WestCoast Families April 2012

Page 38

last look Recycled Crayons By Jodi Iverson

Did you know that more than 120,000 POUNDS of crayons are made EVERY DAY in North America? Crayons are a petroleumbased product that shouldn’t be going into landfills, it will take centuries for them to biodegrade! Try this fun and easy recycling project with your kids. Recycled crayons make great gifts, or party favours too.

make new crayons! Step 1 Collect broken crayons Step 2 Peel off paper wrappers, sort by colour and break crayons into small pieces To save time removing wrappers, use a box cutter (carefully!) a to make a single slice down the length of the crayon and let the kids peel from there. Step 3 Place crayon bits in a double boiler. I used cans in a pot of water. Step 4 This should be completed by an adult as the melted crayon liquid is very, very hot. Pour melted crayon into chocolate mold and place in freezer for 3 – 5 minutes. You can also use muffin tins, silicone muffin liners or ice cube trays as molds. Try layering the colours too! Step 5 Remove mold from freezer and pop out fresh, recycled crayons!

make it greener! Make your activity even greener by placing broken crayon pieces directly in the mold and melting in the sun on a hot summer day or try a solar oven! Instructions on building your own solar oven at www.re-energy.ca Recycle the wrappers too! Place a handful of wax covered crayon wrappers on top of your kindling. Great for campfires!

38 WestCoastFamilies.com

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