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EASA010 - MANCHESTER UK crazy town! July 31st to August 15th

So after a stunning good presentation last night with lots of lovely videos and not so much mumbling/talking, we decided to catch up with Chris from the UK team for a serious interview and an inside scoop and things next year, and their progress so far. The largest factor that resulted in the Manchester winning the 2010 bid was its departure from the usual isolated EASA small town, school campus typology. The location of EASA in the heart of a large vibrant city has resulted in quite a lot of excitement from all. Not least of all Chris himself who as a pure-bred Manchunian, who has lived, worked and studied in Manchester all his life. The pride and commitment that Chris feels is quite clear when you talk to him, and after spending the 21 months since Motovun INCM 2007 working on the bid and then the organisation, he still seems very positive and enthusiastic, even with another 12 months to go, “I love EASA and bringing it to Manchester is great, it makes me proud to think that it will have an impact on my home town”. Its the type of town that you have to get involved in to enjoy so it makes it perfect for the easa experience, also the theme is quay and A lot of people are worried about the separation of the workshop sites and the impact that this may have on the easa atmosphere, but as Chris points out the “its a human scale city, and the pedestrian is king” also the centre is more condensed than the current spread of the peripheral workshops this year. The only difference is that the interstitial zones are urban in Manchester rather than the scenic countryside we are enjoying here in Italy. Also the UK team are considering organising free bicycles like in Ireland and Greece, but remain concerned about the safety of the participants using them in the city. The main plan is to have a central easa base where the sleeping, food and parties will mainly happen, but where the workshops are held relies on the workshops proposals themeslves. Even in the current financial climate the organisation has still been steaming along with only minor problems up to this point. In fact Chris even claims that the current lack of large scale promotional events has meant that there has been an increase in interest from sponsors. However while there have been a lot positive reactions he still remains “positivity sceptical about people being over en-

thusiastic, while meeting as many people as possible is key to its success, I’ve learned not to completely rely on people until the ink is on the paper”. The size of Manchester is also a plus when looking for sponsorship, because of the amount of companies based there.

Working in a city is a new experience for many easa memebers and the potential that this holds for the workshops is great. The organisers are looking into having potentially 2 types of compitition workshops, with at least one of them being a perminant structure. However Chris was unable to confirm whether the workshops would be mainly construction, compound or media based “we want to have as much communication with the tutors as possible so we can help them with sites, materials and even any visiting specialists they might want to have involved, everything is an option at this stage”. With all the serious stuff out of the way Chris also promises us some great British food, fish and chips being the one most important thing he would recommend to anyone having their first visit to Manchester.” In fact a fish and chip shop map and Greggs the baker map are being included at Paul Farrells insistence, so there will be no excuses for not trying it out.” The excursion is also set to be a completely unique experience “no one even in Manchester even gets to do this type of boat trip, so its going to be amazing”. There are also a lot of surprises in the works but even with some gentle coaxing Chris remains tight lipped until everything is finalised “all I can say is keep your eye on the blog”. His one piece of advice is “everyone bring jeans”. As a closing statement Chris wants to openly invite anyone from EASA to get involved with the organisation, by either moving to Manchester or even just helping out from your home country. So if you love easa and want to help out in any way, get in touch with the team (see contact info below) Also all photographs that people have from this year would be a great help to the UK team for promoting next year and appealing to sponsors, so if you have any photos of events, workshops, parties or just anything in general please bring them directly to Chris or email them to him at cma@easauk.net and don’t forget www.easauk.net is already up an running so keep your eyes peeled for updates.

U M B R E L L A N e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m

U M B R E L L A r c h i v e : E A S A 0 0 6 Download the pdfs from issuu.com/EASANewspaper

Doctor Love

Well by now you may be known for being a cassanova, or you may be known for your easa love. You may not be known yet, which isn’t neccessarly a bad thing. But go out and do something memorable before the last day.

Personally, my thoughts are “What goes on at EASA, stays at EASA.” You have three days left. Go out and get wet.

As you all know, we at Umbrella very concerned with furnishing participants with sufficient information to fully enjoy their time here. Accordingly, we decided to test out the quality of the lake to assess whether it meets our exacting standards. The expedition set off early at 2.30pm arriving at the lake at approx. 3pm. Our first task was to test the sea-worthyness of the pedalos. Three were rented from the charming pedalo man and stocked with supplies for our journey. Neal Patterson ensured our trip would be a success by purchasing a crate of beer. Our hour on the water was spent testing the beer, the water, the cigarettes and the safety of the jumping rocks. The highllight was the daring, high-speed rescue of Marten Dashorst’s hat by Jeanne Wood and Alex Maxwell, both of whom displayed excellent seamanship. After our tiring boat trip we are fully satisfied that the lake is good enough for EASA participants. We then comenced the testing of the ice cream and beer from the local bar. Once again Neal Patterson made short work of charming the bar maid into serving up some bruschetta and campari, both of which were of a superior standard. As a result of our selfless testing of the beers throughout the day some of the testing party were feeling a bit relaxed, resulting in a few siestas. Our testing of the lake complete, we proceeded to test Hugo’s van. The five person vehicle manged to hold nine (9) persons and a very tall cripple. Alex Maxwell’s driving skills came to the fore once again, and he delivered us home safe and sound. Now some of you may believe that doing Umbrella is less work than other workshops, but I trust that this report of our research led journalism has dispelled these myths. If it were not for our dedication to testing of the surrounding environment EASA participants might be unaware of how safe the lake actually is. The conclusions of the day are that the lake is nice, the beer is nice, ice cream is nice, and mountains are nice. The shock finding is that Hugo’s van can withstand 9 people crammed inside hitting the roof, stamping their feet, and singing Surfing Safari. “Lets go surfing now”!!!


Some people I have discussed this issue with think that perhaps relationship status should be on the application forms and a defining factor in chooseing participants. Perhaps this is the best way to reslove the problem.

Lake Report

they all went to the lake showing off their Ray-Bans!

While about helping love dilemas, I have been hearing hushed conversations about the issue of existing relationships and whether or not they allow you a full easa expererience. I’m not saying that you should be out on the pull every night (you should) but the partying and occasional schwerps are parts of a full easa. If you come here with some baggage, the temptation of 400 sexy boys and girls when your a little tippsy could prove a difficult situation to avoid. We all do things we regret and at easa the combination of alcohol and hot weather makes us all very amourous. The issue then becomes difficult. Do you trust in your friends? Risky, as they might spill the dirt, in a drunken post-easa situation. This will then be the worst case scenario because your other half will be upset that YOU didn’t tell her. If you do tell her then you risk instant break up or the infamous double cheat (where she finds it obligatory to cheat to get back at you). If you are in an open relationship, the issue less important as your other half saw you going to Italy for two weeks as an opportunity to fuck around in your local city. So perhaps then slip it in to conversation at the right time.




Max (RUS) Sangria party! Because of super-tasty drink and handsome toreador!

Philipp (DE) Yesterdays was very nice, but I dont remember why...

Rrita (KOS) Sangria party! For the first time in my life I couldnt remember what I was doing that night!

Sergey (BLR) Argh, let me think... I liked a secret night party at the lake and of course the Sangria party. Lovely music, good drinks.

181. REDBULL is expensive 182. perfection kills, 183. focussss 184. f*ck the trackpad! use a mouse 185. “where are the sandwiches” 186. something about a TEXTFONT 187. Layout in Indesign, dumbass 188. take advantage of friends 189. Paul has a wet ass / Constantine is an Asshole... 190. Play it loud, especially Mariah 191. buy cookies and sigarettes 192. turn OFF facebook 193. Don’t use ProPlus in combination with anything, it’s will fuck with your mind 194. do it together 195. TIMEMACHINES DO NOT EXIST 196. don’t print, use Powerpoint 197. Models are everything 198. be exited 199. use drugs 200. thoughts are things

Quote of the Day

Joseph Frame (UK):”Why were you and Sam Patterson Having a fist fight last night?”

Evija (LV) National Evening - because it was the only day I wasnt totally drunk (It was a big surprise)

Giacomo (IT) Kitchen party with Giorgio! Such a great party with pasta hanging all around!

Billy Mooney (IRL): “I don’t know, but he must have crossed a line. He tied to fuck with The Bulldozer!” (points to self)

Giorgios Quote

The less you know about people, the more you love them! Thomas and Steven (BE) Dub-step party, because it was the only party with good music! (OUCH,..)

Narine (RUS) Definitely National Evening! Thanks to Hungarian boys with Palinka!

the return of the Mac(Cann)

stop the presses! sighted today at the EASA campsite: former organizing legend Ronan McCann (irl) and his lovely girlfriend! But What about the Cheese?!?!? ALSO Dicle (IT) Eurodance. The music was really good. I was dancing everywhere - on the tables, on the shoulders. I havent been parting like that since I was a teenager

Vlad (RO) Hmm, good question. Yesterdays party - I was with my Serbian brothers on the terrace.

Jim Hayton (UK) has shown his lovely face around. Go to Leeds and have an amazing time with him! although he’ll probably be able to have a good time here as well.








“I can eat a sandwich in any size of room.” James Gowan

Yesterday we looked at transforming space (literally) and today we follow on but coming back to earth, and base, with another look at the space we call home around us.Today we look at Easa HQ through lens of the Everyday, and looking at just what happens when you give a school and site to a bunch of architecture students for 2 weeks. So lets just brush up very briefly on the everyday (not to get too serious on you), from the concepts of de Certeau and Lefebvre. With Lefebvre we are talking about ‘form’, ‘space’ and ‘practices’, about improvised space, and the combination of the routines of daily life and the bureaucratisation of spaces and practices, so what we are allowed to do, conditioned etc... De Certeau on the other hand sees space as an organiser for an ensemble of possibilities and interdictions, so what stops us from doing something, to what allows us to do something, and then what we do within them or with them. Be that; do what we are supposed to (like walk along a path, or up a flight of stairs) or create ‘shortcuts’, and ‘detours’ or even not use it at all. While both being valid concepts but focusing on different aspects, Lefebvre definitions all refer to a system of practices which are unique to a culture or historical period. These include not only the acts that people perform but also the ways in which space is organised as a result of these, something very relative within our own Easa community. Lets not forget where we are, to us this is home for the past 2 weeks but just think of the difference in its daily use, this campus would go through on a ‘normal’ day. The mayor and police definitely have been with their daily conversations and annoyance so far. A few key examples within the Easa community should be very clear in your head, like the eventual move of the party ‘get down’ space from the events tent to the space under the stairs; the routine of those coming to breakfast for 10:30 being stopped with a heavy hand; or the screenings at the pop-up workshop late night, on what is techinically and very ordinary fire stair. With 40+ nations and over 400 people within this Easa community the issues of identity, appropriation, negotiation and representation are all tied up in complex forms and practices, a part of what makes this so special. so this is an attempt to highlight the unique set of events we have been a part of over the last weeks acts of appropriation that have happened so far.

Loggia update After news that the first parts of the Loggia structure has been erected the Umbrellas was eager to get some exclusive pictures, and here they are. The structure itself seems impressive and now starts to loom over the neighboring small club house. While work on site continues at a strong pace with a number of the team staying until 4 am last night, unavoidable material delays etc have resulted in the fact that the Loggia will not be finished on time. “we need to sleep, but we will finish this pavillion before leaving” - Kieran.


















Ronan Kenny (IRL) hosts Pivo Sesam

Location: Ronans summer house. Connamara(again), Newport, Co.Mayo, Ireland Dates: Monday 24th - 31st August No rain guaranteed* The house is in an isolated area in Connamara, and is located in between 2 lakes, one for fishing and one for swimming. Part of the Pivo Sesam

I N C M 0 0 9 . l i + s w i s s t r i p

Most of you probably first heard about INCM009 being held in Liechtenstein on National Evening, when EASA Switzerland and EASA Liechtenstein joined forces and spirit and gave birth to a total new country called Swisstenstein. Surely everybody still remembers having ++++++++++ all over their bodies - like really ALL OVER! Thanks to Jeanne for the great advertisement.. Last night the main organizers of INCM009 held their presentation at the events tent and gave out a big blast to make everybody excited to come. The first easa-event ever in this very little Country in the middle of a very big Europe shall content lots of highlights - here is just a short extract of it: This years Intermediate National Contact Meeting shall throw light on the moment easa came into being, its development through to the present day and yield couragous ideas for its future. One of the founders of easa and a main organizer of the easa on a train will join our discourse on what easa actually is and where it could go.







would be to build a small jetty out into one of the lakes, or maybe even one in each lake. The lack of close neighbors means that late night party’s and noise are not an issue. There is lots of room in the house if people are okay with sleeping on the floor, and there is plenty of fun to be had. So if your interested find Ronan (pictured) and ask him for more info. *guarantee applies only to the inside of the house!

1 6 2 3 o c t 2 4 t o 2 6 o c t

We are europe’s next generation of architects. So we will dare to ask the question what it actually is, the architect, and initiate a discussion about the future of the profession of architecture during a workshop and a symposium. Posters contributed by all NC’s will be exhibited in the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein. Among other things we will eat cheesefondue high in the mountains, celebrate in a castle and work in the Hochschule Liechtenstein. Finally we will travel to the oldest city of Switzerland, Chur, and party and sleep in a Bunker, then visit the most amazing pieces of architecture of the region and complete the INCM009-experience night-bathing in the Thermes of Vals. All NC’s are wanted to give some helping hand - as moderators, to take minutes or to do the documentation in pictures, film an some special kind of umbrella.

Also there are two important competions going on: each NC will distribute a poster to the theme “XL,L,M,S,FL” which referes to the size of the country. We want 40 approaches to one theme, 40 points of views on one spot and 40 statements about Liechtenstein (FL). These are going to be exhibited in the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein as a public event. Second is a volunteer essay about the future of the profession of architecture. It is meant to be a preliminary exercise for the participant and inspiration for the event itself. It will also serve as a main source for the final report. We expect you to write an essay of max. one a4-sheet, but it also might just be one genuine sentence.. Deadlines: application poster essay


For more information check out: www.incm009.li

E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m





EASA 2011 Serbia? In an attempt to continue our myth busting about EASA 2011 bids we can officially reveal that Serbia are in the running, but they are still waiting on confirmation from partners and sponsors. With all going well they would hope to host the event in 2 giant air hangers in Belgrade. When Umbrella caught up with Marko Vukovic (Serbia) he seemed reluctant to give out any details or confirm their bid, but he did have this to say “we will, we will rock you”. Looking forward to it Serbia.





EASA NL011 After last nights’ future EASA madness, the Dutch got together as well and completely planned, funded and organized the future EASA for 2011. Umbrella got in touch with main organizer Jaimy aka Jesse Hotpants to get the complete 411. Umbrella - So Jesse, what’s up with the Dutch doing EASA? Last time it was in NL it completely fell apart because of the ‘drugs’? Jesse - We know, don’t remember anymore though.... But apparently it was the best organized EASA ever, with 15 A0 full color plotters, plenty of toner and 500 different powertools - until after 5 minutes all participants got stoned. U - what are you gonna do about that? J - There will be an on-site coffeeshop providing all our druggy needs. U - nice. Where do I sign up?


J - on my manly chest. U - ahem. Where is EASA011 gonna be at? J - Okay, so there is a lot of reclaimed land in the Netherlands right? About 20% of the country used to be water in the past. There is a really big bit of it, just north-east of Amsterdam, and there is a city there called Almere. It’s about 150.000 people, and it’s only 30 years old. U - a new town? J - yup. It’s about as boring as Darfo, just bigger. Anyway, because it’s all new, but people somehow have this built-in nostalgic image of the town as an old place, so a couple of years




ago a number of local entrepeneurs came together and organized some money to build a nice castle in the polder - a perfect backdrop for weddings etc. U - mmmm. Sounds interesting. J - yes, and it was gonna be really great, until halfway through they ran out of money and stopped construction. So what is left now is a giant modern-day ruin of a fake castle. And, as is normal in NL, the place got squatted. Right now it’s a massive artists colony. That’s where it going to be. Every country will have they’re own castle room, and the party space will be on the top floor of the donjon ( = tower)! U - wow! That sounds really good! So everything is taken care of already? J - Pretty much. The theme has been set to FUCK THE CONTEXT - of which this castle is the perfect example. How does one deal with context, or in this case, the lack of context? Can one make use of collective memory, of mental compositions etc? We’re gonna have an amazing group of lecturers, MVRDV, UNstudio, NL Architects, Aldo van Eyck, Herman Hertzberger, Wiel Arets, Onix, and of course Rem himself. U - yes, we have heard there is a special trick to get Rem to give a lecture? J - Yes, ask him to give a lecture about Europe to 400 people from all over Europe and he will be all over you like a bee on a can of coke. Or like an English person over a Danish one. U - aha. Well, anyway, thank you for the update! I guess we’ll see a full bid proposal in Liechtenstein. J - yes. For now, look at the picture and tremble in fear for the awesome would-be EASA!

bar! workshops!

coffeeshop! context!




DEADLINE WORKSHOPPOSTERS: FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT. bring the files to the organizer desk in the IT-lab. WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS: pecha kucha-style (20 slides, 20 seconds/ slide) SATURDAY EVENING @ POP-UP lost... FREEDOM FRANK found... > general sense of everything > dignity (again....)


FAVORITEARCHITECT? Caruso St. John COOLWEBSITE? www.dysturb.net DEADLINEMUSIC? Queens of the Stone Age FREETIMEADVENTURE? Sporting, reading, friends, movies WHATAREYOUGOING2BE? rockstar

If you haven’t been interviewed by FRANK yet, go and find him NOW!

> mobile phone (samsung) > fake iPod - creative

tonight: EASA moment, 9pm events tent

two week event or ongoing network? let’s all meet and discuss!

Movie@POPUP tonight! Amarcord (Felini) at 9.30PM. Set in a small italian village (english subtitles)

NC meeting tonite @ 8pm on british bulldog destruction field. bring your dinner! Rune’s Review #7

Today Rune’s Review would like to announce that an EASA009 dance video will be put together during today and tomorrow. Everyone who went to EASA006 in Budapest probably knows what this means and is already practicing the forbidden steps. For everyone else: this is your chance to be in the official dance video of this year’s EASA. You’ll be seen. You’ll be remembered. You’ll be a S-T-A-R (Super Talented And Rock-steady) The shooting of this epic event already started yesterday and will continue today and tomorrow. So when you see our field-operative (he’s a small Asian dude with a cool haircut) you better start daaaaaaaaancing!!!

Vague riverside BBQ party Who: everyone is invited Time: 10pm Location: by their lakeside installation FREE: wine and some meat, bring your own meat if possible and of course cups.

Getting there: when you cross the bridge on the way to the supermarket take a right and keep following the small path until you cross the second bridge. It is on the right after the second bridge. Or just follow the string that starts at the umbrella office.

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