Movies by Mills (May 2019)

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CONTENTS Page 3 Editorial 4 Rory’s Way

Brian Cox as Rory MacNeil, a rugged old Scotsman who reluctantly leaves his beloved Hebridean island and travels to San Francisco to seek medical treatment. Moving in with his estranged son, Rory sees his life transformed through a newly found bond with his baby grandson.

8 High Life A father and his daughter struggle to survive in Deep Space where they live in isolation.

12 Sunset A young girl grows up to become a strong and fearless woman in Budapest before World War One.

16 Cannes Retrospect Reflecting on some magnificent films that have premiered at Cannes: Brief Encounter, The Third Man, The Wages of Fear, La Dolce Vita, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, A Man And A Woman, Amour.

20 Filmfest Follower - Cannes A look at this year’s scheduled programme of films at Cannes.

30 Coming Soon Films to look forward to seeing over the next few months.

32 Rory’s Way

- Poster.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING: Jake Garriock @ Artificial Eye Saffeya Shebli @ Thunderbird Releasing Aneet @ Jon Rushton Publicity


EDITORIAL Bonjour Cannes! This issue of MbM looks at the most prestigious film festival in the world - the Cannes Film Festival, which runs this year from May 14 – 25. As expected, there is an excellent programme of films from all genres and from some of the world’s greatest filmmakers. You can walk La Croisette later, right now cineaste’s only have one thing in mind – the festival. So, finger-walk through the pages and check-out what Cannes offers this year. Besides our film-fest section, there are our film reviews and this month’s cover feature is Rory’s Way, starring one of Britain’s greatest actors, Brian Cox starring in a wonderfully heart-warming film. There are also reviews of High Life, Sunset. Plus, not only do we take a retrospective look at Cannes and a few highlights from the glitz and glamour of its films, we also fastforward to films that will be coming your way in the next few weeks and months. Enjoy the read.

Brian Mills Magazine Editor

Paul Ridler Magazine Designer




Directed by Oded Binnum, Mihal Brezis Starring: Brian Cox, Rosanna Arquette, JJ Field, Thora Birch Do what you love, while you can. - Rory

Brian Cox is a veteran actor of TV and films and he brings all of his experience to enrich this delightful film as Rory McNiell, a proud Scotsman, and he had to learn Gallic to play the role. Rory is a proud and rugged man who leaves his beloved isolated Hebridean island to reluctantly travel to San Francisco to seek medical treatment. He moves in with his estranged son Ian (J.J. Field), who he hasn’t seen for over fifteen years, and he wouldn’t be seeing him now were it not for the specialized treatment he needs. Strong and unshakeable and cemented in his ways, Rory is aghast when he sees change that is totally alien to his ways, characterised by a raised eyebrow, a negative comment, or a bitter retort from a seemingly endless repertoire of bitterness. The film is based on the bestselling book La Sonrisa Etrusca by Jose Louis Sampredo, with the story being transposed to Scotland and the United States. The title refers to the famous terra cotta statues that bear a mysterious smile even in their afterlife and instil hope towards the idea of a happy death. It is when a kilted Rory visits the museum and stares at the statue that that he meets Claudia (Rossana Arquette) who conducts guided tours of the museum. She notices Rory’s puzzled expression of the statue.

This is how the Etruscan’s pictured their dead. - Claudia They don’t look dead to me. - Rory You can’t die with a smile? - Claudia


From this meeting, Rory and Claudia start a relationship and changes his perspective on life, that his love for his baby grandson, a remarkable natural performance from Jamie, who was the undisputed star on the set. Whether he had to laugh, cry or jump out of a crib, he proved that age has no limits. Jamie brings the magic of a first word, a first step, and a first love – his eternal love for his grandfather. The tear-jerking moments are inevitable when Rory learns that he has terminal cancer and is told that he only has months to live. He embraces those precious moments. Mention must be made about Arthur Cohn who recalls what Eleanor Roosevelt once said: the world belongs to the person brave enough to believe in the beauty of his dreams . Arthur Cohn, the producer of The Etruscan Smile has come to realize his dreams on screen for a worldwide audience over nearly four decades. All this while accumulating six Academy Awards in recognition of his work – more than any other independent producer in film history and unlike many filmmakers whose best work is mostly concentrated within a particularly fertile period of their careers, Cohn’s projects have earned him time and again Oscar recognition and top prizes in the most respectable film festivals, reflecting over four decades of virtuosity and continuous quality filmmaking. The film was shot across two continents, with filming taking place on location in the city of San Francisco and in the Hebridean coast of Scotland. Following the convictions of his mentor and collaborator Vittorio de Sica, making the effort of authentically filming on location became Arthur Cohn’s famous artistic practice along his career. Directors Mihal Brezis & Oded Binnun are Academy Awards Nominees for their short film Ava and the film has garnered exceptional recognition when released commercially in cinemas. The Etruscan Smile is their first full length feature film. Cinematographer Javier Aguirresarobe is a master of light. In his extensive and acclaimed career, he has worked with the world’s most recognized directors turning their films into magical visual feasts. His wide range of credits include celebrated titles such as Pedro Almodovar’s Talk to Her, Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine and Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Alejandro Amenabar’s Oscar winning film The Sea Inside. Javier is a six-time recipient of the Goya Awards for Best Cinematography, as well as winner of outstanding artistic achievement at the Berlin Film Festival.

So, Rory’s Way (The Etruscan Smile) comes to our screens bearing a pedigree of collaborative greatness from cast and crew. It is a memorable film that will lift the hearts of cinemagoers everywhere.



Claudia (Rosanna Arquette) & Rory (Brian Cox) in Rory’s Way.

Rory (Brian Cox) & Jamie (Aero Kapow Epps) in Rory’s Way 6

Rory (Brian Cox) & Jamie (Aero Kapow Epps) in Rory’s Way

Jamie (Aero Kapow Epps), Emily (Thora Birch), Ian (J.J. Field), Rory (Brian Cox) in Rory’s Way


HIGH LIFE Directed by Clare Denis Starring: Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche, Andre Benjamin, Mia Goth We were scum, trash. Someone had the bright idea of recycling us, serve science. - Monte Experimentation on convicts in space. High Life premiered at the 2018 Toronto Film Festival and caused multiple walk-outs during its screening because of how graphically disturbing and provocative the ultraviolence, graphic rape, masturbation and incest was. Clare Denis had in mind the idea for the story since 2002. In 2014, Robert Pattinson heard about the project. Being a big cinephile and loving her previous films, he wanted to work with Denis since seeing White Material for the first time in 2010. Claire Denis said about meeting him: I had a few actors in mind, but most strongly Phillip Seymour Hoffman. When he died, I had no one else in mind. Then I met a few actors, and the only person who touched me, but who physically really was so much the opposite of Phillip, was Robert: the casting director said Robert wanted to meet me and I thought he was great, but I first thought he was too young for the part, I wanted someone older, tired of life with no hope. (In the script, the protagonist is in his late 40s) He didn’t solicit me, but he wanted to meet me, he said he would play any part, I panicked: What was the point of seeing him since he couldn’t play Monte? I was afraid to even meet him, I thought, ‘Why does he want to work with me so badly? No, he’s too iconic for my cinema. I’m afraid of who he is.’ It almost distressed me. Then one day I was in L.A. to meet actors and Robert came to see me, we spoke in the hotel garden. In the coming months we met a few times – he came to Paris – and I realized I couldn’t make the film without him; he was already in the film. When he asked me, Are you sure? I said, It’s already too late, it’s you or nobody else. It’s so easy to love him – I liked him immediately – he’s so sincere, he cares so much, you know? I realized he’s just the sort of actor I love, he is like a man with another man inside himself, craving for something. This guy is like a Russian nesting doll, there is another guy sitting in it, and another guy in that guy, and more. He never shows himself completely, only a part, and it is terribly intriguing…but he also has like an inner, naked youth. He gives off an aura that immediately makes you want to film him. I was struck by him. He’s very smart and probably more intelligent than me…especially when 8

it comes to cinema, he is a real film nerd, but many people don’t know that about him. I knew he was going to give me a lot, and he really did. He’s the easiest actor I’ve worked with, the same with Juliette Binoche, they have no fear about a weird project. Make no mistake about it, High Life is an extremely weird project. If there were awards for Feel bad films, then this film would be the favourite to win. Undoubtedly Clare Denis is a fine director and learnt her craft by working as an assistant director to Wim Wenders, Costa-Gavras and Jim Jarmusch. Her first film was the drama Chocolat about a French woman’s remembrance of her youth in in Cameroon, particularly her mother’s relationship with an African houseboy toward whom she feels an attraction. But the one film that Denis has made which is one of the greatest films of all-time is Beau Travail, she has never come close to matching that film’s magnificence. It was inspired by Herman Melville’s Billy Budd. The film is a stunning combination of literature, music, poetry and dance that explores the near-mythical world of the French Foreign Legion. Denis Lavant stars as Galoup, a sergeant-major whose position and power are threatened when the bravery and heroism of new recruit Sentain (Gregoire Colin) attracts the attention of the platoon’s commandant (Michel Gabor). Enraged, Galoup plots Santain’s downfall, a doomed course of action that leads to his own undoing. In this film, Denis created a dark mounting tension that underlies the exquisite cinematography of Agnes Godard, whose stark visual style contrasts vividly with the graceful training rituals of the sculpted young soldiers. A powerful examination of masculinity, Beau Travail is mesmeric, sensual and extraordinarily beautiful. Back to High Life and a little background to the character of Monte. He is imprisoned because he committed a murder back in his childhood which was loosely based on the 1993 murder case of twoyear old James Bulger, who was murdered by two just 10-year old boys who were found guilty and sentenced to 15 years, becoming the youngest convicted murderers of the 20th century. About the death row inmates in the film: I was thinking ‘What is right? To be killed immediately or to wait on an uncertain hope? The idea came from someone complaining about the cost of death row, why inmates are not working. It gave me the idea of using them as guinea pigs. I can’t say it’s a futuristic idea because people who serve no use to society anymore, they are trash. So, a lot of people are used. There are people who must sell their kidney in order to survive. This is not science fiction; this is true and happens on earth. I just put it in space.


Monte (Robert Pattinson) & Willow Baby (Scarlett Lindsey) in High Life

Dibs (Juliette Binoche) in High Life 10

Tcherny (Andre Benjamin) in High Life

Dibs (Juliette Binoche) in High Life


SUNSET Directed by Laszlo Nemes Starring: Juli Jakab, Vlad Ivanov, Marcin Czamik I believe I have a brother - Irisz Leiter

A hatmaker (Irisz Leiter) returns to Budapest years after being fostered under mysterious circumstances. Her parents had been respected milliners, owners of a shop bearing their name and who served both the wealthy and aristocracy. A whispered secret about why they’re no longer there casts a sinister pall over the shop. When Irisz tries to get work, the new owner is unsettled by her reappearance and politely, but firmly, buys her a ticket to leave the city. But Irisz doesn’t do anything she is told and soon finds herself pulled into the city’s dark turmoil and a mystery about her past. As the plot becomes less linear, the film’s dark beauty intensifies. The unfortunate strain on Nemes’s movie is with its audience to be able to understand what is happening to the protagonist and to even care. Consequently, the film becomes an effort for the viewer to stay awake. Through heavy-lidded eyes, one becomes aware that Irisz Leiter is a mad hatter. Sunset fails to entertain and its mishmash narrative distances one from participating in a story that offers a myriad of questions and fails to answer any of them. Sunset is only Lazlo Nemes’s second feature, his first was the critically acclaimed Son of Soul, which concerned a Jewish-Hungarian concentration camp prisoner who sets out to give a child he mistook for his son a proper burial. Nemes has stated that it was a very personal film because he lost his father in a concentration camp. There seems to little that his latest film has which is personal to his life…and that shows. Further to this, Sunset has a running time of 2 hours, 22 minutes. What one might appear to be enticed into entering a dream, soon becomes embroiled in a nightmare. 12

From the beginning, Irisz establishes her character as a person that is difficult to assess. She is caught up in historical violence and degradation. A black veil is lifted from an extravagantly broad brimmed hat revealing a young woman in happy reverie. An unseen showgirl fits others, while the last, a masculine looking brimmed and buckled cloche, before realizing that Irisz is not a customer but a young woman applying for a job at the luxury shop. Miss Zelma (Evelyn Dobos) takes her off to meet Brill, who seems unsettled by this ghost from the past. Why did you come here after all that happened? He claims positions are filled but offers her a place to stay. The shop is buzzing with secretive plans for high ranking visitors during a jubilee celebration Irisz never regains that initial blissful expression, is regarded with suspicion by the female milliners at Leiter, bedding down for the night in a hostile environment. She’s awoken in the middle of the night by Gssper (Levente Molnar) in what first seems like an attempted rape. The coachman claims he can take her to see her brother. Yes, Irisz is a brave young woman, she gate-crashes Leiter celebration, observing the unusually dishevelled Countess Redey (Julia Jakubowska) as a whirlwind of gossip forms. She ventures out at night to connect with her brother but finds instead a secret gathering for men only behind doors. What is that all about you may wonder? There are numerous occasions, and this is one of them, when the film steps out of his genre. If Nemes is endeavouring to confuse us, then he succeeds in nearly every frame. Sunset was nominated as Best Film in the Official Competition at last year’s London Film Festival, but it didn’t win. It won the FIPRESCI Prize at the Venice Film Festival 2018, failing to win the Golden Lion. It was Hungary’s submission to the Foreign Language Film Award of the 91st Oscars and it premiered at the Venice Film Festival on the 3rd September 2018, followed by the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in Canada on the 8th September 2018. A total of 87 films will contend for Best Foreign Language Feature this year. Despite the awards and critical acclaim that this film has received its only award it deserves, if there was one, would be Best Frustrating Film of the Year. Yet the film had one thing in its favour and that is that it reminded me of the 1940 classic Ernst Lubitsch’s The Shop Around the Corner, which was also set in a retail store in Budapest. Its lightness contrasts with the heavy darkness of Sunset, therefore it was easy for me to transport myself back in time and replay this beautifully romantic comedy which starred James Stewart and Margaret Sullivan. It was a magical and memorable movie experience and still is. Sunset is easily forgettable and fails to entertain. It deserves to be buried in the cinema cemetery.


Irisz (Juli Jakab) & Oszkar Brill (Vlad Ivanov) in Sunset

Irisz (Juli Jakab) in Sunset


Irisz (Juli Jakab) in Sunset

Irisz (Juli Jakab) & Otto van Konig (Christian Harting) in Sunset


CANNES RETROSPECT The Cannes Film Festival started in 1939 and the first film to win Best Picture was Union Pacific. However, the film did not receive its award until the 2002 festival because the 1939 festival had to be cancelled due to the outbreak of World War 2. It was not until 1946 that awards were reinstated and that year there were eleven winners: Red Meadows, The Lost Weekend, Pastoral Symphony, Neecha Nagar, Rome, Open City, Maria Candelaria, Iris and the Lieutenant, The Last Chance, Men Without Wings, The Turning Point…and Brief Encounter. The latter film, Brief Encounter, was a sensitive portrayal of what happens when two happily married strangers, played by Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard, meet and their acquaintance deepens into affection and love. It is the story of two people, thrown together by a chance meeting and quite helpless in the face of their emotions but redeemed by their moral courage. Directed by David Lean and produced by Noel Coward, Brief Encounter is a warmly remembered and remains one of the finest of English pictures and a jewel in the crown of Cannes. In September 1949, Carol Reed’s The Third Man premiered at Cannes. This atmospheric masterpiece with story and screenplay by Graham Greene is a tale of guilt, disillusionment, corruption and betrayal. Holly Martins (Joseph Cotton) arrives in Vienna looking for Harry Lime only to learn he died in an accident. While stumbling through the bleak black-market zones he discovers Harry is still alive – now a murderous racketeer hiding in the doorways and sewers of the bombed-out city. But Martins’ painful odyssey is not yet over and the desperate search for the truth will destroy his oldest friend. Another world premiere at Cannes was Henri-Georges Clouzot’s nailbiting thriller The Wages of Fear, which starred Yves Montand and Charles Vanel, Folco Lulli and Peter Van Eyck. The film won the Palme d’Or. A film that set fashion trends and was Fellini’s topical perusal of Rome’s party scene was La Dolce Vita, starring Marcello Mastroianni and Anita Ekberg. But in this retrospective look at Cannes and its highlights that was unforgettable, and an experiential joy was Jacques Demy’s The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, starring Catherine Deneuve. It tells the story of a 20year-old Guy Foucher (Nino Castelnuovo, who is auto mechanic and has fallen in love with a 17-year-old Genevieve Emery (Deneuve), an employee in her widowed mother’s chic but financially embattled umbrella shop. One evening before Guy is to leave for a two-year tour of combat in Algeria, the pair share a passionate night. Genevieve becomes pregnant and the must choose between waiting for Guy’s return or accepting an attractive offer of marriage from a wealthy diamond merchant. C’est magnifique Cannes…c’est magnifique. Merci Cannes.


Holly Martins(Joseph Cotton) & Harry Lime (Orson Welles) in The Third Man

M.Jo (Charles Vanel) & Mario (Yves Montand) in The Wages of Fear


Marcello(Marcello Mastroianni) & Sylvia (Anita Ekberg) in La Dolce Vita

Genevieve (Catherine Deneuve) in The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 18

Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and Anne (Emmanuelle Riva) in Amour.

Jean-Louis (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and Anne (Anouk Aimee) in A Man and a Woman.


2019 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL OPENING NIGHT FILM THE DEAD DON’T DIE Directed by Jim Jarmusch Starring: Chloë Sevigny, Adam Driver, Tilda Swinton The peaceful town of Centerville finds itself battling a zombie horde as the dead start rising from their graves.

COMPETITION PAIN AND GLORY Directed by Pedro Almodovar Starring: Penélope Cruz, Antonio Banderas, Asier Etxeandia A film director reflects on the choices he’s made in life as past and present come crashing down around him.

THE TRAITOR Directed by Marco Bellocchio Starring: Pierfrancesco Favino, Luigi Lo Cascio, Maria Fernnanda Cândido The real life of Tommaso Buscetta the so-called Boss of the Two Worlds . First Mafia informant in Sicily in the 1980s.

THE WILD GOOSE LAKE Directed by Yi’Nan Diao Starring: Fan Liao, Hugh Hu, Lun-Mei Kwei No Plot Given

PARASITE Directed by Joon-ho Bong Starring: Kawl-Ho Song, Sun-Kyun Lee, Yeo-Jeong Cho All unemployed, Li-Taeks’s family takes peculiar interest in the Parks for their livelihood until they get entangled in an unexpected incident. 20

YOUNG AHMED Directed by Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne Starring: Olivier Bonnaud A Belgian teenager hatches a plot to kill his teacher after embracing an extremist interpretation of the Quran.

OH MERCY! Directed by Arnaud Desplechin Starring: LĂŠa Seydoux, Roschidy Zem, Sara Forestier A police chief in Northern France tries to solve a case where an old woman was brutally murdered.

ATLANTIQUE Directed by Mati Diop No further details available

MATTHIAS & MAXINE Directed by Xavier Dolan Starring: Harris Dickinson, Xavier Dolan, Anne Dorval No plot given

LITTLE JOE Directed by Jessica Hausner Starring: Emily Beecham, Ben Whishaw, Leanne Best A genetically engineered plant scatters its seeds and seems to cause uncanny changes on living creatures. The afflicted appear strange, as if they were replaced for those, who are close to them. Or is it all just imagination.

A HIDDEN LIFE Directed by Terrence Malick Starring: Matthias Schoenaerts, Michael Nyqvist, JĂźrgen Prochnow The Austrian Franz Jagerstatter, a conscientious objector, refuses to fight for the Nazis in World War II


BACURAU Directed by Kleber Mendonça Filho & Juliano Dornelles Starring: Udo Kier, Sônia Braga, Jonny Mare NO PLOT GIVEN

THE WHISTLERS Directed by Corneliu Porumboiu Starring: Vlad Ivanov, Catrinel Marlon, Rodica Lazar NO PLOT GIVEN

FRANKIE Directed by Ira Sachs Starring: Marisa Tomei, Brendan Gleeson, Isabelle Huppert Three generations grappling with a life-experience during one day of a vacation in Sintra, Portugal. A historic town known for its dense gardens and fairy tale villas and places.

PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE Directed by Céline Sciamma Starring: Valeria Golino, Adèle Haenes, Noémie Merlant On an isolated island in Betagne at the end of the 18th century, a female painter is obliged to paint a wedding portrait of a young woman.

IT MUST BE HEAVEN Directed by Elia Suleiman Starring: Ali Suleiman, Elia Suleiman, Holden Wong Filmmaker Elia Suleiman travels to different cities and finds unexpected comparisons to her homeland of Palestine.

SIBYL Directed by Justine Triet Starring: Virginie Efira, Adèle Exarchapoulos, Gaspard Ulliel A jaded psychotherapist returns to her first passion of becoming a writer. 22

UN CERTAIN REGARD INVISABLE LIFE Directed by Karim Ainouz Starring: Fernando Montenegro, Carol Duarte, Gregorio Duvivier Rio de Janeiro in the 1940s. The life of Guida and Euridice Gusmo, raised to be invisible in the eyes of the Brazilian Society of that time, like all the other women of that generation.

BEANPOLE Directed by Kantemir Balagov 1945, Leningrad World War II has devastated the city, demolishing its buildings and leaving its citizens in tatters, physically and mentally. Although the siege – one of the worst in history – is finally over, life and death continue their battle in the wreckage that remains.

THE SWALLOWS OF KABUL Directed by Zabou Breitman & Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec Starring: Hiam Abbass, Zita Hanrot, Swann Arlaud. Animation.

A BROTHER’S LIFE Directed by Monia Chokri Starring: Evelyne Brochu, Magalie Lepine Blondeau, Sasson Gabai NO PLOT GIVEN

THE CLIMB Directed by Michael Angelo Covino Starring: Gayle Rankin, Talia Balsam, Zina Wilde A look at the friendship between two guys that spans over many years.

JOAN OF ARC Directed by Bruno Dumont Starring: Lise Leplat Prudhomme NO PLOT GIVEN


A SUN THAT NEVER SETS Directed by Oliver Laxe Ramonis a notorious Galican arsonist who has been accused of causing a new fire. Lois, a young firefighter, explores the depths of a forest on fire, their destinies are linked by the power of a mysterious fire.

ROOM 212 Directed by Christophe Honoré Starring: Carole Bouquet, Chiara Mastroiani, Camille Cottin NO PLOT GIVEN

PORT AUTHORITY Directed by Danielle Lessovitz Starring: Fionn Whitehead, Leyna Bloom, McCaul Lombardi A love story set in New York’s kiki ballroom scene, and follows Paul, a 20-year-old Midwesterner, who arrives by the central bus station and quickly catches eyes with Wye, a 22- year-old girl walking on the sidewalk. After Paul seeks her out in secret, an intense love between them blossoms.


Directed by Mounia Meddour Gens Starring: Marwan Zeghbib, Lyna Khoudri, Yasin Houicha Algiers, 1997. The country is in the hands of terrorist groups, seeking an Islamic and archaic state. Women are particularly affected and oppressed by primitive diktas who seek control of their bodies and control their passage through the public scene.


Directed by Rhys Ernst Starring: Margaret Qualley, Ashlie Atkinson, Mj Rodriguez Awkward teen Adam spends his last High School Summer with big sister who throws herself into NYC’s lesbian and trans activist scene.

LIBERTÉ Directed by Lydia Dean Pilcher Starring: Sarah Megan Thomas. Tells the story of Vera Atkins, a crafty spy recruiter and two of the first women she selects for Churchill’s Secret Army.



Directed by Annie Silverstein Starring: Yolonda Ross, Rob Morgan, Karla Garbelotto

In a near-abandoned sub-division west of Houston, a wayward teen runs headlong into her equally wilful and unforgiving neighbour, an aging bullfighter who’s seen his best days in the arena, it’s a collision that will change them both.

SUMMER OF CHANGSHA Directed by Feng Zu Starring: Lu Huang, Yu Tian, Feng Zu NO PLOT GIVEN

EVGE Directed by Nariman Aliev Starring: Akhtem Seitablaev

A father and a son from Crimean Tatar family transport the body of deceased older son and brother from Kyiv to bury him in Crimea.


Directed by Claude Lelouch Starring: Jean-Louis Trintignant, Anouk Aimée

An updating of the relationship between Jean-Louis Duroc (Trintignant) and Anne Gauthier (Aimee) when they first fell in love in the classic 1966 film A Man And A Woman.

ROCKETMAN Directed by Dexter Fletcher Starring: Taron Egerton, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jamie Bell A musical fantasy about the fantastical human story of Elton John’s breakthrough years.

TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG (Two Episodes) Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn Starring: Miles Teller NO PLOT GIVEN

MARADONA Directed by Asif Kapadia Starring: Diego Armando Maradona

Constructed from over 500 hours of never-before-seen footage. This documentary centres on the career of celebrated football player Diego Maradona who played for SSC Napoli in the 1980s.


La belle époque Directed by Nicolas Bedos Starring: Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Fanny Ardant

A couple in crisis. He, disillusioned, sees his life upset the day an entrepreneur offers him to plunge back into the time of his choice.

SPECIAL SCREENINGS SHARE Directed by Pippa Bianco Starring: Rhianne Barreto, Charlie Plummer, Poorna Jagannathan After discovering a disturbing video from a night she doesn’t remember, sixteen-year-old Mandy must try to figure out what happened and how to navigate the escalating fallout.

FOR SAMA Directed by Waad Al Kateab & Edward Watts Documentary. A young woman struggles with love, war and motherhood over the span of five years in Syria.

TOMMASO Directed Abel Ferrara Starring: Willem Dafoe NO PLOT GIVEN

TO BE ALIVE AND KNOW IT Directed by Alain Cavalier Starring: Emmanuelle Bernheim, Alain Cavalier. Bernheim and Cavalier are linked by thirty years of friendship. They are preparing a film based on the author’s book of the novelist; everything went well. She tells how her father asked her to finish, after a cardiovascular accident.

QUE SEA LEY Directed by Juan Salanas Documentary. NO PLOT GIVEN


Directed by Lorcan Finnegan Starring: Imogen Poots, Jesse Eisenberg

A young couple’s lives are turned upside-down when they find themselves trapped in a supernatural world. 26

A WHITE, WHITE DAY Directed by Hlynur Palmason Starring; Eggert Sigurosson About a man contending with his wife’s death and suspicions of infidelity.

I LOST MY BODY Directed by Jeremy Clapin Animation About a young man’s severed hand intent on finding its host.

OUR MOTHERS Directed by Cesar Diaz Revisiting a tragic moment in the country’s history.

THE UNKNOWN SAINT Directed by Alaa Edding Aljem Starring: Younes Bouab, Salah Ben Saleh, Bouchaib Semmak In the middle of the desert, Amine runs, his fortune in his hand, the police on his heels. He buries the booty in a hastily made tomb.

DIRECTORS FORTNIGHT LE DAIM Directed by Quentin Duplaix Starring: Jean Dujardin, Adèle Haenel, Albert Delpy A man’s obsession with his deerskin designer jacket causes him to blow his life savings and turn to crime.

ALICE AND THE MAYOR Directed by Nicolas Pariser Starring: Fabrice Luchini, Anaïs Demoustier, Nora Hamzawi The mayor of Lyon, Paul Theraneau, is in a dangerous position. After 30 years in politics, he is running out of ideas, feeling like an existential emptiness. To overcome this, Paul hires a young and brilliant philosopher Alice Heimann.

AND THEN WE DANCED Directed by Levan Atkin Starring: Ana Javakishvili, Giorgi Tsereteli, Tamar Bukhnikashvili. NO PLOT GIVEN

DOGS DON’T WEAR PANTS Directed by Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää Starring: Krista Kosonen, Pekka Strang, Jani Volanen NO PLOT GIVEN


SONG WITHOUT A NAME Directed by Melina León Starring: Pamela Mendoza, Tommy Párraga, Lucio Rojas NO PLOT GIVEN

GHOST TROPIC Directed by Bas Devos Starring: Lubna Azabal, Hamza Belarbi, Amine Benhilal The portrait of a wounded city in enigmatic images; at its centre stands Brussels and the haunted stories of the city’s lost souls.

GIVE ME LIBERTY Directed by Krill Mikhanovsky Starring: Lauren ‘Lolo’ Spencer, Chris Galust, Maxim Stoyanov When a riot breaks out in Milwaukee, America’s most segregated city, medical transport driver Vic is torn between his promise to get a group of elderly Russians to a funeral and his desire to help a black woman with ALS.

THE LIGHTHOUSE Directed by Robert Eggers Starring: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe The story of an aging lighthouse keeper named Old who lives in early 20th century Maine.

OLEG Directed by Juris Kursietis Starring: Valentin Novopolski, Dawd Ogrodnik, Anna Próchniak NO PLOT GIVEN

LES PARTICULES Directed by Blaise Harrison Starring: Thomas Daloz, Salvatore Ferro, Léo Couilfort. NO PLOT GIVEN

SICK SICK SICK Directed by Alice Furtado Starring: Silvia Buarque, Luiza Kosovski, Lourenço Mutarelli. NO PLOT GIVEN


AN EASY GIRL Directed by Rebecca Zlotowski Starring: Benoît Magimel, Nuno Lopes, Clotilde Courou. Naima is 16 years old and lives Cannes. While she gives herself the summer to choose what she wants to do in life, her cousin Sofia, with the attractive way of life, comes to spend the holidays with her. Together, they will live an unforgettable summer.

WOUNDS Directed by Babak Anvari Starring: Zazie Beetz, Arnie Hammer, Dakota Johnson. Disturbing and mysterious things begin to happen to a bartender in New Orleans after he picks up a phone left behind at his bar.

YVES Directed by Benoîr Forgeard Starring: Doria Tillier, Philippe Katerine, William Lebghil. Jerem moved to his grandmother’s house to compose a rap record. He meets So, a mysterious investigator on behalf of the start-up Digital Cool, who persuades him to take the test. Yves, a smart refrigerator, supposed to simplify his life. Gradually, the fridge will take the friendship of Jerem, to make him a star by becoming his Ghost Writer.


ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD Directed by Quentin Tarantino Starring: Margot Robbie, Brad Pitt, Leonardo Di Caprio

A faded television actor and his stunt double strive to achieve fame in the film industry during the final years of Hollywood’s Golden Age in 1969 Los Angeles. It was thought that Tarantino would not have the film edited in time to premiere it at Cannes, but he has made it just in time.

CLOSING NIGHT FILM THE LODGE Directed by Severin Fiala & Veronika Franz Starring: Riley Keough, Richard Armitage, Jaeden Lieberher

When a stepmom-to-be gets snowed in to a remote cabin alongside her fiancé’s two children, she finds herself with the seemingly perfect opportunity to win their affection. However, a series of strange occurrences may lead the trio down a different path.



GLORIA BELL Directed by Sebastian Lelio Starring: Julianne Moore, Sean Astin UK Release: June 27

LATE NIGHT Directed by Nisha Ganatra Starring: Emma Thompson, Halston Sage UK Release: June 7

YESTERDAY Directed by Danny Boyle Starring: Ana De Armas, Lily James UK Release: June 28

ONLY YOU Directed by Harry Wootliff Starring: Laia Costa, Josh O’Connor UK Release: July 12

THE LION KING Directed by Jon Favreau Starring: Seth Rogen, Donald Glover UK Release: July 12 30

VARDA BY AGNES DOCUMENTARY Starring: Agnes Varda, Sandrine Bonnaire

UK Release: July 19

PAIN & GLORY Directed by Pedro Almodovar Starring: Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas UK Release: August 23

THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW Directed by Joe Wright Starring: Amy Adams, Julianne Moore, Gary Oldman Release: September 27

JOKER Directed by Todd Phillips Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro UK Release: October 4

JUDY Directed by Rupert Goold Starring: Renee Zellweger, Bella Ramsey UK Release: August 23


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