unibz | Research Report 2020

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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

↓ Table of Contents



Faculty of Education




Highlights 2019


++ Intro ++ Research Projects ++ Cooperation and Internationality ++ Research Events ++ Awards and Distinctions ++ Contact

40 42

Industry and Society


New Professorships




Faculty of Design and Art


++ Intro ++ Research Projects ++ Cooperation and Internationality ++ Research Events ++ Contact

50 52

Faculty of Computer Science 10 ++ Intro ++ Research Projects ++ Cooperation and Internationality ++ Research Events ++ Awards and Distinctions ++ Contact Faculty of Economics and Management ++ Intro ++ Research Projects ++ Cooperation and Internationality ++ Research Events ++ Awards and Distinctions ++ Contact Faculty of Science and Technology ++ Intro ++ Research Projects ++ Cooperation and Internationality ++ Research Events ++ Awards and Distinctions ++ Contact

10 12 17 18 19 19 20 20 22 27 28 29 29 30 30 32 37 38 39 39

Competence Centre for Regional History ++ Intro ++ Research Projects ++ Cooperation and Internationality ++ Research Events ++ Contact

47 48 49 49

57 58 59 60 60 61 64 65 65

Competence Centre for Tourism and Mobility


++ Intro ++ Research Projects ++ Contact

66 67 67



↓ Preface


President Prof. Ulrike Tappeiner Derzeit befindet sich die Wissenschaft in einer selbstbewussten Ausgangslage. Durch die CoronaPandemie wurde der Wert von Forschung ersichtlich; Forschungsergebnisse bilden nunmehr die Grundlage wohlüberlegter Entscheidungen in der Politik. Der Grundlagenforschung insgesamt wie auch der angewandten Forschung wird breiter Raum in den Medien eingeräumt. Forscher*innen, die sonst hinter ihren Themen verschwinden, erhalten eine gewichtige Stimme. Zudem ist es das erste Mal in der 175-jährigen Geschichte von Scientific American, dass ein Wissenschaftsmagazin eine Wahlempfehlung abgibt, da sie das Fortführen einer verheerenden Wissenschaftspolitik verhindern möchte. Dies zeigt, wie sehr Wissenschaft Teil unseres täglichen Lebens geworden ist.

Rector Prof. Paolo Lugli Mit der Gründung der dreisprachigen Freien Universität Bozen im Jahr 1997 hat es sich das Land Südtirol zum Ziel gesetzt, nicht nur entsprechende Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in der Region zu entwickeln, sondern darüber hinaus einen tiefgreifenden Mehrwert durch Forschungsaktivitäten für das Territorium zu bieten. Mit ihren fünf Fakultäten deckt die Universität ein breit gefächertes Spektrum an Wissenschaftsdisziplinen ab, von den Natur-, Lebensmittel- und Agrarwissenschaften über die Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften bis hin zur Informatik und den Ingenieurswissenschaften. Mit der Fakultät für Design und Künste werden ganz eigene Akzente gesetzt.

In all diesen Bereichen leistet die Freie Universität Bozen einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Territoriums. So wurde 2019 das erste Spin-off der Freien Universität Bozen gegründet. Negli ultimi anni, il personale docente ha compiuto un grande sforzo per trovare fondi esterni a sostegno dei progetti di ricerca: mentre nel 2017 l’importo complessivo ammontava a 4,3 milioni di euro e nel 2018 a 5,9 milioni di euro, nel 2019 la cifra dei fondi esterni è salita a 7,2 milioni di euro. Di questi, 3,4 milioni di euro provengono da 20 progetti UE. Tutto ciò indica la solida performance di unibz nella ricerca: questa si riflette positivamente sulla didattica e, quindi, sulla formazione dei nostri studenti.



Vice Rector for Research Prof. Johann Gamper L’alta qualità della ricerca svolta dalla nostra comunità scientifica è sottolineata anche dai riconoscimenti scientifici ottenuti sia in Italia che a livello internazionale. Il fatto che la Libera Università di Bolzano, da diversi anni, si classifichi tra le prime 500 università del mondo nel ranking internazionale del Times Higher Education produce inoltre un ulteriore effetto significativo: promuove l’arrivo di docenti di alto profilo nelle nostre cinque Facoltà che, così, riescono ad ampliare costantemente il nostro network di ricerca. Nel 2019, sono approdati a unibz 10 nuovi professori provenienti da varie università europee. The establishment of state-ofthe-art research laboratories at the NOI Techpark in the past two years has been a further step in

the university’s efforts to develop in-depth research in disciplines such as food sciences, technologies and engineering of intelligent systems, agricultural sciences, environmental sciences and technologies for mountain regions, energy and energy efficiency, engineering and automation, basic sciences and innovative applications with larger research groups, and to intensify cooperation with companies and other research institutions. This is the starting point to attract further third-party funded research projects in the future. The various Competence Centres, characterised by a strong connection to the territory, substantially contribuite towards excellence in research. In 2019, a Competence Centre for Tourism and Mobility with its own endowed professorship was established in Bruneck-Brunico.

All these successful initiatives were made possible through the dedicated work of researchers and professors, and with the support of a competent administration. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all employees for their valuable contribution to strengthening the research activities at unibz.

We hope you enjoy reading the Research Report 2019. Ulrike Tappeiner Paolo Lugli Johann Gamper


Highlights Gründungsmitglieder des Kompetenzzentrums

unibz tra i fondatori di SMACT, il Competence Centre del Triveneto sull’Industria 4.0


Dal 2019 la società SMACT – acronimo delle cinque tecnologie Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud e Internet of Things – gestisce il Centro di Competenza del Triveneto per favorire le collaborazioni tra ricerca e impresa nelle tecnologie Industria 4.0. Attraverso una nuova forma di partenariato pubblico-privato che coinvolge università, enti di ricerca e imprese, i protagonisti intendono far crescere la cultura digitale delle imprese del territorio, soprattutto delle PMI. Il 17 dicembre 2018, a Padova, i rappresentanti di 40 enti pubblici e privati – tra i quali anche il rettore di unibz, il prof. Paolo Lugli, in rappresentanza della Libera Università di Bolzano – hanno firmato l’atto costitutivo della società che gestirà il Centro di Competenza. L’accordo dà a unibz la possibilità di entrare in una rete con università, centri di ricerca e industrie di una delle zone a più alta produttività del panorama italiano. Il contributo dell’ateneo altoatesino riguarderà principalmente l’interazione e la comunicazione tra umani e robot e una dimostrazione dal vivo degli esperimenti svolti potrà essere ammirata all’interno degli spazi del NOI Techpark.

Photo: © Arno Senoner | Unsplash

Neues Kompetenzzentrum und Stiftungsprofessur in Tourismus und Mobilität Dank dem erfolgreichen Studiengang Tourismus-, Sport- und Eventmanagement und einer etablierten methodisch-theoretischen Forschung (TOMTE) spielt der Tourismus am unibz-Standort Bruneck die Hauptrolle. Mit der Gründung eines Kompetenzzentrums für angewandte Tourismus- und Mobilitätsforschung wurde das Know-how am Pustertaler Campus weiter ausgebaut – mit angewandter Forschung zu Zukunftsfragen der Tourismuswirtschaft, Freizeitmobilität und Regionalentwicklung. „Ziel unseres jüngsten Kompetenzzentrums ist es, eine weitere Schnittstelle zur lokalen Wirtschaft zu schaffen und mit angewandter Forschung Antworten auf relevante Zukunftsfragen zu geben“, so die Präsidentin der unibz Prof. Ulrike Tappeiner. Für die lokale Verankerung sorgt eine Stiftungsprofessur, die im Rahmen des Kompetenzzentrums eingerichtet wurde. Am 1. März 2019 hat Professor Thomas Bausch, Experte im Bereich Tourismuspolitik und Regionalentwicklung, seine Stelle als Leiter des Kompetenzzentrums angetreten. Die Stiftungsprofessur wird für mindestens drei Jahre von der Bezirksgemeinschaft Pustertal, zahlreichen Pustertaler Gemeinden sowie Seilbahngesellschaften des Pustertals und des Eisacktals finanziert.


Photo: © Ivo Corrà

Research Award of the Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse In collaboration with unibz, three young researchers were awarded the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation Prize for researchers under the age of 40 during the Dies Academicus celebratory event held on 29 May, 2019. The three award winners were Giovanna Ferrentino (Faculty of Science and Technology), Romain Robbes (Faculty of Computer Science), and Emanuela Rondi (Faculty of Economics and Management). Emanuela Rondi is a lecturer and researcher at the Family Business Centre at NOI Techpark. Her research involves the study of family businesses with a focus on the importance of tradition and relationships for innovation processes. Romain Robbes specialises in software engineering and has been awarded for his research in the field of software development, which helps to improve workflows and software products. Finally, Giovanna Ferrentino, an expert in food science and technology at NOI Techpark, was awarded the Foundation Südtiroler Sparkasse Prize for her research on the improvement and recovery of compounds with high nutritional value from food waste such as used coffee powder.

Dies Academicus 2019: Prof. Ulrike Tappeiner, Letizia Ragaglia, Giovanna Ferrentino, Emanuela Rondi, Prof. Paolo Lugli


Verso l’eccellenza nella ricerca alimentare con i lab Micro4Food e Oenolab al NOI Techpark L’innovazione tecnologica incontra il patrimonio alimentare tradizionale e ne potenzia qualità e salubrità. È questo il concetto alla base del lavoro svolto nei due laboratori Micro4Food (finanziato dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale) ed Oenolab, inaugurati il 19 giugno 2019 nell’edificio A2 del NOI Techpark. Micro4Food è diretto dai prof. Marco Gobbetti (primo posto a livello mondiale nel settore della microbiologia degli alimenti su Google Scholar) e Raffaella Di Cagno, microbiologi degli alimenti e docenti alla Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie. Il cuore della ricerca di Micro4Food risiede nella microbiologia degli alimenti applicata alla fermentazione. In particolare, il laboratorio si concentra sui prodotti lattiero-caseari e da forno e su frutta e ortaggi fermentati. Il secondo laboratorio inaugurato è Oenolab, diretto dal prof. Emanuele Boselli, con cui si completa il panorama della ricerca enologica in Alto Adige. Due le linee di ricerca su cui è attivo il laboratorio: la prima riguarda il trasferimento tecnologico – il laboratorio collabora con aziende del settore enologico e delle bevande alcoliche per progetti commissionati, con l’obiettivo di innovare sia prodotti che processi; la seconda invece riguarda la ricerca di base che sostiene e integra la prima.


Benjamin Cogrel, Peter Hopfgartner, Prof. Ulrike Tappeiner, Guohui Xiao, Prof. Diego Calvanese

Rita Franceschini Member of the German Academy for Language and Poetry


The German Academy for Language and Poetry counts around 180 members, both living and deceased, including many illustrious names as Jürgen Habermas, Elfride Jelinek, Hannah Arendt, Ingeborg Bachmann, Erich Fried, Heinrich Böll and Friedrich Dürenmatt. In May 2019 the former Rector of unibz and Professor of Linguistics Rita Franceschini became a full member of the renowned German Academy for Language and Poetry. Whether writers, critics and translators, linguists and literary scholars, or natural scientists of both sexes – they were all accepted by the prestigious academy because of their special interest in language. The German Academy for Language and Poetry awards several prizes, including the well-known Georg Büchner Prize for German-language literature and the Sigmund Freud Prize for scholarly prose. Its tasks include accompanying the development of the German language, drawing attention to forgotten and marginalised literature, and promoting the free exchange of opinions and a differentiated culture of debate.

Prof. Rita Franceschini | Photo: © Annelie Bortolotti

unibz hat ihr erstes Spin-off Mit der Gründung des IT-Unternehmens Ontopic im Juli 2019 hat unibz ihre erste offizielle Spin-offFirma. Das im NOI Techpark angesiedelte Start-up ging aus einer Forschergruppe rund um Prof. Diego Calvanese von der Fakultät für Informatik hervor und bietet Unternehmen und der öffentlichen Verwaltung Lösungen im Bereich der Datenintegration an. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren arbeitet die Forschungsgruppe In2Data an der Entwicklung von Softwaretools zur Datenintegration und der Begleitung solcher Integrationsprozesse. Dafür stellten sie ein Open Source Tool zur Verfügung, das unter dem Namen Ontop auch von privaten Unternehmen genutzt wird. „Wir haben jedoch im Laufe der Jahre erkannt, dass es in diesem Bereich eine große und ungedeckte kommerzielle Nachfrage gibt, die wir in unserer institutionellen Aufgabe an der Universität nicht decken können“, so Prof. Calvanese. Das Gründungsteam umfasst neben Calvanese den Informatikprofessor Marco Montali, die Forscher Guohui Xiao und Benjamin Cogrel sowie Peter Hopfgartner, der bisher als Projektmanager an der unibz tätig war und dem Spin-off nun als CEO vorsteht.


The Young Euregio Researcher 2019 Is From unibz The Euregio Young Researcher of the Year in 2019 is from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. The mathematician Valentina Morandi, researcher at the Faculty of Science and Technology since autumn 2018, came first place in the research prize at Forum Alpbach/Tyrol for a research paper on traffic optimisation. In 2019, the prize was awarded for the eighth time to three young researchers. “I am very happy that mathematics as a scientific basis for solving current problems is also being valued”, said the Brescian-born researcher. In view of the permanent traffic jams around the Italian August public holidays (Ferragosto) her research work is particularly relevant. Morandi’s work deals with the question of how congestion problems in road traffic can be avoided thanks to driverless vehicles. Her focus is on centralised, proactive route guidance approaches that find the fastest or most cost-effective route to the destination in real time: a theoretical model, but one that could already be put into practice today if the appropriate cars were available, as Valentina Morandi emphasised.

Valentina Morandi | Photo: © Alexander Erlarcher | unibz


Lunga Notte della Ricerca: in mostra la voglia di cambiamento L’edizione 2019 della Lunga Notte della Ricerca – la più grande manifestazione divulgativa della ricerca scientifica in Alto Adige – si è tenuta a Bolzano il 27 settembre scorso. L’evento ha attirato nel capoluogo oltre 10.000 persone che, per sette ore, hanno affollato le 13 tappe disseminate nella città per scoprire come la tematica centrale dell’evento – “Change & Challenge”, ovvero Cambiamento e Sfida – era stata declinata. In 117 stazioni interattive, i visitatori hanno conosciuto alcuni cambiamenti che si stanno manifestando attorno a noi e le soluzioni e strategie di adattamento che i ricercatori di unibz elaborano nel loro lavoro quotidiano. Nelle 26 stazioni del campus di Bolzano – a cui vanno aggiunti i laboratori al NOI Techpark, lo Smart Mini Factory Lab e il BITZ unibz fablab di via Rosmini – i ricercatori e le ricercatrici unibz hanno mostrato in maniera ludica e interattiva il senso e lo scopo delle loro ricerche: dalla sensoristica stampata al machine learning, dal funzionamento delle criptovalute agli effetti del cambiamento climatico sui fiumi e i suoli del territorio.


Diego Calvanese unter den weltweit besten Experten für Künstliche Intelligenz


Diego Calvanese, Professor an der Fakultät für Informatik, ist seit 2019 Fellow der Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Die besondere Anerkennung der weltweit größten und angesehenen wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Informatik wird Mitgliedern für besondere Leistungen bei der Entwicklung zukunftsweisender Technologien verliehen. Nur rund ein Prozent der ACM-Mitglieder haben den Fellow-Status und bilden somit die Elite der ACM-Gesellschaft. Calvanese und seine Mit-Fellows wurden für bahnbrechende Leistungen ausgezeichnet, die das digitale Zeitalter in diversen Bereichen der Informatik neu definieren – darunter Künstliche Intelligenz, Cloud Computing, Computerbiologie, Kampf gegen Cyberkriminalität, Quantencomputer oder Software Engineering. Der seit 2003 in Bozen lehrende Professor wurde von der Association for Computing Machinery für seinen „Beitrag zu Beschreibungslogiken und deren Anwendung im Datenmanagement und Software-Engineering” ausgezeichnet. Diego Calvanese rangierte 2019 auf Google Scholar in vier seiner fünf Forschungsfelder unter den Top 10: im Forschungsbereich ‚Description Logics‘ war er der weltweit meistzitierte Wissenschaftler, beim Datenmanagement rangierte er auf Platz 8, im Bereich ‚Knowledge Representation‘ auf Platz 7 und bei ‚Verification‘ auf Platz 3.

Prof. Diego Calvanese

unibz in Rankings 2019 unibz received the first place among small nonstate universities for the third consecutive year on the “Censis ranking” and also achieved the highest average score among all Italian universities: 102.4 points. The “Times Higher Education World University Rankings” placed unibz in the 351–400 group, out of a total of 1250 universities worldwide in 2019. Of note are the results in the categories ‘Citations’ (with a score of 87.2 among the top 210) and ’International outlook‘ (with a score of 74.5 among the top 210). unibz is ranked 12th among the 43 participating universities in Italy and it was placed among the top 20 universities worldwide on the 2019 “World’s Best Small Universities Ranking”. unibz was ranked among the “Global Top 25 Performers”, the 25 best universities worldwide in this field on the “U-Multirank” published in 2019. It also belongs to the top group in the categories research and regional commitment. Over 1700 universities in 96 countries were assessed, 49 of them in Italy. With 12 top ratings, unibz is classified third place in Italy, behind Università Bocconi and IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca.


Prof. Ulrike Tappeiner | Photo: © Annelie Bortolotti

Industry Day: una giornata per unire impresa e ricerca Il 7 novembre 2019, nel campus di Bolzano, si è svolto il primo unibz Industry Day, nato dalla collaborazione tra università e Assoimprenditori Alto Adige. L’obiettivo dell’evento era promuovere un dialogo costante tra l’accademia e la società ed economia altoatesine e trasportare all’esterno i risultati della ricerca svolta in università. In quattro sessioni, sono stati presentati progetti di ricerca elaborati in diverse Facoltà – in corso o già completati e individuati tramite procedura di selezione interna – nelle seguenti aree di ricerca: Internet of Things, Industria 4.0, startup e imprenditorialità, agricoltura e ambiente, Information Technology e infrastrutture. Le presentazioni sono state completate da una “poster session” durante la quale tutti i partecipanti hanno avuto l’opportunità di conoscere i ricercatori e confrontarsi con loro su possibili collaborazioni future.


Wissenschaftspreis für Präsidentin Ulrike Tappeiner Die Präsidentin der unibz Prof. Ulrike Tappeiner wurde im Dezember an der Universität Innsbruck für ihr wissenschaftliches Gesamtwerk mit dem „Wissenschaftspreis für außergewöhnliche Forschungsleistung der Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse“ ausgezeichnet, den die Universität Innsbruck seit 2008 verleiht. Tappeiner erhielt den Preis als Würdigung für ihr wissenschaftliches Gesamtwerk an der Universität. Die Präsidentin der Freien Universität Bozen leitet seit 1995 das Institut für Alpine Umwelt an Eurac Research und ist seit 2005 Universitätsprofessorin für Ökosystemforschung und Landschaftsökologie am Institut für Ökologie der Universität Innsbruck. Von 2012 bis 2018 stand sie der Fakultät für Biologie zudem als Dekanin vor. Tappeiner hat sich auf die ökologische Forschung in Bergregionen spezialisiert und forscht zu globalen Veränderungen, funktionaler Biodiversität, Ökosystemleistungen und nachhaltiger Entwicklung. In ihren aktuellen Arbeiten untersucht sie die kombinierten Auswirkungen von Landnutzungs- und Klimaänderungen und deren Auswirkungen auf Ökosystemleistungen. Laudator Roland Psenner beschrieb Tappeiner als „emanzipierte Akademikerin“ und „Role model, und zwar nicht nur im Bereich der Wissenschaft, sondern auch in der Gesellschaft“.


↓ Faculty of Computer Science

It shows the competences it can bring forth in terms of academic studies and industrial application, but it also addresses societal concerns in an increasingly digitalised world.

Key Data Campus Bozen-Bolzano Active Study Programmes Bachelor: ++ Computer Science ++ Informatics and Management of Digital Business Master: ++ Computational Data Science ++ Software Engineering for Information Systems ++ PhD: Computer Science

Dean Prof. Francesco Ricci

People ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Students: 281 PhD Students: 38 Tenured Professors: 17 Researchers: 52 Contract Professors: 34 Technical and Administrative Staff: 11

The Faculty of Computer Science is one of the best computer science departments worldwide, among the top 125 – 150. It is fifth on the list of the Italian universities. This outcome is mainly due to the high quality of the Faculty’s scientific output, which states the importance of the research carried out at the Faculty’s research centres. The results of the Faculty’s research centres, ranging from data and information systems to knowledge representation and processing, to software and system technologies, have been of high impact. The Faculty collaborates with micro-enterprises in the Province as well as with large research centres and globally operating companies in basic and applied research.

In 2019/2020 the Faculty activated the 35th cycle of its doctoral course in Computer Science. The four-year doctoral programme enables a high scientific standard and improves the competitiveness of the doctoral students on an international level by covering current topics as artificial intelligence and data science, new ubiquitous technology spaces as the Internet of Things, as well as human-centric technologies by improving the usability of technology through intelligent solutions. The three research areas of the Faculty’s “Research Centre for Knowledge and Data”, “Centre for Information and Database Systems Engineering”, and “Research Centre on Software and Systems Engineering” continued to expand their scientific output in their respective fields throughout 2019; in particular, a larger number of projects with a significantly higher budget – showing the relevance of the Faculty’s research – were implemented.



Vice Dean for Research Prof. Claus Pahl Altogether 93 conference articles, 53 journal articles, 10 book articles, and 4 books were published. Researchers received several best paper awards, chaired twelve scientific events (conferences), were members of 18 scientific committees at an international level, and gave two keynote speeches. In 2019, funding was received through the European Union, regional, and national projects, and from contract research agreements with a total funding of over € 2 million.

KRDB – Research Centre for Knowledge and Data

SwSE – Software and Systems Engineering Research Group

The research activities of the centre are divided into four thematic areas: Conceptual and Cognitive Modelling; Foundations of Database Technologies; Intelligent Integration and Access to Data; and Process-aware Information Systems Management. 2019 also saw the founding of the Ontopic unibz company spin-off based at NOI Techpark. Ontopic develops technologies for virtual data integration and is the result of a research led at the KRDB Centre. The KRDB Centre is coordinated by Enrico Franconi.

SwSE’s research focuses on critical evolutionary systems. These systems change over time (“evolve”), are strategically important to their users (“critics”), and are heavily dependent on software. These systems must be predictable, reliable, and work in environments that are flexible due to long-term evolutionary change and new adaptation needs. The research activities of the centre are divided into four thematic areas: Dynamic Architecture and Systems; Software Quality; Continuous Agile and Lean Process Innovation; and Software Engineering Training and Education. Claus Pahl coordinates the SwSE Research Centre.

IDSE – Centre for Information and Database Systems Engineering The research activities of the centre are divided into five thematic areas: Computational Mathematics; Computer Vision and Image Processing; Database Systems; Decision Support; Personalisation and Recommender Systems; and Human Centred Computing. With the appointment of Antonella De Angeli and the establishment of the Human Technology Lab, a new research focus on the interaction between humans and computers has been started at IDSE. Other activities focus on decision support and analysis of sensor data in various fields as agriculture, health, tourism, and media, as well as on the development of mathematical models in agriculture. Bruno Carpentieri coordinates the IDSE Research Centre.



Research Projects 5G-CARMEN – 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European Union Die europäische Mobilität verändert sich drastisch: steigende Urbanisierung, Umweltaspekte und Sicherheit sind nur einige der Schlüsselindikatoren, die in diese Richtung weisen. Straßeninfrastrukturen und Fahrzeuge verschmelzen mit der digitalen Welt, werden immer vernetzter, automatisierter und intelligenter und bieten somit ein völlig neues Fahrerlebnis; zudem erfüllen sie mit Blick auf Emissions- und Unfallreduzierung eine wichtige gesellschaftliche Rolle. Auch wirtschaftlich kommt der Mobilität ein großer Stellenwert zu. Die Europäische Union setzt ganz gezielt auf groß angelegte, grenzüberschreitende Kooperationen mit einer vernetzten und automatisierten Mobilität. 14

5G-CARMEN stellt sich diesen Herausforderungen unter Nutzung des Konzepts der „Mobilitätskorridore“. In 5G-CARMEN verpflichten sich wichtige europäische Industrien, Akademiker und innovative KMUs, einen weltweiten Impact zu erzielen, indem sie umfangreiche Versuche auf dem strategisch wichtigen Korridor von Bologna nach München durchführen. Dabei werden auf einem Straßennetz von 600 km das Personen- und Güterverkehrsaufkommen in Kooperation mit den drei europäischen Regionen Bayern, Tirol und Trentino/Südtirol vermessen.

Key Data ++ Funding Type: Horizon 2020 ICT-2018–2020 — grant agreement 825012 ++ Duration: 11/2018 – 10/2021 ++ Research Area: SwSE – Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) supported by cloud and edge computing ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Claus Pahl (Principal Investigator), Dr. Hamid R. Barzegar, Dr. Nabil El Ioini, Dr. Ilenia Fronza ++ Project Partners: 25 partners from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom, with Fondazione Bruno Kessler as Lead Partner ++ Website: 5gcarmen.eu ++ Selected Publications: Gand, F., Fronza, I., El Ioini, N., Barzegar, H. R., Azimi, S., & Pahl, C. (2020). A Fuzzy Controller for Self-Adaptive Lightweight Edge Container Orchestration. International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science CLOSER. Le, V. T., Pahl, C., & El Ioini, N. (2019). Blockchain Based Service Continuity in Mobile Edge Computing. Sixth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security. Mendonça, N. C., Jamshidi, P., Garlan, D., & Pahl, C. (2019). Developing Self-Adaptive Microservice Systems: Challenges and Directions. IEEE Software.

Entscheidungen bei Fahrzeugmanövern auf den verschiedenen Automatisierungsebenen, Infotainment und Emissionskontrolle in sensiblen Gebieten sind die grenzüberschreitenden Anwendungsfälle, auf die die 5G-CARMEN-Pilotprojekte abzielen, um die kommerziellen, gesellschaftlichen und ökologischen Auswirkungen zu maximieren. Das Projekt möchte einen 5G-fähigen Korridor zur Durchführung grenzüberschreitender Versuche aufbauen und eine Mischung von Kommunikationsmechanismen für eine allgegenwärtige Konnektivität einsetzen. Die 5G-Mobilfunktechnologie wird zur Unterstützung latenzempfindlicher und bandbreitenintensiver Dienste und Anwendungen eingesetzt. Dabei stützt sich das Projekt auf eine verteilte mobile sogenannte Edge Cloud, die sich vom Fahrzeug direkt zur zentralisierten Cloud erstreckt. Multi-Tenancyund neutrale Host-Konzepte werden genutzt, um eine Plattform für neue Geschäftsmodelle zu schaffen.

Source: 5gcarmen.eu/use-cases. Graphic: ©5GCARMEN


Key Data

DataPrep – Smart Data Integration Preparazione e integrazione dei dati L’informatica aziendale coinvolge molti sistemi diversi per lo svolgimento di attività non specificate o addirittura in conflitto tra loro che sono distribuite nello spazio e nel tempo. L’interoperabilità di questi sistemi informatici, ovvero la loro capacità di dialogare in modo efficiente ed efficace, è cruciale per le aziende e le organizzazioni, che raccolgono dati e li elaborano per trarne informazioni, valutazioni e stime e garantirsi così un vantaggio competitivo o comunque il raggiungimento dei propri obiettivi. Spesso l’interoperabilità è descritta da un punto di vista sintattico, concentrandosi sui formati di scambio dei dati. Effettivamente, l’interoperabilità sintattica costituisce un prerequisito per qualsiasi scambio di dati perché fa in modo che tutte le parti interessate condividano un’interpretazione comune delle informazioni che saranno scambiate. In poche parole, l’interoperabilità sintattica riguarda il modo in cui avviene lo scambio. Per contro, l’interoperabilità semantica garantisce che nell’elaborazione delle informazioni tra diversi sistemi non vada perso il reale significato dei dati stessi. Per realizzare l’interoperabilità semantica è necessario rispondere alle esigenze delle parti interessate e modellare, in modo formale a livello concettuale, le informazioni da scambiare.

Graphic: ©unibz

++ Funding Type: Research Contract ++ Duration: 11/2018 – 12/2021 ++ Research Area: KRDB – Knowledge and Data Engineering ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Enrico Franconi (Principal Investigator), Dr. Nicola Pedot, Dr. Francesco Sportelli, Nonyelum Ndefo ++ Project Partner: Datatellers Srl ++ Selected Publications: Franconi, E., & Kerhet, V. (2019). Effective Query Answering with Ontologies and DBoxes. In: Lutz C., Sattler U., Tinelli C., Turhan AY., Wolter F. (Eds.), Description Logic, Theory Combination, and All That. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11560 (pp. 301 – 328). Springer. Ndefo, N., & Franconi, E. (2019). On preserving information in schema transformations: A constructive perspective. IEEE Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE), 57 – 64. doi: 10.1109/AIKE.2019.00019. Ndefo, N., & Franconi, E. (2020). A study on information-preserving schema transformations. International Journal of Semantic Computing, 14(1), 27 – 53.

L’attività di ricerca svolta dalla Facoltà di Informatica nell’ambito del progetto DataPrep – Smart Data Integration concerne l’arricchimento semantico di fonti di informazione per la loro integrazione semantica nel contesto della preparazione dei dati per applicazioni di business intelligence. In particolare, si punta all’arricchimento semantico di basi di dati attraverso una metodologia e uno strumento di supporto per il modelling and reverse engineering in modelli concettuali espressivi avanzati, e all’integrazione semantica dei modelli concettuali delle sorgenti con un uniforme modello concettuale globale pronto per l’uso, attraverso una metodologia e uno strumento di supporto per la modellazione, la verifica e la manutenzione dell’interrelazione fra i modelli concettuali (mapping engineering).



Key Data

INODE – Intelligent Open Data Exploration Data growth and availability as well as data democratisation have radically changed data exploration in the past 10 years. Many different data sets, generated by users, systems, and sensors, are continuously being collected. These data sets contain information about scientific experiments, health, energy, education, etc., and they are highly heterogeneous in nature, ranging from highly structured data in tabular form to unstructured text, images or videos. Furthermore, especially online content is no longer competence of large organisations.


Open data repositories are made public and can benefit several types of users, from analysts exploring data sets for insight, scientists looking for patterns, to dashboard interactors, and consumers looking for information. As a result, the benefit of data exploration becomes increasingly prominent. However, the volume and complexity of data make it difficult for most users to access data in an easy way. The INODE project proposes a radically new approach for intelligent open data exploration. Its core principle is that users should interact with data in a more dialectic and intuitive way, similar to a dialog with a human. To achieve this principle, INODE will offer a suite of agile, fit-for-purpose, and sustain-

++ Funding Type: Horizon 2020 INFRAEOSC – grant agreement 863410 ++ Duration: 11/2019 – 10/2022 ++ Research Area: KRDB – Knowledge and Data Engineering ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Diego Calvanese (Principal Investigator), Dr. Davide Lanti, Dr. Guohui Xiao, Dr. Alessandro Mosca ++ Project Partners: 8 partners from Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Spain, and France, with Zurich University of Applied Sciences as Lead Partner ++ Website: www.inode-project.eu ++ Selected Publications: Calvanese, D., Cogrel, B., Komla-Ebri, S., Kontchakov, R., Lanti, D., Rezk, M., Rodriguez-Muro, M. & Xiao, G. (2017). Ontop: Answering SPARQL queries over relational databases. Semantic Web Journal, 8(3), 471 – 487. Xiao, G., Calvanese, D., Kontchakov, R., Lembo, D., Poggi, A., Rosati, R., & Zakharyaschev, M. (2018). Ontology-based data access: A survey. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 5511 – 5519. doi: 10.24963/ijcai.2018/777. Calvanese, D., Lanti, D., Ozaki, A., Peñaloza, R., & Xiao, G. (2019). Enriching ontology-based data access with provenance. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1616 – 1623. doi: 10.24963/ ijcai.2019/224.

able services for the exploration of open data sets that help users (a) link and leverage multiple datasets, (b) access and search data using natural language by the use of examples and analytics, (c) get guidance from the system in understanding data and formulating the right queries, and (d) explore data and discover new insights through visualisations. The service offer is formed by and will initially respond to the needs of large and diverse scientific communities brought by three use case providers: one in bioinformatics dealing with cancer biomarkers, one in the domain of research and innovation policy making, and one in astrophysics. Moreover, the techniques and tools developed within INODE, are wholly general, and can be applied across a variety of domains and use-cases.

Graphic: ©unibz


Key Data

SALSA – Sensori e dati per l’analisi delle attività sportive L’arrampicata su roccia gode di una crescente popolarità. Le palestre di arrampicata indoor non solo sono frequentatissime dagli appassionati di tutte le età, ma garantiscono anche agli sportivi professionisti la possibilità di allenarsi durante l’intero arco dell’anno. Per i gestori delle palestre, quindi, è importante fornire ai professionisti un’attrezzatura all’avanguardia che permetta loro di valutare le proprie prestazioni e di ottenere risultati sempre migliori durante l’allenamento, senza gravare la palestra di eccessive spese di manutenzione. Le soluzioni più sofisticate attualmente in uso raccolgono le informazioni sulle salite delle singole vie con tecnologie in grado di registrare autonomamente i dati richiesti. Si tratta perlopiù di dispositivi a sensore applicati al corpo dell’arrampicatore, ad esempio un braccialetto, oppure di macchine fotografiche. I sensori registrano i movimenti in modo tale da poter fornire informazioni sulla frequenza di utilizzo dei tracciati, sulle cadute, sulla velocità e la qualità dell’arrampicata, aiutando il professionista a farsi un’idea del proprio stato di preparazione e a pianificare al meglio gli allenamenti. Osservando il mercato, è possibile notare che gli approcci finora sperimentati poco si adattano all’impiego reale. In effetti, molti arrampicatori amano scalare il più vicino possibile alla natura e non amano l’idea di indossare sensori o di essere monitorati da telecamere.

Photo: ©bady abbas | Unsplash

++ Funding Type: European Regional Development Fund (EFRE-FESR) 2014–2020 ++ Duration: 01/2019 – 01/2022 ++ Research Area: SwSE and IDSE – Empirical software engineering, Data analysis, Internet of Things, Classification ++ unibz Research Team: Dr. Andrea Janes (Principal Investigator), Prof. Francesco Ricci, Dr. Marina Andric, Iustina Ivanova, Dr. Floriano Zini ++ Project Partner: Vertical Life GmbH ++ Website: salsa.inf.unibz.it ++ Conference Proceedings: Ivanova, I., Andric, M., Moaveninejad, S., Janes, A., & Ricci, F. (2020). Video and Sensor-Based Rope Pulling Detection in SportClimbing. Accepted for: 3rd International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (12–16 October, 2020). Ivanova, I., Andric, M., Janes, A., Ricci, F., & Zini F. (2020). Climbing Activity Recognition and Measurement with Sensor Data Analysis. Accepted for: 1st Workshop on Action Modelling for Interaction and Analysis in Smart Sports and Physical Education (October 25–29, 2020). Andric, M. (2020). IoT in climbing: privacy-preserving activity tracking. Accepted for: SFSCON 2020 South Tyrolean Free Software Conference (13–14 November, 2020).

Nell’ambito del progetto SALSA i ricercatori hanno sviluppato una serie di prototipi più “discreti”, che non intralcino o condizionino l’esperienza dell’arrampicata in sé. Tra queste tecnologie, per così dire “invisibili”, vi è un sensore attaccato all’attrezzatura invece che indossato dall’arrampicatore: si tratta di sensori applicati ai moschettoni ad apertura rapida (quickdraws). Durante l’arrampicata in stile lead, gli sportivi agganciano la corda attraverso una serie di quickdraws attaccati alla parete per proteggersi in caso di caduta. In salita tirano verso l’alto la corda per agganciarla al moschettone successivo, mentre in discesa la tirano verso il basso. I sensori accelerometrici triassiali sperimentati nell’ambito del progetto misurano i movimenti dei moschettoni e forniscono dati per l’approntamento di statistiche sulle salite lungo un tracciato e in certa misura anche sulle prestazioni dell’arrampicatore. Obiettivo del progetto SALSA è la creazione di prototipi che abbinino un hardware funzionale alle esigenze degli arrampicatori a un software capace di fornire i dati richiesti. Lo sviluppo di tali prototipi per l’arrampicata su roccia è il primo passo per giungere a soluzioni applicabili anche ad altre attività del tempo libero in Alto Adige.



Key Data

COCkPiT – Collaborative Construction Process Management


The aim of COCkPiT is to provide support for construction project management within the finality of reducing waste. It can be of several types and due to several causes. Unexpected events may prevent some activities to be executed as expected. Synchronisation is challenging, particularly with the supply chain, since construction projects usually involve several companies, which are often small and medium-size enterprises. Difficulties arising from these aspects make management challenging, often resulting in cost and time overruns. To limit such consequences, there is the need of a mechanism to support both identification and anticipation of waste, in particular delays, and to allow flexibility in adjusting the process so as to limit negative effects. With the collaboration of three main companies in South Tyrol, COCkPiT’s scientific partners developed a methodology that organises a construction process into three interconnected phases: 1) modelling, 2) scheduling, and 3) monitoring. Software tools developed as prototypes support the implementation of the methodology. The modelling phase regards the definition of process requirements, as work and location breakdown structures, and arranging needs in the execution of the activities. CoPMod, a web application for the collaborative definition of such models with an automatic check of their consistency,

++ Funding Type: European Regional Development Fund (EFRE-FESR) 2014–2020 ++ Duration: 08/2017 – 12/2020 ++ Research Area: KRDB – Collaborative Process Modelling ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Werner Nutt (Principal Investigator), Dr. Elisa Marengo; Prof. Dominik Matt and Dr. Patrick Dallasega (Faculty of Science and Technology) ++ Project Partners: Fraunhofer Italia, Atzwanger SpA, Frener & Reifer GmbH, Unionbau SpA ++ Website: cpm-project.inf.unibz.it ++ Selected Publications: Schimanski, C. P., Marcher, C., Dallasega, P., Marengo, E., Follini, C., Rahman, A. U., Revolti, A., Nutt, W., & Matt, D. T. (2018). Promoting Collaborative Construction Process Management by Means of a Normalized Workload Approach. In V. A. Gonzalez (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (pp. 764 – 774). IGLC. Marengo, E., Nutt, W., & Perktold, M. (2019). CoPModL: Construction Process Modeling Language and Satisfiability Checking. Information Systems. Elsevier (In press). doi: 10.1016/j.is.2019.101457. Dallasega, P., Marengo, E., & Revolti, A. (2020). Strengths and Shortcomings of Methodologies for Production Planning and Control of Construction Projects: a Systematic Literature Review and Future Perspectives. Production Planning & Control. Taylor & Francis (In press). doi: 10.1080/09537287.2020.1725170.

supports this phase. The scheduling phase supports both long-term planning for a high-level synchronisation and execution plan, and short and medium-term planning to provide operative details for the definition of the daily onsite work. The medium-term planning supports the synchronisation with the supply chain. CoSMos is a prototype able to automatically generate scheduling tables supporting this phase. The monitoring phase is important to assess the actual state of a process. In particular, data of the activities performed onsite can be collected via a web application and used by CoSMos to populate monitoring tables that are double checked with the scheduling tables. The tool shows where the scheduled interventions are: 1) in line with the construction site, 2) ahead or 3) behind schedule. A schedule is always applicable and provides the flexibility needed to limit onsite waste.

Photo: © Diri | Unsplash


Cooperation and Internationality Il corpo docente della Facoltà Scienze e Tecnologie informatiche collabora direttamente con altre organizzazioni di ricerca, in progetti finanziati congiuntamente o nell’ambito del programma di dottorato in informatica. Tra i partner nazionali ed europei in ambito accademico e scientifico vi sono il politecnico di Vienna (Technische Universität Wien), le Università di Oxford e Manchester, la Fondazione Bruno Kessler, il Centro nazionale francese per la ricerca scientifica, gli istituti Max Planck, il Politecnico di Milano e l’Università Sapienza di Roma, mentre tra i partner industriali la Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie informatiche annovera Telecom Italia, BMW e Deutsche Telecom. Ad essi si aggiungono atenei nelle Americhe (Rutgers University, Rice University, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Universidad de Chile), in Africa (University of Cape Town), in Asia (Xi’an Jiaotong University) e in Australia (University of Queensland, Brisbane). La Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie informatiche collabora inoltre con una serie di aziende locali quali Datatellers, Mircotec, GKN, Würth Phoenix, R3 GIS, DATEF, Raiffeisen e Systems, in molti casi con il coinvolgimento di NOI Techpark e IDM.

Le cooperazioni si collocano in parte nell’ambito di vari programmi di finanziamento a livello regionale, nazionale e internazionale. Nell’Unione Europea, la Facoltà partecipa ai programmi Horizon 2020 ed ERA e nei programmi locali sostenuti dal Fondo sociale europeo e dal Fondo europeo per lo sviluppo regionale, mentre sul piano nazionale contribuisce alla ricerca svolta in ambito PRIN. La Facoltà è attiva anche nei programmi dell’Euregio, assieme a istituzioni trentine e tirolesi. Prosegue inoltre l’accordo con la Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) di Trento per un programma di dottorato organizzato congiuntamente. A partire dal 35° ciclo (2019/2020) e per tre cicli consecutivi di dottorato, per ogni ciclo la FBK sponsorizzerà tre borse di studio quadriennali su temi di ricerca di comune interesse. Inoltre, si sono concluse le trattative con Informatica Alto Adige – Südtiroler Informatik per il finanziamento di due ulteriori borse di studio quadriennali per il 35° ciclo. Una borsa di studio sull’Internet delle cose e sull’analisi dei dati è stata assegnata con successo e un’altra sarà bandita nel 36° ciclo.



Research Events 1.–6. September 2019 Im Rahmen der Konferenz BPM 2019 in Wien/Österreich organisierte die Fakultät den Workshop MIEL2019 über Methoden zur Interpretation industrieller Ereignisprotokolle, um neue intelligente Methoden zur Datenanalyse und Interpretation industrieller Anwendungen zu diskutieren. www.geist.re/miel:start


8. – 11. September 2019 Mehrere Workshops der 23rd European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems in Bled/Slowenien wurden von der Fakultät mitgestaltet und -geleitet. adbis2019.um.si 16. – 20. September 2019 Im Mittelpunkt des von der Fakultät mitorganisierten RecTour 2019 – ACM RecSys Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism in Kopenhagen/Dänemark standen Empfehlungssysteme für den Tourismus – ein Forschungsbereich von hoher Relevanz für die lokale Industrie. www.ec.tuwien.ac.at/rectour2019 16. – 20. September 2019 Der von Fakultätsforscher*innen mitgeleitete Workshop CARS 2.0 zum Thema kontextbewusster Empfehlungssysteme fand im Rahmen der internationalen Konferenz RecSys 2019 in Kopenhagen/Dänemark statt. recsys.acm.org/recsys19/cars

6. – 24. September 2019 Der von der Fakultät für Informatik organisierte Bolzano Rules and Artificial INtelligence Summit (BRAIN 2019) hatte mit dem Schwerpunktthema „nutzbringende KI“ das Ziel, die neuesten Fortschritte in der KI und in Regelbasierten Ansätzen vorzustellen, und deren Übernahme in IT-Systeme zur Verbesserung von Schlüsselbereichen wie Umwelt, Gesundheit und Gesellschaft zu erkunden. Mit BRAIN 2019 wurden in Bozen die 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019), die Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2019), die 5th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2019) sowie der DecisionCAMP 2019 vereinigt. brain2019.inf.unibz.it 23. – 25. September 2019 Der BOG – 2nd International Workshop on Bad Or Good Ontology fand in Graz/Österreich statt und diskutierte relevante Qualitätsperspektiven Ontologie-basierter Wissensentwicklung. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung organisierten die Fakultätsforscher*innen den Workshop Data meets Applied Ontologies in Open Science and Innovation Workshop (DAO-SI), in welchem Datenwissenschaft und Ontologie im Fokus standen. daosi.inf.unibz.it bog.inf.unibz.it

16. – 19. Oktober 2019 Das von der Fakultät für Informatik mitorganisierte 26. Internationale Symposium über zeitliche Repräsentation und Argumentation (TIME ‚19) fand in Malaga/ Spanien statt und thematisierte die Verarbeitung von zeitbezogenen Daten in der Informatik. time.di.unimi.it

Awards and Distinctions Best paper awards reflect the quality of the research carried out. The Faculty of Computer Science has contributed to the University’s success at major international events in 2019. Again, researchers from all three of the Faculty’s Research Centres have been successful: 19 May, 2019 For the paper “An Exploration of Cognitive Shifting in Writing Code”, Ilenia Fronza, Arto Hellas, Petri Ihantola, and Tommi Mikkonen were awarded Best Paper at the CompEd: ACM Global Computing Education Conference 2019. 1 February, 2019 David Massimo and Francesco Ricci received a Best Paper Award for their contribution “Clustering Users’ POIs Visit Trajectories for Next-POI Recommendation” at the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, Nicosia, Cyprus. 30 October, 2019 For the research paper “Validating SHACL Constraints Over a SPARQL Endpoint”, unibz researchers Julien Corman, Fernando Florenzano, Juan L. Reutter and Ognjen Savkovic received a Best Paper Award at the 18th International Semantic Web Conference.

26 May, 2019 “Live Programming and Software Evolution: Questions during a Programming Change Task” is the title of the paper for which Juraj Kubelka, Romain Robbes and Alexandre Bergel have received a Distinguished Paper Award at the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension. 9 May, 2019 “Anomaly Detection and Analysis for Clustered Cloud Computing Reliability” was the contribution by Areeg Samir and Claus Pahl, for which they received a Best Paper Award at the Tenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, Grids and Virtualization.


In November 2019 Diego Calvanese was nominated Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), for his contributions to description logics and their applications in data management and software engineering. The ACM is the world’s largest scientific and educational computing society, and Fellow is ACM’s highest membership grade, with very strict criteria and a strictly limited number.


4 October, 2019 Martin Aumüller and Matteo Ceccarello received for the paper “The Role of Local Intrinsic Dimensionality in Benchmarking Nearest Neighbor Search” a Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications.

Contacts Faculty of Computer Science Dominikanerplatz 3 Piazza Domenicani, 3 Bozen-Bolzano Italy – 39100 +39 0471 016 000 computer.science@unibz.it www.unibz.it/en/faculties/ computer-science



Faculty of Economics and Management The Faculty was also active in popularising research findings with countless contributions to international, national, and regional newspapers, radio and TV broadcast, blogs and newsrooms, reports, special features, etc. It acquired five more research projects and contracts, bringing the total number of externally funded projects to 12 (ERASMUS+ not included).

Key Data Campus Bozen-Bolzano Campus Bruneck-Brunico Active Study Programmes Bachelor: ++ Economics and Management ++ Economics and Social Sciences ++ Informatics and Management of Digital Business ++ Tourism, Sport and Event Management Master: ++ Accounting and Finance ++ Entrepreneurship and Innovation ++ Public Policies and Administration PhD: ++ Management and Economics People ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Students: 1263 PhD Students: 24 Tenured Professors: 33 Researchers: 40 Contract Professors: 61 Technical and Administrative Staff: 17

Dean Prof. Oswin Maurer The Faculty of Economics and Management looks back at a very productive research year 2019, with 121 scientific papers published. The average number of scientific publications per Faculty researcher has risen to over two papers per year. It states our effort in improving the excellent results achieved in the most recent Research Assessment Exercise (VQR) of the National Research Evaluation Agency (ANVUR): the Faculty of Economics and Management ranked #2 in Business and #6 in Economics in Italy; results that have been confirmed by international rankings.

Research is carried out through five clusters: Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Management; Tourism, Marketing & Regional Development; Financial Markets & Regulation; Law, Economics & Institutions; and Quantitative Methods & Economic Modelling. The activities are shown in the following pages, including our liaison with NOI Techpark and undertakings at our second campus in Bruneck-Brunico. Relevant for our research performance was also our PhD programme; it attracted a number of highly qualified applicants from around the world. Seven new candidates were admitted to the programme, bringing the number of PhD students to 24.


Intro Tourism, Marketing and Regional Development The research cluster is coordinated by Linda Osti. Research deals with tourism economics and managerial aspects, its social micro-foundations (consumer preferences, small business management, innovation, community involvement), its impact on regional development and sustainable economic growth. Members adopt a multidisciplinary approach: issues are not only analysed from merely management perspectives, but also from socio economic, microand macroeconomic, planning and legal perspectives.

Vice Dean for Research Prof. Mirco Tonin The five research clusters at the Faculty have a distinctive focus, but closely cooperate to foster high-level research. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management The research cluster is coordinated by Alfredo De Massis. Research deals with both management and internationalisation of small and medium enterprises, public-private partnerships as institutional innovation, and international differences in human resources management. As per family business, research explores innovation and growth processes, generational change and succession management. The area covers the emergence of new firms, corporate entrepreneurship, business models and decision-making in entrepreneurial and multigenerational firms.

Financial Markets and Regulation The research cluster is coordinated by Massimiliano Bonacchi and covers areas in Finance, Accounting, Quantitative Finance and Data Analytics. Finance: M&As and restructuring, financial stability, fintech, corporate governance, entrepreneurial finance of both public and private companies, corporate culture. Accounting: earnings quality, sustainability reporting, management control systems, accounting and taxation effects on firms and regulatory transparency. Quantitative Finance: pricing of financial contracts, risk management, asset allocation and asset-liability management. Data Analytics: Blockchain in Fintech, textual analysis of private firms’ disclosure, Italian stock market analysis.

Law, Economics and Institutions The research cluster is coordinated by Paolo Giudici. Research deals with both the comparative analysis of law & economics in private and public sectors, and the study of legal, ethical, and political systems. It covers legal issues regarding corporations and financial markets; economic and monetary governance; contracts and European private law; democracy and citizenship; regions and regionalism; governance and policies in multilingual societies; efficiency and efficacy in the public sector; human rights; political, philosophical and aesthetical models of economics. Quantitative Methods and Economic Modeling The research cluster is coordinated by Francesco Ravazzolo. Research deals with the theoretical foundation and the methodological aspects relevant for the empirical study of the economy. Activities cover various domains, including the evaluation of public policies, growth and development, labour and public economics, industrial organisation and energy economics. Researchers also work on decision theory, risk analysis, optimisation, and statistical methods, as data analysis and forecasting, big data sets and high-dimensional models, classification and network analysis.



Research Projects MARVIN – Measuring and Reporting Value Creation in Private Firms Private firms are of crucial importance in the global economy. They represent 98% of the whole enterprise population, about 47% of the net profit generated, and 49% of all workers within the European Union. Private firms do not only count small and medium enterprises (SMEs), but also well-known large firms both in Italy (Armani, Ferrero, Leitner, Loacker) and in the rest of the world (IKEA, Airbnb, Uber). Several aspects of these business entities are still under-investigated despite the increased relevance of private firms, since data for publicly listed firms have attracted more attention. The project’s aim is to open-up the “black box” of private firms and contribute to two areas in accounting research. 24

The first part of the project focuses on external reporting to understand how South Tyrolean private firms communicate their business performance to their stakeholders (banks, suppliers, investors, customers). The project assesses the quality of disclosed financial and non-financial (sustainability data, customer equity) information. In the second part, the project examines management accounting systems as a research overlooked area. It focuses on the ability of a firm’s internal reporting system to evaluate financial

Key Data ++ Funding Type: Internal Funding ++ Duration: 08/2019 – 07/2022 ++ Research Area: Financial Markets and Regulation ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Paolo Perego (Principal Investigator), Prof. Massimiliano Bonacchi ++ Project Partners: Südtiroler Sparkasse, Volksbank, Camera di Commercio di Bolzano, Assoimprenditori Alto Adige ++ Selected Publications: Bonacchi, M., & Perego, P. (2019). Customer Accounting. Creating Value with Customer Analytics. SpringerBriefs in Accounting. Springer International Publishing. Bonacchi, M., Marra, A., & Zarowin, P. (2019). Organisational Structure and Earnings Quality of Private and Public Firms. Review of Accounting Studies, 24(3), 1066 – 1113.

profitability, and on emerging dimensions of non-financial performance (innovation, customer value, environmental and social performance). Data availability problems have been solved with: a) interviews with the assistance of local banks (Sparkasse and Volksbank), b) a survey in collaboration with Camera di Commercio and Assoimprenditori. The expectation is to add to the limited scientific knowledge on accounting in private firms as an economically relevant, theoretically powerful, yet relatively unexplored empirical setting. South Tyrolean firms will gain relevant insights on the gap between their external and internal reporting features. Additionally, they can benchmark against best practices in modern financial reporting and management accounting systems.

Graphics: ©Massimiliano Bonacchi


Key Data

PASSA – Pensionati attivi e strumenti di successione delle imprese artigiane Il fine del progetto PASSA è stato monitorare il processo della successione nelle imprese artigiane a conduzione famigliare attraverso la raccolta di dati d’indagine, considerando anche il ruolo dei pensionati attivi. Il progetto è stato suddiviso in 5 fasi: (1) identificazione del campione di imprese familiari da analizzare, (2) progettazione di uno strumento di indagine adatto allo studio del fenomeno, (3) raccolta dati, (4) analisi dei dati secondo modelli statistici ed econometrici e (5) redazione di un report di sintesi dei risultati ottenuti. Il progetto ha permesso di raccogliere dati affidabili sulle dinamiche e le problematiche dei passaggi generazionali e di individuare le migliori pratiche per sostenere tali imprese. A conclusione del progetto si è organizzato un evento di formazione professionale che ha coinvolto la comunità artigiana locale, l’Associazione Italiana Imprese Artigiane e la Provincia di Bolzano per la diffusione dei risultati. Come risultato di questo progetto si è sviluppata anche una serie di buone pratiche per un’efficace gestione delle successioni.

Photos: ©Francesco Debellis

++ Funding Type: Research Contract ++ Duration: 09/2018 – 09/2019 ++ Research Area: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management – Family Business Succession ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Alfredo De Massis (Principal Investigator), Dr. Emanuela Rondi, Dr. Paola Rovelli ++ Project Partners: CNA-SHV Unione Provinciale degli Artigiani e delle piccole Imprese, CNA pensionati ++ Selected Publications: Erdogan, I., Rondi, E., & De Massis, A. (2020). Managing the tradition and innovation paradox in family firms: A family imprinting perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 44(1), 20 – 54. Garcia, P.R.J., Sharma, P., De Massis, A., Wright, M., & Scholes, L. (2019). Perceived parental behaviors and next generation engagement in family firms: A social cognitive perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 43(2), 224 – 243. 25


Key Data The Law on Close Corporations in the Broader European Regulatory Competition: A View from the Euregio Research on the law of close corporations in the European regulatory competition has been mainly focused on the GmbH/Srl corporate form, which represents the majority of business entities operating in Europe. It has highlighted the important transformation that this corporate form is facing in Europe in general, and in Italy in particular. Said transformation, initially driven by the decisions of the ECJ (Lombardo, 2019), has been pushed in new directions after the global financial crisis by access problems to traditional banking channels and – for innovative firms – to venture capital financing and crowdfunding (Giudici – Agstner, 2019).


From an Italian standpoint, corporate law is under competitive pressure from Delaware rather than from inter-European competition. There are strong signs that the traditional dual model system based on public (AG/SA/Spa) and private companies (GmbH/Srl) might be out-dated (Giudici – Agstner, 2019). A further transformation might be induced by blockchain technologies and the impact of initial coin offerings and security token offerings (Boreiko – Ferrarini – Giudici, Ebor, 2019).

++ Funding Type: Euregio Science Fund ++ Duration: 07/2016 – 06/2019 ++ Research Area: Law, Economics and Institutions – Company Law, Economic Law ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Paolo Giudici (Principal Investigator), Dr. Peter Agstner, Prof. Stefano Lombardo ++ Project Partners: Università degli Studi di Trento, Universität Innsbruck – Institut für Unternehmens- und Steuerrecht ++ Selected Publications: Giudici, P., & Agstner, P. (2019). Startups and company law: the competitive pressure of Delaware on Italy (and Europe?). European Business Organization Law Review, 597 – 632. Agstner, P. (2019). Shareholder Conflicts in Close Corporations between Theory and Practice: Evidence from Italian Private Limited Liability Companies. European Business Organization Law Review, 1 – 39. Lombardo, S. (2019). Regulatory competition in European company law. Where do we stand twenty years after Centros? Rivista di Diritto Bancario, 3, 297 – 320.

Research has also analysed shareholder conflicts and dispute resolution strategies (Agstner, 2019), and the establishment of private companies by comparing the Austrian and the Italian environment (Büchele – Kerbler, 2019). Research has outlined the importance of company law with regard to firm financing. It shows the importance of corporate law and how an excess of paternalistic, mandatory rules can prevent the development of entrepreneurship and economic growth. The project has opened a new research stream on innovative start-ups and venture capital. Potential applications concern Italian angels and venture capital financing.

Photo: ©Scott Graham | Unsplash


Key Data

Das Interreg-Projekt analysiert den internationalen, nationalen und regionalen Markt für Nachhaltigkeitslabel im Tourismusbereich. Diese Gütesiegel kennzeichnen die ökologischen, mitunter auch sozialen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekte eines touristischen Angebotes. In diesem Zusammenhang entwickelt das Projekt eine Online-Plattform, die es kleinen und mittleren Tourismusanbietern (KMUs) in den alpinen Regionen wie Südtirol erleichtern soll, gemäß der eigenen Möglichkeiten und Bedürfnisse das für sie passende Nachhaltigkeitslabel zu wählen. Ein Fortbildungsangebot soll den teilnehmenden Unternehmen zusätzlich helfen, sich den Konsumenten gegenüber verstärkt als nachhaltiger Tourismusbetrieb zu positionieren. Grenzüberschreitende Workshops, Besuche von Best-Practice-Beispielen sowie Diskussionsrunden mit regionalen Marketingagenturen runden das Schulungsprogramm ab. Ein Nachhaltigkeitskoordinator für jede Pilotregion (Südtirol, Pongau, Tarvisio) soll garantieren, dass Fachwissen ausgetauscht und ein aktives und kompetentes Netzwerk gefördert wird.

++ Funding Type: Interreg V-A Italia-Österreich 2014–2020 – ITAT2026 ++ Duration: 03/2018 – 11/2020 ++ Research Area: Tourism, Marketing and Regional Development ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Oswin Maurer (Principal Investigator), Dr. Linda Osti, Dr. Serena Volo, Dr. Oksana Tokarchuk, Dr. Jacob Barr ++ Project Partners: Ökoinstitut Südtirol Alto Adige (Lead Partner), Consorzio di Promozione Turistica del Tarvisiano, Regionalverband Pongau ++ Website: www.ontour-interreg.eu ++ Selected Publications: Osti, L. (Ed.). (2019). Tourism Sustainability: Insights and Reflections. Aracne Editrice. Volo, S. (2019). Tourism statistics, indicators and big data: a perspective article. Tourism Review, 75(1), 304 – 309. Maurer, O. (2019). Tourism and Food: Necessity Or Experience? In Beeton and Morrisson (Eds.), The Study of Food, Tourism, Hospitality, and Events – 21st Century Approaches (pp. 27 – 35). Springer.

Das Projekt ist von hoher Relevanz für die Südtiroler Tourismusbranche, werden doch Nachhaltigkeitslabel in der Gästekommunikation immer wichtiger. „OnTour“ ermöglicht den lokalen Tourismusanbietern eine informierte und geschäftsrelevante Entscheidungsfindung, wenn es um die Wahl eines Nachhaltigkeitslabels für die eigene Vermarktung geht. Der

Zugang zu einem wachsenden Netzwerk an Betrieben des nachhaltigen Fremdenverkehrs fördert den steten Austausch von Fachwissen und Erfahrungen mit diesen Gütesiegeln. Somit unterstützt das Projekt selbst jene Unternehmen, die erst zukünftig erwägen, Nachhaltigkeitslabel für sich zu nutzen.

On Tour: Bewusst Unterwegs – Girovagare consapevole

Photo: ©Lia Buzzi



Key Data

PEEP – Predicting Electricity and Energy Prices Energy prices play an important role in individual country-level economies. A reliable forecast of energy prices is critical for national and international organisations in implementing their decisions.


Started in 2017, PEEP consists of various internally and externally funded projects and has been developing new methods to predict energy prices. The first set of papers focused on hourly day-ahead electricity prices. Gianfreda, Rossini and Ravazzolo (2020) studied several methods with renewable energy sources to forecast prices on the main European markets characterised by different levels of renewable energy power generation. Europe Energy Holding Srl financed the study and models are used in daily trading. Attention has switched to hourly day-ahead Northern Italian regional prices and a new iterative model based on switching across several model specifications, including forecasts of demand, in-feed from renewable energy sources, traditional fossil fuel prices, and physical flows. The study, externally financed by Alperia, was used in a larger project, OPTIMUM, for the optimisation of Alperia hydroelectric plants. In the following internally financed development, focus switched to longer forecast horizons, e.g. monthly electricity

++ Funding Type: Internal Funding; Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano; Research Contract ++ Duration: since 07/2017 ++ Research Area: Quantitative Methods and Economic Modeling – Econometrics and Statistics ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Francesco Ravazzolo (Principal Investigator), Dr. Marta di Lascio, Prof. Davide Ferrari ++ Project Partners: Europe Energy, Alperia ++ Selected Publications: Gianfreda, A., Ravazzolo, F., & Rossini, L. (2020). Comparing the Forecasting Performances of Linear Models for Electricity Prices with High RES Penetration. International Journal of Forecasting, 974 – 986. Di Lascio, F. M. L., Menapace, A., & Righetti, M. (2019). Joint and conditional dependence modelling of peak district heating demand and outdoor temperature: a copula-based approach. Statistical Methods & Applications, 1 – 23. Ferrari, D., Ravazzolo, F., & Vespignani, J. (2019). Forecasting Energy Commodity Prices: A Large Global Dataset Sparse Approach, CAMP Working Paper Series, 11.

prices and a more general management of water. In particular, Di Lascio, Menapace and Righetti (2019) examined the complex dependence between peak district heating demand and outdoor temperature. The case of the city of Bolzano was studied and useful implications for the management and production of thermal energy concluded that extreme climatic events strongly affect the heat demand resulting in a high probability of thermal energy demand reaching its peak. The paper was published in an international journal of statistics. A follow-up proposal on water management has recently been awarded Provincial funding. Finally, Ferrari, Ravazzolo and Vespignani (2019) extended the set of energy prices to commodities as oil, gas, and coal by the use of a large global dataset. To deal with the extended information, a new method on economic restrictions is applied, a penalised approach that allows for shrinking and sparsity. The model is used to predict energy commodity prices up to 1-year ahead, showing predictability power relative to the standard random walk benchmark. Methodological extensions are proposed in a new project currently submitted to Swiss-South Tyrol funding.

Photo: ©Fré Sonneveld | Unsplash


Cooperation and Internationality La Facoltà è parte di una rete di collaborazioni con università e altri istituti di ricerca, istituzioni pubbliche e con l’industria. Tale rete si estende a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale grazie al costante impegno dei membri della Facoltà. La cooperazione promuove la qualità e l’impatto della ricerca e ha ricadute positive per le attività didattiche e la formazione degli studenti (con accordi di scambio e stage, per esempio), così come per le industrie e le istituzioni locali e regionali. Di seguito alcuni esempi delle numerose iniziative di cooperazione della Facoltà di Economia nel 2019: Partner di Alliance for Wine and Hospitality Management con Cornell University (USA), Kedge Business School Bordeaux (F), EHL Lausanne (CH), Hong Kong Polytech University (HK). Partner di Arbeitsförderungsinstitut-Istituto Promozione Lavoratori (AFI-IPL) nell’iniziativa “Arbeit 4.0 – Lavoro 4.0”. Partner di Alperia SpA nell’iniziativa “Startup Factory” per progettare e realizzare un acceleratore aziendale.

nel progetto Interreg Italia-Austria “On-Tour”, ai fini di un turismo sostenibile. Tra i partner associati: IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige e Hoteliers- und Gastwirteverband (HGV) Südtirol. Partner di Universität Klagenfurt, Università delle Scienze Applicate della Carinzia, Università degli Studi di Udine, build! Gründerzentrum Kärnten GmbH, t2i – trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione, Friuli Innovazione Centro di Ricerca e di Trasferimento Tecnologico nel progetto Interreg Italia-Austria “SIAA” per l’innovazione sociale con impatto sulla Regione Alpe Adria per un approccio ai problemi sociali in una logica d’imprenditoria sociale. Collaborazione con Baruch College di New York e New York University Stern School of Business per la ricerca e l’insegnamento (doppia laurea). Partner e organizzatore della “2nd School on Data Analysis” e “1st Euregio Summer School in Data Science for the Social Sciences” (28 – 31.08.2019) in collaborazione con Università di Trento e Università di Innsbruck, sostenuta da EUREGIO.

Partner del Centro per lo Sviluppo Locale LEED Trento dell’OCSE nel Laboratorio sulla Produttivita Territoriale.

Partner per la cooperazione con Camera di Commercio di Bolzano, NOI Techpark e Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano su progetti di successione, innovazione, impresa familiare e PMI.

Partner di Ökoinstitut Südtirol Alto Adige, Consorzio di Promozione Turistica del Tarvisiano, di Sella Nevea e di passo Pramollo e Regionalverband Pongau (AT)

Cooperazione con Central European University (New York), Università della città di Dublino (IRL), Università di Copenaghen (DK) sul tema Brexit.

Partner di Südtiroler Sparkasse in uno studio di fattibilità su modello di raccomandazione algoritmica che supporta la banca nell’analisi avanzata delle scelte dei consumatori e del valore del cliente. I membri della Facoltà collaborano inoltre con numerose istituzioni e reti europee, americane, asiatiche e australiane.



Research Events The Faculty runs a rich programme of activities, including workshops, conferences, research seminars, presentations and roundtables, instrumental in building the scientific reputation of the Faculty of Economics and Management, and of unibz. These activities have been fostering network liaison and cooperation, and support the dissemination of research findings in the scientific community and among stakeholders in industry and society. Among many others, the Faculty organised the following events:

THIRD APPLIED 11 – 12 March, 2019 Third Applied Microeconomic Workshop

3 – 4 May, 2019 Conference Diritto UE e Regioni: tra vincoli e opportunità 24 – 25 May, 2019 Euregio Symposium on the Law of the Closed Corporations

18 – 19 October, 2019 1st PhD Workshop on Empirical Microeconomics 21 – 22 October, 2019 4th Workshop on Political Economy (campus Bruneck-Brunico) 25 – 26 October, 2019 International Conference on Insider Trading

27 May, 2019 Workshop Human Rights, sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility 20 – 21 June 2019 International Workshop on Art and Social Innovation 21 June, 2019 First Dolomiti Macro Meeting Illustration: ©unibz

26 – 28 June, 2019 3rd Bolzano – Padova Accounting Summer Camp – Emerging Researchers Consortium and Accounting Workshop

11-12 March 2019 | F6 – University Club


13 – 15 February, 2019 1st Dolomites Winter Finance Conference

3 – 4 May, 2019 The 4th ABMO Workshop Modeling Organisational and Institutional Complexity

24 September, 2019 Practice-oriented event The Succession of Artisan Family Enterprises Between Past, Present and Future Illustration: ©unibz

4 April, 2019 Round-table sulla comunicazione finanziaria 29 – 30 April, 2019 Interactive Research Development Workshop and Conference Internationalization of SMEs in the Digital Age – Opportunities and Threats Illustration: ©unibz

21 – 22 November, 2019 Workshop on Set Optimization Methods for Multivariate Statistics (campus Bruneck-Brunico) 11 – 14 December, 2019 12th edition of the CBTS Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium

Awards and Distinctions Zahlreiche Auszeichnungen bestätigten auch 2019 die hohe Qualität der Forschungstätigkeit an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Eine Auswahl:

und N. Kammerlander den Albert L. Page Best Paper Award für den Beitrag „Innovation with Limited Resources: Management Lessons from the German Mittelstand”.

29. Mai 2019 Emanuela Rondi erhielt für Ihre Forschungsarbeit mit Fokus Familienunternehmen den Forschungspreis 2019 der Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse.

25. Oktober 2019 Emanuela Rondi wurde auf der Konferenz des Family Firm Institutes in Miami der Family Business Review Outstanding Reviewer Award verliehen.

14. Juni 2019 Federico Boffa, Alessandro Fedele und Alberto Iozzi erhielten auf der Pariser ITEA-International Transport Economics Conference den Best Overall Paper Prize für ihren Beitrag „Congestion and Incentives in the Age of Driverless Cars“.

September 2019 Alfredo De Massis erhielt den Schulze Publication Award der Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation.

21. Juni 2019 Für die Arbeit „The mixed gamble of strategic market focus in family and nonfamily firms“ erhielten Alfredo De Massis und Ivan Miroshnychenko auf der Konferenz der International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) in Bergamo den Best Paper Contribution to Practice Award. 21. Juni 2019 Valerio Veglios Forschungsbeitrag bei der Sinergie-SIMA-Management-Konferenz wurde als Best Paper Contribution ausgezeichnet. August 2019 Michael Nippa erhielt von der Academy of Management den Outstanding Reviewer Award im Bereich Strategic Management und International Management. August 2019 Alfredo De Massis erhielt gemeinsam mit D. Audretsch, L. Uhlaner

September 2019 Für den Beitrag „Serial and large Investor in initial Coin offering” erhielten Dmitri Boreiko und Dimche Risteski den Academic Paper Award der SIAT (Società Italiana Analisi Tecnica) und ADEIMF (Association of Economy Market Professors and Financial Intermediaries). 23. September – 12. Oktober 2019 Ralf Lüfter konnte eine der angesehenen Bogliasco Fellowships der Bogliasco Foundation New York erwerben. Gemeinsam mit anderen Stipendiaten verbrachte er drei Wochen in der italienischen Stiftungsresidenz Villa dei Pini. Hier widmete er sich seinem Monographieprojekt „The Foundations of Economics. Towards a Philosophical Diagnosis“, besuchte Workshops und pflegte den interdisziplinären wissenschaftlichen Austausch. 17. Oktober 2019 Emanuela Rondi erhielt den Premio Giovani Soci AiIG 2019 für das gemeinsam mit den Universitäten von


Bergamo und Warwick geführte Forschungsprojekt zur organisatorischen Identität von Familienunternehmen. 9. November 2019 Das 15th International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Family Business in Hangzhou (China) zeichnete Alfredo De Massis Forschungsbeitrag als Best Research Case Study Paper aus. 15. Dezember 2019 Auf der Jahrestagung der European International Business Academy (EIBA) wurde Francesco Debellis, Carlotta Benedetti und Alfredo De Massis für ihren Beitrag der Best Paper Award for Entrepreneurship des Lazaridis Institute for the Management of Technology Enterprises verliehen.

Contacts Faculty of Economics and Management Universitätsplatz 1 Piazza Università, 1 Bozen-Bolzano · Italy – 39100 +39 0471 013 000 schoolofeconomics@unibz.it Universitätsplatz 1 Piazzetta dell’Università, 1 Bruneck-Brunico · Italy – 39031 +39 0474 013 600 tourism@unibz.it sport-event@unibz.it www.unibz.it/en/faculties/ economics-management



↓ Faculty of Science and Technology Key Data Campus Bozen-Bolzano Active Study Programmes Bachelor: ++ Agricultural, Food and Mountain Environmental Sciences ++ Industrial and Mechanical Engineering ++ Wood Engineering Master: ++ Energy Engineering ++ Environmental Management of Mountain Areas ++ Food Sciences for Innovation and Authenticity ++ Horticultural Science (IMaHS) ++ Industrial Mechanical Engineering ++ Viticulture, Enology and Wine Marketing PhD: ++ Advanced-Systems Engineering ++ Food Engineering and Biotechnology ++ Mountain Environment and Agriculture ++ Sustainable Energy and Technologies People ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Students: 541 PhD Students: 135 Tenured Professors: 30 Researchers: 119 Contract Professors: 111 Technical and Administrative Staff: 24

Dean Prof. Stefano Cesco Our Faculty is listed among the top 250 in the 2019 Times Higher Education Engineering and Technology subject ranking, with 25 lecturers and a growing number of researchers who teach and carry out research on agricultural science, environmental management, mechanical and industrial engineering, energy, logistics and production, automation, and basic sciences. Sustainability and interdisciplinarity are central for the solution of complex issues. Research focuses on the fields of energy efficiency, industrial innovation, automation as mountain-specific technology, and food science and technology, in close cooperation with local, national and international partners. Focus on the mountain region gives the Faculty a unique point also reflected in our study programmes.

Students can rely on an ideal study context thanks to direct and constant interactions with their lecturers and excellent facilities (labs, classrooms, library). The opportunity to take part in exchange and international cooperation programmes with universities all over the world gives the possibility to pursue professional and education goals in academia. The PhD programmes Mountain Environment and Agriculture, Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Advanced-Systems Engineering and Sustainable Energy and Technologies were developed from the master’s programmes. They reflect the core competences of the Faculty.


Intro sent the tools for solutions to grant high quality food and beverages standards. The aim is to cover all aspects related to food sciences becoming a distinctive centre of research within the Faculty of Science and Technology with topics like diet-human axis, enology, food fermentations and technology. Coordinator: Marco Gobbetti

Vice Dean for Research Prof. Matthias Gauly The Agricultural Sciences research area aims at developing production systems and new technologies to increase yield, quality of agricultural products and production, and reduce not renewable resources, environmental pollution, and production costs. The topics are: soil fertility, plant nutrition, interactions of crop plants with insects and pathogens, technologies for innovations, livestock production systems, orchard and vineyard management, and agricultural and rural economics. Coordinator: Massimo Tagliavini Food sensory science, shelf life, functional and nutritional attributes of foods and beverages are part of the research area Food Sciences. Multidisciplinary approaches based on food processing, biotechnology, microbiology and omics technologies repre-

The research area Management and Technologies for Mountain Environments aims to understand the effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic mountain ecosystems at a local and global scale, to provide tools for their ecological sustainable management. Topics are ecology, dynamics and management of forest ecosystems, hydrology, river dynamics and mitigation of natural risks, diversity, functionality and activity of microbial communities in Alpine environments, and functional vegetation ecology and ecosystems research. Coordinator: Giustino Tonon The purpose of the Industrial Engineering and Automation research area is to do interdisciplinary research in the field of industrial engineering focusing on automation and SME. It aims at strengthening the unibz position in the Industry 4.0 research area in Italy and beyond. The topics are mechanichal engineering design, production and supply chain management, automation, and manufacturing and sensor technologies. Coordinator: Dominik Matt

The Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency research area aims at broadening existing research in the field of energy generation and efficiency within multidisciplinary approaches. It covers topics like energy efficiency in buildings and production processes, biomass and biofuels, hydropower, high efficiency electrical conversion, and management of renewable resources. Coordinator: Marco Baratieri The research area Fundamental Sciences for Innovative Applications looks for the solution to several problems. Investigations are carried out with methods proper of the fundamental sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry, statistics. The topics are mathematical models and methods for complex systems, dynamics and diffusion on complex networks, control and optimisation, bioorganic chemistry, protein crystallography and biochemical systems theory, and analytical and numerical methods for the design of cableways. Coordinator: Maria Letizia Bertotti



Research Projects A21 Digital Tyrol Veneto


Digital transformation is one of the most significant, impactful and systemic changes in human history. It brings enormous challenges to the economy, companies, society, and individuals. Many of the new technologies like the mobile Internet, 3D-Printing, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics are disruptive and fundamentally change the way we do business, communicate, and live. Europe and peripheral regions lack behind in the digital transformation. The project investigated opportunities and risks of the digital transformation in the Tyrol Veneto macro-region (including South Tyrol). It aimed at answering questions like: What are the challenges of the digital transformation for the Tyrol Veneto region economy and society? What are the opportunities and threats? How can companies successfully adopt digital technologies and embrace the digital transformation in their business models? How can society, as a whole, deal with all the challenges? Which measures have to be taken in politics, education, entrepreneurship, science, infrastructure? What are critical success factors for the digital transformation? Based on a multi-step research design (secondary research, qualitative study involving over 60 indepth interviews with leading international and local experts, strategy workshops), the project highlighted

Key Data ++ Funding Type: Interreg V-A Italia-Österreich 2014–2020 – ITAT301 ++ Duration: 03/2018 – 12/2019 ++ Research Area: Industrial Engineering and Automation ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Dominik Matt (Principal Investigator), Dr. Guido Orzes, Dr. Erwin Rauch ++ Project Partners: A21Digital (Lead Partner), Università degli Studi di Verona – Polo Scientifico Didattico Studi sull’Impresa di Vicenza ++ Website: www.a21digital.com ++ Selected Publications: Matt, D. T., Orzes, G., Pedrini, G., Huber, A. M., Brunetti, F., Bonfanti, A., & De Longhi, A. (2019). Erfolgreich Brücken in eine digitale Zukunft bauen. Grafiche Baietta. Matt, D. T., Orzes, G., Pedrini, G., Huber, A .M., Brunetti, F., Bonfanti, A., &De Longhi A. (2019). Costruire ponti verso il futuro digitale. Grafiche Baietta. Brunetti, F., Matt, D. T., Bonfanti, A., De Longhi, A., Pedrini, G., & Orzes, G. (2020). Digital transformation challenges: strategies emerging from a multi-stakeholder approach. The TQM Journal, 32 (4), 697–724. doi:10.1108/TQM-12-2019-0309.

the potential of the main technological, economic, and social digital trends, and proposed 80 suggestions for action on a successful digital transformation of the Tyrol Veneto macro-region, organised into 3 thematic areas (culture & skills, infrastructures & technologies, ecosystems) and 9 macro-actions. The outcomes of the study were presented at several events in South Tyrol, Tyrol and Veneto – organised in cooperation with different stakeholders, including the Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano and Südtiroler Wirtschaftsring – and discussed with various policy makers to maximise the project impact.

Photo: ©LIVE-STYLE Agency Eppan / Appiano


Key Data

Mi.Ta.Me.D – Prodotti alimentari su misura per il microbioma a base di componenti tipici della dieta mediterranea La dieta mediterranea, considerata un regime alimentare tra i più sani e dichiarata patrimonio orale dell’umanità dall’UNESCO, è in grado di influire sul microbioma intestinale tanto da migliorare il nostro stato di benessere? Il progetto di ricerca Mi.Ta.Me.D della Facolta di Scienze e Tecnologie sta cercando risposte al quesito grazie alla creazione di un super-food che riproduce le caratteristiche e gli ingredienti della dieta mediterranea. Nella formulazione del super-alimento saranno impiegati componenti a base di frutta e vegetali, ricchi di fibre, polifenoli, flavonoidi e glucosinati. La capacità di questo mix di modulare il microbioma intestinale sarà, dapprima, saggiata mediante un esperimento in provetta denominato Simulator of Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem e, quindi, in un test in vivo, condotto dunque in organismi viventi. A tale scopo, il super-food sarà somministrato a circa 120 volontari le cui abitudini alimentari si discostano notevolmente dalla dieta mediterranea. Le analisi su campioni fecali, di urina e sanguigni permetteranno di studiare il modo in cui la dieta mediterranea condiziona la struttura e le funzioni del microbioma intestinale in soggetti in buono stato di salute. Sarà anche possibile indagare la risposta dell’organismo al regime dietetico e la suscettibilità dell’individuo a

++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Funding Type: PRIN 2017 Duration: 08/2019 – 08/2021 Research Area: Food Microbiology unibz Research Team: Prof. Marco Gobbetti Project Partners: Università degli Studi di Bologna, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università degli Studi di Torino, Università degli Studi di Napoli, Università degli Studi di Bari ++ Selected Publications: De Filippis, F., Pellegrini, N., Vannini, L., Jeffery, I.B., La Storia, A., Laghi, L., Serrazanetti, D.I., Di Cagno, R., Ferrocino, I., Lazzi, C., Turroni, S., Cocolin, L., Brigidi, P., Neviani, E., Gobbetti, M., O’Toole, P.W., & Ercolini, D. (2015): High-level adherence to a Mediterranean diet beneficially impacts the gut microbiota and associated metabolome. Gut, 65, 1812 – 1821, doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2015-309957. De Filippis, F., Pellegrini, N., Laghi, L., Gobbetti, M., & Ercolini, D. (2016). Unusual sub-genus associations of faecal Prevotella and Bacteroides with specific dietary patterns. Microbiome. doi: 10.1186/s40168-016-0202-1. De Filippis, F., Pasolli, E., Tett, A., Tarallo, S., Naccarati, A., De Angelis, M., Neviani, E., Cocolin, L., Gobbetti, M., Segata, N., & Ercolini, D. (2019). Distinct genetic and functional traits of human intestinal Prevotella copri strains are associated with different habitual diets. Cell Host & Microbe, 25, 444 – 453.

patologie correlate, entrambi argomenti di estremo interesse per comprendere il ruolo del microbioma intestinale nel mantenere uno stato di benessere. Lo studio della relazione tra abitudini alimentari e funzionalità del microbioma intestinale è di importanza cruciale per qualunque approccio ai temi della salute che miri a migliorare lo stato di benessere a partire dall’alimentazione. Il progetto Mi.Ta.Me.D ben si inserisce nel programma quadro dell’Unione Europea per la ricerca e l’innovazione, Horizon 2020. L’obiettivo di spiegare l’impatto dei componenti della dieta mediterranea sul microbioma intestinale dell’uomo, infatti, è in linea con le Grandi sfide per la società (Grand Societal Challenges) definite dal programma Horizon 2020, che comprendono la salute e il benessere dei cittadini lungo l’intero arco della loro vita.

Photo: ©Jakub Kapusnak | Unsplash



Key Data

CARE4C – Carbon Smart Forestry Under Climate Change Climate change is a global phenomenon generally accepted by the scientific community and governments. The impact could be greater on regional and international forests and forestry with increasingly serious changes. We foresee that said changes will upset socioeconomic conditions in various countries, particularly in the third world that relies on forests and forests products to support their populations’ basic livelihoods.


To fight climate change, suitable adaptations and mitigation strategies will be formulated and implemented with rigorous analyses of climate change and climate changing effects. It is critically important to collaborate internationally to combine the available and extensive expertise of scientists from countries in a north-south orientation with different climates and complementary forest management expertise in a synergistic partnership. The aim of CARE4C project is to track climate-induced impacts on carbon sequestration on cell, organ, and tree up to stand and landscape level. For a broad spectrum of forest types and management approaches we measure and compile information about carbon sink and source, model the carbon

Photo: ©Gustav Gullstrand | Unsplash

++ Funding Type: Horizon 2020 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie – Grant agreement 778322 ++ Duration: 01/2018 – 12/2021 ++ Research Area: Management and Technologies for Mountain Environments ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Giustino Tonon (Principal Investigator), Dr. Camilla Wellstein, Dr. Francesco Giammarchi, Giulia Silvia Giberti ++ Project Partners: 15 partners from Italy, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Spain, and South Africa, with Technical University of Munich as Lead Partner ++ Website: www.care4c.eu ++ Conference Presentation: Giberti, G. S., Tonon, G., Giammarchi, F., Giovannelli, A., Bielak, K., Ariza, A. M., Ordóñez Alonso, C., Bravo, F., du Toit, B., Uhl, E., & Wellstein, C. (2020). The effect of extreme drought events on Pinus sylvestris (L.) xylem plasticity in pure and mixed forests and contrasting climatic conditions. EGU 2020 Meeting. presentations.copernicus.org/ EGU2020/EGU2020-22307_presentation.pdf.

balance, take into account economic aspects and derive carbon smart forest management options under climate-change scenarios. unibz is responsible for studying physiological, morphological, and resource allocation strategies employed by plants and forest ecosystems to resist drought, resulting in variable consequences for stand productivity, wood quality, and carbon sink potential. To carry out this task unibz is collaborating with most of the fifteen consortium members. Specifically, a direct collaboration was established with Technical University of Munich (DE), National Institute for Agronomic Research (FR), Universidad de Valladolid (ES), Bialowieski Park Narodowy (PL), Stellenbosch University (ZA), Agresta S. Coop. (ES), Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW (PL), and locally with the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano, Abteilung Forstwirtschaft–Ripartizione Foreste.


Key Data

BauernWert – Der gesellschaftliche Mehrwert bäuerlicher Landwirtschaft – Eine überregionale Studie Für eine wachsende Anzahl von Menschen nehmen die Berührungspunkte mit der Landwirtschaft ab, weswegen die vielfältigen Leistungen der Land- und Viehbauern wenig sichtbar und bekannt sind. Entsprechend verringert sich das Verständnis der Gesellschaft für Transferleistungen an den Agrarsektor. Es erscheint daher notwendig, die gesellschaftlichen und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhänge der Landwirtschaft und ihrer agrarpolitischen Ausrichtung besser zu erklären. Entsprechendes Ziel des überregionalen Projektes ist es, einen möglichen Mehrwert der bäuerlichen Landwirtschaft zu quantifizieren und so objektiver als bisher zu verdeutlichen. Als Mehrwert gelten dabei jene Leistungen für die Gesellschaft, die über die reine Agrarproduktion hinausgehen. Das Wissen um diesen Mehrwert wird nicht zuletzt für die öffentliche Diskussion im Rahmen der Budgetverhandlungen zur Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) in Brüssel als notwendig erachtet. Die in Bayern, Österreich, Norwegen und Südtirol angelegte Studie widmet sich folgender Fragen: Was genau charakterisiert die bäuerliche Landwirtschaft? Anhand welcher Richtwerte kann dies ge-

++ Funding Type: Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano ++ Duration: 09/2017 – 07/2020 ++ Research Area: Agricultural Economy ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Christian Fischer, Dr. Valérie Bossi Fedrigotti ++ Project Partners: Technische Universität München – Lehrstuhl für Produktions- und Ressourcenökonomie (Lead Partner), Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und Bergbauernfragen Österreich, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research ++ Selected Publications: Bossi Fedrigotti, V., & Fischer, C. (2019). Wertschätzung bäuerlicher Betriebe. Südtiroler Landwirt, 21, 51 – 53. Bossi Fedrigotti, V., Fischer, C. (2020). Welche Landwirtschaft hätten Sie gern? Wahrnehmung, Wünsche und Zahlungsbereitschaft der Südtiroler Bevölkerung. Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies (In press). Fischer, C., Bossi Fedrigotti, V. (2020). Wertschätzung bäuerlicher Betriebe in der Südtiroler Bevölkerung: Komponentenanalyse mittels Strukturgleichungsmodellen. Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies (In press).

messen werden und für welche dieser Indikatoren liegen bereits Ergebnisse vor? Welche Effekte hat die bäuerliche Landwirtschaft und wie werden diese von der Gesellschaft bewertet? Erste Ergebnisse für Südtirol zeigen, dass die breite Bevölkerung vielfach bereit ist, für die Aufrechterhaltung der gegenwärtigen kleinstrukturierten Landwirtschaftsbetriebe höhere Produktpreise zu zahlen. Ebenso besteht eine durchschnittliche Bereitschaft, den Ausbau der ökologischen Landwirtschaft und der Direktvermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Produkte finanziell mitzutragen. Die Höhe des Aufpreises, den man hierfür zu zahlen gewillt wäre, fällt insgesamt jedoch gering aus. Der höchste Wert (+19% Erhöhung der Lebensmittelpreise) wurde einzig für den Bereich des biologischen Landbaus ermittelt. Demnach ist ein Umbau der Landwirtschaft gemäß den Wünschen der Bevölkerung ohne eine zusätzliche finanzielle staatliche Förderung nicht umsetzbar.

Photo: ©Richard Bell | Unsplash



Key Data

COOL-CAR: Thermal Management of the Accumulator Batteries in Electric and Hybrid Cars: Optimisation Strategies for Performance Enhancing and for Sustainable Mobility


Green mobility is an essential opportunity to cut harmful emissions. The study and management of the energy flows in hybrid and full-electric cars as well as the reduction of the weight of the accumulators are crucial to grant higher performance and safety of the electric batteries that are the core technology of electric mobility. Currently, the main obstacles to electric vehicles market penetration are their limited battery life, reduced autonomy, long charging times, and high initial costs. The mandatory and challenging objective is to keep the battery module working temperature within a specific range, according to the typology of batteries, and to limit the temperature difference in the cells of a single module below 3 °C. The purpose of this project is to optimise the energy flows of the battery and to develop a “smart” thermal management system with the primary objective of increasing the performance of the accumulators. New innovative solutions for the battery pack cooling system will be proposed. Numerical simulations will

Graphics: ©Massimiliano Renzi

++ Funding Type: European Regional Development Fund (EFRE-FESR) 2014–2020 ++ Duration: 05/2018 – 11/2021 ++ Research Area: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Marco Baratieri (Principal Investigator), Dr. Massimiliano Renzi ++ Project Partners: Röchling Automotive ++ Conference Proceedings: Perez Estevez, M. A., Calligaro, S., Bottesi, O., Caligiuri, C., Renzi, M. (2020). An electro-thermal model for the evaluation of the electric and thermal behaviour of a lithium-ion battery cell for automotive applications. Accepted for: 4th SEE SDEWES Conference (28 June – 2 July, 2020). Caligiuri, C., Perez Estevez, M. A., Renzi, M. (2020). A CFD thermal analysis and validation of a Li-ion pouch cell under different temperature conditions. Accepted for: International Conference of Applied Energy 100% RES (25 – 30 October, 2020).

be carried out to evaluate possible design optimisations of the thermal flows in the battery module and in the refrigerant liquid. Experimental tests on the electric and thermal behaviour of the battery cells will be carried out to assess the effective cooling requirements. Specific solutions for the Battery Management Systems (BMS) will be developed with on-board operability capabilities and control loops. The main output of the project will be the production of a battery module prototype embedding novel lightweight materials and thermal design to grant the proper temperature operating range under all conditions. The prototype will find applications in the automotive industry for light and medium weight electric and hybrid vehicles.


Cooperation and Internationality Die vielfältigen Forschungskooperationen der Fakultät im Jahr 2019 auf lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene werden für jeden Forschungsbereich anhand ausgewählter Beispiele illustriert. Agrarwissenschaften Fortlaufende Zusammenarbeit mit der Messe Bozen (Fachmesse Interpoma), dem Südtiroler Bauernbund (Magazin „Landwirt“, Aktivitäten zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit), dem Sennereiverband Südtirol (Aktivitäten zum Thema Tierwohl) sowie der Vereinigung der italienischen Apfelerzeuger Assomela (Projekte zur ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit im Apfelanbau). Projektkooperation auf internationaler Ebene mit den Universitäten von Dundee, Essex und Cardiff (UK). Lebensmittelwissenschaften Forschungskooperation mit dem Department of Food and Nutrition des Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) auf dem Gebiet der oxidativen Stabilität von Lebensmittelemulsionen. Unter anderem ist der Austausch von PhD-Studenten beider Universitäten vorgesehen. Zusammenarbeit mit dem deutschen Unternehmen Evonik Industries AG auf dem Gebiet der Selektion von probiotischen Stämmen, die in der Lage sind, Gluten unter gastrointestinalen Bedingungen zu verdauen.

Industrieingenieurswesen und Automation Zusammenarbeit auf lokaler Ebene mit dem LVH-APA, dem Forschungsinstitut Fraunhofer Italia, dem Südtiroler Sanitätsbetrieb sowie den Unternehmen Prostahl und EOS Solutions. Internationale Kooperationen mit den Unternehmen Schaeffler Group und Elvez sowie den Forschungseinrichtungen Montanuniversität Leoben, Joanneum Klagenfurt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Königliche Technische Hochschule Stockholm, Universität von Malta, Technische Universität Kosice und Chiang Mai University Thailand. Energieressourcen und Energieeffizienz Kooperation mit dem Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Wärmeübertragung der Technischen Universität Wien im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Advanced computations and experiments for anisotropic particle transport in turbulent flows“. Zusammenarbeit mit proHolz Tirol im Rahmen des Interreg-Projekts BIGWOOD (ITAT1081) zum Thema großvolumiger mehrstöckiger Holzbauten. Der Verein proHolz bündelt Aktivitäten entlang der gesamten Holzbaukette und bietet ein interregionales Netzwerk von Fachleuten, Interessensgruppen sowie Lehr- und Forschungseinrichtungen.

Grundlagenwissenschaften für innovative Anwendungen Zusammenarbeit mit Doppelmayr Italia mit Sitz in Lana zur Erstellung mathematischer Modelle, welche die Dynamik von Seilbahnen und relevante physikalische Parameter an realen Anlagen messen. Kooperation mit der Forschungsgruppe zur Integrierten Bioprozessentwicklung der Technischen Universität Wien auf dem Gebiet der Untersuchung von Enzymen, die an der Biosynthese von Flavonoiden beteiligt sind. Diese von Pflanzen produzierten Substanzen können auf dem Gebiet der Nutrazeutika, Kosmetika und Arzneimittel von großer Bedeutung sein.



Research Events 6 marzo 2019 Il workshop BauernWert ha visto la presentazione dei primi risultati dello studio sovraregionale sul valore aggiunto sociale dell‘agricoltura contadina.


Photo: ©Valérie Bossi Fedrigotti

18 – 19 marzo 2019 Per l’inaugurazione dei laboratori Micro4Food ed Oenolab e degli impianti pilota al NOI Techpark si è tenuta la conferenza From Bread, Cheese and Wine Sciences to Processing and Taste, con la presentazione del libro “The Cheeses of Italy: Science and Technology”.

finanziato dal programma Interreg Italia-Austria. 3 ottobre 2019 Nell’ambito del progetto Interreg Italia-Austria Engineering Education 4.0, che mira a promuovere l’istruzione e la formazione di tecnici e ingegneri nell’ambito dell’industria 4.0, si è svolto il workshop Industry 4.0. 4 ottobre 2019 Una conferenza organizzata in occasione della Giornata mondiale della protezione degli animali è stata l’occasione per dibattere del valore della tutela del benessere degli animali da reddito nella politica agraria nonché della relazione tra animali e uomo da una prospettiva etica. 16 – 18 ottobre 2019 Nella conferenza internazionale Early Warning Systems for Debris Flows: State of the Art and Challenges scienziati e professionisti si sono confrontati sui diversi metodi per il monitoraggio e allertamento di eventi di colate detritiche.

19 – 21 giugno 2019 La quarta conferenza IBPSA-Italy Building Simulation Applications BSA2019 ha fornito una panoramica dei più recenti progressi nelle applicazioni della simulazione dinamica degli edifici e delle loro prestazioni energetiche. 20 settembre 2019 Nel corso dell’evento A21Digital Tyrol Veneto, organizzato in occasione dell‘assemblea generale della piattaforma Südtiroler Wirtschaftsring – Economia Alto Adige, è stato presentato in anteprima lo studio “Costruire con successo ponti verso il futuro digitale”,

Photo: ©unibz

25 ottobre 2019 La conferenza DIE NEUE GAP – LA NUOVA PAC ha analizzato le sfide globali e le esigenze locali in relazione alla politica agricola dell’UE. 8 novembre 2019 Insieme alla Facoltà di Economia e in collaborazione con Alperia, European Energy Exchange ed Edyna è stata organizzata la conferenza Energy Day – Synergies Between Economic and Technical Aspects.



Graphic: ©Alperia

8th November 2019


10 – 11 dicembre 2019 Nell’ambito del workshop Indoor Comfort: Comfort Perception of Occupants with Normal and Special Needs si sono discussi con esperti internazionali ultimi risultati e nuove idee nel campo della percezione del benessere abitativo e le relative applicazioni per le persone con esigenze normali e speciali.

Awards and Distinctions 6 March, 2019 Erwin Rauch, Patrick Dallasega, Dominik Matt, and unibz Master students Thomas Stecher and Unterhofer Marco won Best Track Paper Award for “Suitability of Industry 4.0 Concepts for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Comparison between an Expert Survey and a User Survey” at the 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management IEOM 2019 (Bangkok, Thailand). In addition, Patrick Dallasega received the IEOM Young Researcher Award 2019 for outstanding scientific activities on Industry 4.0 in the IEOM community. 29 May, 2019 Giovanna Ferrentino received the Research Award for Young Scientists by Stiftung Sparkasse – Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio for outstanding scientific achievements carried out in 2018. 18 August, 2019 Valentina Morandi received the Euregio Prize for Young Researchers 2019 at Forum Alpbach Tyrol (A) for her research paper “Solve the Congestion Problem in Road Networks in the Era of Automatic Guided Vehicles”. She was awarded € 2,000 plus free participation to the 2020 Forum Alpbach.


19 October, 2019 Andrew Vickery (WPI, USA), Erwin Rauch, Rafael Rojas, and Christopher Brown (WPI, USA) won Best Student Paper Award for “Smart Data Analytics in SME Manufacturing – an Axiomatic Design based Conceptual Framework” at the International Conference of Axiomatic Design (ICAD), Sydney, Australia. 8 December, 2019 Luisa Petti was awarded with two researchers (1 from the US and 1 from India) the Early Career Award by the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) in deep appreciation of early career technical development within the IEEE Electron Devices Society. 19 December, 2019 Erwin Rauch received the Research Award South Tyrol of the Autonomous Province of BozenBolzano for his outstanding scientific and technology-transfer activities on Industry 4.0 for local small and medium sized enterprises. The € 40,000 prize is awarded to young researchers from South Tyrol, who have not yet reached the age of 40.


Contacts Faculty of Science and Technology Universitätsplatz 5 Piazza Università, 5 Bozen-Bolzano Italy – 39100 +39 0471 017 000 science.technology@unibz.it www.unibz.it/en/faculties/ sciencetechnology


↓ Faculty of Education

The main research topics focus on: ++ education in the family, kindergartens, and primary schools underlining inclusion; ++ development of professional skills for teachers in the context of lifelong education; ++ social and cultural dynamics toward sustainable social development, intergenerational interactions, and social equality; ++ wide interdisciplinary topics of learning, teaching and the use of (verbal, musical, and aesthetic) languages in a multilingual context.

Key Data Campus Brixen-Bressanone Active Study Programmes Bachelor: ++ Communication Sciences and Culture ++ Social Education ++ Social Work Master: ++ Primary Education ++ Applied Linguistics ++ Innovation and Research for Social Work and Social Education ++ Musicology PhD: ++ General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, General Didactics and Disciplinary Didactics People ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Students: 1697 PhD Students: 43 Tenured Professors: 42 Researchers: 48 Contract Professors: 200 Administrative Staff: 19

Dean Prof. Paul Videsott The Faculty of Education has its research focus in educational and social areas, and in the field of humanities (linguistics, communication, musicology). The setting in the linguistic, historical, and cultural reality of the Trentino-South Tyrol Region frames its research and defines its future development. Seven new research areas were set in 2018. Number and quality of projects funded exclusively by third-party funds increased significantly.

In 2019, Giulia Cavrini was confirmed the coordinator of the PhD in General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, General Didactics, and Disciplinary Didactics for the 35th cycle. Seen the requirements in the Primary Education Sciences training area, general and social pedagogy and didactics, competences related to disciplinary didactics and in the social field are developed. The PhD programme is in three languages (Italian, German, and English) to respond to the needs in the Trentino-South Tyrol-Tyrol area (EUREGIO) toward European integration.


Intro Psychology and Wellbeing Promotion in Educational Contexts Research focuses on the study of behaviour, main psychological functions, and psychological processes related to education and counselling, including the whole life cycle with observation of developmental levels to the early detection of typical and atypical markers to identify risk and protection factors. Coordinator: Demis Basso

Vice Dean for Research Prof. Giulia Cavrini Research focuses on seven areas: Permanent Education – Processes and Projects of Education and Development with a Focus on South Tyrol Research deals with Lifelong Learning from early ages: Lifewide, and Lifedeep Learning, referred to affective-emotional and cognitive values within an intergenerational and cultural context. Coordinator: Liliana Dozza IN-IN Education: INnovative and INclusive Education Research deals with approaches to teaching/learning skills that are meaningful, evidence-based, original, and within the values and policies of inclusive education. Activities address educational spaces and teaching materials for heterogeneous groups and students with Special Educational Needs. Coordinator: Ulrike Stadler-Altmann

Languages and Multilingualism in South Tyrol Research deals with the study of languages and multilingualism in South Tyrol. Three are the main lines of inquiry: evolution of languages over time; description and documentation of language use in various communicative and social contexts; linguistic and educational policies related to language acquisition processes and teaching. Coordinator: Silvia Dal Negro Aesthetic Experiences and Communication Research deals with forms of aesthetic expressions (music, movement, visual art) in social, cultural, and educational contexts focused on South Tyrolean multicultural realities: musical heritages and cultures from different historical and social contexts; graphic and visual expression and communication from early childhood to adulthood; contemporary practices and innovative teaching methods in physical education at primary schools and kindergartens. Coordinator: Paolo Somigli

Educational Contexts, Disciplines and their Teaching at Nursery and Primary School Research makes use of sciences, develops topics related to the formation and development of competences for children at nursery and primary school. Emphasis is placed on education at pre-primary levels and disciplinary subjects at primary school. Coordinator: Giorgio Bolondi Socio Cultural Worlds: Institutions, Welfare, Social Professions, Environment, and Population Research gathers diverse perspectives from sociology, social statistics, social anthropology, law, social policy, social pedagogy, and social work, and focuses on theoretical development, fundamental and applied research in scientific domains regarding the social world, diversity, population, institutions, values, environment and space, as cultural studies, cultural identities and memories, and cultural heritage. Coordinator: Susanne Elsen



Research Projects KONTATTI – Germanic and Romance: Discourse and Structures in Contact in the Dolomite Region KONTATTI has been a three-year laboratory for the study of Germanic-Romance language contacts and for the development of creative methodologies aimed at obtaining and processing data of spontaneous speech in non-standard language varieties. As such, the project builds on both experience and data acquired from the previous, large-scale study on bilingual speech in South Tyrol, the outcome of which was the design and building of a multilingual spoken corpus.


At the heart of the research there is an area characterised by long-lasting intense contact, crossed by one main language border, that between Germanic and Romance language groups, and a secondary one between Italo-Romance (Trentino) and Rhaeto-Romance (Ladin). Within this area, speakers cross language borders all the time and more than one language can be activated in actual conversations, according to sociolinguistic norms: the typology of monolingual and bilingual utterances and the likelihood of structures and linguistic “matter” to be borrowed have been the focus of the research.

Key Data ++ Funding Type: Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano ++ Duration: 09/2016 – 08/2019 ++ Research Area: Languages and Multilingualism in South Tyrol ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Silvia Dal Negro (Principal Investigator), Dr. Simone Ciccolone, Dr. Marta Ghilardi, Dr. Ruth Videsott ++ Project Partner: Università degli Studi di Trento – Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia ++ Website: kontatti.projects.unibz.it ++ Selected Publications: Dal Negro, S. (2019). Finding patterns in bilingual speech. Lingue e Linguaggio, 17 (1), 71 – 85. ++ Dal Negro, S., & Ciccolone, S. (2018). Incidenza ed estensione del code-mixing come variabile sociolinguistica. Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia, XLII, 119 – 144. Ghilardi, M., & Videsott, R. (2020). L’incompletezza del sistema pronominale soggetto del ladino gardenese e le sue ricadute didattiche. In Marra A., Dal Negro S. (Cur.), Lingue minoritarie tra localismi e globalizzazione (p. 317 – 331), Milano: Officinaventuno.

More specifically, the project had three main objectives: (1) to enlarge the study of language contacts adding Romance varieties (Ladin and Trentino) and Cimbrian to the database; (2) to investigate the effects of language contacts on morphosyntactic patterns (then focusing on pronominal subject realizations); (3) to enhance and complete the multilingual spoken corpus. This latter is perhaps the one with the greatest potential, both for further research and for more practical uses. In the last phase of the project, the corpus has been entirely lemmatised by means of a semi-automatic procedure through which all variable forms have been ascribed to a corresponding lemma in German or Italian (and Ladin, marginally). This makes the corpus much easier to browse, starting from words in standard languages, or to compile frequency lists for the spoken language in South Tyrol, which can be very useful in the domain of language learning.

Photo: ©Silvia Dal Negro


Key Data

GrandHappy – Nonni felici? Uno studio in Alto Adige sulla percezione della felicità dei nonni ultracinquantenni Nei paesi sviluppati, l’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita sta producendo un impatto significativo sulla vita familiare. Un numero crescente di bambini, infatti, ha l’opportunità di conoscere i propri nonni e di condividere con loro il tempo libero. Nei Paesi in cui l’assistenza pubblica all’infanzia è distribuita in modo insufficiente o disomogeneo, inoltre, la terza età gioca un ruolo importante anche nell’accudimento dei nipoti in età prescolare e scolare. Questo ruolo, tuttavia, è minacciato dall’innalzamento dell’età pensionabile, che impedisce ai nonni di lasciarsi alle spalle la vita professionale per dedicarsi ai nipoti mentre i figli si trovano al lavoro. A contrastare il potenziale coinvolgimento della terza età nell’organizzazione della vita familiare vi è anche la tendenza delle coppie a rimandare il momento di avere dei figli. Tale ritardo riproduttivo della generazione di mezzo, particolarmente marcato in Italia, in parte neutralizza l’effetto positivo che la maggiore aspettativa di vita dei nonni potrebbe avere sulla vita familiare. Quali risultati produce questo incrocio di tendenze sul piano socioeconomico, culturale e psicologico? Nelle indagini sulle relazioni familiari e intergenerazionali svolte in Italia e in Europa, non sono mai stati

++ Funding Type: Internal Funding ++ Duration: 12/2015 – 03/2019 ++ Research Area: Socio cultural worlds – Institutions, Welfare, Social Professions, Environment and Population ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Giulia Cavrini (Principal Investigator), Prof. Liliana Dozza, Dr. Doris Kofler, Dr. Monica Parricchi, Dr. Elisa Cisotto ++ Selected Publications: Hank, K., Cavrini, G., Di Gessa, G., &Tomassini, C. (2018). What do we know about grandparents? Insights from current quantitative data and identification of future data needs. European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 265 – 275. doi: 10.1007/s10433-018-0468-1. Zamberletti, J., Cavrini, G., & Tomassini, C. (2018). Grandparents providing childcare in Italy. European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 225 – 235. doi: 10.1007/s10433-018-0479-y. Tomassini, C., Cisotto, E., & Cavrini, G. (2020). You are my favourite! Parent–child relationships and satisfaction in later life in Italy. Ageing & Society, 1 – 17. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X20000471.

sufficientemente analizzati i sentimenti dei nonni, la soddisfazione che gli anziani traggono dall’accudimento dei nipoti e i loro rapporti con i figli adulti. Nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca GrandHappy, la Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione ha analizzato un campione di nonni i cui nipoti frequentano la scuola dell’infanzia in Alto Adige puntando a tre obiettivi: esplorare il rapporto tra la cura dei nipoti e il benessere dei nonni, cercando di individuare eventuali differenze tra le famiglie con diverso status socioeconomico, studiare l’impatto che l’accudimento dei bambini ha sulla vita dei nonni in termini di scelte lavorative, soddisfazione e felicità, e indagare le differenze tra i gruppi linguistici dell’Alto Adige per quanto riguarda le attività svolte da nonni e nipoti, i valori culturali e il modello educativo trasmesso dai nonni. L’indagine è stata svolta a partire da un’analisi dei dati ISTAT sulle famiglie integrata da un’analisi qualitativa attraverso interviste, effettuate con l’obiettivo di approfondire alcuni aspetti relativi alla condizione di vita dei nonni e di predisporre a tale proposito un questionario strutturato.

Photo: ©Nikoline Arns | Unsplash



Key Data

IN-IN Instruments for Inclusion Instrumente für die Inklusion Das Bildungssystem der Autonomen Provinz Bozen beteiligt sich am internationalen Trend zur Entwicklung einer inklusiven Schule. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, muss das Schulsystem vor Ort jedoch einen Rahmen für die Evaluations- und Qualitätsentwicklung der Inklusion entwickeln und die erforderlichen Kompetenzen an Schulen und Kindergärten aufbauen.


Für dieses Projekt ist die Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften eine Zusammenarbeit mit den drei Bildungsdirektionen der Provinz Bozen eingegangen. Gemeinsam werden die notwendigen Instrumente zur Evaluation und Entwicklung von Inklusion an den Bildungsinstitutionen ausfindig gemacht, die dann in der Provinz Bozen erprobt und angewandt werden. Eine erste Phase der Literarturrecherche hat vier Instrumente auf vier verschiedenen Ebenen definiert: 1) der individuellen Ebene des pädagogischen Personals, 2) der Ebene des Spielens und Lernens im Klassenzimmer / in der Gruppe, 3) der Ebene der Organisation auf Schulebene und schließlich 4) der Ebene der Netzwerke zwischen verschiedenen Institutionen. Die Instrumente teilen dieselbe umfassende Vision von Inklusion, verstanden als Prozess der stetigen Entwicklung von Lernen und Teilhabe für alle unter Berücksichtigung der individuellen Verschiedenheiten. Darüber hinaus zeichnen sich die Instrumente durch einen gemeinsamen methodischen Ansatz aus, der die Entwicklung von Inklusion als einen reflexiven und partizipativen Prozess versteht, in dem Lehrpersonen und Kindergärtner*innen, Familien und Schüler*innen selbst die Akteure sind.

East Side Gallery Berlin. Photo: ©Dario Ianes

++ Funding Type: Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano ++ Duration: 09/2016 – 07/2020 ++ Research Area: Innovative und Inklusive Didaktik ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Dario Ianes ++ (Principal Investigator), Dr. Silvia Dell’Anna, Dr. Heidrun Demo, Dr. Vanessa Macchia ++ Project Partners: Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano: Deutsche Bildungsdirektion /  Referat Inkulsion; Direzione Istruzione e Formazione italiana  /  Servizio inclusione scolastica; Direziun provinziala Scolines y scores ladines  /  Zënter de competënza Inclujiun y consulënza ++ Selected Publications: Ianes, D., Dell’Anna, S., Demo, H., & Macchia, V. (2020). IN-IN Strumenti per l’Inclusione. Instrumente für Inklusion FrancoAngeli. Demo, H., & Ianes, D. (2018). Der Index für Inklusion: Schulentwicklung nach inklusiven Werten, Transfer Forschung <-> Schule, 4, 27 – 38. Demo, H. (2017). Applicare l’Index per l’Inclusione. Erickson.

Im Rahmen einer Aktionsforschung haben vier Schulen der Provinz Bozen (zwei Kindergärten, eine Grundschule und ein Schulsprengel) ihren eigenen Weg der Entwicklung von Inklusion eingeschlagen. Dabei wurden sie von der Forschungsgruppe unterstützt, die sie in der Anwendung der identifizierten Instrumente zur Selbstevaluation und selbstgesteuerter Weiterentwicklung begleitete. Ihre Erfahrungen wurden in der Abschlusspublikation des Projekts dokumentiert. Damit möchte man allen Schulen die Instrumente zugänglich machen, welche im Projekt zur Entwicklung der Inklusion ausgewählt und erprobt wurden.


Key Data

GEGAMATH – Gender Gap in Mathematics Achievement in South Tyrol International and National large-scale surveys such as OECD-Pisa and IEA-TIMSS highlight the existence of a gap in maths achievements between boys and girls in many countries (particularly wide in Italy, Austria, Germany, and other European countries). This has heavy consequences on girls’ self-confidence related to mathematics and on their choices of study. The gap is wider in South Tyrol when compared to other regions. The first objective of the project is to quantify and analytically describe the gender gap in South Tyrol, by analysing its evolution longitudinally from the beginning of primary school to the end of compulsory education. The second objective is to collect data and qualitative information on the girls’ thoughts on STEM disciplines and their expectations regarding the impact of mathematics on their future careers and of the teachers’ thoughts and habits connected with the problem of gender gap in mathematics. Besides scientific results, the aim of the project is to produce reports to raise public awareness and guidelines for teachers, principals, and policy makers.

The picture shows how differently teachers describe “good female maths students” vs “good male maths students” in their classes. Graphic: ©Giorgio Bolondi

++ Funding Type: Internal Funding ++ Duration: 11/2017 – 04/20219 ++ Research Area: Educational Contexts, Disciplines and their Teaching in the Nursery and Primary School ++ unibz research Team: Prof. Giorgio Bolondi (Principal Investigator), Prof. Giulia Cavrini, Dr. Chiara Giberti ++ Project Partner: Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano – Direzione Istruzione e Formazione italiana ++ Selected Publications: Bolondi, G., Cascella, C., & Giberti, C. (2020). An analysis of Differential Item Functioning on INVALSI tests, designed to explore gender gap in mathematical tasks. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 64. Bolondi, G., Ferretti, F., & Giberti, C. (2018). Didactic contract as a key to interpreting gender differences in maths. Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies, 18, 415 – 435. Giberti, C. (2018). Differenze di genere e misconcezioni nell’operare con le percentuali: evidenze dalle prove INVALSI. CADMO, 97 – 114.

The research focuses on the detection of which component and contents in mathematics literacy create the gap. As a first, the project was able to establish a connection between classroom stereotypes (both students’ and teachers’) and typologies of mathematical tasks, which create difficulties for girls rather than boys.



Key Data

CREEP – Criminalising Revenge Porn La criminalizzazione del revenge porn


CREEP è il primo progetto di ricerca italiano dedicato alla questione della divulgazione non consensuale di immagini sessualmente esplicite, meglio nota con il neologismo revenge porn, e alle sue numerose implicazioni sul piano giuridico. In Italia, la diffusione illecita di fotografie o video intimi attraverso le tecnologie digitali è reato dal 2019. Ma in che misura è praticata la pornovendetta in Trentino – Alto Adige e sul territorio nazionale? Qual è l’impatto psicologico sulle vittime di questa forma molto particolare di abuso e come è possibile contrastarlo? Il progetto CREEP adotta un approccio spiccatamente interdisciplinare, nell’intento di giungere a una comprensione del fenomeno nei suoi diversi aspetti. Il progetto coinvolge più aree scientifiche e disciplinari – il diritto, l’informatica, la psicologia, le scienze sociali – e più atenei. Al di là dell’indagine strettamente quantitativa, la ricerca si propone di investigare le motivazioni che spingono al revenge porn e le conseguenze – soprattutto psicologiche – per chi lo subisce, e di individuare le categorie a rischio così come le possibili strategie di prevenzione. Ma l’intento è anche quello di fornire spunti utili a chi indaga su episodi di revenge porn oppure ne assiste le vittime, dalla Polizia postale ai centri antiviolenza: come risalire all’autore della pubblicazione illecita?

++ Funding Type: Internal Funding ++ Duration: 01/2019 – 12/2021 ++ Research Area: Socio Cultural Worlds: Institutions, Welfare, Social Professions, Environment and Population ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Kolis Summerer (Principal Investigator), Prof. Antonella Brighi, Dr. Gian Marco Caletti, Prof. Sergio Tessaris (Faculty of Computer Science), Prof. Laura Valle (Faculty of Economics and Management) ++ Project Partners: Cambridge University, Universität Innsbruck, Flinders University Adelaide, Polizia Postale del Trentino-Alto Adige. Centro Antiviolenza Trento, GEA Associazione per la Solidarietà Femminile Contro la Violenza, EUPHUR. Euregio Platform on Human Dignity and Human Rights ++ Selected Publications: Caletti, G. M., & Summerer, K., Osservazioni in merito ai disegni di legge n. 1076, n. 1134, n. 1166 in tema di c.d. “Revenge Porn”. (Audizione del 3/9/2019 al Senato della Repubblica, Commissione Giustizia). Caletti, G. M., (2019). Libertà e riservatezza sessuali all’epoca di Internet. L’art. 612-ter c.p. e l’incriminazione della pornografia non consensuale. Rivista Italiana di diritto e procedura penale, 62 (4), 2045 – 2090. Brighi, A., Menin, D., Skrzypiec, G., & Guarini, A. (2019). Young, Bullying, and Connected: Common Pathways to Cyberbullying and Problematic Internet Use in Adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01467.

Come incoraggiare la vittima a denunciare l’abuso? Quali strumenti offre il diritto civile per cancellare le immagini pubblicate illegalmente dall’Internet? Che contributo può dare la tecnologia digitale? Lo studio comprende anche un’analisi delle diverse discipline adottate da altri paesi come gli Stati Uniti, l’Inghilterra, l’Australia, la Spagna, la Germania e l’Austria. All’iter legislativo che ha portato all’introduzione del reato in Italia i ricercatori coinvolti nello studio hanno contribuito intervenendo ad audizioni al Senato e alla Camera dei deputati. Nell’ambito di CREEP è anche stata svolta un’articolata opera di sensibilizzazione sul territorio: i ricercatori hanno partecipato ad alcuni eventi pubblici e hanno rilasciato interviste a vari quotidiani, tra cui alcune testate nazionali. Uno di loro è stato ospite della New York University per approfondire gli aspetti penalistici del progetto.

Photo: © Kolis Summerer


Cooperation and Internationality The number and aim of projects exclusively financed by third-party funds has increased significantly. In total (taking into account all funds raised internally and by third parties), 35 new projects were launched at the Faculty in 2019 for the amount of € 1,1 million. Some of the most significant research cooperation activities in 2019: Fuel Cells Hydrogen Educational Model for Schools, in collaboration with University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, InEuropa Srl, Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Technical University of Denmark, Nicolaus Copernicus University and Steinbeis 2l GmbH (2019 – 2020; coordinator Federico Corni). Constructions of Parenting on Insecure Grounds: What Role for Social Work? in collaboration with University of Trento, Trieste and Calabria (2019 –  2022; coordinator Urban Nothdurfter). Identifying and Motivating youth who mostly need Physical ACTivity, in collaboration with University of Thessaly (2019; coordinator Atilio Carraro). VALMus-e. Arts for Inclusion, in collaboration with Fondazione MUS-E Italia Onlus; (2019 – 2020; coordinator Antonella Coppi) Direzione scientifica e didattica del laboratorio Fisica in Moto 2019 – 2020, in collaboration with Fondazione Ducati (2019 – 2020; coordinator Federico Corni).

MEL – Educazione Lettura digitale, in collaboration with CEPELL – Centro per il libro e la cultura (2019 – 2021; coordinator Liliana Dozza and Michele Cagol). Residential Services for the Elderlies. Training to a caring relationship and to an active and co-participated living, in collaboration with Betrieb für Sozialdienste Bozen (ASSB-BSB) and Scuola professionale provinciale per le professioni sociali Emmanuel Lèvinas (2019 – 2020; coordinator Liliana Dozza). Das Pressewesen in Tirol von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ende des 2. Weltkrieges, in collaboration with Athesia (2019 – 2020; coordinator Norbert Parschalk). The Social Role of the Theatre and its Political Impact in a Globalized Society. The case of the Teatro Stabile of Bolzano, in collaboration with Teatro Stabile di Bolzano (2019 – 2021; coordinator Ilaria Riccioni). ARTIGIANELLI UP – concetto e criteri pedagogici per sviluppare spazi e didattiche innovativi, in collaboration with Istituto Pavoniano Artigianelli per le Arti Grafiche and Scuola Centrale Formazione (2019; coordinator Beate Christine Weyland).



Research Events


L’impatto che un ateneo ha sul territorio e sulla vita delle persone che vi risiedono dipende fortemente dalla sua attività di disseminazione, ovvero dalla capacità di condividere i risultati della propria attività di ricerca con chi lavora nelle diverse discipline di sua competenza e di stabilire un dialogo con la popolazione. Ogni anno, i docenti della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dedicano notevoli quantità di tempo all’organizzazione di conferenze internazionali e nazionali, congressi, giornate di studio e workshop. A questi eventi partecipano, oltre a ricercatori ed esperti, anche gli insegnanti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado e i portatori di specifici interessi attinenti alla rispettiva disciplina, sia a livello territoriale sia a livello nazionale. Tra i convegni internazionali e nazionali organizzati dalla Facoltà nel 2019 che hanno visto un’ampia partecipazione segnaliamo: 13 – 15 febbraio 2019 Conferenza HochschullernWERKstätten (Officina Didattica presso le Università) dal titolo Giocare – Imparare – Lavorare.

18 – 19 giugno 2019 Conferenza Prevenire il bullismo e promuovere il benessere a scuola. 19 ottobre 2019 Conferenza annuale BRIMA PRIMAR – Bressanone invita alla matematica, che verteva sulla didattica della matematica nelle scuole primarie e dell’infanzia. 20 novembre 2019 Ciclo di eventi Musica e musicologia in dialogo. 21 – 22 novembre 2019 Evento (Ri-)partenze tra continuità e cambiamento, con cui la Libera Università di Bolzano ha festeggiato i vent’anni del Corso di laurea in Servizio sociale. 28 – 30 novembre 2019 4° Convegno internazionale Educazione Terra Natura – Io posso: Educazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile, dedicato ai percorsi educativi interdisciplinari e alle riflessioni su una sensibilità e intelligenza ecologica che sia parte dell’esperienza di vita.

15 – 16 febbraio 2019 Conferenza Cognitive Science Arena, in cui giovani ricercatori hanno presentato il proprio lavoro entrando in uno schietto e stimolante dibattito con il pubblico. 17 – 18 aprile 2019 Evento Musica in azione, sul rapporto tra musica e movimento e sulla potenzialità della musica in ambito formativo.

12 dicembre 2019 Workshop Leggere l’inclusione sui temi della letteratura per l’infanzia e dell’inclusione.

Illustration: ©unibz

Illustration: ©unibz

A ciò si è aggiunta la presenza sempre attiva a LUNA – Lunga notte della ricerca, che ha avuto luogo il 27 settembre 2019. Gli interventi presentati sono stati: “Impara da chi ha imparato! Uno sguardo al lavoro di ricerca del Laboratorio sulla Storia dell’Infanzia e della Gioventù della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione”, “Lettere a Malinowski. Una storia altoatesina al femminile poco conosciuta dell’epoca del fascismo altoatesino”, “Vivere le lingue. Buone pratiche per la formazione degli insegnanti in regioni di confine  – Il progetto ERASMUS+ MHEEB” e “Sei manolenta o manolesta? Giochi per allenare le dita per scrivere, disegnare o fare il fiocco alle tue scarpe”.

Awards and Distinctions Die Forschungsaktivitäten der Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaft wurden in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder honoriert. So etwa ging der Wissenschaftspreis des Landes Südtirol 2018 an Prof. Paul Videsott für seine langjährige Tätigkeit auf dem Forschungsgebiet der romanischen Sprachen, insbesondere dem Ladinischen. Auch 2019 wurden Forscher*innen der Fakultät für ihre herausragenden Leistungen mit Auszeichnungen bedacht. Am 26. September 2019 wurde das Erasmus+ Projekt PALM – Promoting Authentic Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts von der Europäischen Kommission mit dem Europäischen Sprachensiegel ausgezeichnet. Für die unibz leitete Renata Zanin das dreijährige Projekt. Das Europäische Sprachensiegel (European Language Label)  honoriert seit 1997 herausragende Projekte und Initiativen aus dem Bereich des Lehrens und Lernens von Fremdsprachen in Europa.

Am 15. November 2019 erhielt Barbara Gross die Auszeichnung Premio SPES 2019 für die beste Doktorarbeit. Die von der Società di Politica, Educazione e Storia (Gesellschaft für Politik, Erziehung und Geschichte) prämierte Arbeit trägt den Titel „Learner-internal and learner-external factors affecting language learning in South Tyrol: A mixed methods research with primary school children, parents, and teachers” und widmet sich dem Thema des Sprachenerwerbs von Kindern in einem interkulturellen Kontext.

Am 7. Dezember 2019 wurde Professorin Ulrike Loch für ihre Forschungsarbeit im Projekt Gewalt an Kärntner Kindern und Jugendlichen in Institutionen mit dem Menschrechtspreis des Landes Kärnten ausgezeichnet. Die Wahrnehmung ihrer Forschungsergebnisse führte 2019 zum Beschluss der Kärtner Landesregierung, die Opferschutzkommission erneut einzurichten, nachdem deren Arbeit im Jahr 2015 eingestellt worden war.


Premio SPES 2019 – Barbara Gross Photo: ©Genovesi

Prof. Rita Franceschini wurde im Oktober 2019 zur Vizepräsidentin des Forschungsrates (2019 – 2021) des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds SNF ernannt, wo sie unter anderem zur Präsidentin der „Fachausschusses Interdisziplinarität“ gewählt wurde.

Projektleiterin Claudia Mehwald (Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich) wird das Europäische Sprachensiegel 2019 übberreicht Photo: ©Österreichischer Austauschdienst GmbH/APA-Fotoservice/Schedl


De Kärtner Landeshauptmann Peter Kaiser gratuliert Ulrike Loch mit Jury Vorsitzenden Larissa Krainer und Josefine Scherling Photo: ©LPD | Peter Just

Contacts Faculty of Education Kreuzgasse 7 Via S. Croce, 7 Brixen-Bressanone Italy – 39042 +39 0472 014 000 faculty.education@unibz.it www.unibz.it/en/faculties/ education


↓ Faculty of Design and Art

Our research agenda is flexible and responsive to contingent realities.

Key Data Campus Bozen-Bolzano

We constantly nourish and expand our ever-growing network of collaborators, with local, national and international enterprises, public administration organisations, cultural institutions, and others. We are always open, looking for the next new… challenge, solution, and collaboration.

Active Study Programmes Bachelor: ++ Design and Art Major in Art ++ Design and Art Major in Design Master: ++ Eco-Social Design People ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Students: 318 Tenured Professors: 14 Researchers: 18 Contract Professors: 46 Administrative Staff: 9 Technical Staff: 15

Dean Prof. Nitzan Cohen The Faculty of Design and Art is focused on research activities on exploratory, evaluative, and participatory investigations concerning issues and processes related to links connecting design and art to the macro areas of society, culture, technology, environment, and economy. The on-going goal is to develop and disseminate new knowledge, new practices, new courses of action or any of their combinations. Our research activities span from the more classical forms of design and art as communication design, product design, and arts-based practices, to emerging or established subfields engaged within it, such as eco-social design and / or art, participatory practices, and a wider scope of emergent design / arts-based practice, extending over to related anthropological and sociological issues.

Research at the Faculty of Design and Art entered a new energetic phase with the recruitment of five full professors from 2015 to 2019; three professors from design-based practice, one from arts-based practice, and one from the social sciences. It has strengthened and broadened the depth of knowledge domains of the Faculty‘s activities while acknowledging the participatory and “social turn” in design- and arts-based practice.



Vice Dean for Research Prof. Alastair Fuad-Luke Our research agenda is responsive to contingent realities; in 2017 the Faculty developed a flexible framework of three interconnected, interdisciplinary clusters – enable, make, and transform – each with their distinctive character. The cluster “enable” focuses on design and art competences, material culture and human development. It approaches these tasks with specific reference to the meaning of megatrends and contemporary challenges, the on-going processes of societal change and the exploration of designerly and artistic competences bringing together theoretical, empirical, and practice-based experimentation in different organisational, educational, and community situations. “make” brings innovative approaches to the ideation

of artefacts and spaces. It investigates alternative ways of conceiving, designing, making, producing, and presenting as means to increase the intrinsic value of the work and promotes the approach of slow and local with a glocal (global / local) perspective. Interventions and explorations from auto-production to industrial scale are addressed, as much as cultural, aesthetic, and formal issues related to the fruition of artefacts and their accessibility. “trans-form” explores design, art, and social practices for political and eco-social transitions across public, commercial, and not-for-profit sectors using participatory, open, and collaborative design practices. Researchers in trans-form strive to contribute to the transformation of relations among humans, communities, organisations, companies, and other living beings, in order to aim to more sustainable, resilient, just and equitable futures. The Faculty also hosts the Platform Cultural Heritage Cultural Production headed by Waltraud Kofler-Engl, diversifying our capability towards interdisciplinary projects. Researchers belong to one cluster but also work on projects across clusters and faculties at the university, within an extensive network of 80 provincial and regional, 48 national, and 38 European and international partners. In 2019, the Faculty was running or was involved in a record number of 27 new and ongoing projects with an overall budget of about € 1.2 million (internal and external funding).

The net benefits of the relatively quick period of growth over the past few years include: a compact, and therefore coherent internal and external structure; an emerging research profile for the Faculty (see the research cluster portfolios on the unibz Faculty website); an extensive network of local, regional and international collaborators and partners; professorial expertise and international experience span many European cultures (Germany, Austria, Holland, Finland, Portugal, Spain, and the UK), as well as a broader international context (Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, and the USA); and an increasing number of higher quality publications and scientific products.



Key Data

Research Projects InnoCell – From Food Waste to Bio-degradable Products, Exploring the Innovative Potential of Microbial Cellulose In an era of declining natural resources, dramatic global climate changes, industrial expansion, and the constant growth of the economy, our need to find alternative solutions, substances, and materials has become more pressing. InnoCell explores the innovative potential of microbial cellulose from food waste for new bio-materials and products. A great part of our waste comes from durable materials, paradoxically produced to be used just once. The dynamics of nature show us that the waste of an organism is the nourishment of another; it would be logical to start using alternative materials and production techniques to optimise resources.


The InnoCell project adopts a novel approach starting from local agro-food waste in South Tyrol, to feed a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeasts, abbreviated to ‘scoby’. The scoby can convert food and other food-like agricultural waste into valuable and unique substances through a fermentation process that gives a fermented liquid (known as ‘Kombucha Tea’) and a type of membrane that is a peculiar kind of quality cellulose also called “microbial cellulose”. Biofilms can be processed through various treatments to resemble plastics, paper-pulp, textile or even leather. The multidisciplinary project is a collaboration of product design with Food

++ Funding Type: Internal Funding ++ Duration: 04/2018 – 04/2021 ++ Research Area: Industrial Design, Food Science and Technology ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Nitzan Cohen (Principal investigator), Dr. Secil Ugur Yavuz, and Emma Sicher (Faculty of Design and Art); Prof. Matteo Mario Scampicchio, Dr. Haman Nabil, Dr. Giovanna Ferrentino, and Dr. Ksenia Morozova (Faculty of Science and Technology) ++ Project Partners: Batzen Brewery Bolzano, Bio Vineyard Othmar Sanin, Fructus Meran, Queensland University of Technology, The Edge – State Library of Queensland, The International Design Museum Munich ++ Website: www.unibz.it/en/faculties/design-art/ research/make ++ Selected Publications: Cohen, N., Sicher, E., & Ugur Yavuz, S. (2019). Designing with microbial cellulose to feed new biological cycles. International Journal of Food Design. Cohen, N., Sicher, E., & Ugur Yavuz, S. (2019). From agricultural waste to microbial growth and (g)local resilience. Senses and Sensibility 2019 ConferenceSensibility – Lost in (G)localization. Springer Books.

Science and Technology. It includes novel foods like healthy fermented liquids (vinegar, beverage), versatile fibre-rich ingredients, compostable materials, and semi-finished products that offer alternatives for daily used materials with a harmful environmental footprint. The project has an important glocal perspective – working with local scales and issues with significant global implications, scaling-up, and adaptation potential. A microbial cellulose growth unit is being iterated for the production of diverse substances for possible industrial manufacturing systems. The project started with an in-depth research of the current applications and potential of microbial cellulose. Cultures of scoby and local nourishing sources were tested and selected. Cultures were tested to optimise the process and take measurements, and processed into different statuses. Microbial cellulose applications and their possibilities resulted from literature, case studies, and interdisciplinary brainstorming sessions. The material production and experimentation to develop innovative microbial cellulose products and production techniques are under development.

All photos: ©Emma Sicher | unibz


What Could a Farm Be? What Could a Farm Be? (Come potrebbe essere un maso?) è un progetto di ricerca in Alto Adige che coinvolge contadini, designer, artisti, imprenditori rurali e altri per sperimentare e sviluppare nuovi approcci e pratiche per trovare mezzi di sostentamento rivitalizzando l’economia rurale. Date le realtà contingenti – il cambiamento climatico, la perdita di biodiversità, lo spopolamento delle campagne e le sfide economiche – What Could a Farm Be? si basa su due premesse: la prima che un approccio agro-socio-ecologico è essenziale per mantenere le colture agricole; la seconda che pratiche di progettazione partecipata e pratiche artistiche possono aiutare a catalizzare nuove ricerche per testare questo approccio. Cosa s’intende per ‘agri-culture’ praticabili? Si intende un’agricoltura sostenuta da pratiche socio-culturali, ecologiche ed economicamente eque. Queste agri-culture sono vitali perché riconoscono le diverse prospettive, le pratiche locali e la produzione localizzata di conoscenza, cibo, non cibo e altri prodotti / servizi / esperienze. La ridefinizione del termine “agricoltura” in “agri-cultura” è importante per le piccole aziende europee che lottano contro l’egemonia dei mercati agricoli globalizzati, a cui va aggiunta l’opportunità di ripensare le nozioni di territorio, identità e località. Un Focus Group ha sviluppato i principi guida e una piattaforma web. muu-baa è una rete agri-culturale che riunisce gli interessati per pensare, sperimentare e agire insieme; mira a generare nuove opportunità in contesti rurali e semirurali verso agri-culture vitali; è in fase di sperimentazione in Alto Adige, ma vuole diffondersi a livello internazionale come modello innovativo attraverso l’ibridazione di conoscenze e pratiche.

Key Data ++ Funding Type: Internal Funding ++ Duration: 12/2017 – 06/2020 ++ Research Area: Industrial Design (including Participatory Design) ++ unibz Research Team: Prof. Alastair Fuad-Luke (Principal Investigator) ++ Project Partners: LAG/GAL Eisacktaler Dolomiten, LAG/GAL Südtiroler Grenzland, Südtiroler Bauernbund – Abteilung Innovation & Energie, Raimund Lamprecht (Landwirt), BAU, NOA* architecture network ++ Website: www.muu-baa.org ++ Selected Publications: Fuad-Luke, A. (Ed.). (2020). Field Explorations: Design- and artsbased practices towards viable agri-cultures. AoA (In press).

le aziende agricole altoatesine su temi specifici – cibo, condivisione delle risorse, paesaggio ed economia e risorse poco utilizzate (il letame di mucca, la lana di pecora). Due workshop hanno raccolto ricerche di materiali sperimentali con la lana locale; l’ultimo ha esplorato il tipo di materiale, i servizi e altre trasformazioni delle piccole aziende. Il progetto continua nel 2020 con un modello concettuale di “fabbrica agricola distribuita”: le piccole aziende producono i prodotti alimentari non raccolti tramite i sistemi logistici esistenti (per esempio, il latte) per la distribuzione e la vendita al dettaglio in tutta la provincia.

Tra giugno 2018 e dicembre 2019 muu-baa ha ospitato sette workshop (chiamati “esplorazioni”) in altrettante aziende locali incentrati sullo sviluppo del paesaggio socio-tecnico e dell’innovazione di nicchia nelle picco-




Fig. 1: Un workshop che riunisce contadini, artisti e designer per esplorare la cronologia storica, presente e futura dell‘alimentazione in Alto Adige. Aspmayrhof, Wangen. Photo: ©Alastair Fuad-Luke | unibz

Fig. 2: Prototipo di seduta in feltro con lana locale Bergschaf e tintura naturale (Sambucus nigra). Fig. 3: Lana locale Bergschaf tinta con le bacche di sambuco (Sambucus nigra). Photos: ©Alastair Fuad-Luke | unibz



Wearable Play Wearable Play is a design project led by an international team of three e-textile designers-researchers – Seçil Ugur Yavuz (Faculty of Design and Art, unibz, Italy), Michaela Honauer (Faculty of Media, Mihoo-Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany), and Kristi Kuusk (Estonian Academy of Arts, Spell Disain, Estonia) – to develop prototypes for children‘s games and engage them in more social and physical activities without negating smartphones or computers, to develop aware technology consumption and user behaviour. It aims at exploring new ways to create balance between screen-time and physical play by connecting the comforting character of textiles with the dynamic properties of digital technologies through e-textiles. Funded by WORTH partnership EU programme to support transnational collaborations between fashion designers, creative people, manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) and technology firms, the project aims to develop design-driven and innovative products and prototypes.


An experimental design combines methods as soma-based design and participatory design. By involving children and a professional dancer in its early stages with mock-ups and semi-finished prototypes to explore body interactions, the result is an interactive prototype called Worm-e: a two metre long interactive soft toy that engages children in wholebody and social interactions. The worm-shape soft toy can be used as a key to activate new content from the Worm-e app that gives indications on new activities. It notifies the child after having engaged on the screen and invites her/him to explore her/his body boundaries and movements by interacting with the toy: from balancing on it, embracing or calming it down. It suggests a game activity when activated through a Near Field Communication (NFC) tag integrated in the toy. The prototype is embedded with NFC tags on the textile cover and a micro controller

Photos: Marko Schmidt, Jena / Germany ©Mihoo / Michaela Honauer

Key Data ++ Funding Type: WORTH Partnership Project (funded by the European COSME Programme) ++ Duration: 04/2019 – 04/2020 ++ Research Area: Industrial Design  ++ unibz Research Team: Dr. Seçil Ugur Yavuz Project Partners: Michaela Honauer (MIHOO), Kristi Kuusk (SPELL DISAIN Ltd.) ++ Website: www.worthproject.eu/project/ wearable-play ++ Selected Publications: Honauer, M., Ugur Yavuz, S., & Kuusk, K. (2020). WORM-E: An Interactive Toy Enriching Children’s Bodily and Social Play. DIS’ 20 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 333 – 336.

connected with vibration engines to create vibro-tactile signals moving along the toy inviting the child to touch and move, following haptic stimuli. The project embraces a body-centric approach to design new experiences for children and generate toy concepts that link textiles, digital technology, and somatic play. It tries to answer the following questions by a practice-based design research: how can designers create products or services that allow children to playfully develop body-awareness in a digitally mediated world? The project was mentored by Wolfgang Mildner, as part of EU WORTH partnership project / 2nd call.


Artistic Knowledge – Knowledge in the Making – Künstlerisches Wissen

Key Data

Das Forschungsprojekt versteht sich als Prozess und möchte Merkmale aus der künstlerischen Praxis identifizieren, indem Kunststudent*innen der Fakultät auf dem Weg ihrer Wissensaneignung begleitet werden. Damit reagiert das Projekt auf ein wachsendes Interesse an alternativen Formen der Wissensproduktion. Künstlerische Formen des Wissens rücken nunmehr nicht nur in klassischen Feldern wie Design und Architektur in den Mittelpunkt, sondern auch im Bereich der Pädagogik, Soziologie, Psychologie, Wissenschaften und sogar im Management. Nachdem bei den jungen Menschen, die ein Kunststudium begonnen hatten, große Veränderungen in ihren Einstellungen, Verhaltensweisen und Gedanken festgstellt wurden, beschloss man, diese Veränderungen der Kunststudent*innen ab 2017 schwerpunktmäßig zu protokollieren. Die Untersuchung dokumentiert alle während der Studienzeit entstandenen Kunstwerke, führt Interviews mit erfolgreich Studierenden, beobachtet die Diskussionen in den Ateliers und notiert deren Erfolg. Da jeder Studierende gemäß der Atelieraufträge zwei Werke pro Semester produziert, entsteht so für jeden von ihnen ein Korpus von 18 bis 20 Kunstwerken. Die Werke bilden eine „Sequenz”, die eine künstlerische Haltung erkennen lassen, welche die weitere Entwicklung bestimmt und die Sequenz „programmiert”. Interviews mit Studierenden und Lehrenden versuchen, Orientierungskriterien zu isolieren und die Rolle von Mitstudierenden und Lehrenden zu bestimmen. Zunächst erwies es sich als schwierig, die Relevanz einzelner Werke eines Studierenden in der Sequenz zu definieren. Je weniger Werke betrachtet wurden, desto schwieriger war es, einem singulären Werk Bedeutung zuzuschreiben. ...Schnellvorlauf auf das Jahr 2020 –  der Covid-19 Lockdown als zusätzliches „Laboratorium”: Da jeder Studierende isoliert war, konnte die Rolle der Werk-


Abb. 1: Student*innen beim Auftritt im Atelier ‚Interact‘, November 2019 Photo: ©Francesca Brusa

++ ++ ++ ++

Funding Type: Internal Funding Duration: 04/2018 – 03/2021 Research Area: Industrial Design unibz Research Team: Prof. Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen ++ Project Partner: Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen

stätten, der Materialien, des städtischen Kontexts durch Interviews ermittelt werden, was ein weiteres Licht auf die vielen Einflüsse in der künstlerischen Praxis warf. In den ersten Phasen war das Ergebnis eher mit der Organisation des Studienprogramms befasst: Die Abhängigkeit von Aufgaben bewirkte einen „schulähnlichen” Zugang zur Kunstpraxis. Die wachsende Anzahl der Arbeiten jedes/r Studierenden ermöglicht nun ein klareres Verständnis des individuellen Profils. 2020 als das letzte Jahr des Projekts wird entscheidend sein, denn erst im Nachhinein kann eine „Praxis” skizziert werden. Bereits jetzt hat sich gezeigt, dass es sehr schwierig ist, aus den Leistungen der Studentenschaft eine „künstlerische Praxis” zu verallgemeinern. Es wird nun im ständigen Austausch mit den Studierenden an der Entwicklung von „Personas” gearbeitet, welche einzelne Aspekte jeder Praxis sammeln. Anschließend wird eine visuelle Darstellung dieser Personas/Stile erarbeitet und Leser*innen mittels eines praxisorientieren Forschungsansatzes eingeladen, sich Ergebnisse vorzustellen. Diese lassen sich vermutlich nicht in einer wissenschaftlichen Theorie verallgemeinern, können aber zur Theoriebildung beitragen.


Abb. 2: Filippo Contatore, Und ich bin im Geiste glücklich, Vorstellung 2020 Photo: ©Elisabetta Rattalino



SPASS – Studying, Portraying and Assessing

Key Data

The project Studying, Portraying and ASSessing (SPASS) focuses on scientific practice in interdisciplinary research (IDR) through an explorative study with collaborations from sciences and humanities, and reference to design and the arts. Most publications about IDR show a clear tendency to a programmatic treatment or preference to theoretical discussions, especially epistemic differences between “sciences” and “humanities”. There is the need to look at methodological revisions with a lack of inquiries on IDR practice forms, including quality assurance and funding proposals. There is concern on how to include artistic and aesthetic types of knowledge-production within complexes of interdisciplinary collaboration. SPASS is an academic project on research in-themaking. Attention was focused on programmatic and epistemic questions of interdisciplinarity. What kind of comparative differences can be detected between institutionalised structures and performative forms of disciplinary research and IDR?


In 2019 the SPASS team organised an Open Space on Interdisciplinary Research within the International Mountain Science Conference (IMC2019), a meeting of over 500 researchers with 40 workshops covering a wide range of topics, held at University of Innsbruck, Austria, from 8 – 12 September, 2019. Within the aim of the Open Space on IDR, the team firstly offered and utilised an Interactive Installation to combine the advantages of an attractive and playful design with the functions of a device that could be used both as research instrument and as catalyst of discussions among the visitors. Participants were invited to assess the relevance of 24 preselected factors stimulating and shaping IDR, with regard to their importance (Fig. 1 left) and heuristic functions 1

Fig. 1 + 2: Twofold Interactive Installation on 24 factors stimulating and shaping Interdisciplinary Research. Photos: ©Andreas Metzner Szigeth | unibz

++ Funding Type: Internal Funding ++ Duration: 04/2018 – 10/2021 ++ Research Area: Sociology of Culture and Communication ++ Principal Investigator: Prof. Andreas Metzner-Szigeth ++ Website: www.unibz.it/en/faculties/design-art/ research/enable ++ Selected Publications: Metzner-Szigeth, A. (Ed.). (2018). Zukunftsfähige Entwicklung und generative Organisationskulturen – Wie wir Systeme anders wahrnehmen und Veränderung gestalten können. Oekom Verlag. ++ Böhn, A., & Metzner-Szigeth, A. (Eds.). (2018). Wissenschaftskommunikation, Utopien und Technikzukünfte. KIT Scientific Publishers.

(Fig. 2 right). Secondly, discussions with one another were promoted while using the space for participants to share their insights with the team in some semi-structured in-depth Interviews. Thirdly, supplementary research was conducted on the difficulties in science communication when speakers are asked to serve disciplinary requirements (precise and sufficiently complex) and interdisciplinary needs (reduce complexity and give satisfactory explanations). Focus was set on the presenters’ communication and mediation techniques, especially on interdependencies between their use of visual materials and metaphors or narratives, as interactive elements.



Cooperation and Internationality Gegenwärtig verfügt die Fakultät über ein umfangreiches Ökosystem der Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Fakultäten, dem BITZ fablab, lokalen, nationalen und internationalen Institutionen sowie NGOs und NPOs. Hinzu kommen laufende Projektkooperationen mit lokalen Unternehmen, privaten Institutionen und öffentlichen Verwaltungseinrichtungen.

Prof. Christian Upmeier arbeitete mit dem Südtiroler Landtag für deren Jugendportal zusammen. In dem Projekt mit nutzerzentriertem Design (UX, UCD) sollen Schnittstellen verbessert, eine App entwickelt und die Beteiligung und der Dialog über aktuelle politische, soziale und ökologische Themen von Jugendlichen gefördert werden.

Die Aktivitäten konzentrieren sich auf Südtirol, Italien und Deutschland, dehnen sich über die Netzwerke und Projekte von kürzlich rekrutierten Professoren aber zunehmend international aus.

Prof. Kuno Prey initiierte verschiedene Workshops und Projekte mit lokalen Partnern: einen Workshop im Jugend-Kultur-Zentrum POINT-Neumarkt; das Atelier„obdachlos in bozen | bolzano senzatetto“ in Kooperation mit Salewa Oberalp AG; „il budino“ in Zusammenarbeit mit art&design glass; das „LernRAUM-Reallabor St. Magdalena“ in Kooperation mit SSP Welsberg, Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften unibz, Berufsbildungszentrum Bruneck, Gemeinde Gsies, Fraktion St. Magdalena, lokalen Handwerkern und St. Magdalena im Gsiesertal; das „Reallabor St. Magdalena-Volksschule“ mit „insodoch“ für neue Kreativräume und Lesemöbel im Dachgeschoss in Zusammenarbeit mit Arch. Andreas Hammon.

Für das „FablabNet Bigfest“ des MUSE in Trient stellten Dr. Seçil Ugur Yavuz und Prof. Alastair Fuad-Luke im Mai 2019 gemeinsam mit Kathrin Kofler, dem BITZ fablab Team und deren Mitgliedern ein interaktives Strickwerkzeug aus, mit dem verschiedene visuelle Muster auf einem Bildschirm erzeugt werden konnten.

Prof. Roberto Gigliotti hielt im Juni 2019 einen Vortrag im Rahmen der „DEA_Design d’Espace / Allestimento / Exhibition Design“ in Paris/Frankreich.

Abb. Interaktives Strickwerkzeug FabLab Trento FablabNet BigFest – Seçil Ugur Yavuz, unibz and Muse FabLab. Creative Commons licence

Prof. Alastair Fuad-Luke war im Juli 2019 Redner beim „ADESSOSymposium A Day of Study on Aesthetics and Design for Social Innovation” am Politecnico di Milano sowie Mentor und Redner der „Atlantic Wonder: Routes of Nature and Design Summer School”

in Madeira/Portugal. In den Büros der Europaregion Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino in Brüssel / Belgien präsentierte er im November 2019 im Rahmen der „European Union Design Days“ Arbeiten zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit & Kreislaufwirtschaft. Als Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Komitees des Mailänder Pavillons für zeitgenössische Kunst war Prof. Emanuela De Cecco 2019 ganzjährig aktiv. Weitere Aktivitäten unserer Forscher*innen auf lokaler und internationaler Ebene: Dr. Jennifer Schubert: Radiointerview mit Günther Innerebner (Helios) zum Thema „Design & Nachhaltigkeit” (13. April 2019, RAI Südtirol); Leitung des Workshops „Citizen driven Technology” im Rahmen der „Socially Engaged Design Conference“ (SED) in Zypern (6. Oktober 2019). Dr. Seçil Ugur Yavuz: Organisation und Mitarbeit an „Gli Abiti Parlanti“, einem partizipatorischen Designworkshop im Rahmen der von Ren Collective organisierten Veranstaltung „Fashion Revolution” in Turin (24. April 2019). Dr. Roberta Raffaeta: PerformanceModeration „Open Fermentation“ (mit Lucie Strecker im „Angewandte Performance Lab“ der Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Wien/ Österreich (15. November 2019).



Research Events


11 – 12 aprile 2019 Negotiating the Transcultural Museum; il simposio per indagare il presente e il futuro delle piccole organizzazioni artistiche contemporanee si è tenuto a Museion, Bolzano, organizzato da Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen e Letizia Ragaglia. L’idea del museo è cambiata. Non più contenitore di opere d’arte e oggetti da raccogliere e curare, ma luogo di produzione culturale condivisa e continuativa. L’obiettivo è mediare tra il carattere collettivo e cooperativo della produzione culturale dei musei, tra il contesto locale in cui si trovano e operano e la dimensione globale e transculturale delle pratiche artistiche e curatoriali contemporanee. Tra i collaboratori: Marco Scotini (NABA / FM Center for Contemporary Art, Milano), Christian Kravagna (Accademia di Belle Arti, Vienna), Carol Yinghua Lu (curatrice indipendente, Pechino), Emanuele Guidi (AR/GE Kunst, Bolzano), Tereza Stejskalová (Tranzit, Praga). Hanno partecipato cinque giovani accademici: Ana Bilbao (Università delle Arti, Londra), Ana Sol Gonzales Rueda (Università di St. Andrews, St. Andrews), Jana Haeckel (Goethe Institute, Bruxelles) e Jennifer Warren (Università delle Arti, Londra).

11 – 14 aprile 2019 La conferenza annuale BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER, dal titolo Make Transformation Tangible!, organizzata da Kris Krois, si è tenuta a unibz e a Malles, Alta Val Venosta. La serie di conferenze (annuali dal 2015) è co-sviluppata da docenti e studenti del Master in Eco-Social Design della Facoltà. È un’occasione per uno scambio sulle pratiche creative che innescano trasformazioni eco-sociali. Relatori e pubblico provengono da vari ambiti: innovativi imprenditori agricoli locali, designer di fama internazionale, professionisti interdisciplinari e ricercatori. L’incontro offre conferenze frontali, incontri informali, workshop pratici ed escursioni. La conferenza ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 200 persone e per il secondo anno consecutivo è stata collegata al festival “Hier und da – gut leben im ländlichen Raum / Il buon vivere nelle zone periferiche” in Alta Val Venosta, Alto Adige. Il festival è stato sponsorizzato da Südtirolwein e Hans Sauer Stiftung.

13 – 14 dicembre 2019 La conferenza Playing and display: Practices of Cultural Heritage as Cultural Production è stata organizzata dalla Piattaforma Tutela del patrimonio culturale e produzione culturale della Facoltà di Design e Arti. Il dibattito teorico interdisciplinare sulle pratiche del patrimonio culturale come pratiche di produzione culturale sottolinea l’importanza della valorizzazione in direzione di nuove forme culturali attraverso l’esposizione e il “gioco” con gli oggetti, i luoghi e le performance, il che implica anche conflitti e controversie. Sei giovani studiosi provenienti da diverse università e istituti internazionali – selezionati tramite un “call for papers” – hanno presentato i loro progetti sulle pratiche partecipative dei beni culturali. Gabi DolffBonekämper, keynote speaker, ha approfondito i temi della conferenza. Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen e i relatori Elizabeth Auclair, Regina Bendix, Raimund Karl ed Emanuela Rossi, provenienti da diverse università, hanno contribuito al tema patrimonio culturale e partecipazione. L’evento è stato organizzato da Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Waltraud Kofler-Engl e Daniela Salvucci. www.culturalheritage.unibz.it/ new-events


By Design or By Disaster – Graphic: ©Samuele Cucuietu, Mina Mahouti, Lisa Eggert

Molti professori e ricercatori della Facoltà di Design e Arti curano esposizioni e partecipano a mostre personali o collettive. Tra le varie attività degne di nota nel 2019 citiamo: Kuno Prey curatore di SIDE BY SIDE – social design (Galleria Civica di Bolzano, 18.01 – 14.02.2019); WIR draußen _ NOI fuori, mostra fotografica con immagini di Ludwig Thalheimer (Foyer unibz, ottobre 2019); e Edoardo Gellner und die Landschaft / I paesaggi di Edoardo Gellner, mostra in collaborazione con l’Associazione Culturale Edoardo Gellner – Cortina d’Ampezzo (Foyer Aula Magna unibz, dicembre 2019). 61

Playing and Displaying: Practices of Cultural Heritage as Cultural Production. Graphic: ©Erna Hitzberger/ Neue Serie Handdruck

Contacts Faculty of Design and Art Universitätsplatz 1 Piazza Università, 1 Bozen-Bolzano Italy – 39100 +39 0471 015 000 design-art@unibz.it www.unibz.it/en/faculties/ design-art


↓ Competence Centre for Regional History Key Data Campus Brixen-Bressanone People ++ Researchers: 5 ++ Administrative Staff: 1

The Competence Centre for Regional History (ZeFüR) is a historical-scientific competence centre with research focusing on areas of Regional Contemporary History, Regional History of Modern Age, and Regional Women’s and Gender History. The centre’s research and mediation initiatives, concentrated on the historical Tyrol and the Alpine region, aim in particular at basic historical research, the intensification of scientific cooperation and the stronger networking of regional historical research in the Alpine region. In the course of 2019, the historical research and mediation activities of the Competence Centre were consolidated and expanded. In 2019, the focus was on the Centenary of the Paris Peace Treaties (1919/20 – 2019/20) after World War I. Within the framework of this historical timeline, the Centre was able to carry out a series of research and mediation initiatives. The thematically relevant research project (editor: Oswald Überegger) on the effects of the Peace of Paris on the region of Tyrol was completed. The research area Regional Contemporary History headed by Oswald Überegger and Karlo Ruzicic Kessler focuses on the regional

Director Oswald Überegger history of the 20th century. Particular attention is paid to the history after 1945 and the topic of historical memory cultures. Coming to terms with the history of the 20th century is still difficult and controversial in South Tyrol: the end of World War I and its consequences, fascism and national socialism, option and resettlement, the “bomb years” and finally the history of autonomy are not only objects of scientific research, but topics that are controversially discussed in public discourse. The aim of this research area is to objectify the discourses and to provide new impulses to understand regional contemporary history. The research area Regional History of the Modern Age (coordinator: Francesca Brunet) deals with the “long” 19th century in the Tyrolean region. On a regional level, the 19th century can be described as

an elementary formation phase, a “laboratory of modernity” (E. Frie), which still shapes our understanding of Tyrol, “Tirolizität” or “Trentinità” and the “Tyrolean region”. This development is closely linked to processes of nationalisation, social differentiation and medialisation. After 1800, a completely new sphere of action and perception emerged, which was generated by state-institutional practice, religious-ecclesiastical transformation, socio-economic change, cultural modernisation and communicative consolidations. This specific regional-historical problem is addressed by the research focus with basic heuristic approaches. The research area Regional Women’s and Gender History, headed by Siglinde Clementi, brings the category “gender” to stand in regional historical research. Since the 1970s, a differentiated women’s and gender history has developed, which calls for the consideration of the category “gender” as a relational category in all historical epochs, with a gender-specific and intersectional view. In regional history, women’s and gender history is still strongly marginalised and underexposed. Said research aims to counteract these voids and to focus in particular on the transition period from the 18th to the 19th century, i.e. the period of formation of modernity and the first half of the 20th century with fascisms and total wars, as well as the period of postmodernism with the central political and cultural movement of feminism of the ‘70s and its effects.


Research Projects Im Schatten des Krieges. Geschichte Tirols 1918 – 1920 Ziel des Forschungsprojektes „Im Schatten des Krieges“ ist die Erarbeitung einer Überblicksdarstellung auf der Basis der neuesten Forschungsliteratur und weiterer Quellen- und Archivstudien. Im Fokus stehen die Umbruchsjahre zwischen dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges und der Annexion Südtirols im Jahr 1920. Zum einen sind die politischen und militärischen Schlüsselereignisse dieser Umbruchsphase Gegenstand der Untersuchungen. Die nationale Polarisierung der Tiroler Politik gegen Ende des Krieges und die politischen und militärischen Ereignisse auf dem Weg hin zum Waffenstillstand von Villa Giusti am 3. November 1918 stehen genauso im Mittelpunkt wie die Umwälzungen in der Tiroler Parteienlandschaft, die Debatten über die Tiroler Frage auf der Pariser Friedenskonferenz sowie die verschiedenen politischen und militärischen Positionierungen mit Blick auf die finale Integration Südtirols in den italienischen Staat durch die Annexion. Zum anderen geht es um die bisher in Forschung und Geschichtsvermittlung stark vernachlässigten sozioökonomischen, gesellschaftlichen und lebensweltlichen Entwicklungen dieser Umbruchszeit.

Österreichisch-ungarische Soldaten zu Kriegsende im November 1918 am Bahnhof in Bozen (Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra, Rovereto)

Von einer erfahrungsgeschichtlichen Perspektive ausgehend, werden diese Umbruchsjahre insbesondere mit Blick auf ihre Bedeutung für soziale bzw. gesellschaftliche Zäsuren, Umwälzungen und Veränderungsprozesse untersucht. Dabei beschränkt sich die Perspektive nicht nur auf Südtirol. In räumlicher Hinsicht ist es Ziel des Projektes, die Entwicklung in allen ehemaligen Landesteilen des historischen Tirols (dem heutigen Bundesland Tirol sowie den Autonomen Provinzen von Bozen/Südtirol und Trient/Trentino) vergleichs- und verflechtungshistorisch darzustellen. Das im Oktober 2016 begonnene Forschungsprojekt konnte im Laufe des Jahres 2019 abgeschlossen werden. Die Forschungsergebnisse sind im renommierten Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh (Brill), Paderborn als Monographie erschienen. Die Publikation versucht, die Entwicklung Tirols vom letzten Kriegsjahr 1918 bis hin zur ‚Annexion‘ Südtirols zu analysieren, kritisch zu hinterfragen und auf verständliche Weise in sechs Schwerpunktthemen zu erzählen: Überegger, O. (2018). Im Schatten des Krieges. Geschichte Tirols 1918 – 1920. Ferdinand Schöningh. Principal Investigator: Oswald Überegger



L’Alto Adige e le relazioni transnazionali tra Italia e Austria durante la guerra fredda


La questione altoatesina ha condizionato per decenni i rapporti diplomatici tra Italia e Austria, ai quali, sul piano internazionale, ha fatto da sfondo la Guerra fredda. Mentre le varie fasi del rapporto tra i due governi sono state studiate in indagini di taglio storico e politico, poche ricerche hanno finora riguardato il dialogo e le interazioni tra i partiti politici dei due Paesi. Avviato dal Centro di Competenza Storia regionale nel 2018, il progetto “L’Alto Adige e le relazioni transnazionali tra Italia e Austria durante la Guerra fredda” va al di là degli isolati casi sinora analizzati, nel tentativo di gettare uno sguardo d’insieme sulle relazioni tra le forze politiche italiane e austriache di orientamento simile durante gli anni della Guerra fredda. In particolare, l’indagine vuole mettere in evidenza la rilevanza assunta dall’Alto Adige nei rapporti tra Roma e Vienna al di fuori dei classici ambienti diplomatici, analizzando, ad esempio, l’approccio di Bruno Kreisky nei confronti dell’Italia e dell’Alto Adige negli anni Sessanta, un approccio che si concentrava non solo sulla platea internazionale, ovvero sulle Nazioni Unite, e i rapporti diplomatici, ma anche sulla questione del socialismo in Alto Adige e sui canali di comunicazione che esistevano tra il partito socialista austriaco e la socialdemocrazia in Italia.

Osservando le relazioni tra i partiti di orientamento democristiano, socialista/socialdemocratico e comunista è possibile gettare uno sguardo dietro le quinte del processo politico-diplomatico, individuare interdipendenze e, infine, fare luce sulle posizioni e valutazioni dei diversi esponenti in merito alla questione altoatesina. Il risultato di tale ricerca è un quadro complesso che rivela come la questione dell’Alto Adige abbia avuto un ruolo centrale nelle analisi e nelle strategie politiche di tutti i partiti durante la Guerra fredda. Si pensi soltanto alle iniziative austriache innanzi alle Nazioni Unite per internazionalizzare il conflitto, o alla chiusura dell’Italia che stroncò ogni iniziativa di Vienna verso la Comunità economica europea a causa della politica austriaca relativa all’Alto Adige su scala internazionale. Principal Investigator: Dr. Karlo Ruzicic Kessler

Il Presidente del Consiglio italiano Alcide De Gasperi e il Ministro degli Esteri austriaco Karl Gruber in occasione della firma di un trattato commerciale tra Austria e Italia, 8.11.1948 (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)


The Power of Property. Wealth Arrangements, Gender Relations and Kinship in the Tyrolean Nobility 1500 to 1700 The project, started in 2017, investigates the complex relationship between wealth arrangements in early modern aristocratic families and family constellations and emotions. Wealth is understood as a medium that establishes social relationships, which in turn are characterised by power relations. Intergenerational and gender-specific interactions are of particular interest in this context. Every exchange of assets had to balance out the different interests of all singles involved and of kinship groups. This precarious situation was regulated by means of contracts, wills, statements, confirmations, and settlements. The potential for conflict was great, as different interests clashed and had to be regulated in the exchange between generations and genders. Kinship relations were built through communication and interaction, processes of negotiation and cooperation, but also through competition and conflict. Through the category of kinship, inclusion and exclusion were created based on asset arrangements, and this approach carried political significance. These property arrangements and the kinship organisation were not only integrated in the local and partly trans-regional economy and social structure, but it had an impact on its development, too.

Hercules Thun und Dorothea Thun, geb. Khuen-Belasi 1593 (Castel Thun)

In this context of family wealth arrangements, marital property regime and inheritance law were specifically related and, as legal norms, were in tension with social practice. The particular challenge of the project is to reconstruct these complex relationships for the Tyrolean territory with its political fragmentation and as a transitional area between the German and Italian lands. In order to gain an overview of all facets of the exchange of marital property and inheritance practice, as well as the gender and kinship relationships that derived from them, this project combines a micro-historical approach with comparative regional, economic, and gender history. The project draws on a broad source base (marriage contracts, wills, inheritance contracts and divisions, receipts, widow‘s endowments, inventories, estates, settlements) from the aristocratic family archives and combines this rather praxeological approach with discourse history in order to gain an overview of the whole spectrum of the topic. Principal Investigator: Dr. Siglinde Clementi Two articles and a special issue of a journal were published on the topic of the project: Clementi, S. (2018). Heiraten in Grenzräumen. Vermögensarrangements adeliger Ehefrauen und -männer im frühneuzeitlichen Tirol. In Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione, 27 (2), 44 – 69. Clementi, S. / Maegraith, J. (Ed.). (2018). Vermögen und Verwandtschaft / Patrimonio e parentela (Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione 27, 2). Studienverlag. Clementi, S. (2019). Undivided brothers – renouncing sisters. Family strategies of low nobility in sixteenth and seventeenth century Tyrol. In A. Bellavitis / B. Zucca Micheletto (Ed.), Gender, Law and Economic Well-Being in Europe from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century. North versus South? (pp. 149 – 163). Routledge.



Cooperation and Internationality In 2019, the Competence Centre was involved in several research collaborations with national and international cooperation partners.


The HISTOREGIO project has been jointly elaborated by the members of the Universities of Innsbruck (Prof. Mazohl) and Trento (Prof. Leonardi) on the scientific advisory board and the director of the Competence Centre for Regional History (Dr. Überegger), and financed by the Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino. The aim of the project is to strengthen the cooperation between the Euregio Universities in regional history agendas within the framework of specific projects. As part of the joint project of the three universities, the Competence Centre for Regional History is leading a research project on the topic “Italy, South Tyrol and the Peace of Paris 1919: Political Positions, Diplomatic Strategies, and Social Discourses” (project collaborator: Dr. Magda Martini).

Oswald Überegger acts as scientific advisor and cooperation partner of the research project of the Institute for Contemporary History (IfZ), Munich-Berlin “‘One hears, one speaks‘: Informal Communication and Information ‘From Below’ in Nazi Europe”. The project investigates the interaction between official, state-controlled communication “from above” and the production, processing, and interpretation of informal information “from below” in Nazi Germany and in the German-occupied territories of Europe. The Leibniz Association, within the framework of the programme “Leibniz Best Brains – Junior Research Groups”, funds the project led by Caroline Mezger (Institut für Zeitgeschichte, München). Oswald Überegger is an associate member of the research group “Sexual Violence in World War I: Military Court Records of the Imperial and Royal Army and Self-Testimonies as Sources”, which is based at the University of Vienna and in which several institutes of the University of Vienna

The HISTOREGIO project coordinator and team members of unibz, University of Innsbruck and University of Trento, together with Arno Kompatscher, Governor of South Tyrol, and Beate Palfrader, Member of the Tyrolean Regional Government. Photo: ©unibz.

(History, Contemporary History, Economic and Social History, Eastern European History) are involved. The aim is to submit a project to the Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research in Vienna with the participation of the Competence Centre. Siglinde Clementi is a member of the coordinating team of the interdisciplinary project “‘Naturally‘ relating to land. Mountain farming in the Alps – an ethnographic study”, carried out in collaboration with the ethnologist Elisabeth Tauber and the linguist Stephanie Risse (Faculty of Education). The project deals with high mountain farmers and their life perspectives against the background of the problem of migration and is based on the assumption that high mountain farmers are undergoing profound transformation processes despite their marginal existence. Siglinde Clementi is an associate member of the research network “Auto_Biography and Gender”, which includes the University of Innsbruck, the Brenner Archive, the University of Vienna, the University of Graz, and the Salzburg City Archive.


Research Events

29. – 30. Oktober 2019 Die internationale Tagung Europa der Grenzen – Neue Perspektiven auf die Grenzen im Kalten Krieg wurde von Karlo Ruzicic-Kessler in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Österreichischen Historischen Institut in Rom organisiert. Anlässlich des 30. Jahrestags des Falls der Berliner Mauer und angesichts aktueller Grenzdiskussionen in Europa sowie der Forderungen nach Errichtung fester zwischenstaatlicher Barrieren, leistete die Tagung einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Neubewertung verschiedener Grenzszenarien in Europa zwischen 1945 und 1990.

Internationale Tagung | International Conference

Zentraleuropa (1918–1939)

Images of Remembrance and the Construction of Memories The Legacy of the First World War in Central Europe (1918-1939)

7.–8.11.2019 Hörsaal | Room: A1.50

Freie Universität Bozen Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften Faculty of Education Regensburger Allee 16 39042 BRIXEN/BRESSANONE Südtirol-Italien / South Tyrol-Italy

Teilnehmer / Participants Judit Acsády Daniel Artho Etienne Boisserie Andreea Dăncilă Tim Grady Brian K. Feltman Christa Hämmerle Diego Han John Horne Jiří Hutečka Christoph Jahr Rudolf Kučera Gerald Lamprecht Richard Lein Angelique Leszczawski-Schwerk Ruth Nattermann Matteo Perissinotto Devlin M. Scofield Thomas Stoppacher Werner Suppanz Monika Szczepaniak Oswald Überegger Adelheid Voskuhl Sophie Elaine Wolf


Informationen / Informations Kompetenzzentrum für Regionalgeschichte Centro di competenza Storia regionale Freie Universität Bozen / Libera Università di Bolzano Dantestraße 4 Via Dante 39042 Brixen / Bressanone +39 0472 014 050 regional.history@unibz.it · www.unibz.it


6. – 7. Juni 2019 Der jährliche internationale Workshop des Forschungsnetzwerkes Auto_Biographie und Geschlecht wurde heuer zum Thema „Widerstand“ am Brennerarchiv der Universität Innsbruck ausgerichtet.

7. – 8. November 2019 Die internationale Tagung Images of Remembrance and the Construction of Memories. The Legacy of the First World War in Central Europe (1918 – 1939) / Erinnerungsbilder und Gedächtniskonstruktionen. Das Erbe des Ersten Weltkrieges in Zentraleuropa (1918 – 1939) wurde von Oswald Überegger in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Wien, Institut für Geschichte und der Erinnerungsbilder und Centrum für JüUniversität Graz, Gedächtniskonstruktionen dische Studien Das Erbe des Ersten Weltkriegs in organisiert.

Bildnachweis: „Heldendenkmal“, Wien; Käthe Kollwitz, „Nie wieder Krieg“, Plakat, 1924

Das Kompetenzzentrum für Regionalgeschichte hat im Laufe des Jahres 2019 drei internationale Tagungen an der Freien Universität Bozen und einen internationalen Workshop am Brennerarchiv in Innsbruck ausgerichtet.

Tagungsplakat (Freie Universität Bozen)

15. – 16. November 2019 Siglinde Clementi organisierte gemeinsam mit Elisabeth Tauber, Ethnologin an der Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften der unibz, die interdisziplinäre Tagung Local Identities and Their External Sources: Communities in South Tirol.

Contacts Competence Centre for Regional History Dantestraße 4 Via Dante, 4 Brixen-Bressanone Italy – 39042 +39 0472 014 050 regional.history@unibz.it www.unibz.it/en/home/ research/competence-centreregional-history

Illustration: ©unibz


Competence Centre for Tourism and Mobility le destinazioni per favorire la transizione delle regioni turistiche ad alte prestazioni verso uno sviluppo sostenibile. Con un progetto centrato sulla sostenibilità come parte del brand equity della destinazione, si analizzerà la percezione che i turisti hanno della sostenibilità. I risultati porteranno i gestori a migliorare le strategie di comunicazione e i processi di formazione dell’immagine del luogo.

Key Data Bruneck-Brunico People ++ Professors: 1 ++ Researchers: 1 ++ Administrative Staff: 1

The Competence Centre for Tourism and Mobility was established in March 2019 at Bruneck-Brunico university campus. Tourism needs mobility. Mobility allows tourists to reach their favourite destination and to enjoy their stay. With over 100 million visitors per year, the Alps are one of the most intensive tourism areas on the globe. Among the alpine destinations, South Tyrol has a leading role since it hosts nearly 8 million guests per year for about 34 million nights. The success of the tourism sector has led to a steady increase of individual traffic, especially car traffic. This results in tensions of the transport network not only during the high season. Public debates on over-tourism and the need for an end of growth have started. But these discussions are primarily mobility-related discussions, as the local inhabitants see their mobility wishes and needs limited. The Competence Centre aims at developing and implementing concrete solutions to solve conflicts and to turn tourism mobility towards sustainable solutions by applied research in cooperation with local and regional tourism and mobility stakeholders. International competitive research results are needed as well as the ability to transfer them to practical application.

Director Prof. Thomas Bausch Quando il Centro di Competenza Turismo e Mobilità è stato istituito, si sono definite quattro aree di ricerca. La prima crea le basi per la futura gestione dei flussi di visitatori e la minimizzazione degli impatti negativi del turismo grazie ai nuovi modelli e teorie nel campo del turismo e della mobilità. Si svilupperà un sistema di raccolta dati sui modelli della mobilità che colmerà il gap esistente nei metodi nella descrizione dei modelli sul movimento dei ciclisti (problema dei dati) così come il gap nella teoria delle ragioni e del tipo di attività che gli ospiti preferiscono (trigger). La suddetta mancanza di metodi e teorie sarà colmata con l’analisi del caso della Val Pusteria e dei percorsi ciclistici più utilizzati. La seconda si snoda nel campo dello sviluppo e della gestione del-

La terza si concentra sulla gestione delle imprese turistiche. Uno studio completo in collaborazione con Skirama Dolomites, l’organizzazione di gestione marketing del comprensorio sciistico Plan de Corones, rivelerà i fattori chiave che influenzano il livello di soddisfazione degli ospiti in una giornata sciistica. Le strategie future nel campo dei prezzi e dell’informazione in tempo reale degli sciatori saranno da supporto per la gestione dell’area, per aumentare la competitività in un mercato in contrazione. La quarta si concentra sulle reti regionali nel settore del turismo e della mobilità. Per evitare l’affollamento nei luoghi di maggior attrazione e il crollo del sistema del trasporto pubblico, è necessaria una guida attiva degli ospiti a livello di destinazione. La base di tale orientamento è la rete dei soggetti interessati provenienti da strutture ricettive, trasporto pubblico e privato e gestione delle attrazioni. Gli attuali rischi derivanti dall’affollamento dei luoghi e dei mezzi del trasporto a causa di Covid-19 sottolineano l’importanza di un sistema di supporto che distribuisca gli ospiti nello spazio e nel tempo.


Research Projects Nachhaltigkeit als Teil des Markenwerts einer Destination: Der Fall Südtirol Das CCTM initiierte 2019 ein erstes Projekt im Rahmen des Forschungsschwerpunkts Destinationsentwicklung und Destinationsmarketing. Dieses widmet sich den Themen der Nachhaltigkeit und des nachhaltigen Tourismus in Südtirol. Wesentliches Element des Projekts ist eine umfassende Studie, die in den beiden Kernmärkten Südtirols, Deutschland und Italien, durchgeführt wurde. Das Studienkonzept kombiniert qualitative und quantitative Instrumente unter Verwendung eines Online-Forums. Die Erhebung wurde im Dezember mit Teilnehmer*innen aus Deutschland (87) und Italien (69), die dem Online-Forum für vier Tage beigetreten waren, durchgeführt. Der Aufbau der Studie wie auch die gezielte Auswahl der Befragten ermöglichten es, für beide Länder eine repräsentative Stichprobe zu regelmäßig reisenden Personen mit Interesse an Südtirol als Reisedestination durchzuführen. Es konnten aufschlussreiche Daten über das Konsumentenverständnis des Begriffs und der Idee „Nachhaltigkeit“ gesammelt werden, über ihre Einstellung gegenüber eines nachhaltigen Tourismus und der Wahrnehmung von Nachhaltigkeit als Teil des Markenwerts Südtirols.

Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die meisten Konsument*innen eine vage und unvollständige Auffassung von Nachhaltigkeit haben. Deutliche interkulturelle Unterschiede zwischen deutschen und italienischen Befragten, die zunächst vermutet wurden, bestätigten sich nicht. Nachhaltiger Tourismus wird teilweise als sehr positiv beurteilt, teilweise aber auch als grüner Etikettenschwindel (greenwashing) von Aktivitäten mit negativen Umweltauswirkungen kritisiert. Umweltfreundliche Mobilität gilt für die Befragten als der wichtigste Faktor, um konkret von Nachhaltigkeit im Fremdenverkehr sprechen zu können. Entsprechende Transportmöglichkeiten sollten den Reisenden sowohl für das Erreichen des Urlaubsziels als auch für Aktivitäten während des Aufenthalts zur Verfügung stehen. Principal Investigator: Prof. Thomas Bausch


Contacts Competence Centre for Tourism and Mobility Universitätsplatz 1 Piazzetta dell’Università, 1 Bruneck-Brunico Italy – 39031 cctm@unibz.it www.unibz.it/en/home/ research/competence-centretourism-mobility Photo: ©Markus Spiske | Unsplash


↓ Figures on Research Projects and Funding 2019 In 2019, unibz completed 123 research projects. 195 new research projects were started, of which 113 were externally funded for a total value of 7.2 million €.

In 2019, unibz signed 68 research contracts with third parties for a total value of 1.6 million €. Number of Research Contracts by Faculty

Number of Externally Funded Projects by Faculty 15 Education 17 Computer Science 4 Design and Art 7 Economics and Management 23 Education

10 Computer Science

3 Design and Art 4 Economics and Management 36 Science and Technology

62 Science and Technology

Research Contract Funding by Faculty 70

External Funding by Funding Source (and Number of Projects) 0,11 MM € Regional Funding (3) 1,60 MM € Research Contracts (68) 0,87 MM € Other International Funding (12) 1,23 MM € National Funding (10)

7% Economics and Management 2% Design and Art 19% Computer Science 12% Education 60% Science and Technology

3,38 MM € European Funding (20)

20 new projects funded or co-funded by EU programmes were started in 2019 with a total budget of 3.38 million € allocated to unibz. European Funding by Funding Programme

HORIZON2020 0,78 MM € (23%) ERASMUS+ 0,34 MM € (10%) ERDF (EFRE-FESR) 1,43 MM € (42%) INTERREG 0,83 MM € (25%)

Since 2017, external funding for research projects involving the five faculties have increased by nearly two thirds.

2017 External Funding


3,5 MM €

7,2 MM €

4,1 MM €

5,9 MM €

4,1 MM €

4,3 MM €

Research Funding 2017 – 2019


Internal Funding

External Funding 2017

Education 63,216 € (1.46%) Computer Science 595,535 € (13.76%) Science and Technology 3,669,200 € (84.78%)


External Funding 2018 Education 221,358 € (3.75%) Economics and Management 313,715 € (5.32%) Design and Art 20,800 € (0.35%) Computer Science 396,730 € (6.72%) Science and Technology 4,946,820 € (83.85%)

External Funding 2019 Education 506,155 € (7.04%) Economics and Management 276,747 € (3.85%) Design and Art 35,374 € (0.49%) Computer Science 2,093,346 € (29.10%) Science and Technology 4,283,025 € (59.53%)

Source: boris – unibz

↓ Figures on Peer-reviewed Publications in 2019 unibz Publications 2019 by Publication Type 15 Authored books (1%) 28 Editorships book / journal (3%) 179 Contributions in books (19%) 462 Journal articles (49%) 267 Conference proceedings (28%)

Publications by Faculty / Competence Centre and Publication Type


Design and Art

Economics Education and Management

Source: boris – unibz

Science and Computer Technology Science

CC Regional History

• Journal articles • Editorships (book / journal) • Contributions in books • Conference proceedings • Authored books


% of A-Class Academic Journal Articles*

unibz Citations in Scopus*






Design and Art



*compared to the total number of articles published in academic journals in the same year. A-Class: Excellence journals in the non-bibliometric scientific areas (as rated by ANVUR). Not applicable to the Faculties of Computer Science and Science and Technology (STEM subjects).

6000 3000

9,655 2015







CC Regional History





Economics and Management





*peer-reviewed publications from authors with unibz affiliation. Source: Scopus

Source: boris – unibz

2019 unibz Publications – Co-Authors Network 73

Source: Scopus


↓ Industry and Society

I progetti formativi FSE

Joint Projects unibz is a partner for research and innovation by working in close collaboration with local, national, and international businesses and institutions.  This collaboration between science, business and society results in the creation of new technology, products and services. The importance of research and teaching from a practical perspective is strengthened by joint projects. Therefore, our focus is to foster the transfer of knowledge and technology to the community and promote close working relationships between research and industry.  In  2019,  unibz  established 68 new research contracts with local, national, and international businesses and institutions.

Il Fondo Sociale Europeo (FSE) – Europäischer Sozialfonds (ESF) è il principale strumento utilizzato dall’UE per sostenere l’occupazione, per migliorare le opportunità lavorative e assicurare che siano più eque per tutti. I progetti sono tesi ad investire nel capitale umano, vera risorsa dell’Europa. Attualmente l’attività di progettazione FSE dell’Ateneo coinvolge attivamente 3 facoltà: Scienze della Formazione, Scienze e Tecnologie informatiche e Scienze e Tecnologie. I temi principali sono la dispersione scolastica e la formazione aziendale. Nel corso del 2019 sono stati presentati 6 progetti e ne sono stati approvati 5, in corso di realizzazione nel 2020, per un totale di 219.740 €. A causa della crisi sanitaria dovuta al Covid-19, i progetti volti a contrastare la dispersione scolastica di alunni a rischio sono proseguiti in modalità a distanza (cosiddetta FAD), con un grande impegno da parte di tutti gli attori coinvolti, nella consapevolezza che la crisi avrebbe colpito proprio gli scolari più fragili.



Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie informatiche Research contracts 2019 by companies’ or organisations’ geographical location

FSE30368 Summer Bridge*


Energy Start

FSE30348 Last Round FSE30341 Tandem

FSE30267 Taste



Other national





Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione

*rinuncia del progetto causa Covid-19, poiché era previsto un campo estivo per bambini con difficoltà d’apprendimento per sostenerli nel passaggio dalla scuola elementare alla scuola media.


Intellectual Property Rights

National & International Networking

Erfindungen und Patente belegen die Innovationskraft der Universität und den Erwerb von Fachwissen auf technologischem Gebiet. Die Verwaltung des geistigen Eigentums ist ein strategisches Element zum Wissenstransfer und zum Schutz des erfinderischen Eigentums der Universität.

unibz is a member of the national and European network of universities and research centres for technology transfer, as well as being in constant contact with technology transfer services at other universities in Italy and abroad.

In Zusammenarbeit mit externen Experten unterstützt unibz seine Forscher*innen bei Patentanmeldeverfahren, der Verwaltung des geistigen Eigentums für die kommerzielle Verwertung ihrer Forschungsergebnisse und organisiert Ausbildungsveranstaltungen zu Patenten, Marken und Geistigen Eigentumsrechten (Intellectual Property Rights – IPR). Die Professor*innen und Forscher*innen der unibz können insgesamt 7 international und national erteilte Patente vorweisen.

Il primo spin-off di unibz Nella primavera del 2019, il prof. Diego Calvanese e alcuni ricercatori della Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie informatiche hanno dato vita al primo spin-off di unibz: Ontopic Srl. Ontopic offre servizi avanzati alle aziende private e al settore pubblico nel campo dell’informatica, in particolare dell’integrazione dei dati. Per oltre dieci anni il gruppo di ricerca In2Data ha lavorato allo sviluppo di strumenti software per l’integrazione dei dati e al monitoraggio di tali processi. A questo scopo hanno creato uno strumento open source, utilizzato anche da aziende private, e denominato Ontop. Lo spin-off è stato fondato per fornire una risposta alla domanda di mercato in questo settore. Oltre al prof. Calvanese, il team dei fondatori comprende il prof. Marco Montali, i ricercatori Guohui Xiao e Benjamin Cogrel, e l’amministratore delegato Peter Hopfgartner, in precedenza project manager in unibz. Lo spin-off è ospitato al NOI Techpark nell’incubatore di imprese, con il quale l’università collabora nel campo dell’Imprenditorialità e delle start-up. (www.ontopic.biz)

Netval, the Italian network for technology transfer brings together 61 Italian universities and 10 nonuniversity public research bodies, as well as various Scientific Research and Care institutions and public agencies. Netval’s mission is to enhance the value of university research within the economy, public bodies and institutions. It therefore acts as a bridge between public research and companies interested in increasing their competitiveness through innovation. (www.netval.it)  unibz has also been a member of ASTP through Netval since 2019. ASTP is a European association of 800 member organisations from 45 countries committed to knowledge transfer between universities and industry. The aim is to improve the quality of the impact that public research has on the economy and society. ASTP organises an annual international technology transfer conference and is mainly engaged in professional development and public engagement to enable knowledge transfer.   (www. astp4kt.eu)

Industry Day 2019 Am 7. November 2019 fand am Campus von Bozen der erste unibz Industry Day statt, der aus einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Universität und dem Südtiroler Unternehmerverband hervorgegangen ist. Ziel der Veranstaltung war es, einen kontinuierlichen Dialog zwischen Akademie und der Südtiroler Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft zu fördern und die Ergebnisse der an der Universität durchgeführten Forschung nach außen zu transportieren.  In vier Sessions wurden laufende oder bereits abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte aus den Fakultäten in folgenden Forschungsbereichen vorgestellt: Internet of Things, Industrie 4.0, Startups und Unternehmertum, Landwirtschaft und Umwelt, Informationstechnologie und Infrastruktur. Abgerundet wurden die Präsentationen durch eine „poster session“, bei der alle Teilnehmer die Gelegenheit hatten, die Forschenden kennen zu lernen und mit ihnen über mögliche zukünftige Kooperationen zu diskutieren.



From Research to Society: Our Third Mission In addition to its grounding in teaching and research, unibz has a responsibility to contribute to the cultural and economic development of South Tyrol. This has been defined as the Third Mission consisting of the activities through which the university engages with the local community.  Examples are projects such as RadioUni, lectures in German and Italian in radio format for the audiences of Rai Südtirol, and Academia, which is a journal produced by unibz and Eurac, and includes articles on the latest research at the respective organisations. In addition, the European Researchers’ Night LUNA (Lunga Notte della Ricerca – Lange Nacht der Forschung), is held every two years with its most recent edition that took place in 2019. While allowing open access to research laboratories and institutions, LUNA invites members of the general public to immerse themselves in different areas of science and engage with researchers.


The relationship between research and society can also be seen at the BITZ unibz fablab, a digital manufacturing laboratory and a social space for sharing and collaboration which is open to the public. The adjacent Smart Mini Factory Lab functions as a space for research in industrial engineering and automation in the implementation of Industry 4.0 in collaboration with local companies. (bitzfablab.unibz.it / smartminifactory.it) Building relationships with and including the general public in the university community is promoted through Lifelong Learning initiatives. These include the  Studium Generale programme, which allows people of any age to attend university level courses, the Junior Uni for children and young people, and the Senior Student Card for people over the age of 60. Thanks to all of these initiatives, the university attracts people of all ages interested in developing their cultural awareness. (Register at communication@eurac.edu for your free copy of Academia or read online: www.academia.bz.it)

NOI Techpark & Technologietransfer unibz ist Forschungspartner im NOI Techpark, wo eine Reihe von Labors für unternehmensrelevante Forschung aufgebaut wurden. Ein Schwerpunkt der Forschung liegt auf der interdisziplinären Kooperation und der Interaktion mit lokalen Unternehmen. Rund 100 Forscher*innen, technische Fachkräfte und Studierende arbeiten hier in den Technologiefeldern erneuerbare Energien & Energieeffizienz,

Automatisierungstechnik, Lebensmitteltechnologien und Digitalisierung. In den Engineering Labs liegt der Fokus u.a. auf Robotik und der Entwicklung von Sensorensystemen. In den Food Labs stehen Unternehmen aus dem Lebensmittelsektor hochmoderne Maschinen wie der SHIME zur Verfügung, ein Simulator des mikrobiellen Ökosystems des Magen-Darm-Traktes. Die Green Labs widmen sich der Optimierung von Energieerzeugungsprozessen, der Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden sowie der Agrarmechanik. In der Smart Data Factory können Unternehmen zusammen mit Forscher*innen der Fakultät für Informatik innovative Lösungen für die Erfassung, Verarbeitung sowie die automatisierte smarte Analyse von komplexen heterogenen Daten entwickeln. Auch das Centre for Family Business Management der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften ist im Technologiepark angesiedelt. Es forscht interdisziplinär an spezifischen organisatorischen Zielen, strategischen Prozessen sowie an Innovation, Nachfolge und Geschäftsergebnissen von Familienunternehmen. Mit besonderen Projekten wie dem miniNOI – Science Club for Kids für Kinder zwischen 6 und 12 Jahren, die auf spielerische Weise in die Welt der Wissenschaft eintauchen können, oder der Vortragsreihe Out of the Lab, in welcher junge Forschende ihre Forschungstätigkeit erklären, zeigt der NOI Techpark, dass er der gesamten Bevölkerung offen steht. unibz nimmt somit auch am Technologiepark ihre Rolle als Wissensvermittlerin für die Öffentlichkeit wahr.

1 1 1 3 3 4

Centre for Family Business Management Smart Data Factory Agricultural Sciences Lab

Green Labs

Food Labs

Engineering Labs

13 Labore am Technologiepark







Fig. 1: European Researchers‘ Night LUNA 2019; Fig. 2: BITZ unibz fablab; Fig. 3: Smart Mini Factory; Fig. 4: JuniorUni 2019; Fig.5: NOI Techpark | Photo: ©Ivo Corrà; Fig. 6: Micro4Food Platform at NOI Techpark | Photo: ©Harald Wisthaler



↓ New Professorships Faculty of Computer Science

Antonella De Angeli

Full Professor of Human-Computer Interaction (INF/01)

Former position: Senior Lecturer and Researcher at unibz after postdoctoral research at Lero Software Engineering Research Centre in Ireland. Research focus: Agile and lean software development approaches; Software innovation and software start-ups. Faculty of Economics and Management

Research focus: Human Technologies and Human-Centered Interaction. Research involves a Humanistic exploration of technology, which brings the human to the forefront of design while grounding on the Renaissance emphasis on education as the key element to promote civic participation and on participatory design as a way to promote democratic activism.

Xiaofeng Wang

Associate Professor of Agile Software Development (INF/01)

Associate Professor of Applied Microeconomic Theory (SECS-P/02) Former position: Senior Researcher of Applied Microeconomic Theory at unibz – Faculty of Economics and Management.

Former position: Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at University of Lincoln, Great Britain. 78

Alessandro Fedele

Thomas Bausch

Research focus: Political Economy, Health Economics, Social Economy, Behavioural Economic Theory, and Industrial Organisation.

Full Professor of Destination Management and Development (SECSP/06) and Director of the Competence Centre for Tourism and Mobility Former position: Full Professor at Munich University of Applied Sciences – Department of Tourism. Research focus: Impact of driving forces to tourism and destination management with a focus on demographic and climate change, consumer behaviour in tourism, valorisation of cultural heritage.

Per Linus Siming

Associate Professor of Finance (SECS-P/11) Former position: Associate Professor of Finance at Audencia Business School, Nantes (France). Research focus: Financial Intermediation, Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance.


Faculty of Science and Technology

Marco Baratieri

Full Professor of Industrial Technical Physics (ING-IND/10)

Research focus: Dynamics of elements driven by soil-plant-microorganisms interaction occurring within the rhizosphere; accumulation and bioavailability of metals at the soil-root interface and the role of the root mucilage (apoplast); availability and adsorption of nutrients at the soil-root interface; role of root exudates in processes of nutrient acquisition, translocation and allocation. Research covers also: origin and quality of agricultural and food products, and valorisation of biomasses.

Former position: Associate Professor of Industrial Technical Physics at unibz – Faculty of Science and Technology. Research focus: Thermochemical processes for the optimisation of the conversion of solid fuels into energy and chemicals. Issues related to energy efficiency in production processes, distribution, and savings are analysed in cooperation with Andrea Gasparella’s group.

Tanja Mimmo

Full Professor of Agricultural Chemistry (AGR/13) Former position: Associate Professor of Agricultural Chemistry at unibz – Faculty of Science and Technology.

Renato Vidoni

Full Professor of Applied Mechanics for Machinery (ING-IND/13) Former position: Associate Professor of Applied Mechanics for Machinery at unibz – Faculty of Science and Technology. Research focus: Four research areas that fall into the "Industrial Engineering and Automation" macro-area: study, modelling, design, and control of high-performance automatic machines; mechatronics and robotics for field activities; mechatronic applications for energy efficiency; bio-inspired robotic and mechatronic systems.

Niko Münzenrieder

Associate Professor of Physics of Matter (FIS/03) Former position: Senior Lecturer in Sensor Technology at University of Sussex – School of Engineering and Informatics. Research focus: Development of materials and manufacturing processes with the fabrication and characterisation of new electrical devices and systems. It includes amorphous semiconductor materials for flexible thinfilm devices, transistors for active autonomous systems, biomimetic sensors, integrated circuits, as large-area electronics with unique mechanical properties for the production of wearables as smart textiles.



Faculty of Education

Attilio Carraro Birgit Alber

Research focus: Development of a physics curriculum for future primary school and kindergarten teachers, integrated with the other sciences and the humanities, respectful of how children and humans feel and understand nature, suitable to be translated into school practice.

Full Professor of Sport Pedagogy (M-EDF/01) Full Professor of German Linguistics (L-LIN/14)


Former position: Birgit Alber previously taught German Linguistics at Universities of Verona, Trento, Marburg and, as a guest professor, at University of Bielefeld. Research focus: Phonology of German and its varieties; the description and analysis of the Germanic varieties of Northern Italy (Tyrolean, Mòcheno, and Cimbrian) compared with their Romance contact varieties; theoretical phonology in the framework of Optimality Theory; the analysis of the stress patterns of the world’s languages; prosodic morphology.

Former position: Associate Professor of Sport Sciences at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of University of Padua and, visiting professor at Universities of Augsburg (Germany), New South Wales (Australia), Londrina, Florianopolis, and Curitiba (Brazil). Research focus: Relationships between health, wellbeing, and physical activity and on physical activity promotion in sedentary people/populations.

Federico Corni

Full Professor of Didactics of Physics (FIS/08) Former position: Associate Professor at UNIMORE, has taught for several years Physics with Laboratory to student teachers, General Physics for the Military Academy and for Earth Science bachelor, and led science training courses for in-service teachers.

Iris Nentwig-Gesemann

Full Professor of General Pedagogy and Early Childhood Education (M-PED/01) Former position: Professor of Childhood Education at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin where she heads the Department of Childhood Education. Research focus: Early education, childhood research, and qualitative research methods. In recent years, she has led several large empirical research projects on the quality of kindergartens from the perspective of professionals, managers, parents and especially children.


Faculty of Design and Art

Maria Cristina Gatti Eva Leitolf Associate Professor of English Linguistics (L-LIN/12) Former position: Adjunct Professor at the Universities of Verona, Milano-Bicocca, and Milano Statale. Research focus: In the field of discourse analysis: different types of text, interpersonal communication in the business environment centred on computer-mediated communication and social media; in the field of the study of language: issues related to language use in multilingual and intercultural settings are addressed.

Full Professor of Industrial Design (ICAR/13) Former position: Artist and Art Educator; Professor of Photography at Burg Gibichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle in Germany. Research focus: Practice oriented artistic research in politics of representation and communication, practices of contextualisation, image-text relations, visual representation of colonialism, xenophobia, racism and migration, documentary discourses and practices.


↓ Impressum Publisher Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Universitätsplatz 1 Piazza Università 1 39100 Bozen-Bolzano · IT +39 0471 011 000 info@unibz.it www.unibz.it Academic Supervision Johann Gamper, Vice-Rector for Research Coordination Daniela Kohlhuber, Research and Innovation Service Support Press office, Quality and Strategy Development office 82

Steering Group Johann Gamper, Daniela Kohlhuber, Vicky Rabensteiner, Kathrin Staffler, Claudia Steger Texts Marco Baratieri, Thomas Bausch, Giorgio Bolondi, Massimiliano Bonacchi, Diego Calvanese, Giulia Cavrini, Stefano Cesco, Siglinde Clementi, Nitzan Cohen, Silvia Dal Negro, Alfredo De Massis, Christian Fischer, Enrico Franconi, Alastair Fuad-Luke, Hans Gamper, Matthias Gauly, Paolo Giudici, Gerhard Glüher, Marco Gobbetti, Dario Ianes, Andreas Janes, Daniela Kohlhuber, Dominik Matt, Oswin Maurer, Andreas Metzner-Szigeth, Werner Nutt, Linda Osti, Claus Pahl, Alessandra Papa, Vicky Rabensteiner, Francesco Ravazzolo, Francesco Ricci, Karlo Ruzicic Kessler, Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Claudia Steger, Kolis Summerer, Mirco Tonin, Giustino Tonon, Oswald Überegger, Paul Videsott, Secil Ugur Yavuz, Arturo Zilli Special Thanks Thomas Bausch, Giulia Cavrini, Siglinde Clementi, Alessandra Consonni, Alastair Fuad-Luke, Matthias Gauly, Karin Karlics, Carlo Miclet, Claus Pahl, Mirco Tonin Graphic Design Giovanna Bampa, Press and Event Management office Illustrations Giovanna Bampa, Press and Event Management office

Photos Alexander Erlacher, Curzio Castellan, otherwise source is mentioned Printing GruberDruck, Lana (BZ) Paper Lenza Top Recycling Pure Data as at 31 December 2019 Contacts Research and Innovation Service Franz-Innerhofer-Platz 8 Piazzetta Franz Innerhofer, 8 39100 Bozen-Bolzano · IT +39 0471 012 600 research@unibz.it


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