Guiding principles e

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Guiding Principles In order for development and humanitarian projects to be successful, certain international principles must be observed. VSF-Suisse consistently applies those principles in its work. The linking of emergency interventions, re-construction and development: Successful development cooperation can reduce the need for humanitarian intervention. Similarly, effectively planned emergency relief can contribute to the development of a sub-region. VSF-Suisse is internationally renowned for its emergency relief, especially in conflict and drought prone areas. In those contexts we apply the ‘do no harm’ principle. Further, it is important to us to think beyond initial emergency intervention in our planning and we aim at linking emergency relief to re-construction and longer term development of the affected region. Wherever possible our emergency relief projects contain an element of ‘help for self-help’, empowerment as well as an exit strategy. Sustainability: All the activities implemented in the framework of VSF-Suisse’s projects aim at being socially, economically and ecologically sustainable. We scrutinise our projects for their impact on food security, climate change, and social justice. We especially consider the potential conflict between fodder and food. The development of ruminant breeding only happens where no other land-use is possible. Our projects are intent on fighting against gender inequalities and aim at economic empowerment of their beneficiaries. Where emergency interventions are concerned we pay special attention to cost-efficiency and long-term development perspectives. Gender: In poverty stricken societies women are especially vulnerable to diseases and are often excluded from household decisions. At the same time women are primarily responsible for the small and young animals as well as for the marketing of certain animal produce. They thus profit strongly from improved animal health and production. VSF-Suisse strengthens these women by including them activities around training and capacity building. Furhter, wherever appropriate and possible, our projects include activities focusing especially on the needs of women. This helps to improve the social standing of the women, broadens their access to resources and opens up possibilities for income generation. Help for self-help and the partnership principle: VSF-Suisse’s approach aims at securing/improving the assets of poor people. These assets are human, financial and social capitals and capacity building is the key to secure and improve these assets. Empowerment of the beneficiaries is essential for VSFSuisse to reach its goal. Whenever possible and feasible, VSF-Suisse will partner with local organisations or institutions for the implementation of projects and will develop and facilitate decision-making processes among the beneficiaries.

Alignment and cultural sensitivity: VSF-Suisse works within existing international and national legal frameworks and respects regional and local cultures providing these are not in contradiction with human rights. Promotion of animal welfare: Although VSF-Suisse’s overall goal is to alleviate suffering, hunger and diseases in humans, the protection of animals, as defined in Swiss law, will always be considered in any activities implemented by VSF-Suisse. Sensitization of stakeholders on animal welfare issues is given full attention.


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