Doctor Who Vortex Magazine (Fan Made) Issue 20

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no. 20


DWV is a fan made publication by Stephen Henderson ( and is no way connected to BBC. BBC LOGO © BBC 1996. DOCTOR WHO LOGO © BBC 2009. TARDIS IMAGE © BBC 1963. DALEK IMAGE © BBC/TERRY NATION 1963. CYBERMAN IMAGE © BBC/KIT PEDLER/GERRY DAVIS 1966. K-9 IMAGE © BBC/BOB ANDERSON/DAVE MARTIN 1977. All photography remains the property of the original owner, generally this is BBC. Text © Stephen Henderson 2013 except extracts. DWV is published on on a non-regular basis. This publication is known as 'Doctor Who Vortex' or 'DWV' and is not connected or affiliated with any publication of similar name. #DWVortex

BREAKING NEWS!! At time of going to press a number (initially reported to be 100, but this was later downplayed) of missing Doctor Who episodes (Hartnell & Troughton episodes) in Ethiopia. Full details have yet to be announced as a planned press conference was delayed but it's rumoured to be a large number which are also rumoured to be ready for release immediately (via itunes and the like). Keep checking our Facebook page for the latest on this.

INSIDETHIS 4: John Exclusive


5. Did You Know? 6. NEWS: Anniversary Announced

The 50th Schedule

7. NEWS: Matt Begins Last Episode 8. NEWS: Classic Doctors in Action 9. NEWS: Steven Moffat accepts TV Quick Award 10. re:view: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances 12: Who Tube 14: Peter Superfan



John Barrowman has just completed filming of his brand new BBC Daytime game show – Pressure Pad. DWV was at the penultimate recording at the BBC Studios in Glasgow, and between takes John was happy to answer questions from the audience. The following were his answers. There may be some paraphrasing.

First of all, being in Scotland, John introduced himself in his native Scottish accent. The story of why he is 'bi-dialectical' is well told but he did explain it, “It's a coping mechanism I developed when I moved to America because I was teased for my American accent. And that's the accent I use when I'm on TV and when I speak to Americans.

all do it”, he told CTV Calgary. Back in Glasgow, he was also asked about the upcoming 50th Anniversary, “I've heard nothing. I'd have loved to have done it, but they never asked”.

He also answered questions about his upcoming Panto in Glasgow, he'll be working alongside The “In fact, I only speak Krankies once more, and Scottish to Scottish this time he's copeople, because they're directing the show. special. I even speak to English people with my Then, we got our American accent”. question in, the last question of the day and Barrowman was also it was the question that asked about the future of is still on everyone's Torchwood, he said “I minds: Do you think that want it to come back, I Peter Capaldi will be a loved being Captain Jack. good Doctor? You, the license fee payers should all write to “Yes! Because I worked the BBC and say that you with him on Children of want it to come back!” Earth and he's a great Additionally, during a TV actor. And he's Scottish! interview in Canada, he claimed that the most Pressure Pad will likely option for the air around November on future of Torchwood daytime BBC One. would be a movie, “That's what we all hope. Look out for me in the To come back as a audience during the last movie. If they asked us week of shows. I'm to do it, I think we would wearing a red jumper.

DID YOU KNOW? _________ Some editions of Trivial Pursuit erroneously listed Terry Nation as the creator of Doctor Who. _________ 50% of all the Doctor's regenerations take place on the TARDIS, 30% take place on Earth and 10% on Gallifrey. Paul McGann's regeneration accounts for an unknown 10%. _________ The novel 'Theatre of War' features the Doctor's older brother – Irving Braxiatel _________ What do Henry VIII, Martin Edward Mortensen and Rory Williams have in Common? They're all the Doctor's fatherin-law.

“NEXT YEAR'S MOVIES HAVE TRAILERS ALREADY ... AND WE GET A HASHTAG!” This is just getting bloody ridiculous. There are movies that are coming out in 2014 that have trailers already, and yet with only eight weeks left, the BBC have decided to release... A HASHTAG! Wowee, a bloody hashtag and a fancy ident. Woop-te-f**king-do! If the BBC had wanted to properly build up the anticipation for the apparently movie-sized biggest drama event ever the hashtag should have been released ages ago and the trailer recently. Also can't help thinking that positioning the trailers either side of the new drama Atlantis was designed to draw viewers to the BBC's new baby. On the trailer front, apparently we're soon going to be getting a specially shot trailer! No, really! The BBC are actually giving the UK an exclusive right before it's online and the whole world sees it. And they've released a behind-the scenes picture of it!(opposite) Not all that interesting, Daleks and some studio lights. I really think that this whole idea of 2013 having Doctor Who everywhere just hasn't happened. Why aren't the BBC showing old episodes. It's supposed to be a celebration of ALL the Doctors so why aren't the BBC replacing some daytime repeated to death property show crap with a rerun? DVD sales are the answer to that I fear! Anyway, what do you think of the BBC dropping the gun on the 50th? Do you agree or just think that I'm a grumpy old git before my time, and I should be thankful – 8 years ago I had no Doctor Who to moan about? Get in touch at: .


Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary Special is named “The Day of the Doctor� and will be 75 minutes long and will air on the 23rd November. But that's not all that's going on! BBC Four will screen 'An Unearthly Child' in a restored format. BBC Two will show an hour-long lecture by Professor Brian Cox on the science of Doctor Who recorded at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. It will also show Mark Gatiss' docudrama 'An Adventure in Space and Time' and the Culture Show's resident Dooctor Who fan, Mark Sweet, will present an hour long episode called 'You, Me and Doctor Who'. CBBC will air a special '12 Again: Doctor Who Special' featuring, among others, Sylvester McCoy. Blue Peter will have two live Doctor Who specials and will launch a new 'design-a-gadget' competition. BBC Three will air 'Monsters and Villains' and 'The Ultimate Guide' and a further commission to finish off the celebrations with a bang!

Watch will air BBC America's 'The Doctors Revisited' from October alongside classic episodes. Radio 2 will air 'Who Is The Doctor?' featuring archived and new interviews and David Quantick will present 'The Blaggers Guide to Doctor Who'. Graham Norton will present his Radio 2 show on the 23rd live from the Doctor Who celebration. Expect some good guests on the show as all surviving Doctors (with one notable exception) are attending. Radio 1 will feature a look at 'Timelord Rock' and Radio 4 Extra has a three-hour show called 'Who Made Who?', looking at the world that inspired the series.


We'll let these pictures speak for themselves: Matt Smith filming his final episode – in a pretty convincing wig! And, yes, Clara does have a Turkey!

Director of BBC Television, Danny Cohen, said: “It's an astonishing achievement for a drama to reach its 50th anniversary.” Steven Moffat added: “50 years has turned Doctor Who into a cultural landmark. Personally, I can't wait to see what it becomes after a hundred!” All images remain copyright of their respective owner. No copyright infringement intended.

CLASSIC DOCTORS IN ACTION protesting about not being in the 50th Anniversary. However, it is likely to be for a documentary of some kind. Even if it was real, they were protesting at the wrong location - the BBC moved out of Television Centre this year! Meanwhile, a trailer for the new series of Have I Got News For You features a parody of Doctor Who. Sylvester McCoy and Peter Davison Perhaps Tom Baker is returning to the host's chair? were pictured outside the BBC –


“I've been at that Sunday lunch and it is TV Quick awarded its Outstanding funny! They are competitive! Don't Contribution to Television to Doctor Who imagine they are in anyway cool about on its 50th Anniversary. it!” Steven accepted the award from Peter Davison and Tennant then joined Moffat Davison, the Fifth Doctor. on-stage. Moffat continued “The truth about Doctor Who is that is entirely Moffat said: “I feel like I'm redefining made by fans. The two gentlemen fraudulent! I'm receiving an award on behind me are Doctor Who fans. [Peter] behalf of Doctor Who, FROM Doctor criticized David's parking of the TARDIS in selected episodes! It's that bad!” Who. “Let's be honest, the only reason I'm accepting it is because Doctor Who is busy in Cardiff, making Doctor Who. Or to be more accurate sitting in a room with his fists clenched trying to make that sodding quiff grow back!” David Tennant was also at the ceremony, Broadchurch was one of the winners on the night. Moffat continued “ To add to my fraudulence, I'm accepting this in the presence of Doctor Who's own son-inlaw... Doctor Who!”

David added, “I've got nothing to say other than, It's a very good show and I'm very pleased it's still running! I think it'll still be running in another 50 years and who knows, maybe another member of our family will get a part in it! Fingers crossed.” Peter Davison also told Daybreak that he has a copy of the 50th Anniversary script 'with his name embossed across it!' Father-in-law quirks or does he actually have a part to play?

When Series 1 was on TV, I was 11. It was a great getting-on point to a whole new show. Recently, after not having seen it in a while, I picked the 'gas-mask zombie episode' during a spare hour-and-a-half.

Speaking of sexual tension, this is also our first meeting with our cover star John Barrowman's Captain Jack Harkness. He's the charmer, he sweeps Rose of her feet – although she was already doing that for herself via a barrage balloon – and she totally falls under his charm. Despite being a con-man he's almost the Doctor she wants him to be, hence the 'give me some Spock!'.

First up, I'd forgotten what a great Doctor Christopher Eccleston actually was. This episode in particular, we get to see him deal with powerful emotion, fear and anger as well as being the source of light relief, replacing Jack's gun with a Jack's almost the 21st century's Harry. banana and popping up at air-raid dinner They're both military men and they are springs to mind. both the man the Doctor isn't. Harry's original purpose was to be the 'actionThis episode is one of the gems of the man' that a potentially older fourth series and introduces us to Steven Doctor would need (in a similar vein to Moffat's – the man who would later give Steven and the first Doctor). However, Madame de Pompadour an imaginary Jack's that and then some. The Doctor friend and give us all nightmares about doesn't carry guns in all but exceptional statues - imitable writing style, playing circumstances. Jack will smash a robot to on childhood fears with a almost realistic pieces with one hidden up his nevermind tone to it. At the end of the day, a Dalek in order to build a bigger one. is a bin with a sink plunger, that's never going to be real. But this, this could But if we look at the end of this episode. happen – take out the nano-genes and This is one of the rare occurrences where this is just a story of a child getting ill, there is no monster. The closest we get is that's playing to adult fears too, nobody the nano-genes who are essentially wants their child to get ill. inductivally logical 'mechanical idiots' tp coin a phrase who are well meaning. However, my now grown-up mind has However, its them that put things right in realised something. That sexual tension the end with a little push from the Doctor between Rose and the Doctor which has and he's so happy because 'Everybody developed. It went over my head as an lives!' When he's so happy with this rare innocent 11 year old, but when they talk happy ending, you can see just how about 'dancing' they may not just be much the recent events of his life – the talking about 'dancing'. loss of the Time Lords - have broken him.

WE SALUTE TWO OF YOUTUBE'S FINEST! billydakiduk The Youtube channel BillyDaKid has uploaded some cracking Doctor Who title sequences. I first came across the channel when I saw a brilliant title sequence for 'The Snowmen' (right). It was pretty standard title wise, but with a few brilliant extras. The way in which the Doctor and Clara's faces appear in the vortex, looking like holograms but these aren't still images – they're proper clips. The font used is brilliant too, bold and striking and it's a very good over all video. But then, a couple of weeks back, he excelled himself (with a name like Billy, I assume he's male) with his Capaldi title sequence (left). He's taken the concept of the Time Vortex, but literally. It's the inner-workings of a clock with twirling cogs leading to a swirling clock-face and the Doctor's pocket-watch with Capaldi's reflection. The Radio Times lead with a title “Could even the BBC beat this title sequence?” and based on that crap excuse of a title sequence – complete with a bear drinking tea – that the BBC had last series, I think not. Xander Hugh is a digital artist. That's how he describes himself on his website, and he's not wrong. His Youtube channel is packed with original concept Dr Who titles. He's had over 1.3m views to his channel and it's clear to see why. They are stunning. His comment sections are filled with messages to the tune of “BBC! Hire this man�. I love the way in which the TARDIS escapes the time vortex crashes through asteroids and into a hellish volcanic planet (which with a bit of technical wizardry he can turn into an ice planet). His earlier videos are inspired by the 2013 title sequence, but with much more talent. He's now taken to completely revolutionising the title sequence even creating his own brilliant version of the Doctor Who logo complete with Gallifreyan text embossed into it. It's always brilliant to watch these videos, and I agree: BBC, hire this man!

Peter Capaldi is a massive Doctor Who much I hate that word!) and writing fan, and has been since he was knee - letters into magazines and to the people high to a Dalek (if Daleks had knees!). behind the show. Presented here are a letter he wrote aged 15 to Radio Times He's such a massive fan that, back in the and an analysis of Jon Pertwee's new day, he was doing this. Writing for titles that he wrote for another fanzine in fanzines (DWV regulars will know how 1975.


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