2016 Product Guide v.1

Page 105

Why Join


W he n yo u j o in Young Li vi ng, you joi n a sup po r t iv e g l o b al c o m m u n it y o f in div idu al s who ar e pas s io n ate a b o u t n a tura l , authe nt i c solut i ons for t h emselves a n d t he ir f am il ie s . Yo u n g L iv in g m e m b e r s hip is m u c h m o r e t h a n a ccess t o our aut h ent i c essent i al o il s an d e s s e n t ial o il -in f u s e d pr o du c t s , it al s o o f f e r s :

24 percent off retail pricing on all Young Living products: This substantial discount allows you to discover more of your favorites and share our transformative products with others.

The opportunity to participate in our compensation plan: One of the industry’s most generous, our plan offers a higher-than-average payout through commissions, sizeable bonuses, and retail sales—just for sharing essential oils!

The convenience of our Essential Rewards autoship program: Not only do your favorite products arrive hassle free at your door month after month, but you may also accumulate points toward free products just for placing a recurring monthly order! Plus, joining the Essential Rewards program offers shipping discounts, qualification for certain bonuses, and access to program-exclusive promotions!

Recognition for your talents and hard work: Every year we host several retreats in beautiful locations around the world to reward and train those who have demonstrated exceptional dedication in building their businesses. Additionally, we offer on-stage recognition for the rank advancements of our members each year at our International Grand Convention.


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