Scotland's Secret Bunker

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With hindsight, you may want to reflect that the policy of deterence persued by successive British governments since t h e e n d o f W o r l d W a r I I h a s w o r k e d . . . w h i c h i s w h y S c o t l a n d ’s e v e r- s o - s e c re t - b u n k e r i s a m u s e u m t o d a y, Wo r l d Wa r I I e n d e d with the detonation of two atomic bombs on Japan. Science had opened up a sinister and potentially much greater threat to mankind.

Our relationship with the Warsaw Pact countries- dominated by the USSR- who had been our war-time allies, dramatically deteriorated. Thus there existed a lethal and unstable combination of weapons and ideology which, for nearly the n e x t h a l f c e n t u r y, c o m b i n e d t o c re a t e w h a t c a m e t o b e k n o w n a s t h e C o l d Wa r.

“The Cold war isn’t thawing ...” richard M. Nixon, 1964

The entrance to the Secret Bunker stretches nearly 450 feet f ro m t h e s t a r t a n d g r a d u a l l y s l o p e s d o w n h i l l t o t h e t o p f l o o r. Encased in two feet of concrete, the tunnel leads you to the bunker which is almost 100 feet below ground level. The Secret Bunker houses a number of air intakes and extractors which maintain the temperature of the bunker at a natural 18 degrees There is a complete reconstruction of the Royal Observer Corps Dundee HQ which would have been used to report the locations of bomb drops, measuring the power and pressure of the detonation. This information would then assist the services in evacuation of civillians as well space distribution of resources such as food and medicine.

The Secret Bunker houses a number of rooms which acted as a command centre during the Cold War.

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