Doctor Who Vortex: Trip to the Archives

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DWV is a fan-made magazine I made just for the hell of it when I had time to kill. However, I was the only person ever to see it and as some of the information is now out of date – I decided to make this “archives” issue featuring all the best articles from 2009/10. The DWV experience continues on my youtube channel at

This small spaceship smashed into Big Ben and then dive-bombed into the Thames. It was being flown by a genetically modified pig!

This luxury liner, owned by Max Capricorn, almost crashed into Earth after being hit by asteroids.

The Sycorax vessel was a hollowed out asteroid. When it entered the Earth's atmosphere it smashed all the windows in London!

The Adiposian First Family scooped up their little fat babies in this giant flying saucer and then dropped Matron Cofelia like a hot potato! This black sphere of doom was the flagship of Davros's new Dalek Empire. It has a heart of Z-Neutrino Energy and together with the 27 stolen planets it became the deadly reality bomb.


A platoon of Judoon landed on the Moon in these powerful police rockets, looking for the blood-sucking Plasmavore

The spuddy Sontarons could have blasted Earth out of the sky with this mighty mothership but instead they tried to turn it into a clone world.

The Empress of the Racnoss has a suitably spidery spaceship, shaped like a star. It could fire energy beams from it's points.

It may look like a huge squashed fly but it was once a streamlined deepspacer. It crashed on San Helios when Stingrays hit the engines.

The ultimate spaceship... The Doctor's little blue box beats all others as it can travel in time and space!

Played By: Jon Pertwee Companions: Liz Shaw, Jo Grant and Sarah Jane Smith Wore : Frilly shirts, Velvet coats Transport: As the 3rd Doctor was exiled to Earth, he travelled in a bright yellow car called Bessie! Death: Got radiation poisoning from the spiders from Metebelis 3. He retuned back to Sarah Jane and regenerated on the floor and forgot to quit his job with UNIT!

Played By: Tom Baker Companions: Sarah Jane Smith,Harry Sulivan,Leela,K9 I, K9 II, Romana, Romana II, Adric, Nyssa & Tegan Wore : Long Scarfs, Curly Hair, Big Hat Highlights : Saw the Genesis of the Daleks, The Only Doctor to fight the Zygons, Longest Lasting Doctor, Voted Favourite Doctor of Classic Series. Death: Was tricked by The Master and fell of a telescope.


The 4 Doctor, Tom Baker broke his collarbone filming a stunt in the episode the Sontaron Experiment – which was rd only his 3 episode as the Doctor. A stunt man had to fill in for the more energetic parts and Tom used his long scarf as a sling whilst filming other parts.

Whilst travelling back in time, the Doctor has met a few historical figures. From famous writers to Queens the Doctor has some pretty extra-ordinary friends.

The Doctor and Martha met Shakespeare in Elizabethan England's Globe Theatre. But it wasn't soon before witches were hi-jacking his next play... It was Doctor to the rescue who trapped them inside their own crystal ball. Bet they didn't see that one coming!

The Doctor and Donna met the famous crime writer when there was a murderous bee around. Agatha being the great mind she is figured it out... It was the vicar!

The 9th Doctor and Rose met the famous novelist in Victorian Cardiff where he was giving a reading of his famous 'A Christmas Carol'. But when a ghostly gas creature began to take over corpses making them walk about, it wasn't Doctor to the rescue... the undertakers servant sacrificed herself, despite protests from Rose.

Queen Victoria was on her way to Edinburgh when her coach was hi-jacked by the brotherhood. They were protecting a werewolf and had lined up Her Majesty for a biting at the Torchwood Estate. The Doctor was on hand to help when he used Victoria's precious Koh-ih-Noor diamond to drown the wolf in moonlight. Queen Victoria rewarded them with a Knighthood each and punished them by banishing them from her country. She set up the Torchwood Institute to protect Great Britain against alien threats, mostly the Doctor

Just after the Doctor had defeated the Cybermen for the first time he entered the TARDIS uttering the words “It's far from being all over� and collapsed to the floor. Then to the shock of everyone his face lit up and suddenly changed into someone else... It was the first ever regeneration, although it would take three more before that word was used.

The Doctor is attacked with radiation from the spiders of Metebelis 3. He returns to Earth to meet Sarah Jane where he collapses out of the TARDIS and begins to change.

The Doctor is tricked by the Master and falls from a radio telescope. He regenerates on the floor.

The Doctor is put on trial for stealing the TARDIS. He's found guilty, they change his face and exile him to Earth. We don't see the change until the next series when a new man falls out of the TARDIS, unwell from the effects of the regeneration.

The Doctor and his assistant are infected with Spectrox Toxaemia. He finds a anti-dote but only has enough for one. He bravely gives it to his friend but doesn't know if he will survive the regeneration.

There's no heroic sacrifice this time a bad Time Lady called the Rani attacks the TARDIS and the Doctor regenerates as a result.

The TARDIS arrives in San Francisco and is shot. He is taken to hospital but the nurses are confused by his alien biology and he dies on the operation table. Then, he regenerates in the morgue

Nobody but the Doctor knows how the eighth Doctor turned into the ninth but it is probably as a result of the Time War – the massive war between the Time Lords and Daleks.

Rose had absorbed the power of the time vortex to try and save the Doctor and she was burning up and was going to die. He absorbed it all out of Rose and killed himself in the process and had the most explosive regeneration ever.

The Doctor had been told that he was going to die. He thought it would be because of the Master and he was relived when he'd defeated him and survived. But then Wilf, who was about to be killed by radiation knocks on the glass. He knows he's going to die saving Wilf. The Doctor is filled with radiation. It doesn't kill him instantly so he has time to visit all his friends. He saves newly-weds Martha & Mickey from a Sontaron. He introduces Captain Jack to Captain Alonso of the Titanic. He goes to Donna's wedding and gives them a lottery ticket paid for by her late father. He sees Rose before she met him and then he starts to die. He gets to the TARDIS and the Ood sing the ending of his song. Then, it starts and with the 10th Doctor's last ever words “I don't want to go� he destroys the TARDIS and is about to crash land when the new Doctor realises he still has legs!

Doctor Who has become one of the most popular shows on the telly, with Alist stars lining up to star in it. Over the next 4 pages we look over them.

The star of “One Foot in the Grave” starred as Doctor Constantine in “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances”.

The pop star turned actor played Rose Tyler in Series 1 & 2 and a brief return in Series 4.

The legendary actress starred as the wire in the episode “The Idiots Lantern”.

The comedian had rose to fame with her self-titled sketch show and had a one-off appearance in “The Runaway Bride” and returned in Series 4


The comedian (above) starred as eccentric welsh scientist Malcolm in “Planet of the Dead”

The former James Bond actor (above) starred as the “narrator” who turned out to be the high president of Gallifrey, Rassilon, in the episode “The End of Time”

The pint-sized Australian actress (left) turned singer returned to acting to play Astrid in “The Voyage of the Damned”.

The Coronation Street star played Adam who worked in Henry van Statten's museum and had a close run in with a Dalek. The Doctor fell out with him when he got a hole put in his head.

The legendary kids TV star had already starred in a movie based on Doctor Who. He has starred in the Wombles and on Jackanory more times than anyone else. He played Donna's grandad Wilf.

The comedian starred as the Abzobaloff which was the creation of a Blue Peter competition winner. He absorbed all of his victims whose faces became stuck on his body.

The star of movies such as Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and the remake of Star Trek played The Editor of Satellite Five in the episode “ The Long Game”

The former Eastenders stars have all had parts in Doctor Who. Tracy (left) played Torchwood commando Yvonne Hartman. Michelle (center) played jewel thief Lady Christina De Souza and Michelle (right) played the captain of the doomed ship in “42”.

Mark who has written episodes as well starred as Professor Lazarus where legendary actor Derek starred as Professor Yana, who became the Master.

Doctor Who is a registered Trademark and is copyright BBC. Doctor Who logo ŠBBC 2010. All pictures copyright BBC and/or original photographer.No copyright infringement intended. This is a NOT FOR PROFIT, FAN MADE PUBLICATION.

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