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Heel pain? It might be plantar fasciitis


“My heel is killing me!” is without a doubt one of the most common sentences uttered in podiatry offices worldwide. Heel pain can range from slightly uncomfortable to utterly debilitating. Most often, it’s caused by plantar fasciitis.


The plantar fascia is a band of tissue extending from the heel to the ball of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is caused by excessive stress, which brings on inflammation and, typically, heel pain.

Plantar fasciitis can affect anyone. However, it’s most common in middle-aged, active adults.

Other risk factors include obesity, occupations that require you to be on your feet all day and flat feet or high arches. The primary signs of plantar fasciitis include excruciating heel pain when you take your first steps in the morning, recurring pain when standing up from a seated position and pain associated with standing for a long time.

The great news about plantar fasciitis is that it’s highly treatable. Early detection makes the condition more manageable and prevents further complications. If left untreated, plantar fasciitis can lead to various problems caused by compensating for the discomfort, including knee, hip and back pain.

Nonsurgical treatment often has satisfactory results and includes:


Pain is the body’s way of warning you something is wrong. Listen to your body and avoid activities that make the pain worse, such as running, hiking or dancing.


Your podiatrist will give you a list of stretches that reduce tension on the plantar fascia and help with healing. Tight calf muscles often play a role in heel pain.

Eczema Occurs In People Of All Ages

Have you heard that eczema is only a childhood skin condition? That’s actually a big misconception. Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is common in kids, but it also happens to adults.

Atopic dermatitis is a sensitivity disease of the skin, similar to asthma in the lungs, hay fever in the sinuses and food allergies in the gut.

“It’s a multisystem disorder. Inflammation affects the skin, and the skin is more sensitive than usual,” says Dr. Dawn Davis, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist.

It’s a chronic condition and tends to flare periodically. The symptoms vary.

“Atopic dermatitis tends to be red, weepy, crusty, itchy, flaky patches, like oval or circular-shaped areas on the skin,” says Dr. Davis.

The darker your skin tone is, the more the inflammation can be disguised.

“Our skin is like a brick wall. And over time as we

ICE Place ice on the heel for 20 minutes, three to four times a day. Ice therapy is a wonderful way to decrease inflammation and manage pain.


Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can help decrease inflammation and speed healing.

Night Splint

These sock-like wraps with builtin supports help stretch the plantar fascia while you’re sleeping or resting. A splint can help alleviate pain experienced with those first few steps in the morning.

Orthotics And Shoes

Adequate arch support is essential when treating plantar fasciitis. Discuss with your podiatrist whether over-thecounter or custom orthotic inserts are right for you. In addition, avoid going barefoot and choose supportive, hardsoled shoes, such as sneakers.

Surgical treatment isn’t recommended often and is reserved for those not responding to conservative treatment.

To prevent recurrence of plantar fasciitis, stretch properly before exercising and wear supportive shoes if you’ll be on your feet for a long time.

age, or genetically if we are predisposed to sensitive skin, it can look like a wicker basket more than a brick wall. And that makes it more vulnerable to inflammation and to environmental triggers,” says Dr. Davis.

Adult eczema often occurs in patches on areas of the body prone to friction or sweat.

“It might be where your waistband would sit or where your socks or shoes would rub. If you have a watch, (it might occur) where you would wear your watch, or if you have a headband or certain things that you wear along your neck, like a necklace or a tie,” she says.

The first basic component of eczema treatment is taking care of sensitive skin.

“It’s important to bathe regularly. It’s important to hydrate the skin with a moisturizer that is hypoallergenic. It’s important to monitor for infection,” says Dr. Davis.

If those self-care steps don’t help, your dermatologist may prescribe topical or oral medications, or other therapies.