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Essential Edge News

Volume 2.12 Dec. 2012

The remarkable joy of the Christmas season is upon us! We feel this joy as recipients of goodwill brought by neighbours, friends, and family; we experience this joy as selfless givers desiring to make a difference in a stranger’s life; and we see this joy in the eyes of a child who looks heavenward with unrelenting hope and optimism. This is the joy we can know only through the Giver of it—the Babe in Bethlehem, whom we celebrate this season. His was a life of service and giving, of living with perfect selflessness. Through His example, we dedicate ourselves this month to easing burdens, repairing what is broken, and lifting heavy hearts. We lay claim to the sincere, genuine happiness that is inherently ours. As a Young Living distributor, you have the ability and responsibility to share a similar message, one that can ease physical, mental, and financial burdens while spreading wellness, purpose, and abundance—all crucial components to happiness. Sharing such important gifts has never been easier. With our world-class products and your enthusiastic optimism, happiness can be attained by anyone. During this season of gift giving, Mary and I would like to give you something we have been working on for a very long time. It has the power to transform your life and your business through introducing more people to Young Living. It is our new compensation plan, and it will be ready for you beginning January 1. As you read this issue of the Essential Edge News and become familiar with the plan’s many advantages, you will realise that you now have the opportunity to reach farther and climb higher than ever before. My challenge to you is to share the amazing gifts Young Living has to offer. Share our message of happiness and experience always the joy this wondrous season brings.

Something new and exciting is coming to Young Living on January 1! We are very pleased to introduce compensation plan enhancements that will help you create tremendous abundance. We have simplified our plan to make it easier to understand and explain, with advancements that are more easily attainable. Compensation Plan Enhancements Qualifications are now based on simple leg and organization volume, making it easier to build. • Executive: 2 legs each at 1,000 with 4,000 total OGV,* directing growth toward Silver • Silver: 2 legs each at 4,000 with 10,000 total OGV • Gold: 3 legs each at 6,000 with 35,000 total OGV, creating a behavior that will direct building toward the Diamond rank • Platinum: 4 legs each at 8,000 with 100,000 total OGV • Diamond: 5 legs each at 15,000 with 250,000 total OGV • Crown Diamond: 6 legs each at 20,000 with 750,000 total OGV • Royal Crown Diamond (new): 6 legs each at 35,000 with 1,500,000 total OGV *Organization Group Volume


To encourage new builders, we have increased the commission payout on the first level, while slightly decreasing it on levels three, four, and five.


100 PV ER 1,000 OGV Leg 7

This is a 1% bonus pool on monthly sales volume, available to those distributors paid as Star through Executive.

100 PV ER 1,000 OGV Leg 6

100 PV ER 500 OGV Leg 5

100 PV ER 500 OGV Leg 4

100 PV ER 300 OGV Leg 3

100 PV ER

100 PV Essential Rewards

300 OGV Leg 2

100 PV ER 300 OGV Leg 1





Our reports indicate that almost every commission check will stay about the same. We are confident that these enhancements will help you to progress more rapidly, thereby increasing your commission earnings. For the minority of distributors who may go down in rank or commission payout with these compensation plan changes, we have a plan to help them maintain their earning level for six months while they strengthen their structure through sustainable business building. Royal Crown Diamond recognition will be given the first time at the 2013 convention, and we are sure that there will be four or five who will make it!

The value of one share equals approximately $35


Young Living distributors are eligible to earn a Fast Start Bonus on all new distributors they personally enroll in the company. This bonus pays 25% on the volume of each personally enrolled distributor’s total orders placed during the first three calendar months, in addition to base commissions. Each month the bonus payout of 25% is earned by the enroller, a calculation of 10% of the same volume can be paid to the second upline enroller if eligible.* A maximum of $200 may be earned from this bonus per distributor, per month. *When the Fast Start or Slique™ Start Living Kit Bonus is paid, the PV used to calculate the bonus is reduced by 70% for all other commissionable payouts. The Star Performance Bonus and second month payout have been eliminated to simplify the process. Continued, see LETTER on page 2 THE

Founder’s Message

New Compensation Plan Enhancements

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LETTER, continued from page 1


Visit youngliving.com for detailed information regarding the new compensation plan.



GENERATION LEADERSHIP BONUS This is a 6% bonus pool divided among all leaders paid as Silver and above. The number of shares received depends on rank and the number of leaders in your paid generations.

Please look at your own organization to see where you need to build and help others in your organization to do the same. As previously mentioned, everyone will have six months to evaluate and build their OGV; most people are already close to where they need to be.

CURRENT TEAM 2 Shares PERFORMANCE BONUS 1 Share The Team Performance Bonus of our current plan is unsustainable because it does not encourage the building of the proper structure of an organisation for long-term growth and sustainability. Therefore, we have eliminated the Team Performance Bonus. For any distributor who has a team bonus structure, Young Living will pay half of the team bonus that would have been earned during the month. However, the team bonus will be reduced by 10% each month until it is gone or by June 30, 2013, at which time this program will expire completely.

This exciting transformation is scheduled to launch on January 1, 2013. This will be a fabulous new addition to the transformation that began when we returned from Ecuador and Gary resumed his position as CEO.

DIAMOND 4 Shares




We are the world leader in essential oils. With the enhancements in the compensation plan and new training materials, we will see a new surge in motivation and extraordinary growth in our company. Together, we can inspire people worldwide to greater wellness, purpose, abundance, and vitality. Thank you for all you do for Young Living, for your love and support, and for joining us in this newest celebration of our transformation. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Exciting Results With these compensation plan enhancements, Young Living will have one of the highest payout rates in the industry. Many will increase in rank quickly and will see the tremendous growth potential in their organizations. Recognition at the convention will be very exciting, so we look forward to seeing you there.

We love and appreciate all of you,

Here are some impressive numbers about leaders moving up in rank; in addition, many distributors are within just a few hundred dollars of advancing to the next rank. • 4 Diamonds move up in rank to Crown Diamond • 3 Platinums move up in rank to Diamond • 14 Golds move up in rank to Platinum • 2 Silvers move up in rank to Platinum • 36 Silvers move up in rank to Gold • 61 Executives move up in rank to Silver • 109 Sr. Stars move up in rank to Executive

D. Gary Young, Founder and CEO Mary Young, Executive Vice President

Young Living Golds and Platinums Change Lives During Leader Retreat in Ecuador

Gold and Platinum distributors getting ready to Living’s vibrant farm in Ecuador in November.

MANY OF YOUNG LIVING’S Gold and Platinum distributors took a November reprieve and converged in beautiful Guayaquil, Ecuador, for the 2012 Master Leader Retreat to celebrate their dynamic leadership and to change the lives of students at the Young Living Academy. The pinnacle of this remarkable event came midweek, when many of the distributors who have sponsored students at the academy met for the first time the child, and in some cases the children, they have directly benefited. The introductions proved intensely emopage 2

Essential Edge News

tional, with both distributors and students sharing joyful embraces, tears, and sincere gratitude. Thanksgiving had come two weeks early a continent away. For Darren and Sera Johnson, Gold distributors from Texas, meeting plant and distill at Young their two sponsored students inspired them to double their efforts and change the lives of two more children—a stunning act of generosity. In all, every one of the 23 students who were not sponsored at daybreak were accounted for and blessed at day’s end with the hope of a bright future. “A highlight of our trip was visiting the two children we have been sponsoring at the Young Living Academy in Chongon for the past 18 months through the D. Gary Young Foundation,” expressed Sera. “Our hearts were overjoyed to be able to hug these precious children,

meet their mothers, and see all that the foundation has done to give a better life through excellent academics, a healthy nutrition program, and life-skill training to entire families of that community who otherwise would have little hope. Seeing the fruit of such an exceptional school and program and seeing a light of hopes and dreams in the children’s eyes moved us to sponsor two more children while we were there.” Throughout the day at the academy, the distributors rolled up their sleeves and worked in the gardens, played baseball with the school’s championship team, and painted the exterior of the academy’s kindergarten in pink, green, yellow, and blue. For these Young Living leaders, it was a day of giving back and leading by example. “A lot of people wonder what Young Living is about,” said Ben Howden, a Platinum distributor from Vancouver, Canada. “They only know about the oils, and they don’t know about the other side of Young Living. We love to travel; we love to share. We’re a big family and we love all the different places in the world we go. If you really want to see Young Living, you have to come out with Young Living. We love Young Living!” Part of experiencing the world as a

Max and Karen Hopkins spend an afternoon with YLA students during the Master Leader Retreat.

Young Living distributor means immersing yourself in any given culture, and it was no different for those who participated in the Master Leader Retreat. Everyone had the pleasure of strolling the local streets, parks, and shops of Guayaquil, dancing in cultural celebrations, and, of course, getting kneedeep in the rich soil at the unique farm. “We are so thankful for the unique opportunity to have hands-on training and experience in the Seed to Seal® process, to work side by side on the farm with Gary Young, and to get to know other Young Living leaders,” said Sera Johnson. “Thank you, Gary and Mary Young and Young Living, for allowing us this life-changing experience at the Master Leader Retreat. We will never be the same!”

Young Living News from Around the World EUROPE

Young Living Europe is celebrating a record-breaking sales month as our market goes from strength to strength. This outstanding success can be attributed to the quality of Young Living’s products, the enthusiasm and dedication of our distributors, and the vision of D. Gary Young. Europeans have embraced the launch of the newly reformulated NingXia Red, exciting products introduced to our existing product offering, and the wonderful selection of seasonal gifts. As we move into a new year, the European market has never been stronger, and our opportunity has never been greater!


Ecuador hosted a great group of Gold and Platinum leaders at the 2012 Master Leader Retreat. Distributors from all over the world were able to see the farm’s beauty and work side by side with Gary Young and their fellow leaders. One of the highlights was being able to spend a half day with the Young Living Academy students and volunteer time and efforts to the students and teachers of this wonderful gift from the D. Gary Young Foundation.


With the introduction of our new marketing manager, Nancy Yoshiwara, Peru is showing off the great story of essential oils around the country. Introduction Meeting rooms are overflowing, and more and more people are learning the health benefits and wellness opportunities of Young Living essential oils.


What a transformational year this has been! The management and staff of Young Living Australia would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody a blessed and safe holiday season. We look forward to inspiring you to wellness, purpose, and abundance in the new year. An event you will want to take advantage of is our NingXia Red® Revitalized Tour, January 29–February 7. Be one of the first to taste the new and improved NingXia Red and learn about the seven key reasons to drink the reformulated Red from our surprise renowned keynote speaker. To learn more, visit youngliving.com/en_au/news/ningxiared.


The revolutionary weight-management products Slique™ Tea and Slique Essence have been generating exciting momentum in Japan. These products are proving to be great additions to helping the people of Japan in their personal transformations. In addition to the Slique products, Progessence™ Phyto Plus has been selling well. To support sharing this product, Young Living Japan released an original business tool, The Hormone Book, which was published under the supervision of Dr. Dan Purser and has become a favorite educational tool for Japanese distributors.


Mexico has seen renewed energy due to the great leadership of several distributors and the introduction of key new products Progessence Phyto Plus, Slique Tea, and the new NingXia Red. There are more new products to come in the first quarter of 2013 and many new opportunities to share the oils with all of Mexico.


The South East Asia region is on a roll this quarter, with leaders from Singapore building their businesses throughout the region, including in Malaysia. As a result, five distributors have reached Silver rank as of October: Singapore members Cynthia Teo, Gennet Song, and Siew Kiang Chua, and Malaysian members Foong Pooi Yee and Yong Yung Chen. The holiday season has also been very exciting for Singapore, with the wonderful gifts and new products available in the Seasonal Essentials holiday catalog. Make sure you get a chance to view it online now through the end of December. Mark your calendars for the launch of the new NingXia Red and OmegaGize³™ with guest speaker Doug Corrigan, Young Living’s director of training and development, January 19 in Singapore, January 21 in the Philippines, and January 22 in Malaysia. Season’s greetings to all of you from this part of the world!

Upcoming Global Events Winter Harvest December 3–15 January 7–February 2 St. Maries & Highland Flats Farms School of Nature’s Remedies January 19 Mexico City, Mexico

Protect Your Orders With cold winter weather already at the doorstep of many Young Living members, we would like to remind you that low temperatures may affect NingXia Red® during shipping. If you live in a cold climate, consider upgrading your shipping method to at least FedEx three-day shipping to protect your order of NingXia Red from freezing, breaking, or leaking. To upgrade your NingXia Red shipping method or to place an order, visit Virtual Office or contact the Europe Customer Care team.


For information on these and other events, visit youngliving.com



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The reality is that the face of maturity is inevitable, so the goal then becomes to make it as healthy and beautiful as possible. ONE OF MY MOST cherished memories comes from when I was in my 20s. My mother was celebrating her 50th birthday with a group of her close friends, and throughout the party they kept calling each other girls.

I was confused and kept asking myself, “What are they talking about? What girls? They are mature ladies!” We all feel young in our hearts and want to show the world that old age is far away. However, the reality is that

the face of maturity is inevitable, so the goal then becomes to make it as healthy and beautiful as possible. If I were to ask you to name seven signs of aging, most of you would first cite wrinkles, followed by large pores, age spots, dryness, dullness, harsh skin texture, and uneven skin tone. But did you know that the aging face is more closely associated with age spots and uneven skin tone than with wrinkles? One of the best ways to improve your image at any age is to recognise the physical and psychological benefits that can be derived from spa products. We all know that today’s hectic lifestyle, including the current holiday season, often prevents us from even a quick trip to the spa. That is why I recommend that you try Young Living’s recently developed spa products, which allow you to enjoy a spa treatment in the comfort of your own home and when you have time. The creation of the A·R·T® Renewal Serum and Beauty Masque is based on the traditional use of delicate orchid petals, which symbolize longevity, purity, and love. It is believed that the

orchid flower is able to renew itself and to absorb and retain moisture. The A·R·T Renewal Serum is a unique skin treatment that addresses specific skin concerns such as wrinkles, age spots, and discoloration. The serum’s active ingredients penetrate deep into the three layers of the skin to strengthen the cells and deliver vital nutrients. You will want to allow the serum to be fully absorbed by the skin before applying your favourite moisturiser in order to intensify the benefits of the serum. The incorporation of the A·R·T Beauty Masque into your skin-care regimen is one of the healthiest habits you can provide for your face. Regular use of the Beauty Masque will help nourish and refine skin texture while naturally minimising pores and improving skin tone. Be sure to always follow up with the A·R·T Purifying Toner and your favourite Young Living moisturising cream. Wishing you all a beautiful and cherished holiday season!

The Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser is Back Just in Time for the Holidays! AT YOUNG LIVING WE strive to provide a wide array of diffusers that fit into everyone’s needs, and with its pleasing design of maple and glass, the Aria™ is a natural and soothing way to experience the power of essential oils in your home or at work. The aesthetics of the Aria were designed with the user in mind to include many bells and whistles. This included building the diffuser with attractive materials that help bring an overwhelming amount of pride when diffusing your favorite essential oils. The advanced technology of the Aria features multicolored LED lights, a selection of calming, built-in sounds, and an input for your personal music

December 2012

player. Plus, with the included remote control, you can conveniently navigate these functions from anywhere in the room. This diffuser is sure to set the right ambiance while dispersing the pure Young Living essential oils into the air. The Aria is the perfect gift for the holidays. Order yours today! Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser Item No. 452408


Order over 200PV and receive a Golden Touch 1 ™ GOLDEN TOUCH 1™ Golden Touch 1 ™ provides protection around the year. These essential oil blend formulas have been specifically created to take advantage of essential oil constituents that support many functions of the body.

Contains: Seven Blends (5ml bottles): Di-Gize™, EndoFlex™, JuvaFlex™, Melrose™, Raven™, R.C.™, and Thieves®

* Due to rebrand transition product labels may vary

10 % off 3 Wise Men 3 Wise Men™ promotes feelings of reverence and spiritual awareness with a blend of Young Living essential oils formulated to open the subconscious. ITEM NO. 342608 Discounted pricing: Whsl. £51.08 €60.08

PV 71.78

For all current promotions and terms and conditions please visit: www.youngliving.com/en_GB/products/promotions/

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Essential Edge News

Vitassage Available in January!

AIRASE: Fighting Antibacterial Resistance in Food Packaging Have you joined AIRASE yet? Here’s an example of a Hot News research article you will receive each week as part of your membership.

FOOD SCIENTISTS AT THE University of Zaragoza in Spain understand that essential oils are excellent antimicrobial agents for use in food packaging. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics raises the

question, “Do bacteria develop resistance to essential oils as well?” The scientists’ work tested to see if there is a tendency for clinical isolates to develop resistance to these essential oils, as they often do against

antibiotics. The researchers gathered 48 clinical isolates and 12 reference strains of gram-negative bacilli to test against oregano essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, and combinations of the two oils. In their study, these scientists analyzed the susceptibility of the isolates and bacilli strains to the oils and their combination and also whether the bacteria would develop resistance to these essential oils. Lead author R. Becerril and coauthors C. Nerin and R. GómezLus used minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and did serial passages, which means they exposed the bacteria to the essential oils over and over again. In fact, after 50 passages, the study showed that all strains (48 clinical isolates and 12 reference strains) were susceptible to both essential oils and their combination. Scientists define susceptibility as whether an organism is vulnerable to the agent in

question. In this particular study, all strains were susceptible to oregano and cinnamon essential oils and a combination of both. It is of interest that just three strains out of the 60 treated with oregano, Serrata marcescens, Morganella morganii, and Proteus mirabilis, changed their antibiotic resistance profile and/or increased their resistance to this essential oil. The August 2012 study in the journal Foodborne Pathogens and Disease provides the food industry with good news of the effective antimicrobial agents oregano and cinnamon essential oils for possible use in food packaging. The abstract of this study can be found at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/22827568.

October Rising: The Alaska is calling. Biggest Sales Month in Young Living History DERSHIP CR A E





2013 SE UI


Visit youngliving.com to learn how to qualify for the GLC now!




Celebrate the holidays with

Seasonal Essentials! global expansion as it continues to open new markets and expand existing ones. 2013 will see Young Living launch an official presence in at least four new countries, as even more people across the globe experience Young Living’s leadership, expertise, and the healing power of pure essential oils. “Our record-shattering growth can be attributed to the quality of our products, the enthusiasm of our distributors and employees, and the vision of our founder, D. Gary Young,” says Travis Ogden, COO. “As we head into the final months of the year, Young Living’s momentum has never been stronger, and our opportunity has never been greater.”

Great gifts are now available in the holiday catalog. NOW AVAILABLE



THE WORLD LEADER IN essential oils has outdone itself once again. During this year of transformation, Young Living has captured Gary Young’s vision and has experienced the biggest sales month in its history in October. Some of the company’s recordbreaking growth can be attributed to the introduction of a newly reformulated NingXia Red®, Young Living’s wolfberry-based nutrient infusion. People around the world have wholeheartedly embraced this powerful, essential oil-infused new juice, making it the most successful product launch in Young Living’s history. Young Living is also enjoying rapid

Essential Edge News

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