Religious Rock Music: Right or Wrong?

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Religious Rock Music: Right or Wrong? Deviations from the Faith Once Delivered to the Saints: Bible Study #51 by Nolan McFadden

The subject of music brings many questions to mind. What is the purpose of music according to the Holy Bible? Why do you listen to music? What does music do for you? What does music do to you? What does music help you to do? Does your music cause you to want to worship God? When you listen to your music, does it make you want to pray or does it make your body want to sway? Do you FEEL anything when you listen to music? Does your favorite music make you feel spiritually refreshed or physical / sensual? Without a doubt, the music you choose is going to have a powerful impact in your life. The Holy Bible has much to say about music. In the Hebrew Scriptures, music is regarded as an important part of praising and worshipping God (II Chronicles 7:6). In fact, the Psalms were originally written to be sung in worship and praise to the Lord (Psalms 95:1-2; 105:2). Likewise, in the New Testament, music is presented as a vital part of a Christian’s worship to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19). The biblical purposes of music include the glory, praise and worship of God (Psalm 98:4-5, I Corinthians 10:31); teaching, admonishing and edification of believers (I Corinthians 14:26, Colossians 3;16) and as an evangelistic message directed toward unbelievers (I Chronicles 16:23, Psalm 40:3). In reality, your music will either lead you toward God or away from God. In the Scriptures we are often exhorted to sing, “unto the LORD (Psalms 13:6; 27:6; 30:4; 95:1; 96:1-2; 98:1-5; 149:1, Isaiah 12:5; 42:10, Jeremiah 20:13).” The music you prefer is an expression of your heart condition. Does your heart belong to Jesus Christ? Moreover, music has a powerful impact in your life because it speaks to your spirit. Have you tested the spirit of your music (I John 4:1-6)? Are you listening to the spirit of truth or the spirit of error? As a Christian, are you harming your spiritual growth and testimony by listening to the wrong kind of music? Since your music is a form of your worship to God, the kind of music you choose is an important issue. The Bible is the standard of truth in all matters (John 17:17). Therefore, all music should be evaluated using biblical principles. Are you willing to evaluate your music from a biblical perspective? This study is prepared for genuine Christians who are willing to evaluate music from a biblical perspective. It is for all those who will receive the love of the truth. Using the Bible as the basis of our study, let’s evaluate religious rock music. I. What is a rock and roll music beat? A. Rock and roll music is recognized as having a strong backbeat which dominates the harmony and melody of the music. A breakbeat is often added. Rock music misplaces the beat. B. John Story explains, “A rock beat is easy to detect. The normal beat of a song with 4 beats to a measure goes something like this: ONE two Three four \ ONE two Three four with heavy emphasis of the first count (indicated in all capital letters) and a lighter emphasis on the third count (indicated by the initial capital letter). The rock beat first subordinates the regular beat on counts 1 & 3, and adds an emphasized back beat on counts 2 and 4: one TWO three FOUR \ one TWO three FOUR

2 The emphasis on the second and fourth count is the basis of the rock beat. There are a couple of ways to enhance the beat from here. One technique is to insert a break beat after the backbeat: one {pause} TWO and three {pause} FOUR and \ one… one {pause} TWO and three {pause} FOUR and \ one… Count through this, keeping the timing of the one-two-three-four constant. This will give you an idea what this rock beat feels like. The heavy beat on “TWO” and “FOUR” feel as though you have hit bottom; the break beat on “TWO and” and “FOUR and” feel as though a ball has bounced up to it’s highest point, and the unaccented “one” and “three”, with the pause, feel as though you are falling. It will give you a sensation of bobbing up and down: and and one{pause} three {pause} / one… TWO FOUR Another technique is to put the break beat between the regular and backbeat: one and TWO {pause} three and FOUR {pause} one and TWO {pause} three and FOUR {pause} Count through this, keeping the timing of the one-two-three-four constant. You will get the feeling that the entire rhythm stopped anapestic beat. This beat is the exact opposite of the normal beat of the human heart: Boom click click. This is the beat that can be heard from a car a block away: boom boom BOOM [pause] boom boom BOOM [pause]. The stopped beat is where the “TWO and” and “FOUR and” would be. This causes the sensation of a jerk when there is no beat in the expected place. These three simple forms are the basis of the rock beat that has such an effect on our bodies and emotions. This beat is so simple that it can be easily adapted to 3 / 4 time and added to almost any song, including Christian songs and hymns. Rock musicians will still emphasize the first count in the melodic line, causing an internal conflict with melodic emphasis on the first and third counts, and bass emphasis on the second and fourth counts. Soft or light rock will substitute a soft brush or snare drum beat on the back and break beats. It is more 1 subtle, but it is still there with the same sensual implications.”

C. In addition, John Story identifies some physical results of rock music on the human body: “..rock music makes the listener experience a rocking senstion that is manifested in the up-anddown bobbing seen in most rock and roll listeners…In all Rock music, the melody is subordinated to the rhythm. The rocking beat has a physical effect on the listener. This pounding beat causes the listener to lose touch with reality and is inconsistent with body rhythms. The unnatural beat stimulates the 2 production of the hormone epinephrine, which has a narcotic effect on the body.”

II. The rock beat originated in the religious rituals of pagan religions. A. As a style of music, the birthplace of rock and roll music is often identified with 1950’s musicians including Bill Haley and Elvis Presley. However, the origin of the rock beat is traced to the pagan religious ceremonies of Caribbean voodooism, African tribal religions and Native American religions. From ancient times, the heavy drum beat has been used as an important part of pagan, idolatrous, religious rituals. Why? There are two primary reasons the rock beat is used in the rituals. 1. The heavy drum beat has a hypnotic effect. 2. The heavy drum beat stirs a physical / sexual response. B. Music researcher Leonard Seidel notes, “The incessant, poly-rythms pounded out on cylindrical drums (by African tribals) is the catalyst of rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and today’s heavy metal…In Stairway to Heaven, Davin Seay quotes Robert Palmer in Rolling Stone illustrated History of Rock’N’Roll, ‘In a very real sense rock was implicit in the music of the first Africans brought to North America.

3 And implicit in their music were centuries of accumulated rites, rituals and religious fervor’…The first slave shipment to Haiti was in 1510. As with the Colony slaves, they brought with them only their worship of gods, their dances and their drum beats… Their religious worship was based on drums and dancing, and as they worshiped a god or demon, the ultimate experience was to have their bodies possessed by that demon. The rituals were grossly sensualistic and sadistic.”… The most pointed observation made in Maya Deren’s book concerns the drummer, the rhythms and the beat. ‘Of all the individuals related to the ritual activity it is the drummer whose role would seem almost analogous to that of an individual virtuoso… She observes that the dancers are forced to salute the drummers first before any other part of the ritual is entered into. It is obvious that without the drum, the ritual cannot progress. What a striking parallel to the modern rock band! The drum set is always center stage, usually elevated behind the lead singer. Without the drummer (or in many cases the bass guitarist), the rock band would cease to exist. Further, Miss Deren writes that it is ‘upon the drummer that the burden falls of integrating the participants into a homogeneous collective. It is the drumming which fuses the fifty or more individuals into a single body, making them move as one, as if all of these singular bodies had become linked on the thread of a single pulse—a pulse which beats…sending the body into a slow serpentine undulation which begins in the shoulders, then the spine, legs and hips’ (Deren, Divine Horseman,p.235). This description is a remarkable parallel to that which takes place at a modern rock concert. One has only to watch a video of the audience to be convinced. The actions would give an observer the impression that some sort of possession has occurred. Miss Deren goes to some length in her book to describe the inanimate object of the drum as being sacred, even to the place of being ‘fed food’ and guarded by those attending. ‘It is the drums and the drum beats per se, which are the sacred sound’ (Deren, Divine Horseman,pp.244-246). Pearl Primus, long noted for her expertise on the voodoo dance, has said, ‘The drummers keep up a terrific throb and beat which very easily takes possession of the sensibilities of the worshippers. Observers say that these drums themselves are able to bring a person to a place where it is easy for the deity (loa) to take possession of their bodies—the defenseless person is buffeted by each stroke as the drummer sets out to ‘beat the loa (god) into his head: The person cringes with each large (accented) beat as if the drum mallet descended upon his very skull; he richochets about the place, clutching blindly at the arms extended to support him’ (Lecture, Mount Holyoke College, Holyoke, Massachesetts, Mary E. Wooley Hall, 3 1953) (pp 34-40).”

Likewise, author David Cloud observes, “The connection between rock & roll and voodoo has been noted even by unsaved rock musicians. The British rock session drummer, Rocki (Kwasi Dzidzornu), who has recorded with many famous groups such as the Rolling Stones, Spooky Tooth, and Ginger Baker, understood that the music of Jimi Hendrix was akin to voodoo music. Note the following amazing statement from Hendrix’s biography: “He (Hendrix) had gotten a chance to see Rocki and some other African musicians on the London scene. He found it a pleasure to play rhythms against their polyrhythms. They would totally get outside, into another kind of space that he had seldom been in before. …Rocki’s father was a voodoo priest and the chief drummer of a village in Ghana, West Africa. Rocki’s real name was Kwasi Dzidzornu. One of the first things Rocki asked Jimi was where he got that voodoo rhythm from. When Jimi demurred, Rocki went on to explain in his halting English that many of the signature rhythms Jimi played on guitar were very often the same rhythms that his father played in voodoo ceremonies. The way Jimi danced to the rhythms of his playing reminded Rocki of the ceremonial dances to the rhythms his father played to Oxun, the god of thunder and lightning. The ceremony is called voodooshi. As a child in the village, Rocki would carve wooden representatives of the gods. They also represented his ancestors. These were the gods they worshiped. They would jam a lot in Jimi’s house. One time they were jamming and Jimi stopped and asked Rocki point-blank, ‘You communicate with God, do you?’ Rocki said, ‘Yes, I communicate with God’” (David Henderson, ‘Scuse Me While I Kiss the Sky, 4 pp.250,251).”

C. It is clear that the heavy drum beat plays a central part in the religious rituals of pagan / occult religions. The pagan rock beat helps draw people into the satanic realm of sorcery. Former satanist high priest David Pratt wrote,

4 “My background is not a good one, but I give thanks and praise to God for saving me from it. I was a Satanist high priest for nine years. “I am writing in regard to ‘Christian music’ or what is called ‘power tracts,’ ‘Christian rock and roll,’ and ‘contemporary Christian’ music, and their counterparts, rock and roll, heavy metal, black metal, country music, rap, and punk…”When I first became involved in the occult, music had a big influence on my life. It was not just the words but the music itself. Its affect on me spiritually was to bring me into another state of consciousness. “The beat and style of the music used in the occult rituals is the same that I now hear in ‘Christian power tracts,’ ‘Christian rock and roll,’ Christian rap,’ and in much of what is called ‘Christian contemporary’ music today. “Normally a Christian will take only what is good and leave the bad. This discernment does not always work with music, however, because if the music is bad and the words are good, many Christians are not able to 5 separate them and both are swallowed together.

D. In II Corinthians 6:15 Christians are warned, “And what c_____________ hath C____________ with B____________?..” The biblical principle here is that we must not mix that which is of Christ with that which is of Belial (the devil). This applies to the issue of music and worship. We must not blend the pagan beat of Belial with a Christian message. E. According to Leviticus 18:30, how did God regard the pagan customs of Egypt and Canaan? _________________________________________________________________ F. What were the Hebrews warned not to learn in Jeremiah 10:2? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________________ G. How are the customs of the heathen described in Jeremiah 10:3? __________________ III. The rock beat is sensual. It speaks to the body and is sexually oriented. A. The rock beat is sensual and is usually accompanied by sensual body language. In fact, sensual body motions are the response to the music observed at rock concerts. Likewise, the dancing which accompanies rock music always gravitates toward the sensual and lascivious. Why? The rock beat stirs a physical / sexual response. B. In James 3:15 the Devil’s wisdom is regarded as, “..earthly, sensual, devilish.” Notice that “sensual” is identified with “devilish” in this Bible text. Nothing describes the response to the rock beat more accurately than the words, “..earthly, sensual, devilish.” C. In like manner, the words lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, drunkeness and revellings are included in the biblical list of the works of the flesh (sin nature) in Galatians 5:19-21. The apostle Paul clearly warns, “..they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:21).” D. Paul declares, “For the flesh l______________ against the S____________, and the Spirit a______________ the flesh: and these are c________________ the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” Galatians 5:17 E. “And they that are Christ’s have c___________________ the f__________ with the a_______________ and l___________.” Galatians 5:24 F. What is necessary to live a victorious Christian life as revealed in Romans 8:13? _______ _________________________________________________________________________ G. What are Christians instruced to do in Romans 13:14? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ H. What must believers not do as set forth in Romans 13:14? ________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ I. List the two kinds of people contrasted in Romans 8:5? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ J. How is the carnal mind described in Romans 8:7? _______________________________

5 IV. What is religious rock music? It is music with a hard or soft rock music background beat attached to a Christian message. Whether it is labeled “contemporary Christian music (CCM)” or “heavy metal Christian,” it is music that attempts to crossover or blend a pagan rock music beat with a Christian message. V. Are all styles of music from God? A. A common false belief embraced by many in our day is the view that all styles of music are spiritually and morally neutral. Those holding this view often claim that “all styles of music are from God.” A closer examination of this position reveals at least two major errors. First, music was originally created by God. However, not all music is from God. According to the Scriptures, Satan (also known as Lucifer) has the ability to create music (Ezekiel 28:13). Since it is apparent that the devil inspires and uses his abilities in music, it is essential that Christians learn how to distinguish between God’s music and Satan’s music. Moreover, we must recognize the great deception of blending God’s music with Satan’s music. Secondly, music often expresses what is in the heart of the author. The spiritual condition of a songwriter or composer will influence the music he or she creates. Due to the fall of mankind in Genesis chapter three, human reasonings and feelings are distorted by sin (Jeremiah 17:9, Romans 1:28-32; 3:10-23). Thus, music can be distorted by sin. B. A central false assumption of the proponents of religious rock music is that it is acceptable to use music with a rock beat if the lyrics reflect a Christian message. This position rests on the false assumption that the rock beat is spiritually and morally neutral. However, I Thessalonians 5:21-22 exhorts, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.” In Romans 12:9 believers are instructed to, “..Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.” In like manner, our Lord Jesus warned, “..Take heed that no man deceive you (Matthew 24:4). C. Blending a pagan rock beat with a Christian message makes the message sensualized. The result is a gospel of sensuality (or gospel of lasciviousness). False brethren who “turn the grace of God into lasciviousness (Jude 4)” are described as “sensual” in Jude 19. Would it not be consistent for those who are sensual to “sensualize” their music? Perhaps you are beginning to realize that this is more than an issue of cultural music styles or music taste. Those who welcome the rock beat are spiritually deceived by the father of lies (John 8:43-44). D. Moreover, some proponents of religious rock music equate rejection of their style of music as racial prejudice or cultural intolerance. In reality, this author, and others like him, preach against racial prejudice as a sin of the heart (James 2:9). As biblical Christians, we believe there is no such thing as a superior race. We reject secular and religious rock music on the basis of spiritual and moral issues. Furthermore, God’s Word is truth (John 17:14-17). The Holy Bible is God’s Word given to mankind (John 10:35, I Thessalonians 2:13, II Timothy 3:16-17, II Peter 1:19-21). The Holy Bible is supracultural. The Bible is a higher standard of truth in all matters of life. Transcending cultural practices and opinions, the Holy Bible provides the most trustworthy standard of truth for all cultures, all societies and all generations (Psalms 100:5; 119:160). Whereas, practices and beliefs such as idolatry, sorcery, witchcraft, torture, murder, fornication, lying, stealing, cheating and breaking promises are regarded as acceptable in many pagan cultures. Consequently,

6 culture is not a reliable basis for determining what is true or false and right or wrong. When man’s theories and cultural practices are found to be contrary to the teachings of the Scriptures, those theories and practices should be rejected as false. E. One of the characteristics of false teachers/preachers in the last days is that they will, “..walk after the f___________ in the l_____________ of uncleaness,…” II Peter 2:10 F. “This w_____________ descendeth not from above, but is e____________, s_______________, d________________.” James 3:15 G. How is Satan’s wisdom described in James 3:15? Explain. ________________________ H. In comparison, what is the first characteristic of God’s wisdom as revealed in James 3:17? _______________________________________________________________ VI. The rock beat carries and communicates an immoral, pagan ethos (attitudes, character, disposition, beliefs, habits). A. All music carries and communicates its own mood and emotion (Job 30:31, I Chronicles 15:16). The rock beat style carries and communicates sensual emotions, feelings and moods. The pagan rock beat is emotionally charged and serves as a medium for communicating ideas, attitudes, feelings and behaviors which are in disobedience to the Scriptures (immoral sexual thoughts, fornication, profanity, uncontrolled anger, evil communications, disrespect toward parents, rebellion, sorcery / witchcraft) B. John Makujina points out, “Evidence from the Scriptures ought to shed much light on the neutrality debate. Since the biblical references to music examined here reveal that music is a language in itself, capable of expressing feelings, emotions, and moods, not all of which are upright and virtuous, it is only reasonable to conclude that music has the power to communicate evil…Romanowski makes the point even more directly, Contrary to the beliefs of those in the contemporary gospel music business, musical style is not neutral. Rock music, as well as other styles CCM artists adopted, was organically wed to the socio-cultural setting in which the music was created and developed (Measuring Music-Another Look at the 6 Contemporary Christian Music Debate, 2000, pp. 105, 117).

C. There is a great difference between sacred music and sensual music. Sacred music enhances an obedient, holy worship of God in truth and in spirit. Whereas, sensual music speaks to the body (James 3:15-17). D. In our day, many schools offer classes on music appreciation. These classes promote all types of music including secular rock music and religious rock music. The question is: Should we be encouraged to appreciate the Devil’s music? E. In Ezekiel 22:26 the Hebrew priests were rebuked by the Lord because they had, “..violated my law, and have profaned mine h_________ things: they have put no d_______________ between the h__________ and p______________,…” F. Gordon Sears observes regarding professing Christians of our time, “The truth of the whole matter is that the mind of today’s Christian has become so amalgamated into thinking just like the world, he can no longer differentiate between music that is holy and set apart unto God, from music that is profane and of the flesh. Tolerance sets in when families gravitate to watching the immorality, vulgarity, obscenity, and violence, which at the same time promotes ungodly music into the home by way of television. They soon become so accustomed to it, it no longer offends them. If Christians tolerate the sinful ways of the wicked, they will soon tolerate the music of the wicked, because the two go hand-in-hand. Evidence of this spiritual condition is everywhere today. The path of tolerance leads to the highway of acceptance. Once a 7 person finds CCM acceptable, he will easily embrace it in worship.”

7 VII. Religious rock music desensitizes listeners to secular rock music. A. It is no accident that most of those who listen to religious rock music also prefer secular rock music. Why? The rock beat is addictive. Those who love the rock beat find it hard to live without it.

B. Moreover, the fact that religious rock music is so popular in the secular world should signal an immediate warning flag to genuine Christians. Why? James 4:4 warns, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is e_____________ with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the w___________ is the e_____________ of God.” C. In like manner, the apostle John declared, “They are of the world: therefore s__________ they of the world, and the world h_______________ them. We are of God: he that knoweth God h________________ us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of t____________, and the spirit of e_____________ (I John 4:5-6).” D. David Cloud notes, “The average church member today is inundated with rock music and has been inundated all or most of his or her life. Since the 1950’s, rock has permeated Western society. Rock music is incorporated into practically every radio and television broadcast and every Hollywood movie. It blares from loudspeakers at businesses as diverse as clothing stores and gas stations. Rock music is in the malls and the restaurants. Rock music is an integral part of practically every professional sporting event. People become so desensitized to rock that they don’t even recognize that the “Christian” music they are listening to is rock music. Preachers need to warn of the dangers of rock music frequently, but it is not uncommon for pulpits 8 today to be almost silent on the subject.”

VIII. The beliefs and practices of religious rock musicians reveal the spiritual origin of their “style” of music. A. There is little or no difference between the lifestyles of secular rock musicians and religious rock musicians. Jesus said, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them ( Matthew 7:20).” B. Bible prophecies reveal that the end of the church age will be a time of widespread apostasy and the emerging of a one world false church. This will be followed by the rise of the antichrist and his global government system (II Thessalonians 2:3, I Timothy 4:1-3, II Timothy 4:2-4, II Peter 2:1-2, Revelation13:7; 17:1-18) Tragically, the CCM movement is helping Satan’s agenda by uniting millions under the rock beat of sorcery. The pagan / occult religious connection of the rock drum beat is unmistakeable. It is very plausible that the pagan / occult rock beat is a central element of the “sorcery” which Satan will use to deceive and unite “all nations” at the end of the church age (Revelation 18:23). The protection of sound Bible doctrine is broken down as the music is uniting all religious groups in apostate, ecumenical fellowship. Satan laughs as millions of deceived souls are participating in a religious movement that is destined to help form the one world harlot church of Revelation chapter 17. Whereas, God’s people are commanded by God’s Word to separate from this false movement (Revelation 18:4).

8 C. In Contemporary Christian Music Under the Spotlight, David Cloud presents a two hundred and thirteen page directory of data regarding CCM musicians. Concerning CCM Brother Cloud concludes, “…For the most part, Contemporary Christian Music ignores these prophecies and refuses to warn of or separate from false teaching and apostasy. In fact, Contemporary Christian Music is one of the most effective tools in the Devil’s workshop for building the end times apostate “church.” CCM is drawing together Christians of every stripe, regardless of whether or not their gospel and doctrine is sound. CCM promotes the ecumenical non-judgmental philosophy. I am convinced that Contemporary Christian Music is a fulfillment of 2 Timothy 4:3-4. Those who follow it turn their ears from sound Bible doctrine and from New Testament Christianity to ecumenical fables… Notice that the false teachers turn the grace of God into lasciviousness. As we shall see, this is precisely what many CCM musicians do. They claim that the grace of God is freedom to listen to any kind of music they please, regardless of how licentious it is; to dress in any fashion they please, regardless of how immodest or worldly it is. They argue that grace gives them liberty to go to wicked rock concerts and to play music to entertain the bar or night club crowd, to have a shallow or nonexistent relationship with the church, etc. They confuse grace with license, which is precisely the earmark of the false teachers described in Jude. Peter adds that false teachers will “allure through the lusts of the flesh.” Again, this is precisely what many Christian rockers and CCM supporters do. They say, “Come on over here; we won’t tell you how to live; we won’t put any guilt trips on you; you can dress as you please and listen to whatever music you please; you can come to church or not come to church; you can cuss a little or drink a little; you can watch R-rated movies and ogle at MTV; we don’t have any rules. God gives you liberty; He wants you to Beware, friends; this worldly philosophy, which lies at the heart of Contemporary Christian Music, is 9 exposed in the Word of God as the mark of apostasy.”


D. John Story quotes the following sources concerning this issue, “CCM promotes a false theology. It strives to make Christ acceptable to men, rather than make men acceptable to Christ. “Salvation is most often described in such vague terms that even a Buddhist or 171 Moslem could sing along with great conviction.” (quoted from Danny Sweatt) “CCM promotes an existential view of religion: In existentialism, SELF, not God becomes the final authority & interpreter of life. Therefore the interpretation is left to the listener-singer. The song writer 172 PURPOSEFULLY makes the contents VAGUE.” (quoted from Don Jasmin) CCM songs are vague because the words used are not Biblical words: “Important words are left out of CCM: sin, redemption, salvation, blood, savior, cross, holy, etc. Old standard hymns emphasized the attributes of God, while the new songs emphasize feelings, people, and 173 problems. They are vague, using pronouns such as He and Him with no antecedents.” (quoted from Lowell Hart) “I have heard many CCM songs that made me uncertain whether the singer was singing about Jesus 175 or about a human lover. Amy Grant’s songs typically have lyrics with this type of “double meaning.” 10 (quoted from Winifred Bebe).

E. “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent b_______________ Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be c_________________ from the s__________________ that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another J____________, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another s______________, which ye have not received, or another g______________, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” II Corinthians 11:3-4 F. According to II Corinthians 11:15, how do Satan’s ministers appear? ________________ _________________________________________________________________________

9 IX. Religious rock music is Christopagan music. A. We must not blend the pagan beat of Belial with a Chritian message (II Corinthians 6:14-15). Fusing a Christian message with the pagan / occult rock beat creates Christopagan music. As this music is used in worship services, Christopagan worship is created. B. Christopaganism is a false, distorted representation of Christianity. Christopagan music is a reproach to the name of Jesus Christ and should never be used in Christian worship. C. What did the Thessalonian Christians turn from in I Thessalonians 1:9? ______________ D. According to Acts 19:19, what was done by many new converts at Ephesus as a testimony before all? ________________________________________________________

X. Replace your bad music with good music. A. There will be a void in your life if you get rid of the bad music without replacing it with good, Christian music. There are a number of excellent sources for godly Christian music presented on pages 434-437 in David Cloud’s book listed with the end notes of this study. We recommend obtaining a copy. There are at least four identifying characteristics of good music: 1. The lyrics of good music glorify God and contain a message that is consistent with the teachings of the Scriptures. 2. The lyrics of good music do not include or suggest lust, sexual immorality, profanity, sorcery, idolatry, alcohol / drugs, theft, murder, rape , worldliness or false teachings. 3. In good music, the melody, harmony and rhythm are balanced. Whereas, in rock music the beat and rhythm dominate the melody and harmony. 11 4. Good music is spiritually refreshing. Whereas, bad music speaks to the body and stirs a physical / sexual response. Ultimately, the central issue regarding religious rock music is whether or not a sensual, pagan rock beat mixed with a Christian message is a righteous form of Christian worship. In light of the facts presented in this study, religious rock music is wrong for Christians and biblical churches. Tragically, many sincere, well-meaning people have become involved with religious rock music without taking the time to carefully evaluate this “style” of music from a biblical perspective. Those who support and defend religious rock music are spiritually deceived by the father of lies (John 8:43-44). Moreover, just because you don’t listen to secular rock music does not mean that the music you are listening to does not contain a rock beat. In recent years, the rock beat has been added to Country / Western music, Southern Gospel music and many other music styles. Using biblical principles, take some time to carefully evaluate all your music. May the light of the truth presented in this study set many free from the spiritual deception of Christopagan music. “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” II Timothy 2:19



By God’s grace, I am making a commitment to reject secular and religious rock music. I choose to yield my music to my Heavenly Father. I will get rid of all music in my life that includes the sensual rock beat. I want my music to honor Jesus Christ and His gospel. Name ________________________________ Date __________


By God’s grace, I will diligently seek to obtain godly, Christian music. I will replace wrong music with righteous music in my life (Matthew 6:33). I will encourage others to do the same. Name ________________________________ Date ___________ End Notes: 1. John Story, The Lord is My Song, A Layman’s View of Church Music, Columbus GA: Brentwood Christian Press, 1993, 44-46. 2. Ibid, 42-43. 3. Leonard Seidel, Face the Music: Contemporary Church Music on Trial Springfield, VA: Grace Unlimited Productions, 1988, 34-42. 4. David W. Cloud, Contemporary Christian Music Under the Spotlight Oak Harbor, WA: Way of Life Literature, 1998, 155. 5. David Pratt (testimony of), What the Bible has to say about “Contemporary Christian” Music: Ten Scriptural Reasons Why the “Rock Beat” Is Evil in Any Form, Oak Brook, IL: IBLP, 1990, 7-8. 6. John Makujina, Measuring the Music: Another Look at the Contemporary Christian Music Debate, Salem, OH: Schmul Publishing Company, 2000, 105, 117. 7. Gordon E. Sears, Apostasy and Deception in Christian Music, Coldwater, MI: Gordon Sears, 1998. 8. David W. Cloud, Contemporary Christian Music Under the Spotlight, 1998, 11-12. 9. Ibid, 8-9. 10. John Story, . The Lord is My Song, A Layman’s View of Church Music, 1993, 79-80. 11. Frank Garlock and Kurt Woetzel, Music in the Balance, Greenville, SC, Majesty Music, 1992.  2001 Nolan McFadden

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