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Amorie Warren, sophomore “It [the hallway drawing] was a class assignment of ours. We were learning about one point perspective, and there was no better way to do one point perspective than drawing the hallway.”


Neah Hopes, junior

“My favorite part was the end, gluing it onto the paper, which made it even better. This took me about four days to make. I just get into the art mindset, and my teacher really motivated me. She’s the one who even got me into arts and crafts.” pushed me to play the best I could, not only for myself, b for my team.”

Playing sports in high school requires balance and sacrifice. U. City uses the title Student Athlete in order to make sure students know that they are students before athletes. In addition to being a team-player and excelling in skill within a sport, it’s important to remember that academics come before sports.

“Keep your grades up,” Gover said. “Build a relationship with the coaches and make sure to surround yourself with positive people.”

U. City tries to appreciate students and all their achievements through banquets, activities and assemblies. Seeing examples of people pursuing their goals can be motivating. However, it’s important to be intrinsically motivated and not dependent on what other people think.

“Just make sure you’re participating for the right reasons,” Kellogg said. “Build a bond with your team and use it to better yourselves and each other. Remember that consistency is key and you can’t always expect to see an immediate outcome. But don’t let that discourage you because steady progress is always noticeable in the end.”

Julia Burditt, freshman

“I made sure to use a really sharp x-acto knife, because it could get the smaller strips. And then also used it so could get the curvy lines in the background. It took me over 7 class periods to make, and my neck hurt when was done.”

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