1 minute read

Fun AND Mess Free?

By Angela Irvin

Painting is a fun and creative activity that is enjoyed by people of all ages, including children and grandparents. However, traditional painting methods can be messy and difficult to clean up, especially when working with young children. One way to make painting a mess-free activity is by using zip lock bags.

Painting in zip lock bags is a great way to keep the mess contained, making it easy to clean up after the activity is finished. To get started, you will need some paint, paper and a few zip lock bags. First, fill each zip lock bag with a piece of paper and a small amount of paint. Next, seal the bags tightly, making sure to remove as much air as possible.

Once the bags are prepared, you and your grandchildren can start painting. They can use their fingers to create unique designs. The paint will not seep through the plastic, making it a mess-free activity. Your grandchildren will enjoy the feeling of painting without the worry of getting paint everywhere.

Painting in zip lock bags is also a great way to teach children about mixing colors. Encourage them to experiment with blending different colors of paint together to create new shades. They will be amazed at the different colors they can create.

Painting in zip lock bags is a great way to spend time with your grandchildren while also getting creative. This activity is perfect for children of all ages, and is a fun way to bond with your grandchildren while teaching them about art and color. Clean up is easy, as all you need to do is throw away the paint-filled bags. Next time you're looking for an easy, messfree painting activity to do with your grandchildren, give painting in zip lock bags a try.