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Respite: A Caregiving Necessity


A Caregiving Necessity

Caregiving is a challenging job, and all caregivers need a break. Respite services are provided in several settings including the home, and funding may be available through the Area Agency on Aging.

Respite is the term used when someone helps care for an individual, temporarily relieving the regular caregiver(s). Respite may last a few hours, a couple of days or even longer. The amount of respite depends on the family’s needs and resources. Respite care can be provided in the family home, the home of a friend or relative, an adult day center, assisted living, memory care center, or nursing facility.

Respite can be used for many things such as visiting family or friends, running errands, tending to healthcare needs, going to a movie, enjoying a hobby, or even taking a vacation.

Respite care is not a luxury. It is a necessity for both the caregiver and their loved one. “The more you are a caregiver,” says Donna Schempp, LCSW and program director for the Family Caregiver Alliance, “the more isolated you get and the more your world narrows. Respite helps because it distracts you from what you are doing every day. It gives you time to take a deep breath and think of other things.”

The benefits of respite are many and include reducing stress on the family and improving caregiving. The benefits of respite are greater if started early in the caregiving journey.

Respite can help the caregiver by allowing him/her some muchneeded rest and relaxation. The care recipient benefits from new activities and developing or renewing relationships with other people.

“Taking respite is something you do for the care receiver so you can be a better caregiver,” Schempp said. “It also helps the person being cared for.”

Respite is available in many different forms. In Oklahoma, one of the easiest and most affordable options is adult day health services. Facilities such as residential care homes and assisted living facilities may provide respite for an extended period of time. There are usually length-of-stay requirements for this type of respite, and each facility has its own policies. Often other family members can help by taking over caregiving duties for a period of time. Home health agencies are also available to provide respite.

How does a caregiver pay for respite? In Oklahoma, respite providers may accept some or all of the following pay options: private pay, Veteran’s Administration, respite vouchers, or long-term care insurance.

Respite Vouchers

Respite vouchers pay for caregivers to hire another person to temporarily care for their loved ones when they need a break. People in Canadian, Cleveland, Logan, and Oklahoma counties can apply for the funds by calling Aging Services, Inc. of Cleveland County, (405) 321-3200.

Statewide vouchers are available through the local Area Agency on Aging. Call (800) 211-2116 toll-free to find the agency serving your county. There is no income requirement to receive this service.

The voucher process includes an assessment to determine needs and identify additional opportunities for helping the caregiver. The process can take several weeks, and there may be a waiting list. Vouchers can be used for adult day health services or to pay someone to come into your home to care for your loved one.