Doctor Who Vortex Issue 17

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no. 16

ALSO: #TheFourth When DWV comes to power Prince Charles in the TARDIS

DWV is a fan made publication by Stephen Henderson ( and is no way connected to BBC. BBC LOGO © BBC 1996. DOCTOR WHO LOGO © BBC 2009. TARDIS IMAGE © BBC 1963. DALEK IMAGE © BBC/TERRY NATION 1963. CYBERMAN IMAGE © BBC/KIT PEDLER/GERRY DAVIS 1966. K-9 IMAGE © BBC/BOB ANDERSON/DAVE MARTIN 1977. All photography remains the property of the original owner, generally this is BBC. Text © Stephen Henderson 2013 except extracts. DWV is published on on a non-regular basis. This publication is known as 'Doctor Who Vortex' or 'DWV' and is not connected or affiliated with any publication of similar name. #DWVortex

InsIdeThis issue 4: DWV is now on Facebook 5. NEWS: The Actress Formerly Known as... 6. NEWS: Charles & Camilla Visit Dr Who Set 8. When DWV Comes To Power 10. NEWS: #thefourth 12. DWV: The Big 50th Anniversary 14. NEWS: Luke Smith Outed So, it's been a while! DWV has been hiding away for a while but we're back, but in that time we've missed some big stories such as: John Hurt is the Doctor! David Tennant is the Doctor! Matt Smith isn't going to be the Doctor anymore! BAFTA paying tribute to Doctor Who, winning a Peabody award, Matt Smith shaving his head, BFI holding monthly events, BBC America's 'The Doctor's Revisited' and Big Finish announcing their 50th anniversary story featuring Doctors 4-8. And on top of that a massive three day convention at the ExCel centre in London featuring Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Matt Smith among others and with more to be announced. And it looks like things (as the 50th approaches) aren't going to quieten down any time soon.

DWV is now on Facebook

“I hate computers and refused to be bullied by them!”

“The thing about computers is that they are very sophisticated idiots!” We've just launched our new DWV Facebook page. It will be packed with Doctor Who news, videos and pics as well as teasing and linking to new DWV issues. #DWVortex

And this means that for the first time YOU can get in touch with DWV comment on any of our articles, get your opinion across and even suggest features. You might even get your comments mentioned. This is your chance to be a part of the DVW community!

THE ACTRESS FORMERLY KNOWN AS... In the 50th Anniversary episode, the character of Clara will be played by the actress Jenna Coleman. No, that's not a misprint because the actress formerly known as Jenna-Louise her dropped the double barrelled name in favour of plain Jenna and the 50th Anniversary will be the first time she uses her new stage name. She's given no reason as to why, but it does seem that she's serious as she was introduced to The Queen (below) and Prince Charles (Page 6-7) by that name.

CHARLES AND CAMILLA VISIT DOCTOR WHO SET The Doctor Who studios had a royal visit He also showed his knack of handling the recently as Prince Charles, the Prince of Sonic Screwdriver even if his wife wasn't. Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall visited the Roath Lock set. Matt Smith told interviewers that “He said he first watched it [Doctor Who] Charles and Camilla met many of the when he was 15. I think he's kept in touch show's stars, visited all of the sets, since... He knew about the world of including the TARDIS – which had been Who.” specially rigged up with TARDIS SFX and saw many of the shows monster Head writer Steven Moffat “He's costumes – including Dan Starkey as accomplished and charming, he's Strax and the Ood – as well as meeting interested in unusual things, I think he'd Nick Briggs, voice of the Daleks. Charles make a good Doctor, but I think he's a bit even impressed with his Dalek acting. busy”.

^ Charles and Camilla arrive at Roath Lock with a greeting party of Daleks

^Charles does his Dalek voice

^Charles meets Dan Starkey

^Charles tries the sonic screwdriver (left) and Meanwhile in the TARDIS (right)

Doctor Who – and the fandom that comes with it – is a brilliant institution. But it's not perfect. There are still some things that get me riled up and so if DWV were elected into any kind of influential office these are the things we would do: Ban the word 'fan-zine'. DWV is a magazine, not a fanzine, at most it's a e-magazine becuase it isn't actually printed. But why do we have to mix 'fan' with magazine to get that horrible word. Yes, DWV is made by a fan, but then aren't they all. Take Doctor Who Magazine (the official one) the people working there ARE fans, and most of them started their careers on fanmade magazines. Ban the word 'Whovian'. Just because Star Trek has 'Trekkies' why do we have to become all American and shorten up words to label us with? We're Doctor Who fans, Whovian sounds like we come from the planet Whovia. And it's not like Who's his surname so technicall shouldn't we call ourselves (if we must) Doctorians (or even just Doctors, or Timelords, or Gallifreyans). But not Whovian. Bernard Cribbins must be in every story of Doctor Who. Every story could begin Jackanory style, "Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin. Today's story is called Doomsday and it's written by Russell T Davies".

Steven Moffat will be made an honorary Time Lord. Moffat seems to be like Marmite - he divides opinion among Doctor Who fans the majority love him, but there's a strange fraction of people who hate him? What, just becuase he kept killing Rory and in the end killed off the Ponds (who to be honest were becoming pains in the arse by the end of their run). That wasn't his decision! Karen and Arthur quit themselves. What next? We're going to hate Moffat because he makes the Doctor regenerate. Tumblr to be renamed "Doctor Who and Porn". Because, face it, that's all thats on Tumblr these days.

Dimensions in Time remade. Properly this time. And not in Eastenders. First we need a real timemachine get the first three Doctors back, then exterminate Noel Edmonds from meddling and making the whole thing nonsensical. Then, we need a proper script. And if it's going to be for Children in Need - make the damn thing funny. More of the Atkinson Doctor. Steven Moffat's hilarious Doctor Who spoof (it's not really even a spoof, just Doctor Who meets Blackadder but a little bit madder) is often better recived that some true Doctor Who stories. So, Moff get Atkinson back. Only problem is you'd need to explain away Joanna Lumley, and Jim Broadbent, and Richard E. Grant, and Hugh Grant. Christopher Eccleston forced to do at least one convention. Because he's the onlly Doctor who thinks that kind of thing is beneath him and doesn't really get the whole idea that Doctor Who is more than just an acting job for a TV show... it's so much more. 'Special Editions' should be made illegal. Because as lovely as it is to have some extras on the disc, if you've already forked out, sometimes, ÂŁ20 for the original DVD, why should we be forced to buy yet another DVD to include another three seconds of

previously unseen footage and a documentary about the man who played 'Man with Spoon'. Time Travel back to 1960s and 70s. So we can save all the tapes. When time travel becomes a reality, that's job one. Ban 'The Sun' from reporting on Doctor Who. Because all the assistants are known as 'time travelling babes' and any new Doctor or Companion is met with the headline "WHO's that" in a headline that must have some moronic sub-editor wetting his frillies with laughter.

The official Doctor Who Facebook page has recently posted a link to a rather intriguing video. Simply entitled #TheFourth it features an antique dresser with artefacts relating to the fourth Doctor, pictures of his companions overlain with audio clips. But what it is relating to, we have no idea. It could be just a tease, it could be hinting that (here's hoping) Tom is returning to Doctor Who for the 50th or in a minisode or even that the BBC are going to repeat old episodes? Watch this space. Check out the video for yourself at:


This November marks Doctor Who's Big 50th Anniversary and to celebrate DWV are planning something special – our biggest ever issue (90 pages!!) with loads of features on all of the 11 Doctors, the companions, good guys, bad guys and lots more.... And it all kicks off this November. But you don't have to wait until then as a special 17 page preview version is now available at: as well as more previews at and and right here we've got some previews of even more features. But DWV: The Big 50th it's gonna be fantastic!




LUKE SMITH OUTED The Sarah Jane Adventures' story featuring Jo Grant ('Death of the Doctor') will be added as an extra to the latest DVD release of Jo Grant's final story 'The Green Death'. In the commentary recorded for 'Death of the Doctor', it's writer Russell T Davies said that there were plans to make Luke Smith gay. But surprisingly, for the creator of gay drama Queer as Folk, it wasn't Davies' idea, but instead CBBC approached him to introduce a homosexual character. However, when Elisabeth Sladen passed away resulting in the cancellation of the show, these plans never came to fruition. The episode 'The Nightmare Man' was also originally to have been the first reference to Luke's sexuality. Russell said: In the very last scene he says goodby and Sarah Jane says, 'Have a lovely time at university. You'll grow up, you'll find a girlfriend,' and he says, 'Oh, could be a boyfriend!' And she goes, 'Well, as long as it's not alien, I don't care!' We ended up cutting it."

sci-fi with the BBC then I want to do Doctor Who." The Canadian Broadcasting Company, who were co-producers and co-financiers wanted their version of the show to have Christopher Eccleston's northern voice dubbed with a Canadian actor. Davies replied “You're not doing that to our leading actor!� Also, Michael Grade, who axed Doctor Who the first time and had recently returned to the BBC as Director General, wanted to stop the Doctor Who production team in their tracks. BBC Worldwide had even less faith with it's global appeal saying that there was "great awareness of DW but very little desire to see it." Also revealed were the first choices of star as RTD remembers the first meeting: "I remember, actually, someone in the room said, 'Why don't we bring Tom Baker back? and we all said, 'Yes!' I was sitting there, going with anything, 'Yeah that'd be great!'" Jane Tranter wanted Judi Dench.

Elsewhere on that DVD, more revelations are made about the creation of the new series way back in 2005 in a feature called 'The Doctor Forever: The Unquiet Dead'. It reveales how the idea of new Who came about: In 2001, the BBC The Green Death is released by BBC DVD wanted RTD to do a sci-fi version of on August 5th. Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities but he declined telling them "If I'm going to do

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