Beary Gets a Cast

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Hi! My name is Beary. One of the bones in my arm got hurt, so my grownup brought me to the hospital.

My doctor decided I needed a cast to help my bone stay still so that it can get better.

First, I had my picture taken with an X-Ray camera.

Wait, you don't know what an X-Ray is? It’s a big camera that can take a picture of my hurt bone. You can read my X-Ray story here!

Then my doctor held my arm still with their hands.

They covered my arm with a cloth that looked like a sock.

Then my doctor put soft cotton over the cloth.

After that, a wet, warm bandage was wrapped around my arm. It dried really fast and then got hard.

Now my cast is finished! My doctor told me that it has to stay on my arm until my bone is all better.

My grownup told me that I did a great job holding still for my cast!

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