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OU Research Center Focuses on the Power of Hope


At a research center tucked away in the hallways of the University of Oklahoma’s Schusterman Center campus in Tulsa, educators are busily – and quietly – working to change the world. The Hope Research Center is directed by Dr. Chan Hellman, psychologist, professor and author. He and fellow hope advocates work to teach others how to channel the power of hope into actions that improve lives.

It may sound like a feel-good philosophy, but the professor is quick to say hope is not a form of wishful thinking but a force that can help us reach our goals. Demonstrated by the results of nearly 2,000 studies, hope can be measured – and it can be increased by intentional strategies, he said.

“What we know from the science of hope is that hope is the single best predictor of well-being, of our ability to thrive,” Hellman said. “Hope is about action – our ability to identify goals that we have and to be able to find the strategies to achieve them.”

"What we know from the science of hope is that hope is the single best predictor of well-being, of our ability to thrive. Hope is about action – our ability to identify goals that we have and to be able to find the strategies to achieve them.”

– Dr. Chan Hellman, Director of the Hope Research Center