Versus Skatezine & Plus #134

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It’s been over a year I didn’t made any “real” Versus, I mean beside the oldschool cut & glue kind of thing, out of old zines. Anyway, I’m pretty sure Samir (the fool on the cover and up here) was probably expecting, to finally have the chance, to see all his pictures from the trip we made together, with Charly, in Alicante in January... 2017. I mean, he kind of died to get a couple of them. But no, sorry mate, next issue ! (I promise, it won’t take a year this time). No this issue is pretty much all about the interview with my mate Florian Mühlemann, plus a few random lost shots from friends ripping here and there. Alright, gotta go, next issue is in the hoven already ! Cheers ! VERSUS SKATEZINE & PLUS #134 January 2017 - January 2018

Cover: Samir Isis / BS Tailslide / Alicante / Photo: Jey Up here: Samir “Fuck Off” - Left: Flo / SW? FS Noseslide / Photo: Kuno Egli / / 202 rue du Bourg 73870 Saint-Julien-Montdenis France

Flo / BS Tailslide / Valencia / Photo: Jey

Alright, let’s go straight into business ; Boulal has a question for you: “Can I taste your girlfriend ?!” No he can’t! He should rather taste some Jameson & Coke. If there would be a war, who would win: Savoie or Switzerland ? Savoie! You guys have the Reblochon. You still love snowboarding, but, like me, you got over that “mountain scene thing” right ? I just used the Google-Translater to understand your question haha... You mean if I give a shit about this guys snowboarding in “Adidas“ jogging pants? Or that I have stopped shaping snowparks ‘cause I wanted to be independent and shredding just when I feel for? Do you wanna talk about our street skateboarding skills ? Yeah of course! You killed the 10 cm high siedewalk in Valencia with a Fs 5-0 and I took the picture. Nothing more to say hahah. Do you surf as well ?

You mean surfing youporn?

You mean surfing youporn? Or waves? Surfing waves gives you probably the best feeling you can have on a board. But there are not a lot of spots in Switzerland haha. Makes more sense to skate and snowboarding instead of travelling 1000 of kilometers every year.

Flo / SW? BS Disaster / Photo: Kuno Egli

Flo / SW? Boardslide 270 out / Photo: Kuno Egli

Flo / SW? Crazy snowboarder shit / Photo: Kuno Egli

Flo / FS Slasher / Valencia / Photo: Jey

What’s better, shaping concrete or snow ? It’s good that you can always rebuild on snow, if something didn’t worked out. With concrete it’s gonna be quite a mission. But the feeling of shaping the transitions and radiuses is a bit similiar. Like it both! Do you want to explain to our readers our vision / concept of “having time” ? You think they have time? The “having time“ thing came up a few years ago when I joined you guys on the skatetrip to France. Actually that’s where we met us for the first time. Good we had time then haha. I think the easiest way to understand how it is to have time: Quit your job! No, unfortunatly it’s not that easy but yeah why not haha. Then go with the flow, do what you like and feel....

I must say the song we played was awesome !

How come, everywhere you go, you end up being a legend ?! HAHA I heared that already a few times! Soon I will believe it! Can you be a legend when you’re still alive? What was the best thing working at Bernside ? And with us in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne ? I mean, beside Jojo’s sister... 1 At Bernside we drank more beer, but in Maurienne more Jameson & Coke.

Flo / FS Rock’n’roll / Portland Basel / Photo: Jey

Flo / SW? Crooked / Photo: Kuno Egli

Flo / SW? FS Rock’n’Slide / Photo: Kuno Egli

Flo / BS Smith grind / Valencia / Photo: Jey

2 The sisters at Bernside weren’t that nice compare to Maurienne. 3 At Bernside they filled the “Gap“ I built. Still don’t know why...? Looks like 2:1 for you guys haha! No, it was sick at both places and a pleasure to help out! Tell me more about that “Concrete slaves” song... The “concrete slaves“ song arise on a night, after pouring concrete in Maurienne, at your place. We were all heavily influenced on Jameson. Someone started to play the guitar and that’s how it started. I must say the song we played was awesome. I’m pretty sure we could never play it again like then...

Can you be a legend when you’re still alive?

Is goofy or regular switch for you ?

Hahah Never thought about it! Depends on the board... I ride goofy on a skateboard and regular on a snowboard. But it doesn’t help as much as I would like to... Wanna say thank you to anyboby ? To the Bernside crew for setting up that nice DIY project, to the Coop supermarket for running the Anker 50% special offer all the years and to you for keeping it real & for all your passion.

Flo / BS Nosepick no hand / Valencia / Photo: Jey


Jey / Tailblock / Valencia / Photo: Flo

Ule / Kickflip/ Yverdon / Photo: Flo

Trude / FS 50-50 / Valencia / Photo: Jey

Oli (& Claudia) / FS Smith (& ?) / Hofstetten / Photo: Jey

Oli / BS Tailslide / Hofstetten / Photo: Jey

Jey / (Huge!) FS Grind over the channel / Valencia / Photo: Flo

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