Natural Awakenings Houston July 2020

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FEASTS The Fun of Picnics and Grilling

Can Regenerative Agriculture Save Us? Balancing Act Exercises for Strenght and Stability

A Sacred Vision for America July 2020 | Houston Metro-Edition |




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Natural Awakenings is a family of more than 60 healthy living magazines celebrating 25 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.

Contents 13 Cultivating Contentment


14 Can Regenerative Agriculture Save Us?


17 Outdoor Feasts

17 20 A Sacred Vision for America


23 Gut Talk


To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 713-927-6540 or email: Deadline for ads: the 5th of the month.

25 Balancing Act



Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month.


Email Calendar Events to: Deadline for calendar: the 5th of the month.

4 letter from the publisher

11 business briefs

If you have missed the deadline ask about our “Red-Eye Special� and our digital placements.

5 affirming naturally

26 calendar of events


6 health briefs

27 resource guide

Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit


Subscribe to our Expanded Digital Edition for even more interesting and informative articles. Text NAHTX to 66866.


letter from publishers Greetings! This Mary Oliver-ish poem pretty much expresses our feelings right now. After you’ve read it, think on it, but not too much. bright blessings,



Mary Oliver for Corona Times, Thoughts after the poem “Wild Geese” by Adrie Suzanne Kusserow You do not have to use this isolation to make your marriage better,

SALES & MARKETING Carmen Jules Barbara Silberg

your body slimmer, your children more creative. You do not have to “maximize its benefits” By using this time to work even more,

You only have to let the soft animal of your body unlearn everything capitalism has taught you, (That you are nothing if not productive, That consumption equals happiness, That the most important unit is the single self. That you are at your best when you resemble an efficient machine).

Remember, you are allowed to be still as the white birch, Stunned by what you see,


Because it gives you something to do. Meanwhile, on top of everything else you are facing, Do not let capitalism coopt this moment, laying its whistles and train tracks across your weary heart.

446 West 19th Street, Suite 419 Houston, TX 77008 713-927-6540

Even if your life looks nothing like the Sabbath,

the ones you sheepishly sell others, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world as we know it is crumbling. Meanwhile the virus is moving over the hills, suburbs, cities, farms and trailer parks. Meanwhile The News barks at you, harsh and addicting, Until the push of the remote leaves a dead quiet behind, a loneliness that hums as the heart anchors. Meanwhile a new paradigm is composing itself in our minds, Could birth at any moment if we clear some space From the same tired hegemonies.

Know that your ancy kids, your terror, your shifting moods, Your need for a drink have every right to be here, And are no less sacred than a yoga class. Whoever you are, no matter how broken, the world still has a place for you, calls to you over and over announcing your place as legit, as forgiven, even if you fail and fail and fail again. remind yourself over and over, all the swells and storms that run through your long tired body all have their place here, now in this world. It is your birthright to be held deeply, warmly in the family of things,

Mike Hart


Uselessly shedding your coils of paper skins


Your stress boa-constricting your chest. Tell me about your fictions, the ones you’ve been sold,

Cindy Hart

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Doyle Ward Linda Sechrist Karoline Mueller

You do not have to become totally zen,

Or preach the gospel of ZOOM.

Cindy & Mike Hart


Cindy & Mike Hart

write the bestselling Corona Diaries,


CEO/FOUNDER Sharon Bruckman COO/FRANCHISE SALES Joe Dunne NATIONAL EDITOR Jan Hollingsworth MANAGING EDITOR Linda Sechrist NATIONAL ART DIRECTOR Stephen Blancett ART DIRECTOR Josh Pope FINANCIAL MANAGER Yolanda Shebert FRANCHISE SUPPORT MGR. Heather Gibbs WEBSITE COORDINATOR Rachael Oppy NATIONAL ADVERTISING Lisa Doyle-Mitchell © 2020 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are weresponsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

© 2020 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines


affirming naturally

I relax, let go, and allow all that I need to simply flow into my life by Doyle Ward

You have more than 55,000 thoughts each day. Many are the same thoughts over and over again. Every single one is an affirmation; this also includes everything that you say. By reducing your negative thoughts and words and increasing the positive ones, you can reshape your life. Expecting a better day helps to create a better life. The only place we have to take action or make changes is the present moment. We want to maximize our time off, so sometimes we overschedule activities. Do you find yourself scheduled so tightly that you forget to allow yourself time to relax and recharge? We all have commitments that have to be kept, just try to make sure you make a commitment to yourself as well. Relax and let life flow for a few minutes or as long as you can. Here is the affirmation that I am using:

I relax, let go, and allow all that I need to simply flow into my life. The only thing that you are guaranteed in life is this moment. Working with positive affirmations can radically change your mindset. Say them and write them repeatedly with the feeling that they are your truth. You have the power to make great changes in yourself and the world. I know this is true because I have made huge changes in my life by changing my thoughts. Doyle Ward is a successful life coach, workshop leader and lecturer in the field of personal development. Listen to his podcasts on, Apple Podcasts or GooglePlay Doyle Ward,

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See ad on page 26

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health briefs

Are you overweight? Do you suffer from hypertension or diabetes?

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Dr. Mary Washington, MD Kidney Specialist (aka RapperMD)

Reversing Medical Disease Clinic 2525 N. Loop West, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77008 832-306-3941

Help Recover from Stroke with Ear Acupuncture

Acupuncture in the ear can help speed rehabilitation of stroke patients, researchers from the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine have found. In a study of 42 stroke patients, those treated with auricular acupuncture for just six days showed significant improvements in range of motion for arms and legs compared to those given standard acupuncture treatments and conventional rehabilitation.

Avoid Chlorhexidine Mouthwash to Reduce Cavity Risk Chlorhexidine gluconate, a mouthwash commonly prescribed by dentists to treat the swelling, redness and bleeding gums of gingivitis, actually increases acidic levels in the mouth, leading to an increase in cavity-causing bacteria, reports a new study from the UK University of Plymouth, published in the journal Scientific Reports. The researchers analyzed saliva and blood samples of 36 healthy people that used the chlorhexidine twice a day for seven days and compared the results to using a placebo for the same amount of time. Other recent research has found that the germicidal mouthwash disrupted the ability of oral bacteria to turn nitrate into nitrite, a key molecule for reducing blood pressure, increasing the risk of higher systolic blood pressure. Chlorhexidine has been used increasingly as a pre-rinse before dental procedures due to COVID-19 concerns.



business spotlight

Introducing Crystal Bowl Gallery and the Healing Power of Sound Sound healing has been used through-

out the centuries and in ancient cultures to relax the body, calm the mind and enter into spiritual states. Through the use of various instruments, such as Tibetan bowls, wind chimes, voice through chanting, even classical music, the sounds and vibrations have an overall effect that is calming and soothing. Crystal bowls are frequently used at the end of yoga classes to help participants relax and are growing in use as complimentary approaches to wellness in hospitals, schools, meditation studios, energy healing practitioners, therapists’ offices, nursing homes and corporate wellness programs. Crystal bowls are made of quartz crystal, which is the essential communication component in computers, smart phones, electronics and radios. Quartz amplifies, stores, focuses, transfers and transforms energy. Through the sounds and vibrations of quartz crystal bowls, the body is entrained in a unique way, because our bodies are 70% water and our bones have a crystalline structure. Thus, the human body can move into harmonic resonance with the sound waves and musical notes, creating an overall sense of balance and well-being. The basic principle of sound healing is the concept of resonance (the vibratory frequency of an object.) Quantum physics informs that atoms are made of energy. From the level of the atom to the vastness of the universe, everything in creation is energy and


has a vibratory frequency. Every thought, feeling, cell, organ, gland, bone, tissue and body component has a vibration. When the vibration is in harmony with the rest of the body, we experience health. When the vibration is out of harmony, we experience dis-ease or illness. Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls from Crystal Tones™ are unparalleled in their beauty and harmonic complexity, producing sounds, energetic qualities and harmonic overtimes that bring the physical and subtle bodies into resonance and higher vibratory frequency. These exquisite bowls are made of 99.992% high grade pure quartz, and each one is unique with its own alchemical composition and array of colors. Semi-precious gems, minerals and metals are infused into pure quartz crystal to amplify the bowls’ healing properties. Experientially, bowl players and listeners receive the benefits of the vibrations to strengthen and balance vital life force for well-being and healing on many levels. New to Houston is the Crystal Bowl Gallery, exclusively offering Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls from Crystal Tones™. Opening on the day of the Summer Solstice, June 20, 2020, owners Gena Davis and CJ Rubenak are honored to be the first Crystal Tones™ distributor in Texas, introducing the exquisitely beautiful bowls and their form, colors, sounds and healing properties into holistic practices in our region. “We are delighted to

bring these beautiful bowls into our community,” says Gena. “We chose the Summer Solstice to announce our opening because it is the longest day of the year with the most sunlight. We celebrate light, and these bowls bring light when they are played. Our intention is to empower others to move into these higher frequencies through sound, light, consciousness, healing and beauty.” Crystal Bowl Gallery offers group meditative sound baths in person and in online gatherings, as well as private sessions. Individual and group trainings are being offered for sound healing and bowl playing techniques. Gena and CJ are available by appointment to assist you in your crystal bowl discovery. You are invited to browse through the Gallery at “We would be honored to assist you in connecting with the perfect bowl or harmonic set for your specific heart signature and soul song,” says CJ. “For me, the alchemy crystal bowls are transformational and healing tools, and we hope many will be blessed by them.” Wherever you are in your healing and spiritual journey, whether a yogi, meditator, yoga instructor, wellness or energy practitioner, cancer patient, or someone seeking improved health and immune system support, the benefits of the use of sound and vibration may just be what the universe is inviting you to discover.


Try Turmeric, Ginger and Black Pepper for Osteoarthritis

Book Online

For people suffering from the crippling pain and disability of osteoarthritis, the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen, marketed as Aleve and other products, is a common prescription or over-thecounter medication, but it comes with side effects that can include gastrointestinal distress and higher blood pressure. In a study of 60 patients with chronic knee osteoarthritis, researchers at Iran’s Isfahan University of Medical Sciences compared naproxen in a double-blind trial with a turmeric extract, ginger and black pepper combination. After two doses a day of each for four weeks, the levels of prostaglandin in patients taking the herbs matched the improvements in those patients taking naproxen. Prostaglandin levels gauge joint inflammation in osteoarthritis.


Happy Thoughts

Sweet Serenade

In addition to reducing stress and improving general health, mindfulness and meditation techniques have been linked to longevity, as marked by longer telomere length, a biomarker of human aging. In a new research paper in Scientific Reports, Spanish researchers at the Navarra Institute for Health Research, in Pamplona, reported that aging, which typically shortens telomere length, showed no association with that marker in a group of longterm meditators. They theorized that long-term meditation could be related to epigenetic mechanisms, in particular, gene-specific DNA methylation changes at distinct sub-telomeric regions. Lead author Maite Mendioroz, M.D., Ph.D., suggests that yoga practice and meditation are related to longer telomere length in blood cells, writing, “Leukocyte telomere shortening has been associated with several age-related conditions such as cardiovascular events, including stroke, myocardial infarction and cognitive performance.”

A simple strategy–listening to music for 30 minutes a day–can lower post-heart attack anxiety and significantly reduce future cardiac risks, reports a new study from the University of Belgrade School of Medicine, in Serbia, presented at the American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session and World Congress of Cardiology. The researchers recruited 350 patients diagnosed with heart attacks and early post-infarction angina at a medical center. Half were randomly assigned to receive standard treatment while half were assigned to regular music sessions in addition to standard treatment. In a follow-up seven years later, the patients with music therapy on average had anxiety scores one-third lower than those on standard treatment and reported lower angina symptoms by about one-quarter. They also had an 18 percent reduction in the rate of heart failure; a 23 percent lower rate of subsequent heart attack; a 20 percent lower rate of needing coronary artery bypass graft surgery; and a 16 percent lower rate of cardiac death.

Mindfulness and Meditation May Promote Longevity

Music as Medicine

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Tree Believers

Forest Loss Leads to Spread of Human Disease

A new Stanford University study published in Landscape Ecology reveals viruses like COVID-19 that jump from animals to people will likely become more common as people continue to transform natural habitats into agricultural land. Researchers found the loss of tropical forests in Uganda put people at greater risk of physical interactions with wild primates and the viruses they carry, with implications for the emergence and spread of infectious animal-to-human diseases in other parts of the world. People have converted nearly half of the world’s land into agriculture. Tropical forests have suffered the most, with some of the highest rates of conversion occurring during the last few decades. Study co-author Tyler McIntosh says, “At the end of the day, land conservation and the reduction of forest fragmentation is our best bet to reduce human [to] wild animal interactions.�

Natural Thinking Spending Time in Nature Increases Cognitive Performance

More of our time is spent indoors than ever before. One of the ways by which nature may improve cognitive function (i.e., the acquisition of and goal-oriented use of knowledge) is by improving memory formation and recall, specifically that of short-term or working memory, and goal-oriented or directed attention; the kind that requires focused effort. By comparing and contrasting 13 studies, a team of researchers has shed light on this complex interaction in research published in Frontiers In Psychology. The studies used the backward digit span task, which requires participants to invert a series of numbers and repeat them back. All demonstrated significantly improved cognition in nature as compared to urban environments. The benefits of studies like this are two-fold: not only are we learning more about how the brain interacts with its environment, but also how to leverage this interaction to lead healthier, more productive and happier lives.


eco tip

Dr. David Minkoff and Lifeworks Wellness Center Dr. David Minkoff and his wife Sue Minkoff, RN, founded LifeWorks Wellness Center, in Clearwater, Florida, in 1997, as a healing haven where people could obtain the best medical care possible in an environment where they would be treated like family. Since then, they have continued to strive to provide the highest-quality natural medicine treatments and services for their clients. LifeWorks is fast becoming one of the leading alternative medical clinics in the U.S., offering more treatments under one roof than many others, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, IV therapy, ozone therapy, enhanced external counterpulsation, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy and more. LifeWorks is especially suitable for those with undefined and unresolved underlying health issues, or for anyone just not feeling right. They have been successfully treating patients with a variety of stubborn conditions, including Lyme disease, cancer, chronic fatigue, inflammation, thyroid issues and cardiovascular disease. They conduct research to discover what has changed in the patient’s body and mind, revealing the root causes of health issues, and then treat them naturally with life-enhancing supplements and healing modalities. Location: 301 Turner St., Clearwater. For more information or to make an appointment, call 727-466-6789 or visit See ad page 8

Eco-Friendly Beach Tips Maximizing Sun and Surf During Crises

Flocking to beaches is a normal urge with summer in full swing. While practicing social distancing due to the coronavirus crisis, don’t neglect regular health precautions. It’s more important now than ever to soak up vitamin D to bolster the immune system, and it can also reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease or diabetes, according to the UK University of Warwick Medical School.

Sun Protection says we can augment the body’s natural sun protection by increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins C and B, which are depleted when exposed to the sun. It also recommends natural tanning creams such as a combination of sesame nut oil, anhydrous lanolin and water; the liquid of one large cucumber added to rose water and glycerin; or a blend of fresh mint leaves, water, sesame or coconut oil, one egg yolk, wheat germ oil and lemon juice. Natural sunscreen innovations are emerging: the European Journal of Organic Chemistry reports that synthesizing discarded cashew-nut shells holds promise. Effective UV protection can be attained by donning hats, sunglasses and protective clothing, including neck-to-knee

swimsuits for children. Seek shade, cover up and avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Be extra careful when the UV index is high; check the daily National Weather Service forecast assessing the risk of sun overexposure at, which offers a widget for smartphones.

Respect Wildlife

Respect wildlife that may be present. Be cognizant of designated turtle hatching areas; their prime nesting season continues through October. Also, tell kids not to disturb shorebirds and other winged friends that may be on the sand; some may be resting or eating after flying many miles on a long migratory journey.

Leave No Trace

Don’t leave any trash behind, especially plastic straws or bags; it’s best to use metal or bamboo straws and cloth bags. With a stiff breeze, plastics can end up in the water to entangle and choke marine life or break into toxic microplastics that pollute drinking water supplies. The online journal PLOS ONE estimates there are 5 trillion pieces, or approximately 269,000 tons of plastic, already in Earth’s oceans.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu 11

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The Spiritual Discipline of Evoking Joy by Marlaina Donato

Our four-legged friends—from pampered pooch to stray cat—have the inborn ability to seize the moment. No matter what chaotic circumstances may swirl around them, they have a knee-jerk response to spring into playful action or curl up in a patch of inviting sunlight. As humans, we tend to postpone the smallest of joys and avoid emotional self-care, opting for that extra glass of wine or spending more than usual to feel better for a brief period of time. Tending to our own happiness begins by seeing joy not as a mood dependent upon circumstances, but as a spiritual discipline like any other. Emotional well-being is a garden we must weed and water daily, and in turn, our physical health can’t help but be well-nourished by the harvest. Studies through the years have shown that certain sites and organs in the body, including the thymus, immune cells and bone marrow, have receptors for neurotransmitters like serotonin, which could explain why cultivating contentment might boost our natural defenses. Seasoned yogis and meditators often speak of an inner wellspring of joy that can be accessed through a committed practice. Perhaps joy is less of a mood and more of a frequency that is


Pain, injury, chronic conditions, mind-body medicine LANCE WESTENDARP ND, LAc, BCR, CKTP, RYT200

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accessible to all of us when we’re willing to align with its bandwidth. Making it a habit to step outside for 10 minutes to witness a sunset or greet the twilight while dinner cooks can be a beautiful way to advance felicity. Taking five-minute joy breaks during the workday to listen to a favorite piece of music with earbuds, read a few pages of an inspiring book or notice the clouds is another easy way to tend to happiness. Filling a “joy jar” with lovely memories written on scraps of colorful paper can prompt a spontaneous smile any time of day. Taking a half-hour drive on a pretty back road instead of scrolling through social media can reset depleted emotional reserves. Today, we can shift our thinking and see contentment as a precious, deserving loved one that needs nourishment like any other. Feeding joy in our lives can pave the daily humdrum road with jewels. In the end, perhaps fostering inner happiness by example is the greatest legacy we can leave behind. Marlaina Donato is the author of Spiritual Famine in the Age of Plenty: Baby Steps to Bliss. Connect at

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plant-based wellness

Can Regenerative Agriculture Save Us? by Karoline Mueller

As a consumer, I ask myself, how does

my food choice impact me, and how does it impact the environment and the world at every level. Anyone who takes more than a two-second look at industrial methods of raising animals will agree that we cannot continue producing food in the same way. Animals are overbred for fast growth and growth of certain body parts. They are given chemicals, including antibiotics, to speed up growth even more. They are crowded in unhealthy conditions that become a breeding ground for further pandemics. Their excrement poisons fresh water and coastal seas, and overall, production makes a large contribution to climate change in the form of greenhouse gases. Finally, animal agriculture is incredibly inefficient. Meat, dairy, and egg production uses 83% of all farmland while it contributes only 18% of calories and 37% of protein needed. I grew up in Germany where pasture-raised animals were a common occurrence. Being infatuated with animals, I wanted to feed them. While hiking, I would let cows lick my sweaty arms and discover goats trying to ransack my backpack for lunch. This is the image of farm animals that many of us hold dear. While advertising show us pictures of happy cows, chicken, and pigs, the reality for the bulk of animal farming does not comply.

Some people put a lot of hard work into making “happy farm life” a reality again. Their motivation ranges from healthier food to regenerating land and reducing the impact on land usage. Regenerative farming models its methods on nature. It takes into account that processes have to be cyclical; what’s being taking out needs to be returned. At this point, even more is required; soil health and fertility need to be improved. Biodiversity is sought to create resilient and healthy systems. Different sectors of land usage work together; for example, forestry and animal farming build a silvopasture system. Many believe that farm animals are an integral part of regenerative methods. Their droppings contribute to fertilizing and revitalizing the land. How does this approach work with respect to my concerns about environmental impact of farming? The animals live longer and fewer animals per land area are produced. This results in either needing a larger area of land or having to reduce animal consumption. The Guardian article, Avoiding Meat and Dairy is ‘Single Biggest Way’ to Reduce Your Impact on Earth, discusses results of a detailed study. It finds that even the lowest-impact animal products exceed average impacts of vegetable proteins. J. Poore, a professor at the University of Oxford, UK, said “Today, and probably into the future, dietary change can deliver environmental benefits on a scale not achievable

by producers. Moving from current diets to a diet that excludes animal products has transformative potential . . .” In other words, we can achieve a huge impact in reducing our individual carbon footprint, and thereby support the health of the planet by choosing a plant-based diet. Is it possible to continue moving in the direction of regenerative agriculture without the inclusion of domesticated animals raised for food? Agriculture without farmed animals is still teaming with animals. As long as organic plant material is present, not only microbes and fungi but myriads of worms, insects and other small animals enrich soils; and it is the soil-food-web that creates fertility. Regenerative farming practices do not depend on domesticated animals to build-up healthy soils again. Cover crops, green manure, no-till farming, and agroforestry will do the job. So, now we know that animal farming through regenerative methods does not solve the problems of greenhouse gas emissions, the land area needed, nor the pressure on ecosystems. This is devastating news for most people. However, acknowledging the reality of the situation and leaning into change provides a hopeful way forward. Instead of accepting the status quo, it is in our collective power to act. Freeing up land for more forests helps to sequester carbon from greenhouse gases. This turns down the global thermostat.


Instead of hoping that destruction of tropical forests will stop, we can send a signal through massive reforestation at home. Additional land can be set aside for ecologically diverse habitats. I would love to believe that black footed ferrets, giant kangaroo rats, hog deer, and red wolves, to name just a few, will survive together with us into the next century. If we switch our view from the health of the world to that of the individual, we find that there is strong scientific consensus that a balanced plant-based diet is health-promoting at all stages of life. A healthy balance of nutrients is readily achieved, without constant vigilance, by eating a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. A wonderful book, providing information about the impact of plant-based diets on the microbiome is Fiber Fueled by Will Bulsiewicz MD. He explains that plant diversity in diets is the “most powerful determinant” of a healthy gut microbiome, which is a requirement for optimal human health. Many who consider the switch to a plant-based diet, express concern about the ability to prepare healthy and inspiring food. A quick internet search provides massive amounts of recipes that can be tailored to individual needs from fast and cheap to exquisite gourmet style. Plants provide an endless array of opportunity for creating tasty meals. Karoline obtained a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Houston. During that time her struggle with obesity and depression worsened. In 2011, she learned about Dr. McDougall and Dr. Ornish and changed her diet to dominantly whole-foods plant-based. This was a turning point in her life and she wanted to share her new knowledge. She became a Food For Life instructor, trained by the Physicians Committee to deliver nutrition and cooking classes. Before Covid-19, she enjoyed teaching classes at LifestyleDocs, Drs B. and M. Chawla’s clinic. Now her courses are online.

Take Action to Stop Factory Farms The COVID-19 health crisis highlights inequalities in how we produce and distribute food. A new bill, the Farm System Reform Act (FSRA), will help to create a more healthy, sustainable and equitable model, by placing a moratorium on new Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (commonly known as factory farms), cracking down on the monopolistic practices of multinational meat corporations and supporting farmers to transition to healthier, pasture-based models and organic farming. To support the FSRA, the Sierra Club has made it easy to contact members of Congress at

Learn More, Eat Smarter Center for Food Safety: Consumer Reports: Food Print: Friends of the Earth: A Greener World: 10 Things You Can Do for the Planet Instead of Giving Up On Animal Agriculture: a-greener-world/10-things-you-can-do Humane Society Food Industry Scorecard: Keep Antibiotics Working: Public Justice Food Project: communityresources Right to Harm film and resources: One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts film:


PLANT-BASED WELLNESS RESOURCES Present This Page To Receive Your Discount Be sure to call before you visit any of these businesses

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9341 Katy Fwy, Echo Lane Center, Houston, TX 77024 713-365-0368

Green Seed Vegan

4320 Almeda Rd., Houston, tx 77004 713.487.8346

Govinda’s Vegetarian Cuisine

1320 W 34th Street, Houston, TX 77018 832-831-9951

Houston Sauce Company

3400 S Wayside Dr., Houston, TX 77087 832-649-8286

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Embee Lifestyle Docs

4500 Bissonnet Suite 355, Bellaire, TX 77401 713-592-8900

Reversing Medical Disease Clinic

2525 N. Loop West, Suite 600, Houston, TX 77008 832-306-3941

Sunshine’s Healthfood Store & Deli 3102 Old Spanish Trail, Houston, TX 77054 713-643-2884 Green Vegetarian Cuisine

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an uphill trek. She also emphasizes simplicity: “While a lavish spread with myriad options is quite fun, a simple picnic can be equally enjoyable. A grazing board to-go is quite easy. Pack up a medley of fruits, veggies, charcuterie or cheeses, crackers, spreads and pickles and a little something sweet, and you’ve got all you need to create a memorable meal outdoors.” Robyn Lindars, of Fort Myers, Florida, author The Healthy Electric Smoker Cookbook: 100 Recipes with All-Natural Ingredients and Fewer Carbs, says, “I love grilled veggies paired with goat cheese and fresh herbs on French or Italian bread. You can add capicola or just stick to veggies for tasty sandwiches that do well in a cooler.”

Great Grilling

OUTDOOR FEASTS Inspired Picnics and Healthy Grills by Marlaina Donato

Nothing defines the summer season quite

like firing up the grill or escaping with a picnic basket to a favorite hideaway. From luscious fruits to gorgeous greens, enjoying a meal outdoors inspires us to eat what is in season and invites us to sip the moment. Most of all, it gives us special time with loved ones or with ourselves. Ashley English, of Candler, North Carolina, author of A Year of Picnics: Recipes for Dining Well in the Great Outdoors, sees picnics as a delicious excuse to eat healthy and in sync with the seasons. “No matter what time of year you’re picnicking, there’s always going to be something ripe and in season to showcase. We all know that foods eaten at their peak time of ripeness simply taste better, so use your summertime picnic as an opportunity to bite into a ripe watermelon or your autumn picnic as the ideal time to bake an apple crisp.”

Portable Pleasures

Thinking outside the box can jazz up the ordinary. English sings the praises of picnicking not only in woodlands and on beaches, but on rooftops. Being open to different times of the day welcomes a shift in mood. “I’m particularly fond of breakfast picnics. They’re an excellent way to clear your head and get motivated, as they’re an activity fully engaging all of the senses. Twilight picnics are another favorite. As the sun begins to set, the light is less harsh and the mood outdoors becomes decidedly quieter. I find picnics during this time of day to be especially relaxing,” says English. Simple tasks like washing salad greens or whipping up a quick hummus dip the night before a picnic can save considerable time. Traditional picnic baskets are not required, and English recommends vintage suitcases, wooden crates or a backpack, especially if the picnic destination involves

Grilling “adds a ton of flavor to food without needing to add additional fat or calories. Cooking over fire is also the oldest method of cooking,” says Lindars. Happily, the health risks associated with barbequing meat over hot coals can be reduced by using flavorful marinades or opting to go vegan. Reducing temperature decreases carcinogenic compounds associated with grilling meats and can be best accomplished by waiting until charcoal turns to embers or turning the gas grill down a notch or two. Grilling further from the flame on an elevated rack is also a good option. Citrusy or balsamic vinegar-based marinades naturally minimize toxic potential by reducing the formation of unhealthy compounds, studies show. “You are what you eat and what you eat was eating. Opt for the highest-quality protein possible—grass-fed beef, organic, humanely raised protein,” suggests Lindars. “Make your own marinades and rubs to avoid ingredients like soybean oil and corn syrup. You can easily make your own with simple ingredients like olive oil, fresh herbs, vinegars, sea salt and spices. Fresh rosemary, lemon zest, juice, sea salt, pepper and garlic with a splash of olive oil makes for an amazing marinade, and can even be paired with grass-fed butter to put on chicken. A basic rub of smoked paprika, sea salt, fresh ground pepper and dash of garlic powder is great on just about anything.” Marlaina Donato is the author of several books and a recording artist. Connect at


Recipes for Outdoor Feasts

Grilled Romaine Hearts 1 romaine heart per person 1 Tbsp olive oil Sea salt to taste Fresh ground black pepper Parmesan cheese or another hard, aged cheese Prepare the grill for direct heat. Rinse/dry the romaine hearts, drizzle with olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Grill the romaine hearts on direct heat for 3-4 minutes on each side or until char marks form and the lettuce begins to wilt.

Fire-Roasted Gazpacho

3 lb small-to medium-size tomatoes, possibly a mixture of San Marzano and Campari tomatoes (The smaller tomatoes will get more exposure to the grill) 2 large cucumbers 1 poblano pepper 1 head of garlic 8 oz mini-bell peppers 2 tsp white wine vinegar 1 cup water (or more) Dash olive oil 1 Tbsp sea salt (preferably bourbon barrel smoked sea salt) 1 Tbsp black pepper (preferably bourbon barrel smoked pepper) 1 tsp sugar 1 large bunch basil 1 ripe avocado, diced Preheat a charcoal grill for medium direct heat—about 350° F. (Gas works, but will not produce as much smokiness as charcoal.) Prepare the veggies to go on the grill: wash everything and slice the cucumbers into thin lengthwise pieces; put the garlic cloves onto skewers. Grill the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic and poblano pepper until char marks form on all sides. Remove the veggies and place in a big pot. Add water. With an immersion blender, mix everything together until uniform in consistency. Add the olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste; more water for a thinner consistency; and the basil at the end with one last blend with the immersion blender.

Remove the hearts from the grill, grate a generous amount of the cheese on the hearts and add a little more olive oil. Chill at least 3 hours before serving so the flavors have time to meld together. Garnish with diced avocado and fresh basil. Recipe and photo courtesy of Robyn Lindars,

For a crowd, chop the hearts up and put them in a bowl to serve as a large salad on the side of the main course. Recipe and photo courtesy of Robyn Lindars,

New Twists on Old Favorites Brew up delicious and colorful herbal teas for gourmet lemonades. Try hibiscus, lemongrass, lavender or fresh ginger tea, adding fresh organic lemon juice and a sweetener of choice. In a blender, whip up unsweetened plant-based milk (almond, coconut or cashew) with a ripe banana, a small handful of dates and a splash of vanilla extract, and pour into popsicle molds. Combine peanut, almond, sunflower or soy butter with cocoa or carob powder, a tablespoon of plant-based hazelnut creamer and a pinch of salt. Roll into balls and then add sesame, chia seeds, cinnamon, coconut sugar or chopped dates.

Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible.



Picnic Recipes

Picnic Safety Tips from Ashley English Use insulated coolers for perishable items. Before being stored in the refrigerator, cool any foods after preparation to room temperature to be served cold later.

Kalamata Olive Hummus-Cucumber Picnic Sandwiches

Southwestern Red Pepper-Avocado Sandwiches/Wraps

Pita pocket bread, sourdough or other bread of choice 1 can organic chickpeas/garbanzos with original water drained off just a bit ½ cup organic sesame seeds or 2 Tbsp of tahini (½ cup organic, raw, unsalted sunflower seeds can be used in a pinch) 1 tsp cold-pressed virgin olive oil (optional) 1 minced garlic clove ½ cup kalamata olives (whole or halved, drained) Conventional or English cucumber, thinly sliced Organic lemon thinly slivered with skin intact

1 jar roasted red peppers (drained and dried with a towel) or freshly made, oven-roasted peppers 2 fork-smashed avocados or 1 large Florida avocado Salsa of choice, preferably smoky chipotle or sweet varieties Chopped cilantro Bread or wraps of choice

In a blender or Vitamix, add chickpeas with original water, sesame seeds/tahini and a slice of lemon to make the hummus. Blend until smooth, but don’t over-blend until too thin. Pour into bowl, stir in olives and drizzle with olive oil. Lastly, sprinkle the minced garlic on the top of the hummus and chill for a few hours or overnight. Generously spoon hummus onto bread or into pita pockets and gently layer thinly, freshly sliced cucumbers and thin slivers of lemon. Optional additions: fresh herbs like oregano, thyme, lemon thyme or mint to add last between the slices of bread or tucked into a pita pocket. Keep in a cooler for picnics.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Marlaina Donato,

To assemble sandwiches, slather bread or wrap generously with smashed avocado, then press a roasted red pepper on top. Spoon salsa of choice and sprinkle with cilantro over all before covering with other slice of bread or rolling a wrap. Keep chilled until serving. Recipe and photo courtesy of Marlaina Donato,

When ready to head out for a picnic, pack ice into the bottom of the cooler and cover it with the food containers. To make ice last even longer, first place a bag of dry ice on the bottom of the cooler, cover it over with wet ice and place the food atop of it. Keep the cooler lid closed whenever not in use and store it in a shady location upon arriving at the picnicking destination. When returning home, if there is any ice left in the cooler, leftover items are considered safe to consume; if the ice is all melted, the food isn’t safe to eat. Reusable ice packs are also nice to use because they forgo the need to purchase new bags of ice each time. more water for blending, add a tablespoon of water at a time until reaching the desired consistency. Pour into bowl and serve immediately with an array of dippers, including organic healthy chips and sliced vegies, as well as outside-the-box options like bok choy, squash or peppers. Recipe and photo courtesy of Marlaina Donato,

Green Garden-Basil Dip for Chips, Bread and Vegies 1 package thawed, raw, frozen peas Handful of basil 1 or 2 handfuls unsalted roasted or raw pumpkin seeds ½ tsp sea salt ¼ cup water In a blender or Vitamix, add all ingredients and blend until smooth. If peas need a bit




racism A Special Shift Network Facebook Live Series

Transforming Racism features almost two dozen leaders– mostly Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)–who have important perspectives to share on this subject. It’s free and all on Facebook Live. Join us for this special, powerful Facebook live series!

Stephen Dinan,

founder and CEO of The Shift Network, is committed to creating a healthy, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous world, as are the 200,000 members of his worldwide organization. Interested in personal growth and spirituality since his early 20s, Dinan’s core passion has been to shift society, not just the individual. In his book Sacred America, Sacred World: Fulfilling Our Mission in Service to All, Dinan harvests the world’s wisdom and his own experiences to show how humans can grow, evolve and mature psychologically and spiritually, laying out an envisioning process for what’s possible when America achieves its full potential. Positing that envisioning is not only the work of leaders but of all of America’s citizens, Dinan sheds light on a new sacred conversation and overriding vision that can guide us to finding the will and the way to midwife a new chapter in American history.

What is a sacred worldview?

We have a lot of forces pulling us into our separate identities, whether this is as Americans, Democrats, Republicans or identifying as counterculture or mainstream culture. Bifurcations, which happen when we identify with a part of reality and make the rest wrong, bad or problematic, keep us in a state of suffering. A sacred worldview means living in reverence for all humanity and all life;

seeing divinity in all people and things, not just in a few people, a group or political party; seeing the higher, nobler and deeper dimension to all manifest reality that is expressed in humanity’s spiritual and religious impulses. A different way of engaging each other and designing how life works flows out of seeing life as the great mystics do; from a higher vantage point of interconnectedness.

At its heart, what is Sacred America about?

Sacred America, Sacred World is about recognizing our role within the larger whole. It’s about our unity as one human family. When we can redesign our society from this standpoint, we’re fulfilling the deepest principles upon which this country was based. Part of the fulfillment of a sacred vision for our country is building upon our most ancient principles. For example, “E pluribus unum” is a deep metaphysical concept meaning out of many, one. It’s not that all is oneness. This principle tells us that we evolve out of our “manyness” into our oneness, with each of us having a different role. Our manyness, our individuality, the unique flavors of life, different cultures and languages, is not something we want to erase. We do want to remember that we share this unitive ground and vision, as well as the powerful founding code of liberty, equality and justice for all. Our country is coded with a mission to lean toward unity, to lean toward oneness. As the melting pot for the world, we integrate


more cultures than any other country, creating unity from a great diversity of traditions, cultures, philosophies and religions. This is our shared inheritance. Ultimately, Sacred America, Sacred World is about building a movement of awake, conscious and caring citizens who are powerfully committed to building a new era for America.

How do we do this?

America can fulfill its higher potential and promise in the way that parallels how an individual matures to his or her next level of development. I believe that America’s next level of expression is within each of us, but it requires that we do some internal housecleaning, clearing out the past, letting go of our different political polarizations, being more solutions-focused and more focused on fulfilling our larger mission in service to the globe, rather than just in service to ourselves. We have to go beyond partisan warfare to embrace those with other political views as our deepest allies. They are also part of the team that is here to help America shine; yes, even the people you can’t stand. In short, we need to open to a vision of possibility for our country, one in which we successfully navigate the crises, polarizations and political warfare of today to create a country that reflects our highest ideals and that truly serves the birth of a new, global era for humanity, one that is peaceful, sustainable, healthy and prosperous. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at To listen to the full interview,

Why are the largest demonstrations in our history against racial discrimination not only an issue for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), but also for all of humanity?

Living in a culture that accepts oppression of others holds back the development of everyone. It increases fear, decreases compassion and leads us to think more of personal safety than the good of the whole. If we are to move toward being a global society that honors the sanctity of all life, racism and the e ects of racism must stop. Doing so creates a context in which we can all raise conscious children, and black, indigenous and other people of color can have the opportunity to make their full creative contribution to the whole as well.

We stand together to fight racism, injustice, brutality and backlash. To the black members of our community: we see you, we support you and we stand by you.


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It’s hard to imagine surrendering control of

our minds and bodies to trillions of microorganisms, but an ever-growing body of research from the Human Microbiome Project shows how microbes living in and on our bodies affect and even predict our physical and mental health. The majority of these microorganisms, or microbiota, live within our large intestine. According to Kelly Tappenden, Ph.D., a registered dietitian and head of the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition at the University of Illinois–Chicago, we have more microbial cells within our gut than we have human cells in our body. These microbes help digest food, regulate appetite, produce certain vitamins, synthesize chemicals such as serotonin, metabolize carcinogens and regulate our immune system. She suggests that we think of them collectively as an organ that develops and changes as we age. “A huge proportion of your immune system is actually in your GI tract,” says Dan Peterson, assistant professor of pathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Taking care of our gut microbes is paramount during times of stress and risk of infection. In their book, The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long-Term Health, Stanford researchers Justin and Erica Sonnenburg explain how healthy gut bacteria are essential for both metabolic health and strong immunity, adding that

the chemicals our gut microbes synthesize behave like drugs—they are absorbed into our bloodstream and influence our biology. Seattle-based biologist Ann Bikle refers to the colon as an “onboard medicine chest”. Unfortunately, warns Sonnenburg, physicians too often prescribe antibiotics, which wreak havoc on our microbiota, leaving us susceptible to disease-causing organisms.

Fiber for a Strong Defense

The Sonnenburgs define a microbiota-friendly diet as rich in plant-based, high-fiber foods and limited in meat and saturated animal fats. Low-fiber diets contribute to a decline in gut microbe diversity, resulting in a weakened immune system. “Fiber is fuel for the gut,” says Joanne Slavin, Ph.D., a registered dietitian and professor of food science and nutrition at the University of Minnesota-St. Paul. It’s naturally found in fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Fermentable fibers such as fruit pectin, beta-glucans in barley and oats, and oligosaccharides in beans are metabolized by gut bacteria to produce short-chain fatty acids that provide energy to cells in the colon. Many fermentable fibers are called “prebiotics” because they promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Inulin, for example, is a prebiotic fiber found naturally in onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, wheat and oats. Teresa Martin, a registered dietitian

based in Bend, Oregon, who researches gut health and disease prevention, recommends 35 to 50 grams of fiber per day to promote diverse, abundant and resilient gut microbes. For those over 50 years of age, the Institute of Medicine recommends 30 grams of dietary fiber per day for men and 21 grams for women. Most Americans get half the recommended amounts because highly processed, low-fiber foods are ubiquitous. Plus, popular gluten-free, keto and paleo diets limit whole grains. When buying packaged foods, check labels carefully and choose those providing at least three grams of fiber per serving.

A Healthy Microbiome for Life

Martin shares the following strategies for developing and preserving gut health: n Choose a vaginal birth, if pregnant; and breastfeed to help establish a healthy microbiome in the baby. n Choose an organic, plant-based diet. Aim for a variety of different plant species each day. n Enjoy fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut, but be cautious with probiotic supplements. Only use those with proven safety and effectiveness. n Limit “microbial assassins”. Artificial sweeteners and emulsifiers such as polysorbate 80, carageenan and carboxymethylcellulose, typically found in processed foods, can lead to bloating, irritable bowel and inflammation. n Enjoy physical activity; avoid sitting for more than 30 to 60 minutes. n Go outside, enjoy fresh air and play in the dirt. n Reduce stress. Try yoga, meditation and mindfulness. n Sleep six to eight hours each night. n Think about gut microbiota every day, advises Martin. “Anything you can do to help fuel healthy microbes, no matter how small, will make a difference to your health.” Melinda Hemmelgarn, the Food Sleuth, is an award-winning registered dietitian, writer and nationally syndicated radio host based in Columbia, MO. Reach her at


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fit body

BALANCING ACT Exercises for Strength

and Stability

by Marlaina Donato

Good balance is something we may take

for granted until an unexpected fall brings our attention to a brewing problem. Slower reflexes, unconditioned muscles and changes in eyesight can all compromise balance. Statistics show at least one in three people over the age of 65 suffer from injuries related to falls, but regular core-strengthening balance training, yoga and tai chi can lower the risk considerably. Marching in place and simple exercises added to a customary after-dinner walk on summer evenings can also go a long way. According to a 2013 study of senior women published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, exercising not only reduces the likelihood of falls by 37 percent, but also the severity of injuries such as broken bones by 61 percent. “Balance is a skill, and like any skill, it gets better with practice,” says Mike Ross, a Chicago-based performance enhancement specialist and author of The Balance Manual. “The problem is people gradually spend less and less time standing and moving around—chasing kids or doing yard work—and spend more time watching television or sitting in front of the computer.”

Whole Body Equilibrium

Balance training for all ages helps the body to move fluidly as a singular, balanced unit. Stephanie Mansour, a Chicago fitness expert and host of the PBS weekly Step it Up with Steph show, says, “Some people who have hip or back pain may have an imbalance: One side is more developed than the

other. Other people may feel wobbly during workouts or walking upstairs, or less agile while getting in and out of cars; doing everyday movements. Balance training will help improve those everyday activities.” Full-body exercises engage core muscles to stabilize movement. “You’ll be surprised by some muscles that are triggered that are otherwise less engaged during traditional exercises. No matter where you start, it only takes a few minutes of balance work a day to make a difference,” says Los Angeles fitness trainer Kollins Ezekh, emphasizing the added benefit of improved posture that naturally reduces lower back stress and resulting chronic pain. Balance training also packs a positive punch for brain health by focusing the mind and improving cognitive function while lowering stress levels.

Everyday Activity

Being proactive throughout the day and adopting simple habits have far-reaching effects. “Start in the morning when you’re getting dressed for the day and pay attention to which foot you balance on first to put your legs in your pants. Consciously do the opposite. When you’re drying your hair or brushing your teeth, balance on your tip toes,” suggests Mansour. Ross recommends staying active in the daily routines. “Make a point of breaking up long periods of sitting like desk work and [watching] television. Get up and play with the kids instead of watching them. If you can, do your own housecleaning and yard work instead of hiring someone. Find a sport

that you can engage in as you age. For instance, you might play tennis in your 20s and 30s and then pickleball and Ping-Pong in your 50s.” No matter what type of training we choose, there’s a way to fit in balance elements. “You can try yoga, where the different poses really challenge your balance strength,” says Ezekh. “When doing weight training, you can do lateral exercises with dumbbells on your shoulders or even squatting movements. You need to use your balance strength to prevent yourself from swaying or toppling over. Even exercises like walking down steps require proper levels of balance.”

A Steady Diet

Vitamin B12-rich foods, including wholegrain cereals, plant-sourced milks, eggs, sardines and nutritional yeast, as well as resveratrol-rich fruits like grapes or blueberries, can help improve coordination and motor function. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science reveals that women over 60 with higher serum vitamin D levels exhibit better stability and strength in their lower extremities. Overall, fostering good balance pays off in the long run. Ross notes, “Ideally, the time to start proactively doing activities that stimulate your balance is way before that first fall in your 50s and 60s.” Marlaina Donato is the author of several books and a recording artist. Connect at


calendar of events July 2020 SATURDAY JULY 4th

SHELL FREEDOM OVER TEXAS 7-10 pm Houston’s signature patriotic celebration is back with a 2020 approach. Shell Freedom Over Texas will feature a vigorous line up of live and virtual entertainers via broadcast and live streaming on Saturday, July 4th from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Mayor Sylvester Turner’s mission is to uphold the health and safety of all Houstonians. No July 4th is complete without a fireworks finale. Thanks to new sponsor, Reliant, the evening will culminate in a splash of fireworks that can be seen on ABC13 or in the skies near downtown with Cox Media radio stations simulcasting the music.


monday Vegan World Radio. 7:00 pm. Hosted by VWR Collective. Telling the story of the vegan revolution that’s saving the animals, the planet and our health. KPFC: Community Radio 90.1 FM. kpft. org


Online Hip Hop Yoga, sponsored by Sprouts. 6:30 pm Take a moment for your body, mind and soul during this one-of-a-kind yoga class with a hip-hop beat taught by Alicia Dugar Stephenson of This class is a playful, yet intense, opportunity to expand your yoga experience.Join in at home via the Discovery Green Facebook page.

Naturopathic Reiki Self-Treatment Online Circle 7pm, 2nd Tuesday. Naturopathic Reiki is a subtle vibration healing therapy that gently promotes balance in body, mind, and spirit. FREE

wednesday Blissful Quests® with Doyle Ward-The Pocast. 1:00pm.Are you looking for answers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you wondering if you are intuitive? Maybe the real question to explore is not IF you are intuitive, but HOW you are intuitive. Doyle Ward is an experienced intuitive medium, teacher, grief recovery specialist, and life coach. Call in during the show at: 1-760-456-7277, access on-demand episodes or listen live!

Discovery Green Stream Concerts presented by Bank of America: Genesis Blu 7 PM Native Houstonian and “Raptivist” Genesis Blue delivers a new style of hip-hop by combining poetry and fire to share an uplifting message. Bring your laptop, phone or tablet outside, open a beverage and dance like no one’s watching! You can catch the performance when it premieres on the Discovery Green Facebook page.

Healing Meditation at First Spiritualist Church of Houston. 7:30 pm Livestream on Facebook


Yoga with YouniverSoul Fest Strengthen your body, relax your mind and find your center with this dynamic flow yoga sequence. Led by John Tran and Saumil Manek with YouniverSoul Fest. watch/?v=204526500866493 Gentle Yoga with Andria Dugas of Yoga Better This beginning yoga class with Andria Dugas of Yoga Better is designed to be simple and safe. By working on balance and strength through a range of motion you will feel challenged and rejuvenated.

People of Earth. 7:00 pm. Hosted by Jacquelyn Battise. A program created to provide Native American and non-Native people with timely news and information about culture, news and realities. KPFC: Community Radio 90.1 FM.


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First Presbyterian Church of Houston 10:45 am. Sunday Worship Livestream. Christ the King Lutheran Church 10:50 am Sunday Worship Livestream. https://facebook. com/ctkelc Fairbanks United Methodist Church 10:50 am Sunday Worship Livestream. Unity of Houston. 11 am Sunday Morning Service Livestreaming. Creative Life Spiritual Center 11 am Sunday Celebration. Facebook Live Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism 12 noon. Sunday Meditation & Dharma Talk. Ongo Workshop 1pm June 7-Aug. 15. Join Susan Wildin MD, CPC, for an opportunity to practice Nonviolent Communication at home in community with others by Catherine Cadden and Jesse Wiens. event?oeidk=a07egz9k78qd19a8143&llr=hrs9hgeab

Whole Mother. 7:30 pm. Hosted by Pat Jones. A show that discusses the political and practical aspects of being a mother today. KPFC: Community Radio 90.1 FM.


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Natural Dentistry supports the body and the mind by finding the cause of dental problems. The dental examination includes noticing systemic and habitual influences. If you have dental issues or currently have silver amalgam fillings, call me today to schedule an appointment.


Galveston, Texas 409-599-7268

The Cereset™ Gavston location is part of a national network of client centers focused on next-generation brain wellness - helping you relax your brain to manage restful sleep through patented BrainEcho™ technology, which empowers the brain to reset itself as it hears and “sees” its own reflection. To schedule an appointment call: 409-599-7268. See ad on pages 5 & 6


Green Compass Global | CBD Leslie Shatto - Independent Advocate (832)791-2772 Excellent Line for Alternative Health Professionals... NEW Organic Hemp-CBD Company expanding in Texas (and across the US)- Green Compass Global-Advocate Opportunity, NO Inventory Requirement, Advocate Websites - Direct Ships to Customers, Excellent Unilevel COMP Plan. Retail & Preferred Customer Pricing. 500-2500mg Full Spectrum & Isolate Formulas, Topical CBD Creams, Pain Patches, Bath Products, More! Ground Floor Advocate Opportunity. I have 30 years in the Direct Sales Industry, live in the Houston area, and would love to work with You! Please call me for more information... Check out my Facebook Group: CBD-Is It For Me? and Join the Green Compass Movement!


4101 Greenbriar Dr. Suite 135, 77098 281-506-0105 9720 Cypresswood Drive, Suite 130, 77070 281-809-0100 HealthPro’s dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to our patients. We provide a variety of treatment. Dr. Alayna Pagnani-Gendron focuses on woman’s health and paediatrics. Visit our website or call to schedule an appointment.


Positive change starts now! 832-628-4113 Are you looking for answers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you wondering if you are intuitive? Doyle Ward is an experienced intuitive, teacher, grief recovery specialist, and life coach. Tune in to his weekly PodCast, Wednesdays at 1 pm on See ad on page 26


1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336 Established 1989. Call to schedule any of the following services: massage therapies, lymphatic drainage massage and facials, reflexology, infra-red sauna, ion cleanse foot or hand baths, Chinese cupping or colon hydrotherapy (prescriptions only- yours or ours). By appointment only. Be well-Stay well. CALL TODAY!

See ad on page 10




Coming Next

Biological Dentistry plus: Environmental Education

HOUSTON HOLISTIC HEALTH CLINIC & MEDICAL THERMOGRAPHY CENTER “Better Health Naturally” Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 713-781-9991 Have you spent years in hope for finding answers to your symptoms or illnesses? We offer people an alternative solution to conventional medicine by determining the specific nutritional needs of your body so that it can to heal itself. We now also offer medical thermography useful in early diagnosis of cancer and chronic inflamatory pain.

FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE ERIN THOLE, CNHP Get to the Root Cause of your Health Conditions. Erin has been working in the health and nutrition field for over 11 years specializing and working extensively with those suffering from: autoimmune, digestive, hormonal and inflammatory disorders. She works with each client’s unique biochemistry to determine what dietary, supplementation and lifestyle changes will work best for them as an individual. There is NO one-size-fits-all program. All appointments are conducted via phone! This makes it very easy and convenient to receive care from any location. If you want to reach your true health potential, Email Erin today to schedule your FREE 45 minute initial phone consultation. Hours until 5 pm Fridays. See Ad page 13


361 West 19th Street Houston, TX 77008 713-868-4725 Venus and her staff can do any age with any style, from a trim to a Mohawk. She is a wizard at color! If you are in The Heights, drop by, check out her art car, The Hairse, and say Hi!

INDIVIDUAL NUTRITIONAL PROTOCOLS LINDA ISAACS, MD 2500 W. William Cannon Dr., Suite 603 Austin, TX 78745 737-208-0831 For more than 20 years, Dr. Linda Isaacs and the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez offered individualized protocols involving diet, nutritional supplementation, and detoxification for cancer and other degenerative diseases. They published multiple articles in peer-reviewed medical journals about their results. The work is based on that of the Texas orthodontist Dr. William Donald Kelley. Dr. Isaacs is currently seeing new patients.

Call today to schedule an appointment.

HYPNOSIS CLAUDIA AUTRY, HYPNOTIST (by appointment only) 281-849-4610

Want to stop smoking or lose weight? Looking for ways to relax or increase the joy in your life? Hypnosis can help you. Call TODAY to book your appointment. Let’s form a partnership for your growth!



1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336 Health conditions can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs, where it can causing swelling. Lymphatic massage can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. By appointment only. Be well-Stay well. CALL TODAY!

4544 Post Oak Place Dr, Suite 170 Houston TX 77027 832-986-5144 HBOT America is Houston’s top recovery facility. HBOT is the breathing in of higher amounts of oxygen in a pressurized chamber. Whether its ADD/ADHD, sports injury, autism, diabetes, PTSD, migraine, Cancer, TBI’s, autoimmune disorders, or stroke we can help! Call to schedule your appointment today!

Now OPEN by appointment me only!



MEDICAL CLINIC EmBee Lifestyle Docs

Houston’s first Holistic Lifestyle Medicine Clinic Bandana Chawla, MD & Munish Chawla, MD 4500 Bissonnet, Suite 355 Bellaire, TX 77401 We are board certified Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine physicians committed to providing holistic care and addressing the root cause of disease. Personalized plan to empower you to treat and reverse many chronic medical conditions including diabetes, obesity and auto-immune diseases. Medicare and most Insurance plans accepted. Call 713 592 8900 or visit our website

Reversing Medical Disease Clinic Dr. Mary A. Washington, MD 2525 N. Loop West, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77008 832-306-3941

Are you overweight or obese? Do you suffer from diabetes or have high blood pressure? Are you ready to take back control of your health? Dr. Mary A. Washington, MD has over two decades of experience as a kidney specialist. Let her design a custom diet and exercise plan just for you. Dr. Washington doesn’t just tell you, she shows you and motivates you to make the changes you need to make. Visit her website TODAY for more information about her programs and events or to schedule your first appointment. See ad on page 6

12129 Bellaire Blvd., Houston 77072 281-568-1568 • Chan/Zen Meditation Classes, guided by Ordained Zen Masters of Chung Tai Chan Monastery Currently, due to corona virus outbreak. there are no events or classes scheduled. Check the web site (event calendar) for the most current information. See ad on page 4

Claire Villarreal: Meditation Instruction for Transformation

A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute Akua Gray - Naturopath 11201 Richmond Avenue, Suite A Houston, Texas 77082 832-303-3277 A Life Of Peace is a promise of nature, let’s work together to learn, live and teach the ways of wellness. Dr. Akua Gray, ND, a certified traditional Doctor of Naturopathy offering classes in wellness education. Check out our events in this month’s Natural Awakenings calendar.

Online meditation classes to help you bring your practice into your daily life. Whether you are an experienced meditator or just beginning to meditate, Claire Villarreal, PhD offers online classes to help you make a lifesytyle of Coming Home to Your Mind. The free mini-course is available on her website and the full course with a discount for Natural Awakenings readers is available at During this time of added stress when in-person meditation communities are closed, take advantage of this opportunity to receive timeless teaching and practice in the comfort of your home. See ad on page 9

OPTICIAN FACTORY EYEGLASS OUTLET 7921 Katy Fwy, Houston, TX 77024 713-468-5665

Factory Eyeglass Outlet provides the ultimate services for all your eyecare needs. Whether you’re looking for premium or standard eyewear, we have something for you. As part of our superior services we offer complimentary consulting and frame styling. Next time you need you need new eyeglasses or need a repair choose Factory Eyeglass Outlet. Better sight- Better Life.



Dr. LaTronica Fisher, DNP, ANP, GNP, RN 4544 Post Oak Place Dr. STE #254 Houston, Texas 77027 713 520-8188 Services:

Through her WHOLE-istic approach, Lin weaves inspired wisdom with proven healing traditions for integrating mind/body & soul. ALL NATURAL, ALL THE TIME. Call Lin today to find out if she can help you.




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Take conTrol of your own healTh wiTh an aT-home TesT.

Visit the website for more information. Call today to schedule a consultation


Visit today.

20% OFF EVERYTHING Use Code NAHOUSTON20 at cart. This ad contains affiliate codes to products. Natural Awakenings may receive a commission for purchases made through these codes.


2115 FM 1960 East, Suite #9 Humble, TX 77338 832-633-1328 For fresher breath, whiter, smoother teeth and healthier gums, try the NEW Oratrue bamboo toothbrush, oil pulling product or teeth whitening system. Created by a local Texas dentist, Oratrue not only helps you to have superior oral health but also helps save the environment. Unlike plastic, bamboo is renewable and compostable. Oratue products can be found at Herbal Connection in Conroe or may be ordered online. Visit our website TODAY and start on the path to better oral health naturally!

ORGANIC RESORT & SPA DEER LAKE LODGE AND SPA 10500 Deer Lake Lode Rd. Montgomery TX77316 936-647-1383

Can’t lose weight? Feeling Sluggish? Let us help undo the damage from over-consumption and poor food choices. All natural, organic, resort and spa. Immerse yourself in personal attention from our staff. Call of visit our website to book your stay today!

PAIN RELIEF AUNT ALBERTA’S REMEDY Homeopathic Pain Relief Cream 973-715-9097

Need Relief from Arthritis? Try Aunt Alberta’s Remedy to ease muscular aches andjoint pain. Her Remedy is a homeopathic pain relief cream that penetrates deep into the skin and muscle tissues. Get beneficial relief from sciatica, fibromyalgia, arthritis, neuralgia, gout, and more. All-natural ingredients! Do you want to feel a real difference from the nagging aches of arthritis? Feel less pain & have more range of motion? Use Aunt Alberta’s Pain Relief Cream! Get relief today! Great buy, get a 4oz jar for $15! See website for other options. See what people say about Aunt Alberta’s Remedy and Purchase Now on our website.

SELF-HEALING Ching Chi Institute

Life energy education and research Kun Wu, Ph. D. Integral chi healer Chi H Wu, L. Acupuncturist 9894 Bissonnet, Suite 292 Houston TX 77036 832-654-2885 The program of integral chi healing is based on the forCHING mulae: Innate intelligence CHI + Energy = Health i.e. you are healthy if energy is available in the body. At the early stage of the healing INSTITUTE process, the energy is provided by the healer via Acupuncture/Herb, energy healing and psychology. The major focus of the institute to teach clients the principles and techniques of self-healing to generate its own energy for the final healing. The content of the teaching is covered in a program called Energy Realization Program. The final goal is to realize energy. Once the clients realize energy, they would conserve energy and self-heal automatically. They can also discern minor health problems and take care of them energetically before they become major illnesses. Please call for a free consultation if you want to know more about the integral chi healing.

SHAMANISM Shaman Spirits

Galveston, TX 4 0 9-7 6 2 - 6 0 2 7 “Shamanism provides personal and spiritual healing with ancient, elegant and time tested methods. Shamanic healing opens new pathways for personal growth and spiritual awareness. If you’re looking for a way to connect with spirit without dogma, shamanism offers methods to access your healing spirits for transformation, guidance and teachings for a better way of living filled with love and compassion. Contact me at 409-762-6027 for more information.” See ad page 5

SPIRITUALITY GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4040 West Bellfort Street Houston, TX 77025 713-666-1408

We are a welcoming, inclusive and affirming Christian community, committed to abundant, holistic living in the way of Jesus of Nazareth. Guided in our life together by the Episcopal Church tradition, we are committed a way of love. Come walk on our Tree of Life Labyrinth by appointment anytime. Grace: you are welcome here.

FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF HOUSTON 2115 Turner Dr. Houston, Texas 77093 713-695-2550

Spiritualism is a common sense religion, one of knowing and living. We accept all truths and endeavor to prove their validity. Truths are found in nature, in other religions, in writings, in science, in philosophy, in Natural Law and are received through spirit communication. We are a growing family and would love for you to visit us LIVESTREAMING ON FACEBOOK Sunday Healing & Spirit Greetings 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Open Healing Service 7:30 p.m.

THERMOGRAPHY Thermal Imaging Services

24550 Kingsland Blvd. Katy, TX 77494 713-621-4406 Thermography views what cannot be seen by the naked eye using a high definition infrared camera. It senses temperature patterns and changes which provide information for evaluation. Offering Full Body, Health with abdominal and Breast Study at our Katy location as well as limited dates in our satellite offices. Visit us online at or phone us at 713-621-4406 See ad on page 8


Coming Next

Environmental Education plus: Biological Dentistry


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