ? Coffe! yeh! sure your place or mine? • Was your dad a terrorist....because hell yeah you are definitley the BOMB

• Here‘s 30 pence, ring your mum and tell her your not coming home tonight. • nice cloths, but i recon they‘ll look better on my bedroom floor • have you got a mirror in those pants because i can see myself in them • Sit on my knee and we will talk about the first fing that pops up! • Are you from tennesse? youre the only ten i see. •There are 256 bones in your body! Would you like another? • well who stole the stars and put them in your eyes ? • im a pretty big deal round here • im going to the shower, wanna cum? •get in the van i have a knife • did it hurt when you fell down from heaven?

Big meeting tonight of the arm rest fun club. At long last the arrival of our beloved president Ruth Hynes (irl) means that the official meetings can start, the injury of high rise el presidente Thomas(bel) has resulted in less frequent meetings of the high rise fun club, because they havnt been able to see him due to the fact that he is sitting down most of the time. But 2 night we have arranged a special meetin of the arm rest club. In order to be in the arm rest club you must be selected by a high rise club memeber as their offical arm rest. Topics on the agenda for all arm rest members will be • cheering ruths arrival, and singing of our club song “all the small things” by blink 182 •

not hitting your head on door frames

being comfortable on flights

being able to sit on peoples shoul ders at concerts

small sizes always leftover during clothing sales

not having to bend down as much


Bring your high rise member and meet at Ruth Hynes at 2 am.

• If I could re-arrange the alphabet, i would put U and I together... •(dropping an ice cube) now that ice is broken, wanna fuck? •Youre so in love with me (Pavle from Serbia) •where are u from? •the word of the day is legs, now go around and spread the word babe

E A S A 0 11 e e e e . . . S p a i n Here at the umbrella in an endevour to dispell all the EASA 2011 rumours we have caught up with Francisco Javier Rodriguez Perez (spanish NC), in an attempt to clear things up. With a lot of competition between the different countries to host the event we can reveal that the eeeespanish line up is second to none. Here is the set up so far. Location: Madrid, Francisco home (Frans exact address withheld) Theme: Renovation Food: pallela and tapas, every day, cooked by Frans very own mom, with love and care. Drink: Sangria, Sangria, Sangria. In fact Fran assured me that in eeeSpain the Sangria flows freely from all the taps instead of water. Hey the showers will be sticky, but it would be worth it. Security: two of the finest spanish bulls, will be grazing nearby, with Carlos perminantly in full Matador costume to keep them under control. Size: 600 participants instead of 400, its makes for a better fiesta. Excursions: to Frans neighbours house, or even to the “el croquis” magazines head office, where cheap copies of the magazine will be freely availible.

With all these amazing things lines up it looks set to be an amazing EASA, especially since this will be the first time that Spain has ever hosted the event, and about time too.... vote eeeeSpain. Romainia and Serbia watch out!

Rune`s Review 6


Today Rune’s Review will be about fashionable haircuts from all over the world in different time eras. Especially about one: the 1990’s ultra-hype uni-sex haircut ”Undercut”. It is made by cutting off all (or almost all) hair of side and back of the head leaving the top section hair as long as possible. It is also known as ”bowl cut”. The haircut was made popular in the 1990’s by various Eurodance artists such as Vanilla Ice, Marky Mark, and other crap names. According to Belarus ultra-fashion expert Iryna Balunenka, the Undercut will be the new black for the next decade. She has 10 main reasons: 1. Undercut makes you look Asian [in a good way. Not the shitty way] 2. Undercut fixes your facial proportions in a perfect composition. 3. Undercut suits your eyes 4. Undercut will make you into a cyber punk 5. Undercut makes you super-fashionably 6. Undercut makes you intereresting 7. Undercut shows that you have a sense of taste 8. Undercut will match your T-shirt 9. Undercut will make you more beautiful 10. Undercut is the perfect balance between Asia and Europe Iryna predicts the Undercut to be back on the streets next year. ”Massive!” she said to us, ”just look at Kim Ann Foxman! [Editor’s note: from Hercules & Love Affair]”

Lena (GR) Why did you buy these sunglasses? I didn‘t buy them, I swapped them with a girl from Romania. Who is the star-architect from your country? No-one, I will be! Wh-wh-where is the party? At the Serbian room.

Theodora (SER) Why did you buy these sunglasses? Because I love lego, I got it for my birthday. Who is the star-architect from your country? What‘s a my country again? Wh-wh-where is the party? It‘s a secret!


David (DK) Why did you buy these sunglasses? Cause I lost my other ones. These are the fourth pair I have had this year. Who is the star-architect from your country? Utzon, he made the Sydney Opera House. Wh-wh-where is the party? Not in my head today.


MANIFESTO` BRELLO (Everybody sreamm) – Parta NEGEN

Dolores (UK)- So the mirrors don’t steal are souls.

Conner (IE)- Brrrrrr... Because Italians have a problem with having sex in front of the mirror.

Boris (TR)- Because there are vampires amongst us.

Eros (IT)- You can’t get scared in the morning. THERE IS NO MIRROR?? We don-t need mirrors, we are pretty by nature.

161. Who’s affraid? 162. floss 163. be splendid, like candy 164. don’t forget to stretch 165. “who are you anyway??” 166. CONSUME, you bitches 167. make it concrete 168. Marten is smart 169. no really marten is smart as ass 170. Play that funky music 171. I need cookies, you know those with choco and biscuits! hmmm 172. Rook je worst 173. Don’t give Pekka more sigarets, it’s his turn to buy 174. beat it 175. “we’re my head at” 176. Bollywood 177. kill in the name of love 178. be stupid, it’s the only way to get smart. 179. Overrate it all, and be happy! 180. give kisses, those big wet ones

Quote of the Day Carlos (ES)- As a favor to us, hommmm bree(something spanish). So you don’t have to worry about the bugs under your eyes. There will be in the lovebox though.

Eva (GR)- Because/So we don’t have to realize how drunk we get/are.

AK (DK)- Because we are not really here. EASA is one big illusion.

Johnny (UK)- to stop having selfesteem issuees.

Christoph (UK) - To keep EASA spirit up/so you don’t get depressed in the morning/ so I don’t see how terrible my beard looks.

Marie (BEL)- To not be shocked in the morning.

Courtesy of Yvonne Michel:

“you can take your ass with you” “ Muovi il culo!”






Talking about transforming space- literally. Just like Optimus Prime, Mir is a piece of art, not like the Prada transformer which is just a child’s toy. And if you are more of a comfortable type of person you could add to it a more up-beat interior with a floating fire place and get a perfect future bachelor pad although that would be wrong cause it negates one of the best characteristics of Mir –sustainability. (Mir; lit. Peace or World) was a Soviet (and later Russian) space station. Mir was the world‘s first consistently inhabited longterm research station in space, and the first of the third generation type of space station, constructed from 1986 to 1996 with a modular design. The station was in operation for fifteen years until 23 March 2001, when it was deliberately de-orbited, breaking apart during atmospheric re-entry over the South Pacific Ocean. The station currently holds the record for the longest continuous human presence in space, at eight days short of ten years, and was occupied for a total of twelve and a half years of its fifteenyear lifespan. Mir had the capacity to support a resident crew of three but could also support larger crews for short-term visits, the largest crew aboard the station simultaneously being six.

Final days and deorbit

Station statistics NSSDC ID: 1986-017A

Near the end of its life, there were plans for private interests to purchase Mir, possibly for use as the first orbital television/movie studio. The privately-funded Soyuz TM-30 mission by MirCorp, launched on April 4, 2000, carried two crew members, Sergei Zalyotin and Alexandr Kaleri, to the station for two months to do repair work with the hope of proving that the station could be made safe. But this was to be the last manned mission to Mir. While Russia was optimistic about Mir‘s future, its commitments to the International Space Station project left no funding to support the aging Mir. Mir‘s deorbit was done in three stages. The first stage was waiting for atmospheric drag to decay Mir’s orbit an average of 220 kilometers (137 mi). This began with the docking of Progress M1-5, a modified version of the Progress M carrying 2.5 times more fuel in place of supplies. The second stage was the transfer of the station into a 165 × 220 km (103 × 137 mi) orbit. This was achieved with two burns of the Progress M1-5‘s control engines at 00:32 UTC and 02:01 UTC on March 23, 2001. After a two-orbit pause, the third and final stage of Mir‘s deorbit began with the burn Mir breaks up in Earth‘s atmosphere over the South Pacific on March 23.

Call sign: Mir Crew: 3 Launch: 1986–1996 Launch pad: LC-200/39, and LC81/23, Baikonur Cosmodrome LC-39A, Kennedy Space Centre Reentry: 2001-03-23 05:50:00 UTC Mass: 124,340 kg (274,123 lbs) Living volume: 350 m³ Perigee: 151 km (81.53 nmi) Apogee: 215 km (116.09 nmi) Orbit inclination: 51.6 degrees Orbital period: 88.15 minutes Orbits per day: 16.34 Days in orbit: 5,519 days Days occupied: 4,592 days

U M B R E L L A r c h i v e : E A S A 0 0 7 Issuu.com/EASANewspaper

E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m











xTutors: Tom Bennel (UK) and Matt Duggan (UK) This workshop on first viewing seems a little bit... erm... undefined. It is about architectures identity and photography, but most importantly, it is about using these two together. The aim is to use the photography and advertising as a tool to perceive architecture. The people are split into two groups - one group is making a pavilion for a special event. The construction itself is not the focus, most important are the recordings and the responses to them. So, the second group is trying to promote the upcoming event without using the building itself. Participants are focused on creating mood and a special aura and are sure this is the key element of a successful architecture promoting. About the event: its going to be recipe exchange party with a BBQ by the pedestrian bridge just behind tutors gym. The idea sounds bit utopian – supermarket where everything is free. When: at the end of this week. For whom: for both EASA and locals. More info will follow. Oh, and yeah - friendly tutors sure that all 22 participants of this workshop are involved in process and are having fun. So far, so good. Still sounds a bit vague though.


Tutors: Pavle Stamenovic (SRB) Ivan Grcic (SRB) and Olga Lazarevic (SRB)

BREAKING NEWS: It has now been decided that Palletscapes will be a ZERO BUDGET WORKSHOP with a new meaning. Instead of throwing out the pallets provided for free that were wrong, they are to use them to create urban furniture to be positioned around the school. This is due to the principal no longer agreeing to having a permanent structure due to his dissatisfaction of Easa’s treatment of the school and it’s overall behaviour. SHAME ON YOU ALL. Tutors are even thinking of refunding used screws and nails in order to make a total zero budget workshop ha ha


Tutors Yvonne Michel (CH) Dijana Omeragic (MKD) Martin Dashorst (NL) That‘s right people there is nothing wrong with a little self criticism. So with this in mind lets have a quick review of ourselves here at the umbrella. So people have dubbed the umbrella as the lazy participants workshop and indeed not having to leave the desk to write this review was a special treat. But otherwise the umbrella is one of the hardest and fastest workshops around, “we have a deadline every day, how can that be easy” -Yvonne.Yes this can be very stressful and difficult, especially with so many different people to try and organise, but the rewards can be very satisfying, and having a

tangible newspaper in your hand at the end of every day is indeed a testament to the hard work of all involved. Without the umbrella you would not be kept up to date with all the off campus workshops and gossip if you went to bed early(shame on you)or got too drunk to remember(better). The umbrellas success as a workshop over the years can clearly be seen with the paper evolving from a single A4 page, to two A3 pages printed front and back. Also the spawning of EASA.TV is a testament to its attempt to keep up with the times. Granted some of the stuff in it is borderline ridiculous, but if people were to spend more than 2 minutes flicking through it to check for their own picture, then they might realise the effort that the more serious articles and messages the magazine includes. The longest running workshop in EASA history is here to stay.Yipee.

The workshop started with 24 participants. At this time the number is a little less, due to the never-ending wait for materials and tools. Still, some of the participants have worked quite hard – and you can already see some products of the workshop.You can check out the curvy pallet bench by Jan(NL) and Elias (DK) – which is standing on the way to the tutors gym, but when it‘s completely finished it‘s going to be placed in front of the party tent. It‘s made of three parts, that make the whole structure movable and easy to rearrange. Again, there are quite a lot participants – so, besides small individual projects there is one common one. The main project is going to be a multifunctional stage, that will be left here for the school purposes. The stage design has been decided and made on site. The pure product of EASA spirit. Can you see it at the moment? Not now, because the proper materials are still on the way and the drawings mystically disappeared with Pavle. Uh-la-la.

All the issues are uploaded daily onto the Umbrella website www.easanewspaper.tumblr.com/

SANGRIA PARTY EASA.TV MOVIE T O M O R R O W AND FOR TOEven though the flasbacks from wednesday night are still fresh in the minds of every EasaN, the Spanish have decided to grace us all with another chance to party hard and drink our weight in Sangria. PLEASE PROVIDE 2€ to the Spanish before and after Dinner tonight. And have no fear - all the proceeds left over from the last party will be included in this one.


> White Cord paddy Hat belonging to Billy (IRL) If seen please return... is of great sentimental value, it has been passed down through generations and even buried with his grandfather. > One Earring belonging to Janstoff (CH) lost at National Evening at approx 3 in the morning. Good Luck with that Janstoff

found... Giorgios Quote

“I get EVERYTHING in my Hands”





Last nite a DJ saved our lives, and kept it strictly serious to provide us with a really good party after the previous night dived. Some might even say that donnacha is the best DJ ever (quote helenrose), but maybe this is just Irish support. Other Irishmen were complaining about the youtube-DJing though, so not everybody had the same opinion. Again the local Mafiosos joined us busting out some moves to some heavy beats. I think we gave them a good introduction into what EASA is, and not the super-

maddrughighsexyorgy parties they had heard about.. (Perhaps we break that one out tonight?) Luckily EASA-NC‘s took their security duties very sincere which made everybody feel safe and sound... (no offence, Italy!) The outside space was quite crowded all the time (unlike the dancing area) though there was cool wind. For that reason girls (and guys) were looking for a manly shoulder to lean on - the cold really brings people closer together. All in all

it was THE NIGHT for relaxed making out with some new face, blame yourself if you were too drunk for that! An original quote which will make you all jealous: „Three guys in one night are enough: I‘ll go to sleep now!“ !! Anyways, if you need some help with pulling someone, just ask handsome johnny the tiny, he‘s scoring every night (and day).. So everybody is looking forward to some more hot stuff aka EASA-party tonight wh-wh-wh-where is the paartyy?


Operation Ace High

Tutor: Gabriele Falconi (IT) This is one of the most serious workshops this year at EASA. But still it has around 12 participants hard working by using computers, plans and probably brains.Yeahs, thats not easy when you party everyday and tutors were expecting bit more working hours, but what can you do?You should know by now – EASA is so more fun related thing. Anyways, the main idea of a workshop is to rethink and redesign very extraordinary space, that is a former NATO base. The location has rocky mountain landscape with poor vegetation as long with radars and concrete structures. So, the participants have been given task to think about this Alpine area, its infrastructure, architecture and habitat and come up with several proposals what can be made of it. The current owner of the land is also interesting in young architects visions of this territory, that led the workshop to get sponsorship. Participants say, the work is all most done. Watch for the results coming up!


Tutors: Paddy Roche (IE), Julian Grossman (IE) and Thomas Cattrysse (BE) It would be soo nice to have this structure finished as soon as possible. Yes! I am talking about our own EASA SWIMMING POOL! Unfortunately, its still under construction. 12 participants and 2 tutors (Thomas,

we all know you’ve been working in this workshop as well, please get well ) are drilling, cutting and of course enjoying the sunshine all days long just behind event tent. The structure: its going to be the pool in a company with 4 benches of different hight and size, so you can sit, lie or just put your elbow in a comfortable way. Materials been used: wood, plywood and tiles for the decoration of the benches. Important thing: as long we all future great architects, it is not enough just the make some timber structure – we need to create super concept of it. Also, here in the workshop all pieces are made taking into account Le Corbusiers Modular Man. Julian the Tutor says, he always wanted to check these calculations out – if its really works for people besides Le Corby himself. Everyone at EASA will have a chance to see and experience that on Friday-Saturday when the pool ansamble will be finished. I’m sure its going to be huge public super-splash fun!

Pop Up


Tutors: Guillaume Bonoure (FR), Hugo Pointillard (FR), Rupert Maleczek (FR), Chloe Genevaux (FR) Participants: 9 Pop up- popped us up today with a very interesting story. They have a 6 years old collaboration- experimentation trying to get waste materials articulated into different geometrical forms using 3d modules which can be arranged in different angles and meshes. Let’s say that the plainest, easiest explanation is picturing a honey-comb mesh… well something like that, even that and more. The end result is always a functional structure (shade, rest, sit etc.), easy on the eye, attractive for people and friendly towards nature since its all recycled materials. Their first commission was 6 yrs ago and it was for a roof top over a public space made from cardboard but as they said at that point none of them was ready to construct it properly. Sometime later they formed a group called Waste and went back and did the roof top. Waste changed its name to Archiwaste and if u is interested for more info on their experiments please visit their site: www.archiwaste.com > you would be surprised to see that they even constructed a bridge just using cardboard. One of their works is: L’HOMME A LA VALISE – a place to stay, sleep, enjoy and as they say it’s a metaphor for the shelter of the goat keeper. One part of it was built in Belgium, another in France and assembled in France. So that’s enough for the introduction now let’s move into their work here…. Well, they are working on constructing a sun shade, a parasite in empty space (although it has more functions.. ) which can be unfolded, reused. This sun-shader will just pop up anywhere… where you least expect it- so beware. What they first did is build a model so if you are interested to know what it is going to look like feel free to check them out they are working between the tutor gym and the school on the green. They stretched their pop-up idea by making movie nights and popping corn for everyone… and we thank them for that! Cheers guys, well done!! Interesting note: there will be a workshop soon at the experimental center for architecture Cantercel.. so if you are into these things check it out… www.centercel.com.


Tutors: Leyla Ibrahimova (AZ), Narine Voronina (RU), Darko Krstevski (MK) Three tutors, three parts of the workshops and three groups of people are making it! 3 should be a lucky magic number for the guys. So, this workshop is about making an installation – “a collage city” presenting Europe‘s most important (from the participants point of view) buildings. As every successful project, this workshop starts from a research – how to choose the most appropriate buildings for the city. If you feel like great urbanplanner – you should go into this one! The group two – is making the 3d installation of the chosen architectural objects. It might be a bit simplified or look more like boxes then a model at this moment – but its getting better and more recognizable with each day of hard work.The 3rd part of the workshop is to make “a house for the city” - a pavilion, where



the model going to be placed. As long as this object will be left for school purposes, Italian organizers said it should be waterproof -which brought an interesting furn into the design of the pavilion. Guys work with timber, cardboard and door frames, that adds a final touch to the pavilion. But don‘t expect to see some boring expo box in the end. Participants and tutors assure thats gonna be something you can play with – rearranging the city whenever you wish, still saving the main structure. Participants say they feel cool about the workshop and tutors, but have the lack of time(what a surprise?!). Darko the Tutor keeps silent about some participants disappearances on the site and appearances on the lake, but sends a lot of warm greetings to Edgaras (LT) who seems to be a real pro in everything you can imagine to be done connected with a construction. Good luck guys with finishing!



Tutors: Frederik De Smedt (BE) Alper Derinbogaz (TR) Participants: 20 with this workshops ideallic location by lake Moro it might be easy to think that its going to be filled with refreshing swims and ice-creams. But let me tell you all, this workshop is no fucking joke, tutored by the same people who brought you the Zauna in Ireland 008 and Floated in Greece 007, these guys have the right kind of experience under their belts to make you expect hard work, late nights, high quality and big impact. The 6m heigh, 2 story pavillion is located in a beautiful spot and acts as an interactive photo booth with a small camera obscura on the ground floor and a large window which frames the views on the first floor. The site itself is part of an educational centre dedicated to the historical way of living and should mean that the booth receives a lot of use in the future. When umbrella arrived, the ground floor steel elements had already been welded into place, following a late effort by the re.pose team last night which saw most of the team arriving back at 12.30 after a BBQ and some drinks on site, a further 7 people stayed behind to continue welding until 3.30 am. That’s right 3.30 AM with some people sleeping on site. The structures departure from the typical EASA friendly timber to the more epic steel and has resulted in an entirely new construction experience, “the steel is okay to work with, different but not harder. Less improvisation and more precision” - Frederik. Things certainly do have to be precise when you use 1300kgs of steel. The foundation slab of concrete also has to been extra deep to support all this extra weight. The challenging nature of this projects design, location and materials has resulted in some setbacks, such as the now typical late arrival of materials and the occasional rain day. Also only a limited number of people can do the actual welding which is the main part of the structural construction process, this has resulted in a lack of productivity from many eager participants. After finally managing to coax Frederik in to answering a few questions he still seemed optimistic about being able to finish on time “ No...... yes yes yes, but there are a lot more hours to do, like a week and 3 days worth” but the participants are excited and seem eager to put in the late hours and get the work done. His enthusiasm for questions though was clear when he said “I don’t like to talk, just take a picture it speaks a thousand words”, very apt words coming from the man creating a giant photo booth.


Tutors: Billy Mooney (IE) and Brian Sheehy (IE) Participants: 10 The idea behind the workshop was to build various structures using a modular system, to speed up and ease the process. When Umbrella caught up with the Irish lads they had a full complement of participants, testing out the shelter-cum-table-cum-seat-cum-benchcum-climing frame that is being pieced together behind the events tent. It may look a bit wobbly, but their hoping to crane in Sam Patterson to the observation level. We are confident that they know what they are doing. The workshop is a design and build affair, to fully engage all the participants. Many of them are buzzing around looking for chop saws, (like the rest of us!) to try and get the second element kick started. This is going to be a type of weave wall and domed roof, made up of an H shaped unit. It sounds ambitious but the tutors are confident they’ll be done with days to spare. Tutor Mr Asshole was keen to show off their ingenuity. “None of the wood they gave us was thick enough. So we commandeered the beer kegs to help us laminate the OSB.” The boys are also making the furniture for the Loggia workshop, with one unit being able to combine into a table or bench or armchair. Both structures will be kept permanently in the Terme in Darfo, so local residents will be able to interact with a bit of honest Irish construction. Perhaps they can learn a few lessons on speed and quality!

Vague Event (Thursday)


Tutors: Francisco Rodriguez (ES), Filip Stekovic (HU) Participants: 10 Making functional objects from scrap crap might be the best way to sum up this workshop. And it has a good purpose too: EASA’s own chill out zone! The tutors, Francisco (ES) and Filip (HG), and their small but loyal group of 8 participants are working hard these days to get that ultimate BBQ experience going. After treating our event-tent with the cool disco ball del a cups. We now see a hammock from plastic bottle wraps, a bench out of doors, chairs out of cardboard and the barbecue itself rising at only 20 meters away from the Umbrella office. Almost every item includes a cup holder or a beer-cooler... so this just might work! After doing several similar workshops in Madrid, Francisco is very excited about working on EASA as he feels the interaction between different cultures and overall atmosphere have a positive effect on the products. Maria (GR) loves the fact that trash can be useful and therefor is very excited about the functional approach within the product line. Almost everything that is being produced is furniture giving the users from the product a direct experience with the design the moment they choose to actively take part. So do not be afraid to take that well deserved chill and if you are interested in more trash-design, checkout: superuse.org.

ArchExperience Tutor: Alexander Bitterman (IL) Participants: 10 Well the facts are not exactly in their favor: 1 tutor, 1 tutor-ass, 2 participants, a few materials. But they seem productive like ants on a red apple. Not only are they building a presentation cube that is detachable, but they are also making a big research model into why we like certain buildings and dislike others. Alexander (IL), who started this workshop as a single tutor, has big dreams for his presentation cube: ‘’We make it detachable and we make it so that the entrance can be from all sides’’. The cube will be white exterior vs black interior making sure daylight, entering from the roof, won’t interrupt important presentations. Maria (MC) started the workshop as a participant but has made a fast move up the career steps, being promoted to tutor. She does not see it as a big change in her daily routine though, but admits that the responsibility can be a bit scary at times. She basically focuses on the theoretical part of the workshop where they are investigating why we like certain building appose to others. The outcome is a model we’re they implemented the results from the study on a typical building block in Belgrade, hoping it will now be as appealing to people as the MIR space station.

Small Interventions Tutors: Arvid Wölfel (DE) Participants: 25 We shared a cigarette with Arvid today, and had a bit of a chat about the small interventions rocking Darfo this year. They had a bit of a tough time at the start, but then the surroundings clicked with the participants and there should be 10 interventions completed by the weekend. “The really interesting thing and the point of the workshop is to see what happens after we leave.” He recalls an observation tower from Greece which is apparently still there. A large amount of the projects are situated near water, either the lake or the river. They deal with surroundings directly, and there will be a swing over the river, attached to the railway bridge. I can see that getting a large amount of use on the last day. Arvid is also looking to the future, stressing the importance of the workshop, and how it will be interesting to explore the public/private polemic in an urban environment. Anyway, find a friend, go out and try to interact with these small interventions.

Commercial Tutors: Kata Fodor (HU) Luis Hilti (CH) Matilde Igual(ES) Carla Smith(UK) Leonard Gurtner(CH) Commercial has been one of the more successful workshops of this year getting off to a great start with their hard hitting tomato soup graphic. And sticker campaign So whats the workshop all about, well it aims to promote itself, EASA and Darfo. A commercial of sorts, but in various media types. The workshop started off with a general discussion of what is “image” and introduction to the concept of re branding. Since then it has spawned into a huge variety of different project and different media; from t-shirts, posters, stickers, clothes pegs, a video commercial, face book pages and even fake mirrors. The workshop re branding ideas has been developed into 4 different categories -real -possible -surreal -t-shirts (they tie it all together) While all the participants are doing their own work there is still a great sense of comradery over the entire workshop team, with all the participants helping each other out and having fun. Perhaps one of the keys of success of this workshop has been the above average 5 tutors, having this resource has really helped this workshop deal with so many types of projects. “Also the fact that all the tutors are from different countries means that there is always a fresh aspect or angle that can be added when required” - LEO. The UMBRELLA caught up with Monica Tusinean (romania) who has been having loads of fun working on the lake ssnake campaign. “I came up with the idea to counteract Dimitra(GR) and Yanns campagne about Lago Moro monster, the monsters image is quite negative and I wanted to introduce the idea of a friendly lake beast to promote the lake rather than a scary one” the lake ssnake has indeed become very popular especially since the development of his own brands of t-shirts, posters, and even his own face book page. To be his friend search for “lake ssnake” on facebook.


One of the big events hitting off for Commercial will be their very own fashion show. The show kicks off tomorrow (THURSDAY) at 11.30 in the area near the Umbrella desk entrance. On show will be a selection of t-shirts the workshop has created, which will also be on sale during the show and then a special auction for the “unique� t-shirts. >>So bring your cash cause they will be selling out fast and they are way more exciting than the official EASA009 T-shirts !!!

assembly moment:

easa discussion - thursday 900pm @ events tent


Sangria Party is not happening...we could have to much FUN!

Easa Future 2n8 at 900pm@ events tent EASA010 UK, INCM009.li Sesam010 Istanbul

lost... found... our minds

vincenzo donadio (ORG) totally exhaustedyesterday @the Organizer-meeting:

Mobile Stairs

“the space lost/the space regained” Tutors: Michal Golanski (PL), Michal Kowalski (PL), Justyna Juchimiuk (PL) Participants: 8 The workshop is observing the advancing degradation of city landscape due to commercialisation, as well as modern lifestyle, erosion and transition of ties within society. The idea of the workshop comes from commercial escalators, but moving in horizontal way and not vertical. They want to reclaim the street’s movement. The beggining was to draw a square, and then divide it in 4 parts. Differents combinations, different shapes are expected to be used by people for sitting, chatting, climbing, etc... Square to snake and back again. They can be used separate as well as all together. Last night they had the first movement at the projection of the movie, was a great success! The final use for these mobile stairs will be in a Highschool around Darfo, but nothing is already clear about that.

Sticky Fingers

Tutors:Nikola Grabacic (SRB), Tatjana Vracar (SRB), Balsa Bajagic (SRB) These are the guys who you can see painting around the school, with their guerilla atitude. When we asked them what they‘ve been doing by now they were like “hmm..what we‘ve been doing..nothing..ok..maybe something.. we‘ve been painting..but we didn‘t get all the materials, we are still waiting..so we are doing nothing right now..”.They were really trying to do something but in the end they fell asleep on the grass while i was trying to find things out about their workshop..”But why are you doing this?.leave us alone..why do you need to know this things..who cares about this?”.Anyway,in the end i managed to force them into telling me the thing they wanted to do, and hopefully they will get to do it It was painting a wall so it would look like a real supermarket and then represent people who are stealing from the shelves.. That‘s what sticky fingers was about in case you were wondering.(i always thought they are rolling stone fans and it was related to that Sticky Fingers place in london,but it seems it‘s not that.. ). As i noticed some people from this workshop are very much of graffiti experts and extremely passionate about what they are doing.So let‘s all keep our fingers sticky (eeew,sounds weird, huh?) for them to get everything they need so we can see some awesome result in the end.



EASA010 - MANCHESTER UK crazy town! July 31st to August 15th

So after a stunning good presentation last night with lots of lovely videos and not so much mumbling/talking, we decided to catch up with Chris from the UK team for a serious interview and an inside scoop and things next year, and their progress so far. The largest factor that resulted in the Manchester winning the 2010 bid was its departure from the usual isolated EASA small town, school campus typology. The location of EASA in the heart of a large vibrant city has resulted in quite a lot of excitement from all. Not least of all Chris himself who as a pure-bred Manchunian, who has lived, worked and studied in Manchester all his life. The pride and commitment that Chris feels is quite clear when you talk to him, and after spending the 21 months since Motovun INCM 2007 working on the bid and then the organisation, he still seems very positive and enthusiastic, even with another 12 months to go, “I love EASA and bringing it to Manchester is great, it makes me proud to think that it will have an impact on my home town”. Its the type of town that you have to get involved in to enjoy so it makes it perfect for the easa experience, also the theme is quay and A lot of people are worried about the separation of the workshop sites and the impact that this may have on the easa atmosphere, but as Chris points out the “its a human scale city, and the pedestrian is king” also the centre is more condensed than the current spread of the peripheral workshops this year. The only difference is that the interstitial zones are urban in Manchester rather than the scenic countryside we are enjoying here in Italy. Also the UK team are considering organising free bicycles like in Ireland and Greece, but remain concerned about the safety of the participants using them in the city. The main plan is to have a central easa base where the sleeping, food and parties will mainly happen, but where the workshops are held relies on the workshops proposals themeslves. Even in the current financial climate the organisation has still been steaming along with only minor problems up to this point. In fact Chris even claims that the current lack of large scale promotional events has meant that there has been an increase in interest from sponsors. However while there have been a lot positive reactions he still remains “positivity sceptical about people being over en-

thusiastic, while meeting as many people as possible is key to its success, I’ve learned not to completely rely on people until the ink is on the paper”. The size of Manchester is also a plus when looking for sponsorship, because of the amount of companies based there.

Working in a city is a new experience for many easa memebers and the potential that this holds for the workshops is great. The organisers are looking into having potentially 2 types of compitition workshops, with at least one of them being a perminant structure. However Chris was unable to confirm whether the workshops would be mainly construction, compound or media based “we want to have as much communication with the tutors as possible so we can help them with sites, materials and even any visiting specialists they might want to have involved, everything is an option at this stage”. With all the serious stuff out of the way Chris also promises us some great British food, fish and chips being the one most important thing he would recommend to anyone having their first visit to Manchester.” In fact a fish and chip shop map and Greggs the baker map are being included at Paul Farrells insistence, so there will be no excuses for not trying it out.” The excursion is also set to be a completely unique experience “no one even in Manchester even gets to do this type of boat trip, so its going to be amazing”. There are also a lot of surprises in the works but even with some gentle coaxing Chris remains tight lipped until everything is finalised “all I can say is keep your eye on the blog”. His one piece of advice is “everyone bring jeans”. As a closing statement Chris wants to openly invite anyone from EASA to get involved with the organisation, by either moving to Manchester or even just helping out from your home country. So if you love easa and want to help out in any way, get in touch with the team (see contact info below) Also all photographs that people have from this year would be a great help to the UK team for promoting next year and appealing to sponsors, so if you have any photos of events, workshops, parties or just anything in general please bring them directly to Chris or email them to him at cma@easauk.net and don’t forget www.easauk.net is already up an running so keep your eyes peeled for updates.

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m

U M B R E L L A r c h i v e : E A S A 0 0 6 Download the pdfs from issuu.com/EASANewspaper

Doctor Love

Well by now you may be known for being a cassanova, or you may be known for your easa love. You may not be known yet, which isn’t neccessarly a bad thing. But go out and do something memorable before the last day.

Personally, my thoughts are “What goes on at EASA, stays at EASA.” You have three days left. Go out and get wet.

As you all know, we at Umbrella very concerned with furnishing participants with sufficient information to fully enjoy their time here. Accordingly, we decided to test out the quality of the lake to assess whether it meets our exacting standards. The expedition set off early at 2.30pm arriving at the lake at approx. 3pm. Our first task was to test the sea-worthyness of the pedalos. Three were rented from the charming pedalo man and stocked with supplies for our journey. Neal Patterson ensured our trip would be a success by purchasing a crate of beer. Our hour on the water was spent testing the beer, the water, the cigarettes and the safety of the jumping rocks. The highllight was the daring, high-speed rescue of Marten Dashorst’s hat by Jeanne Wood and Alex Maxwell, both of whom displayed excellent seamanship. After our tiring boat trip we are fully satisfied that the lake is good enough for EASA participants. We then comenced the testing of the ice cream and beer from the local bar. Once again Neal Patterson made short work of charming the bar maid into serving up some bruschetta and campari, both of which were of a superior standard. As a result of our selfless testing of the beers throughout the day some of the testing party were feeling a bit relaxed, resulting in a few siestas. Our testing of the lake complete, we proceeded to test Hugo’s van. The five person vehicle manged to hold nine (9) persons and a very tall cripple. Alex Maxwell’s driving skills came to the fore once again, and he delivered us home safe and sound. Now some of you may believe that doing Umbrella is less work than other workshops, but I trust that this report of our research led journalism has dispelled these myths. If it were not for our dedication to testing of the surrounding environment EASA participants might be unaware of how safe the lake actually is. The conclusions of the day are that the lake is nice, the beer is nice, ice cream is nice, and mountains are nice. The shock finding is that Hugo’s van can withstand 9 people crammed inside hitting the roof, stamping their feet, and singing Surfing Safari. “Lets go surfing now”!!!


Some people I have discussed this issue with think that perhaps relationship status should be on the application forms and a defining factor in chooseing participants. Perhaps this is the best way to reslove the problem.

Lake Report

they all went to the lake showing off their Ray-Bans!

While about helping love dilemas, I have been hearing hushed conversations about the issue of existing relationships and whether or not they allow you a full easa expererience. I’m not saying that you should be out on the pull every night (you should) but the partying and occasional schwerps are parts of a full easa. If you come here with some baggage, the temptation of 400 sexy boys and girls when your a little tippsy could prove a difficult situation to avoid. We all do things we regret and at easa the combination of alcohol and hot weather makes us all very amourous. The issue then becomes difficult. Do you trust in your friends? Risky, as they might spill the dirt, in a drunken post-easa situation. This will then be the worst case scenario because your other half will be upset that YOU didn’t tell her. If you do tell her then you risk instant break up or the infamous double cheat (where she finds it obligatory to cheat to get back at you). If you are in an open relationship, the issue less important as your other half saw you going to Italy for two weeks as an opportunity to fuck around in your local city. So perhaps then slip it in to conversation at the right time.




Max (RUS) Sangria party! Because of super-tasty drink and handsome toreador!

Philipp (DE) Yesterdays was very nice, but I dont remember why...

Rrita (KOS) Sangria party! For the first time in my life I couldnt remember what I was doing that night!

Sergey (BLR) Argh, let me think... I liked a secret night party at the lake and of course the Sangria party. Lovely music, good drinks.

181. REDBULL is expensive 182. perfection kills, 183. focussss 184. f*ck the trackpad! use a mouse 185. “where are the sandwiches” 186. something about a TEXTFONT 187. Layout in Indesign, dumbass 188. take advantage of friends 189. Paul has a wet ass / Constantine is an Asshole... 190. Play it loud, especially Mariah 191. buy cookies and sigarettes 192. turn OFF facebook 193. Don’t use ProPlus in combination with anything, it’s will fuck with your mind 194. do it together 195. TIMEMACHINES DO NOT EXIST 196. don’t print, use Powerpoint 197. Models are everything 198. be exited 199. use drugs 200. thoughts are things

Quote of the Day

Joseph Frame (UK):”Why were you and Sam Patterson Having a fist fight last night?”

Evija (LV) National Evening - because it was the only day I wasnt totally drunk (It was a big surprise)

Giacomo (IT) Kitchen party with Giorgio! Such a great party with pasta hanging all around!

Billy Mooney (IRL): “I don’t know, but he must have crossed a line. He tied to fuck with The Bulldozer!” (points to self)

Giorgios Quote

The less you know about people, the more you love them! Thomas and Steven (BE) Dub-step party, because it was the only party with good music! (OUCH,..)

Narine (RUS) Definitely National Evening! Thanks to Hungarian boys with Palinka!

the return of the Mac(Cann)

stop the presses! sighted today at the EASA campsite: former organizing legend Ronan McCann (irl) and his lovely girlfriend! But What about the Cheese?!?!? ALSO Dicle (IT) Eurodance. The music was really good. I was dancing everywhere - on the tables, on the shoulders. I havent been parting like that since I was a teenager

Vlad (RO) Hmm, good question. Yesterdays party - I was with my Serbian brothers on the terrace.

Jim Hayton (UK) has shown his lovely face around. Go to Leeds and have an amazing time with him! although he’ll probably be able to have a good time here as well.








“I can eat a sandwich in any size of room.” James Gowan

Yesterday we looked at transforming space (literally) and today we follow on but coming back to earth, and base, with another look at the space we call home around us.Today we look at Easa HQ through lens of the Everyday, and looking at just what happens when you give a school and site to a bunch of architecture students for 2 weeks. So lets just brush up very briefly on the everyday (not to get too serious on you), from the concepts of de Certeau and Lefebvre. With Lefebvre we are talking about ‘form’, ‘space’ and ‘practices’, about improvised space, and the combination of the routines of daily life and the bureaucratisation of spaces and practices, so what we are allowed to do, conditioned etc... De Certeau on the other hand sees space as an organiser for an ensemble of possibilities and interdictions, so what stops us from doing something, to what allows us to do something, and then what we do within them or with them. Be that; do what we are supposed to (like walk along a path, or up a flight of stairs) or create ‘shortcuts’, and ‘detours’ or even not use it at all. While both being valid concepts but focusing on different aspects, Lefebvre definitions all refer to a system of practices which are unique to a culture or historical period. These include not only the acts that people perform but also the ways in which space is organised as a result of these, something very relative within our own Easa community. Lets not forget where we are, to us this is home for the past 2 weeks but just think of the difference in its daily use, this campus would go through on a ‘normal’ day. The mayor and police definitely have been with their daily conversations and annoyance so far. A few key examples within the Easa community should be very clear in your head, like the eventual move of the party ‘get down’ space from the events tent to the space under the stairs; the routine of those coming to breakfast for 10:30 being stopped with a heavy hand; or the screenings at the pop-up workshop late night, on what is techinically and very ordinary fire stair. With 40+ nations and over 400 people within this Easa community the issues of identity, appropriation, negotiation and representation are all tied up in complex forms and practices, a part of what makes this so special. so this is an attempt to highlight the unique set of events we have been a part of over the last weeks acts of appropriation that have happened so far.

Loggia update After news that the first parts of the Loggia structure has been erected the Umbrellas was eager to get some exclusive pictures, and here they are. The structure itself seems impressive and now starts to loom over the neighboring small club house. While work on site continues at a strong pace with a number of the team staying until 4 am last night, unavoidable material delays etc have resulted in the fact that the Loggia will not be finished on time. “we need to sleep, but we will finish this pavillion before leaving” - Kieran.


















Ronan Kenny (IRL) hosts Pivo Sesam

Location: Ronans summer house. Connamara(again), Newport, Co.Mayo, Ireland Dates: Monday 24th - 31st August No rain guaranteed* The house is in an isolated area in Connamara, and is located in between 2 lakes, one for fishing and one for swimming. Part of the Pivo Sesam

I N C M 0 0 9 . l i + s w i s s t r i p

Most of you probably first heard about INCM009 being held in Liechtenstein on National Evening, when EASA Switzerland and EASA Liechtenstein joined forces and spirit and gave birth to a total new country called Swisstenstein. Surely everybody still remembers having ++++++++++ all over their bodies - like really ALL OVER! Thanks to Jeanne for the great advertisement.. Last night the main organizers of INCM009 held their presentation at the events tent and gave out a big blast to make everybody excited to come. The first easa-event ever in this very little Country in the middle of a very big Europe shall content lots of highlights - here is just a short extract of it: This years Intermediate National Contact Meeting shall throw light on the moment easa came into being, its development through to the present day and yield couragous ideas for its future. One of the founders of easa and a main organizer of the easa on a train will join our discourse on what easa actually is and where it could go.







would be to build a small jetty out into one of the lakes, or maybe even one in each lake. The lack of close neighbors means that late night party’s and noise are not an issue. There is lots of room in the house if people are okay with sleeping on the floor, and there is plenty of fun to be had. So if your interested find Ronan (pictured) and ask him for more info. *guarantee applies only to the inside of the house!

1 6 2 3 o c t 2 4 t o 2 6 o c t

We are europe’s next generation of architects. So we will dare to ask the question what it actually is, the architect, and initiate a discussion about the future of the profession of architecture during a workshop and a symposium. Posters contributed by all NC’s will be exhibited in the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein. Among other things we will eat cheesefondue high in the mountains, celebrate in a castle and work in the Hochschule Liechtenstein. Finally we will travel to the oldest city of Switzerland, Chur, and party and sleep in a Bunker, then visit the most amazing pieces of architecture of the region and complete the INCM009-experience night-bathing in the Thermes of Vals. All NC’s are wanted to give some helping hand - as moderators, to take minutes or to do the documentation in pictures, film an some special kind of umbrella.

Also there are two important competions going on: each NC will distribute a poster to the theme “XL,L,M,S,FL” which referes to the size of the country. We want 40 approaches to one theme, 40 points of views on one spot and 40 statements about Liechtenstein (FL). These are going to be exhibited in the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein as a public event. Second is a volunteer essay about the future of the profession of architecture. It is meant to be a preliminary exercise for the participant and inspiration for the event itself. It will also serve as a main source for the final report. We expect you to write an essay of max. one a4-sheet, but it also might just be one genuine sentence.. Deadlines: application poster essay


For more information check out: www.incm009.li

E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m





EASA 2011 Serbia? In an attempt to continue our myth busting about EASA 2011 bids we can officially reveal that Serbia are in the running, but they are still waiting on confirmation from partners and sponsors. With all going well they would hope to host the event in 2 giant air hangers in Belgrade. When Umbrella caught up with Marko Vukovic (Serbia) he seemed reluctant to give out any details or confirm their bid, but he did have this to say “we will, we will rock you”. Looking forward to it Serbia.





EASA NL011 After last nights’ future EASA madness, the Dutch got together as well and completely planned, funded and organized the future EASA for 2011. Umbrella got in touch with main organizer Jaimy aka Jesse Hotpants to get the complete 411. Umbrella - So Jesse, what’s up with the Dutch doing EASA? Last time it was in NL it completely fell apart because of the ‘drugs’? Jesse - We know, don’t remember anymore though.... But apparently it was the best organized EASA ever, with 15 A0 full color plotters, plenty of toner and 500 different powertools - until after 5 minutes all participants got stoned. U - what are you gonna do about that? J - There will be an on-site coffeeshop providing all our druggy needs. U - nice. Where do I sign up?


J - on my manly chest. U - ahem. Where is EASA011 gonna be at? J - Okay, so there is a lot of reclaimed land in the Netherlands right? About 20% of the country used to be water in the past. There is a really big bit of it, just north-east of Amsterdam, and there is a city there called Almere. It’s about 150.000 people, and it’s only 30 years old. U - a new town? J - yup. It’s about as boring as Darfo, just bigger. Anyway, because it’s all new, but people somehow have this built-in nostalgic image of the town as an old place, so a couple of years




ago a number of local entrepeneurs came together and organized some money to build a nice castle in the polder - a perfect backdrop for weddings etc. U - mmmm. Sounds interesting. J - yes, and it was gonna be really great, until halfway through they ran out of money and stopped construction. So what is left now is a giant modern-day ruin of a fake castle. And, as is normal in NL, the place got squatted. Right now it’s a massive artists colony. That’s where it going to be. Every country will have they’re own castle room, and the party space will be on the top floor of the donjon ( = tower)! U - wow! That sounds really good! So everything is taken care of already? J - Pretty much. The theme has been set to FUCK THE CONTEXT - of which this castle is the perfect example. How does one deal with context, or in this case, the lack of context? Can one make use of collective memory, of mental compositions etc? We’re gonna have an amazing group of lecturers, MVRDV, UNstudio, NL Architects, Aldo van Eyck, Herman Hertzberger, Wiel Arets, Onix, and of course Rem himself. U - yes, we have heard there is a special trick to get Rem to give a lecture? J - Yes, ask him to give a lecture about Europe to 400 people from all over Europe and he will be all over you like a bee on a can of coke. Or like an English person over a Danish one. U - aha. Well, anyway, thank you for the update! I guess we’ll see a full bid proposal in Liechtenstein. J - yes. For now, look at the picture and tremble in fear for the awesome would-be EASA!

bar! workshops!

coffeeshop! context!




DEADLINE WORKSHOPPOSTERS: FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT. bring the files to the organizer desk in the IT-lab. WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS: pecha kucha-style (20 slides, 20 seconds/ slide) SATURDAY EVENING @ POP-UP lost... FREEDOM FRANK found... > general sense of everything > dignity (again....)


FAVORITEARCHITECT? Caruso St. John COOLWEBSITE? www.dysturb.net DEADLINEMUSIC? Queens of the Stone Age FREETIMEADVENTURE? Sporting, reading, friends, movies WHATAREYOUGOING2BE? rockstar

If you haven’t been interviewed by FRANK yet, go and find him NOW!

> mobile phone (samsung) > fake iPod - creative

tonight: EASA moment, 9pm events tent

two week event or ongoing network? let’s all meet and discuss!

Movie@POPUP tonight! Amarcord (Felini) at 9.30PM. Set in a small italian village (english subtitles)

NC meeting tonite @ 8pm on british bulldog destruction field. bring your dinner! Rune’s Review #7

Today Rune’s Review would like to announce that an EASA009 dance video will be put together during today and tomorrow. Everyone who went to EASA006 in Budapest probably knows what this means and is already practicing the forbidden steps. For everyone else: this is your chance to be in the official dance video of this year’s EASA. You’ll be seen. You’ll be remembered. You’ll be a S-T-A-R (Super Talented And Rock-steady) The shooting of this epic event already started yesterday and will continue today and tomorrow. So when you see our field-operative (he’s a small Asian dude with a cool haircut) you better start daaaaaaaaancing!!!

Vague riverside BBQ party Who: everyone is invited Time: 10pm Location: by their lakeside installation FREE: wine and some meat, bring your own meat if possible and of course cups.

Getting there: when you cross the bridge on the way to the supermarket take a right and keep following the small path until you cross the second bridge. It is on the right after the second bridge. Or just follow the string that starts at the umbrella office.



S @






The Money raised during the Auction is going to be donated to EASA009, since on the EASA Campus things got broken for about 4000 Euros, we must show solidarity with the Team of EASA 009 and put together our greatest EASA Spirit, which was already shown at the T-Shirt Fashionshow last night. SO EVERYONE: Donate Money to the Organizers of EASA009, as much as you think would be correct and fair and bring it to the Infopoint. We started this Solidarity yesterday at the fashionshow organized by the Commercial Workshop selling their Designs of T-Shirts with € 65o that goes straight on to EASA.it! Thanks to all who provided the auction with their bids and got themselves unique EASA009-Tshirts that no-one else has!


EASATalk@the Gym: What is EASA??? You ll find the Answer in the middle of this issue...












Email from Helen-Rose (IRL): COMMERCIAL-WORKSHOP-Fashion Show It seems that the curse of the worried mammy continues into EASA 009,

I arrived home late last night to receive a txt from Jackie McCabe , Emers mum, even though Emer would tecnically be termed a turn coat for joining the French team this year i feel it is still my responsibility to spread the word to get Emer to contact her mammy! With this in mind i will relay the txt ver batin;

Interview with Carla Smyth (UK)

„Hi Helen, so sorry 2 bother you this is emer mccabes mother. I got your number from Niamh Malone as i am unable to make contact with emer would you plaese get her to contact home as we are worried about her. thank you and sorry for bothering you. Jacke MaCabe.“ Such was the worry of poor Jackie that i then recieved a call this morning for her. The detraght mother relayed to me that Emer has not contacted home for two weeks!!! This is very poor form from someone who cares and loved wee Emer McCabe through out her life, bathing her, feeding her and giveing her clean underwear. Jackie was quoted as saying „i‘m fit to tie the girl!“. So will someone plaese pass on the message to Emer, this is no joke....

CALL YOUR MAMMY, EMER(IRL) I hope this reaches Emer before the family resort to even more desperate measures. Yours in being very depressed at having to leave EASA early, Helen-Rose Condon


UMBRELLA:Good morning Carla! How do you feel about the event last night? CARLA: Good! It was really nice. A lot of people were helping us to make this – like Marten, who was hosting the auction. UMBRELLA:Talking of the auction: how did you come up with such a great idea?





LoveBOX is finally finished !!! (next to the Events tent)

CARLA: It came out of the discussion in a gym last night – about EASA spirit and the solidarity for the organizers. Eventually, some participants suggested we can make an auction to raise more money. UMBRELLA: Money-money-money! Give us some numbers, please! CARLA: We sold over 100 t-shirts with sprayed logos and about 15-20 special limited edition architectural (and Giorgio of course) ones. We made € 650 only on the auction. The money goes to Italian organizers. UMBRELLA:Do you know who bought the most expensive t-shirt? CARLA:Denmark of course! Pernille and Frida! Now the Dutch guys are pissed off because Denmark got their Rem Koolhaas. The irony of that is Marten had to sell it! UMBRELLA:Do you think girls gonna share the t-shirt? CARLA: I think they gonna frame it! Its so valuable its feels more like a picture now. UMBRELLA:What about, lets call it mainstream t-shirts, what was the most popular design? CARLA:The absolute winner is – Butterflies for girls and Maze for boys.

Rune’s Review #8 [ultimate]

Today is the second last day on EASA009. More importantly though, it is the last issue of Umbrella, making this the very last article of Rune’s Review. Don’t worry! There is light at the end of the tunnel. You can read the newest Rune’s Review EVERYDAY on www.runebadone.com [official homepage since 1999]. Anyway, being in the very lead of all EASA gossips, Rune’s Review can now announce the name of the official EASA009 dance video: ?=<3. The grand opening of this epic work will be tomorrow at the final presentation. The champagne will be sponsored by Beverly Hills High and hors d’oeuvre will be

sponsored by Aarhus Bodega of Architecture. Please note that we will do the last dance recordings of all you beautiful people tonight. So in case you didn’t already do it, go look for our field-operative [don’t be scared if he looks drunk. He’s not. Really].

>>> So this is it folks! Keep your hair back and your cloth black!


What is EASA?


Dialogue is always good. Communication is always ‚‘two way stream‘‘ even though sometimes it doesn‘t seem that way. Discussion that took place yesterday evening in the canteen opened many questions, which someone might characterize as crucial for continuity and well-being of EASA.



So, what is EASA? Can we really be sure and suggest that we know the right answer? Is there a correct answer at all? We don‘t think so. Yesterday during the EASA meeting in the Gym everyone had some idea about what EASA is, or what it should be. We like to think that it‘s all much more simple than it


looks like. EASA is what it is! Sometimes it‘s rainy, sometimes it‘s on a boat, sometimes there is a lake, sometimes it‘s in the Alps ... So, is there really a need to change EASA, since EASA already IS changing by itself? EASA has a life of it‘s own, and I would dare to say that any in-



tention of forcing EASA to change for better is simply pretentious. As cliché as it is, it all comes down to people. EASA is people. EASA is for people. Each EASA is a random play of new organizers, different tutors, younger participants. Even Dinos change-At least for their fashion taste. And this random-



ness is EASA as well! Having all this in mind (while having goosebumps), We can say with no second thoughts what so ever- EASA will not end! EASA will neither burn out, nor fade away! We are not afraid for EASA! So, neither should you be! Despite all this ‚continuity of



change‘, there is something which always stays the same! After it‘s all over, we all go home, and spend at least a week in bed. Depressed. And it goes on. That is EASA as well!

We are EASA!





S E S A M 0 1 0 EASA011 Istanbul!


Interview with main NC Ioio (or MC YOYOOO)

Next Years SESAM goes to Istanbul and is happening from 2 to the 9MAY10. For Further Info please check their homepage, which will be filled in with Infos soon, >Umit promised! s e s a m i s t a n bu l 2 0 1 0 . wo r d p r e s s. c o m

UMBRELLA: so first of all: where the f*** is this “Romania”? IOIO: Erm, it‘s right next to Serbia..Haha!

UMBRELLA:You‘re not afraid of the rain? IOIO:No, there‘s no rain in Romania!

UMBRELLA:So are you confident about hitting your neighbours right into their face? IOIO: Jesus no, lets not be violent!

UMBRELLA:What would be special in your EASA? IOIO:It would be like the first EASA with NO TECHNOLOGY (as in NO TONER)! We‘re going to have typemachine-umbrella and EASAtheater instead of EASAtv! UMBRELLA: Oh, this will solve a lot of problems.. What about parties? IOIO: Beer will be 50cent, so you don‘t have to worry! UMBRELLA: What about the music if there‘s no amplifier? IOIO: I will play the guitar the whole time. Ok, maybe there will be some amplifier.. So you can hear me better! evil laughing:

UMBRELLA: Are we going to sleep in a tent then? IOIO: No, we only have treehouses



The ELEA is the event with the widest reach, bringing together 500 participants from all over Latin America, offering Academic, Cultural, Social and Sporting activities. The event has been organized by CLEA (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Estudiantes de Arquitectura). The theme of the event is CONECTIONS, given that we should be designing with tomorrows heritage in mind, and set against a context built in the past. The event is being held in the city of Trujillo (peru) between 3 and 10 of October. After this you can join a Trip to Machu Picchu.It be nice to have Participants from EASA in Elea, cause we are invited every year and they always save places for us. If you go make sure, that you ll introduce EASA.ELEA is in spanish, that might be good to know. If you want any more info or details go and find one of the CLEA guys. w w w . e l e a 0 9 . p e





UMBRELLA: So we can swim in the Black Sea every morning? IOIO: If you can swim..

UMBRELLA:Who came up with the idea of doing an EASA? IOIO:Me, Magda, Oti and Miro had the same idea (same place, same theme) at exactly the same time without talking about it before. So it was a sign!



in Romania. No seriously, we will sleep in tents at the beach!

UMBRELLA:Did Romania ever host an EASA event before? IOIO:We had an INCM waaay long time ago, so it‘s time for some more.











Janstoff (CH) Marten Dashorst (NL) Djiana Omeragic (MKD) Yvonne Michel (CH) Because the best way to get over a Somebody gave me a beer the Because we have done everything female masochism.... else already hangover is to keepin drinkin’. Jesus first day, I keep it going.

Hana (croatia) Steffen (DK) It makes absolutely no sense at all to Because we have to much energy do it to ourselves!

Theodora Stamenkovic (SER) Teo (SW) Because we are still lookin for a bet- to get new idea and new imput! Also ter party! the challenge to survive 2 weeks of easa!

David (DK) Marie (bel) & Hanne (bel) Billy Mooney (IRL) Adam Berka (slovaquia) Because it left to onand devices we a. to get inspired b. to bring Rem -I like it, its fun, we are young, why I think we like it. Koolhaas back to Danemark not? would just kill ourselves. -To see how much damage my body cant stand!

Christina (SLO) Thats the question!

Emma (UK) So it can be funny!

Rune (DK) Pascale (AUS) Because we are all sinners and we Because we work hard, all year long need punishment. for our studies, and its a nice feeling to see that work can be fun and its more free to not to be judged!.......

Pavle (serbia) Tomas Dirrix (NL) Ioana (ROM) Because we are sadomasochist from Because we are architects and archi- I dont wanna to think about it! tects are assholes. all over europa!

Thanks to everyone for being a great sport over the past two weeks, and to those who said no..... well, sod you!

WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS : pecha kucha-style (20 slides, 20 seconds/slide) SATURDAY EVENING @ POP-UP


EASA Spirit! A Army knife. SD Card – black sandisk Orient silver watch Sunlight USB 2.0 Key Silver Sony Cybershot camera (maybe from Slovenia) Casio F-28 Watch Diesel Blue Zip up top Minnie and Mickey Mouse Diary Brown Pinko Cardigan Black Pouch with Hana camera Lid and a contact lense 1 Belkin Black Radio H&M blue hat H&M black vest

Quote of the Day Mikkel (DK) at the Infopoint:

“Are you one of the Disorganizers?”

Giorgios Quote

“I dont like the press i prefer breasts!” The Sexist quote of the day as well: “Boys: What a night!”

A pair of grey leggings 1 faded brown puma hoody for girls which is dirty Loads of sunglasses – 3 Broken 1 pair of flip flops 1 blue pair of boxers shorts


not much! do you know?


Come and find me (infopoint) with your national, recipie, film and song. Trow them in the Vague Exchange box. Tanks a lot.

E A S A N e w s p a p e r With your help, we are trying to go back to the UMBRELLA-Roots and bring out a 2-montly issue even during the year. Everyone interested can join an put in News and Infos about European Architecture World, Job Offers in Offices and upcoming Events. If you are Interested to write articels or reports about Pivo-Sesam and other Events all around Europe or elsewhere, you can write as an email: UMBRELLANewspaper@gmail.com The Tutors of UMBRELLA are trying to put together a Concept how the UMBRELLA Workshop can be an interactive Platform for News from EASA and around Europe as a EASA-Studentspaper. In the EASA Guide (you can find the EASA Guide on easa.tk or on the EASA Blog: easa.antville.org).Umbrella is suppose to be runned by Participants. It shall be a workshop. History: Before Internet, An Umbrellalike paper was used as a way how NCs and Participants got their Infos about Events during the year. Nowadays, avery organizing Team has its own way to communicate with the EASA Community. We want to collect these Infos and share it within the EASA Network! Join in! Join us!

Good bye Easians! Ok..So that‘s kind of it,huh?We‘ll

soon be hearing that “get the fuck out of here” again. We all had good days and bad days, good meaning no hangover/hard working and bad meaning hangover/sleep all day long..But in the end,no matter what we did something turned out of these 2 weeks,like : workshops results, broken legs, and of course a community of friends..We proved again that no matter where we go, we can always make the best out of it, even if it‘s too hot, or too wet, or we have noise problems,or... I don‘t know, things we complain about..We had the best parties on the stairs,we ate less meat than some of you usually have for breakfast, we listened to 90‘s music (and we all know the words for each song..why?), we had sangria (and we still have it all over our clothes) we had all the fucked up drinks from Europe..and..you all know what we did more or less..We must admit that we had such great accommodation.. (and if you don‘t think so, when you get home try sleeping on scaffoldings with 200 people,all drunk..hope it rains too!: P), some very nice pasta and tons of all kinds of bananas. All in all there were many problems to solve such as NO TONER, no proper party space (but we went for the roof, the showers,stairs), no money, but all of this together finally brought up the real EASA SPIRIT! So we would like to thank you all for being here, for being EASA009, for working hard in your workshops, especially those of you who were spending nights for that, for being nice and happy all the time, for exchanging ideas and just for being the way you are. HOOOORRRAY to the organisers who did a fucking great job with this bunch of irresponsible whiners that we are!

So, what is love?!? It‘s you and me, baby! It‘s EASA!

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