21 July 2021

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THURSDAY min 2° max 11°

FRIDAY min 4° max 10°

St. Arnaud, Charlton, Wedderburn & Surrounding Districts

Est. 1864

18 Napier Street, St. Arnaud. 3478. - Advertising & Editorial Material - Ph.: (03) 5495 1055; Fax.: (03) 5495 1937. Email: ncn@iinet.net.au Published weekly. Registered by Australia Post, Publication No. VAC 4217.



Circulating in:- St. Arnaud, Charlton, Donald, Rupanyup, Bealiba, Stawell, Marnoo, Navarre, Dunolly, Wycheproof, Wedderburn, Birchip, Korong Vale, Stuart Mill, Redbank, Avoca & Moonambel.

(Incl. GST)

RESULTS ARE IN Buloke Shire scores a rise of 4 points BULOKE Shire Council has noted excellent results in the 2021 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey at its July Ordinary Meeting.

Above: Wycheproof Bakery on Broadway has been named as a Tier 1 exposure site.

North West Victoria hit by COVID with Wyche bakery named as exposure site REGIONAL Victoria is now on alert with the first case in many months being detected in the north west of the state and announced at the weekend. This follows the earlier announcement that put regional Victoria on notice with Tier 1 exposure site, the Ballan Roadhouse (westbound) including MacDonalds on the Western Freeway, between 5pm and 7pm on 8th July. Now a Mildura man in his 30s caught COVID-19 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground during the Carlton and Geelong game on 10th July and returned to Mildura the next day Sunday 11th July stopping at the Caltex Ravenswood for fuel and at the Wycheproof Bakery on Broadway. The man had been sitting in the MCC members area on Level 2 at the stadium, as was an infected man who lives in the Ariele Apartments, which is where the virus was brought by a group of removalists from locked down Sydney. The Mildura man’s household contact has now also tested positive. The case is bad news for regional Victorians as it was hoped that regional Victoria would be released from lockdown sooner than Melbourne.

Wyche testing East Wimmera Health Service (EWHS) has now set up a drive-through clinic at the Wycheproof Hospital. Members of the community directed to test and isolate will be able to access testing at the Wycheproof Campus of EWHS from 8:45am onwards on Monday 19th July. This will be a drive up and you are requested to remain in your car as there is no capacity to accept bookings at this point in time. Other EWHS sites will continue to offer testing by calling the site to arrange a time.

Tier 1 exposure sites These Ravenswood and Wycheproof sites have now been classified as Tier 1 exposure sites and anyone who visited the Caltex Ravenswood between 12.45pm and 2.15pm on Sunday 11th July and the Wycheproof Baker y on Broadway on the same day from 2pm to 3pm must now follow the Department of Health directions. On his return to Mildura the infectious man visited a

number of sites on 12th, 13th and 14th July in Mildura that have now also been classified as Tier 1 and Tier 2 exposure sites. Anyone who has visited the Tier 1 exposure sites during the times listed must immediately isolate, get a COVID-19 test, and quarantine for 14 days. You should also contact 1300 651 160. For a full list of Exposure sites – Tier 1 for the Mildura case see page 4 for COVID Updates and Developments Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said on Monday morning he understood how frustrating it was for people a long way from Melbourne but that the Mildura case proved how the virus could travel. “As I've said a number of times if I get advice, and I do not have any advice, if I was to get advice that parts of regional Victoria could be allowed out, then we wouldn't hesitate to do that. 'I have no such advice because it is not deemed safe to do so at this stage, and I think the Mildura case just demonstrates the state, from a virus point of view, the state's a lot smaller than it might seem.' • Cont. page 2.

The report, which is coordinated on behalf of all Victorian Councils by the Department Environment of Land, Water and Planning, demonstrates an overall four-point rise on the 2020 result, continuing a multi-year trend of improvement from 2016 and is Council’s best overall result since 2012. These overall results are one point above the state average and two points higher than Council’s Small Rural cohort. Every evaluated area had an increase on the results from 2020 with the exception of Recreational Facilities, which maintained its high score of 74. No area recorded a decrease in satisfaction. Overall Council Direction again achieved a recorded high and is one point higher than the state average and the Small Rural cohort average. This would demonstrate a continued rise satisfaction in Council’s strategic planning from the Council Plan 2017-21 through to subsequent strategic plans and community plans. Excluding service areas relating to roads, Council performs in line with, or significantly higher than, the Small Rural group and State-wide averages on the service areas evaluated.

Council’s best performing areas were Council’s COVID -19 Response, Appearance of Public Areas and Recreational Facilities whilst Maintenance of Unsealed Roads and the Condition of Sealed Roads are again Council’s lowest performing areas but both had significant gains. Mayor Cr Daryl Warren was pleased with the results indicating that the Council has seen a steady increase in results year on year from the Community Satisfaction Survey. “It underlines that our approach in working with the community to understand their priorities to inform our key strategies is hitting the mark. “It is also testament to our hard working, committed staff and Councillors who contribute so much to our community. “The last period has been difficult and a fluctuating time for all during the pandemic. “Positive results like this however doesn’t mean the work is done. “Council will continue to work side by side with the community to sharpen our focus as we invest in our key assets, particularly roads, as well continuing to make Buloke a destination to live, work and visit” Cr Warren said.

Electronic signs for the pedestrian crossing at St. Arnaud Primary School are up and running.

Wet weather delayed the installation of the electronic signs by several weeks but now the work has been completed. The signs are part of the Pedestrian and Safer Schools Program to improve safety for families and school children at schools, shopping precincts and intersections across Victoria. ..... for Story see page 2.

Editorial Raising responsible adults in a COVID world We all want to live in a world where every one of us take responsibility for our own actions, in a world where adults don’t shrug off their responsibilities as citizens. Responsibility means acting so that people can depend on you, keeping your word and meeting your responsibilities, doing one’s best and being accountable for your behaviour, and taking credit when given and contributing as a member of society. As parents we all want to raise happy, responsible children into adults, to raise our children hopefully to clean up their own messes. We want them to develop responsibility of two types, one of self, whereby they become responsible for their actions, but also we want to develop a sense of responsibility for their part in the big whole, whether that be the family, the country, the world. In this regard Gladys Berejeklian has made a couple of blunders recently, the first when Sydney and NSW had their first cases of the Delta variant of COVID a few weeks ago. She said that she would be treating her citizens as adults, ‘we are all adults here’ she said, perhaps a dig at Victoria’s quick and heavy response to an outbreak earlier or perhaps more referring to what a parent would do given a situation within the family. Testing out the level of responsibility the children have gained, in order to bring about certain accountable behaviour. Perhaps naively Gladys thought that we had all been raised as ‘responsible adults’, perhaps she was simply hopeful that by appealing to that sense of responsibility the masses would respond. Not so, Gladys. It only takes one person being irresponsible, only one to not abide by the rules and the consequences in a pandemic such as this are critical. Interestingly, it does pose the question – if you cannot treat all as responsible citizens, how do you get all in the community compliant to the rules. If we are encouraging accountability for one’s actions, but also using the stick of fines to wave as a deterrent, how to do we encourage honesty when being honest may result in a fine? A couple of weeks ago a family was fined in Sydney for breaking the restrictions and travelling from Sydney to regional NSW and were ‘dobbed in’ by members of the public. Police noted that it was obvious that people were willing to ‘dob’ in rule-breakers. This indicates that when someone’s behaviour threatens the good of the whole that those ‘responsible’ adults will act ‘for the good of the whole’. Daniel Andrews has addressed the dilemma that exists here. Last year when rule breakers were caught during a lockdown Daniel Andrews explained why they would not face fines. He stated he did not want to discourage people from telling the truth to contact tracers. He further explained that the issue during an outbreak is that contact tracers get accurate information, so his decision to not fine rule breakers showed that ‘without truth there is no contract tracing’. If in the face of restrictions authorities cannot rely on the community to 100% abide by the rules in order to be able to accurately contact trace, we need to rely on other methods, and they are very much as we would apply as parents when instilling principles of responsibility in our children. We appeal to their sense of ‘doing the right thing’, we indicate our anger at their breaking of the rules, we encourage others (siblings) to ‘dob’ them in. Can we however rely on absolutely everyone, 100% of the population, to do the right thing and abide by the restrictions for the good of the whole when they know that they can get away with breaking the restrictions as long as they admit their error if and when they get caught. This will only be a winner when the number prepared to break the rules is not great enough that it overwhelms the job of the contract tracers.

Pedestrian crossing signs make Charlton Road safer for our students ALTHOUGH work on the signs for the pedestrian crossing at the St. Arnaud Primary School has been completed the state rollout is continuing with a total of 75 new pedestrian crossings to improve safety and reduce congestion around schools and rail interchanges. Half of the new crossings are now operational. Dynamic crossings use sensors and highdefinition cameras to detect how many people are waiting at a crossing and adjust the crossing t i m e a c c o r d i n g l y, keeping students and families safe and

improving traffic flow. Acting Minister for Roads and Road Safety Jacinta Allan said the upgrades would help keep some of our most vulnerable road users safe and reduce the idle time for motorists.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK Responsibility finds a way. Irresponsibility makes excuses. - Gene Bedley

WEEKLY RAINFALL ST. ARNAUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24.2 RAINFALL FOR JULY . . . . . . . . . . . .36.7 YEARLY RAINFALL TO DATE . . . . .253.7 CHARLTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21.6 RAINFALL FOR JULY . . . . . . . . . . . .31.2 YEARLY RAINFALL TO DATE . . . . .194.2

18 Napier St., St. Arnaud, Victoria 3478. Ph.: (03) 5495 1055; Fax.: (03) 5495 1937 Email: ncn@iinet.net.au St. Arnaud, Charlton & surrounding districts

N.C.N. INFORMATION The North Central News is 100% locally owned, independent newspaper, established in 1864. With an ABC audited circulation of 1,700 copies, and an estimated readership of over 4,250 throughout the Northern Grampians and Buloke Shires. SUBSCRIPTIONS Annual subscription for 12 months is only $144.00 (inc. GST), including postage and packaging. ADVERTISING & COPY DETAILS Artwork, and all advertisements or alterations are to be submitted before 5.00pm Friday prior to publication. Announcements of births, deaths, marriages and engagements must be properly authenticated. N.C.N. prefers advertisement and editorial copy to be typed or neatly hand-written to avoid being published incorrectly. We accept no responsibility for error or misspellings in illegible advertisement and editorial copy.

DISCLAIMER The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those held by the publisher or editor. The publisher and staff accept no liability for injury or losses which may occur as a result of information presented in this publication. © Copyright 2021 North Central News is published weekly by Peter Marland, 3279 Charlton/St. Arnaud Road, Slaty Creek for NCNews Pty. Ltd., 18 Napier Street, St. Arnaud. A.C.N. 146 461 903. Printed by Western District Newspaper P/L, Camperdown Vic. Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VAC 4217 - Recommended and maximum selling price only.


“Even with the best technology, a small reduction in speed around schools makes all the difference when it comes to keeping kids safe” she said. Funded as part of the Smarter Roads program, the new detection technology has been installed at 38 sites across suburbs like Altona North, Balaclava, Bayswater, Ber wick, Hoppers Crossing and Mentone. As the rollout continues, priority is given to locations with the greatest risk and where there are large numbers of pedestrians, particularly near schools and train stations, or where there is a history of incidents. The new infrastructure is supporting Victoria’s school crossing super visor program, which is the most extensive in the country, with more than 3,000 supervisors located outside primar y and secondar y

North West Victoria hit by COVID with Wyche bakery named as exposure site • From page 1.

Reprieve for Ballarat A member of the wider school community of Ballarat and Clarendon College in Ballarat was reported as having tested positive to COVID with the school named as a Tier 1 exposure site last week. This was updated recently as a false positive.

Lockdown extended Earlier on Monday morning Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews warned the next 48 hours were 'critical' in determining if Victoria will end its five-day lockdown on time as the state recorded 17 new cases and its list of exposure sites skyrocketed to 217 venues. Later Monday morning the Premier announced that the lockdown would be extended.

schools across the state. School speed zones will have been switched on statewide this week, to create a safe environment for students and motorists for the start of Term 3. As students get to and from school it’s important for drivers and cyclists take extra

care and watch out for pedestrians and children on bikes. The new crossings support Victoria's Road Safety Strategy 20212030, which has a focus on protecting vulnerable road users as part of targets to halve road deaths and significantly reduce serious injuries by 2030.

North Central News

CROSSWORD No. 10002 1










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ACROSS Soft f powder ft Consented Paid reverence Wanderer Merchant Repose Dregs Narrate Was ahead Merry frolic Saturn’s greatest satellite Wash lightly As befo f re Mild explosion This place Circus equipment Mine entrance Gnawing animal Goddess of tillage and corn Seesaw Approached Becomes firm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 13 14 16 19 22 24 27 28 29 31 32 34

DOWN Separates Wide Dwelling Worshipped Marine maps Barrack­tavern Of the kidneys Lyric poem Dwell Widened Having bands Grow less Off f ers marriage ff Long angry speeches Aquatic furred mammals Family head Republic in West Indies Striped animal Den Frozen treat

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re still he We’re g a go! in v just ha

70 Woods Street, DONALD - 5497 1211 For Promotions, Specials and Competitions, “Like” us on Facebook

See this week’s solution on page 8



Job Opportunities • Associate Nurse Unit Manager • Chef • Community Development Worker – Health Promotion • Enrolled Nurse • Food and Domestic Service Assistant • Health Systems Navigator • Infection Control Nurse • Resident Lifestyle Coordinator

Further information is available at www.ewhs.org.au

Join our team as Branch Manager in Donald In this full-time position, the successful applicant will act as the principal representative of the branch, responsible for the operations, financial activities and performance of the branch. Accountabilities will include business growth and profitability management, inventory control and forecasting, asset management and maintenance, relationship management with clients, suppliers and the North West Ag team, training and development of branch team members, WHS and reporting on overall branch performance. A current driver's licence is required, a forklift licence and Agsafe accreditation would be beneficial.

St. Arnaud Badminton Association Inc.

BADMINTON PLAYERS NEEDED Competition Wednesday nights at 7pm Social Badminton Thursday mornings 9:30 am New players most welcome. Racquets available. St. Arnaud Sports Stadium. Sue Sutton, Secretary Phone 0458 804 202

The successful applicant must embrace and demonstrate the values of the business, Integrity. Innovation. Commitment. Common Sense. Getting Better.

Employer: Charlton Neighbourhood House Inc. Work Type/s: Part time 12-month contract 10-15 hours per week (Monday & Tuesday 5 hours each, Wednesday negotiable). Position Title: Administration Officer Applications close: 5pm 30th July 2021.

Charlton Neighbourhood House seeks an Administration Officer who has a flexible approach to work and working hours, is caring and compassionate, well organised, outgoing, inclusive, and sensitive to the needs of all involved in the Charlton Neighbourhood House.

Additionally, the successful applicant must be self-motivated and demonstrate sound leadership; have strong interpersonal and communication skills; excellent organisation and time management skills; a dedication to continually improving workplace safety; promote teamwork within the business and be able to prepare the required business reports. To be considered for this position, contact Bec Milliken for a confidential chat on 0404 818 663, or email your application and CV to rmilliken@deltaag.com.au by Friday, 23rd of July.

How to apply for the position Applicants should address the key selection criteria contained within the Position Description. This can be obtained by calling 0427-177 688 or email president@charltonnh.org.au

Join our team as Branch Manager in St. Arnaud In this full-time position, the successful applicant will act as the principal representative of the branch, responsible for the operations, financial activities and performance of the branch.

St. Arnaud Primary School Student Wellbeing/Welfare Recruitment Online Vacancy # 1231885 Our school is seeking applications for an enthusiastic, empathetic and motivated Student Wellbeing Coordinator to join our team of passionate and dedicated staff. Commencing 02/08/2021— 20/12/2023 the successful applicant will work closely with all students, families, teaching and non teaching staff; communicate and work collaboratively with a wide range of people within the education and wider community. Professional Learning will be available to the successful candidate. For further information regarding the role and selection criteria please search vacancy #1231885 on Recruitment Online, www.schooljobs.eduweb.vic.gov.au or contact Principal Melissa Mitchell on melissa.mitchell@education.vic.gov.au

Applications close 28th July 2021

Accountabilities will include business growth and profitability management, inventory control and forecasting, asset management and maintenance, relationship management with clients, suppliers and the North West Ag team, training and development of branch team members, WHS and reporting on overall branch performance.

St. Arnaud Community Resource Centre 85 Napier St. Phone 5495 1997. Email: reception@stacrc. com.au NEW OPENING HOURS Due To COVID-19 Situation Mondays to Fridays: 9:00am-12:00 midday For Essential services: • Centrelink • Food Share • Faxing/emailing of legal/medical documents. • Printing of documents emailed to us for pick up eg. School assignments This may change at short notice

WINNER of the

Historical Society Wood Raffle is Malcolm Scott. Thankyou to all supporters, volunteers and donations.


Kooreh Memorial Hall

Public Meeting to be held at Kooreh Hall on Monday 2nd August, 8pm. The purpose of the meeting is to nominate no less than three or no more than nine persons as Committee of Management for the Kooreh Memorial Hall for a term of three years. The current committee’s term will expire on 14th August 2021. For further enquiries please contact Secretary Lois Wandel on 54956 3223.


Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday 5th August 2021 at 7.00 pm At the St. Arnaud Community Resource Centre 85 Napier St, St. Arnaud


A current driver's licence is required, a forklift licence and Agsafe accreditation would be beneficial. The successful applicant must embrace and demonstrate the values of the business, Integrity. Innovation. Commitment. Common Sense. Getting Better. Additionally, the successful applicant must be self-motivated and demonstrate sound leadership; have strong interpersonal and communication skills; excellent organisation and time management skills; a dedication to continually improving workplace safety; promote teamwork within the business and be able to prepare the required business reports. To be considered for this position, contact Bec Milliken for a confidential chat on 0404 818 663, or email your application and CV to rmilliken@deltaag.com.au by Friday, 23rd of July.

For help with any State Government matters, my office is here to help you.

5461 1255 LouiseStaley.com.au Louise.Staley@parliament.vic.gov.au Authorised by Louise Staley MP, 177 High St, Maryborough. Funded from Parliamentary budget

Rubber Stamps Phone N.C.N. 5495 1055 Page 10 - NORTH CENTRAL NEWS, WEDNESDAY JULY 21st 2021.

Vinnies Shops call for winter clothes donations AFTER a particularly busy lead up to winter, regional Victoria’s Vinnies Shops are calling for more donations of warm winter clothing.


WANTED TO BUY • old wares • furniture • tools • books • scrap metal • steel wheels • anything old • deceased estates Ph: 0429 942 637


Solicitor 116 Napier St., St. Arnaud

Practical, experienced advice in plain English Appointments also available in Charlton, Donald & Wycheproof

Ph: 5495 2595

Pillows & Doonas available at St. Arnaud Allsorts Ph: 5495 1161 89-93 Napier Street, St. Arnaud



MORTLOCK - Gregory Neil Due to the current Covid restrictions the Funeral Service to be held TODAY Wednesday 21st July 2021 has been changed to a Private Family Interment. Phelan Funerals Maryborough (03) 5461 1979



ST.ARNAUD Sunday 25th July 9.30am G. Postlethwaite STUART MILL Sunday 25th July 11.30am G. Postlethwaite PARISH OFFICE Chris & Rob Batters Pastorial Co-ordinators Enquiries 5495 6223


Karen@klp.net.au RAY SENIOR Two years have passed but memories last as new and dear as yesterday. Love Bev.




HAIRDRESSING SERVICES 9.00am - 5.00pm TUESDAY TO SATURDAY After hours by appointment Situated at the back of the St. Arnaud Health & Fitness Gym by entering Mewkill Court from McMahon Street. OVER 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE EFTPOS available

Phone: 0410 066 244



Sunday July 25th 9.30am SAWC BOORT

Sunday July 25th 9.30am SAWC




Sunday July 25th 10.30am

Thursday 22nd July Craft Parish Hall 1.30pm All Welcome. Friday 23rd July 9.00am St. Arnaud Morning Prayer Sunday 25th July Christ Church Old Cathedral. 9.30am St. Arnaud Eucharist. All Saints Emu. All Welcome The Rev’d Canon Jan Harper Enquiries phone: 5495 1813


Sunday July 25th 9.30am SAWC ST. ARNAUD

Sunday July 25th 8.30am WYCHEPROOF

Saturday July 24th 7.00pm Parish Coordinator: Noeline Hogan 0476 617 976

Vinnies welcomes donations from regional Victorians yet to clear out their wardrobe of good-quality jackets, overcoats, jumpers, scarves and trousers, which will go on to serve their local communities. The reasons for the call-out to regional areas are threefold: • due to the coronavirus lockdowns in place last winter, people generally did not buy as much new seasonal clothing as normal, which has had a knock-on effect to donations a year later; • Vinnies Victoria keeps stock transportation to a minimum to keep costs and emissions low to save money and maintain our sustainability standards, so

CHURCH NOTICES ST. ARNAUD CHURCH OF CHRIST Cnr. Queens Ave & Alma St. A Community of Reconciliation Thursday 29th July 10.30am: Faith Group Sunday 1st August 9.45am: Prayer time 10.30am: Worship & Communion Speaker: Neale Postlethwaite All welcome. Covid 19 safe. Enquiries: Brian Eccles Ph: 5495 2267

we prefer to source donations close to where they are needed as much as possible; • regional areas generally experience lower temperatures than our metropolitan centres, so the demand for warmer clothes has been higher in these areas. Jeff Antcliff, Vinnies Victoria’s Executive General Manager of Commercial Services said they know that the local communities love to help each other out. “So we hope that our regional friends can find the time to go through their wardrobes and bring any cosy winter clothes they are no longer using into their nearest Vinnies Shop during opening hours. “We always encourage people to give their donations directly to one of our volunteers at the counter so we can say ‘Thank you’. “Our regional Vinnies Shops kept the flag flying for us through nearly all of last year when our metropolitan shops had to close and we want to be well-stocked with good-quality warm winter clothes this year for our loyal customers in those areas. “Vinnies Victoria handles an extraordi-

nary amount of secondhand clothes. In Victoria, we serve around 80,000 people a week in our shops. This year we will sell more than 6 million items of clothing and save a further 3.5 million kilos of textiles from landfill. Our hard-working shop volunteers are tireless in their efforts to keep our shops looking bright and attractive, and sales this year have been better than ever since recovering from the pandemic lockdowns. “We rely wholeheartedly on the generosity of the thoughtful Victorians who want to see their quality pre-loved goods go on to live new lives with other people, preventing unnecessary landfill and helping us to provide good-quality, low-cost clothes and household items to people in need. “All profits of Vinnies Shops go back into their local communities to fund our welfare services that help people experiencing homelessness or who are struggling to put food on their tables or pay their rent, utility and medical bills. Every cent spent in a Vinnies Shop supports our good works for people in need” Mr Antcliff said.

> Locally made new dentures > Same day denture repair

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CHARLTON August 2nd & 16th

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All EWHS Covid protocols to be followed. Ask about the Pensioner scheme eligibility.




Ph: 5495 1043

136 Napier Street St. Arnaud

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No referral required -

NAFD Member

Birthday wishes to: July 21st Lachlan Patching July 22nd Chris Gordon Lyn Moulday Peter Storti July 23rd Kell Bibby Mace Bibby July 24th Sue Chipperfield Sophie O’Donnell

July 25th Taylor Amos Daph Donaldson Marcus Baldwin July 26th Corrie Bussem Barb Hogan Kim Nevill July 27th Bella Mason


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